Good morning! It's time for our Friday ritual of coffee, snark, and Thursday night's Triunfo recap. Before I begin, let me set the scene. It's 6:25 a.m. I've been out late every night this week for rehearsals, and this morning, in what is becoming our new a. m. ritual at Casa Latina, the upstairs coffee maker (porque sí…soy la reina!) turned itself on at 6:10 a.m. At 6:15, near the end of the brew cycle, the regular alarm went off, at Mr. 5ft's insistence, since he doesn't get quite so excited about his morning milk-with-a-little-coffee-in-it and I shut it off. I prepared each of us a cup--his with lots of sugar, lots of milk, and as little coffee as I could manage; mine with agave nectar only, since we haven't brought up any soy milk for the upstairs mini-fridge (see above re: reina!). I handed off Mr. 5ft's coffee and brought mine downstairs, where I will now proceed to watch last night's episode and tell you what a great big load of nada went down. I haven't seen anything past midway through Tuesday (see above re: late rehearsals), but I'm sure I'm not missing much. These two hour episodes are killer. Y'all are troopers for hanging in there. And y'all doing the other recaps…I feel your pain! Y ahora, tu humilde servidora will get to the business at hand, while mi humilde servidor (aka Mr. 5ft) fixes my breakfast.
***This recap is complete!***
Part I:
Hey, Victoria gave up make-up for Lent? She and Os argue about who did what to whom. Os says he'll leave--he can't stand it either. Vic tells him to go, if he's not man enough to stick it out.
Padre JP gripes Max out for not leaving Maria D alone. He will brook no arguments! MD stops him before he can get in his plastic car and says she'll talk to him. PJP says "Fine, but you're only gonna suffer." Only until the final week, Padre.
Pippin is in a furious rage! Another mannequin feels the pain. Oscar's saying something, but I'm too busy watching Pip's act of mannequinicide. Oh, Linda's gonna keep chasing Os. That's not news. Toni vows to stop it. As if!
Linda hangs out, waiting for Os, observed by Victoria. Os valet parks his car.
Maria D tells Max his mommy's a bully who won't leave her alone. "If you wanna help me, tell your mom to leave me alone! I've got good reasons to fight and I'm gonna make it after all, cause I just gotta." That was all subtext for "I'm having your baby, you moron!"
Linda waves happily at Os, but then sees Victoria getting out of her car. Oh…Os was getting his car from the valet and was about to drive it off. He's surprised to see Vic, who came to pick him up from... work? He calls the valet to get his car and gets into Victoria's. Linda pouts.
Bernarda says she's not happy about what happened to Vic, but Vic tried to take her own life and it's a big sin, etc., snooze, snooze. Bernie doesn't want to talk about Vic, since PJP always defends her. She thinks people get what they deserve. Burn, baby, burn. Padre JP says she talks like she never sinned. We all know that's not true.
Milagros cries at Juanjo's grave. Really? He's dead? Don't tell me, I'll either piece it together by the end of this ep or I'll get it when I go back and watch the rest of the week. Pobre de Carmen Salinas. She's not a bad-looking woman, but appearing on camera with no makeup at any age is an act of extreme courage. She sits on his grave while just one tree rains down tears. She starts praying the Hail Mary.
Bernie says she's prayed to remain sin-free, that's all. PJP says we're all human and sooner or later, into each life, a little sin must fall. Burnie wants to change the subject. PJP is her son, confessor, and guide. He says that's exactly why he's asking her to tell Victoria the truth. "You want me to tell her Maria Desamparada is her daughter? Sor Clementina told me, so I'm sure, but there's no real proof. Don't worry, though, I took precautions. Remember this incident…I did it to take a blood test and compare it to Maria D." Fausto interrupts with the lab results. This is not quite as fun-filled as a Springer episode, but I guess it'll do. Burnie opens the results, sans drum role, and reads that the results were positive. "Maria Desamparada is your daughter." She hands PJP the results.
Part II:
Max whines to Fabian in his office. He lost the love of his life and his family is falling apart. Fabian says that's rough. Max thought his family didn't have problems before? Oh, so young, so innocent. His mom's having trouble. His dad at least accepts responsibility, but his mom won't. And as for Ximena, she just keeps using the baby as an excuse for everything. He's not sure how much longer he can put up with that.
Xi and Rox are apartment shopping. And Rox only wants the BEST for her baby. And the BIGGEST!
Milagros cries some more and finishes praying her rosary. She lies down on Juanjo's grave. Ok, a wife, maybe, but a mom? That's a little weird.
Vic and Os have dinner. She wants to show him she's making an effort. Is that Padilla in the background? Os says all her efforts made her a great designer. She says her "name" means nothing to her anymore. She's hurt and she doesn't even know why she's asking his forgiveness when he's the one who cheated on her. Os says he really does feel worse than she does. If she's not going to forgive him, then why bother. More whining about how he cheated, how she ignored him, etc. I won't dignify his stupid excuses by repeating them. Vic says men are stupid. "It's easy for the lover to be perfect since they don't have to put up with you 24/7." Os says he gets it now. Mama Vic keeps harassing him. It's not that I don't think he deserves it, but she keeps going over the same stuff over and over and I'm the one who has to listen to it. Hey, I didn't cheat on her, so why do I have to suffer?
Nathy is knitting something for The Baby. She and Maria D are all excited to meet The Baby. MD will give The Baby all the love she never had. Nathy tells her she needs to be happy so the baby will be happy. Linda's not home yet and they wonder where she is. MD says if she went after Os again, she's getting her eviction notice.
Bernarda accosts Os and tries to give him some info, but he isn't in the mood.
Gui, Pedro, and Ofelia toast the success of the miniseries. Pedro is sick of Ofelia making snarky comments about Os and Vic. Ofelia says she has to put up with him too and she can't take it anymore. Gui just snacks and watches the scene. Pedro says he's going home to Spain in 2 days and she's not going with him! "Oh, no, I'm the one who's not going to Spain, because I'm done with you!" She tells him not to come looking for her, not that he was thinking about doing it. She swears she'll go for the next guy she sees, etc. Pedro tells her to just get to it already. He apologizes to Gui for the scene, but Gui had a great time watching.
Part III:
Os went back to the house with Burnie. She says she knows more about Vic than he does. Os says no one knows her better than he does. "Are you sure? Did you know she was a maid in this house?"
Vic drinks and thinks about how Os isn't home yet. Is he with his lover?
Os says being a servant is a perfectly acceptable job. "Did you know that before she married you, she had a daughter?"
Pedro tells Gui he's going back to Spain tomorrow and if he doesn't see Ofelia again, it's fine with him. He's DRUNK but he swears he can drive. Gui lets him leave.
Os doesn't know why Burn is telling him all this, but he can tell she hates Vic. She was lying about Vic having a lover, so why should he believe her now? He says as the mother of a priest, she should know that lying is a sin. He takes off.
Maria D can't light the stove. She and Nathy don't know what to do. Maria has some fabric to make clothes for the baby. No, she's not thinking of telling Max about the baby. She hopes one day she'll be happy again, like she was when she and Max were together. Nathy asks what if Max found out about the baby and wanted to be with her, but Maria D says it's impossible. She won't be happy at someone else's expense, so her love for Max is an impossible dream. She never should have set her eyes on him.
Max looks out the window. He remembers walking with MD on the beach.
They split-screen to MD having trouble sleeping while Max is thinking of her.
MD is on the couch, looking out the window. She remembers being with Max on the beach.
Max picks up the phone.
MD's phone rings. It's Max, but he doesn't say anything right away. Finally he says he just wanted to hear her voice.
Ximena thought bubbles that she needs to get Max to sleep in bed with her so she won't lose him. She wants to go wake him up with a big wet sloppy kiss. Slurp, slurp.
Max just wanted to hear her voice, like he said, and tell her he loves her and she's the woman of his life. MD says it's hurting them. So is the separation. Max blames it on Xi. He wants to see her. He can't go on without her! In the name of everything they had together, she can't deny him this opportunity. Oh no? MD says it's crazy talk and NO! She hangs up and cries.
Xi lies in bed thought bubbling that Max is talking to MD again and she can't allow that or she'll lose him!
Part IV:
Vic keeps drinking. Now she wonders if something bad happened to Os. She hopes not or she'd never forgive herself. Os comes in. She asks him to forgive her, but he says he has nothing to forgive. So now she starts interrogating him. "We'll talk tomorrow." She accuses him of being with Linda. "Did you see her?" Os says he didn't , but she doesn't believe him. She can't believe him. OK, we're back to business as usual. He doesn't know how much longer he can take it!
Xi tells Rox she's sure Max went to see MD. She's furious and says she'll go find them. Rox advises that she take a sleeping pill and think about the baby. Um? No. Rox says Xi's dad cheated on her all the time and it got better when she stopped letting it bother her. After all, she was the wife and the others were just mistresses. Xi doesn't think that way. She hangs up on Rox and swears they won't be together.
MD answers the door to Max and they stare at each other.
Padre JP prays in the church. MD is his daughter, for realz. His confessor comes in and says "What's your damage now?" Meanie. PJP says he found out the truth…that MD is your daughter? He can talk about it because it's not a secret of the confessional, just something he suspected that's now confirmed. More questioning of PJP's vocation. He says he could never leave the church. He's a father to all the faithful.
Max asks to talk to her. MD says he shouldn't be there. He begs, in the name of their love.
Milagros dreams of JuanJo and starts saying "my son isn't dead" in her sleep. She jerks awake and says "Juanjo? Son? You're not dead, son. You're not dead. You need me." She prays for it to be true. She gets up and goes into his room and reminisces about their fútbol disagreements. She hopes what she saw in her dreams is true and he really is alive.
Pedro is gone, so Ofelia came back. She thinks she's going to move in with Gui. Ha, ha, ha! He says he doesn't want the company. He likes to be alone. Ofelia says the fun's over if Max finds out that Ximena's baby is really Gui's. She's going to use the info to hold onto him. "Yep. You're trapped, even if you refuse to admit it." Gui says let's speak calmly. Ofelia says she'll have a vodka, like Xi. Gui goes to get some, while Ofelia peruses the paperwork about the theater. Os would pay a fortune to find out about it. She plays calm when Gui comes back and sees her with the folder.
Vic asks Os if Linda is still trying to call him and get close to him. Will she back off so easily? Won't she fight for him? Os says it would be useless. He tries to get in bed with her, but she gets out of bed. "Is it possible to be reasonable when you're crazy in love with someone?" She can't get the image of the two of them out of her head. She keeps thinking about them making hot monkey love. She wants details. Os yells at her to stop it. "Your curiosity is morbid and doesn't get us anywhere! I don't want to talk about her." Vic wants to know that part of his life that she doesn't know anything about. Os refuses to tell her anything and leaves the bedroom.
Ofelia says she now has two juicy bits of info that the Sandovals would pay dearly for. Gui agrees, but says if she talks too much, she'll only cause problems. That won't work with him. "And how do you plan to avoid it?" Gui says he'll shut her mouth forever, choking her. "I've always hated women who talk too much, and you're the worst one! I'll do you a favor and shut you up forever." He seems to enjoy killing her. The dog barks and he shushes it.
Max tells Maria that he was drunk and upset, he went up to the room and got in bed, and he thought it was her and then in the morning he realized it was Xi. Maria D says when he said he was getting married to Xi, she didn't know the story. Max says he should have told her, but he never thought Xi would get pregnant. It gave his mom a way to blackmail him into marrying Xi. It's only the baby he's doing it for. MD believes him. There's sincerity in his eyes and she knows he's not lying. Max says he never stopped loving her. Ditto. He doesn't love Xi and when the baby's born, he'll take care of it and be a good dad, but he won't keep living with Xi. MD loves him too, but what about the two of them? Max says when the baby is born, he'll divorce Xi and marry MD. She says he might find out a surprise. Something that would make him happy. He's happy just being with her and he'll be with her forever. Smoochies. Yes, let's get that shirt off William, he's really warm under the lights. Oh, that's all….
Milagros also sees signs of JuanJo in the cards. Cruz answers the door to Don Napo. Cruz is off to work, but asks Napo to look after Milagros. She tells him to sit down and begs him not to stop coming over. She tells him about her dream, and the cards confirming it. She keeps crying that he's alive. Napo says he's sorry to keep reminding her, but the healthiest thing is for her to leave JuanJo to rest in peace. He doesn't like to see her crying. Milagros says he's just like everyone else. "Put yourself in my place and see how it feels!"
Linda goes looking for work.
Milagros keeps crying to Napo that JuanJo is alive.
Linda applies for a job as a stylist in a salon. She worked for Victoria, but she doesn't have references. The woman says she won't hire anyone without a recommendation, usually, but they just lost someone and they really need her to start right away. Linda says she won't be sorry! The woman brings her a broom and tells her to get started. Linda fumes.
Max asks Victoria why she keeps getting Maria D fired. "How do you know what's going on with her? You're still after her, aren't you?" Vic says MD betrayed her by going after Max, by helping Linda go after Os. Max says he's on the side of justice, damnit!
A guy looks at the stove in the girls' apartment and says it's not in good shape. It would be just as expensive to fix it as to buy a new one. He charges them 200 pesos for giving them the bad news. Nathy says they'll just have to get a new one. MD only has 100 pesos and Nathy sent all her earnings to her family. MD says they'll use the pesos to buy torta supplies and get selling. Nathy says she'll go to the library and ask for an advance to see if they can buy a stove in installments.
Napo and Cruz are worried about Milagros. Napo suggests a doctor, but Cruz says no doctor can cure a mother of her sadness at losing her son. Cruz wants to take her back to the ranch for a while, but he wants Napo to come too. He's sure it will help. Napo agrees. Milagros is a good friend and he's got to help her out. Cruz goes to get some time off from work.
Victoria tells Oscar to fire the private detectives. She wants to hear no more about it!
Max comes to work happy. He tells Fabian nothing's up. Fabian is sure there's a reason. Max says he saw MD. The skinny pants that come in tight at the ankles? I vote "no." Ximena comes in to show him the apartment she wants. He says they have to wait. "Wait longer?" The company is in no condition. All of Os's shares have been sold and they're having to let employees go. Xi says that's not her problem. Fine, then, Max says--the answer is no because he says so. Xi says his child will be born without a place to put his crib! "Yes, fine, I'm terrible, so why'd you marry me?" Xi says she doesn't know. "Exactly! Me neither!" She storms out, leaving him the flyer.
Os comes to visit Vic at work. He's been thinking and she has every right to know where he was last night. Vic asks him how he got to Bernarda's . "She had it all planned, so she could talk smack about you. She said you have secrets. That you were her maid?" Vic confirms it. Os says she never told him anything. "We'll talk about it whenever you want. What else did she say?" "That before we got married, you had a baby. Is that true?" Max overhears. Vic says if they're going to talk about secrets, he's got to be ready to bare his soul too. Is he ready for that? "I used to be convinced I lived with the perfect man, who always told me the truth, but now I'm not sure. So I'm asking--are you keeping a secret? Are you ready to tell me the whole truth about your life? Fine, but you go first. I'll listen to all of it, but I want to know everything. And then I'll talk." That's SO not going to happen.
Milagros begs JuanJo to lead her to him. She heads out the door of the apartment.
Part V:
Max is still spying on his parents. Os says he might have secrets, but he doesn't think this is the best time to talk about them. He has a lot of doubts. Vic says then he has no right then to ask about what Bernie said. Os agrees they need time before they're ready to talk about their lives before they met. They wish each other a good day and he leaves. Max comes into Victoria's office. "I couldn't help overhearing the conversation you had with my dad." He wants to know the truth. Vic admits she had a baby before she married his dad. "I had a daughter before I married your father." Max is impactado!
Os remembers Vic's words. He can't accept the deal. He'd have to confess that Max's mom is alive and in jail for killing her lover. It would hurt Max too much to find out his mother's alive and a killer.
Vic tells Luci to hold all her calls for an hour. She tells Max to sit down.
Napo gets to the apartment and can't find Milagros.
Max understands Vic's suffering now. What he doesn't understand is why she didn't tell his father from the beginning. Vic says she was stupid and a coward. She was afraid he'd look down on her and she loved him. She thought the truth would separate them and she didn't want to lose him. She didn't want to lose Max as a son either. He says she never will.
Part VI:
No one's home to take Cruz's vacation request. Fer needles him. Cruz says he's unhappy and she assumes it's about her. He tells her his cousin died. Fer is sorry and hugs him briefly. He just says thanks and tell her parents thanks for the job because he's going back to the ranch. "But you're coming back, right?" He says there's nothing to bring him back. "Nothing?" Cruz sighs. Napo comes running up to say Milagros has disappeared and he has no idea where she is. Napo has a bad feeling. Cruz goes to help look for her, but he stops to ask Fer to say goodbye to her family for him. He reaches for her and she leans toward him, but he pulls his hand back walks away. That is the stuff, right there. That's how you do longing and unrequited love.
Burnie comes to the church. She wants to confess. The older priest asks if she's sorry for her sins. "I'll only talk about it in confession." He says he knows about MD. Not that anyone told him. She says he's lying. Crazy Burnie babbling. No, dude, she doesn't realize that she's nuts. That's why she's nuts. "I want Victoria to suffer." "But your son is also suffering." "Well, we all came to this world to suffer." CRAAAAAAAZY! He says she keeps sinning and she's unrepentant, so why does she want confession? She wants absolution and she acts like it's getting something out of a vending machine. She says the words and out pops absolution. The padre tells her that's not how it works. She actually has to be repentant! He realizes he's wasting his time trying to convince her. He withholds absolution and says he also won't hear her confession. So there!
PJP talks to a guy who's afraid of some powerful woman. He doesn't want any trouble. PJP says sometimes when we're afraid of violence, our fear causes injustices. We have to seek justice to feel better.
Burnie says he has an obligation. Yep, and he's meeting it. She says fine, she'll confess elsewhere. And she'll complain about him. "Go ahead. And make sure you also tell them about the people you killed."
PJP takes his leave of the guy and asks God why there's so much hate in Victoria's heart against Maria. The same hate his mother has against Victoria. He asks God to help him get rid of the hate.
Burnie says he won't close off the paths to the church. He tells her she's nuts and needs to see a doctor. "You're calling me crazy? Here, in front of a sacred altar of God, I can see you're the sinner. So my advice is, take care of yourself, because sinners are condemned to the fires of hell…in the next life, or in this one." She walks off. "God, illuminate your daughter Bernarda. She's a lost sheep. Help her and help me to guide her." PJP walks up. The other Padre says there's nothing going on. Nothing that he can tell him about, anyway.
Os is sorry he didn't get to say goodbye to Pedro. He figures that Ofelia went with him. Gui says they had a fight at his house. He figures they made up later. He asks for an update. Os says things are going pretty badly. Vic is torturing him and herself. Gui doesn't understand. Os says Vic is obsessed with finding out every detail of his relationship with Linda. Gui tells him not to tell her anything! It would be better to separate. Os doesn't want to. He loves her. This is just the punishment he deserves. Gui says if they're not going to be happy, then why be together?
Vic cries and Max comforts her. He says when he was a kid and he was afraid, she told him to remember he's really a brave prince and there's a light in his heart that would shine out and protect him from everything bad. He tells her to do the same. Think of being a brave princess, the bravest of them all. Especially when she tells his dad the truth. Vic promises when the time comes, she'll keep it in mind. She's proud of him for giving her that advice. Damn, William Levy's eyes are red!
Part VII:
Xi gripes to Rox that Max won't buy her a penthouse. What does she care about the company's problems?! Rox says she had other options, but she insisted on Max. Xi is sick of this. She's furious. She can't understand why her luck is so bad! Rox (I accidentally typed Tox, but that works too) says just get a divorce already and she'll find her a new millionaire.
Vic offers to show Max the files. He wants to help her find her daughter. "I've looked all these years!" Max says he wants to help and share that part of her. She's given him so much and he wants to repay it. Vic agrees to show him the files. She pulls out a stack of notebooks.
At the butcher's Maria D tries to buy some meat. It's too expensive. He offers to give it to her on credit, after he just told the woman before her that he doesn't. He kind of hits on her and she still takes it. Ew!
Max looks through the notebooks. He says Vic has suffered so much all these years. How did she survive the pain? Love, she says--for Maria, and Max, and Fer. And also Os's love helped a lot. Max is really disappointed that Os cheated on her. "Maybe if he'd known?" Vic says that's no excuse. Max says his love is really complicated, but now's not the time to talk about it. "Don't you have some memory, something that would help?" Vic shows him the doll Maria was carrying. "Maria," Max repeats.
Maria walks through the market and stops at a stall selling dolls. She flashes back to the accident.
Sweet William Levy in a kayak! Yay, the kayak is back!
Tomorrow: Vic busts Linda with Os, through no fault of his own; Linda tells Ximena that Maria D is pregnant (bitch!); Max and Xi fight; Vic confronts Burnie and says she knows about the fear of fire; Maria and Xi fight over Max and Nathy has to bust up a chick fight! Good times, good times!
Duuuuuude. Rehearsals are killer. I'll post some pictures on my blog later, but for now, let me just give you 2 words...clown, make-up. Oh yeah!
ReplyDeleteKat, thanks so much for doing this despite what seems to be a grueling rehearsal schedule. I'm glad Mr. 5 ft is making you breakfast, you need your sustenance.
ReplyDeleteI loved "only til the final week Padre" and of course "mannequinicide" was marvelous.
I can't watch both hours (so sincerely thank all of the wonderful recappers who do).
It's hard to care about any anguish Vic might be feeling - she's a mostly mean spirited, unsympathetic character.
Also, Carmen Salinas' wailing is a little too realistic for me.
This is becoming one huge sobfest overall. We need a big infusion of at least one happy storyline here. Can't get behind Oscar and Toni due to his actions as Vic's low-life henchman.
Look forward to reading part 2. Thanks Kat.
So did Oz beam up the HO signal again? How pathetic is Linda to hide in the bushes waiting for Osvaldo?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteKat - thank you for the recap. You gave me an idea---why didn't I think to give up TdA for Lent???
ReplyDeleteYep, they killed off JuanHo after the discovered SkankFianceLindaHo was doing Os. He went off to who-knows-where, Nathi was the last to see him, she told him she loves him, and he just kept walking away. We never saw the action, but he was beaten up badly and died from injuries. Badactorcide.
"mannequinicide" - LOL
Do Os and Linda have Droids with Latitude App? sheesh.....
"abledoze" is my word verif. They must be watching this telenovela.
Thanks so much for the recap.
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble with posting, so I'll leave it to thanks to all of you for being so great with these two hours ones. We all owe you!
Thank you so much 5ft! These 2 hour eps are killer...and when there isn't a lot of action it's even worse. Glad Mr. 5ft made you breakfast.
ReplyDeleteI had to fast forward through Ms Salinas' scenes. Heartbreaking...but kind of annoying, too.
Gui's snacking during the Ofelia/Pedro face-off was hilarious!
Kat thanks for making the time for doing the recaps with your killer schedule.
ReplyDeleteMaybe LindaHo's installed a Lo-jack device up Os's wazoo to keep track of him.
Ok Victroia is trying to reconcile and forgive Os for his affair? Really is that how it is done? She might as well drive Pimp Daddy Os right on up to LindaHo's and tell her to take him the way she's going about reconiling her marriage.
I did love JP getting all paternal and telling Max to back off from Maria. Really Max why are you surprised about what your step mother is capable of doing. You know first hand her dirty dealings with her competition.
Loyalty? Did that psycho heifer tell Mac that Maria E. owed her some loyalty really let's see what did she do to Maria E, to make her think this? The first time when she accused Maria E. of going after Os? The way she lambasted her for looking tarty from LindaHo's makeover? How many times did she tell Maria E. she wasn't good enough for Max and is probably a fortune seeker and social climber. Telling her in Miami she can't go or do anything without her permission otherwise she'll leave her stranded in Miami because she had her passport.Finally the real reason why Maria E. should have been loyal to the core for Victoria is her calling her insignificant. Yeah i can see her logic that Maria E. really did betray her and why couldn't she be a tiny little bit loyal to her?
I was wondering if Pedro was going to get a divorce from Ofelia but i guess we don't have to worry about that now huh? RIP Ofelia you spoke too much what you thought was happening and you were too nosy.That is a good looking Doberman that Gui has.
Is Carmen Salinas really 80 years old? She doesn't look like she has had any work done on her unlike the actress who played Tizzy on STUD. If that's the case i applaud Carmen for aging gracefully.
Urban i know Cythnia Kltibo wasn't a looker but boy can she play BSC too the tenth power to perfection.She was just so good in that role in EPDA i didn't mind she wasn't model material and she didn't look like she was always in drugged stupor like Domineka Paleta does.I do wonder if we are going to see the same antics by this character also. I don't want to spoil it but it was a really crazy move by the Cynthia Klitbo role.
Who is more crazier Burnie or Victoria?
Speaking of crazy. Do you all think JuanJo is *really* alive? Or is Milagros just speaking from extreme grief? Dear heavens I won't be able to handle it if they resurrect that character.
ReplyDeleteAs for Ofelia--I'm afraid that in light of the recent tragedy, my list from yesterday can be construed as a spoiler. Believe me, I had no idea it was gonna go down like that.
buuuut....if the list does have some magical power, may I remind the TN fates that Linda is on the list? Just sayin'.
Carmen Salinas looks GREAT for 80ish. Say what you will about TNs, from the few I've seen they give older actresses much better roles than they would ever get here.
Blu- ITA about Vic...where does she get off? At least she called of the PI and Oscar dogs. Maria should be able to hold down a job now.
All hail to Kat...OUR very own Reina!!! You are so hilarious, Kat! So appreciate all that you do given your horrendous schedule. :))
ReplyDeleteMilagros: I am worried about her. She kept saying to the absent JuanJo: 'take me to where you are..take me with you'. she not long for this world? I have to say, though, that when the one capitulo ended where we say Napo and Cruz quickly turn the body VERY FIRST THOUGHT...that's not JuanJo. There was something about the face that just did not ring true. Then...when that same scene opened the next day's capitulo...I thought..hmmm...they've changed that face again.
Supposedly, there was an autopsy going on and the results were suspicious enough to warrant an investigation. Yet...what do we know about said investigation? The autopsy would have to definitively identify the body. Was that ever done and confirmed? Those of us in Viewerville apparently are not going to be privy to that information.
I think the jury is still out on this JuanJo business. There's just something fishy, but...Milagros grief is so real (Salinas is doing a great job on this)that he may very well be dead.
I have only the briefest of flashbacks to some drinking going on in same area where the body was found. Does anyone remember what happened there? Who were the people in that group?
Blusam: Lo-Jack! I love it!
Don't you just love the way Dirty Teeth Rox and X-Factor are so WILLING to spend Max's money?
As for Gui...I've never been quite sure what label to pin on him...sadist...cruel...perhaps sociopath is better. Not sure that Kat is up to that part, so will reserve comments for later.
Gracias, Kat! hope you rehearsals are going well!!
Whew! I think it's naptime, but I do have some errands to run and I hate to waste daylight.
ReplyDeleteGui is just so damn creepy...when he was choking her and muttering I had to go back and listen twice because I could have sworn the first time he said he was going to screw the corpse...and I wasn't even shocked! The look on his face was vaguely sexual...and someone please tell me I wasn't the only one getting that vibe!
Really funny 5ft & that señor 5ft is a real gem. Tk him for making your breakfast so you could entertain us.
ReplyDeleteIf Juanjo IS alive, who is in the coffin? I'm beginning to think he is though, Milagros is carrying on so much. Some autopsy though, you would think they would make sure who the corpse is, call Bernarda Povich.
Wow, I was thinking Ofelia was going the way of Ruth in FELS, 2 seconds later Guillermo didn't disappoint.
I think there is cause for worry about Padre Jerónimo. The way I understood it, he refused to take Bernarda's confession, is that correct? Aren't you supposed to be repentant for your sins, which Bernarda is not. And wouldn't that be a reason to reveal the confession?
I was hoping that Max would see some little knitted baby clothes, but he had other things on his mind.
Oh no 5ft you werent the only one! I had the same thought!
ReplyDeleteHi everyone. I'm a bit behind on these marathon episodes and I'm a bit confused. Last time I had watched, Nathy told Juanjo she loved him and then he's dead. What the hell? It's weird they killed him off. Perhaps setting her up for the other guy? Carmen Salinas looked so much like a grieving mother would look. She acted the hell out of that part, I've gotta say.
ReplyDeleteKat, you are incredible to do this recap as well keep up with your very busy personal life, thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, Gui did look as if killing Ofelia was sexual! There was a lot more rapture in that scene than his love scenes. It would not surprise me one bit if was into "screwing" the corpse. What did he do with the body?
Rosemary we can talk about that horrible scene of Gui killing Ofelia, and, yes, it was sickening because not only did her kill her, but he enjoyed every minute of it. This man is sicker than sick.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I think that there is more to the First Oz Wife story than meets the eye?! Why do I think sociopath Gui was involved?!
It was an upsetting scene. Ofelia clearly embraced her dark side, but she didn't know how to play that game with Gui. Thankfully, Pedro saw the light at the end, but I'm really wondering how Gui is going to explain her absence. you...I worry that Padre Jer might be next in line for an evening by the fire. It was so wonderful of him to let St. Bernard really have it, but this is the kind of thing that St. Bernard does not tolerate well.
I have to say...that it was hard for me to focus on the rest of the story after Gui killed Ofelia. As I've mentioned before, it's hard for me to see violence towards women, but there was a sickness and evil to this scene that was hard to watch.
From here on out, this will make all other sex scenes between Gui and X-Factor that more sickening.
X-Factor has upset Gui just as much as Ofelia did, but Gui tolerated X-Factor more than he did Ofelia. Why, do you suppose?
Ofelia was clearly jealous of X-Factor (I want the same drink that X-Factor drinks!)...I think this angered Gui in some way.
UA..need some psychological insight into Gui, please!!
TdA Sins List:
JuanJo* (by unknown assailants)
Gonzalo (by Bernarda)
Mrs. Gonzalo (by Bernarda)
Fausto** (presumed dead)
Octavio (by Bernarda)
Sor Clementina (by Bernarda)
Ofelia (by Gui)
Attempted Homicide:
Victoria (by Bernarda)
Maria Desamparada (by Bernarda)
**Fausto (by Bernarda)
Victoria (by Padilla)
Max (by Ximena --he didn't consent to having sex with Ximena)
Death by Fire:
Suicide Attempt:
Nati (b/c of Juanjo)
Victoria (accidental overdose...or was it?)
Attempted Fraud:
Osvaldo (by Gui)
Osvaldo (with Linda)
Max (with Maria)
Osvaldo (with Victoria ---unless he divorced Leonela)
*Because they said Juanjo's face was "destroyed" I'm thinking that was not Juanjo they found on the street.
Anon @ 1328 hours: Ok! Another person in Viewerville who was wondering about that body Cruz and Napo found. I think I'm going to have to track this down on DailyMotion and see if I can find that episode and stop the action at that very scene.
ReplyDeleteSomething is NQR (not quite right).
X-Factor has upset Gui just as much as Ofelia did, but Gui tolerated X-Factor more than he did Ofelia. Why, do you suppose?
Ofelia was stupid, nosy, jealous, clingy and kept running her mouth, that's why Gui killed her. I think he even said when he was killing her that he was doing her a favor and shutting her up forever:
Ofelia kept whining about Ximena and I think threatened to report the Gui/Ximena affair (I don't remember Ximena wanting Gui to get rid of Ofelia).
Ofelia kept bringing up Leonela after Gui told her several times (with physical force) NOT to bring her up to him.
Ofelia thought she was going to set up housekeeping with Gui after she and Pedro broke up, which Gui wasn't feelin' at all.
Finally Ofelia was poking all up in Gui's papers and then threatening to blackmail Gui by telling Osvaldo and Victoria.
Ofelia had to go.
I still fear for Pedro, because now Ofelia is a homicide victim and he'll be under suspicion for her disappearance/murder, especially if Gui testifies that they had this big blowout fight in front of him.
Ofelia threatened Guillermo with blackmail, that's why he killed her.
ReplyDeleteSo far, so good with Jimena.
Pedro will probably get blamed for offing Ofelia.
When Linda was looking for a job & coming down some steps, did you see the guy trip going up the steps because of ogling her? funny
Bernarda also killed Tomasa, her maid. So far she's way ahead of Guillermo on points.
Anon and Vario: Good points, but it really shows you the depth of rage that Gui carries in him that he had to kill because of a potential blackmail. Ofelia was stupid. Agreed, but really...choking her to death?! are both probably right...Pedro will get blamed for this by none other than dear ole Gui.
Before I forget...that scene with Pimp Daddy Oz and Victoria in the restaurant...did you notice the man sitting behind them with the leather jacket and hat...I was sure it was Pere Padilla.
Did anyone else see that or think that?
Fantastique recap Ms. 5 ft.! Your storytelling is more lively and fun than the actual show, with no snarky aftertaste.
ReplyDeleteOutstanding word of the day: "Mannequinicide"
Gui's escalating violence= scary "Snake" flashbacks. (Fuego) Where's Coyote when you need him?
Every time I see the actor playing Os onscreen, I keep thinking this actor would look amazing playing an old Mayan war chief in a movie- (hub agrees) Long wild hair, intricate feathered headpiece, bare chest, painted face...
Opps...forgot to leave my X mark on my comment above.
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
Lady Lisa de Saint Helena
when Milagros went into Juanjo's room I swear the room looked like that of a teen aged!!!
ReplyDeleteDid they get a fire sale on those ugly berets they keep putting on Xi....??? They look so unattractive on her. Why do they do that...???
Kat, thanks for all the time you put in recapping. I must confess I only look at the first hour and switch to Reina. So I appreciate the recap. I hope TDA goes back to 1 hr.
Hope rehearsals go well.
boo! This didn't accept my comments! And I've run out of time! =(
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to watching tonight. What did Gui do with Ofelia's body? I hope the dog didn't help him. (And yes, I thought it seemed sexual to Gui)
Fausto presumed dead? What happened to him?
ReplyDeleteJimena got her berets at the same fire sale that Max got his scarves & that horrible plaid jacket with the epaulets.
ReplyDeleteI'm telling Guillermo that the wardrobe dept at Televisa is blackmailing him.
Ann, I thought the same thing about Juanjo's room.
Fausto isn't dead, I think he will be one of the survivors of this mess.
ReplyDeleteExcellent, Kat. Thanks for taking the time to share your wit with us. Sounds like you are very busy and I'm sure that's a good thing... but clown makeup? Yikes.
ReplyDelete"Hey, I didn't cheat on her, so why do I have to suffer?"
I'm right there with you on that.
Ofelia was my favorite... sob.
JuanJo lives! I've suspected it from the very first but now it's confirmed. People lie. Tarot cards... never... at least not in Telenovelandia.
So Susanita, you gain one... Ofelia, but must give one back... JuanJo.
Maybe he's been away taking acting lessons.
Susanita I thought when they showed the dead JJ in the street at a certain angle it wasn't him so there's a possibility that he didn't die. We might have to suffer more if he comes back with his non acting Blech!
ReplyDeleteIta Gui killing off Ofelia that was very creepy and his eyes looked totally black like he was possessed.I would not be surprised at all if he had something to do with Max's real mother being locked up for murdering her lover.He is still sensitive to anyone mentioning her name around him.
It looks like Victoria's company is in very serious trouble after she sold Os's shares to get him his money. They are even laying off people now at her company because of that.
What can you say about Burnie that hasn't been said already yeah she 100 times BSC but you gotta love her convoluted logic huh?
Juanjo taking acting lessons, hysterical Carlos.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Televis is trying to figure out if there is any hope for Cuauhtemoc before wasting time on acting lessons for him, there isn't.
If they wanted a soccer player, why not Ronaldo, who cares if HE can act?
I've searched the net to find out who plays Leonela Montenegro with no success.
ReplyDeleteJarocha, do you know?
Fausto is presumed dead because Bernarda thought she killed him along with his parents as a child.
ReplyDeleteBernarda hasn't even made the connection to Fausto & the fire that she set to destroy her lovers family.
ReplyDeleteNot too smart of her. With her fear of fire you would think his scars would freak her out. I guess she isn't afraid of the fires she sets only when it's from other means. We know her demise has to be by fire or in a cell with Barbara Greco.
Seems Mejia has a thing for fire, --Gabriela in FELS
Carlos: SAY IT ISN'T SO!! Can you imagine...acting lessons...of all things?! I have to tell you...when I saw Ofelia drop to the second thought was: oh no..our Carlos has lost his girl! :))
ReplyDeleteBlusam: ITA...St. Bernard's logic is so convoluted that it almost makes sense! Those are the moments that just make me laugh. I am amazed that Romo can deliver the lines without laughing. When she was giving Padre Jer all sorts of reasons why he should hear her confession, I started to wonder which actor was going to break out of character and die laughing!
Romo simply has to win an award for this role.
I also think Juanjo is alive, they have spent too much time on this. Maybe when they are looking for him they'll find Ofelia. Where is her body? where is her car? where is Juanjo?
ReplyDeleteand what happened to Fer's creepy boyfrind and his creepier dad? they haven't been around during these marathon episodes.
Anon 207: great list!!!
ReplyDeleteBlu: I was just wondering today if perhaps Leonela Montenegro is taking the blame for a murder Gui committed. I really want her to end up the new partner in the Casa de Modas...but I just don't see how that is possible. Sure would be cool, though. And quite frankly I don't want her to be a baddie. Max has had to deal with too much of Vic's baddie behavior. It's going to be hard enough coming to grips with her being alive. Making her an evil character would be even harder on him.
The whole JuanJo thing is fishy. He really should stay dead IMHO but for some reason it looks like he's been given a reprieve.
It never even occurred to me that poor Pedro will take the fall for Ofelia's death. :-( Poor guy.
I also think Gui killed Leonela's lover and somehow framed her- just based on Gui's temperament.
ReplyDeleteI think Daniela Romo is playing homicidal schizophrenic great. And I love some of the minor characters, Fausto, Eva, Pipino, Oscar.
ReplyDeleteFabian & Cruz are really cute & good.
I think Carmen Salinas is the mother of Jorge Salinas, is that correct?
Chuchi: I think Pere Padilla was sitting right behind Pimp Daddy Oz and Vic when they were in the restaurant doing version 5.0 (at least, if not more) of the reconciliation (of sorts).
ReplyDeleteI am sure Padilla is going to pop again. He is in huge debt to St. Bernard. He will most likely try to extort more money out of Vic.
Haven't read all the comments yet, but had to chime in on the JuanJo thing. when Cruz & Napo found him rolled in the dark alley, they turned him over and said his face was destrozada. I assumed it was JJ, but after all this with Milagros, I'm beginning to wonder about mistaken identity.
ReplyDeleteAnd sorry to say, I think the good padre Jerónimo is toast.
Thank you 5ft. for a great job, especially as you haven't even seen all the episodes yet. The nervous man whom PJP was counseling was a former employer of Maria D. PJP had gotten her a job in this guy's camera shop and it wasn't long before Vicky's investigator found her out and she was fired. Vic caused both Maria and Linda to lose their jobs. But, it appears since her heart-to-heart chat with Max, she's backed down.
ReplyDeleteThat stranger just seemed to pop up out of nowhere. I guess he is sorry he had to fire María but Victoria is just too powerful???? Maybe she can give Carlos Slim a helping hand with his new network.
If Victoria is so powerful, she needs to use her power to get people to invest in Victoria Fashions instead of using her powers to continually get 2 twentysomething girls fired from their jobs.
ReplyDeleteWasn't the guy who played Juanjo on Mundo de Fieros playing the part of a taxi cab driver?
ReplyDeleteSusanita i have to agree Romo has me LOL every night she's on so i guess shewill be up for a award for next year's Premio's? I wonder how many takes they had to do for the scene between her and Padre Jer?
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of envy and bitterness Gui has towards Os for getting Leonela i could definitely see him setting her up so Os isn't married to her anymore.Sara i can Gui doing this i mean look at what he's doing to Max he got XXX-factor pregnant but who has take responsibility for his child? Max.
Oscar told Victoria now that Os has sold his shares in the company she has to get a partner. So we'll have to wait and see ow this turns out.
Thanks for the great recap! I am feeling like Vic is gonna find out Maria is her lost hija soon....Can't wait to see how THAT goes down.
ReplyDeleteAlso, is anyone else kind of surprised as Os's lack of remorse re: his affair? All he says is "Vic, I love you." and then it's "but I will not stand for this! I'm leaving if you won't stop!" Uhhh, you had an affair buddy. I'm pretty sure your wife (bitch or not) has earned the right to yell at you for a little while. I'm just sayin.
BUT! That doesn't change the fact that I still despise Victoria.
Also, why is NO ONE considering Maria D as a possibility for Vic's daughter? Even Max? When you hear her name is Maria? ReallY? Nothin?
Alicia Sophia
ReplyDeleteAre you new to novelas? It takes awhile to understand the rules.
You do not find out the obvious until the ultimos capitulos, maybe not even until the next to last chapter. The last chapter is for the wedding, everybody happy, all the kids welcomed into the newlyweds family. The bad guys are either dead or suffering what they deserve.
Max will be a dumbass looking for his stepsister, yes you would THINK María would be a clue, but after all it is a common name.
But abandoned in the street with the other María?????????
All of these people are seriously demented.
The doll will do it, Mejia has already decided.
Really, I do like this TN, and you don't even have to understand Spanish.
Kat !!! Gracias otra vez.
ReplyDeleteSay it isn't so, Juanho returns from the dead ???? I really don't think I can stand to watch him again. No amount of acting lessons in the great beyond will help.
Variopinta: I don't know if Ronaldo speaks spanish, although I'm not sure Cuahutemoc speaks it either. Or Levy.
ReplyDeleteI don't know who's Leonora, sorry.
I used to have between 5 or 7 Marías in every class I was in school. These days I only know a handful of my classmates but 1 is called María. I think this is the most common name in México, if not in the Spanish language, BUT it is weird that it is not accompanied by a middle name (like in María José) or a first name (like in Eva María).
By the way, STuD part 2 is comming. I'm not kidding.
Jarocha it is not April yet and you have to be kidding right? WTF!!!!!! STUD part 2 what's it called the return of Rosendo? Tizzy decides to get revenge for Ivaca?
ReplyDeleteJarocha: NO PUEDE SER!!!!
Blu: Nope, Emilio Azcárraga said so himself: They want a STuD 2.
ReplyDeleteFirst Nicandro Díaz has plans to do a novela called "Las Juanas", which makes NO SENSE because Tv Azteca did that novela in 2004! (and they did it well, without ridiculous stuff and overdramatics). Besides, Las Juanas is very lighthearted and fun but it's not a full on extreme comedy like the type Televisa tends to do.
Anyway, Díaz will be fighting the 9pm spot with Emilio Larrosa (Dinero, LVO) who's preparing an original story called Dos Hogares.
After one of these two gets the timeslot it seems Carla Estrada is comming with an original story.
Then after Estrada, it is possible that STud 2 will come. The problem is that they have to write the plot from zero now.
If STuD parte dos has Fernando Colunga, I'm in, but I doubt he will bite. He is in the US for sth, but what, a movie maybe??? Where is el guapisímo & what he he doing?
ReplyDeleteRonaldo can speak Portuguese, I would probably understand it as well as Spanish.
ReplyDeleteIta Gui killing off Ofelia that was very creepy and his eyes looked totally black like he was possessed.I would not be surprised at all if he had something to do with Max's real mother being locked up for murdering her lover.He is still sensitive to anyone mentioning her name around him.
ITA Blusamari & Chuchi!
I think Gui also killed Leonela's lover in a jealous rage. I'm amazed he didn't also frame Os for it.
I think JuanJo is coming back =(
IXV: I also think Padre Jer is toast ...his days are numbered
Can we stop with the mannequinicides and ff'd with high pitched voices? It isn't funny.
What was Fausto's name before he was burned? Any speculation?
Leonela is Max's mom. Os says she died b/c she is really in jail since she was found guilty for killing her lover. He doesn't want Max to know his first mom is alive.
Leonora is some woman who just showed up at PJP's church. She helps with the carpentry. We were wondering if she'd turn out to be MM's mother? Now, is she really Max's mom? (but I'd think she'd have run into Os by now)
Alicia Sophia-ITA about Os. I realize Vic was not the most devoted of wives, but what Os did is painful. It really does a number on a person's self esteem. Then throw in the fact that she lost a child and is a rape victim (for which she probably received no counseling.) Her coping mechanism must be work and controlling everything around her that she can...since she had no control of things when she was younger.
ReplyDeleteVario- I don't know why it never clicked, but yeah...Maria *is* his step-sister. This seems a little icky to me. I know, no genetic link, but still. (Truly I am a dumbass for not realizing this earlier.)
Carla Estrada is the one that does a lot of period TNs, right? Didn't she do Alborada?
Wow. STuD parte 2. Wow.
PS: Ronaldo's character doesn't have to speak. He can be the beautiful mute sent to do something. I don't know...anything. I just want to look at him.
ReplyDeleteWe have spanglish. Brazil has porteñol,
ReplyDeleteI was thinking that Gui was Os wife's lover as well and he killed the other lover out of jealousy, but Oz doesn't realize that.
ReplyDeleteAny one know if next week is another two hours or one?
ReplyDeleteMary used to be very common in the US but not much anymore. I think the most common middle name was & probably still is, Ann.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, if you are looking for your long lost hija & you meet someone that has the same name and was in an orphanage, or forget it, what can be said about the estupidez.
myway says we are back to 1 hour at 9PM EST, but they got it wrong for last wk, they said 2 hours, but starting at 8PM
ReplyDeleteMaybe STuD 2 can time jump 20 years in the future. Maybe Val and JM have gone back to Mexico to care for a dying Leo and/or Tizzy and they leave the administration of Cascabeles/Montecinos to their twins.
ReplyDeleteThe girl twin is good and the boy twin is bad (because he has Rosendo genes, see) and the boy twin wants to eliminate his sister to get total control of both haciendas.
Meanwhile little Santi is grown up and comes to San Pedro for some reason, meets Girl Twin and falls in love. But he has a rival (Felipe/Sandi's kid, evil cuz he has Shrieky genes, see). Or maybe his rival can be Horacio/Gaby's kid or even Chuy. Or a new villain we don't know about.
Tere or DimTim/Illuminada's kid can be the manipulate minx (cuz every show has to have one).
Trials, tribulations, Girl Twin lines, Santi lines, Chuy lines, Boy Twin lines etc.
And Val and JM can come back at the end of the show to set Boy Twin straight (or mourn his death) and watch Girl Twin marry Santi.
Anon, that's exactly how it would be, who needs a novela?
ReplyDelete5ft, you are burning the candle at both ends!
ReplyDeleteRe Guillermo: We know nothing of his childhood or teen years. It sounds like he might have lost more than a few girlfriends to guys better-looking than himself. He may also have been rejected by his mother. He may have grown up feeling like a misfit, his father could have been abusing his mother; there are many possibilities.
Then there are those who believe that some people are born without a conscience.
Yes, I definitely got the same vibe about the murder being sexual for him. I was expecting him to murder her during sex, as Fernando did with Ruth in FELS. GGC plays a convincing perv, so I suspect that most of his future roles will have this element.
Sexual sadism and murder are often bedfellows. See this site (not for weak stomachs):
Kat, I'm way late but must convey my gratitude for your wonderful recap. So funny, so good. Hope you survive the workload, nice to know that Mr. 5 ft. is taking proper care of you.
ReplyDeleteLa Paloma
Oops! I posted this just now on the 3/9 page but realized no one's going to read that on anymore so I'll cut/paste here if you guys don't mind:
ReplyDeleteLet me just preface my stupid question by stating that I am now trying to catch up on several weeks' worth of TdA after being away from home in various combinations of out of town/state/country on business trips for the last 1 1/2 mos and that to make my life even more difficult apparently Univision decided to make 2 hour episodes (wth??) and I might have ffwd through something but am pretty sure I didn' here goes: why/how/when did Max decide to marry Jimena? On 3/8 he was swearing up and down the river that he wasn't going to marry her and I saw NO scenes where he agrees to marry her and suddenly on 3/9 they're having a wedding? I also checked the recaps and didn't see anything about Max agreeing to marry Jimena. Please someone help before I go crazy. Thank you!
Ruby: Basically, Os and Vic guilt tripped Max into marrying Ximena, for the sake of the baby. Saying things like, "sometimes being a parent requires sacrifice," etc. Max caved to the unending pressure.
ReplyDeleteI don't think there was a scene where he exactly agreed or proposed. Time just passed and there's the wedding!
Soon after the wedding, Max found out about Os and Linda - man he was mad!
Mariquita -- thanks for the response and for relieving my fears that I was going insane! =)
ReplyDeleteWhy does anyone ever think that forcing someone who hates you to marry you will make them magically fall in love with you? Why??
You were definitely not the only one that thought that about Gui! I thought he was choking his chicken!
ReplyDeleteThe older priest (is his name Geronimo?) is asking for it! I can't believe he keeps coming at Bernie like that knowing what he knows about her.
Can't the sound people turn down the background noise? Bernie's low grumble was sometimes drowned out by the fountain! I could even hear Pedro's metal balls clanging when he was talking to Gui!
Is anybody else sick of MD's belly-rubbing?