Capítulo 177
We begin at the Hacienda of the Horribly Horrified, The Mortified Martyred, and The Eternally Mystified as a very teary and bleary-eyed Snowed-fia thinks back to the scene of the supposedly ruttin’ Root and her bare-nekkid bazoombas hovering in the sheets over Juan’s cadaveric hulk as she's caught in the aftermath of “their” despicable act. (Of course, those of us in Viewerville with triple digit I.Q.’s want to know why it never crossed Slowfia’s mind that Juan couldn’t possibly have had time for a quickie, let alone a cigarillo and much less a heavy-duty nap afterward, especially with all that damned noise going on downstairs. Viewerville then quickly realizes the error of its ways and that it’s forgotten what complete mental midgets this generation of Elizondos is. Tsk. Tsk.) Sofia clings to her wedding dress and daydreams of the wedding that never was. “Why-oh-why did you cheat on me, Juan?”
Said culprit is now over at the church complaining to the diosito that it’s not fair and that he doesn’t deserve being duped like this. Padre Tadeo sees Juan at the altar and kneels beside him. “I swear I’m innocent! I’m innocent!” Juan tells the padre that as hard as he tries he just can’t explain it; and he has no idea how it happened. He can’t deny what Sofia saw with her own eyes, but he’s certain he didn’t fool around with Root-oh-Rutter. He couldn’t and wouldn’t put a finger on any woman other than Sofia. Pad Tad says he believes him and that if Juan allows him to, he’ll talk to Sofia for him and try to convince her to listen to Juan’s side of things. Together they pray for the diosito’s guidance and help.
In the meantime, Eva tries to convince Sofia that she needs to listen to Juan’s explanation, but Sofia refuses to even allow his name to be mentioned in the house again. Eva says she feels rotten because it was her very own daughter, Root, who did this to Sofia. “Root enjoys hurting others. She’s more evil than I ever imagined.” Sofia says she doesn’t blame Eva for anything Root does. Anyway, she wants nothing more to do with Juan. He would only lie to her and she’s done with that. It’s better they both go their separate ways.(At this point I’m sort of having second thoughts about that “couple of prissies” thing. Hate to say it, but Feo was on to something.)
Franco and Oscar, meanwhile, agree to ask Jimena and Sarita for their help in getting Juan and Sofia back together and they head off to town.
At Bungalow del Bruto, Darth Rico can’t help thinking about Soledad, the one who got away. He remembers his discussion with Gabi when she told him Soledad was alive and had come to threaten her about the past catching up with them, and that Soledad had a son who was now their sworn enemy. Darth thinks to himself that he has never stopped thinking of her and he wonders who the lucky S.O.B. was that won her heart and gave her a son. If he only knew where to find her….”Ah, Soledad!”
At Casa Coyote, somewhere hidden in the hills, said son is thinking about getting hold of those papers Darth told Raqui about. El Coyote figures they have to be something pretty important and that having them would give him a weapon to use against the guy. Raqui sits down for a chat with him. She tells him she considers him to be a quiet and reserved man who seems tough on the outside but who is really a kind-hearted soul. He tells her he’s capable of doing the worst sorts of things to survive and to support his mother. Then he explains his hatred for Darth is a result of the way he abandoned his mother years ago. It’s not just that she was blinded, but how his mother suffered and cried for so many years because of that man. It used to break his heart to hear her crying in the middle of the night. That’s why he and Gabriela are going to be made to pay for all the hurt they caused the two of them.
Coyote changes the subject now and asks Raqui for permission to ask Juan about why he’s been looking for him. He’s certain it has something to do with those papers Rico is so interested in. Raqui has no objection to his talking to Juan Reyes and says she’s just as interested in finding out what's in those papers.
Eva returns to the Double R (Hacienda de los Robles-Reyes) where Juan is still crying over Sofia’s dumping him. (Now, I hate to see a grown man cry, and it’s true he got rooked by that babe, Root, but even accounting for cultural differences south of the border, enough already! Enough with the Mikey Milk-toast crying and ALL that gawd-awful snot running down his and everybody’s nose and especially those hairy whiskers! Blech! –And speaking of whiskers, has Juan given up razor blades again for Lent or what?) Eva says she did everything she could think of but Sofia wants nothing more to do with him. Juan is adamant about Sofia hearing him out. If she won’t do it willingly, then he’s got another way, but he’d rather not.
Oscar and Franco show up a while later at Trinkets R Us and ask Jimena and Sarita to help them find a way to get Sofia to listen to Juan. Jimena sniffs and snarls, but Oscar reminds her that everybody should get a chance to tell their side of things before they’re judged and sentenced.
At the same time, Padre Tadeo shows up at the Double E (Hacienda de las Elizondo y del estorbo ése, Escandon) to intercede for Juan so that he can explain his side of things. Sofia refuses to listen and says what she saw doesn’t need any explanation. Furthermore, if Pad Tad comes back again to talk to her about Juan she’ll refuse to see him.
Back at Trinkets, Jimena throws Oscar’s little sextacular slip-up with Marahoochie-coochi in his face and tells him he’s the last one who should be coming and asking for their help with Don-Juan Reyes. Oscar reminds her that as soon as he realized what had happened, because he didn’t want to lose her he came and told Jimena right away, to her face no less, and that he was never dishonest with her about it. Then Oscar throws Jimena’s flirtations with Octavio and Roman right back at her. Besides, he adds, Juan wasn’t unfaithful to Sofia. Root set a trap for him.
Jimena doesn’t believe it. Sarita and Franco come at her over it and she lights into Franco for fooling around with Rosario and going after Sarita at the same time while supposedly being unable to decide between the two of them. “Puh-leeze! You’re all three cut from the same cloth!” [literally, “cut with the same scissors ”] She tells them she’s done with them and is going to be leaving town right away anyway, so the heck with them or what they think about her. Oscar and Franco had better leave unless they want to hear the rest of what she has to say and, BTW, don’t expect any help with Sofia from her. What’s more she’s got a mind to suggest to Sofia not to ever listen to Juan again and she’ll tell her not to let Juan ever see his little girls again, either! Oscar loses it here and he grabs Jimena by the arms and pulls her down to chair level with him. He warns her that she better get it straight that he will NOT allow her to mess with his daughters. “Got it?” Loud and clear. Jimena finally shuts her pie-hole.
Darth is out with his horse in the back forty somewhere and still thinking about Soledad. He stops to remember the two of them together: bright sun, birds singing, holding hands and, The Kiss. (Note to Hairdressing: not so heavy on the Hair For Men next time. You’ve got Darth looking like Gomez Addams. Definitely a case of what’s hot and what’s NOT.) “It seems like yesterday…..” Darth reminisces. “There’s not a doubt that she’s the only woman I ever loved in my life and for her I’d have been willing to cede everything. Everything!” He’s lost in thought when El Coyote walks up from behind and starts talking. It gives him a start and he immediately and instinctively pulls a gun on Coyote. Coyote, the essence of sexy-cool, apologizes for startling him and asks what Darth was so lost in thought over. Rico puts away the gun. “Happier times than these, that’s for sure!” They make small talk about his leg and then Coyote tells Darth that he seems to be a man of few words, but he noticed him smiling and relaxed. He wonders who or what DV was thinking of. Darth looks him in the eyes but says nary a word.
Out back of the store Franco tries talking Sarita into helping him and Oscar with Sofia since Juan and she have already suffered enough. Sarita refuses and he calls her stubborn and says that she’s as idiotic as Jimena. She needs to open her eyes and realize Juan was tricked. Kicking and spanking ensue. He gripes that she kicks him at the slightest provocation. She tells him to stop with the spanking and he says she needs to stop with the kicking. They go at it like this for a while – like a broken record. (Does anybody even know what a record is anymore? A scratched CD just doesn’t sound right.) Viewerville is just about ready to FF>> through this kindergarten crapola when Franco says, “What? Would you rather I massage you?” (Me thinks she would.) Franco finally persuades her by saying they can’t let this problem destroy their relationship too. Sarita gives in. They kiss and make up (and well, watching Franco and Sarita making up is always better than watching their stupid fights.)
Darth tells Coyote he’s a lot like Darth was when he was younger. He likes him, and since they seem to have something in common, he’ll tell him. He was thinking of a woman from his past, the woman that he loved most in his life. Coyote asks if he means Gabi, but he says nope. Then perhaps he means Raqui, his daughter Root’s mama? Rico sniffs in disgust. Coyote asks cautiously if he has a son. Darth confesses he’d have given everything he is and has to have had a son but he never managed it, but especially to have had a son with the woman he loved and has never forgotten. Coyote asks her name. “Soledad. Her name is Soledad.” (This isn’t looking good for Coyote’s plans for venganza. Not at all.) Coyote is take-two-steps-back-and-rethink-that-revenge-idea impactado.
Back at Casa de Coyote, Soledad remembers Raqui telling Coyote that Sofia is not Gabi’s daughter but actually Eva’s and also that Raqui asked him not to say anything to anybody for Sofia’s sake. She remembers how kind she was to her after Gabi threw her out of the hacienda. Soledad decides that Sofia is too good a person to suffer any longer taking guff off Gabi because she mistakenly believes the witch is her mother. She plans to find Sofia and tell her the truth as soon as possible.
Sofia, meanwhile, (signature hands to head) is back in her room replaying the scenario of Root in bed with Juan and laughing at her. Root comes sauntering in now to pester her. “Aren’t you ever getting married?” “—Get out of my room!” Root ignores her and says, just as well she found out now. It would have been worse to find out once she was already married. “I did it for you. Although, I have to admit that Juan is …Ayyyy! (sigh)—such an excellent lover. Nobody like him to make you feel like a real woman! ” Sofia gets up and smacks Root a good one hard across her slutty face. (Was it as good for you as it was for me?) Root laughs at her and says it doesn’t matter ‘cause she finally got Sofia back. Sofia says she and her little girls will do just fine, thank you very much, but the one who ought to look out for herself is Root. She told Mama what Root’s been up to. No, she didn’t give any details, but she managed to plant that doubt and knowing Mama, she won’t stop till she finds out exactly what Sofia really meant to say.
Root is stopped-in-her-tracks impactada. Sofia tells her that that’s not all. Root should remember that Sofia knows her daddy’s little secret and as soon as she decides to, she’ll turn him in. Root says she wouldn’t dare because she’d be risking her mother’s life also. Sofia says sure she’d dare and she will destroy her father and let God deal with the rest. (Hope she means it this time.)
Across the way at the Double R, Juan is still moping in the kitchen and remembering the way Sofia broke it off with him. Juan finally grabs the remaining shreds of his masculinity and tells himself that he’s had enough. (Haven’t we all by now.) No, it’s not over, not by a long shot. Sofia will have to listen to him if it’s the last thing he ever does. (“Ha! Hold my brain. Be still my beating heart.”)
Feo stops in at the church and confesses his “latest achievement” to Padre Tadeo, that he drugged Juan to avoid Sofia’s marrying him. He planned it all. Tadeo tells him he is wretched. “Wretched is the life that Juan and Sofia will have from now on, little priest.” He bangs on the confessional wall for emphasis and to make sure the padre is listening. “Now you know that I was the one responsible and I’ll be back without fail to tell you about the next one. Could be pretty soon. Perhaps Fermin, that poor guy at the jail, might have an accident. At least he’d have that mouth shut. SHUT!” Feo takes a puff of his cheroot and then arrogantly struts away. Pad Tad’s been duped into silence again.
Root runs into the bungalow, meanwhile, to tell her daddy the latest. “Sofia is planning to turn you in for murdering the Reyes’ parents.” Darth (who must have taken Sofia’s wardrobe concerns to heart because he’s taken off that snake belt) says no way because Gabi would be involved and if he goes to jail, Gabi would go also. Root says even so, they can’t trust in that especially if Sofia finds out that Gabi really is not her mother. Darth says perhaps she’s right and so they need to think about Sofia’s weak points: her daughters and her sisters. He hands Root the belt for safekeeping. Suddenly Root is all smiles again.
Night falls and the full moon rises. In the store, Jimena lies down in her cot and thinks back to the argument she and Oscar had earlier that day. She decides that there’s nothing left to their relationship now but hate and hostility.
At the Double E, Sofia has locked her balcony windows and is getting ready for bed. Juan jumps onto the balcony and begs her to let him in to explain things. She refuses and tells him again that it’s over between them and she wants nothing more to do with him.
The next morning Sofia is walking down the main stairway when Juan comes walking into the hacienda with a laundry bag over his shoulder. (Yeah, we know. No man’s man would ever be caught dead with a piddly roller bag, now would he?) She lights into him. Gabi angrily flies in on her Ever-Reddy broomstick she keeps parked in her office and screams at him to tell her just what he thinks he’s doing in her hacienda. Practical Fer just wants to know what he’s carrying in the bag. Juan says it’s full of his things. From this moment on he’s going to live in the house which, after all is part his too. Everybody stares at him with their mouths open.
Juan tells Sofia that since she refuses to listen to him he’s decided to come live there at the hacienda until she gives him the opportunity to explain what really happened. He’s there and plans to stay whether they like it or not. They are not believing what they are seeing. Sofia says he can’t be serious, but Juan says of course he is. She says he can’t because…because it would be as if he’s torturing her. He should just give up and leave her in peace, but he says he won’t, especially not now. Gabi says enough of his hypocrisy. Juan Reyes is just like his father. Juan says he certainly is. He’s a one-woman man just like his daddy and THAT’S why his daddy rejected her. Feo quickly remembers to jump to Gabi’s defense and tells Juan he can’t talk to his wife like that. Why can’t he just leave them all in peace and just….die or something? Juan says sorry to disappoint the snake, but he’s living there until Sofia gives him the chance to explain. He grabs his bag and jangles noisily up the stairs into Root’s room.
Gabi lights into Sofia and complains that it’s all her fault they’ve got to put up with this humiliation. So, Sofia better find a way to get that imbecile out of her house immediately if not sooner.
At the Double R during another therapy session, Franco tells Oscar he thinks what Juan’s doing is crazy because he’s heading right into the wolf’s den. Oscar says he thinks Juan knows exactly what he’s doing and that it will work. The one who should be careful, he says, is Doña Gabriela.
Back at the Double E, all hell breaks loose as Juan runs Root out of her old room and throws her clothes out after her. Sofia tells Mama not to blame her cuz she wasn't the one who sold Juan his portion of the hacienda. Grampa Augie did, so go complain to him, not her. Root whines to Gabi about how she could just let Juan run her off to the bungalow like that. Sofia says yep, Juan’s definitely run her off, and as far as she’s concerned she’s happy that finally somebody got her out of the place.
Sofia heads upstairs to Sarita’s room and tells her sister that she can’t believe Juan’s impudence. Once Sarita finds out what’s happening and that Juan ran Root off she tells Sofia to realize that if Juan really wanted to be with Root he’d have never run her out. Sofia is like “don’t confuse me with facts. I know what I know.”
Downstairs Gabi has run into her office to escape. Root follows her in and bitches that, as her mother, Gabi should have defended her but didn’t. Gabi tells her to keep it down or the others might hear. “What’s it to me? Let them! They should all find out right now that I am your daughter! --Oh-h-h! you’re ashamed of me, right?” Gabi tells her not to be ridiculous, that she knows very well it’s still not the right time to tell them. Root says Gabi is a big disappointment and that she thought she was tougher, different from other women, but she lives in fear of everbody here. She’s just the same as Raquel, just exactly the same! Gabi gets angry and tells her that it’s a matter of winning by keeping a cool head and now is not the right time to confront Juan. “You forget that Sofia knows Ricardo’s secret. Would you rather risk your father’s going to jail, or worse, that Juan finds out and kills him? Is that what you want? To see your father destroyed?”
Over at the bungalow, DV is playing with his Big-Boys gutting knife when Tio V.O. walks in on him. (Again with the wide open doors –and will somebody please get this little guy a stool and change the camera angles? This is so degrading. He’s supposed to be one of the good guys. I mean how do you manage macho from a munchkin? As it is, the poor guy’s a walking oxymoron.) Tio warns Darth that he knows what’s what and that Rico murdered his brother and SIL. DV plays dumb, but Tio says he’s not buying what DV’s got to sell. The only reason he hasn’t gone to the authorities yet isn’t because he’s a coward or frightened of him, but to spare his nephews and to put the brakes on vengeance and the blood that would be spilled. Now, though, that Juan’s living in the hacienda, he’s come to warn Darth and to tell him to his face that if anything happens to Juan he’ll go straight to the authorities and turn Darth in himself. “The time’s coming for you and Gabriela to pay for your wicked ways. You’ve been warned.” Tio bravely turns his back on DV and walks out.
Gabi, meanwhile, is painting another one in her group of “Night Gallery Garish” while telling Fernando that he’s got to kill Juan. He’s got to get him out of the house whatever way he can and get rid of him for good. Feo says it’s not the best time since, if anything should happen to Juan just now, they’d be the first ones suspected. Sure he hates Juan, too, more than she does, but it’s a fool’s errand right now. Gabi sees she has to change tactics. “You’re stronger and smarter than he is.” She sits on the bed and starts her seduction. (Ok--but by pulling off his boots and massaging his feet? Wouldn’t other parts of his anatomy be more to the point –and don’t pardon the pun.) “This is the time to show me that you love me. Show me that for me you’re capable of everything. Kill him. Kill Juan Reyes!”
For the umpteenth time tonight, Sofia does a mental rewind of the rutting Root scene in her head. “If Juan thinks that setting up house here will get me to forgive him, he’s mistaken!”
Juan is across the hall and pacing back and forth in Feo’s/Root's old bedroom. “Will you just look! Such elegance and luxury!” He glances over at the safe. “Such riches! –Still, though it’s a golden cage.” One look in the mirror shows him what an out of place bumpkin he is. He goes to the balcony then and stares out as he remembers begging Sofia to listen to him and her telling him to forget it, that what they had was finished and done with. This time he won’t be leaving, though, he tells himself. She’ll have to see his smiling face 24/7 and he’s not giving in or giving up, not till she at least listens to him and realizes he’s completely innocent, that he loves her and will for the rest of his life. He smiles at himself. Yep. He’s going to fight to the end. “Ha! As if I wouldn’t!”
Jardinera: Thanks for the detailed recap. I'm going to have to rely on recaps for Fuego and Cuidado for the two weeks that I'm in the Dom. Rep.
ReplyDeleteSo, Darth Ric showed just a little weakness. And, what a coincidence. He just happens to spill his guts to Coyote, who just happens to be his real son. We, the gentle audience are now left to wonder what effect, if any, this little bit of information will have on Coyote's blood oath to get even with Ric and Gabi. And Ric admits he would have done anything for a male child. What irony, maybe silliness since this isn't Shakespeare.
I wish I could fast forward all of Sofia's scenes. Get what I mean?
GREAT recrap, Jardinera! Plenty of snark and well described. Yes, indeed, those with triple-digit IQ's certainly wondered why Slowfia never copped to Juan's being totally out cold.
ReplyDeleteDoes Coyote know DV is his father? If not, why doesn't he suspect that if she cried for him night after night, she might have done the nasty with him. Thought Coyote was in the triple-digit echelon with Viewerville.
LOVED Sofia smacking Root and loved even more Juan's throwing her "trapos" over the balcony.
You are very talented, Jardinera...a witty and enjoyable recap. I Juan A Brain actually may have a brain. I like his plan of moving into the Hacienda E y E to smooth things over with Slofia (yawn), see his hijas and stick it to everyone else. The best part was when Juan threw Root out of her room and tossed all her belongings down the staircase including her red lingerie which ended up with her red lacy bra and some other lacy unmentionable dangling from the chandelier. GinCA
ReplyDeleteForgot to say: Yippee! They showed the first promo for Mañana es Para Siempre with TBLMOE!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for another funny, cutting and detailed recap, Jardinera.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I could ever get to sleep in a house like the Double E, with all these people living there (or in the cabana) who hate each other. Especially since they don't have too many locks (although I do think I spied a padlock on Sofia's window/door to keep out Juan). Of course, now that Jimena's leaving, and Don Agustin left, there'll be more rooms, so maybe Franco and Oscar will move in too! I mean, don't they always do everything in threes?
And I agree that Tio Elf is not too threatening with his mariachi suit, turned-up mustache and beady eyes. Really don't know how Darth kept a straight face!
Yowsa...what an opening paragraph! You're on fire, lady. Maybe it's the knowledge that this is coming to an end soon? Anyway, enjoyed it from start to finish...this is writing on steroids...mighty powerful. Way to go, amiga. I'm thinking you had fun with this one. We, your gentle readers, certainly did.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jardinera. The cold seems to really be getting to me , and I went into hibernation last night and missed the whole show. Sorry I missed Juan throwing Root and all her Victoria's Secret crap out of the room. They should put a revolving door on that room. Gee, now where are Root and Ferd going to do the nasty ? Somewhere along the line, I missed that important bit of information about Augie signing over his share of the hacienda to Juan. I wonder if Juan will break open Ferd's safe in his spare time and find Libia's necklace.
ReplyDeleteJardinera, that was HILARIOUS! I missed the middle part and didn't worry about recording it because I knew the recap would be better than the real thing and of course it was! The only thing I'm sorry I missed was the commercial for Manana es Para Siempre.
ReplyDeleteI loved Juan throwing Root's clothes all over the place. Hilarious how they focused in on her bra hanging over the chandelier.
Even with the new developments lately, this stupid novela is moving really slowly. Are they going to make us suffer through the next few weeks and then wrap it all up in the last 2 hour capitulo? I sure hope not!
Jardinera, great recrap!!! I loved the, Root the Rooter...Roto Rooter...Oh well, we got the picture. The woman has all the subtlety of a power tool.
ReplyDeleteAnd Tio, being a walking oxymoron, too fuuuuunnny!!!!
I think Coyote knows that DV is his father; I believe Soledad told him a few episodes ago that he should respect DV because he is Coyote's father.
Oooh, things are heating up.
Your recap was a lot more fun to read than watch the episode. Great descriptions of Root's underwear, trinkets-R-us and best milk toast crying snot everywhere. Ha loved it and looked forward to an enjoyable read. I'm going to miss this novela when it ends because I'll miss how much fun it is to read the comments.
ReplyDeleteLiena, FL
Jardinera - thanks for your most excellent recap. Novelera, please, what is TBLMOE? The only thing I can come up with is The Best Looking Man O? E? Help! thanks, Jenna
ReplyDeleteJardinera - thank you for the wonderful recrap, and done with style! You convinced me that I have to watch my recording of this episode, just to see Juan kick ole Roto-Root-Her out of that room.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sick of Sofia & Sisters, and Juan & Bros., that I even FFWD through the recrap parts that are about them.
Wouldn't it be nice if Darth finds Soledad and he becomes a changed man, and they ride off together into the sunset??? I'd be happy with that.
Great job! I couldn't watch but wish I'd seen the bra on the chandelier.
ReplyDeleteThanks for a very nice recap. TBLMOE, My guess is "the best looking man on earth".
ReplyDeleteUhhh--must've been the pixie dust I thought I saw from light at the end of this tunnel.
Pasofino: don't forget to comment from there in between treks to that beautiful beach! I do think we've gotten a hint of DV's coming time in purgatory.
Novelera: Not even a question as to why she didn't hear an oh damn! or, We forgot to lock the door! or Oops, must've forgotten the time! or Root, get off me and get my pants! --like a real jerk would have. But, yes like somebody added, Coyote is in the upper echelon with the rest of us in Bloggertown. >8 ? ) It'll be interesting to see how he handles things now.
GinCA -- Seeing that red bra on the chandelier was worth slogging through the rest of this. Not to mention Sofia slapping the crap out of Root and letting her know she's on thin ice with Gabi now!
Hombre: I wondered about those empty rooms with Jimena and Augie gone, too. Guess Root figured he'd have thrown her out of those two and it's not smart dangling anything red in front of a raging bull, lacey bras and panties included!
Thanks for the great recap!! I also was getting ready to fastforward during the Franco-Sarita fight until Franco said "Si quieres te sobo". Actually, the literal translation is funnier "If you want I'll rub/massage you" given that he spanked her. Oh these two!!! Thanks again!!!
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:37 - Thanks for the exact translation. I hope it worked both ways for you. It was definitely a funny scene, and the only thing that saved it for me. Glad you popped in and thanks again for the heads up. Always appreciated.
ReplyDelete? 8 > ))
JudyB: I guess something clicked when Jimena brought up Maracucha (one of my fav episodios). The muse of Viewerville flew back into the room and agreed to sit by the keyboard after that.
Melissa: Back at ya'. I finally got a chance to read your recap before getting started and had a belly laugh.
Creemelo: "The woman has all the subtlety of a power tool." No truer words!
Liena, Fl: You'll just have to come along with us for the next ride into the land of the loonie. Bring one of Doris' beanies but make sure it's adjustable and comes with a tinfoil shield....
Jenna: Hey, that's pretty good guessing. I couldn't even get that far when I first saw it. I think Paula coined The Best Looking Man On Earth.
Dee Dee: Welcome! You're up there with Jenna when it comes to guessing crossword puzzles.
Doris: Yes, you at least have to watch that scene, and the Smack Down. Worth more than the price of admission.
Melinama: Thanks for stopping in and take advantage of the link to see the bit with the chandelier. The looks on everyone's faces makes the shot really work.
Susanlynn: Try either of these and use the guide on the right to follow the bouncing ball through the episodio that you missed.
Thanks for the help with the translation of TBLMOE - it hit me when I was falling asleep - The Best Looking Man "ON EARTH"- of course! Jenna
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know the chapter numbersw for Fuego and Cuidado for tomorrow? I'm going to have to watch them on Youtube. Thanks.
ReplyDeletePasofino: use the links I gave to Susanlynn for Feugo/FELS. One of those 2 links is also for a date that corresponds to the Esmas blurbs. Monday's should be 24-09-08 or FELS 178. So when the video screen comes up on the left, look over to the right and you will see a number of dates or parts of an episode listed. They won't all be in proper order, but roll through them. Just click onto the appropriate one that corresponds.
ReplyDeleteI got pretty far into this recap before realizing that I haven't seen this episode yet. Woops!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that now I won't have to, but it sounds like there are some visuals here that are worth seeing. Also, Novelera mentioned an ad for Mañana... I just gotta go back and look!
Speaking of reading before seeing, I recently got a TV y Novelas subscription to support somebody's school - I knew that magazine was full of gossip, but I did not know that it was also full of spoilers. (Guess I should have guessed.) The first issue I got was chock full of info that I did NOT want to read about certain characters' fate in FELS... now I'm afraid to open the next issue!
I also got National Geographic en Español... hopefully that one will be safer to read. :-)
Julie: NG will definitely be a more daring read. ; ? ))
ReplyDeleteI still am wondering if Soledad was married to Rico first and if that was why she was able to name Coyote Ricardo Uribe "just like his father" or if she used Uribe as a middle name.
ReplyDeleteThat was a great recap! The episode was starting off so silly - still with the "why did you cheat on me?" without any stopping to wonder why he would do that in his own house with everyone he knows and loves celebrating his wedding in the next room. But Juan moving into the Hacienda Double E and throwing Ruth's skivvies all around was worth sticking it out! Also, Ricardo's impactante confession to Coyote - that sure threw a wrench into his life's work!
ReplyDeleteOutstanding Jardinera! Finally someone stands up to Root. She is just plain nasty. I don't think I'd want to sleep in that hacienda either. I'd be afraid someone would sneak up on me while I was sleeping. But what better way to keep an eye on your enemies. Can't wait for tonight's episode.
ReplyDeleteJardinera, what a compelling recap. Had I not seen the episode, I would be scrambling to find a recording to watch this merriment first hand. Do you self-medicate prior to recapping or does this genius spring from an entirely cool clear mind? Here lately I've been paying closer attention to little details in this TN and although I generally try to discourage litigiousness, I really think that Ricardo might have a good case against his barber. JudyB, in response to your query from Friday, Those are our pets Bonnie Belle and Jack. BB is a saint of a dog and Jack, well he seems innocent enough, but in reality is actually a serial killer. The photo is sort of a depiction of the lion laying down with the lamb.
ReplyDeleteDid my picture show up ok?
ReplyDeleteI was just listening to (totally awesome by the way--check it out) and who should come on but our buddy Franco. Fortunately he was not singing Ave Maria. His singing actually did sound good recorded in the studio. So I apologize for any mean comment I may have said to the contrary! Happy Monday everybody. :P
ReplyDeleteSorry about posting twice. How do I delete it?
ReplyDeletegreat recap, Jardinera! Strike anyone else as odd that Root did nothing in retalliation to Sofia's slap? Is she really a wimp inside that hard exterior? Or is her disire for Juan limited to only using him as a weapon for her revenge against Sofia? Sofia should have given her another...I was also thinking that maybe Ricky wasn't a bad guy till he hooked up with Crabi, he sez that Soledad was the only one that he ever loved. What happemed then/there to separate them, and allow Crabi into the picture, and was that the beginning of his descent? Once he murdered the Reyes, he had no real option other than to become the nasty bastard that we now see. I know, I'm analyzing too much for this TN, forget what I've said... dorado dave
ReplyDeleteI think Root didn't bother hitting back because she already had the upper hand. Also, she's not really sure how many allies she has in that house! She can't always count on Gabi for moral support.
ReplyDeleteConnie: I think if you go to leave another comment, instead of leaving one, scroll down through the comments on the left side of the screen, until you find the ones you left before. They should have trashcan icons at the end. You should be able to delete them with that.
ReplyDeleteBTW, thanks for the link!
Thanks Hombre. That worked. Pandora is awesome. If you don't like a song and you click thumbs down, they never play it again.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure that Fernando needs to worry much about coming under suspicion if he offs Juan. Super sleuth Abuelo is out of the picture and Padre Tadeo seems to be bound by the Prime Directive not to interfere in the lives of the primitive race he lives among. Carlos
ReplyDeleteGreat recrap! I loved Juan throwing Ruth's stuff over the rail and especially into the chandelier! When he came in the declared that he was moving in - that smile! - I laughed out loud!!! All in all I thought it was a great episode.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit that Darth Ricky is growing on me.
Julie, you may be right on the upper-hand issue, but as far as Crabi offering "moral" support? No THAT"S an oxymoron
ReplyDeleteLOL, good point, DD! Okay, let's call it "morale" support! She's pretty lousy at that too!
ReplyDeletethe argument Ricardo U. keeps making about Gabi going to jail too if anyone turns him in for murdering the Reyes seems kind of tenuous. how is he going to prove that she put him up to it if she doesn't confess? the sleuthing powers of the commissario (remember the searching of the office for any incriminating evidence at Fernando's invitation?) just don't seem up to sorting out a he said-she said scenario. It seems like Gabi would take her chances on being able to fool mutton chops just like she's manipulated all these other men into favorable situations and let Sofia turn in Ricardo and get him out of her hair.
ReplyDeleteDorado Dave, I have been wondering the same thing. What is the timeline of Ricardo's timeless love for Soledad, Gabi's revenge burning of Soledad's house, and Ricardo's murder of the Reyes' parents? How long did it take him to recover from his love of Soledad to the point where he was willing to commit murder for another woman?
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is overanalyzing. It's wanting to keep the logic beanie in place.
Good question Creemelo. It is a little fuzzy really.
ReplyDeleteConnie, love the Boxer pic! What's he/she's name?
ReplyDeleteLove Sophia finally getting a piece of a spine and standing up to Ruth. Jeez!
Her name is Storm. She is such a happy dog.
ReplyDeleteNice. My friend has Baxter and Roxie. Such fun dogs!
ReplyDeleteMolly in OR
...hoping for one of the bad guys to get a big can of whoopass tonight, and a good shower scene with the boys!
ReplyDeleteCarlos/Julie/Molly (and anyone I missed) glad to see you came along for the rollercoaster ride today with the rest of us.
I'm all for another smackdown and maybe a bit of mud-wrasslin' between Root and maybe Sarita to show a little of her own style of "morale support"!! She's got the right temperament for it.