
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #57: Venom and Bulls**t

 My apologies for the lateness, but I lost my internet connexion for almost two hours today.

Paz cornered Vermin and demanded to know if he had sold their baby. Once again he denied having done so, saying he'd prefer death to causing this kind of pain [I guess the writers have decided his fate]. She didn't accept his dodging her next questions and finally said what for all he said he'd help find their daughter she always ended up searching alone. She shoved him and got back to work. He looked afraid [as he should be].

Nandy and Kenzo worked late and Esteban offered to drive them home. He told Kenzo the latest on Elvira and Ginebra's relationship and warned him that Mauro was gunning for his job. He was to be on his toes and Esteban would back him.

Gala was still afraid of the scale. She kicked it under the bed. Salomón came in with a gift, a cute turquoise bracelet with religious medallions. He talked about its powers in times of stress and put it on her, telling her she is the only woman who opened the gates of his heart. He did not want to be a womanizer anymore. She told him it was too late for that. That she and Jerónimo were a couple. He took it gracefully and left.

Bosco slammed down a math workbook just before Pepa came in to return The Catcher in the Rye. Bosco said it was a gift but said to leave it and leave; he wanted to be alone. When Pepa noticed the math book they ended up in an exchange that started with Bosco calling Pepa's family criminals and Pepa calmly telling him that someday he will realize they are innocent, finishing with saying he didn't need him or anybody. Pepa then said he understood why this was Bosco's favorite book, because he was just like its protagonist. That the world was full of fake people and that someday he hoped to meet the real him, even just a little. Bosco admitted he didn't even know himself.

Esteban asked Elvira if Berenice ever knew she had a sister. Elvira replied No, that she was the only one who knew except for her father who was dead and buried. Esteban asked if she planned to make an official public announcement of her tie to Ginebra because he was sure Ginebra would. Elvira made the same assumption but said the family was not “social” and didn't want to be he subject of irrelevant gossip for the masses. [Does your intent to boink Fobo have anything to so with that, vieja?] Esteban pointed out that the story of Ginebra and Samara is all over. That would also revive the talk of him being accused of having murdered Berenice. She thought about it a moment and asked him about his next steps with Ginebra. He said they were novios. Their truce was professional but he said to cont on him. United they would be invincible. Her reply was “Then love her. Be her support like I couldn't be.” As he left the room with the same hangdog expression Elvira looked off into the distance not with contempt, but curiosity.

Monito – who slept on an inflatable mattress at the foot of Samara's bed – woke up to the disturbing sound of a crying baby. He woke Samara to get her attention to it. She ID'd the sound, but said it could be the TV. He said he thought so at first but Cobija was at the door and had not stopped scratching and sniffing. The door was locked so Monito fetched the wire skeleton key he had devised.

The baby was in a closet room in a cardboard box on a blue blanket. Ginebra could not tolerate the crying and speculated that it might be sick while Mauro thought it must just be hungry. He checked his watch, saying that the clients won't be late. He then left the room. Ginebra made a call about the birth certificate, failed to shush the baby, and left the room.

Monito and Samara went outside and followed the cries. Samara carried Cobija. They found the baby but her surprise caused her to say “It's a baby” and Cobija to bark. She tried to shush the pup but then were taken out of the room by Mauro and Abdul. It looked like they were also chloroformed. Monito's red lantern was on the floor, still lit.

Samara woke up in Mauro's room. She found Monito on a pile of blankets on the floor, just as he sleeps in her room [Ginebra's hatred of this boy is truly horrific]. Cobija was not with them. Mauro then entered with a breakfast tray asking how their sleep was.

The Robles' restaurant opened to the usual corny cheers, balloons, confetti. and displays.

Esteban saw a news story about Ginebra writing a book which he assumed would be full of lies. She came in with her usual attitude and a boxed engagement ring which she demanded that he present it to her that day and in front of everyone, especially Paz. He was horrified.

Esteban put the ring box on the desk, saying it was too early and pointing out the reasons. He asked how it is that she was Elvira's daughter, saying she must have always known and that this was her strongest motive to kill Berenice. He demanded she fess up to this. Her expression said it all.

He pointed out her motives. She just stared at him, then said he should be a writer. She gave him some BS trying to dodged his questions, but he was not fooled. She threatened to accuse him of violence. She then put the ring box into his hand and commanded him to propose tar night. To make it worse she also demanded that Paz make the special dinner for the engagement. [She – or the writers – obviously saw Como Agua Para Chocolate]. He was to see her in the barrio with this “or say goodbye to his family and Paz Roble.” [In what universe does any man love a woman who treats him like this? A frontal lobotomy couldn't guarantee compliance with her demands.]

Gala asked Esteban about the familial relationship of Elvira and Ginebra. He said he was still assimilating this information. She told him about Jerónimo, that he was helping her, and how nice he was. Also how she considered her relationship with Salomón over. However, she looked sad.

Salomón had the usual disagreement with Gema over their relationship. Same-old-same old.

Gala asked Esteban if he was sure about his relationship with Ginebra. He nodded but never looked as he did when talking about Paz. Gala noticed that. Esteban went to same-old-same-old about not clinging to the past. Gala offered to accompany him and said the boys would help. He agreed.

Mauro asked Ginebra what the finale of her revenge would be. She said it was their revenge and he replied that it didn't look that way' he was left to the side, like an employee. She asked “Is this claim because of Mireya's dullness?”

Come on, sis. I know you hate that whole family but I deserve something out of this, don't I?”

You've had relations with Mireya. What more do you want?”

What can she give you that you can't get from any other woman? Yes or no, I will make you forget her.”

In truth, I am not your employee. I am your equal. I have never asked you for anything. I deserve some pleasure, don't I?”

Very well, very well. But don't fall in love. Use her. Satisfy your desires, whatever you want. But Mauro, don't even think about betraying me because you know what I can do to you.”

By the way, I already managed to control the children. We were lucky that they didn't see us. Have the sheet metal reinforced. The only thing I as of you is please, don't punish them.”

Yeah , the same thing. When I marry Esteban I'm going to take the girl with me and leave the house free for your moves and for our businesses.”

And haven't you thought that Paz will be living with your daughter practically every day?”

“Yes, yes. That's why I'm planning a new movement against Paz. Let's make her think that her daughter, who she has been looking for so much, magically appeared.”

You're going to confuse her with another girl.”


Okay, but Paz can easily ask for a DNA test.”

That's what I need you for, brother. For those details. The only thing I want is for that taquera to suffer. Let her become attached to another girl and never know that hier daughter is mine.”

Mauro half-smiled and winked.

Felipa went after Humberto and really threw herself on him this time.

In a departure from her usual style Ginebra entered the children's room, saying that Mauro told her they had nightmares from a scary movie. Samara said it was weird. Monito said he thought so also and they went out after opening the lock. Mauro said that this wasn't true; they had been watching a movie after dark. “Really, why would we have a baby here?” Ginebra agreed, which led to Samara asking Monito if he wasn't sure they imagined it. Ginebra looked at him and said he was making things difficult and setting a bad example. She looked at Mauro and said she didn't think they'd want to adopt him. She turned to Monito and asked if he wanted to go back to the streets. Samara stood behind him ans asked Ginebra to forgive him. Her reply that if he does this she will have to punish both of them. Samara stood in front of her and asked “Mommy. Do you love me? You say you love me but I don't feel this love you talk about.”

Mommies have different personalities. But I love you more than anybody, don't I”

I don't feel that here, inside,” said Samara. “and that hurts. I still can't finish remembering all those things that I experienced in this house, like what my family was like. I want to remember that you love me.”

This seemed to made Ginebra as uncomfortable ad her own lies made Mauro, who looked back at her.

Felipa made her pitch but it fell on mostly deaf ears. Humberto politely told her he was interested in Paz.

The Grand Reopening Fiesta was in full swing. Kenzo arrived with a group of drummers and everyone danced to their rhythms. Esteban was also there with his children. Salomón rode the rented mechanical bull. Gala was impressed. Gema gave her a dirty look. Vermin went after Esteban for showing up to take Paz away. Esteban told him he was the last person who should say such things. Paz saw this, got annoyed, and came over to stop this. Eder wanted to ride the bull, Bosco took him there and Salomón put it on the child setting. Gema tried to start something with Gala who ended up getting the last word. Bosco fell off the mechanical bull. Pepa tried to explain what he did wrong, then demonstrated how it's done.

Sandro was being his usual bratty self, telling Nandy he didn't like tacos.

Esteban asked Paz to make the special dinner. She was much less than eager to do this and began asking some pointed questions. Humberto arrived in his movie western gear and interrupted the crucial question.

Felipa told Ginebra about her latest encounter with Humberto. Ginebra welcomed his interference but wanted Felipa to find out why Esteban and his father became estranged.

Paz welcomed Humberto to the party and thanked him for his legal expertise. Humberto said he and Paz together will find her daughter.

After congratulating Gema about the baby Jerónimo stripped to the waist and got onto the bull. Gala began filming the action for her social media stiff [some images bordered on the pornographic].

Nandy and Kenzo watched over at Mireya's table of food, talking about Jerónimo's performance. Sandro deliberately threw the bean bowl on the ground, claiming it was an accident. Kenzo did not buy that.

Ginebra gave Felipa her next orders: To find a girl who looked very similar to Samara. Felipa looked a little shocked.

Paz gave a little speech and cut the ribbon at the door. Everyone entered the restaurant except Esteban, whose face had not lost the hangdog expression.

Later in his study Esteban looked at the ring and hurled the box at his desk.

At the same time Ginebra entered the kitchen to stick verbal needles into Paz... and invite her to the table for the nasty little show she set up.


  1. Thanks UA, hope your internet problems remain resolved. The Robles sure love throwing a party with all the bells and whistles as though money is no object! Guess in Mexico you can have a block party and shut down the street without lots of red tape.

  2. UA, your pictures were amazing as always...the recap, stellar.

    I found so much of this completely disheartening and depressing. "Samara stood in front of her and asked “Mommy. Do you love me? You say you love me but I don't feel this love you talk about...I don't feel that here, inside said Samara" was almost unbearable to watch.

    Forcing Paz to endure watching her get engaged to Esteban is bad enough but that is child's play compared to "Let's make her think that her daughter, who she has been looking for so much, magically appeared.” Her evil has no bounds.

    Humberto is a handsome man but they seem to be downplaying his good looks, I wish he'd lose the cowboy hat. In truth, he has done more to help Paz than Esteban has.

    I really like Salo and Pepa; I hope Gala ends up with him.

    Elvira deserves to learn some humility and kindness but she is in for a world of hurt.


  3. Elvira probably never had an atom of kindness from her father after he took away the infant who became this monster. We don't know what her mother was like, either. Or Berenice's father.

    Based on what she said to Esteban I have the feeling her father didn't live much longer after getting rid of infant Ginebra. He probably died before Berenice was born or when she was very young. So there was no one to tell her that she had a missing sister until she was murdered by one of Ginebra's thugs who told her he was acting on her orders.

    I've said it before, but Elvira will not realize who this monster is until the end. She could end up in the manicomio.

  4. Urban, Your recap was worth waiting for .I also love the screencaps.

    Wow, Gin is downright giddy as her schemes are starting to play out. Her side hustle of selling bebes is bustling. What a wicked , bitter itch. A stone cold killing ice queen. Yikes.

    I was surprised at Jeronimo's physique .He must spend hours in the gym.

    Esteban is a study in frustration and fear as an alpha male who is used to being in control. Now, that he is learning more and more about the heart of darkness inside Gin , you can see him trying to figure out what he can do to protect his loved ones.

  5. I wonder if we are going to ever find out anything about Gin,'s father and Berenrce's father.


  6. Urban, I love your idea of Elvira in the manicomio! It never occurred to me, but that would be a perfect spot for her to land, sniffing her little rattle.

    Also loved your comment about the lobotomy. Spot on.

    So, my tv schedule is adamant about this tn NOT being on tomorrow. Can I trust it (this time)?

  7. UA: Your recaps are inspiring & exciting plus chaotic with Psycho Ginebra wreaking havoc against Paz & Co.,

    BlueLass: It'll be back on Friday Night.

  8. Susan, in a previous episode Fobo investigated and told Elvira that Ginebra's sperm donor had died. His name was Ricardo and he was an employee of Elvira's father. His exact job was not specified but he was believed -- by Elvira's father -- to have been a fortune hunter.

    We know nothing at this time about Berenice's father; Elvira has never spoken of him nor have we seen any photos in the house. I don't recall him having been mentioned in any of the flashback scenes with Elvira and Berenice. This leaves all possibilities open:

    --- He and Elvira were never married
    --- They divorced when Berenice was very young
    --- He died when Berenice was very young

    All of the above scenarios are possible under the assumption that Elvira's father died anytime before Berenice was four or five years old. If Elvira got pregnant WBC a second time her father would have already died or would have had dementia and possibly been in a nursing home.

    Gala is a legal adult now so Berenice would have died at the minimum age of 31. This points to the possibility that her father was chosen by Elvira's father (perhaps from among the higher executives of the company) almost immediately after he dumped the infant Ginebra.

    I hope nobody found that boring.

    Blue Lass, since the pre-emption is for sports and the other novelas are also pre-empted I think we're safe. Check all listings anyway; you never know.

    Steve, thanks. Ginebra is the most organized villain I have ever seen in a novela, right up there with Catalina of Cuna de Lobos and Carlota of ENDA. It takes such an organized person to know that total chaos is a deadly weapon.

  9. UA: I better NOT see Ginebra getting away with everything like Catalina did in "CUNA DE LOBOS". Because if that happens, OMG.
