
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fuego, Wed., Nov. 12: You can take the girl out of the Tijuana brothel, but you can’t take the brothel out of the girl.

Ah, thank you CherylNewMex. It’s worth mentioning that I just got back from a six-hour dress rehearsal and what do I do? Talk with my parents, make a trip to the fridge, hit the sack? Nope, I run for my laptop and warm up my DVR. Let this be a testament to my undying dedication to my beloved friends, assumed family and loyal readers. This recap, containing whatever is left in me, is dedicated to you.

I don’t want to steal Cheryl’s thunder, but I just have to comment on the “caught-in-the-rain” sex scene. What really turned me on wasn’t the wet Sofia, or the spooky environment, but Juan trying to lighten the mood by sneaking up on her. I haven’t seen and adult male hurdle hay ever since the former Juan tried to, pardon the expression, roll around in the hay with Sofia. All in all, I’m just glad that little pieces of hay were there to cover Juan’s nether regions. And I must say, the cocks pecking around behind Juan were certainly suggestive, if not offensive to our more conservative audience—you know who you are. Of course, my pilot light went dim when Juan mistook Sofia’s face for the Sofia bread and practically annihilated her face in an attempt to satisfy his hunger, confusing desires of the flesh with desires of the food.

Ah, the ever-mentioned Root. Should have known she was a bitch. But you know our Eva, Prima Donnas are her thing. Don’t touch her, don’t touch her! But I’m your mother. I don’t know you from Adam, Eva. Now get out of here. Ah, my Root. It’s that tender moment when a mother discovers her daughter for the first, I mean second time. Let’s just hope Eva hasn’t refocused her love for Rosario on the illusive Root, talk about setting yourself up for defeat.

I just want to say that if someone had turned on Univision during this experiment in natural love, I am sure that they could have mistaken it for an adult film, as in the types that you can only get behind the curtain at blockbuster. Anyway, speaking from experience, lying on hay is not comfortable, must less when it makes direct contact with your skin and other external organs. One stray piece and, well, let’s save that for cable.

Anyway, Gabi gets it in her pretty little head that Fernie killed Libia. I’m impressed; I was so betting on never, but wow. So Gabi is off to find proof, but Root interrupts. I should have known; like bitch mother, like bitch daughter.

Eva is a basket case and cries to Pad Tad that there was a Root party in town and she wasn’t invited. No, you will not blame yourself, if anybody is to blame, it is I. We love Pad Tad for his selfless, obsequious ways. God must have wanted it to be like this. Regardless, Eva tells him how elegant, and nice, and beautiful Root is. Yes, Eva has a stigmatism and hearing problems. Sure Root’s a little rude, but who isn’t? The important thing is that she’s my daughter, and now I can worry/complain about someone to others again.

So Juan Reyes, P.I. takes old Capricho into the forest in a desperate attempt to remember who attacked him and why. I’d say he has better chances at asking his bread pan to lead the way, but hey, I’ve seen enough of this show to shut up and watch. Anyway, I’m having Budweiser commercial flashbacks when they show Capricho running aside Juan in a Rocky-esque sort of way. What I like about this show is that it gives character to our mammal friends and develops their intricate and fascinating personalities before our very eyes. I wonder; will this horse be in Maybelline commercials, why else would the camera pan to his voluminous, long, and beautiful eyelashes? Well, for whatever reason, Capricho stomps his left foot three times and that means feeding time. Err, well, to Juan that means; “this is where Fernando and his cronies came that night to attack you.” Good boy, Capricho. I always knew this horse would be the first full-bred president.

Gabi explains to Root that Fernie is the hottest hottie around, yet Sofia wasn’t woman enough to handle him. Root doesn’t understand how anyone could resist such luscious love handles and excellently-installed hair plugs. Gabi reasons that he loved her [Gabi], and that’s why they shacked-up all those times. I mean, how could she resist his caring touch. Isn’t it scandalous? Nope, nothing is scandalous to me, because I’m a badass, says Root. You can pretty much tell that this one has been around the block a time or two. I just knew the leather gloves meant she was Tijuana Cartel material. Gee, I sure wish my mommy were like you, reflects a pensive Root.

Inventory looks a little high over at the Goodwill Shelter for Elizondo’s Resold Shit. That can only mean that it really is shit that no one wants. Anyway, the girls remark that Sofia went to the “special place” and giggle. Sofia enters and is practically a new woman in old clothes. She wants to show them exactly where and how Juan touched her. The girls jump at a chance to fulfill their sexual desires vicariously through their sister. It’s a sad day when the only chick in town getting any is Sofia. But, it just goes to show you, there is someone for everyone. When in doubt, hit up your local Goodwill or great-great grandmother’s closet and start dressing like Sofia.

Eva doesn’t have the balls to talk to Gabi alone so she takes Pad Tad with her. So Gabi’s been harboring Root from Eva all this time and Eva wants answers. Dr. Gabi believes Eva is unfit for motherhood, and Gabi figures that a fourth time’s a charm, so what the hell? Pad Tad is just here for the coffee and some basic intermediation, so why should he tell her what to do? The point is, I now understand why anyone and everyone related to these three people in any way are in such unstable positions. Gabi then convinces Eva that Root has been happy heretofore, so why disappoint her by letting her in on the secret? As you know, Eva can win her affection. Eva wouldn’t know charm if it smacked her in the face, and believe me, she’s taken some pretty serious blows. Pad Tad feels like he should say something, so he reminds us how to pronounce “Ruth” and feeds us the “it’s Root’s choice, not yours” line. Well, God, Eva, you’re not only naïve, but you’re also an idiot. How dare you think love could conquer all? I’m just glad that Pad Tad is still backing Eva. They threaten that one day Root may not want Gabi to be her mommy. Gabi might have a cow.

The girls make a visit to the orphanage. Sarita looks upon the nuns with tenderness and yearning. To know that she, too, might have been a nun brings tears to her very eyes. Of course, Sofia still doesn’t know why she has a seemingly natural attraction to the baby who in so many ways resembles Juan. This brings new meanings to turning a blind eye to the writing on the wall.
Bad Ass Root sits with her feet on the bed. She can’t get over Sofia shacking up with Juan. It doesn’t matter, look at all the times she humped his legs and grinded her body on his. Sure she’s dominant and a little risqué, but it pays the bills. In fact, she likes a little competition, but in the end she knows that winning over Juan will be easier than taking away Sofia’s baby. Remember; you poke Sofia and she puts herself in intensive care for three months; tell her she was cheated on, she goes ape shit on us.

Gramps spies on Root, and she likes the attention; hey, she’ll do anything. So she goes to his room and does a little flirting. Putting her boots on his bed was the kicker. Honey, he’s over age and in a wheel chair. Gramps explains his spying tactics and Root puts herself at his feet and promises to be his first and only General. She knows how to please a man. Oh my God. Root positions her voluptuous body so that Gramps can check out her…assets. Talk about tacky and desperate. You can take the girl out of a Tijuana brothel, but you can’t take the brothel out of the girl. Gramps doesn’t really know what’s going on, and asks himself why Root doesn’t like her aunt.

Eva bumps into Root, pretty little midriff and all. Pad Tad makes a go at an introduction but Root doesn’t touch, remember? That’s not what she was suggesting earlier with the little dances. Anyway, Taddy goes off on some rant about priestly matters and Root stops him to mention her “I only believe in what I see” religion. That’s funny; I only believe half of what I see. Something tells me we wouldn’t get along well. Pad Tad is deeply troubled by her atheism, and asks her how she would react to an ever-loving father in heaven. She yawns and tells the guy to shut up already. Suddenly I like her even more. Sofia comes in with all the orphans and consequently ruins the tender moment Gabi was having with her pretend daughter Root. Sofia takes the kids upstairs, but Root hates kids, so that won’t work. Then Root gets a letter saying her father is ill. Pad Tad doesn’t understand the incestuous relationship between Root and her father, and Gabi explains that if he knew Ricardo he would understand.

I’m gonna say this so as not to offend anyone: Regarding the boxing scene—WTF?

All the nuns are more than happy to get the kids out of their able hands. Gabi is about to go drown them all. Sofia talks to Pad Tad and Eva about breaking the news about Root. Everyone agrees that her father has been a bad influence, and that’s why she hates Eva. Seeing that Root’s father is ill, she wants to tell her that she’s her mother before she never comes back.

Sarita and Jimena are practicing being Franco’s and Oscar’s wives, respectively. It is so much fun to pretend with other people’s kids. My question is, if you have so much fun with these orphans, why not adopt them. I mean, you already feel like their mothers.

Who walked in on whom? Well, the point is, Root is naked and in the shower, and Fernie is checking her out. Two words: fresh meat. And from the looks of things, nothing on that woman is fresh, or ever remotely so. He ponders her existence and background. After seeing Root naked, Fernie feels a special connection to her. Root feels the need to tell Gabi about Fernie seeing her as “God brought her into the world.” That’s funny; I didn’t think she believed in God. Anyway, Gabi is jealous, but not really. Gabi tells Fernie how Sofia’s real daughter is upstairs in Sofia’s lap; what trouble! Not really, seeing the kid won’t know her mother for another thirty years or 100 episodes—whichever comes first.

Tomorrow: The blood calls. Juan is investigating the backgrounds of all the orphans. Something very curious is about to happen. I feel like I got the shitty episode of the week. Oh yeah, I’m sorry if any of this is vague, but they are all over the place tonight on this show. Well, Beckster, you can take it all. I don’t want any more.


  1. Nickster, you are always a treat to read, even when you're comatose with fatigue. Enjoyed every bit of your recap and am actually enjoying the show now that bad-a** Ruth is on the scene.

    The best part for me, though, was that you talked to your parents when you got home! Beckster, you gave away a treasure.

  2. Thanks for hilarious recap, Nick. I haven't watched this for a while, but I stuck it out for half, since I wanted to see the new character Root. Which is worse--Juan talking to his horse or himself? He gets more comprehension from the horse.

  3. Nickster: Pure genius of a recap. Agreed - WTF on the boxing scene? Maybe the writers thoughtthey were giving us too much serious stuff and that we needed comic relief that just isn't funny.

  4. Thanks for the recap Nickster. I missed this episode due to a migraine. Will watch it tonight because FELS isn't on due tot he Grammys. Root is quite a "girl" isn't she? (And I use that term loosely. Which of course she is--loose.) I'm sorry I missed Capricho. He's my favorite character at the moment.

  5. Thanks for the reCrap, nickster. Great snark, and I luuuurve the title. I missed this episode and won't have time to watch the video.

    "You can pretty much tell that this one has been around the block a time or two."
    Yep. Rode hard and put up wet, one too many times.

    "After seeing Root naked, Fernie feels a special connection to her." Well, duh!

    judyb - Beckster did not give him away. They're all the tragic victims of a baby swap. I'm counting on Capricio to return Nickster to Beckster, right after he figures out the DNA on the orphans in Mexidoom.


  6. Thanks for the inciteful and snarkful 'cap, Nick. It really was a shitty episode, and you did it justice. I haven't been able to watch for several days- has that Root been this bad since her intro?! No me toque, rubbing against Juan like the perra she is, and putting her boots on every bed in the house. Is she marking her territory? And all the other goofy stuff- the boxing scene-WTF?; the punching bag Eva going to Crabi; the hermanas Elizondo taking the huerfanas into the danger of their wacked-out hacienda; Juan, the horse whisperer, extracting info from Capricho...Gawd, what's next?

  7. Thanks for the recrap, Nick. Missed the whole enchilada last night but it sounds like it was a mess. Another night of bad editing, eh?

    Feo does Slowfia. Feo does Crabi. Feo does Racqui Raccoon. Next up the in the batter's box: hmmmm....who do you suppose? I think Crabi will kill Feo & Root when she catches them doing the horizontal boogie in her Hacienda de Horrors. (no spoilers...only fantasizing about Feo's ultimate demise, which can't come soon enough) Then in a fit of jealous rage, Crabi flings her horny old self at Juan (sweating away in the fields of crabgrass) who spurns her twisted attempts at seduction. She flees the scene, trips on a rock, lands face first in a Caprichio pie, picks herself up & runs right off the cliff of doom.

    The end.


  8. "Capricho pie!" I love it. That would be awesome. And then Mariachi could come over and lift his leg on her! Too funny.

  9. Capricio pie - ROFLOL!

    dorado dave - ya know, I thought it looked like she was marking territory, too, just like the females on Meerkat Manor!


  10. Connie, after Mariachi lifts his leg on Gabbi, a flock of birds fly overhead and drop some bombs on her.
    Capricho is too smart. He was trying to tell Juan about the waterfall by stomping in the puddle.

  11. Can you just give us a straight-forward recap for once? I use this sight as a tool to understand Spanish, and I am tired of reading about your opinions and stupid anecdotes. It isn't cute, and it isn't funny.

  12. Anon 10:49 - sorry you don't enjoy this "sight" but there are more than a few of us who love it & find it extremely witty. You should probably look elsewhere for straight forward recaps if you don't enjoy these.


  13. There's always Rosetta Stone for those who want to learn a language!

  14. I can't believe someone would complain about the humor & @ times shear genius of your recaps. However, I have to ask, am I the only one who is smitten by the lovely Ruth? For this old fart , she is the sort of thing dreams {perhaps a bit naughty} are made of. Please keep the snarky recaps coming. Thanks again! Carlos

  15. Thanks, Nick for that great recap . I appreciate your time and trouble as I appreciate the efforts of all the excellent recappers who donate their recaps without any reward.

  16. I must say that i'm liking Sarita's new hairstyle. She has loosened up a bit. Don Agustin spying on Ruth in the elevator is just priceless. She seems to be the only one who knows he was watching. The other people that Don Agustin watches never seem to know they are being observed.

    Let's give Ruth a new name, Root 'No me toque' Uribe. It is common for people who have suffered some form of physical or sexual abuse to not want to be touched. There is a high chance she was a victim of some form of abuse if she seems so uncomfortable.

    Don't you like how everything happens at the foot of the stairs? Eva and Padre Tadeo with Gabi in tow meet Ruth, then Sofia and the girls come in with the triplets. A second later, Rosendo rushes in with the telegram about Ricardo Uribe. The only thing left is to have hermanos reyes march in.....

    Poor Ruth everytime she tries to walk out the door, someone comes in. Hahahaha.:)

    I like when Fernando walks in Ruth taking a shower..... And stares for a long time without trying to pretend he is not watching...The look on his face is priceless when Ruth says that he is Gabi's husband and Sofia's ex-Husband. He probably has met his match with her in outsmarting people. The bastard then resorts to looking at her luggage to see who she is..

    You guys just have to love Ruth calmly telling Gabi that he was watching her in the shower. And the very impactada look on Gabi's face. Heh. I'm surprised Gabriela did not slap Fernando. Good times.


  17. Carlos, I love all the lovely girls in Fuego, But Ruth definitely intrigues me and turns me on to the detriment of our female majority here. ;) She is a wild stallion. Definitely got my full attention. I Like Rosario and Sarita a lot too. I think I like Maracuya the least among the girls there. Though I still like her a little bit to say i like her.

    I agree with everyone here WTF was that Quintina boxing scene?!?! Personally they should remove the idiotic Quintina Comedy scenes and any scene involving the 2 old maid sisters who are friends of Gabi's. For aristocrats, those two are sure tacky.
    I don't even see what the point is in having the spinsters in the story. They make no sense in the plot.

    Who do you think has the best bare midriff? Jimena,Rosario, Maracuya or Ruth?

    Has anyone seen a picture of Natalia in the internet at all?


  18. I love the idea of transporting Grissom from Las Vegas to Serdan to solve all these mysteries, but I don't think a guy like him could exist in a place like Mexidoom. It'd be like mixing matter and antimatter.

    PS to 10:49: Yes, some of us probably could write that kind of recap. We just don't want to.

    Offer to put up some money, and you'll surely find someone to write you any kind of recap you desire.

  19. I'm confused...(ok, no comments or eye rolls please)...Root doesn't want to be touched but she has NO problem touching/grabbing/caressing/leg wrapping/sidling/rubbing/bumping/grinding other people?

    Ruh roh...beanie time!

  20. Wow! If you don't like the site why choose to read it? Nicks recap did cover everything that went on, he just added his own special brand of fun to it and as usual was brilliant!

    When the boxing scene began I thought of WWF and the Fabulous Moola. The Q scenes are tired and uninteresting!

    And Ruth has total porno music for her theme. I keep waiting for her to order a pizza just to jump the delivery boy!

  21. Nickster:
    Of course a most wonderful recap...
    Yeah the boxing scene was a WTF moment.

    I think those freakish "comic" scenes are inserted to keep the entire population of Mexico and three months later 10% of the US population from hanging themselves in a mass suicide due to the theme of "God doesn't care", ie. All the good people suffer and the bad continue with no remorse. I personally think it has little to do with God and much more to do
    with Pad Tad thinking he is gonna score big time with the big guy, if he can convert the mass murdered. It is like better to let one innocent man go free than to convict a hundred guilty. Moron

    Nickster I am so grateful, (in a Helene Rojo) type of way..that even though you have been raised by fine fine people...the evil snark comes out. Ah blood will tell. I was gonna come and get you after graduation for a life of snarking crime..however it would benefit both of us, if we let your "Parents" send you to college. I will stand for nothing less than Harvard. It better be at least Yale or I will go all Eva on their Asses.

  22. Anon 10:49,
    Say, who chews your food for you?
    Wipes your Ass & has sex with your significant other?

    Get them to translate for you and skip the reading.

    Why would you want to learn Spanish? Why inflict you on those people?

    Leave my boy alone.

  23. Quintina is practicing her licks for next time she runs into Root! :o

    Anonymous, I kind of agree that this site isn't too helpful to someone trying to learn Spanish, but this one just begs for it. The recrappers do much better when the novela has a little more going for it.

    Capricho is my fave character!

  24. Anon 10:49- you are definitely on the wrong site. The heading on the home page pretty much sez it- it is a mocking and sarcastic site. Don't expect something other than that mission statement. At least you aren't complaining about a little coarse language, 'cause that would envoke the wrath of all these otherwise decent people that blog here. Good luck finding something more instructive, and leave us to our own devices...

  25. BTW, I noticed that last night there were at least 15 minutes of kissing scenes with no dialogue at all, and that was just in the half I watched.

  26. ninak - the writers probably ran out of dialog ideas like... Sofia lines, Juan lines, Eva lines, etc. or else their break ran over-time.


  27. Ninak..
    I thought the same thing, which was a complete repeat of the night before. Is it cause Juan and Sofie are so lame, that better to just let them mack it up, than actually speak.

    Of course we are treated to the patent Anvil phrases. I will love you forevah & evah & evah...
    I love you...No I love you I love you more. You are the only _______________ for me forevah. Insert word, woman, man, horse, psycho killer...whatever.

  28. I, too, watch these telenovelas and read the recaps in an attempt to improve my Spanish, but I like to think I can appreciate the humor in the recaps as well (though She Who Must Be Obeyed claims I have no sense of humor ....).

    Anyway, my question for the day is, didn't Feo TELL Crabbie that he'd killed Libia back before they got married? (I remember thinking at the time that it was the first big mistake I'd seen Feo make.) Or is my Spanish even poorer than I though it was?

  29. I, too like Root, as bad as she is. Of course, now that she told Padre Tad she doesn't believe in God, you know she'll be toast by the end of the show.

    Nick, I liked how you described Ruth's comments to Eve as "I don't know you from Adam, Eva"!

    As for the best bare midriff, I'm voting for Jimena, although they all look good.

    My prediction for Feo's next victim - "Dr." Gomez.

  30. GrumpyJim, I do think Feo told Crabi he killed Libia. I think last night Crabi wasn't guessing that Feo killed Libia, she was recalling it, and deciding to use it against him, but needed some hard evidence.

  31. We usually have a "word of the day." That's educational (at least for some.)

  32. Isn't that just like Cindybin's spies to sabbotage my recap?! Because I respect Melinama and this website, I dare not utter what I am thinking. I will merely say this: I wasn't aware that I was responsible for teaching you Spanish; maybe if you pulled out whatever you have shoved up your ass you'll learn a little better. My suggestion is to attend community education classes at the Y. Though, with my mother I say; why unleash you on millions of other Spanish-speaking people?

  33. I second the Dr. Gomez prediction. His goose will be cooked pretty soon I'm guessing. Will anyone really miss him though? I'm sure Feo will write some kind of stupid letter blaming something or other on him. (We can only hope.) :-}

  34. Now for my nicer readers;

    Thank you for your support. Especially you, mama; thank you for making the bad man go away.

    If I go to Princeton do you promise not to disown me?

  35. We love our Nickster and his Protecter Mom, the Beatific Beckster. Take note all would be detractors that not only is Nickster surrounded by the protection of BB, but also CherylNewMex and beware the bite of the wild WillaNewMex.

    I so enjoyed your snarkyass take on this Nickster. So much to laugh about when the plot is this silly. But, I loved DoradoDave's 11 or 12 line synopsis which so brilliantly sums up what happened and how WTF it all was for this episode. And thanks to all the supportive men on this blog. I think Rootless Ruth has brought a much needed dimension of real sex appeal to these proceedings. Long live slutty characters! Willa thinks her bitch-in-heat routine is highly accurate.

  36. Thanks for the recap Nick and go Tigers (Crimson and the Bulldogs are lame)!!

    Thanks you regular commenters as well. I get some many laughs here.

  37. Nickster, the fun is in reading the summaries that you and all the dedicated, selfless recappers do.

    Obviously I can't speak for others but quite a bit of Spanish I've picked up is in large part due to the helpful vocabulary and explanations the recappers provide.

    So, thanks again. Diana in MA.

  38. I adore Ruth. I mean, she's awful and everything, but she's also making things interesting. For example, finally she got Sofia to take some interest in Juan.

    And I can't wait to find out what her problem is with Sofia. What did Sofia do to her? Ruth always acts like she's unflappable, but apparently Sofia flapped her good.

  39. Thank you much, Cheryl. It's good to have kind, funny people like you around this crazy blog.

    And thanks again to all my supportive readers.

  40. Nick, bad boy writing a recrap without going to the fridge first for a snack!
    However you pulled it off, though, it was brilliant.
    I looooved the Capricho scenes, the closeups are fantastic...and Capricho does NOT need the aid of mascara to look fabulous!
    And, I love Root! She's Evil but with a snarky sense of humor. Now THAT's fun telenovelavision.

  41. I suppose there are two parts to this telenovela.

    Part 1 Rosario Montes-The beginning of the saga to tragic end.
    Part 2 Ruth Uribe-Revelation from the past to final redemption.


  42. Ok, I have to admit it, I kind of like Root too. It's hard not to laugh a little because she is so over the top and she does spice things up a bit. The best part is watching the other actors react to her. They try so hard not to laugh.

  43. I guess there were no water related/naked boys/bath in a bucket scenes last night. Big Sigh........

  44. Not only can this site improve your Spanish comprehension, it can improve your sense of humor, as well ! Ruthless Root reminds me of a friend of mine from high school...Shout out to Mary Jane...a very pretty girl who blew in like a hurricane to our sleepy rural community and turned all the boys' attention to her. [She never said ''Don't touch.''] My aunt was wise and advised me to become friends with her...that was a smart idea and provided a couple of interesting years in my educational history. I spent a lot of time saying , ''Mary Jane, I don't think that'a a good idea.'' The bad girl certainly got good girl Sofia to forgive Juan in a hurry after a year of crying and refusing him. Maybe Sophia stole Root's Onetruelove in the 9th grade at Mexidoon High and Root has never forgiven her.

  45. Maybe Sofia ratted Root out for smoking in the outhouse!

  46. The recaps are fine, it's the comments (especially from the recappers) that I find childish to say the least. Someone makes a negative remark and all 20 regulars have to post a nasty reply. Just because you don't get paid doesn't grant you rights to talk to people as if they are dogs. You all volunteered, if you don't care to continue for free, then quit. But don't think that we are going to kiss ass just to get a free read.

  47. Your objection is duly noted for the record.

  48. I've been away for the afternoon but am amazed that anyone could take offense, and voice it, at Nickster's wonderfully intelligent and funny recap.

    Dear Anonymous don't need to learn Spanish, you'd be better off learning relationship skills. Come back and join us when you've mastered those. And when you're mature enough to sign your comments with your real name.

  49. Judyb It's really funny that you think anyone would leave the blog at the order of someone like yourself. Why don't you guys either make this a reader friendly place or close it down. I know that I can count on you to keep this shit going. So, please respond. I'm bored and need someone petty to communicate with. PS: My real name is ANON

  50. ANON. please take your meds. G in CA

  51. Nic, thanks so much for your dedication and your stupendous snark. Thanks to each recapper for bringing a smile (at the very least) to our days.

    For our anonymous complainers: This is a take-it-or-leave it site. Our blog mom and recappers provide this site and its contents out of love and appreciation for the telenovelas. Our input usually tends toward the sarcastic and rowdy side, 'cause that's just the kind of people we are. We release you, with no harm, to find another site that suits you better.

    Capricho leading Juan was too funny. What a thankless job that horse has. I wonder if Quintina has a certain amount of "comic relief" written into her contract. The boxing scene was puzzling, until you consider the no-brain writers. The shower scene with Root and Feo was just classic.
    La Paloma

  52. Nic, thanks so much for your dedication and your stupendous snark. Thanks to each recapper for bringing a smile (at the very least) to our days.

    For our anonymous complainers: This is a take-it-or-leave it site. Our blog mom and recappers provide this site and its contents out of love and appreciation for the telenovelas. Our input usually tends toward the sarcastic and rowdy side, 'cause that's just the kind of people we are. We release you, with no harm, to find another site that suits you better.

    Capricho leading Juan was too funny. What a thankless job that horse has. I wonder if Quintina has a certain amount of "comic relief" written into her contract. The boxing scene was puzzling, until you consider the no-brain writers. The shower scene with Root and Feo was just classic.
    La Paloma

  53. Sorry, didn't mean to post twice.
    La Paloma

  54. well, I don't comment often; I prefer a quiet chuckle to myself, but I had to put in my 2centavos here. What a pity the trolls had to surface on this blog. First we had cuss-word nazis and now this. For heaven's sake. The degree of snark is in direct proportion to the complete idiocy of the novela. And we are wallowing, nay, drowning in idiocy here, folks. A strong antidote is required and we are fortunate indeed to have the likes of Julie/Kris, Chery&Willa, CalamityCakes and the two "-sters" as well as some pretty clever writing from others. Muchas gracias a todos. And don't feed the trolls!

  55. Hear, hear, Agnes.
    Now, I have been telling my sister about this novela for a looong time. She didn't get Univision but I'd update her from time to time, especially when there was a shower scene! (Shout-out to Molly, Connie).She was here for a visit last week and watched with me, and now--She's hooked! But best news; she poked around down there in Orange County and found Univision shows carried by another network. She is following along pretty good, speaking no Spanish. I told her to check out Caray!Caray!

  56. I have followed La Fea and three others, the last being pasion. I have seen many of the same recappers off and on doing the recaps and I have love the recaps. I spend abut 10 hours a week for the past 3 years learning spanish. I read it, sing it and talk it but have an aweful time understanding. I appreciate so much the recappers and the fun way in which the novelas are recapped. I am a mental health therapist and it is unbelieveable how therapeutic this can be, listening to all the thoughts about all the behaviors we witness and how observant everyone is in catching incongruencies in the novelas, which is always brought up in a cynical and sarcastic fashion (rotf)I love it. Thank you recappers and thank you for telling it the way it is, in laymans language, including the big "A" word that someone was so devistated over. If that was all I had to be upset about, I would be the happiest woman on this earth. Ret

  57. Nickster..
    Of course Princeton would be wonderful, really whatever Ivy League School your "Parents" are willing to fund. I will even allow you to join a Frat (if you wish), but only if you join for the right reasons. To make the proper connections & what better time to record facts, data, videos of information that can later be used to blackmail said fine families.
    Oh I bet you thought I'd say learn
    scholarly things. Do that too, but remember blackmail pays better.

  58. To all ANON's- close with a name of some kind. This blog is so ANONYMOUS that you should give everyone some sort of idea that you are a real person, and not just some entity in the ether. Closing with anon is soo lame. Maybe there is only one of you out there, making these complaints...Dorado Dave- see how easy it is?

  59. Dorado Dave, I agree with you on leaving a name. When I first started reading the recaps, I thought anon was a name ROTF


    ps I didn't notice anyone talking about the grammies taking over at 9:00. Do some areas get to see La Fuego

  60. It's all Latin Grammys all night. No QE, no Cuidado, no FELS...

  61. I have never commented on this blog before, but I really appreciate the fact that you recap the shows. I am lame and have to watch this show every night. I am a Spanish teacher, and have actually used novelas to improve my Spanish over the last 3 years. However, I love reading ya'lls recaps every night because they are hilarious. They sound like my husband who likes to tell me what is going on even though he has no idea what the people are saying.

    Please keep up the good work, and please ignore the dumb people's comments. I also love reading the comments, and would be sad if the comments all turned into responses to stupid people instead of witty facts and insight about the show.


  62. Mama, I love you for your scholarly advice. I promise not to do anything you wouldn't do.

    Auntie Judy, you're a love.

  63. Why is it that every time I mention ass, bitch or whore, all the right-wing people have coniptions and hate me? Listen up, and listen good. I write these babies so that the 30-40 people who read and comment on my recaps can have a laugh or two--including myself. I DO NOT WRITE THESE TO TEACH INVALIDS SPANISH. AND I CERTAINLY DON'T WRITE THEM SO THAT ANONYMOUS ASSWHOLES CAN ATTACK MY READERS. If you want to meet some petty people, move you're shit over to a Bill O'Reilley chat room. And don't make me chew your ass out again.

  64. Agnes, Thanks for your kind comments and support of the gang of word crazed recappers and commenters. We haven't heard from you much lately. Nice to see you back on the blog.

    Nickster, Princeton is a super choice too. I know you will end up somewhere that appreciates your intelligence and creativity. Set yourself up for entry into advanced degree(s), they are more important in the end. But for next year having a wonderful undergraduate experience is the ultimate. Hopefully you will get to spend time in a Hispanic country with credits along the way too.

  65. OK everybody simmer down. Whoever wrote "don't feed a troll" was on the right track. Nick you know I love your recaps and I will defend all my recappers against all comers - no need for anybody to shout. I have a mind to go through this comment strand and remove about 25 percent of them, but that's too much work. Let's just calm down and enjoy ourselves.

  66. To all recappers: I absolutely love this blog and really look forward to reading it, even though I never comment, mostly because you all say what I'm thinking so much better than I could. And I think you would be surprised at the huge number of readers you have that don't comment. I hope you don't let the "trolls" get under you skin, 'cuz that's where they want to be.
    And while I'm here, I just want to throw in my vote on Capricho being the best thing about this TN. I had a horse for 28 years, and she really enjoyed going for long lazy trail rides, but I think what she enjoyed most was when I would get down and walk beside her. When I walked, she walked, when I ran, she trotted beside me, and when I stopped, she would stop and nuzzle me. When Juan and Capricho were interacting like that the other night it brought back so many beautiful memories, I must have rewound it 15 times, of course crying the entire time! I wish I could thank whoever is responsible for these touching scenes, as silly as they are in this context! Thanks for your dedication to this site and please know there are multitudes out here that appreciate it. Catherine

  67. Catherine, I also thought Capricho stomping in the water was the best part. He really is a full-fledged member of this ensemble cast!

    And Nickster, with regard to your belief that only 30-40 people read this blog, please scroll to the bottom of any Caray page (other than the comments form) and click the Sitemeter gadget. Our stats will knock your socks off.

  68. Wowzers! That's a lot of people.

    I now want to extend a warm welcome and congratulations to all of those who commented for the first time. Your comments are appreciated.

  69. Since I have been watching the Teles which began with La Fea. Out of the programs I watched, La Fea had the most commenters, far beyound the others, including Pasion; however, it appears that this one is now taking the lead in people commenting on the show.


  70. I discovered this website during the Cocolbosh days & have been hooked ever since. I Googled Cocolbosh and this site was at the top of the list. I've been watching TNs starting with Ramona {still my favorite of all time}. My favorite line of all time came from Gata Salvage: "a tu hermana Eva se la comerian los cocodrilos!" I didn't discover closed captions until La Fea Mas Bella,and they save alot of rewinding. Anyways I love this site & it is usually the first place I come each morning. Please know how much you guys are appreciated. Carlos

  71. It is really nice to see so many people who are normaly "lurkers" commenting for the first time. I hope it continues. We have a lot of fun here and it helps me get through the day sometimes!

  72. Sorry, comieron, I should have checked my spelling. Carlos

  73. Cocolbosh! Cocolboooooooosssshhhh! If you eat enough of it, you'll turn into a dove and fly away instead of dying of old age!

  74. This actually has little to do with Fuego, but after the election was called, I was reading all the blogs. I was over on Fox, and the Right-wingers were just flaming & I was getting all hostile about it..Until I read this one guy.

    He said paraphrase "How many times does a liberal have to tell you people it is ForeFathers, not Four Fathers"

    He was right, I went back and read from the beginning and he would correct them and like three posts later we'd be right back to Four Fathers.

    For some reason that just made me smile. Four Father's sounds like a Maury TrailerPark who's the Daddy show.

  75. "I promise not to do anything you wouldn't do." nickster - right. I am ROFLOL. (snerk)

    re: trolls.... ignore them and they'll go away. This is melinama's blog and she'll tell us when to behave and when we're out of line.


  76. To our new pals Carlos, Ret, grumpyjim, Diana in MA, Agnes in NJ, Skoli, Catherine, it's nice to hear from you. I read this blog for quite awhile before "commenting", just to get the lay of the land. Now it feels like family, and it's nice to know there is "extended" family out there reading and enjoying, tho' not always commenting.
    BTW, what happened to Mr. Abuelo P? Are you out there dude? We miss you.

  77. Yo Nickster, just wanted to add my support to your always over-the-top and super clever recaps. As Beckster so aptly put it to another bothersome prude way back when, "chill out, we're not translating the bard here". Words to live by.
    -Sylvia, on team Nickster

  78. Can someone recall what episode had Juan baking a cookie with a large S?

  79. Thanks to all of the recappers. The humour is brilliant. My Spanish has improved by turning on the captions - which I learned from this site. I've just managed to survive a week in Barcelona on my own - wonderful train service. I could read the captions in the museums - could even distinguish some of the the Catalan from the Castillian. Sometimes the Catalan helps as it is closer to French .. which is likely closer to English?


  80. Hey guys!!
    Thanks for all the fun recaps I swear I only watch fuego so that I can keep up with the snarky comments on the blog haha.. This show is like pulling teeth but you guys make it worth it!!
    And yeah Root cracks me up and kinda gives me the heebie jeebies...

    Mauni In Wa

  81. Lynn, I was wondering if the captions are keeping me from understanding the language as much as I would like????? I tend to be staring at the captions, whereas, if there weren;t any captions, I might tune my ears in better to understand what is said. Anyone have any thoughts on this


  82. Ret, I found that to be exactly true: while reading the captions I didn't have my ears turned on, plus missed alot of body language and other nuances. Watching without captions is like working without a net--it's not as safe, but it's alot more exciting.

  83. creemelo. I agree that we miss the body language as well when staring at the captions. Sometimes the tele is so intense that I stay fixed on the captions to get every word and I miss the enjoyable body language. I think I have to leave the captions on but only glance at them and try my darnest to learn the language by watching and hearing. Ret
