
Monday, November 03, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday Nov 3 - No amnesia! I'm so happy I could cry!

Starting after Sara’s square mouth cursing at the TV, and Ern and Alonso watching in rapt attention:

Sara cusses at the TV some more. She does her make-me-want-to-puke voice with Fafy. Lorena’s interview continues. Apparently the entire city of Mexico is watching, I guess there is only one TV channel too. The interviewer asks if she and Ern are a couple, Alonso on his couch looks alarmed while Ern on his couch says “say you love me!” Lorena instead says they are just great friends, all her emotions at the moment are tied up in praying for her mother. Hortensia and Diana, who I guess are regular pals now, watch and are proud of Lorena.

Julian calls Diana to discuss pulling the plug on Zulema, Julian is having second thoughts. Julian tells her to talk to the doctor some more, he can’t bear to be part of it anymore. Off the phone, Hortensia tries to grill Diana about the whole thing too and ask if Omar and Lorena agree, Diana says Lorena won’t ever give up hope and Omar has no business being part of this after he bailed on Zulema already.

Sara sweet talks Fafy, who falls asleep. Sara is happy of course, then she doesn’t have to put out for him. I keep remembering Adam Sandler in Big Daddy talking about “old balls.” She goes to complain to Bruno, who is living the easy life. He tries to have sex with her to calm her down but she’s not interested. She is too interested in square mouth complaining about Lorena. She wants to go after Lorena some more, Bruno is happy where he is.

Lorena and Diana go to see boss lady at Clinic #23. Diana wants to pull the plug, Lorena argues the other side. Boss lady explains that there is some brain activity and another situation like this the person woke up. Lorena, who had none of this knowledge of her mother’s brain activity or this other anecdotal evidence, still decides to take this opportunity to say “see? I told you!” to Diana. Shameless.

Sara wants Bruno to go see his baby to spy on Lorena. He doesn’t want to, he is living the high life. Sara says she’s sick of the whole Fafy thing, she’s going to kill him. It’s possible I missed some detail of her plan, as “I’m going to kill him” sounds a bit ridiculous and incomplete. I imagine she’d try to find some way to rip him off first.

Boss lady says that there is hope, but not really. Lorena has lost touch, obviously, “but at least she’s alive! At least she’s alive!” She’s too stubborn to realize that she’s fighting for her own selfishness, not for Zulema. I mean really. Of course Zulema is going to wake up and Lorena will believe SHE was the one who was right all along. My wife and I have discussed, and did again when watching Friday’s show, that we want the other to pull the plug in this situation. The doctor says something about there needing to be something from Zulema herself telling them to pull the plug or they can’t. Diana storms out of the office.

Bruno must have heard me before, because he too asks Sara what the rest of her plan is. ‘Kill Fafy’ might make a fine Tarentino film, but it is a horrible get rich quick plan. He says she should marry him first, she says no way. She says he doesn’t have any family or friends besides Sean Penn’s really ugly brother Santiago (thanks to the commenter who pointed that out, Sylvia?). What kind of playboy is he anyway? If he’s the Mexican Hef, he should have about a million flunkies, he only has Santiago. Anyway she says she’ll get into his will, then she’ll kill him. What a stupid plan.

Diana runs into Vasco on the street and fills him in on the situation, he gives her a hug and is busted by Paty. Paty is jealous but Diana says nothing’s going on. Diana leaves and Vasco argue. Vasco says Diana’s still part of his family and he will be there for her. Paty backs down and admits to being jealous. Vasco says she doesn’t need to be, he is and will always be upfront with her. She says ok, but tell me again that you love me. He does and they hug. Hmm. I have been a big Paty fan until now, but passive/aggressive women certainly do not do it for me. Shape up Paty and let’s cut down on the 5 second mood swings from anger to clingy. In fact just drop the clingy part completely. Bleah.

Hellooooo Valeria! Looking GREAT. Alonso shows up at her house, much talk about being friends, he manages to say something about a galan, she says she doesn’t have one. The stage is set. Then Alonso, because he is STUPID, prattles on about Lorena. He is alone with super hottie Valeria, who just said she wished she had some galan and keeps telling him how great he is, and he goes on about Lorena. Idiot! Anyway she tells him that boss lady from clinic#23 should be calling him with some very good news. I remember boss lady saying “don’t say anything!”

Rosy welcomes Lorena, Maruja and Barbara are working on some project. Rosy is snarky about them working together. Maruja tells Barbara that she is sure Rosy and Julian are having issues. In the other room, Rosy cries, she is OBVIOUSLY having issues with Julian. Julian has turned into a real asshole it seems. Really? Hadn’t noticed (eye roll). Lorena tells her that Julian and Diana want to unplug Zulema but they can’t. Rosy cries again.

Julian is at a bar drinking – OOOOooooops! Well, I have to say that at least it’s refreshing to get an accurate portrayal of a drinking problem, the whole “Ok I’ll stop” thing was just ridiculous. He commiserates with some other drunk at the bar. He looks horrible.

Omar is helping some kid with the computer – does Greta have a kid? Yes, he called her mama. This is the first I’ve heard about it. Greta is so happy and calls him the best father in the world. He knowingly says others don’t feel the same way.

Paula, wearing a nice low-cut summer dress, arrives at Valeria’s apartment. Ohh yeah. Now we’re talking. Valeria breaks out the tequila. Paula tells her about Maruja and Greta and their new lives. Maruja good, Greta bad. Paula then talks about her own success. They toast.

Regretfully we are taken away from the gathering of hotties to Ern’s house. Jimena shows up and gives him a gift of some piece of art. I guess she has been gone, so Ern has to fill her in on the whole Lorena situation. He doesn’t want to push Lorena so she doesn’t send him packing completely. Jimena tells him no, go after her all out. Women like men who are sure of themselves.

Lorena goes to the hospital.

Alonso shows up at clinic #23 to meet with boss lady. She says she never agreed with the decision of the investigation, so she finally got them to look into it again. They reversed their decision and he is offered his job back.

Lorena talks to Zulema. Zulema starts breathing heavy and opens her eyes. Lorena understandably freaks out a bit and goes running for a doctor. She finds Alonso first, of course, they run back in. A nurse follows them in. Lorena goes on and on about a miracle. Alonso rightly tells her to get out of the room, saying “trust me in this.” I guess somehow he’s going to come out as the shining star in all this.

Rosy shows up looking for Julian, finds Diana. Rosy thinks Julian might have another woman. Rosy also doesn’t agree with the unplugging Zulema decision. The phone rings, it’s Lorena telling her to come the clinic. Rosy immediately thinks it’s about Julian.

Maruja and Barbara are out jogging, Maruja calls for a rest. Barbara tells her that she has her eye on a new man, Rolando their client. She’s very girly about it, she likes him a lot. Jaime runs up and tells them that Zulema woke up! Lots of hugs.

Valeria shows up, even in her lab coat she looks totally hot. Boss lady is with her, everyone is happy that Zulema woke up. Why all the celebration when they don’t know how she is yet? Maybe she’s a vegetable? Maybe she has AMNESIA? Oh lord please no I’m begging you. We are finally at an end to the coma story arc, I beg you to skip the amnesia. I am on my knees as I write this, literally. I’m getting back up now because this hurts my knees. Please no amnesia please.

Rosy and Diana run off to the clinic, Hortensia will stay with the baby. Diana says to tell everyone, but not Omar.

Alonso calls Toribio and tells him the news. Zulema seems to be responding well.

Ern calls the lessor house, Hort says to call Lorena on her cell phone and tells him that Zulema woke up.

Zulema can talk and everything! Lorena and Diana talk to her at the hospital, much hugging.

Vasco busts in and tells Paty that Zulema woke up. He asks her to wait until later to come so there aren’t too many people around. He manages to drop Diana’s name in there, Paty gets her whole jealous thing again. That settles that, the Paty/Vasco relationship is doomed.

Julian is tanked, he falls on a pool table at the bar. He keeps drinking while some other guys talk about him.

Diana tells Zulema that she gave up on her ever waking up and begs forgiveness.

Alonso finds Lorena and they hug. He tells her she was right about Zulema waking up someday. Great. Her stubborn selfishness is going to be presented as “she was the only one strong enough to keep believing!” I’m as glad as anyone that Zulema woke up AND DOESN’T APPEAR TO HAVE AMNESIA THANK GOD but really Lorena hung on to the idea of her waking up out of desperation and nothing else. Seeing her deified for it doesn’t make me feel good. She might as well have argued with everyone about if pigs can fly or not, and then one day an explosion will send a pig through the air, and she’ll say “see? I was right!” and everyone will tell her how smart she is.

Ern arrives at the clinic. Maybe we’ll have a showdown!

Alonso still feels guilty about the coma. They talk about who was wrong about them breaking up a year ago. Alonso is happy that Lorena forgives him for the coma. Ern sees them hugging and in true novela fashion surely assumes they are having sex. On these shows seeing people hug means they are getting busy, at least to those who see the hug. Yes, Ern thought bubbles that they must be back together.

Out in the waiting room everyone is there talking. Paty came along, Vasco must have felt guilty and brought her. Diana comes out crying and Vasco hugs her, Paty pretends to not care but is shooting daggers with her eyes at Vasco’s back.

Bruno shows up at the lesser house to see the baby, he is impactado to see Hort there, as well as up and around. Hort prohibits him from seeing the baby, he’ll have to get Diana’s permission, and she’s at the clinic where Zulema just woke up. Wow what a lot of info to take in, in about 10 seconds.

Alonso talks to Zulema and tells her what happened, the whole story through today and him being offered his job back. He wants her forgiveness first, she tells him it surely was an accident and he has nothing to apologize for. Alonso gazes lovingly at Lorena.

Bruno says no way could she wake up, it isn’t possible! His reaction leads Hort to be suspicious, as she is a former lier/cheater/etc so she knows one when she sees one. She reminds him of the horrible things he said to her (Hort) when she was laid up in bed so she knows how he is. Bruno threatens to return but Hort sends him packing.

Diana is worried that Julian hasn’t shown up. Lorena says to wait until later to say anything to Zulema about Julian or Omar.

Greta goes through photos and tears up one of Paula. She says she looooooves him so much but he’s not so content about the relationship since he gave up so much. She gets really grumpy about it and stomps off.

Lorena and Diana still can’t decide what to do about Omar. Ern shows up and says he called and Hort told him the news. She looks at him so lovey just like she looked at Alonso a few minutes ago. She keeps thanking him for all his help, etc. Now it’s Alonso’s turn to see her hugging Ern. Ern sees him and backs off. Lorena says “what did I say?” Ern says basically actions speak louder than words. So if Alonso hugs her, they are having sex, but his OWN hug doesn’t mean that. Now I get it. No I don’t get it at all.

Omar calls the lessor house, the employee answers and tells him the news that Zulema woke up. She didn’t get the memo to not tell Omar. Omar has a look like he REALLY stepped in it this time. Which he did.

Santiago is beside himself with joy over Fafy inviting him over for a drink. Turns out Fafy has been with Sara longer than with any other woman. Bruno arrives. Sara is dressed up like Jeannie, which looks fine to me. She takes away Fafy’s drink, saying there is something in it that goes against doctor’s orders. Over at the bar, Bruno fills her in on the news of Zulema and Hort. He tells her to find a way for them to get away and talk. Santiago and Fafy talk about Fafy’s health and doctors and stuff. He has some heart problem, but no big deal he says. Yeah right.

Ern stops Alonso to talk. He tells Alonso that he is going to fight for Lorena. Alonso says he is too. It’s war.


  1. Thanks for the fabu recap Ferro. Hope your knees are doing better.

  2. Ferro, Not only am I grateful for your hilarious recap, I am deeply grateful on behalf of you and all the rest of us bloggers and bloggettes that Zulema doesn't have amnesia. The rest of the group is going to hell in a handbasket but at least they remember where they are going.

  3. Pobre de Ferro! So many hotties, so little air time :) I too was looking forward to the reunion of the two least that way we'd get to spend some time with people who are actually happy!

  4. The bigger miracle is not that Zuly woke up, but that she doesn't have amnesia! Unbelievable. Thank you telenovela writers.

    Sara looks great in her Jeannie outfit. She should dress that way all the time.

    I loved the way Snorty gave Bruno the smack-down. She has completely redeemed herself in my eyes.

    I know the kids are mad at dad, but to not tell Omar that Zulema woke up...that seems wrong to me.

    Where did Greta's son come from? Did she give birth to a 10 year old? Had we heard about a son?

    "Kill Fafy" does sound like a Tarentino film! Good call.

    Hilarious recap Chris. I'm happy for your audience that Zuly doesn't have amnesia. Thanks!

  5. I don't know if I missed it or not , but did Sara do a Hoochie Kootchy dance in that outfit?
    Either that or she was a little late for Halloween.

    I'm surprised that when Ern told Slo he'd fight for Lor , Slo didn't thought bubble "I'm not worried I've always got Val in the wings."

    It's possible Greta's kid was a writer's afterthought , giving Omar food for thought about his own family. He could have been thinking this is a great situation no kids to get in the way , we can go anywhere , do anything we want without having to worry about having to do any parenting . If the kid was a little older we could have a novia battle between him and Ivan.


  6. Ferro, thanks for great recap. Like Sylvia, I'm still laughing at your Kill Fafy line. I do think that Barbara Eden was a much hotter "Jeannie" than Sara though.

    I believe Sara mentioned she's like to go on an African safari to Fafy. Perhaps she plans on feeding him to the lions.

    They say you don't know what you have even though it's staring you right in the face. It's amazing that Alonso is completely oblivious to Valeria. He is even denser than I ever thought possible.

    Glad to see Ernesto has finally wised up and is going to fight for Lorena. Diana in MA

  7. Man, Lorena has GOT to take a communication skills class.

    You don't open with "come to the clinic!!!," letting everyone worry that someone's been in a wreck. You open with "Mom's awake!!!"

  8. Absolutely right Julie !

    I think we need more "blabber" and less blank stares. It seems most characters have partaken of "Diffenbachia" , (Dumb Cane)rendering them unable to spit out what needs to be said. Perhaps Vasco needs to inform the public of the plants danger instead of planting all those fir trees.

    I loved the stance on Horty when confronting Bruto. Nobody was getting by her. That cane was ready to be swung into action. Knowing Horty ,I'm surprised it didn't contain a hidden sword to be pulled out in dire circumstances.


  9. I should have compared Hort to Gandalf in that scene - "you shall not pass!"

  10. Hee Hee! Ferro!!! Gandolf!! Can't wait to see what Omar will do now, the fool!! I was also surprised at the instant little boy that Greta has!

    Sara is obsessed, for sure! Wonder how long Fafy has till he kicks the bucket?

    Too bad we have to wait till Wednesday to find out.

  11. Ferro: Loved the Hortensia/Gandalf reference. Bruno/Balrog, same difference. Diana in MA

  12. Great recap, Ferro, and I agree with many of your hotness assessments. Such as Paula, who you recognized as looking good way back when she was all covered up. Now that she's happy with her beauty product line and her new independence, her outfits and her attitude steal just about every scene she's in.

    I also liked Sara's Jeannie outfit. I just happen to be watching season one of I Dream of Jeannie from 1965 on DVD in Spanish, and although Sara looks great, she can't match Barbara Eden's mischievous smile. I also like when she crosses her arms, nods her head, and turns someone into a camel! I bet Sara would like to do that to Fafi.

    But if Sara were Jeannie, who could she turn the other characters into? Of course Lorena would become a lamb (Sara might prefer a lambchop!) Alonso is like a cowardly lion. Julian could be a frog. Of course, both Sara and Greta are already snakes - no transformation necessary.

  13. Howdy =)

    Ferro - is she Hortensia the Grey or Hortensia the White? Is it sad that we all knew exactly who you meant?

    Greta has always had a son, we just hadn't met him yet. I think the night she called Ray with an "emergency" she said it had to do with her son. Then when he arrived, she said he'd gone to bed.

    Mark - Fafy told Santi that he make Sara dress up for him. Not sure she dances for him or if he just likes to watch her walking around in skimpy outfits.

  14. I'd have to call her Hortensia the Grey - she isn't all pure and white. She still has a hit out on Sara.

  15. And I'll agree that Barbara Eden out-Jeannies anybody. Had we been writing recaps back in the day, I'd be extolling the hotness of her and Dick Van Dyke-era Mary Tyler Moore.

  16. in the scene between Greta and Omar, she complains that she has lost her friends because of their relationship. He says that he has lost his kids, which is worse. She retorts that not a day goes by when he doesn't bring that up. I guess we're being set up for their breakup. But would Zulema take him back if she finds out about Greta?
    I hope NOT. A good punishment for him would be to end up alone and lonely. Nj Sue

  17. Yesterday several people asked about Tontas; I hope you don’t mind if I post my impressions here. I watched some of it on YouTube. No spoilers, beyond what was in the summary.

    The first two cap's cover Pat & Candy’s romance, Pat seduced by the sister, runaway bride, son born, Candy finishes college, jump to when son is 7. The first two caps are a whirlwind tour, and they are awful. Skip them. Start at Cap 3, which is very typical of the show.

    Camil plays his role so differently, he carries himself so differently, you forget about Don Fernando in just a few cap’s (yes, such a thing is possible). He even looks terrible in a suit! (How do they do that?) And fabulous in a certain orange sweater.

    I really liked the characters (except Candy). I just loved many of the relationships. Santiago with his mother - golden! And his daughter - finally some little kids you can really like! I thought the Patricio character was very well developed. He is a weak man, pulled in several directions, and too weak to set his own course. Interesting character study.

    The core plot is not good - poorly developed, it stalls, and I never saw any reason for Santiago (Camil) to fall for Candy. She's bitter and heartless. Most of the subplots are actually enjoyable. Not well-developed of course, but you don't cringe when the scene shifts to them. I even looked forward to some of them. Also some good dialog. Easy to understand for Spanish learners. Some good verbal sparring. No excessive rehash.

    There is certainly comedy. It's pretty light for a novela. None of the magic Fea had. Overall, it was a fun romp. Not Shakespeare, not by a long shot, but enjoyable to watch.

  18. I loved it when Bruno called Sara a psychopath! (for still wanting to destroy Lorena). As someone who deliberately tried to kill another human being, how does he rate himself? Oh well....

    Found the Omar/Greta scene totally annoying. All the man does is whine and look glum. My kids don't like me...bwaaaaaa. Can't imagine why Greta clings to him. She'd be better off alone, and no doubt she will be.

    OF COURSE ZULEMA WILL FORGIVE HIM. C'mon guys, get real. You know how these things go. Oh well, I certainly don't want that dear lady to be bitter or suspicious all her life, so forgive and forget Zully and just enjoy being back among the living. are right. Paula was gorgeous in her outfit (imagine she'd look good as "jeannie" also. And Valeria is lovely. White teeth, shiny hair, beautiful eyes...classy and gorgeous. Alonso's getting the better deal.

    Paula T...Jaime Camil doesn't look good in a suit!? can't be him! Oh well, I'll have to look VERY CAREFULLY to see if you're right.

  19. Thanks for the recap Ferro. I too am so happy Zulema didn't have amnesia. When they didn't show her for a while, I got nervous that something might be wrong but thankfully no.

    Can't wait to see the gang on tomorrow.

  20. Orange sweater? The Man Formerly Known As Don Fernando Tan Divino in an orange sweater? Did I ever mention that orange is my favorite color??

    I did crack up when I saw Sara in the harem girl outfit. I don't know how she manages not to come off as super-desperate.

  21. Thanks, Ferro. I ,too, am happy that Zully woke up and didn't say ''Who are you? Who am I? Where am I?'' That amnesia storyline gets real old real fast. I also agree about Mary Tyler Moore. I wanted to BE Mary Tyler Mooer. Hub happened to be passing through the livingroom when Sara had escaped her bottle and was doing her ''I Dream I'm a Jeannie '' thing . He stopped , looked at the screen , and asked ''What's that outfit about? Is she going out trick or treating??'' I said, ''Well, she has started turning tricks ...starting with that old dude on the sofa...Fluffy Hefner. '' He then went downstairs to watch golf in the familyroom. By the way, how long were they in Australia? I'm trying to figure out how long Zully has been in the coma. The writers seem to want to keep us guessing until the very end about who Lorena ends up with. I'm betting on Ernie , and then Slow will end up with Hot Val. I'm hoping that Bluto ends up with Sean Santiago . That would be sweet. And what has gotten into Julian? What a spoiled little crybaby. Basta, Julian. Put down that bottle of beer, go see your mama, return to your bride, and get a job.

  22. Julie~~~Orange is also Rachel Ray's favorite color. I like blue. By the way, did you see Jon Hamm on SNL the other week ? Di you see the finale of Mad Men?? It's one of the only shows I watch...great show. You never know what's going to happen next , and I love the retro clothes and furniture....not to mention the kooky 60s mindset and manners.

  23. Jon Hamm, Susanlynn? Yeah, I saw him on SNL! That's my imaginary boyfriend you're talkin' about! ("John Ham! Remember, if it feels like ham, don't wipe your ass with it!")

    I love Mad Men too... that's why I recap it. (You're gonna have to scroll a bit. The voting post will disappear after tonight. I'll probably update the recap of the Mad Men finale tonight or tomorrow since the one I posted was done in a hurry.)

  24. Sorry about misspelling John's name. Hub's maternal grandparents' name was Hamm. That's a common name around here and is always spelled with a double ''m.'' I also had a 4th grade teacher and a friend named Hamm [Larry Hamm...We named my older daughter's orange stuffed lamb in his honor ..Harry Lamb.] I missed the first episodes of Mad Men. I should track them down. I hated to see the finale. I'll miss the of the only shows I like on American TV. Guess I'll just have to watch more telenovelas.

  25. No, it is Jon Hamm. In the SNL skit, he was advertising a product called "John Ham."

  26. I fell asleep and missed some of SNL, but Jon was pretty funny in the skits that I saw. I especially liked the dating tips from Don Draper. I remember Jon from a police drama a few years ago, but I can't remember the name of that show. He's perfect for Mad Men because there is a 60s look about him.

  27. Great recap Ferro, I love your sense of humor and wittiness (is that a word? I guess yes since my spell check did not mark it) your male perspective is refreshing. I think it is Hortensia de White because she was reborn. Now that Zulema is awake all the bets are off (like we say in Spanish) “es cada quien para su santo”. It’ll be interesting watching the fight.

  28. Thanks Maricruz for that new dicho...."es cada quien para su santo"....I'm going right upstairs and write it down in my notebook. Gracias!

  29. Ferro, nifty title and great recap! I needed the chuckles! Thanks!

    “It’s possible I missed some detail of her plan, as “I’m going to kill him” sounds a bit ridiculous and incomplete. I imagine she’d try to find some way to rip him off first.” ROTFL!!!! No, she definitely cut right to the chase here; she’s ready to off him and Bruno wants to be more subtle. He was pretty impactada. I am not sure he really understood the package he got with Sara here.

    “‘Kill Fafy’ might make a fine Tarentino film, but it is a horrible get rich quick plan.” ROTFLLL!!!

    “Shape up Paty and let’s cut down on the 5 second mood swings from anger to clingy. In fact just drop the clingy part completely.” LOL! That was a little out of character for Patty. She’s usually so balanced. Vasco’s a nice guy, but I never have been able to see his curb appeal.

    “Omar is helping some kid with the computer – does Greta have a kid? Yes, he called her mama. This is the first I’ve heard about it.” You and all the rest of us, Ferro. Who ever knew Greta had a kid? She was always out catting around with the other two. Who was taking care of this kid?

    “Why all the celebration when they don’t know how she is yet? Maybe she’s a vegetable? Maybe she has AMNESIA? Oh lord please no I’m begging you. We are finally at an end to the coma story arc, I beg you to skip the amnesia. I am on my knees as I write this, literally. I’m getting back up now because this hurts my knees. Please no amnesia please” ROTFLLLLLLLL this has to be one of the best recap paragraphs of all time! Thank you, Ferro, for helping us all express ourselves, but you do it so eloquently!

    “She might as well have argued with everyone about if pigs can fly or not, and then one day an explosion will send a pig through the air, and she’ll say “see? I was right!” and everyone will tell her how smart she is.”

    ROTFLLLLL I laughed so hard I cried.
    “Sara is dressed up like Jeannie, which looks fine to me.” ROTFL—surely you’re not old enough to remember Jeannie???

    Great comments everyone!

  30. Howdy =)

    Susalynn, Zuly's been in a coma for a little over a year, and I think Sara and her mantourage left for Sydney shortly thereafter (hence her ability to grow her hair another 8 inches, though it sure looks like extensions). Not sure if they went anywhere else besides Australia, but that's all Santiago asked about, so that must be it.

  31. A pig did fly. For real. Not really. In a mockumentary. (I promise it's not real.)

  32. Great recap, Ferro. Love your sense of humor.
    Add my name to the "Thank goodness Zulema doesn't have amnesia" club.

    Mike and I are on vacation but the motel in Paso Robles carries Univision so we were able to see the show yesterday. (Missed Friday's because no TV on Amtrak!!) Hoping my brother in San Joe has Univision for the rest of the week.
    Alonso/Valeria, Ernesto/Lorena, Omar and Greta - who cares?????

  33. OK, I'm sleepy and can't hold onto a thought...
    'Slo/Val: YES, Ern/Lor: YES, Omar: life in a stinky gutter somewhere...

  34. Emilia, you're in my neck of the woods. Driving? Gas up before you leave SLO. No cheap gas until Salinas. Good eats at Apple Farm in SLO, probably good breakfast menu (I'm never there in the morning). I would be surprised if ANY cable carrier in SJ did not have Univision. email me if you want lunch advice on the drive; .

  35. Emilia, most of the Bay Area can get 3 Spanish stations on basic cable. I would keel over in shock if you can't get Univision. (Shoot me an email if you guys find you have any free time,

  36. Thanks Paula and Sylvia (my mom almost named me Sylvia) for the suggestions. We are taking Amtrak up to San Jose this evening so will miss today's show. We're taping 'em in Virginia for our return. Sylvia, I'll e-mail you tomorrow after we see how things are going to play out at my brother's house. Loving vacation and California!!

  37. Emilia, I hope you have some daylight. The train ride from SLO to Salinas is boring, but north of Salinas there is some great scenery, so be sure to pay attention if you have daylight.

  38. Emilia~~~We've never been on Amtrak ,but we've been thinking about it.Do you recommend it ? I would love to see the West by rail some day. My sister has traveled to Florida from PA via Amtrak....not very comfy.

  39. Susanlynn, I've taken Amtrak from Idaho to NY twice, and, while that is a bit long, I definitely recommend it for trips that are either somewhat shorter or broken up with stops. It's a pretty convenient way to travel (stations are in town and you don't have to show up way early and be assaulted by security, as you do when flying) and much more comfortable than planes since you have a lot more space. I've also taken trains up and down the west coast and it's great. Beautiful scenery, low stress.

  40. I love the male comments re the women, I too, though, was actually, thinking, hmmm haven't seen that Valeria in a while, they slutted her up a bit (in a good way, of course....)didn't they?

    Loved the no amnesia quips. yeah that would have been a pain in the uh...nevermind...

    Thanks for hanging in there Ferro!!!

  41. Not to sound too judgmental, but I've always thought the Sara character is a little (really just a little) pudgy and well when she leaned over the couch a couple times as Jeanie I saw "the roll." I'm ok with that, and I like her with long hair, but I kind of thought the bare belly thing wasn't the best look for her.

  42. Susanlynn et al.--Amtrak is reallly great if you can go in Club car and/or sleeper.

    Jeanne (happy traveler)
