
Thursday, November 06, 2008

Cuidado con el Angel, November 4, 2008

We start off with Rocio and JM talking about the wedding that will take place that day.

At the church the guests are waiting outside for Marichuy to show up. Eduardo pulls up and assists Marichuy out of the car to the crowd cheering. She looks radiant. She runs down the aisle dragging Eduardo with her. JM spots Marichuy and starts cheesing.

Vicente's mom is at his bedside when he finally wakes up. He remembers that he was in an accident and asks how Rocio is. She assures him that Rocio is fine, he's the one that got hurt the worst. He wants his mother to help him get up so that he can go see Rocio. In Rocio's room Onelia and Estephania are visiting and placing the blame of the accident on Marichuy. Rocio does not blame her and does not regret meeting Vicente. She loves him and he loves her. She starts crying and Onelia tells her not to cry because of the stitches she has on her face. Onelia tells Rocio that JM does not care about her, he is getting married today. Rocio asks Onelia to check to see how Vicente is, but she refuses. She does not care how he is doing.

Vicente trys to get up and realizes that he cannot feel his legs. He cries out about his legs as his father tries to calm him down.

Isa, Estephania and Ceci are having refreshments with Estephania saying that JM and Marichuy must now be getting married.

Back at the church Padre asks if anyone has any objections to the novios getting married. He then pronounces them husband and wife. They look at each other and smile. Marichuy then turns to give Cande a hug and she gives Marichuy a necklace of some kind of saint. Cande then tells JM to take care of Marichuy. Purita and her mom congradulate Marichuy and then Cande remembers that the novios have not kissed. The crowd chants, "beso, beso". The novios face each other and kiss. At the beach we see the couple in the rain dancing, kissing and frockling in the ocean in there wedding finery. JM carries Marichuy out of the ocean and lays her on the sand next to a bonfire. He writes in the sand then lays across from her carassing her hand and arm. He then carries her over the treshold to there honeymoon suite. They are alone he says. Then twirls Marichuy in his arms yelling out "You are my wife, my wife" and kisses her.

Rocio is in her hospital bed remembering the accident. Vicente's mother comes in and introduces herself. Rocio asks how he is doing and thanks her for coming. She asks if Vicente can come see her.

In the honeymoon suite, they are walking around admiring the room that has a huge jaquzzi and then walk out to the balconey to enjoy the view. JM asks if she is cold. No she answers. JM tells her not to be scared of him. He will not ask her to give nothing that she does not feel comfortable with. He promised her and he will complete his promise. Of course though there is a fire burning inside of him, but he will control it so that he can love her the right way. He cares alot for her. Marichuy asks then you will not have me feel obligated. No he says, when you are ready. And if I cannot tell you that I am responds Marichuy. Then tell me with your eyes informs JM. (guess he's the eye whisperer)

Rocio and Vicente's mom are talking. Rocio changes her mind and begs Vicente's mom not to let him come see her. Tell him that I can not have any visitors yet or that she cannot leave her room. Don't tell him that I look like this. Once the bandages are off, I will then come see him. She then decides to write him a letter that says I love you and hope you get well soon. Vicente asks his mom have you told her that I cannot walk? No responds his mom. If she finds out she will not want me anymore. Rocio is too young and should enjoy life. He then asks his mom if she thought that Rocio was very beautiful in the face.

Viv is trying to get into the castle.

Back in the honeymoon suite, Marichuy asks JM about the conversation and if he can see her answer in her eyes. They kiss and he picks her up and carries her into the bedroom. He asks her what she feels. Disguist. Pressure. Fear. No she answers. Then what he asks. She tells him that she feels something so sweet that it makes me tremble. (it's called hormones girly) She never wants to be separated from him, his body and his arms. They kiss again and she takes off his shirt (finally!) and he unzips her gown then lays her on the bed. Use your imagination as to what happens next.

Vicente asks his mom why she did not answer his question. Rocio is beautiful right? Yes she is. He starts to feel sorry for himself and says now he cannot get married.

Adrian is strolling the streets at night thinking about Marichuy and the love that she cannot return for him.

Back at the honeymoon suite, JM is kissing Marichuy and carassing her. He silently mouths that he loves her.

Onelia and Estephania are on the phone talking. Estephania says that Marichuy was probably ugly in her dress. No, she was cute responds Onelia. (ha-ha) Onelia tells Estephania that she has talked to the attorney to get a rush on temporary custody of Mayita. Viv is sneaking into the house. Mayita is in the kitchen getting a snack. Onelia catches her and asks why are you eating at this hour. Do you want to be fat and ugly? (what a witch) She lets Mayita have her snack. Mayita asks if JM and Marichuy have gotten married. Viv is rifling through the master bedroom looking for cash and jewelry. Back in the kitchen Mayita asks what her dad will do when her mother returns. Onelia says that her mom will not be coming back. She went to heaven. Mayita informs Onelia that she saw her. That cannot be responds Onelia.

Back at the love shack JM asks Marichuy if she is happy. Yes she answers and tells him that she is getting sleepy. He asks her if she enjoyed herself with him. She gets all embarassed and says don't ask me that. Then she whispers in his ears that she did. They kiss and he tells her to go to sleep.

Padre Anselmo prays that Marichuy will forgive JM when she finds out.

Eduardo goes to visit Rocio. He wants to take her hand but backs away. Rocio opens her eyes and is glad to see him. She asks him about her face. Will she be disfigured?

JM wakes up in the middle of the night and whispers to Marichuy while she is sleeping that no one will ever separate them. He knows that she will forgive him and that they will be together for the rest of there lives. He kisses her softly and goes back to sleep.

It's early morning and Estephania wakes up Isa. She cannot stop thinking about JM and Marichuy. They talk about what would happen if they were discovered. Estephania says that it is time to look for another victim, I mean man. They decide on Eduardo.

Back at the love shack, Marichuy is having her nightmare again. JM wakes up when he hears Mairchuy screaming. She then sees his face in her dream as the attacker. She backs up from him and yells that it was him who attacked her. JM is muy impactado.

Tomorrow: Trouble in Paradise


  1. Gloria: Thanks for the recap. This was a sweet episode. I loved the part where Marichuy ran down the isle.

  2. So cute when Marichuy ran down the aisle--it's the first wedding where no one was in the seats in order to watch the bride go down the aisle. Also cute when she turned to see whether someone would interrupt the ceremony--I was momentarily worried that Viv would show up.

    When Cande gave Mari the necklace, I wondered if it was one of those necklaces that was found with the baby--setting it up to be recognized by Ceci. These necklaces always serve to identify the lost babies.

    Of course, the end of the episode was disturbing. Wedded bliss is lasting less than one day.

  3. Gloria, thank you for the terrific recap. I loved the "eye whisperer" tag. JM really has such extraordinary eyes himself, it makes sense that he can read other's eyes.

    What a fun wedding as an alternate to the obligatory telenovela wedding. I also liked her not being able to keep from looking around to see if anyone was going to object.

  4. So once again, we have situations where people just can't bring themselves to tell the truth. Of course, JM should have told Marichuy even before he asked her to marry him - he's in big trouble, now. And Rocio doesn't want Vicente to know she could be disfigured, while he doesn't want her to know he's paralyzed. Why don't these people in love have enough faith in their partners to tell them the truth right away?

  5. I had to marvel at that Amazon Stefi cursing the fate that foiled her deceptive relationship. And she's still wearing those little girlie barettes. What is it that's so irritating about her?

  6. EVERYTHING. Everything is irritating about her. The little-girl hair accessories on a woman who is always going on about how high-class she is and thinks she's so sophisticated and is trying to get adult men to marry her (as opposed to Rocio, who also wears funny hair bows but they aren't as annoying on her because she's younger and has a generally more quirky style). The way she shows all her bottom teeth when she screeches. The way she was all velcroed to JM all the time. The way she is all fake-attached to her mommy and daddy yet she just met them.

    I really can't see Eduardo falling for her act; he seems to think she's ridiculous.

    I LOVED the wedding. It was nice that Marichuy dispensed with the pomp and circumstance, acted like herself, and was like, "let's just get married." It was a bit surprising that Mayita didn't attend.

    Thanks for the great recap, Gloria. Eye whisperer, indeed. Like our beloved shrink can EVER tell what anyone is thinking.

  7. That was a great recap, Gloria. I loved the line that Stef is looking for a new victim, er, man.

    Poor Mayita, left all alone in the house with the witch, Onelia. Maybe JM didn't want her to be at the wedding because he knows she doesn't like Marichuy. Can you imagine if she yelled out, "Yeah, I have an objection to this ceremony. My Mamita is still alive and I just saw her!


  8. Thanks for the recap Gloria.

    The wedding was lovely too bad the good times lasted less than a day. I don't think I've seen a novela where the main couple gets married so soon. Does this mean I have to suffer until the end to see them together again...Noooo!!

    Hombre - ITA with your assessment of novela love. Lovers always make these grand proclamations of love but at the first sign of trouble never tell the truth. I guess its so we can watch their love grow.

    When the two witches were hatching their newest victim, Eduardo, I thought of you Julia. ITA that he seemed to see right through Steph. I hope his niceness does not allow him to put up with her long.

    Yes Steph is annoying but as Beckster said if JM would be novio b/c I asked him, I'd ask and stick to him like glue.

  9. I was sad the writers couldn't let us enjoy some happiness a little longer--they need to up the happy to tragic/evil ratio a little to make the escapism more satisfying. Kudos to the director, though, for those long scenes of JM out in the wind with his shirt unbuttoned.

    The other day I was curious about the other roles the JM actor has played, and instead of looking on imdb like a smart person would have done, I just typed "william levy" into that very first image that pops up is seared into my brain and I just snicker when I look at him. Because apparently I am twelve. Still, though, if he'd be my novio just because I asked, I'd totally ask.

  10. Haha Julia that totally happened to me too. I too had to giggle when he would appear onscreen. At least it's something good that has been burned into our brains.

    It would absolutely suck if we all had to endure months and months of JM and Marichuy being separated before they got back together. My patience really gets tested when story lines go in that direction. Why can't people be happy and other people be happy for each other in these shows? I guess we would have nothing to watch if that was the case.

  11. I had images of William seared in my brain already from Acorralada, but you forced me to go look at these new photos. My retinas are now scorched.

  12. Full nudity would really have been LESS scorching and more safe for work.

    So did I hear Onelia say that Mayita would be gone by the time JM returned? I don't see how she could do that legally. Not that that will stop her. I loved the way Mayita was sassing her. Poor girl is going to develop a serious eating disorder if she spends much more time with that witch.

  13. We can't focus on what anyone does legally in this show. Consider the following improbable turns of events:

    Viv disappears: a mere weeks later, her husband remarries without her being declared dead

    JM and Marichuy marry in the church without lengthy pre-cana procedure.

    Pat and Ceci accept new daughter without DNA test. Judge Pat is such a measured jurist he will take away JM's daughter Mayita out of spite for how his own "daughter" was treated, instead of recusing himself as would be proper. Of course, it will all happen in a flash.

    Oh, don't forget Viv's lightning fast trip from Spain to Mexico.

  14. Maybe Viv was boinking some government scientist on the side, stole the super-secret teleportation device he developed, then offed him a la Bahama Boy. Works for me.

    Dang. Flying Monkeys everywhere last night.

    JM and Chuy could have been happy for a few days at least, while Padre put the screws to JM about telling the truth. That would have been some good tension interwoven with more bliss for us. Nah--let's have the girl finally remember a face on HER VERY FIRST NIGHT OF BLISS. I swear these scriptwriters have one part crap to two parts urine for brains.

    Chuy's going to run now, I'm guessing. We're done.

  15. Oh Julia! You made me do it too! Go look at illegally sexy pictures (or at least there ought to be a law) of William that is...

    NinaK, thanks for the list of illegal (some against the laws of physics or the Catholic church) activities. I was loosing count myself so now we can add to the list since medical ethics have certainly been breached numerous times by this too sexy for his own good shrink! Oh my aren't you glad you don't listen to all those people that say they couldn't watch those unintellectual telenovelas that rot your brain. Don't tell them that they also sear images on the back of your eyelids too, they will worry too much.

  16. Thanks for the recap, Gloria.

    Sorry, folks, if I MISTYPE some words because my fingers are all cut up. I have four or five bandages on my fingers.

    I like this episode. I recorded it because I have a feeling that all we will see are arguments up ahead on this road that they are headed. This is just the 32nd or so episode and they made 185 episodes. Thatis a long way to go for our lovers to get back together.

    Vivana, we know she is still alive playing whatever game with her friend in Spain. Or maybe she is going to stay and make herself known now that she is very short on money.

    I wonder what is going to happen now? If Vivana shows up and says I am home? Where will that put Marichiuy? Or the sypnosis say, Marichiuy will leave Juan Miguel and refuse to see him.

    Juan Miguel needs to clean up his own life with Vivana in or not. He will need help with Marichuy. She will not trust him now.
    I see that Marichuy saw his face as the attacker in her dream.
    It is getting more interesting to what is going to happened.

    I kjnow that I will watch.

    Did anyone hear the names of Vicente's parent? Their first names?


  17. Stephe, I like your teleportation idea. You never see much sci-fi in espanol--except to the extent that the entire telenovela Fuegos en la Sangre takes place on another planet.

  18. I forgot to mention how much I really liked the whole wedding arc. It was different, more natural, very realistic. My favorite scene was on the beach with Chuy and JM letting their hair down with their wedding finery still on. THAT is romance, in a nutshell, with the wedding night afterwards as the icing on the cake.

    Scenes with Stupid Skank Stephy (flying monkey #3) marrying JM would have been Stuffy, Stifling, Suffocating, and Stagnant. Not to mention boring.

    Okay, I'm going to ogle Levy on Google, if you insist. (Didn't have to twist my arm :-)

    Goodness, Genevieve! Are you all right?

  19. Good gracious almighty on a cracker!!! I've no idea if I'm have a hot flash or a HOT flash, just take me NOW.

    *yes, I have googled*

  20. Hahahahaha!!! Glad to spread the hilarity. A few long blinks for another look at the backs of my eyelids kept me alive in the boring meeting I just sat through all afternoon.

    Are you okay, Genevieve? What happened to your fingers? I've been trying to figure out the names of Vicente's parents but haven't heard them yet.

  21. At least Onelia had the honesty to admit to a beautiful bride (and dress) when she sees one! Oh man, this novela legality though - poor unsuspecting JM and MC! Hard to watch the wedding knowing somehow, someone is going to throw a wrench in things! I guess those nearly-shirtless scenes of Juan Miguel were a consolation prize for the writers' being about to blow everything up in our, I'll take it.
