*JM walks into his office and is met by Marichuy's divorce attorney. JM finds out that Adrian arranged it all.
*Rocio and Vicente are talking about their injuries. Rocio says there are so many other woman who are pretty with Vicente answering back that that there are many men that can walk. Rocio says how foolish they are and they kiss.
*Marichuy is making dough while listening to FELS on the radio and there's a knock on the door. She gets scared and prays that it is not JM. She is shocked to see whomever is at the door.
*Back in JM's office the attorney asks if he will be protesting the divorce. JM says whatever my wife wants, I will accept. When the attorney states that Marichuy does not want alimony, JM protests and says that she deserves one.
*Onelia is at the door and wants to talk with Marichuy about there mutual enemy, JM.
*Cande is in the street and suddenly grabs her arm and falls to the ground.
*The attorney asks JM if they cannot reconcile. JM tells him that he does not want a divorce, but will do as she asks since he cannot force her to stay with him. Eduardo walks in and interrupts the conversation. The attorney leaves and Eduardo asks JM what's up. JM informs him that was Marichuy's divorce attorney and that Adrian is the one that hired him. Adrian is counseling her and wants her to divorce quickly so that she can be with him. Eduardo says that maybe Marichuy will take him since she is cured and can fall in love now. (there idiots)
*Onelia tells Marichuy that she knows what happened to her and JM in the past.
*Mayita gets off the bus and Viv waves her over.
*Cande is still rubbing her arm and but that she feels better.
*Onelia tells Marichuy that JM is a despicable man without conscience. He is a man that is capable of doing bad things. Marichuy responds that he only hurt her once. Onelia asks if she hates him, then to tell her story to some people that she knows. Why asks Marichuy. Because I want to take his daughter away from him responds Onelia.
*Viv is sprouting more lies to Mayita about JM.
*JM asks Eduardo to go see Marichuy and ask her to forgive him.
*Onelia wants custody of Mayita and if Marichuy talks then this will be a way for her to get back at JM. When Marichuy protests Onelia offers her money.
*Viv asks Mayita about Marichuy and Rocio. When Mayita asks her when she will return, Viv says soon. Mayita gives her a hug which Viv does not return.
*Marichuy declines the money and throws Onelia out.
*Amador has just concluded rehearsals and Nelson starts to talk about Marichuy. Amador is still obsessed with her. He is confident that eventually she will fall for him.
*Padre pleads with Marichuy to go back with her husband. She informs him that she is divorcing JM.
*JM walks into the living room and asks Mayita how she is. She picks up her papers to leave the room and he stops her.
*When Padre asks who got the attorney for her, she tells him that it was Adrian. Padre is upset because he had told Adrian to wait a couple of days. Marichuy wanted to wait also, but since the attorney showed up she just went ahead and signed.
*JM asks Mayita why she is mishaving. When she does not answer he tells her that she is being disrespectful. He wants to know what he can do prove that everything being said about him is not true. JM tells her that he cares for her. She responds by saying that she no longer cares for him and to leave. He tells her not to say that. She goes nuts and tells him that if he does not leave then Onelia will take her away before her mother comes back home. Meanwhile Onelia and Estephania walk in during this.
*Mayita goes to Onelia for comfort and she starts in on JM. Onelia tells JM that he always makes her cry and causes her pain as well as everyone else. She tells him to leave.
*Purita sees Adrian in the streets and ask if he can help her find a job. He asks where Marichuy is and if she has had a visit from the divorce attorney yet. (in novela land this may represent love, but in real land this borders on obessive)
*JM and Estephania are talking and JM does not know what he will do if he loses the love of his daughter after all the things that have happened in his life. Estephania says that Onelia will take your daughter away from you. She can you know. Also that Onelia told me that Marichuy considers you her enemy and that she will testify you. JM does not believe that Marichuy would do that and is more concerned about Mayita and her feelings. Estephania offers to help in that regard but for a price. (oh, I wonder what she wants)
*Eduardo goes to visit Marichuy to give her a message from JM. Meanwhile Adrian and Marichuy are talking about Onelia's visit and what she did to her to make her leave. They start playing around and in walks Eduardo.
*JM asks Estephania how she can help with his daughter and she suggests he marry her. (did not see that coming!)
*Eduardo tells Marichuy that JM has received her request for a divorce and that he wants to give her alimony. Adrian says that Marichuy does not need alimony. Eduardo strongly states he was talking to Marichuy. Is there anything else that he told you to tell me responds Marichuy. That's all, but there is something else that I wish to say to you in private. For another time. Then he turns and walks away. Adrian says that if JM wants to give you alimony then its not so bad. Marichuy asks how long til the divorce is done with Adrian saying not too much longer.
*Estephania tries to persuade JM to marry her. JM answers back that he married Marichuy because he was in love with her and that she woke up his passion. Estephania says "And I didn't?" JM says that Estephania is pretty but Marichuy and never finishes his sentence. Estephania says that she excepts his decision.
*JM goes to Marichuy's old room and starts to remember when he was consoling her, talking with her and when she wrote his name down in a notebook 50 times. He cries and mutters Marichuy.
*Adrian spots Purita and says that she has an interview tomorrow. He also suggests that they go for coffee. Cande is walking down the street and she arrives at the house out of breath. Marichuy takes the bag from her and starts in on her. Cande falls to the ground. The doctor comes in to check on her and that her heart does not sound good. He tells Cande that she cannot do to much heavy work and writes a prescription. If she does not take care of herself she can die. Marichuy asks the doctor how much do I owe you. Doc responds with $200 pesos. Marichuy turns to leave to find the money, but her neighbor says that she will pay for it and that she will also buy the medicine. Marichuy starts crying and Amador comes in.
*Eduardo tells JM that he went to visit Marichuy. He tells JM to forget about her. Why responds JM. Because I found her with Adrian and he had his hands on her hips and she was laughing.
*Amador asks why Marichuy is crying. She tells him that Cande is sick and if she does not take care of herself she can die. Amador offers to give her money and that she does not need to pay it back. Marichuy declines it and says that she has to get a job. Amador asks what type of job. She says I don't know. Amador asks if she wants to be an actress.
*JM does not believe that Marichuy is not suffering as much as he is. Eduardo again tells him to forget her. You cured her and she can love another man. But she loved me, Eduardo. Eduardo asks how are things with Mayita.
*Amador tries to convince her to be an actress.
*Eduardo comes back to speak with JM after they have seen there patients. He asks JM if he will be going back with Estephania. Why are you asking? Are you interested in her? responds JM. No says Eduardo. JM thinks that maybe he will go back with Estephania.
*Ceci says tomorrow Rocio has surgery and I will be going to visit her. Patricio asks where Marichuy is. When she separated from JM she went back to live where she use to. Patricio sarcastically says that she will soon be in court. Isa agrees. Ceci says god will not let that happen.
*Rocio and Vicente are sleeping. JM and Vicente's mom look on and smile.
*Marichuy is finishing up the laudering. She informs Cande that after she takes the laundry to the owner she is going to visit Rocio. She has been neglecting her. Cande says that she will be doing some ironing while she is away. Marichuy says that she cannot. She will be doing it. But I will be bored responds Cande. Find something to do then, but not the washing and ironing. Also did you take your medication? Yes of course. Can I cook? Only a little. Do what the doctor tells you. Do you want to leave me alone in this world?
*Rocio is being prepped for surgery. Vicente's mom gives her a kiss. Vicente wants to be with Rocio right before she is wheeled away for surgery. Marichuy comes in to see him and they talk a little. She apologizes for not coming to visit more, but things are crazy. As she leaves his room she gets a little dizzy. She walks in Rocio's room and looks sad when she sees her face. Marichuy sits and holds her hand. Rocio wakes up sort of and says that the doctor gave her sleeping pills and will talk to her later. In walks JM and they stare at each other.
Friday: Isa and Estephania caught finally?
Wow, I hope they are caught finally! The avances showed that Padre Anselmo spotted Ceci and did a double take.
ReplyDeleteI am very worried about Cande's health.
Marichuy = prego?? I'm thinking yeah. Of course it's way too soon after the luna de miel for her to be feeling it if she were, but this is novela land after all. Quien sabe.
ReplyDeleteAnyone know how close we are to the end, mas o menos?
Hi Gloria: Thank you for the recap.
ReplyDeleteWhat part of "no" doesn't Stefi understand? JuanMi sure does the looking sad thing really good. But, he sure can pick a block of wood like Eduardo for a friend. I hope he's a good doctor because he's a terrible advocate.
Somebody in an earlier recap said there were going to be 300 episodes to this novela. As much as I like the characters - even the bad ones (except Vivi who is true evil), I don't think I can wait another year for an ending.
I saw that posting, but I don't think it's possible--even the longest shows are 220 episodes and no more. This show cannot possibly be dragged out that much--as much as I like it, there's not that much going on and very little side story.
ReplyDeleteNina: That's good news - and thanks to you for recapping the previous chapter.
ReplyDeleteI’ve missed some shows and am catching up on the recaps. Thank you Cathy (for the vocab too!), Gloria and Ninak. And thank you too, Pasofino for covering. You did a terrific job on your debut! Congratulations! I really appreciate all the detail you all put in.
ReplyDeletePasofino - I seem to recall reading that there were 200 episodes.
I couldn’t believe the crummy care Cande got for her heart symptoms. It reminds me of the old 50s flicks where somebody would have symptoms like that and everyone would say he had a bad ticker and you knew he wasn’t going to last until the end of the movie. Nowadays they have wonderful heart care in hospitals – sheesh. Nobody took her there.
Anyway I hope they don’t let Cande die because she’s the only comic relief in our show.
It’s amazing that Purita would go to a good school and become educated but doesn’t know how to find a job on her own..
Does anyone know if the actor who recently died, who played Padre Anselmo, was Lety's lawyer on LFMB?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recap. Like everyone else, though, I don't think there is sufficient story. I like the characters, and especially Maite Perroni, but I am mostly watching Dona Barbara now that it's in a competing time slot.
NJ Sue
NJ Sue – I agree about not enough story. And also, if they aren’t going to do a lot of side stories, how about some backstory on our characters? What was Cande’s life like and why doesn’t she trust men? When did JM’s father die? Where did all his money come from? Why did he pick Viv for a wife? Why can Onelia call the shots in the house?
ReplyDeleteAnd what about Damien, and all the artists? Why is Amador such a pill?
I’m hoping we’ll hear more about the judge and Ceci. And what did Steph really do all those years? Isa?
Fortunately there are some good actors in our show to flesh out very bare bones, but inquiring minds want to know.
It’s annoying in these novelas when they just put some characters out there, give them no development, then have terrible things happen to them and expect us to care deeply.
Hello there! folks. Thanks for the recap, Gloria.
ReplyDeletePasofino, NinaK, and Maggie, I was wondering about how much episodes there was going to be. I did some investigating one week or so ago and find out that they finally agreed on 185 episodes. This is how much episodes there will be. I feel the same way that I didn't want it to be dragged on. Sometimes when they do that to a good storyline it ruins the overall novela.
My own title for this episode is Poor Cande and Juan Miguel.
For Cande, she has to carry all those dirty laundry walking. It is no wonder she collapses. She needs a new profession. Let those rich people do their own laundry or else buy a washer and dryer. Then they can have one of their maids iron and such.
As for Juan Miguel, I am beginning to think he is a martyr. He has to deal with his controlling mother-in-law that should not have been allowed to move-in to his house in the first place. Now she has taken up root and start to trunk and branches and leaves and such. Vivana is a vain spoiled bitch (dog) who should not be a mother to that innocent child Mayita’. She should have been killed by her lover Bernie instead of poisoning and taint her daughter’s mind. If this is her idea of getting her family back, she doesn’t deserve them. She needs to stay dead to Mayita and Juan Miguel.
I hope that Vicente and Rocio remains a couple. They are good together. Or if they split up for whatever reason which might be either not having the ability to walk in Vicente’s case or Rocio’s scarred face which I think modern medicine and specialist plastic surgeon can fix. I thought it was so cute that they are sharing a pillow when they were resting this is when Juan Miguel and Mercedes come to visit them. I just hope Rocio and Vicente make it. They are so good together.
As for Amador, he needs to be in his place. He is all so sure of himself. I always found it disguising for his friends not say or do anything to stop his obsession with Marichuy.
I keep thinking for someone that don’t want Marichuy around or don’t like her. MARICHUY is mention or talk about. I SAY LEAVE THE POOR GIRL ALONE. She is no longer in your house – stupid judge, Ceci, fakey, witch of the east, or the other household – Onelia. You should be happy now!
Fakey really gets on my nerves! She seems to be larking around Juan Miguel or his house. She is one that I want fried for all she has done to Marichuy and her fraud. I don’t care if she goes to jail then court or just torture and killed.
I like the new actor who is playing the part of the Padre. He just has a certain gentle presence. I am sorry to hear about the other actor who passed away. The last time I heard was that the actor that was playing Padre Anselmo had to resign doing this telenovela because he couldn’t do the work anymore due to his health.
I wonder what is wrong with Marichuy – we witness that she almost fainted. I think this is early signs of pregnancy.
NJ Sue...I'm pretty sure the Padre Anselmo actor who died is NOT the same actor who played Lety's lawyer. That fellow was much smaller, both in height and girth.
ReplyDeletePasofino--block of wood for a friend--that is so true! Ha!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recap Gloria. Wow, Vivian is beyond horrible!! She has to be one of the worst villains I've seen in a novela. Not surprisingly, her mother is not far behind.
ReplyDeleteGloria, Thanks so much for the fine recap. Nice handling of a sticky episode. We appreciate your efforts.
ReplyDeleteLibby, I think you are right that Marichuy could only be having morning sickness after a week after one night of luna de miel here in telenovelala land. I am so glad the 300+ episode rumor isn't true. I couldn't bear seeing Mayita tortured for that long for starters and Estefania is way too annoying to last that long. Maybe she and Viviana could get in a duel that would be more of a double murder/suicide. This TN doesn't lack for nasty villainesses.
Well...does anyone know what episode we're on?? 185 episodes by my math is 37 weeks, and if it started on 9/22 (as per univision website) then we're on like week 8 or something? Geez, in that case we have a long way to go... I just started watching last week, but I was thinking it had to be much closer to the end then that. Vamos a ver if they can keep it interesting for us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for an awesome job Gloria =)
ReplyDeleteI too wonder why Eduardo thinks (and JM listens) that Marichuy is suddenly "cured" from her inability to love. If anything, I'd say her chances of trusting a man, after being betrayed by the first one she was willing to trust, are even lower than before. This further proves my theory that Ed is not a psych doc like JM (not that JM is all that great from what we've seen). I think Ed is either a GP or an OB from the pix in his office.
Maggie, I'm not sure Purita is particularly clueless about finding a job. Rather, I think she's using it as an excuse to get closer to Adrian (not that he's catching any of her innuendo). Anybody wonder what's up with the streaks in her hair? She didn't have them when she first arrived and they don't seem to serve a purpose.