
Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday 5/10/24: Karmageddon for Sinners: Tu Vida es Mi Vida


It's that time again! Karmageddon arrives to deal itself to the evil ones we have discussed and analyzed to a degree that Freud and Jung would applaud. Evil is escalating every day as all the Deadly Sins (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth) are committed. The usual questions apply:

  • What do you think the writers will do to them?

  • What do you think they deserve?

If I have forgotten anything in the following, please advise so I can revise. This should include all data through episode 80.

Rolando Molina Rubio / Lisardo Guarinos

Guilty of at least two counts of murder (German and Rigoberto), attempted murder of Pepe, unknown number of counts of financial fraud, severe mental cruelty toward Paula and all her children, and criminal collusion with Natalia, Malena, and Renata, Two counts of kidnapping of a minor (attempted to dump Diego in a conversion camp against his will and illegally; taking Susy away when Paula entered hospital on in Ep 73) and numerous verbal abuses directed toward Diego as well as about him to others. Classist to the max, phobic about dirt and disease, he once told Natalia he would kill Paula “when she gets too sick.” Hired the vandals that destroyed the restaurant.  His latest atrocity was to kidnap Susy to force Paula to kick Pepe to the curb by threatening to not let her see her daughter again., said as cruelly as possible.

He married Paula to get her money while claiming to love her, and all the while sweating up the sheets with Natalia. Not to mention creeping us all out when interacting with Renata.  

Malena Garcia Robles / Elsa Ortiz

Guilty of attempted murder (Paula), multiple attempts at romantic/erotic entrapment, an unknown number of adulteries, including Rafael (her brother-in-law). Guilty of setting up Zaida and later perjuring herself in court to insure Zaida went to prison. She partnered with Rolando, conspiring to rob Paula's family of their fortunes. She became an accessory before the fact to Renata to cause trouble between Emiliano and her own daughter and became an accessory (though unknowingly) to Rolando in the death of Rigoberto. With a little help from Natalia she coerced Teresa into a scheme to set up Pepe for guilt in a hit and run that could bankrupt him, send him to prison, or both. Also guilty of outrageous vanity in the belief that she is The Ultimate Woman who can capture any and all men by her hormones and therefore has a major sense of entitlement about it. Her fashion felony rap sheet must also be miles long.

She deludes herself and lies to others about her adequacy as a mother. She not only does not love her children she has verbally abused them on a regular basis. Never learned sign language to effectively communicate with Teo.

She has vocalized her wish for Paula's death more times than anyone else has.

Her interim punishment of the scar received in setting herself up as a victim is inadequate payment for her crimes.

Renata Longorio Portillo / Elena Pérez

Guilty of the same vanity and sense of entitlement that drives Malena. It is strong enough that she disregards Emiliano's ending their relationship after getting to know Lucia. She is a classist snob who has no interest in actually working for a living, forever queening her perceived social superiority over campesinos and anyone else she wishes to see as inferior. She coerced a male friend into helping her effort to get Emiliano back. This backfired on her when Federico tried to rape her, then left the country to join his parents abroad. She over-consumes alcohol and forces Emiliano to do so. When Lucia refused to give Emiliano back to her she attempted to destroy Andrea's reputation with posters that lied about her morals. The retaliation she got from classmates was not enough to stop her.

Her recent hate move against Lucia was to arrange – with Rolando – for the disruption of the music event at Pepe's family business and that became its final destruction. She followed up by going over there to gloat over it. Too many lies told to count. Also looks too slutty with bare midriffs and dark roots. Was rejected by Emiliano in episode 80, but she probably isn't done yet.

Natalia Ferrer Martinez / Sofia Rivera Torres

Guilty of prolonged hatred of Paula due to unbridled envy and successfully faking a loving friendship for more than ten years. Colluded with Rolando to enable him to marry Paula to get access to her assets with the goal of stealing her children's inheritances. Concealed her knowledge of Rolando murdering German. Stole the Castillo properties and the money Lorenzo gave to Rafael, then attempted to con more out of Lorenzo. Boinked Rafael to use him against Pepe and by extension Paula. Colluded with both Malena and Renata in their nasty schemes and later dropped both like hot potatoes. Viciously disrespectful to both Gracia (her birth mother) and Rosa (her adoptive mother) and more so toward Paula with lies and attempts at sabotaging her efforts to plan for her children's survival after her anticipated death. Not to mention Paula' corporate image. Threatened her life multiple times.

Let's get serious about what these nasty people deserve.


  1. Hello , I’m new around here but I just wanted to get enlightened about Rolando and Paula and their story early on. Why are they not divorced up to this point? Was there a reason why this is so? I probably missed it.

  2. I don't think it was mentioned more than once but as soon as Paula realized that marrying him was a mistake -- about 20 hours or less after the wedding -- she asked Natalia to draw up divorce papers. She signed but Natalia never filed them nor do I remember her bringing them to Rolando because Nat is his accomplice.

    The marriage was never consummated which would have given Paula a legal annulment and Rolando no legal right to her assets or authority over her children.


  3. Vida

    Rol is too demented and deadly to live. Maybe he and gnat will kill each other .

    MAL will end up alone and miserable. Maybe she will meet with a ziplining mishap .

    Paula will live and get her HEA with Pepe Poppins, but Rosa will die .

    Rafa will get an undeserved HEA with Ziaso and Andrea.

    Art will face facts and get a HEA with Diego , who may finally let go of his anger.

    I have no idea what the writers will do with spoiled poor little rich brat Ren....maybe make her get a job and try to improve her English.

    Susy's voice will finally lower by a few decibels to everyone's relief.

    No idea if anyone in the love pentagon will make a decision and move forward. Don't know. Don't care.
    " Make haste. The golden moments fly." -Longfellow

  4. Urban, your descriptions of all of the villains dastardly deeds were excellent. The screen shots were perfect.

    I usually believe in imprisonment for life with some exceptions for the most hellacious. (My answer for a few in el amor no tiene receta would be very different, just sayin').

    I don't think either Rolando or Gnat will make it out alive. My guess is both will die, singularly or together; perhaps by accident, perhaps by each other's hand. If that were to happen, justice would be served. It seems Rosa will pass and if she does, hopefully she will be spared in seeing Gnat's end.

    MAL's fate is far harder. As you noted, she doesn't love her children and even the one time she defended her daughter, I think it was primarily because Ren had gotten on her nerves (she has certainly gotten on mine). Her atrocities deserve a life sentence. Her children will go on to live their lives without her and in time, the burning memory of what she had and never appreciated might torment her forever.

    Renata. I would suggest deep psychological counseling as an inpatient. That said, I'm not sure that Renata can be helped. If not, I think she would need to remain there until and if such time as she is deemed not to be dangerous to herself or others.

    The HEA wish list will be much cheerier!


  5. Someone here commented a way back that Rol ought to be afflicted with a long term disease that would leave him unable to care for himself. I would add without means to hire a caring caregiver. I think it would be a just anvil for someone evil who can’t abide sick people.

    Still considering the others.


  6. Thank you for posting the Karmageddon list, Urban A.

    This is what they deserve:

    After pondering this, I would love to see him with a life sentence without parole, doing manual labor on the prison vegetable farm or shoveling manure from the livestock barn while wearing flip-flops, and forced to become (ahem) his cellmate's "lover."

    Could go to jail as accessory to Rigoberto's death and withholding information for Zaida's trial, and will hopefully be shunned by all until she leaves town forever after getting an incurable STD from one of her amantes. And Pepe will still forgive her. ;-P

    Lose her law license, her over-inflated lips and hips implode or at least develop a deadly reaction to fake botox and die, or live in abject poverty forever at the county dump, like that girl in La Gata.

    What Diana said --- long term inpatient treatment at a mental health facility.
    Her parents return from 'wherever' and cut up all her credit cards/money flow so she is forced to work in a greasy fast food restaurant as a fry cook and cleaning said kitchen at night like real people. She will also see Emiliano get and maintain sobriety and marry Lucía.

    What I guess the writers will do:

    Between Rolando and Natalia, one will go to jail and one will die. It's a coin toss as to which gets what. Seriously, death is an easy way out and they need punishment.

    Mal probably won't see a day of prison as she hasn't really done anything to warrant jail, and will hopefully be shunned by all, but she will leave town.

    Renata will leave town.

  7. Doris, you are so right about Rolando! He should end up in prison with the most humiliating job in the cell block. I will add after Pepe's family sues him for all his assets to pay for the rebuilding of their restaurant. He'll never get out because in Mexico two murders = life without parole.

    Natalia hasn't murdered anyone -- yet -- but she needs to die. She is smarter than Rolando and nobody is safe if she is left alive.

    Malena may not end up in prison if she testifies against Rolando but could she lose it if Paula survives? Does that mean she would blurt out her early attempt to kill her? Or could she die while zip-lining, which would be poetic justice.

    Renata should end up cleaning toilets in an office building at midnight where she will be seen by former classmates who are junior execs in the company.

  8. Urban, thank you for posting this! I was looking forward to it. I don't wish death upon any of the evil ones.

    ROLANDO: This man is deranged and getting worse. I think he should end up in a straight jacket for the rest of his miserable life and highly medicated to ensure there is no escape.

    MALENA: does need to go to jail. She attempted to murder Paula, was and accessory to killing Rigoberto, and attempted to kill Teresa. Since she claims to be a sex addict, she can be all the cellmates' "pet."

    Natalia: should go to prison for all the fraud she has committed and for concealing information about German's and Rigoberto's murders. Maybe she can end up in the same prison as Malena. HA!

    Renata: should be disowned by her parents this leaving her homeless and moneyless. She can become the town bag lady.

  9. I wonder whether Renata's parents have effectively disowned her. How much time has she actually been with them?

    Her partying and sense of entitlement reminds me of a case reenacted in a Deadly Women episode in which the parents of the subject were always away, leaving their daughter in boarding schools. When she refused to become a math major with the goal of an engineering career they put their foot down and she plotted their murders.

    We have never seen Renata's parents and she has not said much about them. If they were as indifferent to her as Elizabeth Haysom's parents were that could explain how impossible she is.

    Still no excuse for her actions.
