
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Nov.4th Tues. Willa Reminds You All: NO Telenovelas Tonight - VOTE-VOTE-VOTE-THEN WATCH DESTINOS 2008

Tonight the world changing election will be featured on Univision and on Telemundo as well as most English stations, so none of our favorite characters will be seen until Wednesday night. Willa hopes you have all voted, if not, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??

You can vote for best picture if you have already voted at the polls. Willa isn't sure what look will be best when FELS is over.


  1. Cheryl: Willa is absolutely adorable. Please tell her I'll be voting on the way home from work. Diana in MA

  2. I vote for the one where you can see the straw portion of her charro hat (though the one with the hat cocked has a certain "Je ne c'est quoi").

  3. Willa is absolutely beautiful! She'll be happy to know I was at the polls at 6am and finished voting by 6:45.

  4. I love the sombrero picture!
    Come to think of it, it would have been perfect for FELS.

  5. Willa is a sweetheart. I like the photo in the park. It reminds me of an Impressionist painting..maybe Renoir. Is that you with Willa?

  6. I did a double-take at "Destinos." Isn't that the old "learn Spanish" telenovela?

  7. thanks from me and from Willa. I have used both sombrero pictures for FELS but usually the one with the sombrero tipped back. The kerchief one is her Colunga impression of a pirate lass.

    Susanlynn, yes that is me with Willa in the park near the Villa de Willa in Corrales.

  8. Julia, Funny, I did think of Destinos the PBS program too.

  9. My favorite Willa is the one with her hair ...uh..ears...blowing casually in the wind. She'd make one hot swimsuit model!!:)

    I voted at lunch!!! :)

  10. I pick the one by the river with the breeze blowing Willa's cute little ears because let's face it, isn't that where we would all like to be .... like Willa, relaxing by the Rio Grande. No waiting to vote at 9:30 a lines. Free coffee at Starbucks if you wear your I Voted sticker. G in CA

  11. Fuego, you posted first but I see, we both like Willa's ears/curls swaying in the breeze. G in CA

  12. So here is Willa with her alternate FELS look in honor of the Bonbon funeral on Wedesday.

  13. The many faces of Willa! (Reminds me of that legendary luchador, Mil Mascaras, the man of a thousand masks. LOL)

    I can't choose a favorite picture because I love them all. However, the very last one (Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up) is the most soulful as you're right in her eyes. Awwww.

    (Okay... is it a coincidence that my word verification key is "clone"? Heh-heh.)

  14. Yeah, I like that one. Makes her look all mysterious.

  15. Hi favorite is the one of you together...because Willa without you...too bad...and you without Willa...too sad.
    And us without both of you...not as much fun!

    Went to polls at 6:15..horrendous line, machines weren't working. Left, taught aerobics class and discharged a lot of STRESS and then went back late morning. Lines gone, machines working. YESSSSSSS!

  16. I like fur-topknot Willa, with her mom. She looks so happy!

  17. Straw hat sombrero is my choice. I voted at 7AM. Being in the last half of the alphabet I got in without a wait in line. Go figure.....

  18. I like the one with Willa wearing her pirate bandanna. She looks like she's smiling!

    And I did the early voting so no long lines.

  19. Tell Willa I voted this morning around 10:00 a.m. because hubby called me at 9:50 a.m. to tell me the polling place was empty at that moment. I was back at my desk by 10:15 and my Administrative Assistant was saying "wow."

    Can Willa be VP? She'd make a lovely one, and her wardrobe would be way cheaper than $150K. Willa for Veep!!!


  20. Yes, Julie, Destinos is that old PBS "learn Spanish" fake telenovela. I kept my Spanish mildly fresh with that when we lived in Jackson, MS in the early to mid 90s. I even taped it on VHS. Loved it--my first Telenovela experience but I didn't understand the cultural significance of how the University of Illinois produced it to be in TN style.


  21. Hey! You added more pix! Now I want to change my vote (bet some folks wish they could have at some point or another...) to the one of Willa and mommy. You two are so cute together ;)

  22. Thanks to all for playing along on the voting and fun with Willa. Being an emotional girl she is always thrilled to be the focus of any attention.

    We watched both the Univision journalists and several English stations flipping back and forth with the election maps flying by on the computer the whole evening. What fun to take part in this important election. It was interesting to see the Latino perspective and pride at having a real voice in this election with so many Hispanic voters in many states.

    I am personally thrilled with the outcome but totally awed once again by the American process of democracy that is one of the wonders of the world. I hope we can work together in this great country as the future catches us.

  23. I vote for . . . more photos of Willa. What a fun idea this was.

  24. I'm torn between Wind-Tossed Willa or Slighty Saucy Willa, glancing coyly from under her sombrero. Love 'em all, Cheryl! There's something special about our four legged pals, especially when they give us those big brown eyes that melt your heart.

    Maggarita, step-mom to Dixie

  25. Cheryl, I did vote yesterday so am now casting my ballot for best picture. If I had to only pick 1, it would be the one of you and Willa. Lovely picture of both of you. Diana in MA

  26. I love Willa! What a great looking dog. I can't decide between Willa and the 'do rag and Willa and the sombrero. Both are in keeping with Juan and FELS. I voted early at the polls so I was able to sit back and watch!

    On to FELS tonight. Poor Rosario. Like Armando, neither could think on their feet. Rosario will be missed...

  27. Last night, I was catching up on the last 2 nights of FELS and noticed they were advertising Las Tontas van a cielo (which I have been impatiently waiting for) as coming muy pronto. Did anyone else notice that?

  28. I also noticed the ad for the new how much longer do we have to endure, I mean get to enjoy Sonfia complaining? Does anyone know? I too enjoy all photos of Willa and welcome more!

  29. Nancy, we think Tantas is going to replace Querida Enemiga, which ends in a few weeks. Fuego has a LONG way to go.

    Love all the sombrero pictures the best.

  30. Nancy, I thought Querida was going to be followed by El Nombre del Amor. It stars Allison Lozz (from Guapos) so I was really looking forward to it. But the previews do show Tontas, so...Does anyone know where El Nombre may end up? Diana in MA

  31. I was also looking forward to En Nombre del Amor, but it looks like that will be coming later. I just saw something saying that Fuego just ended in Mexico. I'm wagering that the new Colunga novela will get that spot (Manana es para Siempre).

    Tontas is apparently not too long, so I bet Nombre del Amor will follow that. Or it could replace Cuidado when that finishes.

  32. Cheryl, your pictures are so much fun. I want to vote for the picture of Willa with her mommie. The love just pops out at you.

    Went to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua yesterday (while we were waiting for the returns to come in) and Willa would have been a great addition to that movie. She's so beautiful. I'm sure she would have a great career in Hollywood, or would she feel more comfortable in Televisa opposite Sr. Colunga or Sr. Yanez?


  33. Cheryl, I pictured the role for Willa in the movie. The movie had many different types of dogs. The main villain is a doberman pinscher named El Diablo. The hero was a German shepherd named Delgado (looks like Azur from ECDD). Willa would be the love interest for Delgado and help him rescue the little Chihuahua when she gets kidnapped (or is it dog-napped) in Mexico.

    She what happens to me when I'm deprived of my telenovelas.


  34. I love this idea of yours, Prinny. And all the characters would be really smart because they are dogs and the dogs that ordinarily write the telenovelas wouldn't have jobs on this one, right? We could write it here on CarayCaray.

  35. Would Willa consider hiring Tonky, the doggie star from Duelo de Pasiones? Tonky was the best actor in the show. Tell Willa I voted and that if she decides to run for office she has my vote!

  36. Thanks Sylvia. Willa is willing to run for almost any important office that has big bonefits as long as she can continue to live here in the Villa de Willa during her term.
