
Monday, November 10, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday Nov 10 - Bruno and Ern, sitting in a tree?

Fafy Cuenca, El Gran Idiota del Jet Set, changes his will to give Sara everything. What a fool. But he has been a fool from the start. Sara fake cries then gloats over Fafy’s shoulder.

Julian brings the Forger to meet Lorena. Lorena has to tell him that Chalo died. Forger doesn’t believe that Chalo killed himself. At Sara’s name being mentioned, Forger gets real suspicious. I think he’s going to go look for Sara.

Hottie Valeria (oh how I missed you while you were gone) tries to pump up Alonso’s confidence in preparation for his next attempt at a gastric bypass. Ah Valeria, if only the novela writers were going to be nicer to you. I’m sure some completely random yet model-perfect doctor who just flew in from Timbuktu will arrive just in time to save you from a broken heart in the five minutes between the Gran Final wedding and closing credits. So you have that going for you. You will be instantly in love and the viewers won’t have to feel sorry for you. Only sorry that we don’t get video of you frolicking on the beach in your bikini when you and Dr. Ken Doll go on vacation. Oh well.

Lorena figures out that the Forger is who messed up the adoption forms.

Rosy looks at Julian’s modeling pictures in the sportswear catalog and cries. Maruja tries to comfort her, but Rosy smartly insists that she did the right thing telling Julian to grow up. If he doesn’t shape up, she’d rather be alone. I won’t give her more than a 6 on the UCS due to how totally justified she is in giving Julian the boot. The crying is ugly, but completely fitting to the situation.

Bettina plays with Ivan’s little brother and sister while Ivan and his boyfriend sit on the couch realllly close together. Ivan is so wrapped up in his PSP (a familiar sight for my wife as well, yes me not my son, I confess) that he doesn’t see Bettina trying to take a picture of him. His friend makes a total douchebag kissy sound at her and lifts his eyebrows, etc. All he needs is an Armani Exchange shirt and a Yankees cap tilted to the side and he’d have the look down. Bettina is very taken aback by this. Bettina save yourself please, just get away. Otherwise it’s the fast lane to Hoochietown.

Ern makes a pizza for Fafy, traitor Jimena is there with him. We could pretend that her turning out to be an evil bitch increases the odds that he’ll get Lorena and not Alonso, right? He fills her in on the whole deal with Sara.

Alonso and Valeria bask in the afterglow of…. No not that, successful surgery. He says she’s a great assistant, she says if it were up to her she’d be…. Uh his assistant all the time. He manages to make a comment about what a great friend she is, which doesn’t encourage her. Welcome to Man hell, Valeria. I’d feel bad except for the fact that I (and I assume most men) have had this done to us by some girl we liked many times over. Welcome to the Friend Zone. There is no escape.

Ern and family are having dinner when the bell rings, it’s Toribio come to get Bettina. She thought Alonso was coming, uh uh no he couldn’t. Pissing contest, with Toribio pissing on Alonso’s behalf. Ivan manages to almost not notice when she leaves. Ivan tells Ern that he will surely win with Lorena. The younger kids exchange sad looks with Jimena, who evil witch smiles at them.

Bruno wants to celebrate (I’m sure I know how) but Sara says Fafy is right here! She rants about Lorena some more. It’s getting boring. She tells Bruno that he has to do something to get rid of her! Fafy enters, apparently he was listening. He wants to know WHAT Bruno needs to do, and HOW does she feel so well all of a sudden to be giving orders? OOPS. She makes a Lucy Ricardo face. She tries to say it’s woman/doctor stuff. She says that Bruno is in love with a married man, she was telling him he has to tell the guy to make a choice! Bruno gays it up and plays along. Fafy advises against married lovers, ‘Like that cowboy movie, remember? With the mountains. Never works out.” I’m guessing he’s talking about Brokeback Mountain. Te imagines? FAFY CUENCA going to see that movie? Maybe he even farted while he was there. I can’t picture him sitting through that movie. Anyway. Bruno quickly agrees to move on. Fafy says he has a friend who is, how you say ‘asi’, he decides to introduce him to Bruno. Bruno looks panicked, Sara jumps alllll over it. Bruno looks like he might puke. I imagine Sara will suffer for this. Bruno now might cry.

Paula is in line at the movies, Raimundo happens to be there and they catch up a bit. He finds out quickly that she’s single again. He smiles at this, and surely at her tight sweater.

Alonso and Toribio discuss Alonso’s surgical success. Bettina wants to talk to Alonso about Lorena. She wants to know why he loves her. Ah – the little trickster has hidden a video camera to catch his confession.

Rosy, Maruja, and Jaime prepare to watch a movie. The popcorn smell grosses her out, and she loves popcorn normally……… you know what that means! In true novela fashion, the realization of being pregnant is instant. At least they make plans to go to the clinic in the morning rather than just ‘knowing’. Well Julian really better shape up now.

Paula and Raimundo enjoyed the movie. Conversation of the movie leads to conversation of their own past. They make plans to talk soon. They both look very pleased with their chance meeting.

Greta is fuming on the phone to someone, saying “if he leaves me, I’ll kill myself!” If you hear any grunts of pain, that’s from me and my eyes rolling farther back than ever before. Spare me Greta. Omar overhears this last part and she hangs up quickly. They argue. He says she needs a shrink, she says no just his love! She has turned into a horrible person, telling him that he doesn’t need his own kids! She rants on, he leaves. She’s a mess.

Ivan is taking a picture of kids and Ern. He says it’s for a project or something He sets the timer and runs over to get in the picture.

Lorena goes with Rosy and Maruja to the clinic. She’s pregnant. The other ladies have the nerve to be sooo excited OMG! Rosy is the only one who seems to remember that the baby has a loser deadbeat father.

Julian runs in to tell his mom that Televisa gave him his job back!

Rosy is warming to the idea of being a mom. Now she’s happy. Good thing Julian found work. She doesn’t want to tell Julian just yet, he’ll twist it to just come back to her right away. She says if either of them tell anybody they are in sooo much trouble. Valeria lights up the room by walking in and smiling, Maruja tells her the good news. Rosy asks her what she doesn’t understand about “don’t say anything?”

Diana is telling Bruno again over the phone to take a hike, he can’t come see the kid.

Sara and Fafy are hiring staff for the mansion. He keeps telling her how she is in charge of everything. Santiago is hanging around being useless as usual. “You used to be such a stud, now you’re so whipped.”

Diana is at work in the kitchen, Bruno calls again, he’s outside and wants to talk. Diana walks out to meet him. Paty and a guy named Felipe were also in the kitchen, Paty calls out Felipe for having a crush on Diana. He thought he was playing it cool, but she figured it out. He wishes she would notice him, Paty says to come on a little stronger. Diana meets Bruno outside and tells him again to shove off. He gets all riled up, I’m expecting him to hit her. He insults the new company, Diana says they are doing fine! He is rich he says, she doesn’t care. He grabs her and shakes her, she pushes him off. He raises his hand, but Vasco shows up just in time and beats the crap out of him. Boy I bet he has been wanting to do that for a looong time. Diana screams at him to stop. Vasco twists his arm and tells him to never come around here again. Bruno leaves. Diana cries and thanks him. Of course just then Paty comes out to see them comforting each other. Big fight, Vasco says he’d help anyone, Paty says no way, and here poor Felipe is such a nice guy but Diana keeps pulling Vasco into her problems, etc etc. Paty accuses them of still being in love and storms off. Vasco apologizes to Diana and follows Paty inside.

The ladies tell Rosy to relax, she has to keep cool to not hurt the baby. Alonso sees them there and Rosy tries to make some lame excuse about why they are there. Alonso asks for a minute of Lorena’s time. He tells her that he had the successful operation, she is happy for him. They discuss Zulema. She tells him that he doesn’t have to worry about her any more.

Toribio and Bettina visit Zulema. Bettina asks Zulema for a favor, to deliver her a gift. She says she filmed it, and the person in the movie didn’t know he was being filmed. Toribio tries to fish for a little help from Zulema to push Lorena towards Alonso, but she doesn’t get or refuses to get what he’s hinting at.

Bruno comes back to the mansion and tells Sara what happened. He’s also angry about the gay date, Sara laughs at him. He gives her some info on Diana’s new company that I guess she’ll find useful. Is that why he went over there in the first place?

Ivan’s younger siblings and the maid make cookies. They tell her that they think Lorena won’t marry Ern because she wants her own kids, not them. The maid tries to change their minds. She asks where they got that idea! They don’t say. That little girl smiles her wonderful toothless smile.

As usual, whatever one galan’s family does, the other does, so Ivan too shows up with a gift for Lorena. He and Bettina have a mini-argument, of course they each think their own uncle is perfect and the other is a complete loser, rather than admit that they aren’t really that far apart. Kind of like when people choose sides in an election. Really, the two sides are going to agree like 95% of the time, it’s just that other 5% that is in such contention.

Ern arrives at work – I was going to call it Banquetes Armendariz, but did Sara keep that name? I’ll call it that anyway. And what is the new company called, that whole family is called Armendariz too, except for Lorena? I don’t know if it has come up. Anyway Sara tells Ern that she wants to compete for a particular event that has already agreed with Lorena’s company. Ern continues his “pffssshh Lorena what a loser” front and says no problem. Ern leaves and Fafy enters, followed by the increasingly annoying Santiago. He started as a 7 out of 10 on the annoying scale (what is it with me and scales) but is now up to 9, moving up fast. Sara tells Fafy she wants to get in to see this place that already contracted Lorena, Fafy needs to use his contacts to get her in. Can he do it? Before he can answer Santiago unhelpfully pipes up that for Fafy there is no impossible! He can do anything! He can climb Mount Everest in just a sweater and shorts (I think he said shorts, it’s ridiculous either way)! Fafy shushes him and tells Sara he’ll take care of it. Santiago reminds me of someone that I can’t place – a little bit like Salacious Crumb, the annoying runt thing that hung out with Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi, but that’s not quite it. His entire reason for living is to sing the praises of Fafy Cuenca and he’s driving me crazy.

Lorena opens Ivan’s present, it’s the photo he took and a card from the kids saying how much they miss her and want her back in their family.

Paula tells Valeria (the gathering of hotties has reconvened) about meeting up with Raimundo. Talk turns to Lorena, Paula of course wants her to choose Al. Val gives her a “heh heh oh yeah sure me too” smile.

Lorena, Zulema, Diana, and Hortensia all watch Alonso’s DVD, he really goes on and on about Lorena. Diana chokes up. Zulema casts her vote for Alonso, Diana still prefers Ern because he’s so hawt. Maybe that’s what is holding her back with Vasco, he isn’t quite dreamy enough. Lorena doesn’t say anything.

Later on Zulema is crying about Omar, Lorena says “I have to tell you something….” Is she finally going to spill the beans, and why isn’t she consulting her partner in crime Diana?

Ern is at the mansion with Sara, Fafy, and Fafy’s parasite Santiago. Bruno arrives and Fafy steps over to say he wants him to meet someone. Bruno recognizes Ern and starts sweating it, thinking this is his gay fixup date. Fafy says he’s the new chef for their company, Bruno lets out a huge breath of relief. The gay fixup is a son of Fafy’s friend, I guess we’ll meet him later. Bruno and Ern shake hands and pretend they don’t know each other. Bruno explains that he got attacked or something, about his bruises, Santiago jumps up and says too bad Fafy wasn’t there! He once fought off three guys in Beirut! Fafy rolls his eyes waaay back and then covers his face, telling Santiago to shut up. Why does he keep this guy around?

Zulema is excited because Rosy is pregnant – Lorena spilled the beans to throw her off the Omar trail. I don’t know, I think my spouse continuing to not come home after I got out of a year long coma would not leave my mind. I think the airline would understand and help him switch the ticket. In the style of Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler from SNL Weekend Update, “REALLY, Lorena? The whole ‘traveling for work thing’? That’s the story you’re going with ? Really? REALLY?” Anyway, to guarantee that the beans will get spilled at the wrong time again later, Lorena swears Zulema to silence on the topic.

Over drinks at the mansion, Santiago is dying to tell Ern that Bruno is gay and manages to get that across. Fafy asks him why he has to be such a gossip.

Sara teases Bruno about him thinking Ern was his gay fixup, she says why not him, he’s sooo guapo! Bruno thinks Ern is there as a spy for Lorena. Sara says she is hiring a detective and a ‘systems expert’ to check up on Ern and his e-mail to find out. Ern happened to be standing directly behind Bruno, where any normal person would hear him breathing and Sara should totally see him, and overhears that conversation. Of course Sara and Bruno had no idea he was RIGHT THERE. He was practically casting a shadow over them. Sheesh.

Lorena goes to Paula’s to give a gift of muffins, and to tell Bettina and Paula to please back off. She doesn’t know who she’s going to hook up with and needs to decide in peace without all the pressure. They understand and agree.

Al is making a house call, checking up on Zulema. He must know the truth about Omar, because while Zulema is going on and on Alonso fake smiles like he has no idea.

Omar tells Greta that he wants to go tell Zulema the truth. She says the truth about how you love me and we are together now? Ok go right now and tell her! Then she says to him that he knows what she’s capable of if he leaves her. That is blatant emotional blackmail. If anyone told me that I’d be gone so fast I’d leave a little puff of smoke. Omar just looks conflicted. He obviously wants to throw himself at Zulema’s feet and beg her to take him back.

Lorena shows up at the basketball court to see Ivan. His friends tease him that he likes older girls too. He says it’s his aunt, I think he’s jumping the gun by calling her that. She brings him muffins too and tells him the same thing she told Bettina. He also says he understands and agrees. Ivan is a little in love with Lorena too, I think, he watches her leave and his friends have to throw the basketball at him to wake him up.

Jimena arrives at Ern’s, he has asked her to come over. He explains about Sara and the detective and wants Jimena to be his courier to talk to Lorena. Of course Jimena agrees, now we know why the sneaky truth about her was revealed yesterday. She will surely make sure to foul things up for Ern. And of course whatever goofy ridiculous thing she tells Lorena, Lorena will believe it regardless of all common sense and whatever explanation Ern tries to give. At least it can’t carry on very long, today was episode 98 of 110. Just over 2 weeks to go!

Preview – Jimena recruits the other wicked witch, Greta (who she conveniently ran into yesterday after we conveniently found out she is a lying bitch) to help her make trouble for Lorena.

There was also a quick commercial for Tontas, with Jaime Camil and Jackie Bracamontes, and Jaime was with what’s her name from Amar Sin Limites, the spooky lady that the main galan was involved with for so long. She still looks like some kind of phantom, with whatever fake color contact lenses she wears. Creepy.


  1. Hey, women get banished to the Friend Zone, too!

    I totally missed where Sara said she was having Ern's email monitored. (I'm not sure it's that easy, unless his password is ERN123, but nevermind.) Okay, that explains why he needs a messenger instead of sending emails. I suppose that means they're watching his phone calls too.

    I wonder how Santiago spends his time, who he hangs around with, and what he talks about, when Fafy's out of town. Or does he just keep himself in suspended animation in between visits?

    He is the ultimate toady. He reminds me of someone too. I just can't remember who. It's someone more memorable than the dashing Salacious Crumb, though.

  2. Yes, Bruno is supposed to be spying for Sara's new company. He really doesn't care a fig about his son and clearly is jonesing to give Diana a smack. What a jerk. I quite enjoyed the scene where Vasco beat up Bruno. The actor (Vasco) really got into it didn't he? Fun stuff seeing our tree-hugger get all macho with the wife-beater. Poor Paty, she's history.

    Santiago is annoying, but I have to admit I like his scenes. He obviously bugs Fafy more and more frequently and has a poor sense of personal bounderies. Does he have something on Fafy or does Fafy keep him around because he likes being doted on? It's curious.

    Who was it said Sara will have to make room for Ximena in the trash compacter? Now that we are in the final weeks we are seeing a distinct divide between the good and bad characters.

    Thanks Chris, terrific recap!

  3. I'm the one (or at least one of them) who wanted to see Jimena in the trash compactor. It was when she said those things to the kids and Gina's little smile disappeared.

    My theory about Fafy is that he doesn't have much use for normal friends. He lets Santi and Sara hang around because they can serve as extensions (or reflections) of his ego, rather than as interesting people with lives of their own.

    Ironically, it's Sara, of all people, who is awakening Fafy's sense of humanity (much as she inadvertently did for Snorty).

    Oh! I just figured out what Santi does in his spare time when Fafy's not around. He trolls the Internet, searching random blogs, message boards, and newsgroups for mentions of "jet set" and "playboy." Then he posts lengthy, off-topic comments there about Fafy Cuenca and won't let up until he either gets deleted or everyone agrees with him that Fafy Cuenca is the bee's knees.

  4. I'm happy that Paula (whom I hated at the beginning of the show, but now I like her a lot) refound Raimundo.

    I keep thinking that Ernesto has to win, because Alonso could end up with Valeria, but there's nobody for Ernesto (now that Jimena has shown her true colors).

    Lorena is Miss Perfect, but recently she's been lying all over the place. It'll be interesting to see how the writers resolve the Omar thing without making Lorena look bad.

  5. Hey Ferro...I always enjoy your recaps and you "guy-asides". And I agree with Julie, we gals get relegated to the Friend Zone, otherwise known as "I'll never forget you" Zone as well. Not good.

    Hope Alonso wakes up soon and realizes that the beautiful Valeria is perfect for him. Paula and Raimundo are on the path to romance...all good.

    And yes, Sylvia, that Vasco pounding the crap out of Bruno was awesome, enjoyed every thump, blow, kick etc. (Now will someone please kick the crap out of Omar as well...Greta perhaps?)

  6. As always, a couple of random comments...

    I hope the guy who plays Bruno had some padding under his jacket because he took a couple of good shots to the kidney. I'll take a shot from Emilia's iron skillet if I describe the effect of kidney punches.

    The writers are really getting licentious with the personality changes. Is every character on this show bi-polar or something? I particularly hate seeing Ximena turn into an evil-doer. What's next - Ernesto being caught w/ a dead girl or live boy?

    Ferro, excellent choice of words in referring to Santiago as a "parasite."

    And a tip of the hat to all you recappers!! I was out having quality time w/ John Deere sucking up leaves a while ago and realized if it weren't for the recaps y'all are good enough to provide, I wouldn't watch this show. At first it was all darkness and evil and now all these personality changes are almost too much to deal with. But the recaps are great and so are the comments.

  7. Awesome recap Ferro! "El Gran Idiota del Jet Set" - I love it!

    Quick ads: The gig Sara wants to take from Lore is a competition to cater an event for an auto dealership. Apparently the entry process was closed, but she wants Fafy to pull some strings and get her in.

    Ferro and co: I'm with you on Jimena, she's going to sabotage things, maybe so Ern will win and Lore will never forgive him. I gulped along with you as Paula told Val she hoped Lore would win 'Slow. Maybe Val should confide her feelings to her BFF and enlist her help. Yeah I know, it will never happen, but still...

    Yup, women are relegated to the friend zone all the time. We have heard such favorites as: "any guy would be happy to have you," "why can't I find someone like you?" and my personal favorite: "you're beautiful, you're smart, you're fun, you're gonna find someone way better, than me, I would only make you suffer...."

    Re: Fafy's climb of Mt. Everest, according to Santi, he did it armed with nothing but a sweater and a pair of nail clippers. Wonder if he's on some sort of urban legend committee.

    Hey Julie, would that make Santi a troll? Maybe he's the president of the "Fafy's the Greatest Playboy of the Jet Set" fan club.

  8. If I ever need an alias, I am planning on using ''Fafy Cuenca.'' Santiago is an annoying little sycophant. I think a great twist to the story would be if Bruto meets Fafy's friend's son and discovers his soulmate and that he actually is gay. That would leave Sara with Fafy. Omar and Regreta are embarrassingly pathetic. I'd like them to stay together because they deserve each other. Maybe Zully and Torby would make a nice couple..both are sweet, family-loving people. Thanks for the recap, Ferro. Great job as always, and it's always nice to get the male perspective.

  9. I still can't remember who Santiago reminds me of. Maybe a cartoon character? Are there any famous ubertoadies in the cartoon world?

  10. Julie, the Santiago character still somehow reminds me of Dustin Hoffman's Ratso Rizzo in Midnight Cowboy. Maybe it's only appearance.

  11. Thanks all for your comments.

    I can't think of who exactly Santiago reminds me of either, and for me it isn't that character from Midnight Cowboy, because I've never seen it.

    I'm sure I'll remember some day when nobody will remember what I'm talking about when I bring it up.

  12. I liked the re-cap!
    This evil Ximena as double crossing messenger has me very nervous. This is offset somewhat by the flowering of the Alonslow and Valeria thing.

    Who do Fafy and Santiago remind me of?? I've got it. They are like Spike the Bulldog and Chester the Terrier. Check this out:

    Am I right?

    (gotta love what you can find between wikipedia and youtube!)

  13. Randy! That's it! I haven't seen it in so long I couldn't pull it out of my memory. THANK YOU now I can sleep.

  14. Ferro, thanks for the great recap! Forgive my tardiness posting, too. Reading all of this week’s recaps is my relaxation before a long eight-hour car ride tomorrow! You always make me laugh the whole time!

    “Ivan is so wrapped up in his PSP (a familiar sight for my wife as well, yes me not my son, I confess)” I bet you use that PSP less when the baby comes….just a hunch….or get the stink eye lots more from Mrs. Ferro.

    “Greta is fuming on the phone to someone, saying “if he leaves me, I’ll kill myself!” If you hear any grunts of pain, that’s from me and my eyes rolling farther back than ever before.” LOL! Greta wore out her welcome about ten episodes ago. Maybe even more.

    Great comments, everyone—what a hoot reading them!

