
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tontas no Van #31 Friday 1/16 Sweet and Sour Relationships

First, we reprise some scenes from last time. Candy is telling Ceci that finally, no one left a flower. Ceci wonders whether Candy knows who was sending them. Candy is sure it was Dr. Plástico, and yes, he’s engaged to Marissa, that’s why he was sending the flowers secretly. But don’t say anything, because Candy doesn’t want any trouble with Marissa. Ceci agrees, while Bárbara smiles knowingly in the background.

Then we have the scene where Chava tells Gregoria he loves her, after which she tells him his father’s name was Patricio.

Then back to the Institute, where Marissa, knowing Candy is coming, gets Santi (on the phone) to tell her how much he loves her. Santi isn’t really paying attention, as he’s working on his computer at the same time, but Marissa has him on speaker, knowing Candy will hear the whole thing. Candy, upset, comes in, needing the phone (it’s the office phone). Marissa hangs up, and while giving the phone to Candy, gets in a few more digs, saying last night with Santi was romantic, she doesn’t know what she’d do without Santi, he drives her crazy, etc.

As Marissa leaves, Candy calls her Tío Meño, who is still at Santi’s house, and says I guess it’s about time we return to our house. Meño says sure, since you must know about the trick Santi played (with the rats/hamsters). What!! Well, Candy didn’t know, but now she forces loose lips Tio to tell her.

Lulu, kerchief on head, is whipping up something (egg whites or whipped cream, I think), teaching three eager Institute students that sometimes the best recipe is no recipe, just be creative. Free associating, she continues on, saying that the most important person to make happy is the king of the house, your man. And by the way, how did you gals meet your soulmates, were they your boss, your friend, your neighbor? Student No. 1 says her husband was her neighbor. Ah, your neighbor, well, ummm, just excuse me for a minute, but keep beating, I’ll be right back (as she goes to see if her new lover is closer than she thought).

In the ladies room, Bárbara is telling Ceci that Bárbara drinks at least two liters of water a day, it’s great for the skin. Ceci doesn’t care about her skin too much. Bárbara insults her a little, saying Ceci’s skin can look a little like parchment! (pergamino), and Ceci shoots back that it’s easy to criticize others instead of worrying about one’s own problems. Nosy Barb ignores this, and asks if Ceci has a family. Yes, Ceci has her parents, and well, they assembled (armaron) the perfect husband for her, engineer, just graduated, and Ceci almost went along with it, but as the wedding approached, she had to tell the guy what she didn’t feel for men, and what she did feel for women. Uh oh. The guy was PO’ed, he yelled it to the four winds, and Ceci’s folks kicked her out of the house. She came to Guadalajara. She had a girlfriend, but it didn’t last. Now she’s pretty lonely. Ceci then worries that Barb will blab this gossip, but Barb says out of professional ethics, this time, her lips are sealed (yeah, we’ll see about that). Ceci is glad, saying that Barb may be a gossip, but she’s honest (I’m not so sure).

Lulu is on a mission. Eggbeater in hand, she breezes past Meño, declining his offer of salsa lessons, and zips over to Santiago’s office, where she’s stopped by Hortensia. With the info about one’s neighbor being a possible lover fresh in mind, Lulu asks what kind of woman Dr. Plástico might like. Is he hiding a secret love? Hort says you must have been sent by Candy, tell her to forget about it. From down the hall, Santiago yells out “Lourdes!, pushes away an enhanced blonde, Lulu runs to him, they passionately kiss, ring the bell and….oh, it was a dream. Back in reality, Santi’s not pushing away the enhanced blonde, and Lulu excuses herself, saying that at least she tried with the most handsome guy as her first choice. Hortensia and Leti (the other assistant) glare at her as she leaves.

Beto and Chava are joyfully playing video fútbol. Soledad tells Candy that Pat gave Beto the game, and the kids start playing as soon as they get home from school. Candy says it’s better to play outdoors in the fresh air, and besides, let’s go now, we’re late for the game. Soledad says sorry, but Pat’s going to be there. In fact, he’ll always be there, because the kids wanted Pat and Santiago as their coaches. Candy does not want to miss this game, even if she has to go in disguise. Suegrita the insensitive one then pipes up, asking if Candy knew Chava wet the bed last night. Beto laughs and makes fun of Chava, but Candy and Soledad use this as a teaching moment. Everyone has accidents. Remember what happened at school last month? chides Soledad. Beto’s not laughin’ anymore. Candy tells them that when a friend has an accident, you should support him. Lesson learned, it’s back to the video game. Gol!

Friendless Pat wants a new buddy, and has come to visit Santi. Pat’s in tee shirt and sweats. Santi thinks it’s a business visit, and informs Pat he could easily fix Pat’s nose! No, Pat’s okay with the nose, he lives with it, but that’s not why he came. For your wife’s surgery? No, Pat came for the soccer game, because the boys want Pat and Santi to be their coaches, they’ll both be team America, and Santi can chuck that lousy Chivas jersey. Santi’s excited for a few seconds, then remembers the complications, and begs off, first saying he doesn’t have a son in the game, then saying he has a lift and a few surgeries scheduled. Pat understands, but adds that he doesn’t have too many friends, and Santi’s a cool guy, maybe they can have another dinner, not like the disaster from the other night. He walks out, happy about a new friend, and playfully rings the bell (unaware of what it means). Santi quickly motions to Hortensia to ignore that, even as Pat rings it again, and Santi again frantically yells that it’s nothing.

Still frantic, Santi rushes back into the office and calls Candy, telling her not to go the game, since her widower will be there! Candy tells Soledad, who responds that she already told Candy about this. Meanwhile, Gregoria is combing Chava’s hair, and Chava’s resisting, since he’s going to play fútbol. Gregoria doesn’t want him to look like a barbarian, but Candy thinks it’s silly, because how long is the combing going to last. Beto says that it’s too bad Candy can’t be their coach, but it’s great that his Dad, Patricio will be the coach. Chava then jumps in with the observation that you know what, MY Dad’s name is Patricio, too! Cool! says Beto, as Candy glares at her mother, who coughs guiltily.

Well, it’s finally time for our humorous segment. Sven and Ole are singing (a bit off-key) a love song, to full mariachi accompaniment. As Lulu breezes in and stands right in front of Zamora, they sing Sin Ti (without you), there’s no point in living, I can’t forget you, etc. Lulu gushes and blushes, since now she’s found the neighbor who loves her. Lu coquettishly inquires if they were dedicating that song to someone special. Sure, says Zamora, I’m dedicating it to those two chicks at the table over there (mariachis part to reveal the smiling serenadees). And Toño would dedicate it to Candy. Lulu slaps each and leaves.

At the soccer game, the boys are playing, Pat’s coaching, and Soledad is rooting, accompanied by Inspector Gadget’s sister. No, maybe it’s Candy in disguise, wearing a grey trenchcoat, black fedora, dark glasses, and holding a pink handkerchief (stolen from Meño) in front of her nose. A gol is scored, Soledad and Candy jump for joy, but Candy has to do her jumping behind a tree, since she’s afraid Pat will see her. No way would he recognize you in that outfit, reassures Sole. But you know, Candy, she warns, how long do you think it’ll be before Pat figures this all out? Instead of one son, he has two, and on the same team. Especially since Chava now knows his Dad’s name is Patricio. Well, that was my mother’s fault, says Candy. No, don’t hold her responsible, shoots back Soledad. It would be better if you start thinking about what you’re going to do when Pat knows the truth.

Alicia is walking through the courtyard of a large stone building (maybe a dance academy), observing some girls doing ballet exercises. She flashes back to herself as a young dancer, maybe about 13, as her teacher praises her as an example to the others. In the present, tears start flowing as she has to get out of there.

Back at the soccer game, Soledad goes over to Pat to make sure he doesn’t look at Candy, still hiding in her clever disguise. And who should show up but Santi, almost causing Candy to jump out of her boots. He just came to help with her widower. He's not a widower, replies Candy, and she’s mad at Santi because of all the tricks, lies and traps. Santi doesn’t know what she’s talking about, until she reveals that Meño told her about the hamster thing. He wants to explain, but she knows perfectly well why he did it, to get her into his house, then into his bed. Well, that’s it. He should just disappear. In fact, he’s invisible to her now. If he talks, she won’t hear one word. She hates him! And walks off.

In the restaurant, Lucía asks Meño if she’s seen Charly. Why? Well, she loves him, that’s why. Just then, Charly bounds in, and he’s bought a cell phone! Now they can be together all the time!

The game’s over, and the boys, Pat and Soledad have returned to Sole’s apartment. Beto’s a little miffed that Chava got to kick a penalty kick, but Pat assures him that next time Beto can kick one. Beto happily asks Chava if he heard that, next time Beto will get a kick. Sure, says Chava, that’s the way it should be, Patricio will let you have a penalty kick, after all, he’s your Papá. At which point Beto tells Pat, “did you know that Chava’s Dad is named Patricio, just like you?” Pat is impactado.

Over at Santi’s, Candy is packing, and when Santi wants to talk, she doesn’t want to hear one word. In fact, she won’t say one word to him. Rocío and Chava run in, Rocío asking about going to the movies. Apparently Isabel and Candy promised to take the kids. Candy just wants to get out of there, but Sanctimonious Santi stands up for Candy’s character, telling the kids that Candy has values, and she always keeps her promises, because that’s the kind of person she is, always fulfills her commitments, never lets you down, so of course you’re going to the movies. The kids see Isabel and run to her, excited about the movies. Candy opens her mouth, but Santi says you promised not to say one word, so silencio, as he taps her playfully with a toy magic wand he’s been holding. He tells Chava to go take a bath and change his clothes, and tells Rocío to get something to eat. As Rocío goes off to the kitchen, Santi takes his Mom aside for a talk.

This leaves Candy with Chava, and they discuss the fact that Chava’s abuela (Gregoria) embarrassed Chava about wetting the bed. Candy ducks down to Chava’s height, then confides in him that she has a secret, too. When she was a girl, she did the same thing, until she was eight! He’s happy, they hug, and he goes off to take his quick bath before the movies.

Candy, Isabel, Chava and Rocío are at the mall, about to enter the theater. They’ve bought the popcorn and soda, and are just about to go in when Isabel spies Jaime, lurking. She excuses herself for a moment, and Jaime gives her a red rose. She goes back to the group, making hand signals to Jaime to wait for him, or meet her later (Jaime doesn’t totally understand her hand signals, and frankly, neither did I). They go into the theater.

Pat and Alicia are looking at possible artifacts to buy for his business, but Pat’s a little preoccupied, and hasn’t chosen anything. Why? Well, he’s been thinking. Meño has a kid in his house, he has a photo of Candy, and he says he’s been lying to the kid, telling the kid that your (Alicia’s) sister was the kid’s mother. And now the boy says his father’s name is Patricio. Alicia doesn’t get it, and Pat leaves, still thinking.

Back in the darkened theater, they’re eating popcorn and watching a scary movie when a monster pops up in the row behind them! Well, this monster se llama Santiago. He maneuvers himself next to Candy as other patrons tell them to be quiet. He then smiles at Candy, tells her not to say a word, just as she promised, and he kisses her right on the lips (and the kids can see this!).

Pat’s looking for answers, interrogating Meño in the restaurant. He reminds Meño that Meño claims to have adopted that boy, Chava, and told Chava that Candy from the foto was Chava’s mother. Well, now the boy is saying his father’s name is Patricio. Does Meño have an explanation for that?

Back in the theater, Candy (after a few seconds), pushes Santi away, outraged (sort of) that he kissed her in the theater, with his mother there, what’s he thinking? Was his mother in on it? Rocío chirps in, why did you kiss Chava’s Mamá, Daddy? Santi says he didn’t, but Chava says he saw it, too. Is she your novia? Candy grabs Chava and pushes through the row to get out of the theater, followed by Santi (with Rocío), who in response to the complaints from the crowd, tells them to shut up, and you know what, he adds? The guy dies in the end anyway!

Meño explains to Pat that it just came out of his head, using the foto of Candy as the mother for the boy, and the name Patricio as his father. Meño was thinking of that wedding, and you know what, Pat, in the few days I had with Candy before she died, she told me about how you broke her heart. I’m not one to open up old wounds, but you were a patán (boor, lout, scoundrel). Wait a minute, says Pat, I really loved her, and she never gave me the chance to explain. Yeah, well how’s your wife, buddy, retorts Meño. Say hello to her for me.

Outside the theater, the two kids are both asking if the parents are going to get married (since everyone saw that kiss), and both parents are telling them to be quiet. After Candy and Chava leave, Rocío tells her Daddy she doesn’t want Candy to be her mother. She wants Marissa to be her mother, please Daddy, please! Okay, okay, says Santiago, hugging her (but he’s not too happy about this).

Music picks up, and it’s over to our Romeo and Juliet (Charly and Lucía), scrambling out to the garden on a beautiful sunny day, looking for a place to smooch. Finally they get the chance, they lock lips for about two seconds under the tree, when they’re doused by water from Donato, who just happened to be high up in same tree, and speaking into a bullhorn, announces, “No stolen kisses” to the chagrin of the teens.

Isabel has now met up with Jaime, and they’re walking through a pigeon-filled square towards a gazebo. I really like her sweater, sort of red and black, with an aztec pattern. Anyway, she tells him that Marissa is Santi’s novia, but Isa thinks Marissa’s not for him, that he really likes Candy. And she wants to help him. Jaime doesn’t think she should meddle – how different is it from Santi thinking Jaime isn’t the man for Isabel? Isabel thinks that’s different, but Jaime’s not so sure. Isabel feels sorry for Candy, though, and wants to help her. By the way, she asks Jaime, what did you want to tell me? Well, Jaime has been thinking about the two of them. He missed her, and thinks each day with her is a good day. He never thought he’d fall in love again (after his wife died), and he’s not sure what’s happening, but something different is happening. It’s like the first time all over again (otra primera vez). He tenderly touches her mouth with two fingers, and kisses his fingers. Isabel feels the same way, she also thinks it could be the first time all over again, and touches his mouth, and kisses her fingers. They then touch the two fingers of each hand together, and embrace.

Well, it’s time for Santi and Candy to explain that shocking kiss to their curious kids. We cut back and forth between the separate conversations. Santi says let’s keep it a secret, it was a fake kiss, like the movies. Candy doesn’t want to lie, can’t really explain, but when Chava asks if Santi’s her novio, she says no (as does Santi in the other conversation). Candy says Rocío’s Dad wants to be her novio, but they’re not novios. Santi tells Rocío adults say one thing and do another (how true!). Chava tells his Mom she doesn’t have a novio, and when she asks if he’d like her to have one, he says no, because I’m your novio! Candy laughs and they hug. Santi asks Rocío why she wants Marissa to be her Mamá. Rocío says that Marissa’s really good with her, she loves Marissa, and when they get married, Marissa will really be her Mamá! Needless to say, Santiago is not quite as overjoyed with his parent/kid chat as Candy was.

Alicia is in her apartment, watching ballet on the HD TV, sipping a drink and crying. Pat wants to know why she’s crying, is she okay? No, she’s not. Candy destroyed her life. (Apparently she’d never told Pat the story with the ballet shoes). She continues that he doesn’t know the story, but Candy destroyed her life. Pat then quietly responds that we destroyed her life, too.

And the blows keep coming. Chayo is questioning why Ed has to go out at night to the clinic. Ed gives her (what I think is a load of bull) the story that he has a big program of surgeries, lipo, etc. But why can’t you just do that in the morning, asks Chayo. He just can’t. And what about the food she made? They’ll eat it another time, and he leaves. Chayo hears the phone, and as she goes to get it, accidentally knocks over the picture of her and Ed, which falls to floor and shatters. She slowly picks up the picture of what used to be.

It’s evening. Candy has packed, and is leaving Santi’s house. Santi wants her to stay another night. Well, she reminds him, her mother and uncle already left, and by the way, the “rats” left her house, too. Santi is sorry, and how many times does he have to say that? Muchas, and he should apologize for all his lies, and for calling her Madam Liar. Well, he thinks she has lied a bit, but let’s talk about it. No, she says, and here comes my taxi. Donato points out that someone’s in that taxi. And guess who? It’s Marissa, who has brought HER suitcase, and has decided to move in. After all, Candy was living there, so why can’t Marissa, being the cute novia (says Marissa). Candy’s fine with that, Marissa can live there, eat there, do anything she wants there, and by the way, Marissa, the next time you decide to romance someone on speakerphone, maybe think about whether anybody is around you, because what you did was disgusting. Taxi leaves, Mari’s happy, Santi not so much.

On a little lighter note, Meño has brought Lulu flowers and chocolates (to cheer her up). She’s not too impressed with them at first, but after he leaves, one of the three candles she has lit for Saint Anthony goes out. It’s an omen! Of course! White flowers means a novia. And Almendra chocolates. Well, it’s obvious. Bárbara was right! Her secret love was closer than she thought. Meño’s in love with her! Thank you Saint Anthony she says, kissing the figurine. She’s found true love!

But things are not so rosy with Santi and Marissa. He’s not happy about her trick with the speakerphone, Well, she was just marking her territory, should she just sit around and do nothing, after he brought Candy here with the stupid rat story, one time in his life could he admit he was wrong? Of course he won’t, it was a social action, helping society. Oh really, replies Marissa. Would you be okay if I brought one of your guy friends to live with me because he had rats in his house? That’s different, says Santi, I didn’t bring one of your girlfriends to my house (no?), and it was a social action, he repeats in a louder voice. Well, okay, I’m sorry, I guess you just want to scold me and put me down, says Marissa (almost crying). Forgive me if once in a while I get a little jealous. But it hurts me inside.

Pat’s asleep, and Alicia is again sadly recalling her ballet days. The young Alicia has finished her lesson, and is taking off her ballet slippers. As she goes into the other room, little sis Candy comes in, enthralled by the magic of the moment, and puts on Alicia’s ballet slippers. Alicia comes back a second later, rips the shoes off Candy, telling her that was a stupid thing to do. Candy protests that she just wanted to be a dancer, too. In the darkened room with Pat sleeping, a tear slides down Alicia’s cheek.

And there’s no letup, as Candy is now arguing with her Mom about telling Chava his father’s name was Patricio. Candy prohibits Gregoria from telling Chava anything about Patricio, Candy will educate her son as she thinks is fit. What, is he your property, asks Gregoria. She thinks a child of that age should know about his family, about his grandfather, about his dead aunt, about his living aunt! No, says Candy, who are you to tell me anything? I don’t want your advice, because you advised me to forgive Pat, because you allowed your own husband to have affairs without complaining, we’re very different, you and I, I don’t want any of your advice! This hurts Gregoria, who says you didn’t have to be so cruel, and walks out the door, sobbing. After a few seconds, Candy realizes how hurtful her words may have been, and races out the door after her mother.

In the darkened square, Gregoria tells Candy that Candy has no idea what it was like with her father. When he went out with women, Gregoria was all alone, crying, and praying for him to return. And she had to raise and defend her daughters on very little money, knowing full well that her husband was spending most of the money on his mistresses. Candy says well, you didn’t let me get to know you. Maybe, replies Gregoria, but I also didn’t choose Patricio. I didn’t choose to marry him. And I’m not responsible for everything that happened. She tells Candy that sometimes in life, things go bad. And you have to keep going. What are you going to tell your son when he grows up? When he looks for his father? Candy says, please forgive me. Gregoria says, Candy, when was the last time you said you loved me? I don’t know, but I do love you, says Candy, and they hug tearfully as the episode ends.

Next time: More of the same.


  1. Thanks, Hombre. I love the title !!

  2. Good one! They ALL talked so darn fast and with my closed captions dead I miss so much. That Candy needs some sense slapped into her. Cute will only take you so far in life.

  3. Fabulous recap Hombre!

    When Lulu went to Santi's office I was reminded that she had a blind date with Ed some time ago. I wonder if she's put two and two together (Santi went with Ed on that date) and realized that Ed is Chayo's husband. Then Chayo would know the kind of tom cat she's married to.

    Not that I think being a good liar is a good thing, but Meño did not think on his feet when Pato came to see him. He could have told him that Meño's middle name was Patricio, or something along those lines, and that would have probably worked. Then again, I guess he figured getting the dig in about Candy would make him go away.

    Poor Lulu, I thought everyone in that restaurant realized Meño's gay, but I guess she's so desperate for love she decided to ignore her own gaydar.

  4. Very Well and clearly written with good transitions into paragraphs Hombre. I think that's one of the toughest challenges...somehow weaving the events together when often the scenes are jumping around willy-nilly.

    And you're becoming quite the title-meister. Liked your use of the word "reprise" (very musical) and that you mentioned not understanding those hand signals of Isabella. Neither did I.

    My favorite...previews "more of the same". How true Hombre!Good call.

  5. Hombre, you write these like you've been doing it for years!

    Interesting to see Chayo wearing a skirt and heels at home. What would the National Enquirer say? June Cleaver - Alive and Seen in Mexico!

  6. Mike: I totally agree about Chayo being dressed up at home. Same thing with Soledad, who was wearing a miniskirt and high heeled boots for her son's soccer game. It may not be reality, but I'm not complaining!

  7. Chayo being dressed ala June Cleaver is pretty much because that's how Ed wants her, home cooking and cleaning and definitely not out working and having any life other than focusing on him rat bastard that he is.

    I see trouble ahead for Santi since his little girl has such a marked preference for Marisa as a new mom. I can't help but wonder if Marisa is playing the child or if she really does care for her. The poor little mite has already been hurt enough.

    Granny for all her sob story with Candy is still a meddlesome old cow and has the sensitivity of an ox. Why on earth bring up the bedwetting in front of, what to her, are perfect strangers. Pat's old man was right - she is vulgar.

    I really felt for Alicia. She obviously has never gotten over the accident that ruined her dreams. Candy it seems was brat even at that age. She should have known you never touch anyone else's ballet shoes. And it occurred to me that Alicia still loves dance so perhaps as this moves on she might get the idea that she could put her talent to use and teach instead of drowning in bitterness.

    I was also surprised that she didn't react to Pat's musing about Memo, the picture of Candy and a child with the name of Patricio. She is usually so suspicious and jealous I would have though she would have jumped on it and headed out for Memo's ASAP.

  8. Wow, your title really sums up the gist of every relationship in this show. I also am a little incredulous that Lulu doesn't know Meño is gay. I know he hasn't really outed himself to his staff but still! I realize this is supposed to be an amusing turn of events but sometimes the writers can be a bit insulting to the characters and to our intelligence.

    Ha, June Cleaver, good one Mike.

    A weird thing happened during the airing of this show in my area. My station accidentally showed 5 minutes of a Judge Judy type thing called Veredicto Final and then when they fixed it Las Tontas had no sound for a while. Oops!

    Terrific recap Hombre. Thanks so much!!

  9. Alicia dresses up at home too. Would she be June Cleavage?

  10. I'm not surprised that Lulu doesn't know that Memo is gay. He isn't overly swishy and if she hasn't been around gays she might not recognize it. Heck I grew up in San Francisco and hired a guy who eventually came out to us. The other gays I knew recognized him immediately but it never crossed my mind probably because he had a son and was often around women. So Lulu isn't so unusual but I'm afraid she may pick up the wrong signals and be hurt.

  11. Thanks for the recap Hombre. ITA with melinama, Candy needs to grow up quickly and have some sense knocked into her.

    It's still hard for me to have compassion for Alicia. Yes your dreams were ruined but what other choices did YOU make in life, Alicia. While we don't know all of them, the two - becoming a prostitute and cheating with your sister's novio - don't really scream victim to me.

    Nice one, Paula.

  12. Since I missed the first month or so of this show, I'm curious as to why Santiago was at Pat/Candy's wedding. Whom was he friends with to get an invite?

    I agree with Deciegirl about Meno and Lulu not realizing he is gay. The only time he shows a little flamboyancy to me is when the door bell rings and he comes down the stairs with his arms straight out at his sides. I love his character. AND lucky you growing up in one of my favorite places, SF!

  13. Pat's mother is a regular patient of Santiago. They both lived in DF at the time. Santi's wife, Paulina, declined to go to the wedding because she was too tired and too busy from work.

    When Candy walked down the aisle, their eyes locked and bells went off for both of them. Immediately after the wedding, Margarita introduced them, but Candy was rude and abusive to him (that trend started early) because of her anger at plastic surgeons.

    When she screamed at Pat and stripped off her wedding dress, everyone else just stared but Santiago tried to cover her with his jacket to protect her and help her (that trend started early too), but she refused his help.

    When they met seven years later, he didn't recognize her until Sven and Ole's fake hold-up made her undress. Candy's face, he forgot. But her chest, in lingerie, that he remembered perfectly. Must be his medical training. Yeah, that's it.

  14. Thanks Paula for explaining about Santi at the wedding. I did notice him in the opening credits locking eyes with Candy as she goes down the aisle. That's why I was wondering what the scoop was. So funny about not recognizing her face, but her undergarments! (I missed that episode too)!

  15. June Cleavage---HA---Good one, Paula !!! Was Alicia really a prostitute ?

  16. We don't know if Alicia was a prostitute but snotty mama made a crack about knowing what she was up to in Tijuana. This is a Rosy Ocampo novela and she tends to keeps them pretty clean and violence free so my though is that Alicia might have been a pole dancer or stripper.

  17. Susanlynn: They've never really come right out and said Alicia was a prostitute, but there have been several strong hints (at least 3, which I think Paula summarized a few days ago) that Alicia was one in the past.

    Violet: To be precise, Santi recognized a mole or birthmark on Candy's breast (which you can see whenever she wears something lowcut), not just the undergarments.

  18. Hmmm...a mole on the breast and no one else noticed it! Okay, hombre!!

  19. I am getting a reputation for my lists - it's the way my brain works. Very linear. But that "Ali the whore" list wasn't mine.

    Most of the references to Ali's resumé have been Suegrita's "I know what you were doing in Tiajuana." But after meeting with Hector, the tall professional-looking abandonado, he bragged to his buddies, "and she didn't charge me this time." We suspect she was a high-end call girl.
