
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

FELS 11-3 - Mon: Two down and quite a few more to go before it's over....

Things moved along tonight, well, a little without further ado.....

We begin with Feo and his grand inquisition of the doomed newfound amigos. I’m wondering why they don’t just drive off and cut his head off between the window.

Snowfie is remembering words from Demian and also from Juan .

The obligatory show lengthening musical interlude from out beloved Franco, Con ganas de amar. Both boys think about their respective chicas.

Oscar wants to go for tequilas. Yes, maybe that will knock some sense into them. He continues that he’s sick of the rejection and is reaching a breaking point. Franco says he will love his filly until the day he dies if he has to. I guess he likes them hard to get, really, really, hard to get.

Juan thinks of his "nina" while she looks out the window to a blowing fan. Juan convicts that Sofi belongs to him and no one takes away what belongs to him.

Demian is chatting with his buddy telling him that no one has made him feel like this since his family died. His buddy tries to wake him up a little by reminding him there are other women. He is decided, there is something special about her and he is going to fight for her no matter what the father of her baby says. Buddy tells him to respect Juan Reyes. He reminds Dem that his precious little Sof was married to that scoundrel Escandon. Dem agrees Feo is the lowest of slime.

Speaking of slime, Feo all too easily manages to wrench the handbag away from the doomed pair and confirms they had the proof of Feo's wrongdoings. Feo says they have just sentenced themselves to death. Feo pulls Armando out of the car and tells him what lovely boots he has. He shows this love by shooting him in the foot. Meanwhile Rosi sits there waiting for her turn. I’d have been outta there by now. Feo asks Armo to sign a letter that says he was the one who stole Sofi’s baby and hid her, but repented later and abandoned her for Dr. Gomez to find. Arm agrees to sign to save his life.

Crabby mutters something about Feo not showing up and says she’s going to bed. It looks like she takes some sleeping potion.

Armo signs and then limps off swearing he’ll go far away, but wait, Feo forgot to tell him something. "Those who betray me die!" and with that, two swift shots finish off our RightArmando. RIP.

Ok, so now finally Rosi gets the idea that it’s time to run. She throws some acid or something in Feo’s face and runs...he shoots after her, missing.

Ofi looks at a day of the dead skeleton and a mother and child and laments what could be wrong that Rosi hasn’t come back yet.

Eventually, Feo catches Rosi and tells her she’s stupid to think she could escape him. She says she knows he’s a killer and that he killed the Reyes girl. He says like her, then Luisito. She begs for mercy for her son and says she only wanted to help Sofi find her baby. He tells her the story of how the baby was taken to the orphanage, and Sofi's own mother was in on it. Rosi can’t believe that. She swears she won’t allow Feo to hurt her anymore, or her son. He pulls out his gun, she struggles, and there is a shot. She begs God to protect her son. Sicko then kisses her. He shoots again for good measure. And that is the last time we will have to hear the BOMBON song. Sigh.

Yep, she’s a goner. He proclaims that no one is stronger than he is. And just in case we doubt it, he says it again to himself. Amazingly he managed to shoot two people at 0 range and not get blood on himself. Miraculous. He drags off the bodies, spreads out some of the loot and buries the evidence and the rest of the money. He swigs his whiskey, says "two less enemigos," and that no one plays him; and he goes back to his loving wife, whom we know took a potion so won’t even wake to see him. He tells himself he has to go confess. Ewww.

Speaking of confess, the padre is preaching to the burro and wandering god knows where in the middle of the night. He tells the burro he’s lazy and then, whoops, he comes upon the camioneta with it’s lights still on and he finds the dead pair. Lighting and thunder accompany his proclamation that they are dead.

Back at the hotel from hell, Crabby wakes up from her drug induced sleep and sees hubby next to her and wakes him up to ask him where he was. He grunts.

The comissario and his men search the crime site in the day and discover some money laying about (yeah you know, the money that the assailants figured they didn’t need) oh, and a card with a bunch of numbers on it that they can’t figure out what it is. They wonder why these two had so much money on them and surmise they must have been killed and robbed for it. They decide they must tell Feo as both of these people were his employees.

Crabby pushes Feo about where he was and he makes up some lame excuse that he was out drinking because he was so upset about their discussion. He tries to hug her up but it doesn’t work, she is mad he brought her there only to leave. Crabby wants to go back home. She asks if Feo wants to come with her or not.

The wailing begins. Padre has given the news to Ofi. Padre says they will pray that the culprit is found.

Ofi explains she has a duty to Luisito and begs him to hide them in the church to keep him safe from wrongdoing. She swears Feo is responsible. Padre looks to God and says him again.

The boys fight but it’s really hard for me to describe it. First Juan wants some answers from Fer and the boys say fine, but they are going with him, and I think Juan gets offended by this and wants to know why they treat him like a child and the bros agree to fill Juan in about the lien on the house, and how someone paid it off for them but they don’t know who. Juan says he doesn’t know how it was before, but the Reyes won’t be in debt to anyone so they need to find out who it was.

Sofi and Dem are chatting away, he saying he and Juan had a chat and her up to her usual script that they shouldn’t see each other anymore.

Housemaid comes into the room and tells them the Commisario has shown up looking for Fer. Sofi goes out and says Feo’s not there, Commi says that she deserves to know the news as well and he’s sorry to be the bearer of such horribles, but Rosi is pushing up daisies, and not in a show with her pointy knockers or round bottom. Yes, the ones in mud. Sofi is of course impactada.

Coyote shows up to tell Juan that his Tio wants to see him. Juan of course doesn’t remember this Tio so Coyote tells him to ask his brothers.

Commi tells Sofi and company the details of how the duo were found with a lot of money and that surely they were trying to flee and were assaulted on the way. Sofi says no way, Rosi wouldn’t go anywhere with that goon Armo. She feels bad and responsible for all of this because she knows that Rosi was trying to find her to talk to her.

The boys tell Juan about their Tio. Alejandro Reyes, and about their primo Pedro who visited and should be in Guadalajara now. Juan is stumped as usual.

Fer and Crabby come in and get the news and Fer fakes his surprise. Crabby however shoots a suspicious glare in his direction which he sort of shrugs off....

The police believe they need to talk with Fer. He tells them yes, we do, it appears they had the combination to my safe so surely they robbed me. Sofi says she has to go see Eva. Dem leaves. Crabby says why do you want to go see her, Rosi wasn’t her daughter anyway. Sofi tells her to nevermind.

Feo shows the police the empty strong box in his office and this is surely enough evidence under Mexican law that those two robbed him. He also says that because they had the combination card, clearly they robbed him. Commi isn’t sure and believes he has to continue to investigate, but he is starting to come around. Feo can’t believe that his two closest folks would betray him this way.

Feo asks if they have questioned Ofi yet. Commi says no, she’s suffering and surely once we give her Rosi’s ashes she’ll go off somewhere with Luisito. Feo says no way, Luis is my son and I will take care of him and no one else. Oh boy, here comes another anvil. I’m predicting Luisito will be a Reyes when were done here.

Quinti shows up to Eva very somber. She asks her if she has been out to the town yet. Eva wonders what Quinti did with her moto now, thinking it's the cause for her anguish. Next Saul shows up also with a somber face, next Horty’s sons also with somber faces. She tells them all that she’s fine with Rosi deciding to leave with Ofi and the boy, and she’s sad, but she can’t wait until they send for her.

Finally the fairy tale is interrupted when Sofi shows up. She wants Eva to sit for a moment. OK, finally Eva is starting to get the hint that something is wrong. Still no one tells her. They make her guess like it’s a friggin’ trivial pursuit game. Finally Eva herself begs them to tell her even though this will surely break her heart. Juan hints around that someone has died, someone has died. Eva wants to know who. Juan, our sensitive one, finally just blurts it out. Rosario!



  1. Thanks for reCrapping for us, Rosca de Reyes. I had to read your post first, before seeing the episode. I just couldn't bear to watch this without knowing what had happened from the get-go, what with all our expectations. Again, gracias.

    At least now I know I'll actually be seeing two people lamely sitting around waiting to be killed like ducks in an arcade, instead of double-teaming Mean Mad Feo like a couple of luchadores. The two of them together could have kicked the shite out of Snake Boy. Or at least one of them could have gotten away. C'mon! You eeeeeediots!

    Wait a minute, Muttonchops. They were being robbed because of all the money on them? So why didn't the robber take the money? CSI you are NOT.

    So how many is that on the Dead By Feo List?

    1. Bernardo the Cradle-Robber (head hitting rock, body hitting car hood for good measure)
    2. Libia the Good (blunt force trauma with a huge stick, drowned)
    3. Petra the Terrible (stabbed multiple times by henchman Mapache's hummer-sized knife)
    4. Mapache the Pale (ate bagful of poisoned pastries in jail, foamed to death)
    5. Anselmo the Escaped Con (chest-shot in Feo's office)
    6. RightArmando the Long-Suffering (foot-shot, body-shot)
    7. Rosy the Bonbon (shot while running, shot while struggling, kissed and shot again)

    Geez-us-H. That is a LOT of people. Am I missing anyone? No way will I try listing the murder attempts or assaults. That rap sheet would be longer than both my arms.

    Well. Off to watch the epi.

  2. Oh, how could I have forgotten?

    8. The poor, unborn Bambino in Libia's belly.


  3. Thanks for the recap..
    This was awesomely stupid, geez shoulda, woulda, coulda?

    I maybe wrong but didn't Amarado tuck a gun in his pants the other night? Maybe I am confused maybe it was the thrill of Ros wanting to go with him.

    The scene in the kitchen was an example of the heavy handed bad, bad, bad directing in this tissue waster. Don't tell Eva yet..we are bussing in 200 more extras to witness the scene. WTF (W being Who not What) does that? The only thing left out was the warmer..your getting warmer, no colder.. game.

    Also this whole big headed Juan crap. Jeez, either he remembers or he doesn't. I believe someone who remembers nothing would be a bit more reserved before making his patent Reyes speeches. He is the one to announce Ros is dead, good call AssHat, since you have no freeking idea who she was. Maybe Franco said it was someone he used to bone. I don't recall Ros meeting Juan after he crawled back from the jungle.

    Also why didn't the letter say, I killed the kid, raped Sofie, killed Ber and so on? Why would Fer let them know about the kid why not just say that the kid was dead..that would end Sofie's search

  4. I think we all knew that Armando was going to have a limited shelf life, but I can't believe Rosario got killed off. That just seems like overkill, so to speak. And I was hoping she'd get to witness Feo's demise.

  5. Thank you for the excellent recap. There is nothing like shooting fish in a barrel! The minute he pulled Armando out of the truck I would have been gone. Why didn't they just run over him? Lets see, Feo..... SUV....I think maybe the SUV would win. Oh wait, my beanie was slipping. All better now.... :0

  6. Thanks for the recrap, Rosca. What an episode! Fernando really creeped me out, killing those two in such cold blood, and then kissing Rosario while he was killing her. Eewww! What a sicko.

    I think it creeped Crabi out when she heard about the murders. That look on her face was rather telling, like she is almost sure Feo did the deed. Nice guy you picked, eh, Gabi? And you might be next. She better be watching her own back.

    I really hate to see Rosario's character go. She probably had better things to do, though, than stay in this novela that is dragged out to howww many months???

    Should we FELSeros have some sort of memorial service for Rosi and her killer bonbons?


  7. I think we should have a service. What shall we do?

  8. connie - maybe we ladies could all wear push-up bras for it?

  9. That sounds like a plan Doris! Should we get some back-up dancers and sparkley outfits too?

  10. R de R: thanks for recrapping a truly painful episode. This storyline is exasperating. If one is ever unsure of the meaning of the word "stupid," just tune in. At one point, we all wondered if FELS was done tongue in cheek but now, it's either dumb beyond belief or sickening (as in Feo's repulsive behavior).

    I-Juan-A-Script is going to need rehab for bad acting. The head scratching doofus routine will be etched in my head forever unless his next role is a suave scientist who's a member of Mensa & has control over his emotions.

    Muttonchops & his CSI crew will bungle the investigation (no spoiler here--I think we all expect it). I like how they drove over the crime scene.

    Alas, I was sorry to see Rosario go. Apparently, female smarts are physically manifested through enormous bazooms...little did we know. But, unfortunately, she spent a little too much time in the nukular waste dump because she sat around to watch Armando get killed. Nice of her to wait so patiently for her turn.



  11. Thanks for the recap. We've now relived one more hour of doom.

    I think Rosi had the ether and through that at Feo. It had very little effect on him - long enough to run away into the dark, but, since Feo has night vision even that wouldn't help.

    Sofia might have actually figured this one out. Gabi wasn't the only one giving telling looks at Feo. Of course, neither can agree with the other - so, just forget that.

    More painful scenes of Juan's empty head. Who's tio Vicente?

  12. You would think that if Feo had buried all the evidence that Mutton chops would notice that there was fresh dirt indicating that something had been buried recently. It was nice seeing Coyote again. He needs to give Feo a good beating just for grins.

  13. Thank you for the succinct recap. First of all:Why didn't Armando shoot Fernando with the gun he had on his lap?The one that Fernando wrenched from his (Armando's) waist band before he pulled him out of the car. Anyway, hats off to the two actors for the moving/creepy murder of Sweet Rosario.She had to die as she was the "Bad" girl in the Franco, Sarita love triangle.
    The guy who plays Fernando is terrific. Bet he has to have body guards in Mexico. mhm

  14. Connie, I was thinking the same thing. Why didn't they just run the truck into Feo. And if the keys were still in the truck, why didn't Rosario just take off?

    I have to confess that I saw this scene months ago on YouTube and was very upset. I haven't been on Youtube since.
    How much longer is this novela? We haven't even met Ruth yet.
    Also I hope that Feo does not get custody of Luisito. The boy already has problems.

  15. Great recap of a wretched episode. This one exceeded my capacity for "suspension of disbelief." Aside from all the good points brought up by others, especially Connie's comment about the freshly dug moneypit, I kept wondering why our cutrate Kojak didn't notice that Rosario's body had been dragged through the grass from where she was killed to where she was discovered. Did Sherlock forget his magnifying glass?

    And what about Father Tad? How much credit does he get for Feo's latest kills, given that he's been sitting on the knowledge that Feo is a murder, rapist, and all around nogoodnick? Is there a special place in Telenovella Hell for men of the cloth who enable those who intentionally harm members of their flock (and if so, will Father Tad have to share space with Padre Manuel)?

    I'm gonna miss the BomBom girl; she was not only the most beautiful character on the show, she was the one most likely to display a little backbone (among other things ....).

    Well never fear, if the Reyes brothers can get their shared brain cell together in the same room with don Augistine, maybe the truth will emerge. Or we can wait for Pablito to grow up ....

  16. While watching the scene with Eva I was thinking "Oh she's happy and smiling for the first time ever." And then they had to go and ruin it. It would be nice to see one episode where someone is not crying. Poor Luisito. They need to do a paternity test.

    Also Feo's fingerprints would be on Armando's gun, the purse, and the pole that he was digging with.

  17. Connie & Doris: so what does one wear to a Flashdance funeral? Hmmm....basic black (check), a few strategically placed rhinestones (check), chandelier earrings (check), belly baring mini skirt (check), FMPs* (check), fake eyelashes (check), nail extensions with somber decals (check), and a long, flowing black mantilla for the church ceremony (check).

    Outfit complete...see you there!


    *FMPs: see previous discussions on CFMs; here in Connecticut, we called 'em ___k Me Pumps. Aren't regionalisms fun?

  18. Maggarita, it sounds like you are ready to go! You might also want the shiny glow-in-the dark lipgloss.

  19. Oh, the humanity! The horror of it all! How can I face the day?

    Do you know what this means? Have you considered the profound horror of last night's cap? With Armando and Ros gone, we have two less distractions. That means more time for the three brothers, the three sisters, and the grotesque pair.

    How could they do this to us???

    Grumpy Jim, remember, Feo is not just a nogoodnick. He is also a dirty rotten schnook!

  20. Thanks for the great recap, Rosca de Reyes.

    Adding my voice to those who can't believe Rosario is dead- the nicest (and probably the smartest) character.

    Stephe, I had forgotten Mapache and Anselmo were part of Fernando's hit list. I wonder what the final tally will be as unfortunately, he's got months to add to it. Doris, I was also repulsed by Fernando's kiss of death. Blech. Diana in MA.

  21. Paula, I think with Armando and Ros gone we actually have THREE less distractions. You HAVE to count Rosario as two. sam-i-am

  22. Maggarita: Re your I-Juan-a-Script - yup - This goofy role will be etched in my mind, too, forever unless our galant hero gets to use his brain in his next novela. The cast is spectacular. Surely their agents are cringing at the dialogue and performances. Cantu is the only one who is in the right place at the right time. He's a superb villain.

  23. About I Juan-A-Script..
    I of course lived with EY's over the top screaming, teeth gnashing, immature Beaver Cleaver 40 year old virgin act in DA...he is exactly the same character in this only he is the "Joe the Plumber" common man and he was rich in DA.

    So what I am asking is this...
    Is his acting just really really really limited? Is he a Juan trick pony?

  24. Oh no! This is just to sad! The one character you could really want something wonderful for because she was smart and good. Now we have to watch everyone find out. Too sad.

    Man what happened to the days or swimming? This show has become dark, depressing and the same thing over and over again, just like Sophia's clothes!

    The only other thing I have seen EY in is an MTV movie about volleyball. He was the dad, and he was good, in a really stupid movie. Instead of being really stupid in a really stupid show.

  25. The Gods have been cruel. Arggh. I can't believe Rosario was killed. Why did she have to die? I was hoping that She would be in the end and probably be the one to finish off Fernando. Looks like most of the commenters here had a foreshadowing of things to come with Rosa.... What with the references and all.

    I really like Rosario. It would have been nice for her to torment Fernando instead of the other way around.....

    Looks like Rosario's dancers will disappear into oblivion now. They seemed to have a mystical connection with Rosario. Also the end of the Bad love bar. Unless Ruth starts singing there....


  26. Looking for info on Cantu, I read where Jorge Salinas wanted the part of Fernando.I think he would have done well. Both are the actors I prefer in the show as far as having talent.mhm

  27. Beckster: LOL!


    Yeah, limited range.


  28. sorry you got the night when Rosario was killed. Good grief, she was the only woman worth watching on the show. At least she gave value for money, unlike the rest of the twits.

    Yes, indeed, hope everyone votes. There were huge lines at 6:15 am and the computers weren't working for my neighborhood. Decided to come back later when it wasn't so crowded and hooray, the electronic voting machines were working.

    We are blessed to be able to vote and looked like people were out in droves, even with the early voting and absentee ballots.

  29. Eduardo Yáñez won the premio in 07 for La verdad oculta. Did anyone see it? Did he act, or once again stand around, looking handsome? Then in 08 he won for DA. And he'll probably make it 3-for-3 by winning next year for Fuego. I suspect he's a Juan-trick pony, but I haven't seen enough to know.

    07 was the year Fea swept the Premios, except that Camil was shunned (shame on him for not selling his soul to Televisa!).

  30. Dear Rosca de Reyes, Thanks for keeping the home fires burning on this very sad episode. As always you did an admirable job. Armando almost earned his offing for being such a dufus but nooooooo, not Rosario! I agree with all that have opined that she is the best of the women characters (Judy, good one: gives value for money!). Lazy writing to do a two-fer in the dry-ice forest. That kitchen scene with no one knowing how to tell Eva was more cruel than the Feo scene doing the actual killing.

    Looks like the Feo killing machine will be in business until near the end of time or the end of this telenovela which ever comes first. And somebody better hide Luisito before Feo makes it a threesome.

  31. RIP Rosario. I knew it was coming because I made the mistake of looking at the Wikipidia entry for FELS, which had Rosario (dead) in the cast list. Someone ought to clue them in at Wiki that this sort of spoiler is not good. If you're reading the synopsis, you can always stop reading when it starts to get to where you don't know what's next.

    I agree with everyone else. Totally stupid they'd just LET FEO KILL THEM without putting up a fight. Also, why does the ether knock Sofía right out but only burns Feo's eyes slightly?

    I am so bored with this thing. I'm starting to think they won't reunite the three couples until the very last week! How many more Sarita and Jimena hissy fits will we have to watch? And I think they used up all the black cloth in Mexico for Slowfia's wardrobe.

  32. Is it time to fire the comisario and his crack investigators? Geez, with so many (non drug related) murders in this tiny pueblo, you'd think the federal government would be involved or the FBI or the KGB ...

  33. Well, I'm still unhappy about Rosario's demise, but I'm hoping that it will really, really piss Coyote off.

    And I'm glad that it hasn't interfered with anyone's sense of humor. :-)

  34. Where was Coyote when all this was going on? I like Rosario but sometimes she is such a dumbass. I still would have run Feo over with the SUV. And then back up and do it again. And maybe one more time just to make sure. Try explaining that one to Crabi.

    And something else that just occurred to it just me or are they trying to make us feel sorry for Crabi because of all the things that Feo is doing? You know, the regular everyday stuff like lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering helpless women and young children.

  35. Fernando, Fernando, why do you have tire tracks on your head? It's nothing my dear, I was just trying to kill Rosario and she ran over me with the SUV. It's nothing, just a scratch. Ha!

  36. What I loved best in the comments here is the important discussion of what we should all wear if attending a bonbon funeral. Such decisions!

  37. I'm glad that I didn't watch much of this gloomfest. I only caught bits and pieces of the misery when I surfed away from Dancing with the Stars during commercial breaks. Instead of being frustrated by this bizarre plot twist, I watched Warren Sapp doing the paso doble [sp?]. Whataguy !!!So who will Ferd kill next ? Will The Young and The Clueless ever get a clue and figure out that Ferd is behind all the nasty stuff that's been going on since this show began?

  38. Argh, I keep thinking to myself what a waste of perfectly good silicone. Sigh.

    Anyway I threw in some edits as usual so if there were parts that didn't make sense, maybe they do now. maybe they just never will. :)

    Thanks for the kill list Stephe, I can't wait to see what horrid death befalls this dude....I hope it's reallly nastyyyy.

  39. I'm not sure my outfit will be complete. Where do you get earrings as big as pie plates? Hmmmm. Stockings or no stockings? Such decisions.

  40. I do feel sorry for Crabi, because someday she will realize that she was wrong about EVERYTHING. And then she will die of EMBARRASSMENT.

  41. Or maybe someone will splash water on Gabi during a swimming scene and she will melt like the wicked witch she is!

    Molly...who holds out hope of more swimming! Franco will have to wash away the pain of losing Rosario. Yes! That is it! To the swimming hole......

  42. Suddenly I am sick of Padre Tad. I've never been a priest, I don't know any priests, I'm not Catholic and I don't know their rules or regulations. (I do know ministers, pastors, bishops, and reverends, and am familiar with other doctrine.) If being right with El Senor meant watching some turd continually murder and rape his way through a town and sitting on it because of his joyous confessions, my collar would be on someone's desk and that bastard would be in jail.

    I'm sorry Rosy got offed. I really am. *push-up bra on and pointing, in her honor* Especially when she went through so much hell, for her not to be able to see Feo's end after he raped and beat her a gajillion times... :( You have to wonder about the people "writing" this stuff.

    Of course, this also pretty much cinches it. Franco actually will end up with a block of ice that acts five years old (Stepford Sarita the Cold). *stringing up my own noose right now... Rosy, I'm coming to join you honey*

    Oh, that's great for a title, Cheryl. Dead By the Feo Killing Machine List. I propose Father Tad be next on it. He's useless. I predict we may see Crabzilla, Rosendo, Pedro, Natty's mother (Crabzilla's maid), or Quintina's nephew on it one day. I haven't looked ahead. Just a feeling.

  43. I am sick to death of Fr. Tadeo choosing his paycheck over outing evil Feo. Jerk. !Boludo!

    Well, I have no FM shoes and I don't think running shoes with orthotic inserts counts. Maybe I should dress as Slow-fia instead. Nope.... no frilly pink long dresses or long black dresses. I do have a scarf or two and a big suitcase; I'll go as Eva and wear socks in my bra in Rosario's honor.

    No episodio tonight so we have time to plan the memorial service.


  44. THanks for the ReCrap, Fuego.
    Desafortunadamente, I was one of those who accidentally looked on Esmas 3 months ago to see cast photos...clicked one link labled "fotos" and there was a slide show of the Muerte de Rosario. Awww, Foot!
    Anyway, sad doesn't even describe. But the most chilling was when Feo told Muttonchops he wanted custody of Luisito.

  45. Hey...maybe we could just borrow some of Sofie's 2008 Mourning Dresses, scissors, a bedazzeler, strategically placed black roses. I am not recommending hose as CFM shoes are usually toeless.

    I for one will be wearing very dark sunglasses, Nickster honey, do the same. That way the mourners will not be able to see my eyes rolling. I can also stare at Juan and judge if up close there is even a bic lighter spark intelligence behind the eyes.

    Warning: do not look at me during the service, cause I don't want to totally crack up. I hope there is liquor.

  46. Thanks, k for another witty recap! Sorry to see her go. At least her act broke the nightly monotony for us. Now what will the town do for nightly entertainment since both clubs are pretty much kaput --or better said, what will the telenovela audience do for nightly entertainment with Rosario as wormfood?

  47. Liquor is a good idea. Lots of liquor. I may need it to watch the rest of the episodes that are going last para siempre.


  48. As for entertainment...I predict mucho more Franco...

    ...Ay viene..mi piquito de oro....

  49. I too am getting tired of this program and of the reyes trying to get back with their stone cold women and Sophie who tells damien she is not interested, but leaned in for the kiss. If it werent' for juan, it would have happened, so what is the message she is giving damien. I don't want you but kiss me??? What bothers me is that it looks like feo will not be found out till the last night and also sofia and juan probably won't find out about their daughter till then. I think the writers are afraid we will stop watching once we find out. It would be more exciting if these things slowly came about during the course of the final shows and not all rushed at the last minute. Ret

  50. The producer of this TeleNovela..
    These are not spoilers, just bad memories. The first TeleNovela I ever suffer all the way through was EEAYO. I swore off except for random episodes for a year. I watched parts of LaMadestra (veinte anos veintes anos), same thing, then Fierras. Same stories different locations. The murder list will grow, the good people will remain with heads firmly lodged in their asses & the bizarre sex scenes will get even more bizarre. Anyone recall the smearing food all over each other then eating it off (the villians), the rapes, the killing people and making wax statues of them. OH yes it only gets better.

    The good people are very very very to the point of tard good and the evil people are very very very bad to the point of BSC ass killers

  51. I too swear I feel like I'm coming damn unglued.

    I'll distract myself with a question. Will someone please explain the difference between nunca and jamas? Thanks.

  52. I wondered the same thing about nunca and jamas once and read that there's no significant difference - you just go with whichever one seems to sound better in the sentence.

    But "nunca jamas" when you want to say "never ever."

  53. I checked Word Reference. They are synonyms, but jamas is more emphatic.
    I would nunca dye my hair blond.
    I would jamas go grocery shopping naked.

    See this thread on Word Reference. And when you use them together, nunca is ALWAYS before jamas.

  54. Got it. Thanks, Julie and PaulaH!

  55. Speaking of our piquititissimo de oro, Franco -- anybody start looking for the imaginary accordion player doing the accompaniment? I know it's nit-piquing, but would it have been too much to ask for to have him be recorded in the studio with JUST his golden guitar?

  56. ..... would it have been too much to ask for to have him be recorded in the studio with JUST his golden guitar?
    Would that be *all* he is wearing?


  57. Oh Doris! Maybe he would like to go grocery shopping naked!

  58. Hmmm,naked? Is there a Reyes brother running around naked? We could only hope.

  59. He IS cute. But if I saw him naked in the supermarket, I might die laughing, and then he would have to go to jail for killing me, and there would be no more golden guitar and singing with or without the magic invisible accordian.

  60. julia - ROFLOL! And we are terrible to be talking about this on the day of Rosario's memorial service. ;-)


  61. Hee....a strategically placed golden guitar, now there is a concept!!!

  62. ROFLMAO!

    Only here can a woman seeking clarity between nunca and jamas get a naked Reyes with a golden guitar thrown in as a treat.


  63. I think it's standard practice that, after everyone sobs and sniffs through the memorial service, there is a lunch or reception and everyone has drinks and snacks and tells inappropriate jokes to make everyone laugh and feel better. At least that is what has happened at every funeral I've gone to. So talking about things we would nunca jamas do naked, but other people *should* do naked, seems totally appropriate to me.
