On the left we have Iron Chef Mexico, Ernesto Mendiola, representing Sólo Gourmet. To the right is his challenger, the young but scrappy Lorena de la Cruz, representing Cooperativa las Cazuelas (Casserole Cooperative).
Who takes it? Whose cuisine reigns supreme?
Sara and Lorena snarl at one another while they wait for the client. Lorena says, "last I heard, you never finished school." Snorty whispers to Jaime that she's tempted to strangle Sara right now. She's confident they'll win, though; Jaime's not as sure.
Fafy is looking at some financial papers in his home office, and Santiago is babbling uselessly. He mentions that Fafy made two million dollars yesterday. Fafy's not worried about whether Sara wins today or not, because he makes enough money with his other investments to make up the difference. All he wants out of Sara's company is for it to keep her happy. (Lost cause, Fafy.) Santiago teases him again about being in love. Fafy tells him not to repeat that. Santi locks his mouth with an invisible (and may I say very defective) key.
The clients have arrived - a couple of company officers, plus the union steward. One of the company officers makes a beeline for Hortensia and tells her what a fan he is. Snorty introduces Lorena as her granddaughter. Sara doesn't look happy.
The rest of the Amendariz gang anxiously waits for news. Maruja has to remind Rosy and Paty to finish up another client's order.
The tasting commences. The union guy is impressed with Ern's main dish of sole marinated in cilantro oil and grilled with tarragon, green pepper, shallots, garlic, and rosemary. We don't get to see the rest of his dishes.
Team Lorena gives them a palate-cleansing sorbet, followed by numerous dishes that are not discussed. I see something like mini-tacos and a rice pudding.
The clients talk things over amongst themselves, praise both chefs, and say it's un empate (tie). Sara says they offer high cuisine. Snorty says that high cuisine isn't strictly foreign; Ernesto's fancy fish dish didn't use more ingredients than their chili sauce.
Sara replies, "you made Mexican food because your chef doesn't know any other kind." Lorena says they came up with their menu with the expectation that the workers will want to eat the kind of food they get at home. For many of them, the workplace is like a second home. The shop steward agrees - he gets something like Ern's fish dinner only once a month.
Sara hurriedly interjects that they can do Mexican food too, if that's what they want. Lorena eagerly offers to do another test.
Sara says there are other areas in which Lorena and her peeps cannot beat her. "Who would trust a company that poisoned more than 100 people?" Snorty explains that not one thing went wrong at her company for over 40 years, and if she hadn't been at death's door at the time, that one poisoning incident would not have happened. In any case, they didn't shirk their responsibility, they compensated everyone, and even though it wiped her out financially, her conscience is clear. Otherwise, she couldn't serve so much as a bowl of soup.
That does it - the clients are impressed. Team Lorena is hired on the spot! Lorena calls the office and tells them that Snorty put Sara in her place. There is much rejoicing.
Alonso asks Valeria to review something for him. Noting her chilly manner, he asks what's wrong. She reminds him that they had plans last night. He apologizes - he had a chance to meet with Sara and let Lorena know what she's been up to. This explanation doesn't make Valeria any happier, but she pretends to be a good sport. He asks how he can make it up to her. She tells him not to worry about it.
Sara complains to Ernesto that she asked them to give her another chance. He suggests that she not be a sore loser and adds, "who would have thought we we'd be in the hands of a guy who likes tacos?" Knowing that Lorena is watching, Sara gives Ernesto a big, very uncomfortable-looking hug. Lorena's eyes pop as he shoots a pained look at her over Sara's shoulder. Sara says she doesn't blame him for this.
Sara turns and claps sarcastically for Lorena. "Tell them to call us when they get poisoned." Lorena taunts that Sara can't stand that they beat her in a clean fight. Sara accuses Lorena of doing some favor for one of the guys. Lorena takes Sara to task for throwing her grandmother "to the ground." (I believe on the face of it, this is supposed to mean something like "throwing her under the bus," but obviously it's also a reference to actually tossing her down the stairs.) Lorena calls her a grifter, impostor, and murderer. "Someday you're going to pay for all you've done."
Sara takes a big dramatic swing at her, which Lorena has plenty of time to block. "This is just the beginning," Lorena warns. She turns to walk away, and Sarah grabs her from behind. Ernesto pulls Sara away. Lorena and Sara both want to fight, but Ern reminds Sara not to put Fafy in a bad position. "Revenge is a dish best served cold," he tells her privately. Great, now he's giving her free cooking advice too.
Sara goes off on her sob story about how she's always been in Lorena's shadow, always watching her win, always watching everything go well for her. (Lorena can see and/or hear them.) Ern says he's felt the same way about Lorena, both on the cooking show and today, but they can't settle it with blows. They'll need to find another way. Sara thanks him for his support.
Fafy calls, but Sara doesn't pick up because she's not eager to tell Fafy of her defeat.
Ern sneaks off to talk to Lorena. She is chilly with him. She says he only tried to send his sample menu because she didn't think she could do it on her own. He says he didn't mean it that way. Lorena says Sara's cheating ways have rubbed off on him in the few days he's been working for her.
Ernesto is bewildered by her attitude and says she's the only reason he's even doing this. Lorena remarks that he looks pretty happy with Sara. Ern asks her not to go off on some tontería. She admits she's pretty mad ("tengo la cabeza echa humo" = head filled with steam; steam coming out of her ears; fuming). She says thanks for the help, but she's not comfortable with his tactics. She leaves without saying goodbye.
The nurse is helping Zulema walk around her bedroom. Z says she lost 30 pounds. She had worried a lot about Omar rejecting her because she was fat, thus the operation. But Z doesn't want to talk about that. She wants some help with her clothes, because they're all too big for her now. One of these days her husband is going to show up, and she wants to look really nice for him.
Hysterical, Greta tells Jimena that Omar took off, even though she threatened to kill herself. Jimena thinks Greta probably overdid it, that's why he didn't believe her. She tries to talk her down, don't worry his wife won't take him back, but Greta's hopped up on whatever crazy chemicals are in the makeup she's been snorting, and she says she's going to take drastic measures.
Vasco accompanies Omar to the place where he and his mom are already renting a room (and where Jaime had been staying before). Conchita, the flaky landlady, is thrilled to have yet another Amendariz as a tenant. She's very nosy about Omar's situation and offers to do a tarot reading for him to find out whether he'll reconcile or not. She says she knew as soon as she saw them that he was going to ask for a room. "I am so perceptive," she boasts.
Lorena calls Zulema to say she won the contract.
Vasco tells Omar he did right to leave Greta. Omar wants to "think" before he talks to Zulema, but Vasco says every day that Omar waits will be another day of deceiving her. Vasco says his cousins can't go on lying to protect him.
Betina shows Paula a photo album she made as an anniversary gift to Ivan. Paula asks if he's getting her a present too; she says men become very forgetful about these things later on. Beti says she asked him for a letter explaining how he feels about her.
Beti asks her mother if she and Raimundo are an item. Paula says no and asks if Beti doesn't like him. Beti is neutral, but she knows Paula likes him. Paula says Beti's approval matters to her. Beti says whatever makes Paula happy...
Ivan is with his boyfriend Jorge, trying to decide what to write. Jorge says love letters are lame and that she probably asked him for the letter so she could show it to everyone and make fun of him. That's how all women are. He should just buy her something and speak his mushy words. They'll be carried away with the wind, unlike the corny stuff in a letter. (Will Ivan take romantic advice from a kid who clearly doesn't have a girlfriend?)
Sara goes to the clinic to cry on Alonso's lapels. She says Lorena's messin' with her. Sara's about to lose her job because of her! She stole a contract right out of her hands - bribed the judges. Alonso points out that Lorena has no money. Sara says she must have fixed it up somehow. She cries that she'll never be able to get anything in her life. She thought she could live in peace, but she's being attacked.
Alonso tries to reason with her and tells her to trust in her talent. If she was cheated, then no one will blame her for losing. If it had been a rule-abiding fight, she would have won.
Sara says his words were very helpful and that she loves him. Her life is complicated, but some day she'll be able seek him freely. He asks her to clarify - is she not free right now? Is she engaged or something? "My heart is with you," she answers dramatically, and kisses him.
After Sara leaves, Alonso performs my favorite telenovela maneuver in the entire world - wiping an unwanted kiss off of his face. I think Juan's spitting last night was more impressive, but this was one of Alonso's finer moments. "She's crazy!"
Lorena, Jaime, and Snorty return to the office amid cheers and balloons. They celebrate winning the contract. (I think there's some joking about Barbara's contribution to the buffet.)
In a later scene, Lorena tells them how Snorty told Sara off in front of everyone, which turned out to be the deciding factor in their winning the contract. Snorty says she's recieved many plaudits in her life, but the one from Lorena just now was the best.
Now there is music and dancing. Paty gestures at Felipe to ask Diana to dance.
Greta barges into Zulema's house and demands that they speak in private. However, she doesn't wait for any privacy to announce that Omar's been lying about being on a trip. "He's my man and you're not going to take him away from me."
The nurse is not eager to leave Zulema alone with this viper, but Zulema sends her and Mathilde out of the room. Greta continues to tell her story in such a loud voice that I really don't know why she bothered to ask for a private talk. Zulema is somewhat protective of Omar - she says he gave up hope and didn't think she'd wake up. Greta corrects her: they started fooling around long before Z's coma. "Ask him! See if he has the gall to deny it." And Lorena knew, and lied about it. "Omar is sick of you."
Meanwhile, Vasco is urging Omar to let Zulema hear it from him. Omar agrees he needs to face the consequences. Vasco assures him that something good will come of it.
Omar rounds the corner and is surprised to see Greta's car parked in front. Greta is telling Zulema that Omar felt like the living dead when he was with her. Zulema expresses doubt that Omar could be in love with such a nasty-talking woman. "Ask him how much you were worth to him. Omar will come back to me because he loves me."
"Come back?" Greta explains that he left her, but the fact that he hasn't come to the Z's house yet shows that he doesn't really want her. If he does come back, it will only be out of guilt.
It has taken this long for Omar to get from the sidewalk to the front door. "Zulema! I didn't want you to find out this way!" All of his concern is directed at Zulema. Greta is... well, I thought she was in full psychobitch mode a minute ago, but was just warming up. She's crazy with rage because Omar is favoring Zulema.
Zulema says it would have been one thing if it had just been because he had given her up for dead, but if it was going on before that too...
Instead of letting Zulema chew Omar out, Greta demands that Omar say he loves her. "You are very mistaken," he answers. She was just a mirage! What little attraction he felt for her, it's all gone now! "You shouldn't have spoken that way to my wife. I curse the day I took up with you and deceived the only woman I've always loved!"
He throws her out. "Get out of here and you'd better not come back and bother the people I love!"
"You can't treat me this way!!"
"Yes I can! Get out of my house and get out of my life!"
Mathilde and the nurse notice that it's suddenly become quiet.
Omar is physically removing Greta from his house. "VANISH from my life!" Greta predicts that he'll come looking for her when he gets over his guilt. "I would rather be alone than have a woman like you!" "That's what you say now, but eventually you'll be begging me to come back to you." "I wouldn't go back to you if you were the last woman on earth. You're worse than a viper!"
She says he's afraid to be with a real woman, he'd rather be with that resuscitated mummy. He sends her away and goes back into the house. She staggers toward her car with pure crazy in her eyes.
The nurse is giving Zulema some medicine. Omar wants to talk alone. Zulema feels that Greta has already told her the whole story. He wants Zule to listen to his side of it. He made a mistake, but he loves her. It was just a fling, it meant nothing. "If you were with that woman and she's nothing, where does that leave me?" She says there's nothing to forgive; he just stopped loving her. He's only there now out of guilt. What really hurts her is that he let the kids lie rather than confront her. Omar says he wanted to tell her from the beginning, but it was their idea to spare her feelings.
"Where's the Omar I fell in love with and admired?" Omar says he's here, and he'll always be hers because he loves her. "All I see is a liar. How much longer to show your face if Greta hadn't shown up?" She mocks him for needing young Vasco to persuade him to act like a man. She wants him to stop talking because she's just getting more and more displeased with him. He thinks she's being too harsh. She tells him to get out.
"But you are the woman of my life! I swear it on our three children!"
She doesn't ever want to see him again. He leaves, and she cries the kind of sobbing that gives your face a cramp.
And I'll just mention here that I HATE this very cheesy sappy music that they play during these scenes.
Raimundo has brought Paula flowers and some new tequila. He says he can't pass a florist's without thinking of her. (Looks like red roses, the bright red kind, not the darker ones.)
Ding-dong, it's Ivan with a gift and no letter. Letters are totally corny!
"Writing what you feel for me is totally corny?"
"Sure, I just would have been writing drivel."
She wanted a card, not some present. She tells him she was really excited about the letter. "You women are so complicated. Jorge was right." Betina says fine, then why don't you go see Jorge. SLAM!
She is very grumpy with her mother and cries in her room over the photo album she made for Ivan.
Valeria's on call tonight, and her regular and backup babysitters aren't available. Alonso offers to watch the kids to make up for skipping out on her last night. "Why don't you give me your housekeys!" Valeria's eyes sparkle. Come on, V! This doesn't mean he's moving in!
Diana and Lorena come home. The nurse and the maid tell them about Omar's visit.
At Omar's place, Jaime offers to stay and keep him company because J thinks O isn't looking too good. Omar says no thank you, you have a family to go home to. Vasco says in that case, he'll stay. Omar rejects this too and says he's not going to do anything crazy. The worst thing that could happened to him has already happened. He thinks Zulema will never forgive him, and he agrees with her. He can't forgive himself either. "What I did was unspeakable!"
Zulema doesn't answer when Lore and Diana knock. They let themselves in. "We did it for your health," they say. She doesn't blame them. "The thread always breaks where it is thinnest."
Sadly, Greta has arrived home safely and is rehashing with Jimena. Jimena thinks Greta made a big mistake. That's the one thing you can't do to a guy, is to make a scene with his family. (But telling sneaky lies to his kids is totally okay, apparently.) Greta says Omar has to take her back, even if it takes witchcraft. Again, Jimena tries to talk her down, accept that it's over, but Greta says she's lost her dignity and she just wants him to come back and stay with her.
She's clutching at her own hair. Not a good sign. Jimena makes a sympathetic but worried face.
There's trouble at the office where Julian works. The guy who's supposed to cover the game is hoarse, and all the usual guys are unavailable. Julian volunteers.
Fafy doesn't want to go to some reunion party that Santiago set up for him. Instead, Fafy thinks he should cheer up Sara about the lost contract. Santi doesn't see why that's such a big deal. "You've had failed deals, haven't you? Oh... you haven't." "Not even one." He has to wait for Javivi to come over. They giggle about Javivi's "intentions" and agree that they must let the lovebirds have some privacy. The doorbell rings on cue. Santi scurries to answer it. I just realized Fafy doesn't have any visible servants.
Julian auditions by commentating a videotaped game. His boss is impressed. He's got the job. He won't be covering tonight's game, they'll give him some practice first. His coworkers tease him for calling his girlfriend.
Fafy tells Javivi that he and Santi are going to a party, so Bruno will have to keep Javivi company instead. (Why this silly charade, I have no idea.) Javivi is so excited that he needs to pee.
Bruno comes home. Santi explains that Fafy's the guest of honor at a party with some old friends, and Sara and Bruno aren't invited. Bruno thinks he has the night off, but no... here comes Javivi! He skips across the floor like a little girl to greet Bruno and flirts grotesquely. Fafy pats Bruno on the back and tells him to be a good host.
Alone at last! Javivi squeals with delight and offers flowers. Bruno stalks off without a word.
On the phone, Rosy congratulates Julian on his new opportunity, but pretty much says she'll believe it when she sees it. Maruja is more optimistic. Rosy wants deeds, not words. Maruja says you should help your spouse when he's having problems. Rosy says it's not easy to be away from the man she loves, but... Jaime comes in with glasses of champagne. Rosy stands there awkwardly as Maru and Jaime toast and smooch.
Javivi plays hide-and-seek with Bruno. He says he can smell Bruno's pheromones. He finds Bruno hiding under a desk. He thinks Bruno is merely playing hard-to-get. He tries to pinch Bruno's cheek. He thinks Bruno's just intimidated by him. He talks about how easy it is to open the door and come out of the closet. Bruno again tries to walk away. "You're in a bad mood." Bruno says he doesn't like to feel pursued. He's an old-school kind of guy.
Javivi promises to play by Bruno's rules. Bruno says again he doesn't like J's "mannerisms." He tells him to put on some leather and they'll meet later at the Pink Zone's most famous bar. Javivi's excited about the leather. He suggests that they go to his place and Bruno can pick out something he likes. Bruno would rather they meet and Javivi can surprise him. He reminds J, no "mannerisms." Agreed. They'll meet in one hour. J even gives Bruno a fist-bump to show how macho he is. "One hour!" he squeals with delight.
Later, on the phone from Sara's office: "Sorry, Javivi, I should have called, it's an emergency, gotta go to the hospital, no I am NOT giving you a kiss because I said no mannerisms, okay?"
Sara is still sulking in her office about how Alonso HAS to be with her. She doesn't even seem to notice Bruno at first. He's fed up with Javivi and the matchmaker and his crony. Sara says everyone has a cross to bear. She lost the autoworkers' contract.
He's shocked she lost the contract, but says that thanks to Sara's impulsiveness Lorena now knows what she's up to. He urges her to forget about Lorena. And it's been a while since he's gotten it on with Sara; he thinks now would be a good time.
Ernesto wanders in on Official Chef Business and sees them goin' at it. "That guy's not gay!"
(He must be invisible. Other people have to hide, but Ernesto can stand in plain sight and eavesdrop all he wants!)
Ernesto overhears Sara and Bruno reminiscing about that time when they poisoned a bunch of people at one of Snorty's jobs.
And it's Ultimos Capitulos, baby! Yeah! It's the final countdown!
Gleeps! That was long. So much talking and yelling!
ReplyDeleteI spent way more time on Bruno and Javivi than they deserved, but after all of Greta's screaming, I needed some comic relief.
No problem Julie...we ALL needed a comic scene after Greta's stoning of Zulema.
ReplyDeleteThe worst part of it was that Greta's words are all words Zulema would say to herself however she found out about Omar's betrayal. The self-punishment one inflicts after infidelity is as destructive as the unfaithfulness itself.
This scene of everyday cruelty was much more painful than some of the over the top mayhem we don't actually experience in our lives.
The actress playing Zulema had such an empty defeated look on her face afterwards.
And Omar....ye Gods...act like a man! He's whining like an unfairly punished child. When he mewled and cried and asked for instant forgiveness....I just wanted to shoot him.
Greta does the psycho-bitch well though. I think she'd be great playing the part of Ruth in Fuego. While I think the actress there is also doing a good job, the harsh dye job on the hair has put a lot of mileage on her. Greta still looks juicy.
Julie: What an excellent recap! Thank you for injecting some badly needed humor into this depressing episode.
ReplyDeleteWow. We knew Greta was cruel, but her tirade exposed her as a monster. How she could viciously attack Zulema like that is incomprehensible to me. Omar "sends her away and goes back into the house. She staggers toward her car with pure crazy in her eyes." Omar was so pathetic I don't even want to expend the energy to say anything further about him:(
Is Alonso in a coma? How much longer will it take him to notice Valeria is in love with him?
I felt like shaking Lorena for the way she treated Ernesto last night. "Lorena says Sara's cheating ways have rubbed off on him in the few days he's been working for her." Are you kidding me? He's doing everything for her and this is how she treats him?
Good thing Ernesto is invisible as you pointed out Julie! Seems Ernesto is getting vital information tonight. Now Ernesto and company just need to fit all of the puzzle pieces together.
Diana in MA
judyb: Yes, the actress playing Greta would have done a great job as Ruth in FELS. Every time she comes on screen, my husband says what a great looking woman she is. She also does sexy and nasty well, so she would have been a good choice. Diana in MA
ReplyDeleteI notice Jaime is consuming alcohol again, toasting success; not wise for an alcoholic.
Ha ha!! I love the title and the intro. Go Iron Chef! OK, now on to the recap...
ReplyDeleteLoved the title, and the recap.
ReplyDeleteAs we say in the south, "Greta really showed her tail!"
The Bruno and Javivi scenes were hilarious. Bruno managed to look sick whenever Javivi got too near. (serves him right!)
It's been fun, but I'm glad we're in the final countdown.
Julie, the recap may have been long but it was thoroughly enjoyable. I really enjoyed this episode, mostly meat and very little filler.
ReplyDeleteGood for Val for being frosty. Time for her to stop being a doormat.
Not only did Jaime pour himself a drink but what about Rossy? She's preggers! OK, we didn't actually see her take a drink yet. Maybe they are drinking sparkling cider?
I thought Greta and Zulema's scene was awesome. I could barely stand to watch it. Zuly's crying was so realistic and heart wrenching it actually brought tears to my eyes. Darn good acting! Heh, Greta "really showed her tail", yep that sums it up well.
QE has gotten quite good but I'm also ready for it to wrap up.
Great recap Julie, really stellar even by your high standards. Nice job.
Thanks for an excellent recap, Julie. Yikes, Regreta has really gone over the edge and become a total b*tch. So Omar, are you consuned by REGRET yet ??? If not, you should be. You got in bed with a crazy woman, and now you have to man up and pay the piper. You know how all the celebrities have their own fragrances [Brittany, Liz Taylor, etc]...Well, I think this might be just the right moment for Regreta to launch her very own perfume with that makeup company that she and Paula work for, And I have the perfect name for it....Desperation. What do you think? I am enjoying Bruno squirming and sweating in his umcomfortable scenes with Javivi. And I really think that they are definitely setting things up for Lorena and Ernie to pair up in the end. I am really enjoying this show. I just taught a chapter on business ethics in my speaking class, so I appreciated Horty's speech. Talk about a rehabilated character. Goodness must be good for the appearance because Horty looks great..her hair, her ccomplexion....and the smile helps.
ReplyDeleteSusanlynn: Love "Desperation" for Greta's perfume. It is nice to see Hortensia on the road to redemption and you're right, she is definitely looking better. I'm thinking things look good for Ernesto and Lorena too but I don't think anything's certin until we see "FIN". Diana in MA
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was cider. (They wouldn't let me taste it, nor did I get to sample the herbed sole or the little tacos or the sorbet.) That would make more sense than champagne. The scene wasn't very long, so I didn't even see if Rosy drank any.
ReplyDelete"Desperation" - I love this perfume idea. "A new scent from Cuckoo Chanel."
When Lorena walked in on Jimena the other night during the staged phone call with Ern's imaginary jealous girlfriend, I couldn't tell from the look on Lorena's face whether she actually bought it or not. I was hoping that maybe she was thinking "okay, maybe Ern's up to no good, but what are the odds that this chick is pullin' a Sara on me instead?"
Sadly, based on the withering comment she made to Ern last night, it looks like she did indeed buy it. Even though it doesn't make any sense whatsoever for him to be helping her if he doesn't love her.
Lorena admits she's too angry to think straight, though, so maybe she'll figure it out on her own when she has some time to reflect.
I think "Psycho" would be a good name for Greta's fragrance. Ugh... those last two words. Disgusting to think about Greta's fragrance. Probably like the time a guy in the shop left a dead rabbit in the bed of the truck for a week.
ReplyDeleteBut I digress: Cap'n Sylvia pls check for a note I sent you re the celestial technique that I couldn't remember the name of when we met last week. An ocean sailor and a retired air navigator - that was a great conversation.
Raining here today, but it's always a good day when we plan to go to "El" (Mariachi) for supper. Just hope we don't get the waiter who looks like Nosferatu w/ a mustache. I can make Emilia queasy w/ my imitation of this guy.
I'm really enjoying all the action as we head toward the dramatic finish. As terrible as Omar was, I do think Zulema will eventually forgive him, just as she eventually forgave Jaime and Hortensia, especially with Lorena's encouragement to do so. A few months ago I spoke of a friend of mine who had an affair years ago, his wife did eventually take him back, and they've been fine ever since. Omar was weak, unintentionally cruel, etc., but he never purposely hurt Zulema, it was more about his own self-doubt (which is no excuse, though). Anyway, he's always loved his family, and at this point, I'm rooting for them to reconcile.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see Sara and Bruno get payback.
I agree that Ernesto will probably win with Lorena, but the writers are definitely putting up some roadblocks, trying to make Lorena think Ernesto is back to his womanizing ways.
Excellent detail today Julie, you filled me in on a couple details I missed. I didn't catch Sara telling Lorena to go poison somebody, that's actually a pretty good burn.
ReplyDeleteWhile Javivi is funny, he is also extremely tiresome. Does Bruno think that by being Gay he has to automatically like any other gay guy? Can't he just tell Fafy that girly men aren't his type, he likes them more macho? Something, anyway.
I'm ready for the end too - mostly because I'm tired of looking at Sara. I am watching every day now instead of just my day and am liking the show more than ever, but I am just sick to death of Sara.
I don't think there's any way Omar can make up for what he did to Zulema, but he needs to do something (a lot more substantial that bringing flowers) to show how sorry he is.
ReplyDeleteBruno and Javivi. I also wondered why he couldn't just tell Fafy "I don't like that guy." Fixups are always awkward, though. When someone fixes you up with someone, often they get offended when it doesn't work out (even if you never asked for the fixup in the first place). It's got to be a lot worse if the matchmaker is your employer.
Javivi is very tiresome. He's just a caricature, much like Santi. (And somewhat like Sara.) Fafi seems to prefer having cartoonish people in his life.
That makes me wonder about the "old friends" he and Santi were meeting with. Will we get to see these people? Do we know any of them? Or are they just random old school friends that Santi still thinks about and gossips with, but Fafy barely remembers?
Thanks for the recap Julie. Wow, the scene b/t Zulema and Greta was awful. We know Regreta was bad but this is a new low. I hope Omar will grow a spine and be somewhat worthy of redemption (but this storyline still sticks). Though "Desperation" is a great name, after her antics last night I gotta go with Mike's - Psycho.
ReplyDeleteI want resolution of the couples, quickly. I really want Val to be appreciated for the great and beautiful woman she is not someone Dr. Dull gets as second prize. It's time for Don T. to school his son on relationships.
And poor Ernesto doesn't deserve the changes Lorena is putting him though either.
By the way, thanks for the compliments, everyone. It means a lot, because I found myself looking up far more words than usual (matchmaker, lovebirds, etc.).
ReplyDeleteBad guys and angry people tend to use more informal language, and sometimes it takes more effort to find out what things mean (esp. if they are regionalisms, etc.). At this point in the story, even if I think I sort-of know what a word means, I'd rather not guess and make a mistake that causes confusion.
Even when the word's in the dictionary, you can sometimes tell by the context that it's not quite right - like I had trouble with "ofrecida" last night. I think Lorena called Sara an "ofrecida." Based on context, it seemed she meant someone who either makes bribes or offers herself as a bribe, but I was totally unable to find any supporting evidence for this usage. All I could get out of Reverso, Word Reference, and even Googling was a much more mundane "offered" which didn't even fit, grammatically speaking...
So I sorta glossed over that part of their screaming match.
Maybe the captions and my ears both were wrong and the word wasn't "ofrecida." But I think it was. Maybe Lorena did mean "you are [something that was offered]" and it's just that the sorry little examples I found couldn't hold a candle to Lorena's flair for colorful euphemism.
I just realized that TWO people have gotten jobs because someone else's voice went hoarse. That strikes me as a little bit lazy.
ReplyDeleteI had also been expecting Greta to run someone over on her way home from Zulema's house.
Greta could have hit Julian's coworker, causing some minor injury, and the cops could have referred hysterical Greta for psychiatric evaluation... Julian still gets the job, and Greta gets the help that she needs.
Oh well, this way works too.
Julie, your dedication to perfectly translating everything is truly commendable. I'm not sure that you and the other recappers and commenters know how much your time and effort on these language details is noted and appreciated. Thanks for all of your tireless efforts. Diana in MA.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fabulous and thorough recap Julie. And I loved the jokes, esp. the Iron Chef reference. You obviously put a lot of effort into this one and we all appreciate your hard work.
ReplyDeleteQuick notes:
Zuly lost 30 kilos, which is about 65 pounds. It seems a little much as that's more than 1 pound per week, but I guess not eating will do that.
ofrecida = loose woman, one who's always offering herself to any random guy.
I think the reunion was some sort of school reunion, so maybe we'll see Tori there and Santi will AGAIN spill the beans about Sara and Tori can set them straight.
Sylvia, lest you think badly of our Rosy, I don't think she drank from the champagne, but just sulked in the corner. She knows better than to drink, but I think she pretended because they're keeping Jaime out of the loop so he won't tell Julian about the baby. For what it's worth, I don't think we know for sure that Jaime's an alcoholic, or if he just had a drinking problem for a while. If it's the later, he is capable of drinking in moderation, just chose not to at that point. If it were the former, he would have finished the champagne bottle right there an then. Just MHO.
I'm not sure Lore's reference of throwing Snorty under the bus referred to the throwing down the stairs, but rather to bringing up Snorty's shortcomings to make her look bad in front of a client. Either way, it was awesome for Snorty to put Sara back in her place!
I agree, it's cool to see Snorty using her Mean Lady powers to fight injustice.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clarifying the kilos vs. pounds. I do remember hearing "kilos," but clearly the corresponding neurons in my brain did not fire as a result.
Those 65 pounds would have included some muscle in addition to fat, which is why she still needs help walking around... I think that would drive me crazy. You fall asleep one day and wake up a year later, not only has everyone gone crazy but you don't even have the strength to fight back.
I don't figure that a few sips of champagne should be a problem for Jaime unless he's organically sick. Supposedly, real alcoholics will drink any nasty thing they can get their hands on if necessary (I'm remembering Kitty Dukakis and a bottle of rubbing alcohol in 1989), but regular boozers are typically only tempted by things that... well, things that they find tempting. This usually does NOT include champagne.
I also recall that Jaime did most of his drinking when he was taking antidepressants too. Aside from the emotional issues, there's the fact that some antidepressants can affect the way your body reacts to alcohol. It may not be as obvious to you how impaired you are, or it may take longer for the effects to kick in (meanwhile you keep drinking, saying "these drinks are really weak!"), and it may take longer for the effects to wear off.
In other words, he did have a drinking problem, but there were special factors at play.
I could be all wrong about this, but it seems that Jaime's got a lot to be happy about. If it's likely that champagne would give him trouble, then he knows enough to bring cider instead.
I also wondered about everyone telling Julian he was an alcoholic - he was on one hell of a bender, don't get me wrong, but does a week of heavy drinking constitute alcoholism? Especially since he didn't have a history of it and magically was able to quit drinking the next day. I mean, I had weeks like that in college, just without all the ugly crying. And I didn't even have an excuse like my mom being in a coma, just the fact that I was out of the house and had no real rules.
ReplyDeleteHave been away all afternoon, but what an interesting discussion all around.
ReplyDeletePut me in the camp of Jaime...heavy drinker during a time of stress but probably not an alcoholic. In a previous telenovela, a heavy drinking character was finally sent to AA (although she kept skipping meetingsS) so I don't think the writers meant us to see him as an alcoholic. I've seen several men of my acquaintance use heavy drinking to get through a tough time (we women cry and talk to our friends) and then later cut back to normal social drinking without a problem (other than the liver damage....your body never forgets, alas). But that's how a lot of men "deal".
Psycho is also an apt name for Regreta's signature fragrance. She could have a whole line...perfume, cologne, shower gel, bubble bath, dusting powder, etc. Hmmm...Although people might not want to use her products in the shower due to memories of the movie of the same name, so that name might not be successful for her. If that entrepenurial idea doesn't pan out, she could just use an existing fragrance...Obsession ...as in OmarObsession. That would work, too. I agree that the actress playing Regreta would have made a good Ruthless Root in Fuego. I can just see her shimmying up and down and all around Juan's hunkiness and screaming at Sofia and Eva and busting a move on Quinty and Franco...and perhaps getting busy with the equally despicable Ferd. It's fun to mix up the characters of different novelas into a tasty and delightful new cocktail.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great recap! I tried to comment earlier but Google was acting weird on me. Anyway, just realized that they are showing the Latin Grammy awards so no novelas tonight! OH, well.....I agree that Greta was a total Beeoch and showed her true colors to poor Zulema. I agree that Zulema's crying made me cry. Omar is just going to have to suffer for a while before she takes him back, if ever. What a jerk and wimp he has turned out to be. Sheesh!!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see more anvils falling on Friday!!!!!
If Omar really wants forgiveness, he should send UP flowers!! Well, and grow a spine.....
ReplyDeleteCan't type at this hour. I meant send US, you and me, flowers. (sorry)
ReplyDeleteEmilia, I liked your first version better... I thought you meant something like he should be pushing up daisies!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'd rather he didn't die, but it still struck me as funny.
I thought UP flowers were some sort of very special flowers. Shows how much I know! But yeah, he should send us all flowers.
ReplyDeleteHey Julie and Emilia...I thought the same thing...pushing up daisies "Poor Jud is Dead" Oklahoma! style.
ReplyDeleteInstead of sniveling and driveling "Perdoname" (how sick I am of that phrase) he should have said "What do I need to do to regain your trust?". No point in asking "What can I do to regain your respect?" because that's done with.
Of course this will all be wrapped up and tied with a ribbon in record time. Too bad real life hurts and betrayals like this take much longer to resolve.
Absolutely, Judy - notice that when Alonso disappointed Valeria, he immediately promised to make it up to her. I guess he learned his lesson with Lorena. Omar's not so smart, I guess.
ReplyDeleteOmar has been a total disappointment. I didn't even like the way he dealt with Greta. Although it was fun to listen to him tell her how much she disgusts him, I think a firm, very cold "no, we're finished" (repeated as many thousand times as necessary) would have been more effective. Going into the details of how much he doesn't like her only wound her up even more.
Julie, I wanted to chime back in to thank you for the great recap which wasn't too long, just very thorough. I wrote a comment yesterday that was very witty and pithy, I am sure but somehow google/blogspot ate it in an unplanned crash, I guess. Anyway, I hadn't saved the comment so what was I thinking?
ReplyDeleteI did say how much I like these club sandwich style meaty ultimos capitulos. Someone already caught the kilos -vs- pounds loss, Zulema looks like they took about 66 pounds of padding off of her. It was gratifying to see her courage blossom. She wasn't mealy mouthed about her reaction toward the happless Omar. Kick the bum out, good girl. He deserves the hysterical, threatening Greta who I also think is doing a great acting job.
Club sandwiches... that's a good description of ultimos.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Greta will stalk Omar? Or maybe she'll join the convent.
Hey yeah, what happened to Jaqui, Icky and Mami? Are we going to be left dangling?
ReplyDeleteI think "took the money and ran" was the end of the Icky/Mami story, and Jackie entered the convent of no return. I guess that's it.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember - does Snorty know that Icky stole from her? Maybe Interpol will catch up with him.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Hortensia knows that people were stealing from her because I think that computer genius Sara was supposed to be in charge of the accounts. If Horty remembers that Sara gave her a little help going down the stairs and she now knows where Sara is...why doesn't she just call the police ?? I guess she'd rather dole out justice with her own hand. I wonder what her plans are for Sneaky Sara...and I can't wait until Horty realizes that she has teamed up with Horty's second favorite person...Bluto. Those two are cruising for a bruising. I can't wait to see how they will pay for their deeds as Lorena so helpfully foreshadowed. Maybe Fafy Cuencas will tire of them and sell them into white slavery ...along with the annoying little namedropping Munchkin Santiago.
ReplyDeleteSnorty wanted to turn Sara in, but her lawyer said they didn't have enough proof.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Icky will show up in time to throw Sara under the bus. We need a way for all her transgressions to come to light so that she can pay dearly and lose her business back to Snorty or something like that. Oh wait, then Icky would have to give back all the money he stole from Sara. Oh wait again, he's probably lost it all already on some crazy scheme unless his Mami got ahold of it first.
ReplyDeleteMaybe now that Jacky's found religion she will come forward and reveal that Icky and Sara both stole from the company. I'd like to see her in a habit.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she will be in a habit and high heels?
ReplyDeleteFall down the stairs! That's how I want Sara to die. I hope she bumps her head on every step on her way down.
ReplyDeleteI want to see some of that crazy , supernatural red hair peeking out of Jacky's wimple. The telenovelas like those staircases of doom [so Gone with the Wind]. I have a feeling that Sara is in for a far more gruesome demise due her wicked, wicked ways.
ReplyDeleteJulie, you had me at the first paragraph, laughing out loud and making hubby wonder what was up with me! Thanks for the great recap!
ReplyDelete“Santiago teases him again about being in love. Fafy tells him not to repeat that. Santi locks his mouth with an invisible (and may I say very defective) key.” ROTFLLLL!
“rice pudding.” Arroz con leche, one of my favorite dishes growing up, and the one Barb drooled over.
“"Revenge is a dish best served cold," he tells her privately. Great, now he's giving her free cooking advice too.” ROTFLLL!!!
“wiping an unwanted kiss off of his face. I think Juan's spitting last night was more impressive, but this was one of Alonso's finer moments. "She's crazy!"” LOL! This was real acting, here. He’s almost got the hang of it.
“She staggers toward her car with pure crazy in her eyes.” Greta has more bad stuff in her soul and we have more than a week to see it come out.
The doorbell rings on cue. Santi scurries to answer it. I just realized Fafy doesn't have any visible servants.” Oh, sure he does. Santi’s very visible. ;-)
Great comments, everyone!