
Monday, January 19, 2009

Cuidado: Friday 1/16/09 "Juan Miguel wants to cure Blanca and proves once again how incredibly stupid he really is"

Cande comments on the sadness that crosses Marichuy’s face when she looks at the baby. She questions MC’s reasons for agreeing to marry Leo. Is it because she is merely grateful to Leo? Mc assures her that isn’t the only reason, she admits that her heart is hurting. Her true love betrayed her and she’s living with the memories. She tells Cande that she needs to work on separating Juan Miguel from her feelings. She assures Cande that she will open her heart to Leo and that she’s going to be happy. Leo is the only man that will be able to help her pull Juanmi out of her heart. JM is living his life with his wife and MC will go on living hers with Leo.

Meanwhile, Juanmi is having a conversation with Rocío about his visit with Blanca. Rocío feels terrible for Blanca. Juanmi tells his sister that he intends to cure Blanca and then marry her (OMG, this man is stupid, no ifs ands or buts about it. Just when I think it isn’t possible for him to come up with another knuckle-brain idea - he proves me wrong. What purpose is there in marrying her? OK other than to put an obstacle in the way of our two star-crossed lovers). Rocío is surprised to hear this (as we all were) and she asks him if it is for love or pity. He says that his one true love was MC, but what he feels for Blanca is a sincere desire to help her and he feels he can dedicate his life to curing her and making her happy. Rocío comments on how JM will be entering into another loveless marriage (excellent point). He assures her that it is different, Blanca is a sensitive caring woman, who will make a good mother for Mayita. Rocío asks, “what about Marichuy?” JM says that all their ties are broken, it was an impossible relationship. You could start anew, his sister encourages. How he wishes that could happen, but their fate was decided long ago and now he’ll dedicate himself to helping Blanca and getting MC out of his heart. He loved one time with passion and craziness, this time it will be different, but he’ll make it work.

Cande asks MC if she believes she can be happy. MC says that her baby needs a home and a father and here at the hacienda he can have both. She’s going to let go of her impossible dreams of being with JM and throw herself into a future with Leo.

Elsa gives Nelson a new shirt. He’s delighted. He asks her for writing materials. He’s feeling inspired to write again ( I don't think it was the shirt that inspired him, perhaps it is living with her parents and not having any grown-up responsiblities).

Mercedes visits Rocío, who worries that she's come to say that something is wrong with Vicente. Mercedes assures her that isn’t the case, she’s there because she wants to know what Rocío’s future plans are with Vicente. Does Rocío want to continue seeing him? Or does she want her freedom in order to pursue a “normal” life.

Cande tells MC that no matter what she says, it is obvious she hasn’t forgotten Juanmi. MC says that she has a right to keep what is hers, but whatever happens, she intends to marry Leo.

Rocío questions why Mercedes is asking her this. She’s never thought of abandoning Vicente. She does go on to admit that it hurts her that she’s done all she can to make things better, but he’s just turned his back on life. He’s locked himself in his studio, refuses to seek any further treatment. She asks what he’s done to fight for their relationship. She’s willing to stick by him, no matter what his long term prognosis will be, but he’s just given up. Mercedes says she can see that Rocío still cares for him and they hug.

Leo walks along the river and thinks of MC and how he’s letting go of his past and embracing happiness. He’s got hope for the future.

Blanca’s lawyer visits her in the jail and tells her that they’ve got to find someone from before who can testify that she’s got this multiple personality condition. She remembers that there was a doctor in Ivette’s life, a Doctor Omar Somebody. She can’t remember his last name. The lawyer presses, does she know where Ivette knew him? Blanca says somewhere out of the country, she supposes France. We have to find him, the lawyer says.

JM visits Vicente, per Vic’s request. He tells Dr. San Roman that he intends to start treatment and hopes his paralysis will be cured. JM asks why the change and Vic says that he’s afraid of losing Rocío. JM says he’ll get him in touch with some specialists, but that it is going to take some time for Vic to get better. Vic isn’t willing to give up, and JM tells him he’s proud of him for deciding to work at getting better.

Leo flirts with MC as she gathers eggs. He tells her that he could become jealous of all the attention she gives elsewhere. He questions what it will be like when they have four or five more kids. He flirts a bit more and then tells her that everything is falling into place for their wedding. They just need to get her papers. MC appears shocked at this latest development. Leo says he can have his lawyer gather the necessary paperwork, but MC says she’ll get Padre Anselmo on it. Leo then says that he’d love to recognize the baby as his own son. This seems to shock MC even more.

Rocío is getting her final check up from the plastic surgeon. Humberto feels the mended areas of her face and then he swoops down for a kiss. She is shocked and tells him that they never should see each other again. He doesn’t understand, he loves her. She reminds him that she’s with Vicente and that she intends to marry him. Humberto tells her that Vic isn’t worthy of her and he’s just accepted his lot and is basically useless. Rocío defends Vic and tells Humberto she never wants to see him again. He says that he can provide her with a “normal” life and she doesn’t deserve to be stuck with Vicente.

Leo questions if MC wants him to be her baby’s father. She didn’t answer him. She says she didn’t say anything, but she didn’t say no either. Leo questions if she’ll tell the real father and MC says that Leo will be the only father her son will know, and that she knows he’ll treat the baby like he’s his own flesh and blood.

Blanca’s lawyer talks to JM and mentions Dr. Omar. JM says that they’ll have to find this guy.

Leo gets a telegram and tells MC that he’s got to go out of town for a few days for work. His being gone, however, shouldn’t hold up their plans for the wedding.

Rocío goes to visit Vicente the next day. He tells her he wants to end it and that she should leave (so what happened to him fearing that he was going to lose Rocío?).

At the Velardes, Patricio is reading the newspaper and comes across an article about Blanca and how the press speculates that JM is her accomplice, that Viv's death was an elaborate plot of theirs. Both Ceci and Stefi say no way. Stefi tells them that Blanca really suffers from multiple personalities and the JM wants to help her. Pat says the article speculates that the two of them will be getting married if she ends up cleared of the charges. Stefi says that can’t be. Ceci says that if JM ends up marrying Blanca she’s sure it will be for valid reasons, not because he’s in cahoots with her. Pat says this whole mess has made him lose confidence in JM.

Rocío goes home and cries on JM’s shoulder about Vicente breaking up with her. She feels it is all her fault, because she’s gone out with Humberto a few times and the things that she said to Becki.

Another doctor pays a house call to Vicente. He runs a series of “field” tests and tells Vicente that there is hope. It would have been better if he sought treatment right away after the accident, but they still can make some improvements. It’s not going to be easy, but Vicente is encouraged by the doctor’s words.

Stefi goes to visit Isa and tells her what’s being said in the papers about Juanmi and Blanca. Isa questions if JM and Blanca are lovers. No way, says Stefi, but she doesn’t look entirely convinced of her words. Stefi decides she needs to do whatever to make sure that Blanca remains in jail.

Mica tells Marichuy that she’s excited about the marriage and that Omar’s finally found some happiness. MC says she’s sent word to PA that she needs her papers.

Ceci visits PA and asks if there is any news on MC. None he says, but then he receives a telegram. He lets Ceci know it is from MC, but refuses to let her read it when she asks. He takes a phone call and Ceci is able to see part of the telegram, which he set down on the desk. She’s able to make out "San Felipe" and "Hacienda Escondida" from the portion of the telegram she can see. She questions PA to when MC will be coming back. He says that after reading the telegram, he thinks never. This upsets Ceci imensely.

Blanca tells JM (who’s visiting her in jail) that everyone thinks she’s guilty and they are all against her. JM tells her that it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks. She says it only matters to her what he thinks. JM asks her if she’d be willing to get married. She wants to know why he asked, is it because he feels pity or some sort of obligation toward her? He holds her hand and says that it is their destiny to be together because it is as if they’ve known each other in a different time, a time when pirates ran amok in Mexico….she was the rich man’s whore-of-a-daughter and he was just the son of the lowly miller looking for a quick lay…..OK, just me thinking that, as I has a Pasión flashback. Actually he tells her that it is affection he feels. He goes on to tell her that he loved someone passionately and lost her, he thinks she’s had similar heartbreak in her life. Now he needs to feel hope for something and he believes that the two of them will be able to fill their empty lives and together find happiness. Blanca swallows up his words.

PA tells Ceci that although MC will most likely not return, he believes that very soon Ceci will be seeing her daughter. Ceci questions the good priest’s riddle, but PA just tells her to have faith, he thinks that perhaps now Marichuy will be able to understand the pain that Ceci had in having to give up her child and be willing to meet with her.

Marichuy thinks of JM and their happier times. END OF EPISODE

arrancar-to pull out
temer-to be afraid of


  1. Cathy – LOVED the recap! Thank you so much!

    After having not enjoyed the Thursday show at all, I really liked this one, thank goodness. Of course I was totally creeped out by Dr. Handsome caressing Rocio’s face under the guise of an examination, and then kissing her! Pull that guy’s license! Yuck.

    And like you I didn’t understand Vicente’s strategy at all. Even stranger was that when Rocio told JM, JM didn’t say that he’d just talked to Vicente and Vicente had sworn that he would do everything not to lose her.

    There were lots of nice hacienda shots – I want Mari to stay there just for the beauty of the place. And good old Mica being so enthusiastic about Mari’s wedding was sweet.

  2. I found an interview with Leopardo who said they were filming at the ex-hacienda de Chautla in San Martin, Texmelucan, Puebla. Here’s a link to some photos. The exterior is completely different than what we see, but it looks like the interior courtyards are used in some of our shots. Certainly we saw that gorgeous fountain which apparently is famous.

  3. Didn't Omar and JM go to medical school together and were friends? AND a light bulb, even a dim one, doesn't go off in JM's head that "Hey, I knew a doctor, a psychiatrist no less, whom I went to medical school with named Omar. Yes, I know that man!" Am I missing something??? He was just "duh, Omar, never heard of the guy." (well, okay, I'm exaggerating, he didn't say that, but it sure looked like he was thinking that)!

  4. Thank you, Cathy, for the recap. You hit on the target when you named the title of this episode.

    You begin to just think that Juan Miguel is getting better in figuring out and improve and what happens he slips down further in judgment again. He can be really stupid without trying. I don't feel for him now. He puts it upon himself.

    In this episode, a couple of people are saying one thing and doing another thing. Also they don't believe and fight for their true love. We see this with Vicente and Rocio. Now that Vicente break up with her, Rocio is not going to fight, but will continue to go out with Dr. Humberto. Another person that continues to not fight for his true love is Juan Miguel. He gives up so easily. This is an opportunity for him to be with Marichuy, but what does he do, but decides to marry the crazy employee who could still harm more people if Juan Miguel brings her back into his household. This is if Bianca gets out of jail with the court finds her not guility.

    JUAN MIGUEL IS Definitely Stupid and not thinking about the future with Bianca-Ivett. He doesn't even think of his daughter Mayita that could be harm due to Bianca-Ivett.

    Another thing is that Ivett could go after Marichuy when she finds out about her. Ivett is a dangerous woman who needs be hospitalized. She belongs in the mentai hospital to get her stabilized. At the moment, she is not and I don't believe Juan Miguel will cure her.

    Marichuy should stay with Leo. He is the smarter one compared to Juan Miguel. He will fight for her and be there to protect her from enemies. At first, I wasn't so sure about Marichuy agreeing to marry Leo, but now I think it is a good idea. She is more at peace there at the hacienda and with Leo.
    Juan Miguel's world is full of chaos. My advice to Marichuy is to stay there at the hacienda and forget about Juan Miguel.


  5. I don't watch this show every day, but I've been following it on and off, and thanks to your excellent recap, Cathy, I'm up to date.

    I agree with Genevieve about how dangerous Blanca/Ivette is. JM assumes that he can cure her, and she'll be Blanca. But what if she's really always been Ivette, and Blanca is the the "sickness". She could be cured and be Ivette, her true self!

    And JM forgave her for killing Viviana. But would JM forgive if she hurt Mayita? or Rocio? or Marichuy?

  6. JM sure does not seem broken up about the death of his wife, that's for sure, Hombre. It's almost like she never existed. If I was Onelia, I, too, would be ticked off to have the murderer of my daughter in the house. However, I really do feel for Blanca. She is so timid and scared. The actress is playing her so well.

    I missed the first part of the show on Friday and just read Cathy's recap. JM is now going to marry Blanca? Where the heck did that come from?? This show is getting confusing. Vicente is going to do his best to walk again as he professed to JM, but then he tells Rocio to get lost. Maybe he doesn't want her to see him struggling to learn to walk again and wants to "walk" back into her life someday. That was creepy with that new plastic surgeon smooching her. Ugh. Also, what happened to that slash she had on her right upper eye area from Ivette? Wasn't it just there? Also, I agree with Maggie, I believe, about Nelson and cirrhosis. He would've had to have been drinking since he was about 15 every day, and a lot, to get cirrhosis, if, indeed, that is what he has. Still watch the show though as frustrating as it makes me! Wonder what Evil Stef will now dream up to get rid of Blanca. Do you think Ceci will head out to the hacienda? I cannot wait until MC finds out Ceci is her mom.

  7. Loved your funny aside about Pasion and the rest of the recap, Cathy.

    The JM character is just too idiotic. Split personality is a real mental condition, a severe manifestation of a dissasociative disorder. You can't just "cure" it, though it can be treated. JM is supposed to be a psychiatrist so he should know this, just as he should know Blanca should not be left sitting in a jail with no treatment at all. It doesn't matter what she says, she's the one who is mentally ill. Since she's been accused of murder and has been seen by the jail personnel when she was in full crazy Ivette mode, she could easily be in a hospital but restrained or guarded in some way. But no, JM's ridiculous plan is to MARRY her, his go-to plan when he meets any woman with issues. What about his daughter, who has not even been told her mother is dead AGAIN. What kind of father would be more concerned about a psychotic woman he barely knows than the welfare of his own young child? Sorry to be ranting but this plotline is too annoying.

    I am glad to see Nelson more at peace in his last days. I don't think he is well enough to do anything more strenuous, but if he can write, rather than rant and rave about drinking, that will also make Elsa more peaceful. She's one of my favorite characters even though she's only a side story. She has such a sensitive face and does not overplay her role, yet you can see the growth and maturity in her character.

  8. Anon,

    I like Elsa too. I wish she had more of a role also. She speaks nice and slowly too so I can somewhat understand her!

  9. Thanks for the recap Cathy and yes your title is spot on. I know part of these "marriages" is to delay JM and Mari getting together but his decision is insane. At least hers has some validity to it though not letting JM know he has a son is troubling to me.

    Vicente's breakup come as a surprise to me as well. And JM saying nothing about talking with Vicente made it even more odd. I think these may be pitfalls from extending the plot or perhaps the writers are that bad.

  10. Cathy and all the rest who do recaps - thanks so much! As I am not completely fluent in Spanish, I struggle sometimes with the slang used and some of the characters, especially Marichuy. Between her slang and how fast she talks, I rarely can understand what she is saying and have to guess based on how the other characters respond. Also appreciate the funny commentary on the recaps...really makes me laugh. I am relatively new here...just found this site in September and haven't jumped in yet. But everyone seems so nice here that I thought I'd throw in my two cents. I was really laughing on the Pasion reference, Cathy. I had not seen Pasion, so as I was reading, I kind of believed it until I read you were kidding. I was thinking - how crazy are these writers....but just the fact that I believed it for a split second shows how outlandish some of the writing on this novela is....I mean, come on...where did JM wanting to marrying Blanca come from? I am still hooked on this novela and enjoy it, but the writers are really out there. And just one thing to throw out there...I don't really remember the scene exactly where Ivette killed Viviana, but if I do remember it correctly - wasn't Viviana threatening Ivette with the dagger she found? Then Ivette turned it around on Viviana? So technically couldn't this be self-defense? Of course she has the insanity plea, too. Just a thought....

    One other thing...anyone else disturbed how they play the Amador buzzing theme when his baby comes into the scene? It makes the baby seem evil like his's not the baby's fault his daddy is a jerk.

    But like I said...still love the show and this site and appreciate everyone here.

  11. Marie 44,

    I have been thinking the same thing lately, wasn't it really self defense? Maybe they will use that at her trial and then she will be free to marry JM. Ha-ha. Crazy!

  12. Welcome Marie! I really enjoyed your comments – you make a lot of good points. Please keep putting in your 2 cents’ worth!!

  13. Maybe Nelson will write something profound and become famous posthumously due to the fact that he could write in comfort surrounded by love.

    I am on Team Leo but something tells me that won't happen. I loved the photos of the ex-Hacienda!

    JuanMi is as crazy as Blanca! And I thought the writers of FELS were off their rockers...

  14. Cathy, Thank you for a detailed & thorough recap. The story line has become unbelievable and the plot twists and turns defy any logic so that I can't rely on context when my paltry command of Spanish fails. I'm with you Marie44. I often "have to guess based on how the other characters respond". And welcome, by the way. You are right that this is a group of the nicest people who also happen to be smart, funny and very supportive.

    I also wondered about the cellos buzzing around Beatriz' baby. It seems menacing and foreboding, perhaps a subtle reminder (lest we forget) that a bad fate is in store for the niño.

    Didn't we read somewhere from a recent commenter about how there are only 2 writers and they have an impossible schedule? Are we to understand that all these crazy discontinuities and unrealistic scenarios are just sloppiness? Suspension of disbelief on a pretty grand scale, but then, I've also been following FELS, which is over the top on nuttiness.

  15. It seems that my dream of a non-idiot galan will not come true, YET AGAIN. When JM proposed to Blanca I was just itching to smack him silly. What is WRONG with him? Is he planning to tell Mayita her mom's dead before marrying the psycho killer, or not bother?

    I too noticed Amador's leitmotif playing when we saw Beatriz's baby, and I thought that was weird and ominous. Especially considering that Dr. Ed, white knight/protector for mom and baby, is out of town for ten days.

    Great recap, Cathy. I especially loved the pirate references, and JM and Blanca's relationship and engagement really wouldn't have made any LESS sense to me if they had been wearing pirate and wench costumes for no reason.

  16. the link to the hacienda shots. So we’re up to two castles in this thing!

    For what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure Omar is not a psychiatrist. I get the impression he’s a GP as he said he’d had very few deliveries aside from the woman who died and Mari (though perhaps I misunderstood and this was just the case the threw him and he’s an OBGyn like Ed). Still JM could have thought, “Hey I knew a Dr. Omar, maybe I’ll look him up and see if he knew a psycho named Ivette.” Then again, Blanca said she probably met the Dr. in France, so that’s why he figured it would be someone he’d never met. Just trying to give him the benefit of the doubt so he’s not a huge idiot, just a big idiot.
    Thanks to Cathy for another fabulous recap (and very appropriate title) and to Maggie for

    JM did say he would marry Blanca AFTER he cured her, and hopefully she’ll talk him into keeping her somewhere where she can be under surveillance in the meantime, say, a mental hospital with big strong orderlies and security guards and a padded cell, instead of at his house with his child and sister. I think the reason they can’t use the self-defense plea is that Ivette is the only person who knows that’s what happened. By the time JM arrived, Viv was already dead and Ivette seemed quite pleased with herself. Blanca has no memory of this, so she can’t speak on Ivette’s behalf. Thus, their only hope, is the insanity plea. If the judge has half a brain (meaning it can’t be Patricio) he or she will send Blanca to a psychiatric hospital for a while. I was thinking it’s awfully arrogant of JM not to even TRY to get another psych doctor to examine Blanca. He might get his second opinion after all. Besides, they now have police testimony that she went from nice to crazy to nice again. There’s a precedent.

    I seriously hope the Amador music being played around his kid isn’t foreshadowing he’ll grow up to be a psycho like his daddy. Alas, my other guess is that Amadork will try to hurt it somehow just to mess with Bea ‘cause he’s crazy.

  17. Hhm, my cut and paste dropped the beginning of my first sentence. It said "Thanks to Cathy for another fabulous recap (especially the title and Pasion references) and to Maggie for the link on the hacienda..." Not sure where I screwed it up.

  18. I'll agree that it would be way too much to expect JM to link the Omar Blanca knows to the Omar he knows, but he's still an idiot. Not least because he even mentioned marriage to Blanca. This woman does not need any more emotional confusion right now!

    Also, what in heck was Pat doing reading a story speculating on JM marrying Blanca, and how did the reporter even get that info? I wouldn't have pegged Pat as a tabloid reader.

  19. They're still using telegrams!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  20. Anon 7:46 - Not everyone owns a phone to send text messages or is computer savvy enough to send e-mails (Mari had a crash course once and didn't do very well) so the next option is the telegram (faster than snail mail). I suppose a phone call would have been quicker, but then we wouldn't have something for Ceci to look at.

  21. JuanMi's 'will you marry me?' speech to Blanca was kinda sweet, with his two-lonely-hearts-finding-happiness spiel. Too bad he's destined by the writers (I hope) to be with Marichuy. It wouldn't surprise me to learn about a few folks finding happiness or at least some comfort in that type of arrangement. Anyway, too bad Blanca cause I doubt they'll let that fly. Maybe you'll find someone else before this whole madness is over...
