
Monday, July 15, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of July 15, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas) Monday-Tuesday 2-4 and 2-3 on Weds

3-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 


  1. VIVIR #92 Part 1

    JE is on the floor, delirious, burning with fever.

    Misael, Monica’s hand protectively on his shoulder, scornfully tells Rebeca she has no evidence to prove that he killed Dulce. Monica swears that if she opens her mouth, it will be the last thing she says! Puh-lease, Rebeca (mi amiga Omni implores), open your mouth! Monica snarls that Rebeca has no idea what a mother will do for her son! Rebeca warns them not to test her because they will see who loses in the end. As she exits, Monica raises her closed fist at the door.

    Luciano tells Fatima that he wants to take Mati and Javi to a “charreada” (rodeo-like event). Fatima suggests that she teach Mati how to ride a horse so Mati can see that she’s not the evil stepmother Mati thinks she is. He goes to her and holds her face in his hands, and tender, deep kisses ensue. She pulls him back for more, enveloping him in her arms.

    Axel and Memo work out in the background as Brayan asks Mati for the money for the game piece. When she offers to send him the money, he prefers that she send him front and back pictures of the bank card. Sadly, Mati does not see the huge red unfurled flag, waving furiously in the breeze. After, Brayan brags that one of the inmates showed him how to hack into bank accounts.

    Renato and Santi talk; he ruefully notes he wants to leave the restaurant since he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about Angel.

    Misael stands defiantly, arms tightly folded as Monica berates him for telling Rebeca about Dulce. Rebeca is capable of anything and if she spills the beans, everything they have done and planned will be ruined…and she won’t be able to help him. Finally, he yells “basta” and assures his rabid mother that he will resolve it. He leaves as she spews “maldita” …

    “Hola mami” Rebeca greets her mother. As Santi arrives, Rebeca asks for JE. Santi tells her they know nothing and even if they did, they would not tell her. When he adds that Angel went to look for JE and that they are likely to reconcile, Elena asks him to stop. Santi wants to hurt Rebeca and won’t let her cause any more harm…he no longer trusts her. Elena (finally emerging from her Rebeca induced brain fog) suggests that Rebeca keep her distance. If Rebeca can’t get along with Santi SHE should leave the restaurant. Rebeca sits back absorbing this as Elena is interrupted.

    Don Emilio, meeting with Adolfo and Cris, knows that Rebeca is dangerous and wants Adolfo to find some clause in the company statutes to neutralize her. Gabriela enters and tells them that Rebeca will not be able to access JE’s shares. They are thrilled. She adds that JE called and is well. Cris is glad that their son is far away from Rebeca.

    JE is laid on a cot, seemingly passed out, as the Doctora frets. JE then starts muttering incoherently as Julia unbuttons his shirt. Despite her medical training and experience Julia has no idea why JE collapsed. She wonders if he was bitten by something poisonous, but when she finds out that JE was given the potion, she is concerned.


  2. VIVIR #92 Part 2

    Luciano receives a text notification of a huge withdrawal from his account. When he calls the bank, he realizes that Mati has the card. Meanwhile, Mati and Javi await the game piece. Fatima arrives and tells them she will teach them to ride a horse. Javi is beside himself and Mati smiles widely, pleased as punch. Then Luciano rushes in and tells Mati that she gave out his PIN. He covers his eyes with his hands and says they used it and stole all his money.

    Monica orders one of her reprehensibles to steal Luciano’s phone…and to keep it top himself.

    The bank tells Luciano that his money cannot be retrieved; it is gone for good. Luciano is upset but hides it when a tearful Mati appears, apologizing profusely. Luciano is very kind to her merely saying he hopes this will serve as a lesson. Unfortunately, he put his phone down and it is stolen by Monica’s henchie as he hugs Mati. Meanwhile Brayan and gang celebrate.

    A defeated and deflated Mati tells Lucas about being defrauded. Lucas reminds her that he can find out who hacked her but needs the computer she used; so he has to go to the hacienda. Mati smiles in relief.

    Brayan, Memo and Axel are at a bar when Rebeca calls asking for Memo; Brayan grabs the phone, reminding her that he is free and asks what she needs done.

    Maria, Loli, Alma and Pedrito are eating when Alma gently reproaches Pedrito for his behavior toward Wanda. She tells him he can’t treat people badly because what he does will be done to him. He solemnly shakes his head understandingly. Then, lovely Loli brings up Don Emilio. She thinks he must be sad because JE left, and suggests they bring him a yo-yo; because when she took DE to the market he told her that when he was a boy, yo-yos were his favorite toy. Marisa suggests they go tomorrow but Alma volunteers to take them today.

    Cris, Adolfo and Don Emilio joyously call to leave JE a message that Angel didn’t get married.

    As thunder booms and lightning strikes, Julia cradles JE in her arms and strokes his face as he calls out for Angel!! JE’s fever won’t break. In his delirium he thinks Julia is Angel, so Julia tells him she will be Angel…whoever she needs to be so he can fight for his life.

    Lucas calls Luciano to ask for permission to go see Mati.

    In a scene I did not see, Mati asks Fatima about a contest she wants to enter…maybe she can replace some of the money that was stolen. She wants it to be a surprise; and Fatima warns that it will take rigorous training.


  3. VIVIR #92 Part 3

    Monica gives Romina Luciano’s phone and contact information of the lawyer who will help her get custody of her kids. Now Romina will have to find out how Rebeca got to the Swiss account and how she accessed the passcodes. The camera zooms in on Romina’s face who nods silently.

    At the flower stall, Alma becomes dizzy. Wanda ministers to her and offers to take the children to see the rich old man. …if Pedrito allows it.

    Sebas is still coughing as Doris (still wearing her red-hot dress) tries to help him get rid of the phlegm. Wearing a pair of elbow length protective gloves, she carries a red hot water bottle, dropping it directly on Sebas’ chest. He screams as he throws the bottle off him. She tries to fan away the burn as she profusely apologizes for her failed attempt. I sense Sebas will forgive her…

    Mati is happy with her lessons.

    Jimena calls to see if she will get the loan to set up a pizzeria and is told she will have to wait a few more days. Renato drops by (much to her obvious delight) because he doesn’t want to go home. He gives her a sad moondoggie face revealing that when he’s alone, all he does is think of Angel. Jimena takes his hands in hers and assures him she will support him. As they hug, Icky walks in and yells at Jimena for bringing her lover there!

    Wanda takes Loli and sourpuss Pedrito to see Don Emilio. As they wait, Loli reminds Pedrito of what Alma told him. After Wanda gently puts her hand under his chin and promises never to touch his things again, Pedrito forgives her. Don Emilio arrives and is very happy to see the children and envelopes them in a hug. Wanda (in a bright rainbow jacket of many colors that suits her perfectly and hot green pants) smiles sweetly. As Loli presents a delighted Don Emilio with the yo-yo, he tells Gabriela to cancel all his appointments. Pedrito wants chocolate ice cream! Wanda introduces herself as Monica, striding up the hallway staring.

    Doris goes to the marketplace for some aloe for Sebas.

    Jimena won’t allow Icky to make a scene. When he reminds her that she is still his wife, Jimena tells him that while they haven’t signed the divorce decree, their marriage is OVER! He points and calls Renato an imbecile. Renato keeps his cool (at first) telling him he is misinterpreting things; he and Jimena are only friends (as viewerville shake our collective heads corroborating this sad but true statement). Hot- and empty-headed Icky rushes forward to attack Renato nevertheless …

    Misael tells Bruno that he is the only one who will decide Rebeca’s destiny, if she isn’t his, she won’t be anyone’s! Bruno asks if he is going to have Rebeca killed…


  4. VIVIR #92 Part 4 of 4

    Rebeca (still wearing her atrocious denim wreck of a skirt) is asking Elena what she can do to convince Santi that she is not bad when two thugs grab them putting knives to their throats. Elena pleads for her hija’s life! One of the thugs (Brayan) tells Elena to tell Santi that he had better pay his debt. Elena tells Rebeca that she will talk to Santi so that he can fix the situation.

    Monica denies ever having seen Wanda and scoffs that “those people” have nothing to do there! Don Emilio tells her that they are his guests. Holding tightly onto Loli and Pedrito, Wanda’s discomfort is obvious as she explains that she only brought the children. Wanda wants to leave but Don Emilio tells Monica that Wanda is his friend. Wanda flashes back to Monica’s thug taking her baby as Monica slaps her. She recalls screaming “no” as she helplessly watched Monica disappear. When Monica asks if the boy is her son, Pedrito blurts out “And what if I am?” Don Emilio chastises Monica and apologizes for Monica’s insolence to the children. After Pedrito mentions that the woman has a son that looks as evil as Monica, Don Emilio tells her that Misael is Monica’s son. “Misael” Wanda whispers to herself, impactada.

    Misael tells Bruno that he wants to see Rebeca on her knees begging for his forgiveness and maybe then he will finish her off. When Bruno warns that Romina is looking out for Rebeca, Misael tells him that Romina has defected to their side! Monica now has Romina bought and paid for.

    Doris goes to her booth to find Armando and Gi waiting for her. She tries to brush past but Armando pleads saying it’s important. When Gi calls Doris “hija” Doris angrily corrects her; she is “Doris” to them! Armando tries to convince her to listen to him, and when Doris starts to walk off, Gi blurts out that Armando is her father! Doris turns, looks from one to the other and says “que?”

    Gabriela takes Pedrito and Loli to get spoons for the ice cream, so Don Emilio invites Wanda into his office. He hopes that what happened with Monica won’t ruin their plans to have fun. Ice cream and play time! Wanda is clearly smiling, enjoying herself when Gabriela, the children and ice cream arrive. Gabriela does the honors as Don Emilio shows off his mad yo-yo skills. Pedrito tries his luck with less success but equal enthusiasm. Wanda smiles…

    Monica paces, stewing in her own evil juices as she mutters to herself…she is sure that woman is the one Misael got involved with! She needs to confirm if that child is Misael’s son.

    As torrential rain falls, in his delirium, JE calls out for a beso from Angel. Julia obliges just as Angel rushes up, wringing wet, standing in the doorway, taking in what is transpiring before her with shock and heartbreak.

    Mi amiga’s superb dialog translations and unerring insight are gratefully appreciated. Her valued time is a gift beyond measure. Thank you.


  5. Vivir. Another excellent recap, Diana and friend. I loved "Puh-lease Rebeca, open your mouth." Also: "stewing in her own evil juices". I hope Brayan gets a huge punishment for scamming Mati and cleaning out 1 of Luciano's bank accounts. Yep, I was right, dra, Julia gets JE to kiss her by pretending to be Angelli. Yuck! (I think she could lose her license for that.) And speaking of Angelli, why don't we see the difficulties she goes through to arrive at the remote clinic? It certainly takes her a while to get there, and we didn't even see her until she arrived. Oh the suspense!. But of course, she arrives at exactly the moment dra. Julia is kissing JE. And btw, I wonder why Wanda didn't call the police when her son was kidnapped.

  6. Vivir. And presumably the shifty woker stole Luciano's phone because it had a video of Romina and Bruno about to have sex. And again, I hope Luciano (or Mati) socks it to Brayan!

  7. VIVIR

    Thank you SpanProf!

    "And speaking of Angelli, why don't we see the difficulties she goes through to arrive at the remote clinic? It certainly takes her a while to get there, and we didn't even see her until she arrived" is an excellent point. It seemed Angel was going to be on a dangerout trek with a questionable guide. Apparently all must have gone quite smoothly, at least on the journey there; her arrival though could not have been more ill timed.

    Perhaps the patio will have answers or thoughts as to why Wanda didn't call the police when Monica took Pedrito. I can only think she didn't as she was promised her son would be raised safely and securely but there are many missing details (and/or details I cannot remember).


  8. Vivir
    Luciano is totally at fault for losing his money. Your 15 y.o daughter wants to buy an expensive item in a game, you better darn well do it for her and you don't hand over your bank card. Second mistake was using a bank card and not a credit card which allows you recourse in case of fraud or theft.

    Span prof, I didn't get all the dialogue, but in the flashback scene between Monica and Wanda I'm pretty sure Mon threatened Wanda with death to her or the baby if she told anyone. I also wanted to see more of Angelli's trek through the forest....

  9. VIVIR

    "...but in the flashback scene between Monica and Wanda I'm pretty sure Mon threatened Wanda with death to her or the baby if she told anyone".

    Thank you for adding that Kat.


  10. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend to all of us, thank you for going deep into the steamy, rainy jungle to bring us another excellent report.

    Ah yes, drenched Angel appears just in time to see Hot Doc kissing shirtless JE . How about that .

    Meanwhile, on the home front , Reb has once again called on the neighborhood hoods to fake an attack on her and her poor, deluded mother . How many times is Elena going to fall for this? I hope Reb's skirt wasn't torn when she fell during the attack .

    Icky is still icky as he crashes into Jim's apartment and makes more threats. Ho hum. Poor Renato always has a crazed ex in his face.

    Once again Don Emilio steals the show with his yoyo talents and sweet nature .The world needs more Don Emilios.

    Hey, will we ever hear from pobrecita Petra again ?

    Nurse Doris tries her best but screws up in her eagerness. I loved her silver fannypack.

  11. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you so much.

    "I hope Reb's skirt wasn't torn when she fell during the attack" had me laughing away. Bless you for always finding the humor, so needed here!

    Don Emilio is a joy, especially when he is with the children.

    "Poor Renato always has a crazed ex in his face". Yes, he certainly does, doesn't he?

    Yes, Petra needs to be freed; hopefully Cris hasn't forgotten about Yadhira either.


  12. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you and shy girl "Omni" for yet another wonderful recap; not a quick rundown of what happened, but excellent descriptions, great writing and fun comments on the happenings. Sometimes even fashion comments.

    Monica does love to connect Becky to "el mercado". She doesn't seem able to say something about Rebeca without throwing in something about "el mercado".

    It sounds like the potion the natives take is a "cure you or kill you" sort of remedy.

    "I sense Sebas will forgive her(Doris)" and I sense that you are absolutely right!

    Thank you for explaining what the thugs said while accosting Elena and Becky. I had totally forgotten Santi's debts, if I ever knew he had any. Just a few days ago he was going to bail out the restaurant with earnings from some job he had. It's hard to keep track of things in telenovelas sometimes, at least for me.

    Wanda was definitely impactada after seeing Monica and having that flashback, and hearing "Misael".
    Monica was herself impactada, and not in a good way. Watch your back, Wanda!
    Misael and Monica keep going farther and farther into the evil zone. We are going to need some really big anvils!

    Telenovela timing! Angel arrives at the hut just in time to see JE and Julia lip docking. (Eeewwww! Please, not with someone so sick! Eeewwww!)

    I'm looking forward to more Doris with Armando and Gi.

    Free Petra! And thank you, Diana, for reminding us of poor Yadhira.


  13. VIVIR


    Thank you so very much.

    "Lip docking" was marvelous as was "It sounds like the potion the natives take is a "cure you or kill you" sort of remedy" (perfect analogy).

    I so enjoy learning new vocabulary and will now try and remember to incorporate "El mercado" into the recaps (which sounds so superior to "marketplace").

    Santi's entire storyline seems to be a revolving carousel of gambling, debt, thieving and employment of dubious origins. I'm hoping he has finally learned his lesson regarding Rebeca.

    I keep telling myself the writers will not dare deprive us of a Wanda/Pedrito happy ending. Yet Monica made me very nervous with her obvious contempt for Wanda and even more so (rightly) suspecting exactly who she is (Pedrito's mother).

    I can't wait to see how Gi brings Doris and her papi together. This should be fun.


  14. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and friend. Another excellent recap. Just before the end I was thinking we hadn’t seen Angel today, and lo and behold, she appears, at the worse possible moment. I just hope she sticks around to find out the truth, but I can picture her running off into the jungle.

    So Luciano gives Mati his bank card with no idea who she’s buying the game from. Lucas seemed to think he could hack into Brayan’s computer from Mati’s. But I doubt Brayan uses banks. And Lucas doesn’t know it’s Brayan. That was way over my head.

    Monica and Wanda didn’t seem to recognize each other at first. It’s only been 6 years. I think I’d remember the person that stole my son. She didn’t even know it was Misael’s mother.

    Rebecca once again is going to make Elena doubt one of her children. I really don’t think Santi owes any money, but I could be wrong.

    Icky is so unlikable. And didn’t he have their son over with Doris more than once. At their love nest apartment. I hope Doris decides to help Jimena if Icky makes trouble for her regarding custody.


  15. VIVIR

    Andy, blogger ate my comment to you...

    I hope Darcy might be able to fish my comment out but I want to thank you for your kind words.

    A few things I had noted...

    I will be sure to use "el mercado" instead of marketplace! I so enjoy vocabulary and appreciate your providing this.

    "It sounds like the potion the natives take is a "cure you or kill you" sort of remedy" was amazing and I got a kick out of "lip docking."

    I can't help but believe the writers will give us a joyous Wanda/Pedrito reunion but Monica did make me nervous...

    I can't wait for Gi to help Doris and her papi reunite!

    Your insightful observations and comments are truly appreciated.


  16. VIVIR

    I appreciate your nice words Liz!

    I was nodding in agreement to your savvy "Monica and Wanda didn’t seem to recognize each other at first. It’s only been 6 years. I think I’d remember the person that stole my son" which is exactly right! That and that fact "she didn’t even know it was Misael’s mother" are beanie retrieving moments indeed.

    Icky is disgusting. He is physically and mentally abusive and Jimena should get full custoday of David. Perhaps Doris might indeed come to Jimena's aid if he threatens to fight her.

    I am also wondering if Angel will employ fight or flight. Hopefully, she will see JE's condition and realize what is going on. I'm primarily worried as to what the doctora will say.


  17. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Amigas Anonymous (superb translations). I found this episode rather frustrating by breaking little ground and recycling and rehashing previous developments. Nevertheless, your recaps always make a fun read. What a great way to kick off the week!

    Let me tell ya’ll who stole the show for me, and it wasn’t d. Emilio and his adorable interaction with Wanda & the kids (more on them later). Today’s scene stealer is BRUNO (never thought I’d type that). When Misael laid out his Rebecca-on-her-knees-or-dead plan, why oh why was Bruno sitting there like a perfect lady?!! Legs crossed. Very dainty. In his red Princess chair? ¿QTH? It completely distracted me from Misael’s premeditated evil! I wish I could post screencaps. Ok. Back to the show:

    Been There; Seen That:
    •Rebeca threatens Misael. Mónica threatens Rebeca. Misael and Mónica butt heads. Misael and Mónica act like buttheads.
    •Matilde makes a boneheaded decision and yet again avoids a well-deserved chanclaso. In all seriousness, Luc was very patient and sweet with her. Father of the Year, much?
    •Rebeca stages an attack with Brayan and his flying monkeys. Elena’s olympic blindness has been shown time and time again. Will she not see through this latest stunt? Of course not.
    •Icky says horrible things, does horrible things, and is a horrible man.
    •Mónica is rude and clasista. Ugh.
    •a protagonist arrives just in time to witness another protagonist in a seemingly compromising condition and jumps to the wrong conclusion.

    New Stuff:
    •Fati, The Un-Stepmom, is teaching Mati how to ride and proving herself and her noble intentions. Let’s just hope Mati doesn’t sell the horse behind everyone’s back so that she can buy Lucas a wireless r joystick or some other idiotic teenage whim.
    •How cute were Cris, Adolfo, and d. Emilio leaving a message for JE?!!
    •Mónica realizes that Misael, Jr. is alive. She doesn’t need DNA proof as Pedrito’s “And what if I am?” should have been a clue. That bratty response was straight out of Missel’s playbook. #naturevsnurture
    •Jimena and Renato are now free to find each other and support each other. Stoopid Icky! I hope Renato tears him apart like Julianne Fries (or some other clever culinary simile)!!!
    •Will Doris react well to her Insta-family?
    •Will Sebas’ sneezing and snorting and second degree burns go away so he can finally start loving on the barrio’s worst nurse, Dorotea?

    Vocabulary Corner:
    •Mónica greets d. Emilio’s guests by asking, ¿Qué hacen estos andrajosos (raggedy/tattered) aquí?”
    •The first solution Crecencia offers Doris for Sebastian’s burns/fever is some kind of cream made from dry frog bellies. You can’t make this stuff up. But wait; there’s more. Doris asks “Chencha” for another solution as Sebas is rather tiquismiquis-fussy or finicky!!! LOL

  18. Vivir

    Diana, thanks once again for such a fun and snappy recap! I appreciate you pointing out scenes not seen by you, I didn't see them either which is different for Vix, in the past they've always uploaded the original full broadcasts, but they must be uploaded Uni's cuts for Vivir.

    As horrible as stealing the money was, I'm glad that was Brayan's plan, and he didn't lure Mati to some place where he could physically hurt her. Luciano may have been dumb for giving Mati has debit card but my mom used to give me her debit card all the time when I was a teenager... that's how you get out of going to the store (or at least inside the store) after work when you're a tired mom, give the card to the kid and make her do it!! Not recommending it, but that's how it worked in my family. Mom was always forgetting to ask for it back too, and getting frustrated when she'd go to buy something and didn't have her card and had to remember which daughter she'd last given it to!

    What Dr. Julia did might have been unethical, but it didn't strike me as totally horrible, even though she has her own self-interests, I honestly believed that she was pretending to be Angelli out of concern for JE and wanting to keep him encouraged. She shouldn't have kissed him, but he did beg her to, so.... shrug?? LOL I wouldn't do any of the above, but it seemed less callous than some variations of this plot I've seen where lady #2 is clearly only serving her own interest... I guess we'll see how she speaks to Angel.

    I have to get back to work, I know there were other things I wanted to comment on, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment. I rescued your comment to Andy from the Spam monster!

  19. Vivir

    One thing I forgot, like Liz, don’t think Santi has a debt. Rebeca is just trying to make Elena blame Santi for the attack and get back into the golden child spotlight by making Santi the villain.

  20. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your always suppportive words.

    What a bright start to my day!

    "tiquismiquis-fussy" and "Will Sebas’ sneezing and snorting and second degree burns go away so he can finally start loving on the barrio’s worst nurse, Dorotea?" were just a few favorites of your wry, witty and wonderful comments.

    "When Misael laid out his Rebecca-on-her-knees-or-dead plan, why oh why was Bruno sitting there like a perfect lady?!!" I hadn't noticed how wonderful that you did!

    "Rebeca stages an attack with Brayan and his flying monkeys. Elena’s olympic blindness has been shown time and time again" was beyond...

    And then there is "Mónica realizes that Misael, Jr. is alive. She doesn’t need DNA proof as Pedrito’s “And what if I am?” should have been a clue. That bratty response was straight out of Missel’s playbook. #naturevsnurture" perfect!!

    There is little for me to say, you said it all and splendidly. Thank you!


  21. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your unfailingly kind comments.

    I appreciate your reposting my initial comment to Andy.

    "As horrible as stealing the money was, I'm glad that was Brayan's plan, and he didn't lure Mati to some place where he could physically hurt her". You are so right Darcy, it could have been far, far the end, it's "only money".

    "What Dr. Julia did might have been unethical, but it didn't strike me as totally horrible, even though she has her own self-interests" was also right on point. No she isn't a terrible person but we need someone to blame right?? JE is not my favorite but I can't blame him (this time) as he is feverish and delirious :)

    I hope your work day goes well...


  22. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. I missed this epi but ya'll have made the happenings so vivid (even Wanda's green pants!).

    Wanda is not the brightest bulb. How could she not be sure that Monica is the one that took her baby? Friends who pass by when I'm watching Vivir don't know any of these characters but they do remember "The Lady Who Wears Too Much Lipstick."

    So Dr. Julia is willing to kiss a delirious patient to keep his spirits up, even though she doesn't even know which communicable disease he has. Poor doc has been isolated in the jungle for too long.

    I'm still ticked at JE for his past crap, so if Angel runs off I'm okay with it.

  23. VIVIR

    Thank you Niecie!

    "So Dr. Julia is willing to kiss a delirious patient to keep his spirits up, even though she doesn't even know which communicable disease he has. Poor doc has been isolated in the jungle for too long". HA! :)

    Great point about Wanda's liberally applied lipstick. Hmmm, does she or Monica wear more? I'll check it out today....

    JE hasn't atoned for all of his sins in my book either :(


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my recap of yesterday morning's 2-HR episode:
    25.) Maricruz has made another enemy in Blondie Doris, who's hell-bent on marrying Octavio. Gut feeling Maricruz's so-called revenge plan will not be successful for the moment for obvious reasons.

    26.) Miguel liking the bottle way too much & both Octavio & Ed think Miguel is too busy drinking the bottle & hitting the freaking sauce. Yet, Miguel is intent on seeing Maricruz alive & well.

    27.) Luciafer wants to be with Maricruz by any means necessary & willing to have her kidnapped if necessary.

    28.) Maricruz reciting her vengeful speech for the upteenth time, but never follows through LOL: Fast Forward.

    29.) Miguel swearing up & down that both MA & MC are the same person. Yet Wingman Ed & Gullible Octavio think otherwise.

    30.) Blondie Doris channeling her inner & nutjob of crazy: Another Fast Forward.

    31.) Following the commercial breaks, we see the opening credits including the musical theme.

    32.) Miguel still hitting the sauce while Wingman Ed is bored. Who can blame Wingman Ed ?

    33.) The Governor shows up by making sure his daughter, Blondie Doris leaves the casino ASAP; Yet Blondie insist on staying until Octavio shows up & when a scene is about to be made, Maricruz shows up by graciously greeting the Governor, thanking him for the orchids he sent earlier which attracts the glaring look from both siblings.

    34.) Blondie Doris thinks Maricruz has something against ALL men & Octavio agrees.

    35.) Following another steady diet of commercial breaks, we go back to regularly scheduled programming when Blondie Doris & Andres nagging about living apart if she marries Octavio & their father, the Governor marries Maricruz. Like that'll work because it will NOT.

    36.) Advanced technology & Skyping between Maricruz, Tobias & Solita. They discuss the usual family stuff, etc., including figuring out the specialists for Solita's hearing problem.

    37.) Nutjob Lucia determined to see Miguel: UH-OH: What could possibly go wrong ?

  25. VIVIR

    On Comcast, Univision is airing a news update on Senator Menendez and it doesn't appear to be winding down.

    If Vivir is airing where you are, please let me know!


  26. Vivir. We're seeing a live show on Menendez's conviction on Xfinity Univision as well. We're in the Chicagoland area. I hope they show today's show tomorrow rather than skipping it. (Though I suppose I could watch it online.)

  27. VIVIR

    Thank you SpanProf.

    As today's scheduled episode didn't air in multiple markets, I have to think they will air the episode tomorrow so I am planning on watching then and will post the recap thereafter.


  28. Vivir
    The menendez thing took the entire hour, lucky me, I recorded it..... here's hoping they don't skip today's episode. Do they ever reshow them in the wee hours? If so my library may save it.

  29. Vivid

    I also got coverage of the press conference.

  30. Vivir de amor

    What a disappointment! Diana, you absolutely deserve a break from time to time, but something like this is worthless. Your time was wasted!

    I checked my recording, it was all about Menendez, and it was mostly the same thing repeated and repeated over again. (I watched at fast forward speeds, and got through the hour in a few minutes, I didn't actually watch or listen, just checked.)

    I take it that Univision doesn't much like Menendez, or wanted to be ready to switch to something unscheduled. Of course, they have done that before in the middle of airing a novela episode.


    The trials and tribulations of telenovela fans...


  31. Vivir
    Full Menéndez hour too here in NY. Jumping out of my skin because assumed only here (geography), but giving thanks the whole hour knowing that Diana and Omni had my back!

  32. VIVIR

    Thank you everyone!

    So, to make things even more confusing...

    I was on my way out and something made me look to see if today's episode was airing (3 hours later) on the high def channel.

    So, sure enough, it aired so I scrapped my plans and sat and watched. I will work on refining notes later tonight.

    So, if today's (93) airs tomorrow, we will be set and I will post after the episode ends as I always do.

    However, if they skip 93 and air epi 94 instead, I'll post 93. Omni and I will come up with something for 94 too.

    Andy, yes the Menendez report was SO repetitive I wanted to scream! Ack.

    Have a good night all!


  33. VIVIR

    I still don't know what episode is airing today but episode 93 is posted on the Univision website and is available on Comcast on demand too.


  34. VIVIR

    Episode 94 is airing.

    After it ends, I will post 93 and then work on 94 and post that thereafter.


  35. VIVIR #93 Part 1

    Episode from 7/16 unaired in most markets.

    Angel arrives wordlessly and seeing Julia kissing JE, cries quietly and leaves, propping herself up against the outside of the house for support. A man sees her and asks what she is doing there; she answers that she came to look for someone. He assumes she is looking for the man who is very ill; the doctor is trying to save him, but he might die.

    Inside, Julia apologizes to JE for kissing him but in his delirium he starts shouting for Angel. Mercifully, Angel who is still outside, hears him and rushes in. She holds cold compresses to his head, kisses him and cries that he cannot die. She vows to stay there and take care of him.

    Doris mistakenly believes Armando and Gi came to laugh in her face for being an orphan. Still wearing her red dress and silver fanny pack, she stares stonily, on the defensive. Gi earnestly tells her that they have the test results that prove they are telling the truth…the test is positive. When she shows it to her, Doris insists she doesn’t care what the paper says…now more than ever, she wants nothing to do with Armando! “No” Armando says sadly, shaking his head as Gi tries to call Doris back.

    Jimena holds raging bull Icky back as she asks Renato to leave. Renato tells her to let him know if she needs anything. Icky fumes, saying it is HIS apartment, demanding respect (he who does not even know the meaning of the word). Icky then has the unmitigated gaul to ask if she slept with Renato! An outraged Jimena shouts he is being ridiculous; she hasn’t slept with anyone! Seething and snarling Icky doesn’t believe her and Jimena opens the door, finally ordering him to GET OUT! Before he does, he has her up against the door menacingly.

    In the first of three quick successive scenes I didn’t see, Fatima tells Cris that she is looking for clothes for Mati so Luciano won’t have to spend money since his card was stolen. They discuss JE and Cris hopes he contacts them soon. They worry about Rebeca and Misael being at the company.

    Mati refuses to answer Romina’s call. Mati is angry that her mother used her and lied to her. Luciano advises that she not resent her mother…everyone makes mistakes. Mati thanks him for forgiving her about the card. Luciano kindly replies that he can lose anything except them.

    Romina calls Javi and asks about Mati. Javi tells her Mati is learning to ride. Romina thinks Fatima is trying to take her place not just as a wife but as a mother. After she hangs up, Romina mutters that Fatima will not take her kids.

    Corral reappears with her posse, telling Lucas, Lupe and Luis that they have obtained a restraining order so that Brayan won’t be able to get near Lucas! Furthermore, Lucas will no longer have a bodyguard. (I cringe at this illogical and potentially fatal bad judgement call). Lupe rightly worries that Brayan won’t care about the restraining order (finally some common sense prevails) but “still hasn’t learned his lesson Lucas” assures her that he can take care of himself. Delusional, misguided Corral explains that the restraining order will protect Lucas more than they think. Lucas thanks them as his parents look on worriedly.


  36. VIVIR #93 Part 2

    A cool but obviously upset Elena asks Santi why he has been lying to her. When she adds that she knows about his gambling debts, Santi asks where she got that idea. Santi assures her that he hasn’t stepped foot in the casino…he wants to prove to himself that he is worthy of being part of the family. Elena calls crestfallen Santi a liar and tells him she is very disappointed in him, bidding him good night. Rebeca listens from the shadows and then scurries away like the rat that she is.

    Doris shows the DNA test to a still ailing Sebas who explains what it is. When Doris tells him about Gi and Armando revealing that Armando is her father, Sebas tells her that the test does prove that Armando is her father. Doris stares as she tries to comprehend what she has been told.

    Lucas tells his parents that he is going to the hacienda. Lupe worries but Lucas (who is now residing in la la land) thinks he is safe there…and he can continue his studies. “Esta bien” Lupe agrees and all wear huge smiles (for the moment).

    Mati tells Luciano about her riding lesson; Luciano is glad she is seeing Fatima’s good heart.

    Fatima sends a message to Luciano telling him that she already misses him.

    Romina talks to her lawyer and asks how long it will take to get the kids away from Luciano.

    Wanda (wearing a rainbow tye dye T with lavender hoodie and green bag) tells Alma that she ran into “the rich broad” who took her baby. She cries that she doesn’t know how she kept herself from hitting the woman and asking where her son is. Alma tells her to relax and sits her down. Something was said here that may be important, but I didn’t catch it.

    Monica fishes for information as to what “that woman” talked about. Don Emilio reminds her that Wanda only brought the children to see him. When Don Emilio reproaches her for how she treated his guests, Monica semi-apologizes but can’t help but be her nasty self adding that “those people” won’t stop being dirty. Don Emilio warns that this had better be the last time she insults his guests! As Cris strokes her father’s arm with much affection, she says how happy she is the children bring him so much joy. He smiles that he feels much affection for them, but he feels something extra special about Pedrito…as if there is a tie between them (as the llamada de la sangre gushes forth). The camera pans in on Monica’s stricken face as Don Emilio recalls meeting Pedrito at the el mercado. They laugh as Monica gives them the side eye.

    At the ramshackle shack, Angel is relieved JE no longer has a fever. She snuggles with him and as JE rouses, upon seeing her, he says her name and thinks he is hallucinating! “Hola mi amor” Angel gently answers as she tenderly strokes his head. She assures him she is there and tells him she loves him and that she didn’t marry Renato. Tender kisses ensue as they both smile with happiness.

    JE is muy feliz to have Angel by his side. She tells him to rest but he insists on begging for her forgiveness. When he starts getting agitated, Angel calls out for Julia but JE pleads that she not leave him.


  37. VIVIR #93 Part 3

    Bruno (in a hideous dark plaid shacket) starts manhandling Romina who tells him to stop; they shouldn’t see her with him. He thinks it won’t matter since she’s already divorced. Romina argues that she is still seeking custody of her kids. Bruno then tells her that he already knows about her deal with Monica and wants to propose a deal that will benefit them both; after all, they will be the first ones to fall and they must watch each other’s back. He suggests to his preciosa that she get some kind of information to prove to Rebeca that she is loyal; if not, Romina will feel Rebeca’s fury. He kisses her and leaves.

    Luciano looks in vain for his phone as Sandy tries to help…She says something I didn’t understand that causes Luciano to rush out as he thanks her.

    Romina talks to her lawyer and is pleased with what she is told. She then mutters that Bruno is right; she needs to be very careful.

    Astride a beautiful horse, Fatima gives Mati another riding lesson. Lucas arrives as Gabriel watches from behind the trees. As Fatima and Mati hug each other, Lucas smiles seeing their growing bond. Mati goes to Lucas and they kiss and hug as Gabriel slithers off.

    As Alex and Memo watch, Rebeca (in a black one shouldered top and a black banded collar) reproaches Brayan for going too far with the attack. He shows her a necklace he bought her but she pushes it away; she doesn’t want his gifts. As a stack of bills flutter in the air, Brayan glares furiously.

    Adolfo calls Luciano asking for the video. As Fatima looks on, Luciano confesses that he lost his phone. Then Luciano worriedly asks if Romina can take his children. (I must sadly assume he did not make a copy, drat). Adolfo looks understandably concerned.

    Monica calls Rufino…she needs to meet with him.

    As Cris inhales the scent of beautiful red roses, Adolfo enters and asks about JE. Cris tells him about the message she left for JE. Adolfo beams and then shares the happy news that Petra will be released due to a lack of evidence! As they hug, he puts his hands around her neck as Monica watches, fuming in the background. Monica stalks in and saturated with jealousy, removes the roses from the vase and throws the crystal vase on the floor shattering it; it appears one of the shards cut Adolfo’s arm. Monica rages on, accusing Adolfo and Cris of having an affair and making her feel ridiculed. Monica swears that Cris will never be happy with this traitor because she will know that she destroyed her sister’s marriage! She stalks out as Adolfo angrily calls out after her.


  38. VIVIR #93 Part 4 of 4

    Julia tells Angel that JE is still not stable. She states his condition is volatile and could worsen at any moment. Angel wants to take JE into the town, but Julia warns that JE’s fever could return and spike to a degree that they wouldn’t be able to control it. Julia suggests that Angel go rest but Angel folds her arms and refuses to leave JE’s side. A tray of food arrives and Julia urges Angel to eat something. Angel takes one sip of coffee and immediately goes to minister to JE.

    Lucas is tracking the fraudsters when Mati comes in to show him her beautiful dress with blue flowered top and long red skirt. Mati is excited about the contest and hopes to be like Fatima someday.

    When Jimena tells Renato that Icky keeps threatening to leave her without any money, he tells her that Icky is legally obligated to pay child support. Jimena still worries especially about David’s tuition. Renato offers to help, but Jimena doesn’t want to be a burden to him or anyone else. She needs to fight at the hearing so that she can have enough money to open the pizzeria.

    Monica asks Rufino what he did with the baby, so he tells her he took it to his grandmother. He lost track of him after his grandmother died…but he has seen the kid around. She wants him to drive so she can show him a boy and have him confirm as to whether or not it is the same child.

    All of a sudden, to my complete shock, we see Wanda calling out to Misael whom she has gone to visit!! As she smiles sweetly, he turns and looks at her, his face fairly impassive. No words are uttered.

    Pedrito tells Alma that Monica was being rude to Wanda…he defended Wanda because she is from the neighborhood. Loli agrees that Monica is scary.

    Monica points out Pedrito and asks Rufino if he is the one his grandmother raised. Si or no. He stares but we do not see or hear a response.

    Rebeca talks to her lawyer as Romina eavesdrops and hears Rebeca say they her relationship with Misael was before her marriage to JE.

    JE wakes up and sees Angel (now in a green fringe top) and is relieved he wasn’t dreaming! He loves her…she loves him forever…as their theme music plays, a single tear cascades down his face.

    Mi amiga conveyed all of the dialogue beautifully. She did an incredible job! Bit by bit, step by step, the plotlines continue to move forward.


  39. VIVIR #94 Part 1

    We again see JE waking up to see the vision of loveliness that is Angel. Te amos and passionate kisses ensue.

    Wanda smilingly caresses his cheek as she tells a taken aback Misael that he never told her his real name. Wanda senses that Misael feels uncomfortable being seen with her. Misael stares rather darkly and asks her what it is she wants…money? No, Wanda came for something much more valuable; por favor, she wants him to tell her where her son is. Misael, looking like a deer in the headlights, spirits her away.

    From Rufino’s car, he and Monica watch Alma walking down the street with Pedrito and Loli. Rufino tells Monica that Pedrito does resemble the boy his grandmother raised. After Monica muses that Pedrito walks the way Misael used to as a child, Rufino confirms that the boy has the same walk he remembers. Sinister, child abductor Monica realizes that Pedrito is her grandson!

    Cris worries about the gash on Adolfo’s arm caused by a shard of glass courtesy of Monica’s fiery outburst. Adolfo is worried more about the effects of Monica’s tantrums on Cris. Cris assures him that she’s used to it; Monica has been abusive to her since childhood. But Cris (erroneously) agrees with Monica in that she destroyed their marriage and she doesn’t want to carry around that guilt. Adolfo reminds her that it was Monica who separated them when they were young, but Cris doesn’t want to discuss it further.

    Adolfo then tells Cris that the magistrate called to tell him that the video was recorded before Rebeca and JE were married so Rebeca wants half of JE’s shares.

    Rebeca stops by the restaurant, determined to fracture Santi and Elena’s relationship to the breaking point. After getting rid of Brenda, the waitress, she plants gambling chips in Santi’s jacket…then tells Brenda not to mention that she was there.

    Snuggling with JE, Angel explains about her not getting married. She knows JE sacrificed himself for her. JE tells her that he will love her until the last day of his life. Angel suggests that they just think about being together to live their love.

    The young man enters and sees what is going on with a smile. He exits and as Julia prepares to step inside, he tells Julia not to enter because Angel is with JE…kissing. Julia nods but there is no smile.

    Angel worries as she clearly sees JE is not well. Despite his assurances to the contrary, Angel (wisely) insists on calling the doctor. When JE passes out, Angel yells for Julia to come quickly! Julia tells her that JE’s fever is causing him to convulse. They apply cold compresses as Angel is beside herself, completely freaking out. She sits him up and kisses his forehead. Angel thinks they need to take JE to the river where the water is cold.


  40. VIVIR #94 Part 2

    Now at Misael’s apartment, Wanda assures Misael she hasn’t looked for him to ask for money; she just wants to see her son. Misael reproaches her because (he thinks) she is the one who left with the child. He asks why she left and took the money his mother offered. Visibly upset, he declares he searched for them everywhere! Wanda tells him that on the day Misael was going to meet his son, Monica arrived and snatched the baby from her…she took her baby. Misael screams why she never told him; so she cries that she was afraid…Monica threatened her not to talk or to search for their son. She has suffered all these years; she again strokes his cheek, begging Misael to help her find her son.

    A distraught Armando and Gi meet with Elena. Armando asks her for help as they both experienced separations from their children. Elena suggests that he give it time but Armando argues that there is no time! Doris might pick up and leave…she will never accept that she is his daughter. Sympathetic Gi puts her hand on her husband comfortingly.

    Doris is laying down on the sofa, ranting away to Sebas, without letting him get a word in edgewise. She wonders why her father waited so long to see her…why didn’t he come sooner to look for her? She asserts she doesn’t need to go to him for anything. Sebas smiles at her quite charmingly, suggesting she needs to calm down and gather her thoughts, but Doris feels consumed with anger, pain, and rage! She wants nothing to do with that viejo! She continues that blood doesn’t make a family; a family is friends that you share with. Sebas advises that she try to get to know her father.

    Monica threatens Rufino—he’d better keep quiet or if she will cut out his tongue! He silently shakes his head knowingly.

    A stricken Misael can’t believe his mother lied to him all these years. After flashing back to the lies Monica told him, Misael repeats “how could she?” When Wanda pleads that Misael ask his mother where her child is, Misael puts his hand on her neck, gently stroking her and assures her that his mother will never tell them. Wanda thinks back to that terrible day and suggests he ask the man who was with Monica. Monica recalls the name “Fino.” Misael assures her he will talk to Rufino.

    Now at (and in) the river with JE, cradling him in her arms, Angel tells JE (who is laboring to breathe) that she will save him just as he saved her. After she fervently prays that JE be saved, JE wakes up…and they kiss. Julia and reinforcements arrive shocked at the sight. Julia is surprised that JE recovered…but one of the men tells her it is a miracle of love!

    Back in the horrible hut, Angel gives thanks that the fever has not returned. She assures a now smiling JE that she will not leave. After Angel tells him that he had a very bad fever, Julia enters and reiterates the same saying how fortunate he is. JE comments that he was very lucky to be in such good hands and thanks Julia for saving him. Julia shakes her head, clarifying that Angel was the one who saved his life. Julia now understands why JE loves Angel so much…her love was the medicine that cured JE…they deserve to be together.


  41. VIVIR #94 Part 3

    Romina looks for Monica. She tells Bruno that Rebeca will continue her fight for the shares and will claim that the video being used against her was made before she married JE. She then tells open mouthed Bruno that Monica asked her to find out how Rebeca got her hands on the Swiss account. Bruno knows Romina helped Rebeca, but Romina denies it. Bruno ain’t buying it.

    Luciano worries that Romina will get custody of the kids since he doesn’t have the video. Fatima realistically thinks the phone has to be somewhere. Luciano continues that he doesn’t know how to tell the children; he knows she only wants them because of her pride; she won’t even take care of them!

    Cris has a very emotional reunion with Yadhira. Yadhira is very grateful and with tears in her eyes, thanks her profusely. With Cris and Adolfo’s help she has hope of getting out. She shares that she is already practicing her artisan crafting skills so she will be able to make a living once she is released. Cris is very proud of her.

    Romina happily tells Bruno her attorney has told her that she can get custody of her children. But she is afraid that if Luciano finds out now, he will take the kids and hide them from her; so she wants Bruno to go to the hacienda to keep an eye on Luciano. Bruno is incredulous but Romina persists…

    Luciano doesn’t want to tell the children anything until he knows more and Fatima wholeheartedly agrees. When Mati arrives, Luciano and Fatima compliment her on her dress (blue flowered top with puffed sleeves, ivory sash and red skirt). Mati beams and Luciano blows her a kiss.

    Monica asks for Misael but Romina tells her he hasn’t shown up. Romina then tells her that Rebeca still plans on getting the shares…and she asks for a favor.

    Monica compares pictures and is sure Pedrito is her grandson. She muses that Wanda wants to mislead her…but her grandson belongs to her. She thinks back to seeing Wanda and Pedrito in the office and the nasty confrontation she provoked. She wonders how she will tell Misael that she has found his son. Her mind in monstrous overdrive, she muses unless she quiets “that woman” indefinitely…


  42. VIVIR #94 Part 4 of 4

    Misael pours himself a drink in fine crystal as the doorbell rings. “Jefe“ Rufino says as he enters. With lightning speed, Misael grabs him, throws him on the couch and hits him repeatedly. He demands to know where his son is. When nothing is forthcoming, he picks him up, throwing him on the floor, reigning down punches on him. Rufino takes it, staring but denies knowing anything. Misael knows he is lying through his teeth and that he won’t talk because his mother threatened him.

    As Petra is finally released from jail, she is greeted warmly by Cris and Adolfo. She cries and thanks them for believing in her. Cris hugs and kisses her as all smile with relief and happiness.

    In a cut scene, Mati practices riding in her dress. She feels she isn’t that proficient and worries what others will say. Fatima advises that she not worry about what others think or say.

    Domingo tells the men to look for Luciano’s phone…and promises there will be a reward.
    Don Emilio greets Petra with a huge hug, delighted she is back. He laughs as he tells her no one else would force him to take his meds.

    Misael takes Rufino to Monica, throwing him on the floor; snorting fire, he demands to know where his son is!

    Pedrito overhears Wanda praying to find her son. He asks who her son is as Wanda turns and smiles radiantly at him.

    Tiki torches burn as JE walks with Angel (in a pretty ivory crocheted top and pants). The officiant walks between them, bringing them to a tent where they join hands. The villagers have prepared a ritual for JE and Angel as what they saw at the river was a miracle of love. The ritual will unite their lives forever. They are given bead necklaces which they use to offer each other their hearts. They exchange vows of their love. Te amo they murmur as the officiant blesses them. They stand forehead to forehead and repeat vows. Theme music swells as they kiss.

    I am profusely grateful to mi amiga who did double duty, providing all of the revelatory dialog translations and doing so impeccably and with her always fabulous flair. I could not have done this without her generous time and amazing talent, thank you.


  43. Vivir. Incredible job, Diana and friend! Not just 1 but 2 superb recaps! Ho hum. Back and forth, back and forth. Will JE live or die and will Dr. Julia behave ethically or not? Of course the final answers are live and yes. Dra. Julia definitely helps save his life and cedes space to Angelli (of course, we suspected that would happen). The nice thing about seeing #93 online is that the closed captioning works really well. We are still waiting for the Geek Squad to come fix the captioning on our new tv. Icky is ever more creepy. So if Romina takes the kids they are supposed to raise themselves? (as you imply). Jeez! I can't believe that Elena still trusts Rebeca over Santiago regarding his gambling debts. And it was the colmo of creepy and petty when Rebeca showered his jacket with coffee after planting the gambling chips. I think Sandra said something like Luciano had last had the phone when they wre all outside, he remembers exactly where, and rushes out. Monica, the serial adulterer, is a fine one to talk. And I love the attraction between d. Emilio and Pedrito: "as the llamada de la sangre gushes forth." Good one!

  44. Vivir. Though come to think of it, maybe that coffee on the jacket is to get Elena to take it off the rack and clean out the pockets before cleaning it.

  45. Vivir
    Many thanks , Diana and friend, for the recap of 93. I watched it online but had to watch 1/4, then 2/4 and so on. And no closed captions. So really needed the recap more than ever. Although I feel I was able to understand more than I used to.

    Interesting that Don Emilio feels a connection to Pedrito. Obviously Monica feels no connection. And neither does Wanda!

    When Wanda approached Misael it didn’t look like he recognized her. But I’m pretty sure he knew he had a baby. Now I guess he’ll learn Mommy Dearest had it stolen. I see more trouble between mother and son.

    I was really pleased that Angel heard JE calling for her. I’m not sure I trust the doctor but hopefully she and Angel will become friends. I hope to watch 94 tonight.

    Hoping Doris accepts her newly found family.


  46. Vivir

    Dear Diana and Friend to us all, thank you for both recaps . You did a great job of filling in what I missed .

    Petra is free, and Yadira is crafting and hoping for freedom soon. Yay.

    So.. Wanda still has no clue that Pedrito is her son, and Miserable is upset his mother disappeared his son. Who knew he had a drop of fatherly affection in him.

    Another wedding ceremony..this one in the jungle with the couple exchanging bead necklaces . What luck that sick Sebas managed to pack that nice blue shirt(with sleeves) although I'm certain that Angel would have accepted JE shirtless. I liked the water therapy in the jungle glade.

    Reb is back in black with her trademark choker collar and one regular pants leg and one with a sheer panel. I think she should start thinking twice about dissing and dismissing Bray because she is running low on partners in crime. Susan

  47. VIVIR

    Thank you for your always kind comments SpanProf.

    Loved "Monica the serial adulterer" and "Dra. Julia definitely helps save his life and cedes space to Angelli"! I also appreciate your noting "I think Sandra said something like Luciano had last had the phone when they wre all outside, he remembers exactly where, and rushes out". Thank you!

    I'm not sure what happened but the transmission got interrupted several times during the show. I saw Rebeca talking to the server but didn't actually see Rebeca plant the drugs so am grateful my friend saw that. I didn't see Reb soaking Santi either.

    I thought there would be thunderbolts (or at least a faint bit of fanfare) when Misael and Wanda saw each other. Nopis. She didn't even know his proper name?? OK...I am really curious how all this will work out.


  48. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz.

    "Interesting that Don Emilio feels a connection to Pedrito. Obviously Monica feels no connection. And neither does Wanda!" had me smiling away.

    I was disappointed in the non connection between Wanda and Misael. I thought their relationship was deeper but it doesn't seem to be.

    I think (and hope) this will cause an even deeper rift between Misael and Monica. I don't see redemption for either but hopefully Misael might atone for some of the wrong he's done.


  49. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Susan.

    "Wanda still has no clue that Pedrito is her son, and Miserable is upset his mother disappeared his son. Who knew he had a drop of fatherly affection in him" had me nodding in agreement.

    "What luck that sick Sebas managed to pack that nice blue shirt(with sleeves) although I'm certain that Angel would have accepted JE shirtless" was so true (and clever).

    Reb's support system is indeed crashing and burning. Brayan seems to be the only one who might be swayed to support her and as usual, she is treating him like dirt.


  50. Vivir de amor

    Diana, you are a miracle! And shy girl Omni, too.

    There is an old saying, "Rome wasn't built in a day." A more up-to-date version might be "Rome wasn't built in a day... because they didn't have Diana."

    Anyway, thank you for these recaps, great as always. And thank you for mentioning that episode #93 was available at Uni. I watched it there and it was a treat. No commercials! I didn't even have to fast forward through them! I think they even sped up the credits. The onscreen closed captioning was excellent, though I didn't need them so much.
    When I watch something on the computer I use headphones, and the dialog was a lot better, more understandable. I need to get a sound bar or something similar for the TV.
    This could spoil me :-)

    I watched my recording of #94.

    Doris and Sebastian are good together, and I think Sebas will bring Doris around to at least talking to Armando and Gi, and from there...

    So Wanda went to see Misael, and "Wanda smilingly caresses his cheek as she tells a taken aback Misael that he never told her his real name."
    Well, of course, nothing says true love like using an alias.

    I was temporarily relieved when Monica realized Pedrito was her grandson, then I remembered that she kidnapped Pedrito as an infant and gave him to someone else to raise.
    Neither she nor Rufino kept close tabs on the kid. Such swell people.

    One thing I've been meaning to clarify, I am not fond of either Angel or JE, and find them both somewhat annoying. Angel is too much a good girl, she is basically boring. And she usually has a depressed look on her face because she believes again, for the 512th time, that she has lost JE. The girl is pretty, but boring and even depressing.
    I want to see her in another, different, role, it might be fun.
    And these two imbéciles are forever trying to one up the other, "I love you." "I love you more." "No, I love you more." Etc., etc.
    Barf! This will eventually come to fisticuffs, watch.
    OK, Angel did smile, briefly, in today's show. It won't last.

    I would prefer Big Bad Becky any day.

    I have enjoyed Monica and her over-the-top performances all along, but taking her seriously, she really has ruined lives. Cris and Adolfo, and most especially, Misael.
    Misael is probably too far gone to ever redeem himself, but he is a true victim of Monica's mania.

    I was delighted to see Cris visit Yadhira in the slammer. Good people don't forget their friends. A little too much boohooing, but whatever.


  51. Vivir

    Andy...ha...your comment gave me some giggles . Yes, that age-old question : How pretty does one have to be to make up for being boring and depressing ? Talk amongst yourselves .

    If you haven't seen Kim as a bad girl , you must find one of her novelas where she played the villain. She is a tiny, vicious , angry girl...never boring but she always makes a lot of people depressed. Susan

  52. VIVIR

    Andy, such kind words, thank you...

    I always enjoy your wise perspective and "Misael is probably too far gone to ever redeem himself, but he is a true victim of Monica's mania" is a perfect example.

    "Well, of course, nothing says true love like using an alias" had me smiling although for some inexplicable reason, I was disappointed in him doing that. I thought Wanda meant more to him, perhaps not everything but surely, deserving of being given his proper name.

    "I was temporarily relieved when Monica realized Pedrito was her grandson, then I remembered that she kidnapped Pedrito as an infant and gave him to someone else to raise". I'm fairly certain Monica has nothing but nefarious intentions. It seemed as though she is giving serioius though to doing away with Wanda!

    Cris does have a kind heart and kept her promise to Yadhira. I hope Cris wakes up and realizes that the only one who ruined Monica's marriage is Monica.


  53. Vivir

    Thanks Diana, your spectacular wit is a double treat this evening! I haven't watched either episode yet since I assumed 93 would air today but I'll watch both tomorrow.

    It's somewhat surprising that JE and Angel reconciled so quickly and didn't go the 30+ more episodes of misunderstandings route but I suppose they could be separated again by next week! The dr. could even still be a future hinderance but right now she feels like a red herring. I wonder if JE and Angel will just go back home, and Dr. Julia will exit stage left?

    I completely agree with Susan, 'If you haven't seen Kim as a bad girl, you must find one of her novelas where she played the villain. She is a tiny, vicious, angry girl...never boring but she always makes a lot of people depressed'. Kim (Angel) can bring it as a villain!! She also had another good girl role (Tierra de Reyes) where she wasn't boring - she played the youngest sister, good-hearted but a little wild and mischievous. I wonder how she feels here playing so drastically different and yes, boring?

    The whole Mis/Wanda thing just sounds awkward, but I'll wait till I actually see it to decide for sure. It seems odd that Wanda 'disappeared', and Mis couldn't find her and his son ANYWHERE but she's living in the next barrio over!! This man with a multi-million-dollar (or bankrupt?) company and minions to do his bidding, who has successfully found all kinds of other information about threats and foes; can't find a woman across town??

    Glad Mati and Fatmi are bonding, but bored with the Romina wants the kids storyline. I could buy this whole 'she just wants them because of her pride' explanation if she hadn't abandoned them once already but now it makes no sense. Romina wanted her ambitions and abandoned the family for them, she crashed and burned and tried to run home for cover, horrible but it tracks. But now, that she thinks she has career opportunities again and still clearly cares nothing about her kids, I would have expected her to be gone again without a glance backward!! Pride? It's more like vindictiveness, but still I would expect a woman like that to put her own selfishness wants (freedom from mommy duty) ahead of whatever small sense of victory she'd get from one upping Luciano. I still say he should give her custody and then just wait her out... she'd be bringing the kids back to his doorstep in 3 weeks or less!

    I actually laughed out loud when I read that a restraining order would do more to help Lucas than a bodyguard!!! LOLOLOLOL Because no one EVER breaks a restraining order!!! Restraining orders are probably valuable in some blue collar, non-violent, anti-harassment type situations; they are absolutely useless in violent and abusive cases. Turn on any true crime show you want and wait 10 mins and you'll hear about a restraining order violation!

  54. Vivir

    Thanks, Diane and friend, for the second recap of the day. I liked the wedding ceremony, or whatever they called it. They should have each promised not to jump to conclusions or listen and believe other people. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if true love could save your life.

    Wanda was very touchy feely with Misael. She shouldn’t have gone to him as my guess is he will want his son. Didn’t he try to throw him out of the office the first time he saw him. But JE rescued Pedrito.

    Surely the guy working for Monica did more than toss the phone somewhere. Didn’t Monica send her driver to pick it up. But everyone stops working to find the phone.

    Rebeca really is setting up Santiago. She wants to make sure Elena only loves her. And once again Elena will fall for it.


  55. VIVIR

    Darcy, I appreciate your nice words.

    You cut right to the heart of today's biggest head scratching moment: "It seems odd that Wanda 'disappeared', and Mis couldn't find her and his son ANYWHERE but she's living in the next barrio over!!" As you noted, Misael had the means to conduct an extensive search yet remained clueless despite Wanda being only a stone's throw away.

    I agree that the Romina storyline has been milked for far more than it's worth. Basta! Give her what she claims to want and she will be "bringing the kids back to his doorstep in 3 weeks or less!" Exactly!

    I also enjoyed your perceptive "Restraining orders are probably valuable in some blue collar, non-violent, anti-harassment type situations; they are absolutely useless in violent and abusive cases". Corral and Lucas have not learned from the past; here's hoping they aren't forced to repeat it.


  56. VIVIR

    Darcy, I appreciate your nice words.

    You cut right to the heart of today's biggest head scratching moment: "It seems odd that Wanda 'disappeared', and Mis couldn't find her and his son ANYWHERE but she's living in the next barrio over!!" As you noted, Misael had the means to conduct an extensive search yet remained clueless despite Wanda being only a stone's throw away.

    I agree that the Romina storyline has been milked for far more than it's worth. Basta! Give her what she claims to want and she will be "bringing the kids back to his doorstep in 3 weeks or less!" Exactly!

    I also enjoyed your perceptive "Restraining orders are probably valuable in some blue collar, non-violent, anti-harassment type situations; they are absolutely useless in violent and abusive cases". Corral and Lucas have not learned from the past; here's hoping they aren't forced to repeat it.


  57. VIVIR

    Thank you Liz!

    "...wouldn’t it be wonderful if true love could save your life"? It certainly would!

    "Wanda was very touchy feely with Misael"; yes, she certainly was. When Misael saw Pedrito in the office initially, he treated him terribly which is why Pedrito snarled at both he and Monica.

    Luciano's phone is likely with Monica, never to be seen again. I sort of smiled that all the workers were dispatched to try and find it. Good luck guys.

    Looks like Beca's plan to frame Santi again is going to work. I'm not sure what it will take for Elena to learn her lesson.


  58. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recaps) and Double Duty Judy (translations). Words cannot express all the gratitude for your hard work, dedication, and analysis of our show. My dears, have you eaten? Slept? I don’t know how you do it, but I’m so glad you do! I am caught up, but I will keep my commentary to Episode #94 due to time and space constraints.

    I’ve always heard that some girls fall for guys who remind them of their fathers. Clearly the reverse (guys & mothers) is true - blatantly illustrated with the amount of lipstick Mónica and Wanda are wearing in the opening scenes. Good God, Ladies. Is there anything left in the tube? Maybe it’s Maybelline®️ fetish, Misael.

    Wearing the right amount of lipstick but the wrong everything else, Big Reb was a fashion freak show with her not so business/restaurant-appropriate glitter leg and stiletto pumps. She’s a bad mama jamma; why can’t she dress like a business woman - not the July covergirl for Lowrider Magazine.

    Over at Bean E. River, an old man declares that JE & Ang playing kissy-face is a miracle of love. The true miracle is there’s no outbreak of malaria (Plasmodium Sebas) with this gross lack of masking, social distancing, and sanitizing!

    The bad news is Yadhira has to be patient while Adolfo works on her release. The good news: once her artisanal beanies go on sale, our patio alone will put her on Mexico’s Forbes 5OO list.

    ¿QTH? In what legal world does:
    •a missing video REVERSE a custody decision?
    •a well-documented pathological liar use the date of a video (of herself purposely flinging herself down some stairs) to take away shares in a settlement from a wedding that was (a) fraudulent and (b) never consummated?

    Prop-oganda: how fun was the toddler picture of Josh Gutiérrez (Misael) when Mónica was authenticating Pedrito with the family albums? They did that with Doris as well a few episodes back.

    Mónica’s quotables: La locura es como la gravedad, basta con un pequeño empujón.” - Madness is like gravity; all it takes is a little push. I nicknamed her Joker early on, and I’ll be damned if she didn’t just quote Heath Ledger, Joker, Dark Knight.

    Poor Rufino really is caught between a lush and a hard place. Misael may have roughed him up, but Mónica just might be scarier. Then again, look what happened to Mauricio. Never mind. I cannot wait to see how this summit plays out!

    ¡Salud! Petra is free. It’s a shame this was more moving than our protagonists’ island ritual spectacle. The couples I’m actually rooting for:
    •Sebas & Doris
    •Doris & Armando
    •Cris & Adolfo
    •Rebeca & Manicomio
    •Romina & La Escorpiona
    •Bruno & Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic

    Random trend: I love it when d. Emilio exclaims, “¡Carambas! It’s quickly becoming his catchphrase.

  59. Vivir

    Lolololol O.S., you are on fire this morning!!! I am glad I wasn’t actively drinking coffee while reading! Starting with ‘My dears, have you eaten? Slept?’, I could quote the whole thing, so funny!!

    Maybe It’s Maybelline fetish!! 😂Lowrider magazine!

  60. OT

    In I’m not Monica news, I recently saw a photo of myself from a wedding I attended a few weeks ago and I looked like I was wearing no makeup at all!!! I definitely put makeup on that day! Now I’m not sure if I sweated it off (it was hot and humid) or if I underdo it on my makeup. Both of the other ladies in the picture had their makeup looking lovely and they had been in the heat the same amount of time. One was the bride, so her makeup might have been professionally done but the other lady did her own face, I know. Maybe I should go grab the Maybelline!! lol

  61. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your always supportive comments.

    Like Darcy, I wanted to cut and paste every word. This was simply amazing. Your comments were shining treasures. Your wit is unparalled.

    "Good God, Ladies. Is there anything left in the tube?", "artisanal beanies" and "Poor Rufino really is caught between a lush and a hard place" were clever and so much fun.

    "She’s a bad mama jamma; why can’t she dress like a business woman - not the July covergirl for Lowrider Magazine" was beyond.

    "I’ve always heard that some girls fall for guys who remind them of their fathers. Clearly the reverse (guys & mothers) is true". In all seriousness, I completely agree.

    "Prop-oganda: how fun was the toddler picture of Josh Gutiérrez (Misael) when Mónica was authenticating Pedrito with the family albums? They did that with Doris as well a few episodes back". YES!! I wish I had thought to include that in the recap!! But you just did, thank you.

    Finally, "La locura es como la gravedad, basta con un pequeño empujón.” - Madness is like gravity; all it takes is a little push. I nicknamed her Joker early on, and I’ll be damned if she didn’t just quote Heath Ledger, Joker, Dark Knight". There is nothing that escapes your laser like focus. I am beyond impressed.

    Thank you for all that you added!!


  62. VIVIR

    Darcy, so enjoyed your "I’m not Monica" newsstory.

    I've had a few similiar instances where I shoud have "grabbed the Maybelline!!" Loved it.


  63. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Super job.

    Hmmm, I wonder what name Misael used with Wanda. And why would he use a fake name anyway?

    So JE will always be by Angel's side -- at least until the next note from "anonymous" accuses her of high crimes.

  64. VIVIR

    Thanks Niecie!

    The fake name is puzzling all the way around.

    This JE and Angel reunion is lasting a bit longer than the others but like you, I fear it too will be short lived.

