* Viviana is sitting in her cherry red Jeep across from the castle entrance. Mayita sees the Jeep and looks at the driver.
* JM and Chuy are inside the hall talking. Mayita runs in and tells Daddy that she just saw Mommy outside. JM says that's not possible your mommy is dead. Mayita is still convinced and drags JM and Chuy outside to look.
* At the car, Viviana thought bubbles about her family inside and drives away.
* As JM, Chuy and Mayita walk from the front gate, Mayita is still convinced even though there was no Jeep with a lady driver outside. Chuy asks Mayita if she's still angry with her. JM is baffled and asks Mayita and Chuy for more information.
* In fantasyland, Mayita cries to Abuela about Daddy and Marichuy. Mayita misses her mom so much and thinks she's still alive. Abuela and Mayita apologize and make-up. They hug and Abuela has to console Mayita, whose crying starts a rainstorm in fantasyland.
* Outside in the courtyard, JM and Chuy are talking about their love; he can't wait until Saturday to marry her and then they will always be together.
* Mayita cries, rain continues to pour, and Abuela continues to try to console. Mayita tells Abuela about seeing mommy in a Jeep outside the castle but when she returned to show her daddy and Chuy, the Jeep disappeared. Mayita is upset and Abuela has to explain, console and counsel.
* Martirio serves breakfast to Isabel and Ceci in the back patio (with the still life deer eating in the background or maybe it's just a freeze frame superimposed on a chromakey backdrop). Martirio informs Isabel and Ceci about Rocio and Vicente's accident. They are impactado.
* Mayita and JM talk outside about JM marrying Chuy. Balbina comes over to take Mayita to the waiting car to take her to school.
* Elsa, Nelson, Amador and friend are talking in the lobby of the hospital(?). Elsa says she wants to stay and visit her cousin and Vicente. Nelson, Amador and friend all leave for the theater.
* Ed sits and watches Rocio lay heavily bandaged and sleeping.
* Mayita arrives at school. She starts to freak out when she sees the red Jeep and her mommy driving.
* JM enters the room and sits by Rocio's bed; Ed stands behind him. Rocio wakes up and panics. JM has to calm her down and tell her where she is. Rocio feels her bandages and panics even more - what happened? What's with all the bandages? Where's Vicente?
* Mayita screams and shouts about her mommy in the Jeep. The school director has to hold her back and calm her down. Viviana drives away and Mayita is sad watching the Jeep leave.
* Rocio is upset. JM has to use all his training to calm her down. She asks to see Vicente. JM says she can't right now. Rocio is crying and JM gives her a consoling hug.
* Elsa is visiting with Vicente's mom at his bedside. Vicente is still in a coma. His mom is upset and continues to pray for a miracle for her son.
* In the hospital corridor, Ed and JM discuss the two cases. JM tells Ed to stay with his sister and take care of her. He has to go get some ID papers for Chuy and the marriage license papers for this Saturday's ceremony.
* Cande and Adrian are talking in Cande's laundromat/apartment. JM enters. Cande asks him about his sister. JM gives a brief report and then mentions the reason for his visit; to get some ID paperwork for Chuy - it's for the marriage license. Adrian glares as Cande asks when the wedding is and JM says on Saturday.
* Ed and Elsa meet in the hospital hall - awkward moment for both of them.
* Adrian and JM discuss the wedding and how much time is allotted to get the paperwork together. JM also tells Adrian his reasons for marrying Chuy so quickly. Adrian is still suspicious.
* JM is in his car, talking on his cell phone.
* Chuy enters the cubicle to visit Rocio at the hospital. Rocio is happy to see Chuy; Chuy says she feels so guilty for the accident - she's the one who introduced them. Rocio says the accident wasn't her fault. Rocio is upset and wants to know about her bandages, if she's disfigured. Chuy says no she isn't. Rocio is still crying.
* JM meets with the school director and Mayita. The director explains Mayita's outburst on the street when she saw the red Jeep and her mom. JM can't believe it and asks if the director is sure it was Viviana. Director can't be 100 percent sure. JM says Viviana is dead. The director says that's why she has doubts. Mayita cries that it was her mommy.
* Rocio begs Chuy to go and visit Vicente for her, find out how he is. Chuy promises and leaves.
* In the next cubicle, Chuy opens the curtains to see Vicente in a coma and two people by his bedside. She introduces herself to his parents - they tell her what the doctor said and that they haven't given up hope. Chuy nervously leaves quickly, closing the curtains behind her.
* Back with Rocio, Chuy reports what the parents told her - that there is hope Vicente will be awake and 100 percent. Rocio is happy.
* Outside the school, JM talks with Mayita about seeing Viviana on the street, as well as all the horrible things Onelia has been telling her about Chuy.
* Viviana sits in her hotel room, determined to get her family back.
* Chuy talks with Rocio about Vicente; Rocio then gives Chuy permission to marry JM and live happily ever after.
* JM talks with Mayita about what Onelia has been telling her about Chuy; they are mean and hurtful things that Mayita shouldn't believe. Chuy has always been warm, friendly and nice and a true friend. Chuy loves him and Mayita very much. JM reminds his daughter that Mommy is dead and that person she sees could just be someone who looks similar to her. JM and Mayita hug.
* A young lady with suitcases gets out of taxi and walks over to ask Adrian for directions. Adrian points out the place and asks if she needs help with her suitcases. The young lady declines the offer and walks with her suitcases towards the house.
* Olga is inside fixing herself some tea. Knock at the door. Olga answers and is excited and surprised to see her daughter there in front of her.
* On the stair landing, JM and Chuy make promise before they marry. JM gives her a special angel waterglobe.
* Olga apologizes to daughter about the looks of the apartment, she's still living in poverty. Daughter scolds Olga for lying to her in her letters, telling her she lives in Cinderella's castle, with servants, butlers and lots of money. Olga admits to all the lies.
* JM and Chuy kiss on the stair landing. Onelia grumbles about her next move to sue JM and take Mayita away from him for good, since he insists on marrying Chuy.
* JM drives crazy through the castle driveway.
* Cande and Chuy have a girl spa day in Chuy's bedroom. Chuy is getting ready for her wedding tomorrow. Chuy shows Cande the dress, shoes and tells her all about the preparations JM made for for their wedding. Cande is excited. Chuy reveals that she's both happy and scared at the same time. Cande hugs Chuy and wishes her well for her wedding day.
* At the gym, JM and Ed discuss the wedding, Mayita and Rocio. JM is excited and happy to be marrying Chuy.
* Chuy takes a bubble bath and daydreams about her wedding to JM. She loves him so, so much.
* Padre walks with Olga on the sidewalk. Olga cries to him about daughter's scolding her about her lies. Daughter approaches. Olga presents her to Padre Anselmo. Padre calmly talks with her about all the sacrifices her mom made so she could go to school and live a better life.
* JM visits Rocio at the hospital. Rocio wants to know how she and Vicente are really doing.
* Padre talks with daughter about changing her attitude and being more appreciative of what her mother's done and sacrificed for her. Mom and daughter look at each other; they cry and hug.
* Dr. visits with parents of Vicente - apparently there's bad news about Vicente's condition.
* Ed walks into the castle front hall with Balbina. He's there to pick up Chuy for her wedding. Balbina goes to get her.
* In her bedroom, Balbina tells Chuy that Ed is waiting outside for her. Chuy gives Balbina a message - she's almost ready.
* JM and Rocio finish their visit - they discuss his wedding this afternoon to Chuy. Rocio reminds him about Onelia's venom. JM knows and wants to marry Chuy to protect her from it. Rocio wishes her brother the best - they kiss and hug. Rocio cries as JM leaves.
* At the church, Padre walks along the sidewalk outside. Guests all gather outside on the sidewalk. Ed drives up to the front entrance and helps Chuy climb out of the back. Everyone cheers and claps. Chuy salutes everyone. Ed walks with Chuy into the church. Everyone else follows them inside.
ADVANCE -- Wedding Day Fireworks!
(Ed. Note: I will be out of town next Monday, Nov. 11, so if anyone is available and willing to fill in for me that night. I would be really appreciative.-- Jody)
Thanks for the speedy recap. I hope Vicente will be alright. I love the storyline of Vicente and Rocio. Can't wait to see the wedding on Wednesday. I can cover for you on Monday if you like.
ReplyDeleteThanks for an awesome and lightning-fast recap eeyore! I missed what the docs told Vicente's parents and thought I heard them say he'd never walk and figured it had to be something else, so thanks for clearing that up for me ;)
ReplyDeleteQuick comments/answers from before:
NinaK - Yes, "muerto de hambre" is used in a derogatory way, even though the poor don't actually become such by choice (unless they take a vow of poverty, but that's a different story).
Julia - I'm with you on Pat being a lousy judge and conflicting interests being an issue if the Mayita custody comes to his chambers. To his credit, I think he told Onelia he'd do what he felt was best, without committing one way or another, but the fact is that he can't be objective. Years ago, my FIL made a mental note to recuse himself from any cases involving a certain local paper because they didn't print all the info he wanted on my MIL's obituary. He knew full well that, at least for a while, he'd be too annoyed at them to be fair. He's opinionated, and well aware of it.
A couple of folks have mentioned Viv should have gotten a divorce. Matter of fact, very early in this TN (possibly the first epi) Viv asked JM for a divorce, and he said no because Mayita needed both her parents. Further proof he's a lousy psychiatrist or he would know that children do better with divorced parents than they do with those that hate each other. Having said that, now that JM has gotten MC to agree to marry him, he might be more willing to divorce Viv to marry MC (though the church wedding would be out). As for Mayita, I suspect Viv would let JM have her for the right amount of $$$.
Incidentally, the comment about Cande's laundromat apartment reminded me some folks asked why she did the Castle laundry when they clearly owned washing machines. The reason, IMHO, is that, being rich, the San Roman's own plenty of dry-clean and hand-wash-only clothes. The only things that hit the washing machine are things like socks and linens. JM's suits hit the "tintoreria" and his silk shirts and Viv's fancy blouses went to Cande so they could be hand washed.
Thanks for the recaps, everyone. I have not been commenting for a couple of days. I loved Marichuy's spunky wedding entrance. Of course, not all will go smoothly, but it will be fun for a day or so?
ReplyDeleteI like Vicente and Rocio too. Poor Ed seems to be nursing an affection for Rocio--doomed to choose wrong again. Maybe he will end up with new girl--who's played by Gloria from Guapos (playing same role of friend of main character?). She seemed to know Marichuy when she and her mother were waiting to go the wedding--which raises the question, how come she didn't know her mother was poor? Seems like she came from the neighborhood. Does anyone know new girl's name?
The new girl is Purita. She and Chuy haven't met before. I guess Olga just wrote to her daughter about her, so she knows of her.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the recap, Eeyore!
ReplyDeleteViv is such an uncaring b!tch. So she's back in town to get her hands on some more money and such, ey? So stop following Mayita! You're torturing the girl, and you know it! And don't pretend that you miss her and need to see her, because that's just so much BS. You barely paid the girl any attention before your "death," never touched or hugged her, just ignored her in your quest for status and fun. I still can't believe you gave birth to the child.
I wonder if she's going to end up on another jaunt back to Spain to bother Lety and Gustavo the Loser Husband. They made too much of her playing around with Lety's meds and such just let that be all of that side-story, surely...
Now I am sure Abue Mariana is Mayita's deep subconscious that pokes her when she consciously acts out. Oh, the rain. All the rain. Poor thing. I'm glad she has CandyLand, or she'd probably be getting knives from the kitchen by now, thanks to Ornery and Viv.
Vicente may be in worse shape than Rocio, but they made her LOOK like she got the worst of the accident. Goodness gracious. The way she hurried JM off to his wedding made me tear up a little. What a sweetheart of a sister.
JM's scene with Mayita in the driveway gave me a warm and toasty moment too, the way they clung and hugged each other with such love. Very sweet. (Have you noticed? JM's eyelashes look longer than Mayita's! Muy sexy.)
Adrian seems to have gotten quite passive concerning Chuy lately. A welcome development, but sort of strange for him.
So now we see the daughter that unknown woman kept talking to the Padre about weeks and weeks ago. Why was there such a huge gap in that side-story? I remember us all being puzzled by it because it seemed to go nowhere, then disappeared without us understanding who the unknown woman was.
Wow, seemed like every time someone was having a private moment in the castle, or a servant was conversing with someone in the castle--(insert strange swooping noise here)--a flying monkey with blonde hair would suddenly melt into view close by and assess the situation. Pardon me, that would be the Head Flying Monkey of CUIDADO. May a house fall on you, Ornery.
Chuy's arrival at the church was great. There she was in all that bridal elegance, a vision in white, but still walking like a tomboy and whistling at people. Just hilarious. She really is a beautiful girl, in a natural kind of way.
Was Viv at the church or at the castle, in Wednesday's preview? I couldn't really tell... she'd better be at the house collecting stuff while everyone's out of there, so she can get out of Mexico and Mayita's hair. I can't imagine why she would be wasting valuable time hovering at the church unless she really does have some pathetic sadistic streak.
Gloria, thanks for stepping up to the plate and helping Eeyore out next week. You rock.
I'm glad you shared your dry-clean and hand-wash-only comments, margarita. I didn't think of that. Very interesting.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your full and lightning-fast recap, eeyore. Much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI too loved how our Marichuy still had her little mannerisms, while decked out in her wedding finery and how she yanked Ed into the church.
But I teared up at the scene when Rocio was sending JM off to his wedding. She's still traumatized from her accident, but all she wanted was for her brother and Mari to be happy. There was something about her facial expression, tears, and how she was clenching her hands that was so moving. I love their relationship, and that scene was so well acted.
The scariest moment was when Onelia appeared at Balbina's shoulder just as Balbina was assuring Mari she'd look out for Cuate. Please don't let that witch do anything to that little pup.
I was really glad for the clarification on what the doctor told Vincente's parents (shout out to the father, who was hot as Ivan on Amar Sin Limites). I also thought he'd said he'd never walk again. I wonder how they will carry a story arc about someone in a coma.
I tend to lose patience with novelas that are too slow to start in the beginning, but on the other hand this one has been a whirlwind with respect to JM and his women. He starts off with Viv, the shrew, then loses her in a plane crash, then gets engaged to a new shrew, then ditches her and rushes to the altar with Mari. Whew! And all of this while recovering from a plane crash and a random shooting. Most of us would be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, but not JM.
Eeyore: Thanks for the great recap. I, too, thought the doctor told Vicente's parents that he'd never walk again. We'll probably hear more about that later.
ReplyDeleteEd sure got to Elsa. He was so wooden when he was listing all the faults and foolishness and consequences of youth - like, girl, you lost me and now you've got a loser.
At least he warmed up when he went to pick Mari up - he actually smiled.
And, I hope Vivi is at the mansion and not at the cathedral. We hve to get past "...or forever hold your peace..."
Thanks Eeyore!
ReplyDeleteViv is certainly her mother's daughter. It's going to be a miracle if poor Mayita comes out of this without serious emotional trauma. Such an awful mother and grandmother, it makes me shudder.
I was thinking the same thing about Ed's apparent feelings for Rocio, Nina. Ed is very handsome but I can't see him with any of the ladies we've been introduced to so far, including Rocio.
I am curious as to where they are going to go with the Purita story. She's a very pretty girl, I was trying to think of who they would match HER up with, but not really coming up with an answer there either.
Does anyone remember more of what we've heard of Olga and Purita? Why has Olga been lying and why is she so ashamed to have her own daughter know that she is poor? Have they not always been poor?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be traveling next week and won't be able to do the recap. Is someone willing to substitute for me on Tuesday the 11th?
Thanks for the terrific recap!
Julia: I'm a sub recapper this Thursday - I think I'll survive. So, I'll volunteer to do yours next Tuesday, too.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that Purita could wind up with Ed --which would be the same as the elsa/nelson union and have some irony since eduardo seemed like a real snob. Or else maybe Purita could wind up with Adrian. they are both poor people who are transcending their backgrounds through education. NJ sue
ReplyDeleteI can do Tuesday. No need to do double duty, Pasofino.
ReplyDeleteHowdy =)
ReplyDeleteRE: Olga and Purita - The reason Purita (probably nickname for Pura) thought mom was rich is that she went off to boarding school when she was still very little. Mom probably started spinning tales about improving finances (and wanting her to continue her education) when Purita started saying she wanted to come home. They also hinted that she's done some not-so-pure things to pay for her kid's education (this could be from something as innocent as working in a bar to something as serious as prostitution, but they've never said specifics). Purita's objections are not to the poverty, but to the lies and to being forced to stay away from her mom. On the one hand, Purita could have done quite well (and mom wouldn't have had to work as hard or deprive herself as much) if she'd stayed at home and gone to private school. Still, she speaks four languages, etc, and that's more than a local school, even a private one, could have provided. There's also the issue that nobody at school knew the truth, so she didn't grow up surrounded by rich kids who treated her like she was less than they were, so that was another element. Guess all parents want what's best for their kids, even if it means giving them up for the bulk of their childhood.
NinaK: That'll work for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks, NinaK, you're awesome. And thanks for also offering, Pasofino.
ReplyDeleteI will have to watch carefully to see whether Eduardo and Purita seem well-suited. I don't think he's really such a snob. At least, he's not as far gone as Onelia, Stef, etc. He just doesn't seem to question the status quo much. But he seems to have no objection to JM marrying Marichuy (other than telling JM that he needs to be honest with her) and actually he's pretty nice to Marichuy. Even when he went to see Nelson all angry about being dumped by Elsa he was civilized about it and didn't treat Nelson poorly because he is lower-class. Of course, when it comes to Eduardo, I am totally biased.
I also haven't thought Eduardo was a snob--he likes Marichuy, no? (I think at the beginning her was taken aback by the class differences but then warmed to her?) I think his differences with Elsa were more temperamental--he's an anal retentive doctor, and she's a bohemian artiste.
ReplyDeleteCompletely off topic comment:
ReplyDeleteI read two articles today and yesterday about the terrible toll of the increasingly violent drug trade in Mexico and the corruption that makes it so intractable. It's so tragic, and it makes me feel guilty for watching these novelas in a vacuum.
It is like pap for the masses.
Eeyore, Thanks for you excellent recap and I love the title most of all.
ReplyDeleteStephe, I appreciate your observations, especially about where Viviana really is in the preview clips. That castle does look awfully churchy in some shots. I can't decide now, but it was such a tease as they often toss us in the coming scenes.
I hope Vicente wakes up so he and Rocio can get busy helping each other survive and recover. They were the sweetest couple.
Thank you for all that recap for me. My mother-in-law moved in last month and got myself and my husband HOOKED on this show. Even though my husband tranlates as much as he can your recapping makes all the difference for me. So thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteOh, small note that I don't think anyone mentioned...there was a diamond ring inside that snow globe that JM gave Marichuy...or else something that looked exactly like a diamond ring.
ReplyDeleteNinaK: Good observation. I actually would appreciate a telenovela educating us with a few plotlines concerning true cultural issues, rather than some of the pithy, ridiculous stuff we get.
ReplyDeleteI mean yes, novelas are a form of romanticized escapism that we need to get away from our own stresses, but there's nothing wrong with ALSO giving us a little education about real issues Mexican citizens face day to day and how they really handle those things.
Here on CUIDADO, there's JM practicing his profession in some romanticized way rather than the proper way. Over on FUEGO, "La Llorona" Sofia strolling in some trance through dry-iced Rape Forest in the dead of night searching under rocks for her stolen baby, when she's been assaulted in that forest several times already. What victim does that? This is the pith I'm talking about.
Don't feel bad. I don't. These shows work much the same as Mayita's CandyLand--giving us a bit of shelter from our own crap.
Julia, I saw something sitting beside the angel in that thing, but then they special-effected it into a large, bright sparkle and I couldn't tell what it was.
Stephe and NinaK - they ocassionally do show TNs with some gritty realism, but they are not the norm as most folks prefer escapism. I remember back in the late 80s there was "Pobre Juventud" that touched on juvenile delinquency, and there were others throughout the 80s and 90s that I can't remember specifically. I'm sure they've done other stuff I just never saw. Currently on Telemundo, they are showing "Sin Senos no Hay Paraiso" (there's no paradise without breasts) about teen prostitution and drug trafficking. It's primarily set in Colombia, but it has some segments in Mexico as well.
ReplyDeletethank you, thank you, thank you gloria. i'll look forward to reading your recap on the 10th when I return home. :)
ReplyDeleteJJ and anyone else who is curious - I post mine so fast because I don't use my DVD recorder or have a TiVo hooked up to my television to tape the episodes. So I'm writing as fast as I can and looking up and down between the paper and the TV screen for each recap I do. With this being said, I may have gotten the Dr.'s diagnosis about Vicente wrong. I wasn't quite sure myself what was said, just that it was bad news by the parents' reaction.
Jody :)
oh, just so you know. I read an article note where Sherlyn "Rocio" has mentioned this telenovela will have 300 episodes taped when it finishes in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteJody :)
300 episodes?!? Good grief! They'd better not break up JM and Mari immediately and then not get them back together until the very end of the show, because that would be extraordinarily tedious and annoying.
ReplyDeleteJulia - I saw that ring in the snow globe...glad you mentioned it and saw it too...it wasn't my imagination! There was a sparkle and then they zoomed in and you could see the ring inside.
ReplyDeleteeeyore, Le saludo. I can't imagine watching and writing at the same time. I am impressed.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Cuidado has been so popular in Mexico. Hopefully, it will do well here.
Just to chime in on the gritty realism topic. "Mujer, Casos de la Vida Real" at 12 p.m. on Univision has stories based on real situations, and they deal with every kind of contemporary issue you can imagine. It is not a novela, per se, but you would recognize many novela actors in the different cases they present. I think they are well acted, for the most part. This show may be worth recording if you want a sampling of real life and not escapism.