
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

QE, Wednesday 11/5 (#95): Once again, Ernesto's is bigger

As previously reported by Ferro on Monday, Fafy tells friend Santiago that Dr. Bruno is a little worried about some pulmonary thing and wants to check it out, but Fafy's not too worried about that.

Also, Alonso and Ernesto agree that now that Zulema's awake, their war is back on. Yeah! Bring it, baby!! Ern reminds Slow of how he dumped Lorena when she needed him most. Slow replies, "this from someone who, as soon as things changed, took up with other women." Ern says he was never unfaithful; unlike Slow, who fooled around with Lorena's best friend. Slow says Lore dumped Ern for throwing his exes in her face. They both agree that they don't owe one another explanations, and that when one of them finally gets Lorena back, the other one had better disappear.

Ooooh, so romantic.

Lorena and Diana watch Zulema sleep and agree not to mention Omar just yet.

Bruno is telling Sara it's amazing that Fafy hasn't already kacked. She's getting impatient and tells Bruno to up his dose and kill him. He accuses her of wanting to kill people just for kicks (I think that's what he means). She's steamed that Lorena and Alonso are now free to get married - yet another win for Lorena. Bruno calls her "gatita" and teases her for being so jealous, but he's also annoyed to hear Alonso mentioned again. He wishes they could have stayed in Sydney. She says it's not her fault they came back, and says it was because of the old man's neumólogo (respiratory specialist). (Is that Bruno's specialty, or are they referring to someone else?)

Omar shows up at the hospital, wanting to see Zulema. Diana and Lorena are not cool with that and reproach him for having given up on her so readily. They don't want him to spoil the joy of her recovery with the bad news that he dumped her. They'll make something up to tell her for now. "I know I deserve it," he admits. Lorena agrees to let him call for updates.

Rosy is upset because she and her mother and Jaime can't locate Julian. The fact that he's not with the police, in the hospital or at the Red Cross, etc. doesn't make Rosy feel better at all. He must be out drinking, or maybe with another woman. He's turned into a stranger. Maruja tries to cheer her up and says that once Julian hears about Zulema's recovery, he'll quit his boozing.

Snorty and Diana discuss Bruno's recent attempt to visit Saulito. Diana is glad Snorty turned him away and said he'd better not come back. Diana observes that Snorty hates him as much as she does. Snorty says she heard him making fun of her when she was sick. He and Sara are filth.

Lorena comes in and asks if Snorty told Omar about Zulema. They wonder how he found out. They wouldn't let him see her. Snorty is indignant at first that they wouldn't let him visit his own wife, but stops herself and agrees, he made his choice and now he has to deal with it. Lorena worries what would happen if Zulema found out. She says they're going to have to tell Zulema a little white lie (mentira piadosa).

Sara thought-bubbles in bed about how much she hates Lorena and Alonso, while meanwhile she's stuck with this relic (vejestorio). Fafy wakes and says what a great night they had. Now he's ready for more. She tries to get out of it by offering to make him some breakfast, but first he wants his morning massage. (A "happy ending" is implied.) She halfheartedly kneads his shoulder with one hand. As Fafy moans happily, Sara wonders how much more she can take, and thought-bubbles that she needs to kill him and get Alonso back.

At the hospital again, Lorena and Diana wonder what's happened to Julian. Diana favors the theory that no news is good news, but is frustrated by his immaturity and supposes he's still drinking.

Zulema is happy to see them, but asks about Omar and Julian. Lorena says that Omar's traveling for work. He's constantly out of town. Right now he's taking some specialty courses. They haven't been able to get in touch with him, but they left a message at his hotel. He'll call back soon. They tell her Julian is also out of town, covering some event.

Zulema receives an arrangement of pink roses and purple carnations (I think) from Alonso, along with a gift - a scrapbook of Lorena's fame. It's newspaper clippings and such from Cooking With Extreme Hotness, er, I mean Cooking With Joy. They all love it. Zulema is proud of Lorena.

Greta gives Omar some headache pills. She's worried that he hasn't been to work. He says he's not sick - Zulema's come out of her coma. Greta is impactada, but recovers over the commercial break and says aw, what does he care? Z's no more use to him alive than dead. Omar is shocked by her coldness (what took him so long?) and says that's his wife. Greta corrects him - she's his woman now and they're in love, and it's swell for Zulema that she's getting better, but she's got nothing for Omar.

She asks if Omar's been to see her. He says Lore and Di wouldn't allow it. Greta is angry that he tried to see her without telling Greta and thinks the daughters did well not to let him in. He's got no business there. His life is now with her and her son. He shouldn't fret over Zulema; he should cheer up and then Z won't be a spectre between them.

Lorena and Diana tell Zulema that Paty was originally supposed to do the cooking show with Ernesto, but she got nervous and Lorena had to step in. And Paty is now Vasco's girlfriend.

Maruja and Rosy visit. Rosy starts to say something about Julian, and Lorena interrupts and repeats her fake story about Julian. She elaborates that he's somewhere in the mountains of Chihuahua, and they've tried to get a message to him, but the reception out there is really lousy.

Rosy flees the room. Lorena says she must not be feeling well and goes out to investigate. Ah, now I can believe this is the same actress who was Acacia in Destilando Amor - more crying. There's been no sign of Julian, it's like the earth has swallowed him up. She hopes he's been drinking, because the alternatives are worse.

More flowers arrive for Zulema. It's an arrangement of lilies in warm colors. Just like the last time the two men sent flowers, Ernesto's arrangement is more traditional (more Lorena's type) and bigger. Not that size matters. Ahem. Lorena says it's the war of the flowers. Hah. And of course there's a gift - Lorena's show with Ernesto on DVD. Lorena goes out in search of a DVD player. Zulema tells Maruja that she's aware that Lorena and Alonso broke up, and that Alonso came by yesterday to apologize about the operation, but she thinks it wasn't his fault. Maruja agrees, and says that now that Zulema's better, Alonso feels liberated. Zulema adds that he's going to fight for Lorena. Rosy says Ern's going to fight for her too, but ever since Zulema woke up, Lorena's not had much time for either of them.

Diana says that Lorena taught them all a great lesson, never to lose hope.

Lorena comes back with Valeria's laptop, so they can watch a DVD. Zulema notices that Lorena and Ernesto argue about everything. Rosy explains that their audience loves it. Zulema doesn't seem to understand, but Lorena says it's true, especially when they argue about Z's recipes. "He's not gonna tell me how to make those!" "But he's the chef - he could improve them!" Zulema protests. Aw, Mom!

Julian is boozin' it up, with a capital B, and that rhymes with P, and P stands for pool. Yeah, he's in the pool hall with an assortment of shady characters who say "swell" and "so's your old man." One loser introduces Julian to another loser and they decide to go to one of the losers' houses and drink some more.

Back at the hospital, everyone's teasing Lorena about her two boyfriends trying to curry favor with Zulema. Diana is on Team Ernesto, while Maruja favors Alonso. They think it's cute that Alonso watches the cooking show as a way to feel close to her. Lorena says maybe he just wants to learn how to cook.

Lorena calls Alonso to thank him for the gifts. He admits that he watched the cooking show as a way to feel close to her.

Next she calls Ern, who has been camping with the kids in a tent in his living room. She thanks him. After the call, Gina asks if Lorena will come see them. Ern says not yet, but soon, and forever!

Santiago, Sara, and Fafy wander around looking for some restaurant that Santi had recommended. It was there two months ago, but now it seems to be gone, building and all. Sara whines about all the walking. She's getting a blister, but that's forgotten when they come upon Snorty's old offices. "I used to work here." She wants a moment to herself.

Fafy asks Santi what he knows about the place. Santi tells him it used to belong to Hortensia Amendariz, "don't you remember her? She went to Club 2030 - really bad-tempered (encarada) but very good at business." Fafy doesn't remember her. Santi says it appears that the company went under.

Sara comes back from a chat with a guy at the door and says the building's going to be demolished - no chance of bringing back the business. She wants Fafy to stop them by buying the company. She'll help him run it. He has no interest in buying a catering company and says she's there to keep him entertained - not to work. "And when Fafy says no, it's no," Santi adds uselessly. Sara tells him to butt out! She begs Fafy to reconsider, but he dismisses the conversation so they can proceed to Santiago's alleged restaurant. He asks Sara if she remembers which foods Dr. Bruno said he wasn't supposed to eat. (It's the yummy foods, you dope!) She says nope. He tells her to call him and ask.

Barb is meeting with that client she's been interested in. The conversation becomes very friendly. Jaime overhears in the hallway. Barb indicates that she's interested in the guy's overtures, but wants to talk business first. He hastily concludes the business portion of their meeting and looks forward to later discussing their future "friendship." He leaves. Jaime comes in and teases her for her "public relations" skills. She admits she doesn't find the guy repulsive. Jaime says he seems okay, but not to get too hung up on him before she gets to know him, so she doesn't get hurt. She's the mother of his children, and still important to him.

Later that night, Sara visits Bruno in his room to complain that things aren't going her way. She tells him about the Amendariz building. Bruno's not surprised that Fafy doesn't see her as a businesswoman. Bruno is getting tired of hearing about Sara's petty vengeance. Sara says it's not just about Lorena, but also to have the most important catering company in Latin America. Bruno advises her to concentrate on inheriting Fafy's fortune. She demands his support. He says she's the one with all the "weaponry." She says it's getting more and more difficult for her to be around Fafy.

Bruno offers some consolation sex, but as he pulls her close he complains that she reeks of naftalina (camphor). She gets angry at his jokes. Then he laughs. She laughs and even snorts a little bit. Guess it's time for some hate sex.

Rosy's bummed. Still no word from Julian yet. Meanwhile, Julian's still drinking with his loser friends. The new guy comments that Julian drinks like a sponge. Julian gets up for another drink and spills stuff all over the table, ruining some papers one of the losers had been working on, and - oh, this is too funny, I totally did not recognize this guy. He's Chalo's old friend - the guy who did the forgeries. They brag about his illegal handiwork.

Sara goes back to bed. Fafy stirs and sees her still in her clothes, still pouting. She says she never denies him anything, but she's never asked him for anything until now. ("Efectivamente," he replies wryly.) He asks why she wants to work when he gives her everything? She basically says it's for self-esteem and to not be a burden to him. He says she's no burden, stop thinking that, and now he wants more sex. "Weren't you too tired?" He says nope, one look at her and he's recovered. Great.

Zulema's doctor says her exams went well, and she can go home tomorrow. Snorty comes by to visit. Zulema smiles apprehensively. Lorena goes into the hallway and calls Omar.

Snorty says she appreciates living with the family. She would have died alone. Life takes many turns. Now everything's different since Z's woken up. Snorty's happy for her and the family, but they made that decision without Zulema, and it's her house... over the last year, she's learned more than in the rest of her life about the family, she adores them. She feels indebted. Zulema urges her to stay; they'll have to take their time to "accept" one another, and eventually maybe even love each other. Snorty thanks Zulema for opening her home to her and letting her into her life.

Lorena comes in with Omar on the phone. He greets her as "Gordita" and goes along with the story about being on a business trip. He apologizes for being away. "I never should have left." She tells him he'd better give her a big hug when he comes back, and tell her how much he loves her. And hurry up about it.

With tears in his eyes, he tells her to take care and hangs up. Now Greta scolds him for crying in front of her and demands that he promise never to leave her. He doesn't promise anything!

It's morning. Fafy wakes Sara so she can wake him up his favorite way, with a "life injection." Ew. "You're tireless," she mutters. He asks, is that a compliment or a complaint? She sulks, she says she always has to pleasure him, she's his slave, but he never thinks of her, she's nothing more than his sex toy. She says he's mistaken her nobility for stupidity. He says no - he appreciates her virtues as much as his Swiss bank accounts. She says he's cutting off her right to enjoy a full life of her own. Pout pout.

Fafy says she's talking like a girlfriend he had in the 70s. (When she wasn't even born yet. Har, har.) She says fine, then dump her, and she'll get out of his life today.

Snorty and Jaime are having breakfast at some restaurant. They're worried what will happen when Zulema finds out about Omar. Here he comes now. She tells Jaime they need to be polite but firm with him. She then proceeds to chew Omar out. He says he had lost hope, but with Zulema's recovery, he's confused, sometimes he wants to go back to her, but Greta needs him too. Snorty tells him to deal with the consequences of his actions and sort out his feelings.

Sara tells Fafy her time at Amendariz was hell. Yes, she really slept in the pantry. (Once again, she confuses herself with Lorena.) They paid her so little she couldn't even afford to rent a room and she had just arrived from her old village. "So you want revenge." No, not revenge, she says. She just wants to show them how much she's worth. She, a simple potato-peeler, heading the most important catering company...

He agrees that Snorty is arrogant - what better punishment than for her to see her store in Sara's hands?

Now Sara's affectionate, except for the rolling eyes...

Beti and Toribio talk things over about Alonso... she thinks Ivan is planning something for his uncle to win over Lorena. "I hate him!" she complains. Tori says it's okay that they feel strongly about this, but that sounds ugly coming out of her pretty little mouth.

Beti admits she's also upset because Ivan has this friend Jorge, and he spends more time with Jorge than with her.

Ivan is with Jorge right now. Jorge says something about guitar practice. He asks if Ivan doesn't have to see Betina. "Sure, but I can see her some other time." After Jorge leaves, Gina says that Jorge seems more of a "novio" to Ivan than Betina does. Alex agrees - he's with Jorge all day.

Gina gets down to business - they're going to help their uncle get Lorena back. With a smug grin, she tells Ivan to listen...

Ern is watching one of their shows and talks to himself about how much he loves Lorena. She can't have forgotten all they've been through together.

Alonso meets with Doctora Serrano. He's coming back to work. They need him. He won't let her down. He greets Valeria with a big twirling hug and tells her he got his job back, starting today, and suggests they get something to eat. Valeria is happy. "It was just a hug," she reminds herself, and remembers he's still hoping to be with Lorena.

Fafi and Sara go to the former Amendariz Banquets building, and he says that luckily, the current owner is an old friend. She's going to get to see him negotiate. She says he's incredible. "Are you saying that for me, or for this deal?" Good one, Fafy! "If that's what you think of me, better not buy anything," she pouts. This seems to work.

Some flunky shows them into the building. Sara gets sulky and says she's overcome with nostalgia. Fafy promises that all of her sad memories will be converted into good things. She gets all grateful, but there's a flicker of contempt in her eyes for a moment as he releases his embrace.

The flunky introduces them to the seller as Fafy Cuenca and his wife. "Oh, she's not my wife, just my... you know." (Pal, you'd damn well better buy her this place now.) The seller describes the place as a monstrosity (armatoste) and he was going to knock it down and build a row of shops. Fafy says he's willing to take the risk of reviving the business. He tells the seller to name his price. The seller glances at Sara, probably realizing that this whole deal is meant to appease her...

Barb thanks Snorty for helping out with the menu for that client Barb likes. Snorty says she wants the event to go well. She says Barb has the right to remake her life. Now Barb wants to go look at some earrings.

Fafy thinks the seller's price is too high. He tries to talk him out of opening shops - there are already plenty of stores nearby, and the neighborhood doesn't need more. Seller says fine, he'll open apartments or something. Ha - now Fafy knows this guy doesn't have a firm plan. The guy says that's his price and his last word. Fafy says he though they were friends, oh well, and turns to leave. The friend tries to leverage the friendship to his own advantage, but Fafy reminds him of a night in 1994 when this guy came to his room on the edge of ruin, and Fafy helped him because he thought he was his friend.

Seller-friend looks a little uncomfortable that Fafy's mentioning this.

The earring-shopping is a bust. Barb can't afford even one earring with what she's making now. Snorty says she'll save money instead. They run into Santiago - he recognizes Snorty. He mentions some black-and-white ball they went to, where she wore an organdy dress, hand-embroidered in pink. (Yeah, Santi likes fashion, we get it.) He was there with some woman and Fafy Cuenca, now king of the jet set.

Fafy was once feverishly in love with Snorty, Santi claims, and Santi accompanied Fafy on many serenades to her. (Interesting, Fafy said he doesn't remember Snorty.) Barb is very amused by this. Snorty tells Barb that she barely remembers him. Santi says he and Fafy were talking about her yesterday. He's in town now and is here to stay. "Glad to hear it," Snorty says in an indifferent tone. Barb gives Snorty another amused look.

"Fine, you win," the seller-friend says to Fafy. They shake on it. "I have a company!" Sara thinks triumphantly.

Next time: It seems that Zulema's not the main attraction at her own welcome-home party.


  1. Julie, I am always very impressed at your keen comprehension skills. Way to translate the nuances of tonight's many conversations.

    "Life injection"...heh, that's pretty funny. Maybe Sara will inject him with something toxic and kill him, what irony. I wonder if she will actually help the business or just run it into the ground? Sara with all her eye-rolling and rapid sneering is quite a hoot. I'd like to see the actress in a comedic role. She seems to have great timing.

    "A capital B, and that rhymes with P, and P stands for pool"...that's too funny! How delightfully random your mind is Julie.

    Now that the incredibly hot Dr. Valeria is fantasizing about Alonslow I'm even more confident that Ern and Lor may end up together. Go Ernesto!

    I wonder what the deal is with Fafy and Snorty, they really don't seem to remember each other. Wasn't it Cheryl who mentioned their knowing each other would be a good plot twist? I would love to see those two go head to head, Snorty trying to destroy Sara and Fafy trying to keep her healthy for his life injections.

    Excellent recap Julie, thank you!!

  2. Hey Julie...I too loved the "Music Man/76 Trombones" reference as well as the "Cooking with Extreme Hawtness". Can't believe Lorena has stayed away from this guy for a WHOLE YEAR!!!!

    Actually Fafy seems to have forgotten a lot...Toribio, Hortensia and who knows what else. Evidently the old croc lives strictly in the moment. I'd say Sara is really earning her money with him....those early morning massages sound pretty depressing.

    Thanks for the translations, Julie, and the laughs.

    And jeez, that Omar is such a loser!

  3. Whoops...meant to say "Trouble in River City". Whatevah...those songs will be going through my head for the rest of the day...but that's alright...thery're great songs.

  4. Julie, what an excellent recap. Your summaries are always thoroughly enjoyable, beginning to end. "Ernesto's arrangement is more traditional (more Lorena's type) and bigger - not that size matters. Ahem". Amen.

    Ernesto and Alonso are really bringing it on, aren't they? The competeition is really heating up and it will be fun to see what creative ideas they will come up with in order to win Lorena back. I wonder what little Gina has in mind to bring her Tio and Lorena together?

    Sylvia, I was also happy to see Valeria is clearly interested in Alonso. Wonder how much longer Alonso will have his blinders on and be unable to see it?

    It was sad to see Julian's downward spiral continue.

    Sara continues to be a phoenix rising from the ashes. She will do whatever is necessary to survive and relentless in her pursuit of what she wants. I can't wait to see what and who brings about her downfall. Diana in MA

  5. Speaking of Julian, it was odd that he ended up with our old friend the forger. I wonder if this is some new side plot?

  6. Sylvia, it doesn't seem Querida includes information without a purpose. We knew Tori mentioning Valeria would lead to her return and it did. They showed this guy for a reason. As Sara's forgery was already discovered, I'm wondering if he could be a part of bringing Sara's murder of Chalo to light. I just hope the forger and his friend aren't going to drag Julian into mischief - he's got way more problems than he can handle already. Diana in MA

  7. Good point Diana. When Julian messed up the guy's papers I thought it was too bad Julian was so wasted, otherwise he might have seen something interesting or useful. But this could be a device for Chalo's murder to come to light.

  8. I figure that reintroducing the forger into the story marks Julian's chance to redeem himself. During some groggy moment of half-sobriety he might put some puzzle pieces together and realize that this is the guy who falsified Sara's papers. If the cops bring him in, he might try to bargain with some other useful information...

  9. Diana, that's a good point about Sara being the phoenix from the ashes (though you have to admit that Lorena's rebounded impressively as well). If the Sara character had been a good person rather than a bad one, she would have been a great telenovela heroine.

  10. Sorry, regarding that earlier remark about the cops bringing "him" in... I was referring to the forger. Hopefully Julian doesn't end up with a criminal record. He's already screwed his life up enough.

  11. I just realized that in places where I said "ever since," I probably should have said "until." It doesn't matter much, plotwise, so I won't lose sleep over it, but I've always had trouble with "hasta que" vs. "desde que." I know it doesn't make any sense. It's like how I always used to get Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro mixed up even though they don't look anything alike.

  12. Julie, Thanks for the artful recap. You really had us at the title. Too perfect! Too funny!

    I am glad they really are bringing Hortensia into the memory game. That means she, Fafy, Alonso's Dad (forget his name, oh yeah Torbio) and Fafy's little sidekick (memory not engaged this morning at all) all went to high school together. Maybe this will all come to light at the next reunion or homecoming game??

  13. I'm hoping that Fafy and his old school pals form a bridge club (or maybe canasta is more popular in Mexico) as a cover for their plot to smush Sara in a trash compactor.

    I take it that the reason Fafy doesn't remember Snorty or the girlfriend he stole from Toribio is that women are toys to him and not people. It took Sara a YEAR to get him to see her as something other than an amusing thing that gives sex in exchange for pretty clothes.

    So, I don't like Fafy much. I don't want him to be murdered, but I do hope he has some kind of epiphany.

    As for his memory in general... Santi remembers all of these old school stories in detail because it was (apparently) the high point of his life. Tori and Fafy and Snorty barely remember any of this because they moved on and got lives of their own.

    Poor Santi. I hope he finds someone nice to settle down with; but first he's going to have to learn how to talk about something besides Fafy Cuenca.

  14. Howdy =)

    Thanks for the awesome recap and Music Man references Julie ;) These days I'm spending more time in the loo (first trimester side effects) and often miss the stuff right after the commercial break. I was watching the Daily Show last night and completely missed the whole pet correspondent setup =(

    Back to the TN at hand, Sara said Bruto picked a Mexican "neumologo" for Fafy. Otherwise, they wouldn't have come back. By the by Julie, don't feel bad about mixing up DeNiro and Pacino. I mix up James Cagney and Danny Kaye all the time (my excuse is they were both before my time).

    I gotta say, Slow's flowers looked more like a topiary than a flower arrangement. The way some of them were on the bottom stuck in the greenery and the others were sticking from the top made them look like ceramic instead of real flowers. I gotta say, when I saw the scrapbook with clippings from the show, I had visions of Slow cutting Ern from all the pictures (kinda like when folks cut their exes out of photos they otherwise want to keep).

    I also hope the silver lining in Julian's binge is that he finds incriminating proof against Sara...provided he sobers up enough to find it.

    They dragged the Santi scene with Snorty too long already, but I hope he doesn't scram until he tells Snorty that Fafy's buying her old biz, and that he's doing it for his new little harem girl Sara! Then Snorty can plot Sara's demise, starting by making sure Fafy doesn't put her in his will.

    Cheryl, I don't think Snorty went to high school with the boys. It looks like she met Santi and Fafy later in life, at cocktail parties and social clubs and such.

  15. You guys are on the right track with Julian . However what you don't know is I have have privy to to some information which is not public knowledge. I hope by letting you know you will be able to keep it under hat.

    When Julian first went to the pool hall , before he was completely wasted,Horty's P.I. was searching for the forger hoping to get him to rat on Sara. He recognized Julian from the TV Show and thought he would be perfect for the job ,being able to discuss sports and thus averting any suspicion as to what he was really doing,

    Thus Julian went under deep cover,
    so deep he couldn't even let poor Rossy know, for fear his cover would be blown.
    The P.I. taught him that by munching cubes of Crisco he could coat his stomach ,rendering the alcohol virtually harmless .
    You have to agree his acting was perfect , he had you all fooled!

    So please , I beg you don't let this get out till the P.I. can finish the job.


  16. Julie, I like your take on Santi. He obviously needs to get himself a life and a raison d’être (I think that's how you spell it) besides following Fafy around when he it suits Fafy to grace Santi with his presence and spending the rest of the time praising the guy.

  17. I like your thinking Mark! Why can't you be on the writing staff??!!

  18. Margarita, I don't understand Spanish.


  19. Margarita, Am I correct that there will be the patter of little feet in two more trimesters?? Congrats! Your first?

    Julie, excellent recap. We missed the show but you are so good, we could "see" what was happening.
    --Emilia, using Mike's i.d.

  20. Oooh! Somebody's havin' a baby! Congrats, Margarita! And thanks for clearing up the confusion about the respiratory specialist.

    You know what - a guy can't breathe through a pillow. I don't know why this hasn't occurred to Sara.

  21. Congratulations Margarita - wishing you and yours the best. Diana in MA.

  22. Thanks for the witty recap Julie. I remain hopeful that Ernesto will be the winner in this race.

    Congratulations Margarita!! I hope everything goes smoothly with you pregnancy.

    I have to admit I'm not a huge fan of the heroine having to pick between two men (or vise versa). I like the one true love and then the other being the wrong partner.

    I guess it may have to be Don Torbio who lets Dr. Slo know he needs to look in Val's direction.

    Santi is annoying but I too hope he's there to tell Hortensia/Barbara about Fafy buying the business and Sara la Bruja.

  23. What I really hate is when a romantic triangle is resolved with someone's death, as just happened in FELS with the death of Rosario. It's a cheat relieves the person of deciding between one or the other, but the "winner" will always wonder how things would have turned out otherwise. Cheat cheat cheat.

  24. Congratulations Margarita, that's great news!

    Mark, your tone was so serious you had me believing you for a second.

    Rosario died? Too bad, I really liked her, she was way over the top.

  25. Yep, Rosario's dead. Now Franco doesn't have to pick. It's just as well. I don't think he even picks out his own shirts. I think he lets his brothers dress him.

  26. Thanks for the excellent recap, Julie . Great title. So I guess that little name dropping chatterbox Santiago is somehow going to let Horty know that Fluffy bought her business for Sara. I think Omar is going to go crawling back to Zully if he can pry himself out of that death grip that Regreta has on his soul and parts of his anatomy. .... Will Zully emerge pounds lighter ??? I'm sure the actress has been padded all these weeks.

  27. Franco's such a wimp. Rosario was too much woman for him, her womanhood would have killed him eventually. I traded FELS in for Doña Barbara but will probably watch the last week or so.

  28. Zulema was definitely wearing a fat suit before the non-surgery... sometimes it would ride up and bunch awkwardly around her clothes. (Same thing happened to Martha in LFMB.)

    Last week, when Felipe (long-lost coworker from the restaurant) showed up at Maruja's company, he said Monica was nastier than ever. Kind of makes me wonder if we're ever going to see Raimundo, Monica, et al again.

  29. Congratulations , Margarita !!!! What great news. Cap'n Sylvia ~~~I agree Rosario was over the top as were her ginormous bazoomys over the top of her tops . I love Ediardo and Adela , but Fuego has become painful to watch. I, too, have been surfing over to Dona Barbara on the nights Dancing with the Stars isn't on . [Have you been watching it , Sylvia ??? ''Go, Warren!!!''...That big man can move.]

  30. Congratulations Margarita, now we have your baby and the Ferro families new baby coming. Anyone else out there waiting to surprise us in CarayCaray land?

  31. Susanlynn, I've been watching intermittently. Warren is my favorite too. That guy can move!

  32. Hello guys ;)

    Thanks for the good wishes. Yes, it is our first bundle and we just recently started "telling." Not due 'till the end of May. Funny thing, some weeks ago someone was sick (I think it was a stomach flu) and inadvertently gave me my first tip for morning sickness (and I can't help but wonder what joker called it that when it lasts all day!!!) - Eating. Alas, remedies work on some days and not on others, but I will gladly take any and all tips ;) So far I've got crackers, regular food, ginger ale, Hawaiian Punch, limiting pure water and spicy foods (easier said than done, particularly when I keep craving spicy things!).

    Mark, I think we occasionally wonder if some of the writers for these TNs understand Spanish ;) I kid, sometimes they're great, but other times you wonder if original ideas are allowed.

  33. Margarita, congrats on the baby! Sorry I'm late with this - I'm a day behind watching the show (I always make sure to watch every day once we get to Ultimos Capitulos) so I don't want to read the recap and spoil it. I hope you and your husband are as excited as my wife and I are. Our little girl is due around new years, your baby will be lucky enough to not have to share a holiday with his/her birthday!

    I don't have any extra sickness tips for you, my wife just gagged a lot, not really actually getting sick. after a month or so it just got better on its own, I just remember her eating a lot of crackers.
