DISCLAIMER: This is a NO-SPIN ZONE! Oh, wait, that’s Bill O'Reilly. How about: What you are about to read most probably contains profanity, sexual references, and overall contemplations of others’s stupidity. I would hate for a stamp-collecting, mitten-knitting loony to happen on this blog and alert the FCC and local extremist groups.
After everyone tortures Eva and our lovely audience with a ghastly game of charades accompanied with “you must be VERY strong” they have to break it to her that, unfortunately, Rosario’s CFM heels kicked the bucket. Sadly, her days of strategically-placed material are over. As if people made up other people’s deaths everyday, Eva asks them why they’re lying; no it can’t be true, she is alive! I've seen this so many times before, and let me tell you; saying this will not bring little Rosie back. This just makes it all the more harder to handle and everyone cries; Franco even tells Eva that he secretly loved Rosario. Sarita cringes, but does a silent cheer because those overly-inflated bosoms were the only thing separating her from her man. Well, Rosario’s death is only fitting because everyone knows Sarita and Franco will hook up in the end, and since there’s a general lack of testosterone and sexually-able bodies around, Rosario was just another competitor, and you know what they do to competitors…Off with their heads!...
After our green-thumbed Fernie topped-off Rosario’s shallow grave with some pretty dark, extremely noticeable top soil, he took all the convincing evidence back home and changed the combination on his safe—too easy. Though I want to point out, I guarantee that Juan will walk over this bare stretch of earth, and not think once about it. Meanwhile, Juan and Sofia can’t figure out for the life of them why Rosario had a ton of money in her purse. Well, considering she used to make a living off of her looks alone, she either struck it big time with the local field hands, or stole it from the ONLY guy in town who keeps large sums of cash in obscure places. Look, normally I’d say there’s a huge difference between being naïve and being retarded, but considering whom we’re talking about, it all just blends together.
Gabi is pretty incredulous about this whole “accidental death” scenario and finds it awfully funny that Rosario happened to vanish exactly when Fernie left the hotel alone, without telling anyone. Let me be clear; this is only a hunch and in no way represents a series of events that might have happened because we all know Fernie just went out for a couple of drinks. But, just for the record, Puebla (location of the hotel) isn’t that far from here, and he could have killed her without anyone knowing, or so says Gabi.
All Eva can think about is what in the world Rosario wanted to talk to Sofia about. The only thing I can think about is how Rosario’s death has now initiated yet a longer period of mourning for Sofia, and as always her character has made no further developments since the time she let Juan knock her up.
So now Gabi doesn’t believe anything Fernie says, talk about character growth. Now she’s a prudent woman, and certainly not stupid. What about your and Rosario’s son, or the time you pushed me into a hole? All I’m saying is I know what you’re up to, and I don’t care if you killed the tartlette, but don’t you dare lie to me. Besides, I still love you, but I have a big surprise for you. I think she’s pregnant…
Uh oh. Crappy duets starring the actors (or people who get paid to sound like the actors singing). This can only mean one thing; Franco and Sarita are about to reconcile. See, the only thing is, Franco hasn’t figured out that you don’t rant about old loves with the ones your trying to conquer. Live and learn. Now I think they’re going to use Rosario’s death and ever-sexy spirit as a pretext to start something between the two of them. Of course, this is illustrated by the montage of Rosario’s most exotic photo-ops. and her one last smile for the camera…she will be missed by our male viewers, as if there were any.... Franco and Sarita sort of kiss, only Sarita never gives tongue on the first date, but she certainly isn’t above hugging (with proper space, of course).
Staff meeting at the Bar of Broken Dreams. Fernie’s playing grief counselor; you all know how he was betrayed so he’s shuttin’ down the club, and everyone’s getting’ money so they can live comfortably until they find another job. The eerie music makes me wonder why El Coyote is peeping in on this little pow-wow.
Eva and Ofelia, the two unofficial, former mothers of Rosario are crying it up. When Ofelia discloses her secret plans to skip town with Luisito and tell the cops about Fernie killing Rosie, Fernie happens to put his ear up against the door and hear everything. Bad time to spell it all out. So, naturally, he wants to talk to Ofelia alone, and so Eva, even though she’s not worth shit, leaves Ofelia alone with the murderer.
Gramps can’t get over the fact that Rosario had all that money in her purse because she was a lot of things, but never a robber. This reminds me so much of the whole incident between Argentina’s crazy president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and Hugo Chavez giving her that suitcase of money. Unlike Kirchner, Rosario didn’t want to usurp people’s pension plans and apply them to public works. Anyway, Gramps thinks Fernie killed Rosario, and everyone needs his help. Sofia can’t get over the fact of Fernie ever doing anything similar to murder (if she only knew…). Well, like he said, they need him more than he needs them; that’s why he’s moving back to his old room in the mansion. Sofia’s beside herself with joy; you know, she was only at his house eight hours a day, which was not nearly enough, so this arrangement will be much better. Personally, I think things just weren’t working out with Quinti, and the whole Eva and Luisito live-in situation was just too much.
Fernie throws little old Ofelia up against the wall and threatens the life of Luisito. That’s the clincher. Nevertheless, Fernie plays good cop bad cop and Ofelia promises not tell on him. Eva re-enters and asks if anything happened (just remember that she’s under a lot of stress). Well, no, but I’m just gonna forget this whole thing. Eva wants to go after Fernie, but Ofelia says he’ll kill Luisito. I’m so glad that Eva has regained the motivation to do something more than wear a pretty scarf and beg Sarita for forgiveness.
I’m pledging the writer’s freedom law in which I only have to represent half-truths. Therefore, I am not recapping the whole relationship between the local market boy and girl because I believe the subplots here are counterproductive to the larger series of loosely-connected events.
Padre Tadeo is praying diligently just like every other day of his life. The nice Ave Maria music is playing in his head and all is quiet on the western front. Then 30 secs. of waterfalls and snake hissing (the sound guy was having a bad day). It can only be one person—Fernie. So it is, and as always they speak in rhyme and metaphors, always skirting, but never confronting, the issue of Fernie’s evilness. Fernie says he always wins, and then glimmers red. He must really have special powers like he mentioned.
Juan is talking strategy with Gramps, and is it any surprise that Gramps is in complete agreement with him? Anyway, they’ve decided to watch Fernie more closely. Who better than Juan, who just regained control of the very limited recollection and thought processes he once had, to start an investigative report of Fernie? So he goes to the soon-to-be-closed Bar of Broken Dreams where he is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Fernie doesn’t like him asking so many questions, and Juan isn’t sure why, but he just wants to bust Fernie’s face.
Damian is out practicing being a matador by riding his horse in a circle. I must say this is a significant improvement over the handle attached to the wheel exercise. Oh! It’s his special day; he’s been invited to participate in an exclusive bull fight. Nope. He won’t do it because Sofia is so fragile that his absence will most likely lead her to the brink of death. How could he possibly fight a bull with Sofia’s health on his mind? A better question: how could he possibly get out of bed, knowing he would have to face Sofia?
Sofia is so happy because she feels loved. Gramps is happy too. I feel like we have regressed six God-forsaken months and we’re using the same goddamn lines.
Juan confronts Fernie about him stealing his daughter. Fernie is still keeping his eye open for her to show up; he doesn’t know where she went. Damn kid walked out of the womb and went packing. Well, Juan’s going to make him regret whatever it is that the thinks he might have done.
Sofia: I have no earthly idea why I love being in the presence of this orphaned baby, but I feel so peaceful and happy here. Their presence fills a void in my heart, and this ethereal connection between this here baby and myself makes me think that one of them is my daughter. In fact, I feel like the one with the misshapen head and dark hair is probably the fruit of my loins. Oh! Gabi’s here, but Vindictive Sofia refuses to have an altruistic mother, and sure as hell will not have her infringing on her selfish happiness. Besides, you never care about your own daughter, why care about the well-dressed, white orphans who have somehow escaped the fate of international adoption agencies? Sofia gets mad and leaves without saying goodbye to her daughter whom she’s not supposed to know but does, and loves, anyway.
Juan goes to see El “Eyebrows” Jefe in the big house. He tells Juan that Fernie is very clever and astute. That’s enough information to close the case. Juan is making such progress and is a well-respected crime-scene investigator.
Damian has dropped by the mansion and whattaya know; it’s dinner time. Everyone’s happy to have him there, especially Gabi, who has an extremely unhealthy obsession with the lad.
After a long day’s work Juan comes home to his rugged kitchen and unbuttons every button on his shirt except one—now that’s living. He tells his brothers that he saw Fernie and tried to ask him some questions, but his video course on criminal justice didn’t cover suspect interrogations.
Dinner time at the Elizondo house. It looks more like Thanksgiving dinner to me, except people aren’t segregated by who owes whom money, or whom Grandma never wanted her daughter to marry. Damian brings up the touchy topic of the bull fight. Apparently they have plans to get hitched, and he wants to respect that commitment. How the hell did I miss that? Then again, in this town as long as you roll around in the hay and teach each other to make bread you’re considered to be happily married (at least that’s what I gathered) Well, the point is that Damian wants to dedicate his entire life to Sofia and their marriage. Gabi likes this because it means new meat and more son-in-laws to charm and please her in and out of the bedroom.
Tomorrow: Sofia’s decision will affect everyone’s fate and there are mixed emotions about the whole thing. Believe me, it’s not that dramatic. By the bye, was today’s episode shorter? Because this was nowhere near as painful as usual. However, less happened, or rather didn’t happen, than usual. Chau.
Loved your introductory paragraph Nic. I only see portions of this because when my husband gets home the channel gets switched for NFL football or something else...the combination with Fuego makes for interesting viewing.
ReplyDeleteEven reading the recaps though I'm confused as to what's going on! Is there actually a plot?
Sad, though, about Rosario's demise...she was a bright spot for everybody...shakin', bakin' music and good backup dancers...far preferable to the dialogue, wouldn't you agree?
Nickster the Snarkster: way too funny. Now, I fell asleep yet again (anyone see a pattern here?) but like you, the trajectory of this story is impossible to follow. I'm thinking there are some serious pharmaceutical issues behind the camera.
ReplyDeleteSome of the highlights I have to mention:
1) Fer/Pad Tad or Snake/Saint scenes - why can't the hand of God just smite the sucker as he desecrates Tad's holy home?
2) Juan bellying up to the bar for a glass of milk. Puh-leeeeeeeze! He spurns a naked hottie in the jungle AND he won't touch a drop of devil water. Where's the freakin' halo?
3) I guess we can forget the amnesia b.s. (get it?) Actually, Juan seems a touch smarter so maybe he's just forgotten he's an idiot.
4) Franco & Sarita? Yawn. Really, does anyone care?
5) Eva left Ofi with Fer...good lord a'mighty, what were you thinking, woman? And where's Coyote when you really need him?
Someone stick a fork in this sad show...it is SO done.
Thanks Nickster for the recap. I didn't get to watch last night. So is Ofelia going to move into the Reyes hotel? Where exactly is Luisito all this time. Where is Coyote when you need him. He is the only one that Feo is afraid of.
ReplyDeleteNickster: Thanks for the wonderful snarky recap. Judyb, I've had a hard time trying to find plotlines here - there are way too many directions and no conclusions.
ReplyDeleteAnyway - here's an example. Demian the Dumb but Handsome magically falls for Sofia. She turns him down repeatedly. That's not stopping him from dropping in at dinnertime and asking her the BIG question in front of her family without giving her the slightest warning. He must love her because he's willing to give up going to the invitation-only bullfight in Malaga. What! At least he has a job. Why is he even in this novela. He might have beauty and brains. No, that's not right - he loves Sofia, therefore he has no brain.
Thanks for the recap, Nick. You have truly channeled your recap-mom because it took me a while to realize beckster wasn't writing it. Well done, son, especially for being stuck with us here in FELS Hell.
ReplyDeleteJuan comes home to his rugged kitchen and unbuttons every button on his shirt except one
Please tell me it wasn't the top button. I guess I'll have to watch my VCR tape anyway. And I'll say one last fare-the-well to Rosario's hooters.
I, too, am wondering which button...
ReplyDeleteMaggarita: "Juan seems a touch smarter so maybe he's just forgotten he's an idiot." LOL!!
Nic, in the interest of full disclosure, I must admit that I collected stamps briefly as a child. Actually, it's more like my grandfather collected stamps for 50 years, then gave them to me, and I sorted the collection by year. Some people mistook this for an interest in stamp-collecting, so they gave me more, which I dutifully sorted... I didn't care about the stamps, it's just that I enjoy sorting things.
And I've also knitted many a half-mitten. Alas, I've never knitted two halves of the same mitten, so I ended up with a lot of half-mittens in incompatible yarns... never finished any of them, but I did sort them carefully.
Oh Nic, “Mr Snarkster, congratulations to you. What an awesome night for you, your family and your supporters. I called to congratulate you and your good snark”. Hee Hee Hee,
ReplyDelete(I think I just threw myself into the world's worst person daily list, just by nicking a GWB quote)
Anyway I loved, loved, loved it.
I lost it at the misshpened head line.
Poor Fer, he is a psycho, a killer, a sadist & Gabi still talks to him like he is her pool-boy. Meowwwww scratch scratch.
Loved the Franco kisses the ice princess while thinking of hawt hooter Ros, see it is always figuratively closing time & if you can't be with the one you love....
Ah, President Beckster, thank you, and thanks to all my loyal readers. You certainly have earned that new puppy dog. By the bye, I totally agree about Fernie; when is Gabi going to stop looking at him like a sexual idol, and start seeing him for his down-to-earth characteristics and kind spirit?
ReplyDeleteJulie; hahaha! If it's any consolation, I was only pointing out the many fine qualitites of one crazy reader, who is certainly not you.
Miss Judy, Rosie will be missed; though, we know that Rosie's death was the atonement for Sarita's and Franco's eternal love (*puke*). However, this was way out of character for the writers, seeing that they never know when to give up on their characters and plot lines.
Dear Nickster, son of snarkster Queen Beckster, making you the crown prince of snark! Love your acid wit from title to end.
ReplyDeleteFranco had the best of two worlds, dreaming of the bubblebra queen while kissing the ice queen.
Juan seems to have picked up psychic abilities to see through complex social situations even if he can't remember or articulate well. But Tio, good, good and Feo bad, bad seems to me to be right on evaluations. Let's make him head of the human relations department if not secretary of state for his astute pronouncements.
Feo really did have red flashing eyes when he magically appeared beneath the virgin of Guadelupe picture while Paddy Tad prayed. I agree with Margarita that a bit of smiting is definitely in order here.
And why couldn't Coyote's SUV come up out of the underground garage in the dry-ice forest in time to save Rosario?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh, I just had to share the quote below since it works so well for our Reyes boyz. I am preparing for my book club today where we will discuss Gustav Flaubert's novel "Sentimental Education". Alas, my French level is no longer up to reading the original. But, Flaubert is known as the best writer looking for le mot juste and he is credited with making cynicism an art form. So here is a sample for you, Prince Nickster and your mom, Queen Beckster from one of the grand masters of snark before we had the word snark.
ReplyDelete"To be stupid, and selfish, and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness; though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless."
Ah, I realize that the description didn't refer to me, but I was giving the information to let you know that I may be an at-risk person. :-)
ReplyDeleteLast night, I almost used the term "pissing contest" in my QE recap, but decided to go a different way. Artistic decision, or fit of decency? Only time will tell.
Cheryl, you are too funny! Loved the quote; how interesting that you read 19th-century French literature.
ReplyDeleteJulie--you are hilarious. The National Counsel for Knitting and Stamp Collecting will be very proud of your decisions to say 'no' to profanity.
There are times when only a profanity will do. When your brain is feverishly searching for the appropriate descriptor of a particular person or behavior, it really makes sense to cut to the chase & use a word which will leave absolutely no doubt as to what you mean.
ReplyDeleteAnd so, I will on occasion, use a colorful term that may be considered profane by some or simply perfect by others. If it's in the OED, then by all means, it is a legitimate word that has been handed down through the ages & thus historically acccurate.
If someone wants to be an ass about the whole thing, tough excrement.
Mag: I think your comment was very pithy.
ReplyDeleteI quit swearing when I was 14. It did not fit the person I wanted to be. All these years later, I rarely swear, but I do like to use the most precise word for a thing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Maggarita, sometimes the most precise, the most perfect word has four letters. Or in the case of a certain galán, three. Or in the case of the heroine of a certain "Muy Pronto" novela, five.
Not using that 5-letter word muy pronto, will feel like a 6-month game of Taboo!
-Paula H
Haaa Haaa Haaa...she said "ass" haaa, haaa, haaa. (Thank you Beavis & Butthead)
ReplyDeleteMy ex-husband thought the F-word worked in almost any situation. It was one of those "all purpose words."
My son is in the military and apparently all the drill instructors know that word and use it liberally.
We never finished our list of words that shall not be said.
Oh my lord....absolutely LOOOVVE your opening caveat!!!
ReplyDeleteWatch out for those mittens I tell ya.... :)
Did I miss any naked swimming last night?
ReplyDeleteconnie - alas, no swimming or shower scenes. Wah.
ReplyDeletemaggarita - I believe the politically correct term is "tough doodie." (snerk)
What?!?! This is what we are reduced to on a foro?!? Highly educated, literate foristos such as ourselves?!?! Discussing rich black dirt, shower & swimming scenes, tough doodies, etc. .... this is clearly the effects of nuclear waste. The dreaded ..... "FELS Effect".
Doris, quick straighten your beanie! :-P
ReplyDeleteAhhh, Julie... I am a fellow knitter/crocheter, though I've done only two pairs of mittens (too busy trying to invent other things).
ReplyDeleteI rather like "pissing contest."
I want to continue liking Damien. I truly do. But his character has gone wonky with this stupid "I'm marrying Sobfia after a month" subplot. Dude, she's a rebound. You're missing your family, your kids. You're trying to fill an empty hole with the worst caulking compound in the hardware store -- a Stepford. DOH!
Muchas gracias, Nickster.
I'm hoping Juan was drinking pulque in the bar, not milk!
ReplyDeleteGreat snark, and great cussin. Makes me feel young again.
ReplyDeleteYou know, what Franco should have said to Sarita is just this: "I screwed up big time. There was Rosy, willing to accept me just as I was, but I had to be a dumbass and run after YOU."
Nickster, your recap made the best of a wan weepfest. Demian has succumbed to the "nuclear waste/dreaded FELS effect," and is now as silly as all the rest. I think I only turn this on so I can get the most from the recaps.
ReplyDeleteIn some ways, it reminds me of "The Truman Show" movie, where Jim Carey was being filmed in sealed surroundings for his entire life, without knowing he was in an artificial environment. People all over the world tuned in to watch him, like a combination soap and background noise. I'm wondering if the large audience for FELS is just watching for the comfort of seeing familiar actors in an endless loop of weeping and stupidity. They can't be watching for plot movement and character development, 'cause there ain't none!
La Paloma
LaPaloma - OMG! We ARE watching the Truman Show ... or Ed TV! yikes
It's true. You only have to half-pay attention. Not even. They constantly repeat the relatively important stuff so you're never confused by a new development.
ReplyDeleteSometimes they drop in a tiny hint in a thought-bubble or something to reward you for paying attention, but if you miss it it's never any great loss.