
Friday, March 18, 2011

Eva Luna #93 Thu 3/17/11 Like son, like mother… who needs confession when you have audience for your nightmares?‏

Recap by Marta:

Repeat of Deborah speech forgiving Tilde and saying they have to help the girls together forge a happy future…

Cruella: I am drinking more than I should (no sh!!)

LiLeach hearing from Slimeball himself that he killed Eva’s dad…

Julio teasing/scaring Cruella…

Birthday party, Laurita not happy with Eva, Eva introducing her mom around…

Renata summoning Slimeball to come home asap… mommy dearest is gone nuts…

Tony teasing Alicia..

Bimbutt planning her next step…

Lileach brainwashing Idiot low IQ man…

Renata warning Eva Cruella is nuts due to Don Julio’s games…

LiLeach all over Low IQ man…

Alicia/Leo… kiss… Eva comes in…

IW: What are you doing here Ali?

SB: Eva, was waiting for you.

IW: I know, but what was my sis doing in your room at this hour?, I thought she was going nite nite…

SB: I called just when she was going to bed…

IW: What for?

SB: To tell her what happened to my mommy…. My mommy swears my dad is ALIVE… I think it was due to her drinking, but she was so scared that she even fainted…

Ali: I hope she gets better…

IW: I also will go let you rest…

SB: Eva, wait… stay with me a bit longer… (Ali has a mini tantrum stump step)

LoIQMan: you are right… I have to get her out of my head, have to stop thinking about her… but the problem is still the same… I love her more each day… I can’t take her out of my heart…

Lileach: Think all the harm she is causing you. It is too much harm!

LoIQMan: Even so, I can’t get her out of my heart, of my soul…

LiLeach: That is why you need my help. Accept it. Stay with me.

LoIQMan: Lileach, you are so pretty, and I am so thankful… but… it is better I go…

LiLeach: (after he leaves, she has a slight tantrum) Eva… darn Eva!... Now I know why Vicky hates you so much… now I want you dead too…

IW and SB, I see nothing but slime around a bed…

IW: Take it easy..

SB: I am gettin scared of everything going on… my sis sick and now my mommy too..

IW: That is why you have to be strong for the both of them. They are counting on you.

SB: If it was not for having you, I too would be going insane (go ahead, make my day!!)

IW: Don’t say that.

SB: It is the truth, Eva… you are my big relief at this moment.

IW: Ay Leo…

SB: I know you are trying to love me… that gives me hope to withstand everything that is going on… and listen to me… for you I won’t rest… until Dano pays for having killed your dad with jail time…

Eva finds Alicia in living room.. Eva confirms Don J was here… Eva thinks Julio was just trying to scare Cruella, Ali thinks he rather is tired of being ‘the dead man walking’. Eva reminds Ali noone must know he is alive..

SB in bed is thinking he has IW eating out of his palm… better hurry and marry her… before Ali or Dano do anything to put her against me…

Ali asks IW to leave SB… you don’t love him, he is not your happiness… you can’t marry someone out of appreciating what they do for you.. what if he has a lover?

Dano at home thinking of Eva and wondering why he still loves her after all she has done to him, remembers the end of their first escape together (red dress) nighttime by lake/palms. ‘we used to fight as a defense mechanism because we liked each other from the beginning’… I will prove SB killed your dad, don’t know how but I will prove it to you IW.

IW remembering when she asked LoIQM if they had a future, him telling her he would work for that forever… they have no choice but to be happy together…
IW: It couldn’t be… our (love) couldn’t be…

(next morning)… Fran is scrambling around their trashed room for his jacket… Busy wife is sleeping still… he yells at her to see his jacket all wrinkled and wet… she tells him to iron it… he whines … did u marry to have a maid or a wife? … a wife who can help me!!

Wife thinks about it again and promises she will wash and iron it… after she sleeps some more… FF>>

SB finds IW on her way out…tells her he gave mommy a tranquilizer and she feels better. He fakes having told her they have an appointment with priest at the church…

SB uses his best charm talk to convince her, even though she has an appointment at work.

LoIQM and Laurita are having breakfast very sweetly… her usual cereal and his usual stuff… Lau tells LoIQMan the bday was great except Eva was there… can’t forgive her because she had the police accuse him of something really awful. LoIQM is about to talk to her about that when LoonyBimbutt shows up… She looks normal, but LoIQM and Laurita are shellshocked… LoonyBimbutt asks LoIQM that maybe it is time to get Laurita out of the boarding house… Laurita asks her if she really feels good…

LoonyBimbutt keeps putting on the ‘feel much better’ act…

Deborah arrives at Former Misery Manor, Renata congratulates her again on getting back together with the girls… she deserved to have that. Deb tells Renata that maybe Cruella did her good instead of harm by revealing the truth to IW… Renata warns Deb that it might not be a good time to see Cruella because of the nightmares she had last night.

LoIQMan asks Doctor over phone about LoonyBimbutt’s ‘magical recovery’. Doctor wants to see them in his office today… ok… LoIQM convinces LoonyBimButt who keeps claiming she is not sick, she feels very well…

IW and SB are getting speech by priest to think about it very well, a marriage without love is not happy, it is more a sentence… it is easier to prevent the marriage than handle annulments… SB keeps insisting they will soon be husb and wife and will spend the rest of their lives with baby… IW hugs him but is not really convinced…

Deb and Tilde are happy watching Pablito together… Deb will return later, have appt. Tilde thanks her for her forgiveness… Deb says thank you for telling the girls the truth.

LoonyBimButt calls the office and finds out her mom is out sick…

Cruella is having nightmares… Deb walks around the door and comes in in time to hear her ‘I had to do it Monica.. .Pedro knows it, I warned him… so good you are dead… I would kill you both again, time and time again… so good you are dead… the FIRE!! .. THE FIRE!!... my hand! … my hand!!... darn it! … it is your fault I got burned!...

Deb: My God… could that be the reason for the glove? … could it be true what I am thinking? (she takes glove off Marcela and indeed her hand is burned…)

LoonyBimButt arrives to see her mother, Renata at first denies her the entrance by orders not to let her in, after the incident… LoonyBimButt swears she feels better… Renata still reluctant… your mommy is not in shape for visitors… she drank too much last night and swears having seen Don Julio here in the house alive… LoonyBimButt insists and then pushes her way in…

Deb is still with Cruella, thinking she has to find out who were Pedro and Monica and how they died… LoonyBimButt arrives very anxiously, Deb stays with LBB… Deb questions LBB about some Pedro and Monica… LBB tells her those were the names of Daniel’s parents… they died burned in a tragic accident…

Deb thinks: God… She killed them.. that is how she burned her hand!

Deb keeps on questioning Vicky about how Dan lost his parents…

They left the house toward the mountain and the car fell down the hill and exploded… Deb says Cruella seemed to be witnessing the accident in her dream… LBB says that could not be because her mother was out of the city that day…

Deb insists in digging once again (now you are going overboard Deb!! Watch your back from now on!)… are you sure? … yes, that is what they told me, why do you ask?

Fran is having breakfast at NewVille manor… Jackie is sitting with him… he whines about his jacket and how his house/room is a mess/trash bin… Jackie asks if he is happy with Marisol, he changes the subject to compliment the breakfast…

Fran responds faking a happily married man… Jackie is visibly upset but fakes being happy for him. She still offers to fix up his jacket…

Fran: Thank you… how I miss you… / I see that… (he puts a worried face once she walks away)

Marisol/Ali at board house are folding laundry, Marisol tells her about Fran’s whinning but she has other ideas of a future life, not exactly a dedicated full time house wife...

Ali tells her Tony still harasses her sometimes, but more worried about Carlos, scared he will show up again…

Said Carlos is getting hired by Giorgio for the agency…

Fran and Jackie discuss LBB’s ‘recovery’… Fran does not buy the story that easily… Jackie says if she is acting, she has her admiration, doing it very well… Door bell rings, another letter for LBB… Fran wants to open it but Jackie won’t let him, she takes it upstairs and puts it on the dresser for LBB.

At Dr office, Dr is giving LBB a green light… she excuses herself to bathroom but listens behind door as Dr tells LoIQMan that she is improving, slowly will come to her usual self, but still ‘delicate’ have to continue the treatment, but have to keep her as low-stress as possible…

IW has finally made it to Don J’s… his ‘apparition’ caused all kinds of havoc… SB is convinced it was a nightmare of Cruella’s… Julio says it was a risk to let her see him, but he swears to IW that he won’t do it again… IW says she thought he had decided to ‘reappear’ but he says no, its not time for that yet…

Jackie in LBB’s room finds the glass LBB has been drinking off and finds it strange, wonders if LBB has been drinking, but leaves the cup there and leaves…

Julio asks Eva what else is up… she tells him about their mother and the reconciliation. Julio says he always thought Deb was a good woman… IW tells him it was her dad who separated them… she tells him about when she went to Deb’s house and realized it was where her dad was trying to take her to… Julio congratulates her … now, is it true you accused LoIQMan of the accident? IW says it is true, SB brought the cops to the house… he wanted her to make the accusation… IW tells Julio that LoIQMan insists that SB is the one guilty … she tells Julio she hopes both SB and LoIQMan are wrong…

Cruella keeps swearing to SB that she did see Julio last night… SB leaves her alone after he brought her her dinner… Did Renata tell you LBB came to see you? Cruella is still very mad at LBB for sleeping with Bruno… SB says ok, LBB was stupid but she learned her lesson… promise me you will let her see you.

Once SB leaves Cruella alone, she keeps telling herself ‘no, I was not so drunk last night, nor do I believe that silly story from Renata that Julio’s ghost walks around… I don’t believe in ghosts… I saw him! .. I am sure!! He talked to me!!... he is alive… and I am not crazy!!... there is only one way to confirm it… (she calls her lawyer to find out what steps need to be taken to ‘exumacion de un cadaver’ (open up) Julio’s dead body.

Ali questions IW why she went to the church with SB… IW says why you insists that I not marry SB?? There must be something else, please tell me. Ali keeps giving her the excuse that IW does not love SB… IW insists SB is a good man and loves her and loves the baby, they will be happy, promise…

LBB in her room talks to herself ‘you are great, LoIQM will never be able to get rid of you.. the next step is to get him to love you again…’ (she sees the note that Jackie left on the dresser, gets mad, wrinkles it into a ball and throws it around…)

Previews show that:

Ali apparently confessing to Eva she loves Leo…

LiLeach warning Vicky that if she doesn’t kill Eva, Eva will keep Dano…

Deb running into Julio, Julio calls Eva worried Deb might talk… Eva tells Deb Cruella was killing Julio, Deb tells Eva about Cruella’s other victims… Pedro and Monica Villanueva, Dano’s parents…

We see Cruella finding out from LBB that Deb heard her nightmare, and later thinking she will have to return the visit to Deb (watch out Deb!!)



  1. Marta,

    Yeah on this recap, boy did you have a lot of dialog to write down.

    ITA with you on IW name; really!! I'm sorry but if I found my sister in my soon to be husbands bedroom I would seriously keep my eye on the two of them.

    So Lililech is now stepping up her game, to get Vicky to kill Eva for her.

    Oh Debra, you have just signed your death warrent. b/c when Marcie finds out you know her secert she's going to kill you.

    I'm glad the Preist was talking about love, maybe that will wake up IW. B/c we all know IM and IW still love each other. I really wish Dan would have gotten the time to talk to Laurita about her feels for Eva. Pooer Pablito is still recovering from all the shouting last time. I notice that they have a doll in the stroller now, b/c he's either boundle up (while everyone else is in short sleeves), or not shown.

  2. I forgot something, with the advance I believe the gigs up for DJ he's going to have to reveal himself now. B/c Marice is going to have his body dug up. HUM

    There's still to many lose ends in this. can someone do another list so I can compare what I have written down already.

  3. Thanks so much, Marta, for a speedy and very helpful recap. All the dialogue helped me see how much I missed.

    Apparently Univision is playing with us with the avances. I had expected Alicia and Leo to be caught embracing in his bedroom, but it turns out that they had time to separate. I had expected Alicia to warn Eva either that she (Alicia) was Leo's amante or that he had an amante, but no, she raises the prospect of his taking an amante as merely hypothetical. So now I'm not sure what to trust. I guess that's the point. Oh well, I'm definitely looking forward to tonight's episode.

  4. I figured out everybody's aliases except IW...obviously it's Eva, but what's the joke? :(

    Queen Snooki's leap of logic was rather remarkable by novela standards, but it was also rather graceful. (Probably to make up for her babbling about Daniel's parents in her sleep.) So, secret-wise:

    1. Leonardo killed Eva's father.
    2. Julio is not dead (now in progress barring an epic swerve).
    3. The Empire is responsible for the deaths of:
    a. Daniel's parents;
    b. Daniel's wife (Marcela?);
    c. Rita the maid (Marcela);
    d. Eva and Alicia's father (Leonardo);
    e. Claudia (Leonardo) and her unborn child (Marcela).
    4. Victoria is Julio and Justa's child.
    5. Alicia is sleeping with Leonardo.
    6. Liliana is Leonardo's agent provocateur (even though she's showing signs of creating her own agenda since she's apparently head-over-heels for Daniel).
    7. Eva never slept with Leonardo.
    8. Leonardo and Marcela are mobbed up via El Gallo.
    9. Victoria faked her nervous breakdown (not really significant, but hey).
    10.Rosaura is Bruno's accomplice (also not significant, but).

  5. thanks Marta for the quick breakfast recap.
    So Eva and Julio have a nice long chat and she doesn't even mention she is marrying Leo in a couple of days. It looks like he will be discovered soon if Marzilla gets him exhumed. Since she thinks he poisoned him I can't imagine what reason she will give...
    Dan stays way longer than he needs to with Lilleach with that goofy look on his face.
    Lilleach is going to wind up Vicky and point her at Eva. I wonder if Leo knows to tell Vicky not to kill Eva before he gets a chance to marry her.

  6. Great recap. Did not have a chance to see it, but closed my eyes after reading recap and replayed it all. Thank you.

    I hope Renata comes to the rescue and overhears Cruella's plot to exhume the body.

    It looks like finally Alicia will have some backbone if the advances were accurately portrayed.

    But I'm about to scream if I see one more smirk on Leo's pretty little face (I'm sure he had it on when he said he had Eva in the palm of his hand)

    And are all the doctors in Hollywood corrupt?

  7. Bill: and Vicky ruined that model's face.
    Nellie: yes, in TN world, there is only two doctors, both corrupt. People get their medication (as well as poison in many cases) from black vials poured into their tea, and no one calls child welfare when children are abused, mentally ill people are treated at home with booze sequestered in their bedrooms. Stealing 25K is on the front page of all the papers but murdering a young woman is only mentioned briefly on the radio. The same two detectives investigates hit and run accidents as well as thefts. And Los Angeles is a swamp instead of a desert.

  8. Great recap with lots of dialogue, thanks! I think Leo is sending the notes to his mom, showing he is as cold blooded as she is. She's already done all his dirty work killing but now is just in his way , she has no money now so she's useless to him. Also with her dead or the nut house he can marry Eva kill her off and be in control of the company & get all the money.
    He doesn't need Mommy dearest bossing him around any longer, he wants to run the show and has learned from the "best". Just my opinion....

  9. Thank you Bill C,

    The list was very helpful, oh I forgot about Rita and her brother there both dead at the hands of Marcie.
    And Yes to Sabrine on the list.

  10. elle, very good theory! Slimeball is definitely showing lately he learned all the habits and strategies from his mommy and then some! He is definitely passing her in how evil and cold blooded scheeming he is in getting anyone out of his way to get what he wants... and then throw it away when he gets tired of it...
    I too fear for Deborah's life now that she kept on poking Vicky for info about Pedro and Monica's death. Wonder what IW will do with the info, will she go tell IM?

  11. Hey Bill C,

    My husband wants to know if the writers every explained Why Bruno and his kissing cousin were hell bent on destroying Marcie? Does anyone know the anwer. It just seems weird that they targeted Marcie and only Marcie.

  12. What about those pic that leo took of eva after he gave her that tea. dan o hasn't even mention that. I find that strange. Show is getting good, thanks so much for recaps.


  13. I think the obvious theory would be that Marcie was to blame for the death of Bruno's parents or some relative of theirs.

  14. I think the obvious theory would be that Marcie was to blame for the death of Bruno's parents or some relative of theirs.

  15. Michele in PA, re your husband's question: I think Bruno and Rosaura are grifters -and found Marcella an easy target, for the money.

  16. The scene where Alicia and Marisol were folding laundry was funny. Who did the HUGE ubdies belong to?

  17. Thanks for the recap. I don't have much to say. I’m really tiered of this scenario. Novela is boring {for me} with Leo&Eva's love story.

    When Bruno was talking with his cousin about Marcela he said after they steal all her money her job is looking for other rich woman to destroy her. That is why they chosen Marcela. I think she came first just to investigate all details about Marcela- preparing everything. That was very easy because Bruno is Leo's friend. That is my theory. jjablan.

  18. Rossana: re: undies, very observant, and funny. Yeah, big, and they weren't really folding them, they were throwing them at the chairs, hysterical.

  19. Emarie, I know, that was funny, but so was the burned hand, hahahaha They finally showed the hand!!

  20. Marta, we really needed the dialog. Gracias.

    So we had to add another bummer--Alicia did NOT spill the beans about a real lover or her already being the amante in question.

    Did I miss what was in the letter Vicky got and crumpled up? Her miraculous recovery was a hoot.

    Maybe in the depths of her pea-brain, even if Vick decides to kill Eva, she will decide to exonerate Dan, so he will stay with her and love her again.

    Bill C--IW is Idiot Woman, for her illogical thinking in regards to Dan, the Idiot Man, who has now been rediagnosed as LowIQ Man.

    Also, Bill, you can remove the question mark beside Dan's wife being Marcela's victim. She's thought bubbled it some time ago.

    Reb--There are two sets of photo prints around. The one Leo ordered Tony to get for him and the other that Curious Tony made for himself. Leo's set surfaced when Dan came looking for Eva at the cabana. Dan crumpled them up while Leo smirked.

    Tony's are still in his hands. At the time he was furious at Eva for interferring with his relationship with Alicia and was probably going to use them against her.

    Date with the Priest--Eva ALMOST grew her spine responding to Leo's pretense about the date--but she caved.

    We didn't see her challenge Leo's statement that they were both deeply in love. Church was probably not the place to do it, but she could have at least not hugged him at all.

    eMarie--I want to agree with you that Bruno and Rosaura are simply grifters. In the very first episodes Leo and Bruno seemed to already know each other...then he took one look at Marcela and started gushing all over her in Leo's presence. That to me means he'd already picked her out as a target. Maybe that's why he buddied up to Leo in the first place, to get the introductions.

    It doesn't rule out some family financial ruination, but we've never been given any hint about that. Usually, hints and red-herrings abound.

    Also, eMarie--Love your take on officialdom in LA. I had a ROTFL moment when you referred to LA as a swamp and not a desert.

    ...Not to mention how many times they have used the same public picnic grounds for any number of outdoor scenes (Dan's taxi accident & Eva's kidnapping daylight scenes for two).

    So far we have only seen one completely corrupt doctor in EL--the one who is treating Vicky. He's the same doctor who "treated" Don Julio for Marcela, supplying her with the poison and the cover-up for Vicky's "attempted suicide."

    The other doctor is Don Julio's old friend Garcia, who is playing loosey-goosey with ethics to help Julio prove Marcela was poisoning him. He didn't really approve of the venganza, but he did want his patient to recover, so his many trips to the NewHouse were legitimate. He's the one who helped Eva through her pregnancy and delivery.

    Yep, I think LilLeach will work Vick up to a frenzy to get her to kill Eva. If Leo wants his strategy to recover the family finances to work out, he can't let that happen.

    And viewerville needs to be assured that Eva will live till her boda with Dan. Something will interrupt Lil's plan.

    Vicky is not very good with a gun or a knife, as we know.
    Una Nrte

  21. re LA being a swamp and not a desert. Does anyone remember that Zorro was set in old LA and there were piranhas in the Los Angeles River and at the end they ate Montero (Harry Geither's character)?

  22. Marta, thank you for the great recap, the dialogue was a great help.

    You have to give Marcie points for thinking to exhume the body. I am sure Don Julio will be one ahead of her on that one with help from Renata.

    Lil is one evil woman, thank goodness we have not had her around the whole TN. She and Leo deserve each other.


  23. Una Norte: Yeah, OK, Dr. Garcia is a good guy. Let's not say corrupt, just an accomplice. Dr. Rivera is Dr. Garcia's evil twin.
    And, you are right, Icky couldn't hit the side of a barn.
    Anonymous: The real LA river is dry in spots and is mostly a cement aquaduct. Ah, Zorro.

  24. Marta, thanks for the recap. I was also surprised that it was Deb who unveiled Marcellas hand. Leo is just so creepy!!

  25. I think Bruno is the one sending the other notes to Marcella. If I recall correctly, he found one of Julio's notes in her office trash can.

    Poor Alicia, I feel sorry for her. Of course she is stupid, but she is like the innocent young sister to me. But she is the one who warmed to Deb first.

    And I sure wish Leo wasn't so slimey cause he is so good looking LOL.

  26. Since we usually can't comment until Monday when the recap is up I was wondering if we could start commenting earlier on Fridays episode. I feel like there was some dialogue that went right over my head
    and I'm sure it is pretty important. If not that is fine, just asking.
    A month a half left until I'm finished with nursing school. The other day I got to tell one of my patients what happened the previous night on Eva Luna since she was hospitalized and missed it. We had fun talking about how much we hate Lileach, Cruella, Icktoria and slimeball Leo.

  27. If they exume Don Julio's grave then maybe they will find the letter that Renata dropped in. If it fell in the vault it won't be wet or deteriorated.

  28. Anon I forgot about that letter Renata dropped in the grave, good memory! Do you remember what it said? I dont...

    I thought when the priest went on about getting married for love it would make Eva realize she was marrying Leo for the wrong reason!

    Emarie, I loved your comment about L.A. being shown as a swamp instead of a desert...I remember as a kid the L.A. river once being so high it almost overflowed (in the late 60's i think) The rest of time my dad would drive us down there in his car just for fun to get pollywogs..never saw a piranha in the puddles!

    I wonder how Don J being alive will affect Eva's inheritance.

  29. Una Norte.: what photos does Tony have? I remember the photos Leo did but not Tony's. In which episode was it? I checked the recaps but I couldn't find anything. Thanks!

  30. Not to dwell on this but Elle, I remember so well that rainy year in the late 60's, we must be about the same age.
    I don't think we were ever shown the content of that letter.

  31. About last night episode:
    Why Alicia is trying to tell Eva she is her future husband lover if she can't say it? Easily she can write one anonymous letter and send it to Eva. I hope Eva will not forgive her for hiding it. Both sister are acting like they are not real sister and that is annoying.
    I'm glad Deborah didn't have enough time to tell Leo about Don Julio.
    I like to know how long Eva will keep that killer living in her house.

  32. I don't think we were told the content of the letter, but my guess is that it told how Renata had always loved Don Julio, and maybe about Victoria's parentage.

  33. Anon Sat at 12:08: I think you are right. I found the reference to Leo, Tony and the pictures on the Jan 14 recap (#49).

    >Leo calls Tony to come meet him at the house… Later Tony arrives and Leo gives him the memory card from the camera that he took the bed pictures with… stressing several times to him to take it somewhere to print the pictures without opening the envelope (really?? He doesn’t know Tony by now??) As soon as you have them we will arrange so you can bring them to me.<

    Later is says Tony looked at them. In the next recap Tony says to himself that he's going to show Alicia the pictures. It's AFTER that that he takes the pictures to Leo and claims never to have looked at them. I could have sworn he had copies made to keep for some nefarious purpose.

    No wonder they haven't turned up again. Thanks for straightening me out--I kept hoping that Eva would see them and be furious and put two and two together about Leo during their stay at the cabana.
    Una Nrte

  34. Two points: The letter I was talking about was the one Marcella put in the coffin.
    So I would add that to Bills list, along with what were the papers Dr. Garcia had Marcella sign just before DJ's coffin was closed, she never read the papers, Dr. Garcia was smiling. I wondered if those were the divorce papers that she refused to sign, that DJ will produce when he reveals he is still alive.

  35. If Tony won't tell to Eva and if he didn't keep any copy of those pictures then there is not any prove how Daniel saw it. Eva will think Daniel is lying to make Leo bad to avoid their wedding....etc.
    I think those pictures were important only for convince Daniel how Eva was sleeping with Leo. And those pictures did it. Never again Danaiel mentioned it that is not bothering him.
    I'm ready for Happy End.

  36. JJ--Your thinking is on the right track. I'll forget about the photos, too.

    Friday was another "Alicia won't tell all-bummer" episode.

    Not much else happened that wasn't captured in Marta's avances.

    Will patiently wait for the recap for any more comments.
    Una Nte

  37. Who is Leo's Father? Marcie referred to Don Julio as his Padrastro.

  38. Leo's father was Marcie's first husband who died when Leo was a boy (age 8, I think). I don't know how he died. Don Julio is his stepfather, or maybe his father by adoption, since he has the Arismendi name.

  39. Probably Marcela killed Leo's father. We don't know much what happened to him. I hope we will find out did she killed him or not. jjablan.
