
Monday, July 15, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor, y más: Week of July 15, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor**

**Just a heads-up that this Thursday, El Conde will be pre-empted by the Republican National Convention. The telenovela will return on Friday.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. conde

    Just a quick note to say that novelera is back from her trip but has not been able to watch El Conde while she was away. Thus, she will not be able to do a recap. She's hoping someone will step up to do one. Even a one-pager would be a great help.

  2. conde

    NYC Telemundo was broadcasting the convention at 10p EDT. Then they quickly cut to El Conde, in progress, at 10:10.

  3. Dondi, I'm betting all the East was preempted by the convention.

    Juanita, I'm not proficient enough to do a recap of the episode and both my grands are awake already so I can't manage to rewatch the episode to try and come up with something. I didn't start watching until after 11 so I was pretty tired, Receta took my attention first last night.


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode:

    *Alejandro/Joaquin meeting with Buji Joise & discussed something that I couldn't comprehend, but the hostility is there for obvious reasons.

    *Buji Josie is openly hostile towards Amaranta. I'm fearful for Amaranta down the road.

    *We see flashbacks of Buji Josie & her interactions with her mother, etc.,

    *Jackass Pedro meets with Big Mouth Rick again at the Nightclub: Fast Forward.

    *Memo, Alejandro/Joaquin & the Lawyer (I think it's that dude) discussing something that I couldn't comprehend.

    *Mariana gets in a heated argument with her son, David.

    *Cayetana meets with Violeta at the big fancy hotel: Cayetana notices some pictures & flashbacks from young Cayetana's days are seen again; Cayetana has a fainting spell which Violeta had to catch her.

  5. conde #11 part 1

    I’m missing the first 10 minutes of the show because of convention coverage.

    I came in at the end of a conversation between Josie and Mari about the Count. Not sure what that was about.

    Vic is enraged because Violeta has gone missing. He sends men out to find her
    Ale comes to see Vic. Ale sees the model of Vic’s new hotel and says he would like to have the premiere of Cayetana’s movie there. He’s inviting national and international press and the Spanish community. Good publicity for the hotel. [dollar signs in Vic’s eyes.]

    Violeta did the rumba with Antonio again. She doesn’t like that he’s with that old crone Josie. She asks him why. He says it’s the same reason she’s with Vic (money?)—and she even gave birth to a son for him. She blows up—it’s not the same, and don’t mention Luisito again! She leaves in a huff.

    Vic lays out some plans for the premiere. Ale gives him a case full of money to cover costs. Wait, what? Vic turns it down and says to let it be his way of welcoming Cay and Ale. When Ale withdraws the money, Vic looks disappointed. I guess he expected Ale to insist.

    Ruben gets arrested for possession of drugs (marijuana?) Looks like Pedro set him up.
    Vic’s men couldn’t find Violeta. Then she saunters in and says she went to a different hairstylist. Vic says next time you go to a new place, tell me. Security purposes. [more like insecure Vic]

    Ricardo delivers a gift from the Count. A huge golden tiara.

    Antonio tells Josie there’s a problem at the estate. The new owner of Gallardo’s land changed the flow of the river and wants to cut off the water.

    Cay grabs a shirt from Ale’s closet and sniffs it [is this a Turkish dizi?] Memo catches her. She says that Joaquin has been acting strange and she questions him about Mari. Who is she in Joaquin’s life?

    Mari asks Leticia if the Count reminds her of someone. No, he doesn’t. Mari brings up the gold coins the Count gifted to Alfredo, the same ones Alfredo gave to Ale. Leticia doesn’t see a connection. Mari mentions the photos at the dinner.

    Memo tells Cay that Joaquin was kidnapped for several months. He was tortured and almost killed. Luckily, he escaped. He adds, if you want more you have to ask him.

    Violeta worms her way into working on Ale’s premiere event with Vic.

  6. conde #11 part 2

    Gerardo roars and demands his father be in a photo for a front-page article in the papers. David enters and sides with grandpa. Mari walks in and Gerardo tells her MYOB. David shouts to Mari that neither he nor Leo want to be in the photo. Sometimes he hates his dad. Mari tells him to be smarter and not argue. She says the article is important they all need to be in the pic. David is upset but I guess he’ll have to take the pic.

    Josie comes to see Ale and says it’s time to take off the masks. She wants to know why he is so interested in the land. Ale says that Cay chose the land for the movie. Josie is not buying it. And she’s not so easily impressed by his generosity. She accuses him of undermining her.

    Josie knows Ale redirected the river. She needs that water for her crops and distillery. Ale tells her he doesn’t manage the estate, Alfredo Gallardo does. You know him, don’t you? Ale says he will tell the engineer to fix it so there is enough water for both estates. Her family’s friendship is important to him. Josie is still suspicious. Why do you care so much? What do you really want from us?

    Ric tells Pedro he’s still looking for the man the Count asked for. He worries, if I don’t find him, I’ll lose my job. Pedro asks about the missing man. A Spaniard, who disappeared here, Francisco de Mendoza. [ha, any relation to Teresa?] Who ever finds him will make a fortune, Ric says.

    Ale doesn’t understand why Josie feels this way. He held the dinner to open up and show his interest and love for this country. Josie is skeptical. You invited us out of that love? Why the photos of my SIL’s former estate? Why serve my liquor?

    Ale calls her astute. He will explain. Before my arrival, I found out about the most notable people in SJ. I found out about you. I know you’ve done a lot for this country. He mentions Gerardo’s public service and her charitable works. He apologizes if he made a mistake.

    Josie backs off and says maybe she misjudged him. Ale is sorry about the river. He says he admires her for handling the liquor company after her husband’s tragic death. It’s rare to find a successful businesswoman like you.

    Josie softens up a bit more. She says her husband taught her and she learned the rest through hardship and mistakes. She continues, everyone thinks women need a man to defend us and solve everything. I was able to manage the business and continue my charity work on my own. Ale admires that and says he’d love to do business with her.

    Javier delivers dresses his mother made for Sofi. Nanny reaches out to take them but Javi insists on giving them to Sofi himself. Nanny says no way. Thinking fast, Javier says it’s hot today and asks if he can have water. Nanny goes and he sneaks into Sofi’s room.

  7. conde #11 part 3

    Sofi is shocked. He asks her out for ice cream. There’s no way she can do that but she goes to the 5 o’clock mass every day. Nanny busts Javier. And they are almost caught by Pau. Javi hides under Sofi’s bed.

    Ale has Josie’s whiskey ready to ship to his friends in Europe. The French president. The English ambassador. Josie is thrilled. She tries to return the golden tiara Ale sent. She can’t accept such a gift. He tells her to keep it and auction it off for charity. She likes the idea.

    On her way out, Josie runs into Amaranta. Amaranta starts in with the spirit thing again. Amaranta senses unease and fear in Josie’s aura. Josie tells her she doesn’t believe in such things. Amaranta mentions Chepita, the restless soul, and asks, what does she have to do with you? Why does that name scare you so much? I can help you settle this with the spirit world, Amaranta tells her, otherwise you will never be in peace. We can have a session when you’re ready. Josie forbids Amaranta from coming near her again.

    Amaranta discusses Josie with Ale. Josie gives her a bad feeling. [don’t have to be psychic for that.] She asks Ale, why did you ask me to make up that story about the spirit? Who is Chepita and why does Josefina get so nervous? There must be a secret, but Ale isn’t telling. He doesn’t pay Amaranta to ask questions. If she’s not happy, she can leave at any time. But if you do, he tells her, it’s final.

    Josie surprises Antonio. She tells him she came from the Count. She’s confused by his flattery and goodwill on one hand and the feeling he’s setting traps on the other. Antonio says he can’t help her with that. She didn’t take him to the Count’s party. She scoffs at the thought of taking him.

    Antonio is offended. You keep saying I’m a nobody. All these years, the same thing. You don’t respect me. I’m getting tired. What about what I want? Did you ever wonder? I’ll find a woman who appreciates me. Josie puts the moves on him—you won’t do that, we’re together forever. The day you leave me for another woman is the day I kill her and you. [Sealed with a kiss!]

    Ale buys a newspaper. He tells Mr. Linares he will supply the money to upgrade the business and he will keep Linares as the director. Linares prides himself on being an honest, independent man. Ale says that’s great, that’s what he wants. He wants SJ to have an honest and intelligent press. Ale’s one condition is that the sale remains a secret.

    Josie has a flashback to her mother. [I’m hoping that her mother really isn’t dead. I thought she was great in her scenes with Josie.]

    Cayetana comes to Vic’s hotel and meets Violeta. She notices the pics Vic has displayed. She hones in on the one with Altamirano, his daughter, and Vic. She has a flashback again. She feels faint, but she can’t take her eyes off the photo.

    And we are out.

    My thanks to Steve, for getting us started.

  8. Speaking of sniffing, it looked like Josie gave a sniff to Antonio's curtains. Looking for another woman's perfume? He and Violeta need to be careful. They aren't with reasonable people and I'd like them to survive the story. But I didn't know Vio had a child! I assume he's with a nanny somewhere. Good for her getting a party planning job because she may have to rely on her own income sooner than she thinks. And Josie may be the bad guy but she's the only one who sniffed out a con in Ale. Good for her too! Shame she's not immune to his charm offensive, but really, a tiara? I love them but this is the wrong novela for that. We're not in La Sultana here.


  9. Conde

    Donde, hello! Thank you so much for providing us with every moment as this episode unfolded .

    Watching these veteran actors is amazing. Also, I have never seen Marjorie Sousa look or act as well as she does in this show. Cay and Vi seem like birds of a feather, so it will be interesting to see what these two do going forward. Cay seems very interested in Ale , but he seems to be laser focused on his vendetta.

    Antonio knows that Josie is capable of murder . He disposed of her mothers body.

    Vic is creepy.

  10. conde

    Thanks again, Steve, for getting us started, and many thanks, dondi, for yet another excellent recap. I guess I got to watch the entire episode, since the West Coast broadcast doesn't start until 1 a.m. Eastern time, by which point the convention was over for the day. If I recall correctly, we see Ale/El Conde thinking about Mariana and her question, "Why are you pretending to be someone else?" Ale sticks to his El Conde identity, but it's clear that both of them are deeply troubled by the other.

    And yes, Pedro did indeed set Ruben up. He tells Ruben he's disappointed in him continuing to be drunk and/or high, and he threatens to end the arrangement with Ruben if he doesn't sober up. Ruben tells him they're linked for life. Pedro then supposedly gives Ruben another chance, telling him to deliver drugs to the following address. He also gives him partial payment, the rest to come when Ruben successfully completes the job. However, as soon as Ruben leaves to do the drug deal, Pedro calls the police and reports that someone is dealing drugs in his neighborhood. We then see Ruben sitting on a bench waiting for the guy when two policemen arrive, grab Ruben, find the drugs, and arrest him.

    Gerardo and Felipe discuss a front-page article about there being strong support for Miguel Aguilar. Gerardo says they need to wage an all-out war against Aguilar. If Aguilar wants to wage the war with money, Gerardo says confidently, "I'm sure we'll win." (Wait until he learns that El Conde has bought the newspaper!)

    I'm still a bit uncomfortable with what seems to me crass and excessive moves on El Conde's part. Like K, I felt that way about the tiara El Conde sends to Josie.

    The episode's ending was rather interesting. Cayatana almost faints when she sees the old photo of Vincente, Altamirano, and his young daughter. Close-ups focusing on the daughter strongly suggest that Cayetana is Altamirano's daughter. Again, the seemingly all-knowing El Conde very likely knew this and chose her quite deliberately. Just as he knew about "Chepita." I'm definitely enjoying the telenovela, but I think I would have preferred a bit more realism.

  11. Conde

    Conde with Donde, another wonderful recap, thanks!

    wait, everything is a buzz for an international reception for... Cayatana's movie that's yet to be filmed, in a hotel that's yet to be built. what?

    spirits from the other side have nothing on Josie, who so casually picked up a shovel and bonked her own mother.

    Ouch, Javier got grabbed by the ear and drug out by the nanny.

    I'm loving the way el Conde dumps too much money on these chumps and it ends up back in his pocket. (or off to charity in this case)

    K... "but really, a tiara? We're not in La Sultana here." Ha!

  12. OT

    La Famlia / Aile,

    Dondi, I finished this both seasons, zips right along, what an interesting cast of characters.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of last night's episode.

    *Cayatena has another series of flashbacks from her childhood when she sees Vicente lighting up his cigar again. She freaks out & leaves the hotel.

    *More scheming & plotting to keep looting $$$$$$ from the usual group of Antagonists.

    *Ramiro opens the door & lets Alejandro/Joaquin into the Villarreal Mansion. We see Scumbag Villarreal greeting the Count. We also see Alejandro/Joaquin meeting with the Villarreal kids, etc.,

    *Daddy Villarreal, who's on his last moments is well.... on his last moments.

    *Following the long typical steady diet of commercial breaks, we see the opening credits with the musical theme.

    *Alejandro waits for everyone to leave when he unleashes his scolding & insults towards Daddy Villarreal, who suffers another health episode. With the battle of the Oscar for Best Actor, Alejandro/Joaquin yells for help.

    *We see Scumbag Villarreal insulting & trashing Daddy Villarreal, who's on his deathbed. Somewhere in the episode, Daddy Villarreal finally dies: One less jackass. Several more to go.

    *We see some awkward tensions between Mariana & Cayatena. Maybe Memo would be Cayatena's shining armor down the road......maybe.

    *Scumbag Pedro & Big Mouth Ricardo discussing something that I couldn't comprehend. Gut feeling Big Mouth Ricardo revealed Alejandro & Joaquin as the same person. Sooner they kill off Big Mouth Ricardo the better.

    *Mariana looking at the necklace when Scumbag Villarreal shows up. Uh-Oh.

    *We see Cayatena & Amaranta talking about something that I couldn't comprehend.

    *Funeral of Daddy Villarreal takes place: We see everyone in attendance.

    *Noticed that Majorie de Sousa looks a little bit like the late Argentinian First Lady Eva Peron.

  14. Conde

    Steve and Dondi, thanks for your work. I'm finally caught up.

    Ale actually did Gerardo a favor last night. The death of his father is what Gerardo has been hoping for ever since he attacked his evil pop years ago.

  15. conde

    Thanks very much, Steve, for gettiing us started once again. I don't usually have time to comment in the morning, but today I do, so I'll try to add a bit to what you've said.

    David tells Gerardo "I know you want me to be like you, but that's not going to happen." He then goes over to his seriusly incapacitated grandfather Leo and asks how he is. David clearly loves Leo and is able to say things to him that he can't to Gerardo.

    I'm not sure, but I think Vicente offers Felipe some opium, and Felipe says no thanks.

    El Conde comes to Gerardo's house. I don't remember why. Gerardo introduces him to Leo. El Conde says Leo looks as if he understands what people are saying. David says yes, he does, but he can't communicate except by blinking his eyes Yes or No. When Gerardo and his family get called away for a moment, El Conde takes advantage of their absence to reveal to Leo that he is really Alejandro Gaitan, and that he suffered unjustly in prison for 14 years because of Leo and Gerardo. Leo becomes increasingly agitated and finally manages to blurt out "I'll kill you" before collapsing on the floor. El Conde calls for help, and Gerardo and the others return. Frankly, I was surprised and a bit nervous that El Conde revealed so much to Leo. In many telenovelas, someone would be listening outside the room. But not this time.

    In another scene, Gerardo sees on the floor the ring Ale had given Mariana. He asks Mariana about it. She tells him her father gave it to her when she was 15. Gerardo tells her she should wear it in honor of her father.

    El Conde asks Cayetana how things went with Josie when Josie and Cayetana brought gifts to the Church. Cayetana says everyone was pleased with what Cayetana did except for Josie, who always wants to be the center of attention and was unhappy that Cayetana had everyone's attention and approval. El Conde says aloud, "She's still the same, after all these years." Cayetana seizes upon "after all these years" and asks whether he knew Josie before. When El C doesn't answer, Cayetana says, "You didn't really come here because of your mother's fondness for San Jacinto, and you didn't really want to become friends with all these people." El C looks at Cayetana and at some point says, "Life is too short to leave destiny in the hands of chance."

    Ricardo shows Pedro a suitcase that had belonged to Francisco de Mendoza. It includes a passport with de Mendoza's photo. Ricardo says that Pedro looks like him. Pedro seems pleased.
    A bit later, Ricardo reports that de Mendoza died, but no one knows about this. We can almost see Pedro's brain begin to plot.

    Mariana and Ale/El Conde meet again. She keeps insisting that he admit he is Ale. She then shows him a newspaper she'd been saving all these years. Its headline announces that Alejandro has been found guilty of murder and sentenced to 99 years in prison.

    There's a lot more. I hope others will add to what Steve and I have said, and correct any errors.

  16. Conde

    Steve and Juanita, thank you for the recaps. They were very helpful. I don't wondered how Mar was able to wear that ring from Ale o. A chain around her neck, and now I know that she told Gerardo that it wss a gift from her father . yay . Quick thinking on Mar's part.

    I was kind of shocked at Ale's message to Leo . It seemed cruel with the state that Leo was in , but then Leo was cruel.

    I can't remember who Francisco was. I think that I have most of the people sorted out .

  17. conde

    Susan, I could be wrong, but I don't think we've been given any information about Francisco de Mendoza other than what Ricardo reported to Pedro. My guess is that Pedro may try to pass himself off as Francisco, since Ricardo mentioned that Pedro looks like Francisco's passport photo. Just how or where Pedro would do this isn't clear, since a number of people in San Jacinto know him. I suppose he could move to a different town. Right now, all this is merely my idle (and possibly totally wrong) speculation.

  18. Conde #12

    Thanks Steve and Juanita for starting. I’m very late to the party. But I have a few more details.

    “Memo would be Cayatena's shining armor down the road......maybe.” I like this idea, Steve.

    The newspaper, Mexican Daily, is looking for new writers. Some sort of contest to submit an article. Javier brings this to David. Is this the paper Ale bought?

    David stands up to his father and tells him he won’t grow up to be like him. Too bad Leo dies before David can find out what a POS his grandfather is. Wasn’t sure if Leo blinked yes or no when David asked him if he should enter the newspaper contest.

    Josie finds out Pau has been taking herbs to prevent pregnancy. Josie tells Felipe.

    Vic tells Felipe that the Count has purchased land all over Mexico. Yes, Juanita, that was opium. Felipe was smart by declining. Vic said “he was saving it.” But for what or whom?

    Cayetana wanted Amaranta to read her cards. Amaranta tells Cay that fortune has always surrounded her. Cay says that can’t be possible. She really wants to know about her love life. A man she is interested in. Ale walks into the room.

    Cay tells Ale she had that feeling again when she saw Vic, his photos, and his cigar. She doesn’t remember anything from her childhood—only wandering the streets of Madrid. That’s when you were 10, Ale confirms. Cay asks, how do you know? Did you investigate me like everyone else? If you know about my past, please tell me. What about Vicente? Why am I afraid?

    Ale tells her there is no connection to Vicente. Cay continues to question. Was I born there or here in Mexico? Good, Ale replies, you are starting to remember. Your psychologist thinks something bad happened to you and that’s why you blocked out your childhood. She begs him to tell her what he knows. Ale says the memories need to come back on their own.

    Mari tells Nanny that the Count is Ale. She knew it when she heard his voice and saw his eyes. Mari wants to put the Count to the test and asks Nanny to help her.

    Juanita, I also think Ale is setting up Pedro with this Fransico thing.

    Memo walks in on Lucrecia praying for Pedrito’s protection. He asks her is she wants to talk about him. Flashback to Beatriz’s stabbing. She says Pedro was a difficult child and he got worse in his teen years. She hopes he’s happy now, wherever he is.

    Hope this is helpful. Sorry if I repeated anything.

  19. OT

    Hi, deb. Glad you liked Aile. I saw the first 5 eps when it originally aired. I thought it was good.

    Although I prefer to watch dizis in Turkish, I'm going to wait until it comes to Telemundo to finish it. Hoping there will be a patio. I think there are some Kivo fans here. And I always check back to the original when I watch the Spanish version.

  20. Conde

    Donde, thank you for providing details . FC is still fascinating to watch .

    I wonder how and where Ale found Cay. Is he telling the truth about her not knowing Vic ? So many questions. Marjorie is doing a great job , better than anything I have previously seen her in. She always plays the bad girl who is trying to take the galsn away from the leading lady.

    I also love the actor playing Memo and have seen him in many novelas over the years.

    OT.. I love the dizis and hope I find one to watch soon . I guess I could go to YouTube . So far, nothing beats Fatmagul. Susan

    I missed last night's episode because I was busy watching Day 3 of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

  22. conde

    Just a reminder that "El Conde" will NOT be shown tonight (Thursday). Telemundo will be covering the last day of the Republican convention. Normal programming will resume tomorrow.

  23. conde

    I'll have a recap up for #13 in a little while.

  24. conde #13 part 1

    Mari has confronted Ale with the old newspaper. She insists he’s Alejandro. Nanny comes in tell Mari she’s needed somewhere. I can see how much you are suffering, Ale says to Mari, I’m sorry, but I am not this man. Mari leaves with Nanny. Ale looks pained.

    Mari is distraught, she’s sure the Count is Alejandro. Why is he doing this to me? Nanny tells her to snap out of it. He’s not Alejandro Gaitan. It’s impossible, he died in prison. Accept it or you’ll end up in the manicomio. Both women note the coldness in the Count’s eyes. Nanny says, this couldn’t be the man who was so in love with you. Mari takes off her necklace with the ring. She tells Nanny she is right.

    Ricardo shows Pedro the Count’s house. Ric laments he won’t get the reward. Pedro tells him all is not lost, hear me out.

    Ale comes to see Gerardo. Ale tells Gerardo that a close friend of his lost his son, Franciso de Mendoza, here in SJ. Ale must find him. Years ago, the boy got into a serious argument with his father, the Marquis Federico de Mendoza. After that, the boy came to Mexico. The Marquis never heard from him again. Ale shows Gerardo a photo.

    Gerardo looks at the photo and asks if the guy is still in SJ. Ale doesn’t know. The last letter he sent was to his cousin and he was still in SJ. That was a year ago. Gerardo offers help. He knows the Secretary of National Security. I can ask him to employ the police. If that man is in Mexico, we will find him.

    Gerardo asks why the rush in finding this man. Ale says his friend the Marquis died recently. His last wish was to find his only heir. He must give this man a huge fortune.

    David has written a glowing account of his crappy grandpa. Mari thinks it’s a fine piece of writing, good enough to win a contest. David mentions the newspaper contest. Mari tells him to enter. David asks her not to tell anyone. He’s worried Gerardo might find out.

    Memo hands David’s article to Ale. Ale says the boy is a good writer. He has a good future. Memo makes a face and says, I don’t like your plans for the boy. Ale says he doesn’t like it either, but he is the only option. They both worry about Gerardo finding out. They both think David is a good boy. But Ale says they can’t let him go now. David will destroy his father.

    Josie has called the doctor to check out Pau.

    Ale shows Memo the old newspaper Mari gave him. Can you believe she kept it all these years? Memo thinks Mari might still love Ale. Ale says no. He switches the subject. You know what killed Leo Villarreal? His resentment. I could see it in his eyes. He regretted nothing. Memo asks if Ale killed him. No, Ale replies, I should be happy, but I can’t. I tried to remain indifferent, but I asked for help.

    Memo says that should show how much hate can hurt you. Remember what Amador taught you about the difference between justice and revenge. Your heart is still noble. We believe in you.

    Josie’s suspicions are confirmed by the doctor. She rips into Pau. Pau fights back, you’ve been manipulating me for years, but I won’t take it anymore.

    Gerardo talks to Felipe about Francisco. He investigated and the story the Count told is true. Felipe wonders why the Count doesn’t have his own men take care of this. Gerardo says this is good, we must earn the Count’s favor. He tells Felipe about the inheritance. Mucho dinero.

  25. conde #13 part 2

    Josie continues berating Pau. I shouldn’t have let my son marry you. Something was wrong with you. Your parents were in a hurry to get rid of you. They disappeared after the wedding. They never visit. You never get tired of ruining lives, Pau answers. Do you think this marriage was good for me? You stole from me. You made me give away my grandparents’ inheritance. Like your son was such a good catch?

    Josie raises her hand to strike Pau but backs off when Sofia enters the room. Are you fighting again? Josie tells Sofi her mother is a bad example and storms off. Sofi comforts her mother. Why is grandma mad at you? Pau cries.

    Gerardo is feeling frisky. Mari pushes him away. She uses Leo’s death as an excuse. Gerardo’s not buying it. He bristles, you never want to be with me. You won’t let me touch you. I always feel like I’m forcing you. I’m tired from working all day. All I want is a loving and understanding wife.

    I respect you, Mari replies. That’s not what I want, Gerardo answers, I want passion. I have needs. A good wife is always willing to satisfy her husband. Always! He grabs her and forces a kiss. She fends him off. I said no! He asks, do you want me to look for love somewhere else? Mari responds, don’t use me as an excuse to sleep with someone else. Be unfaithful, go ahead, I won’t stop you. He warns her he will leave her.

    Josie and Felipe have a heated discussion about Pau. She called us thieves, Josie says. She even raised her hand to me. Felipe jumps to his feet. She hit you? Almost, Josie replies, if Sofi hadn’t walked in. It’s getting out of hand. Show her who’s in charge!

    Pedro’s plan is to pretend to be Francisco de Mendoza. Ric says it won’t be easy to deceive the Count. Pedro says he has a special talent for making people believe him. Ric is afraid of the Count. No risk, no reward, Pedro says, you get to be the heir too, we’ll split the earnings. We can finally say goodbye to poverty.

    Pau is looking at her drawings and quickly puts them away when she hears someone coming. It’s an angry Felipe. She says she had an argument with his mother. She can’t even finish her sentence—Felipe smacks her across the face. How dare you call my mother a thief! He calls her a whore.

    Pau explains that was Sofia’s inheritance. Why are you disrespecting me? Felipe says she’s the disrespectful one by refusing to give him a son. He throws her on the bed and rapes her.

    David’s article is published. David chose a pseudonym for publishing—Silvestre Davalos. Memo is still uneasy about using David. Ale admits he’s having doubts. There’s something special about him (David), he says. [call of the blood?]

    Cayetana enters and tells Ale she invited Mari and Pau over to the house.

    Ric tells Pedro he thought it over and he’s in. They negotiate the split. Ric says 50-50 or it’s off. Pedro and Ric shake on it.

    Pau is still in her dressing gown. She’s replaying Josie and Felipe’s words. She touches her arm. [I guess Felipe bruised it.] Sofi comes in and wonders why she’s not ready to go to the Count’s house. Pau is not in the mood. Sofi advises her not to waste this opportunity. Pau winces when Sofi touches her arm. Sofi tries hard to talk her mother into going.

    Ale talks to Cay about Vicente. He spent half his life as a farmer. And then suddenly, he became the right hand of a hotelier. The owner of the Altamirano hotels, Cay says. Yes, Ale replies, they became partners. When he died, everything went to Vic. Cay asks where Vic got the money to be a partner. Something’s not right. Ale asks Cay to become close with Violeta to see what she can find out. Do you want me to invite her over with Mari and Pau, she asks.

  26. conde #13 part 3

    Gerardo reads David’s article. He loves it. David walks in and Gerardo waves the paper at him. This is real journalism, Gerardo says, the journalist who wrote this must be a part of my campaign. Gerardo tells Felipe to find the guy, I want to meet him. Uh, oh.

    Mari and Pau arrive at the Count’s house. Mari touches Pau’s arm and she reacts. Pau says she hit it on a door. Mari says, I’m not a fool. If Felipe hurt you, tell me. Pau denies. Cay comes in and tells them there will be another guest joining them. Enter Violeta.

    Gerardo gets off the phone with a dean from a university. He joyfully tells Felipe that David will be accepted without an admission exam. Gerardo exclaims, my son has a place in the best university. He will be a lawyer like me!

    Felipe informs Gerardo that the journalist writes under a pseudonym. No one knows him besides the president of the paper.

    The ladies who lunch, eat and toast, meanwhile Ale asks Amaranta about Paulina. She has been discreetly keeping an eye on her. Ale wants Amaranta to get close to Paulina, become friends and gain her trust. Amaranta asks why. Ale says in due time. Amaranta replies if he’s going to ask her to hurt Paulina, she won’t do it. Ale says she has his word, he won’t hurt Pau.

    Violeta tells her story. Her career was on the rise, she was about to sign a contract for a movie. But, she says, I married Vicente and life went down the drain.

    Mari asks Cay how she became an actress. Cay says she worked on the street in a traveling theater. She tells her new friends, I was lucky enough that Joaquin was in the public. He was captivated by my interpretation. He offered help but I didn’t trust him. You know men, always trying to take advantage of us. But Joaquin convinced me. He wanted to help me. He introduced me to producers and sponsored my first movie which was a great success.

    Violeta notes the big difference between Joaquin and Vicente. Pau says Cay’s story sounds like a movie. Mari supposes that Cay and the Count have been together as a couple ever since. Cay doesn’t give a direct answer. The word “couple” is complex for Europeans, she replies, I’ll need more alcohol for this.

    Ric coaches Pedro on how to be Francisco. Pedro’s not doing well. Ric says he has doubts this will work. Pedro asks for another chance. He will study hard.

    Cay asks Mari what it’s like to be married to a powerful man like Gerardo Villarreal. Mari says their marriage is normal. He works a lot and I look after our children. Violeta wants to know if Gerardo is good in bed. Mari is embarrassed. Violeta sees no reason for embarrassment. Men have these meetings, and they talk about us.

    Cay notes that Mari is a reserved person. Mari has flashbacks to making love with Alejandro. Cay lets Mari off the hook. Cay says, think it’s best to have sex before marriage. That way you know the relationship will work. Violeta agrees. Cay continues, when I see a man, I can identify them. I’m a good judge. She asks Mari, what do you think of Joaquin.

    Totally ignoring Cay’s question, Mari immediately turns to Pau and says it’s time to go. They thank Cay for everything and make a quick exit from the table.

  27. conde #13 part 4

    On the way out, Pau becomes mesmerized by a painting. She sends Mari ahead. Amaranta approaches Pau. You can hear the horse, right? Pau is surprised to see Amaranta. I thought you were only hired for the event. [Pau is really thrown for a loop.] Amaranta tells her not to be so formal, they are around the same age. How about we get reacquainted? [is she flirting?]

    Amaranta explains she’s there because the count asked her to stay. He hired her as a spiritual guide. Pau thinks that’s interesting. Where did you learn this? Amaranta replies, the Middle East, China. But I’m most passionate about energies. Pau asks, can you see my energy? Yes, it’s vibrant, strong, and dangerous. Pau asks why it’s dangerous. You attract everyone like moths to a light. We are in danger of being blinded, until we become… ashes. [if this is not flirting…]

    Ale appears and Amaranta excuses herself. Mari comes back for Pau. Ale asks Mari if she’s alright. Pau excuses herself. Mari tells Ale she’s fine. Cayetana invited us. He knows and says, my house is your house. Please don’t take this the wrong way. Your perfume… brings me pleasing memories. It reminds me of a beautiful woman I once loved. His eyes lock on hers.

    Really, Mari asks, what happened to her? Why are you apart? Ale replies, she married another man. I’m sorry, Mari responds. Ale says, that’s life, these things happen. The eternal love she promised me was a lie. Ale moves in closer to take a sniff. Her perfume reminds me of those burning kisses, he says. Mari closes her eyes. They look like they are about to kiss.

    And we are out.

  28. Conde

    Donde, thank you for that excellent, detailed recap .

    Felipe and Josie are despicable . The actor playing Felipe plays another villain ( Brun0) in Vivir. I guess it is his weasely looks

    Things are heating up between Ale and Mari. How long before he discovers that She did not betray him ?

    I hope Ric is leading Pedro into a trap for Ale.

    Ale is playing a complicated game of chess with all these dangerous people. I have never seen FC play such a cold, unemotional character .What is his plan for David?

    The girls' luncheon was interesting as all The ladies checked each other out. Are Cay and Mar going to be friends or foes?

  29. conde

    Wow, dondi, you continue to create wonderful recaps. I can't thank you enough!

    I'm not sure I understand Ale's plans for David. At one point, he says that David will have to kill Gerardo. Surely Ale doesn't expect/want David to literally kill his father, but I can't think of how else to interpret his words.

    It's interesting that Ale again feels that there's "something special" about David. Like you, dondi, I wonder about "the call of the blood," even though the likelihood of David's being Ale's biological son still seems to me exceedingly small.

    Also, like you, I had the feeling that Amaranta was flirting with Pau. Most telenovelas I've seen tend to be quite conservative about sexuality between same-sex couples. I'm wondering whether this novela will be different.

    I suppose we're not supposed to know yet what kind of scheme Ale has in mind concerning "Francisco de Mendoza." If we are supposed to know what he's planning and why, please let me know.

    Finally, I don't understand why Ale feels that Mari has somehow been unfaithful to him by marrying Gerardo. Give me a break! Ale has been sentenced to 99 years in prison. Does he expect her to wait for him?? Moreover, isn't he aware that Alejandro Gaitan was reported to have died in a fire in prison? So in spite of the fact that Alejandro is either dead or in prison for 99 years, Mari should not have married someone else??
