
Monday, July 22, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of July 22, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas)

10-12 PM: Pasion (Unimas) 

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-3 PM: Los Tontos No Van Al Cielo (Unimas)

3-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas) 


  1. Vivir
    Diana and Omni, you are missed. Hope all is going well.
    Couple highlights:

    — Adolfo confronted Monica about stealing Pedrito. She did it for Miseal.
    — Misael put the docs from the planter into his safe.
    — Doris and Armando got together for a chat. She’s calling the shots—and does not want to be called “hija.”
    — Mati and Romina argue. Nothing to eat. Mati gets a slap when she calls out Romina for her romp with Bruno she saw on video.
    — Julia is bit by a scorpion(?), convulsing. Angel, JE, and Nachely (girl who wants to be a doctor) quickly cure her.
    — Reb and Santi argue, same themes. Elena hears a bit. Santi has had enough, leaves with suitcase.
    — Elena is confused: is Reb good or evil? Tells Reb she is postponing appointment with notary about Reb’s name change (back to Frida Del Olmo?)
    — Sandra accepted with open arms. Lucas has a recovered memory that Bruno dressed up as Ramiro’s friend “Chapulin.”
    —Misael and Bruno present a business plan to DE, who rehires Sebas to review it.
    — Sebas thinks he and Doris should live together. They head into his bedroom to test it out.
    — Miseal confronts Monica for stealing his son. Refuses to forgive her. Monica: “what if I tell you where he is????” Cara impactado de Misael.
    — Wanda and Doris in office reception area. Reb comes out, insults exchanged. Sebas comes out, kisses his novia. Reb: “did you tell him you went out with him because I wanted you too?” Confused looks.
    — Today’s major development: ho hum, Reb uses an eye dropper for generous dose of something into breakfast juice pitcher while muttering about the notary appointment.
    Later, Elena is wandering the streets dazed and giggling. Flashbacks of happy times.
    — Now Angel is teaching the alphabet. She collapses, saying “mi mama” as Elena is hit by a car, toppling over hood.
    That’s our cliffhanger.

  2. Vivir. Thanks for stepping up, Clara. Excellent brief summary! I hope Elena wasn't killed, but I also expect she wasn't. I wonder what Rebeca's motivation was this time. At least Misael doesn't destroy the documents. No doubt they will reappear. That medical mission seems as if it's an ever more dangerous environment. Scorpion bite, ugh! How handy that young girl knows how to cure them! :)

  3. Vivir

    Clara, thank you for all the highlights. I dont understand the dialogue, but I get the visual .

    Icky was watching that meeting between Reb, Doris,Wanda, and Sebas . Gabriela got an eye and earful .

    I noticed Santi was ticked and even opened up his little carryon to show his mother that he wasn't stealing anything .

    Reb doesn't seem to care that she has absolutely no supporters left .....and she decides to drug the one person who is still trying to give her the benefit of the doubt..her mother . Well, Monica is getting released from the hospital , and it looks like Elena is heading there. We should have had a scorecard to keep track of who was in the hospitsl. Almost everybody was there at some point .

    Angel is still teaching the alphabet , and JE is handing out seeds to the FFJ .

    I am glad that Don Emilio is bringing back Sebas . Smart move.

  4. Vivir de amor

    Yay, Clara! And thank you very much! I am glad you managed to provide us with your short but excellent recap.

    I generally record the episodes, but today my el cheapo external DVR failed to record this episode. There must be a glitch in the software because it surely could not be my programming what times and shows to record. Certainly not.

    It is not up at the Univision site yet, though a little while ago I did find another site hosting it. Whether that is legit or not, I don't know. That is, do they have a right to show it? I don't know, but then again, what is YouTube but a site that hosts all sorts of things, many of them copyrighted. I don't know how that works either, though some contributors do get royalties.

    I was really afraid we would have no recap at all.

    Diana is too nice to say so, but I was really afraid she would be as upset as some of my grade school teachers were. "Class, I leave you alone for ten minutes to talk with the Principal and ask you to read ahead, quietly, a little in the History text book, and then I come back and find total chaos here. For shame!"



  5. Vivir

    Andy...ha,..when the cat ifors away, the mice will play !!

  6. Vivir

    Thanks, guys! We are truly spoiled by Diana’s consistent and consistently entertaining recaps.
    SpanProf, not sure what cured Doc Julia — antidote or tea? Whatever, it was fast and yes, hazards abound in that remote land. JE and Angel seem to love it there, but I guess Elena’s accident will get them back to the cauldron of their “real life.”
    Susan, hi. Right, I forgot about Icky taking it all in, Gabriela too.
    Andy, I hope you are able to see the episode, although it was mostly missable.
    Maybe they knew Diana was unavailable. Yes, Diana might have been dismayed if we weren’t able to sort of carry on without her!

  7. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you for your fabulous recap; what great style!

    I arrived home just in time to watch the later airing although I wasn’t able to pay too close attention. Thank you for doing so. I smiled my way through your wise and fun recap.

    I especially enjoyed “Sebas thinks he and Doris should live together. They head into his bedroom to test it out” and “Misael confronts Monica for stealing his son. Refuses to forgive her. Monica: “what if I tell you where he is????” Cara impactado de Misael”. Monica once again fails to understand why Misael would be even more furious with her for this withheld information.

    Elena has had more than a clue that Beca is the evil spawn.. But once again, she lets her slide with merely admonishing she will hold off on the name change. As you pointed out Susan, Elena is the only one on her side and yet it makes no difference.

    I hope Sebas doesn’t get hot and bothered by Rebeca’s remark and that Doris will be able to smooth the situation over. That said, the look on his face did not exactly seem understanding.

    SpanProf, I was shocked at the seemingly full recovery Julia had from the scorpion bite.

    Lucas ping pongs back home again and is not alone – here’s Sandra, ta da! She was treated like a queen wasn’t she?

    A few crimes and kudos of fashion that need to be noted. Rebeca wore a black jumpsuit (with studs) cut down to her naval (and she had the nerve to call Doris and Wanda naca!) Angel sported a white lace bralette and hip hugging naval baring ivory pants with a green army jacket. Don Emilio sported a nice suit with mustard paisley tie. We finally saw Sandra wore a short, small, flowered print skirt. Doris had on a short pink dress with orange overtones and gold sandals; she looked killer. But the person who won today’s fashion award was Armando. He wore a blue shirt with a beautiful pink blazer. He sported a small blue flower lapel pin (which was AMAZING) and a silver chain that dangled from his pocket.

    Andy and Clara, I was beyond delighted to see the recap and comments; everyone having a blast as usual. Excellent! 馃槉


  8. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Clara, you hit all the highlights. When the little girl said Julia needed the anecdote I was sure it would not be an easy fix. But in telenovelaland a cup of tea, maybe, and Julia’s cured.

    I was sure Elena heard exactly what Rebeca said to Santiago. I didn’t get it all but I thought she had agreed with Santiago’s accusation of her trying to destroy the family. Why does Elena find that so hard to believe when she is seeing it happening.

    Not sure if Rebeca did ask Doris to go out with Sebastian. But if she did it was a while ago.

    Don’t remember Bruno dressing up as Ramiro’s friend. Wish they’d show a flashback when they mention something from months ago!

    When Misael finds his son Wanda will know too. At least I hope so. Hope he remembers Misael and refuses to go with him.


  9. Vivir

    Thanks Clara! What a pleasant surprise to find your recap this afternoon! So nice of you to step in for Diana and keep us all updated.

    I actually don't get Elena's hesitation on the name change. Even if Rebeca is evil, she still IS Frida Del Olmo!!! So, what's up with the you can't have your name back unless you behave routine?? Not that I am defending wicked Beca, but Elena's parenting decisions could keep a psychiatrist busy for decades!! Why does adult Beca even need Elena's permission to change her name?

    I am really really really sorry Monica was the first to figure out who Pedrito is!!! I hate that!!

  10. VIVIR - Episode 97 - Addendum Part 1

    Hola, Patio.

    Most of ya’ll are mimis by the time I get to watch. I just saw the show and came to pick up the slack while the cat’s away. Thank you so much, Clara. Your highlights were a master class in show breakdowns. I hope all’s well with Diana, husband of Diana, and Diana’s recap partner-in-shine! I will save my episode summary, but if it pleases the patio, I would like to dive into a few scenes a little deeper.

    M贸nica seemed almost human being released from the hospital - wearing ¼ of her usual lipstick and asking Adolfo to stay with her. All of a sudden, she launches into her unfounded sibling rivalry with Cris which we’ve seen all season. She defends her actions (known as Child Abandonment/Endangerment in most countries) by attacking Wanda and claiming she was protecting a very young and na茂ve Misael. Adolfo rightfully calls BS and insists SHE talk with Big Bang. I’m surprised the Crooked Doctor didn’t provide the famous liquor cart as part of her accommodations.

    Misael puts the proof of his fraud in his safe at home. Fun Fact: his safe code is 159#. Other items in his safe: a stack of $1OOs (USD) and some other documents.

    Most random scene of the hour: Pedrito joins Alma and Wanda after a hard day’s work (shoe shining?). He finished his homework and took advantage of his extra time to make money and help Alma put some eats on the table. He’s parched; Wanda gets him some water.

    Armando was rocking a cool outfit; HOWEVER, it appears he went to the Renato School of Shirts Open Down to the Ombrigo.. Eek! Nobody wants to see that. @ their summit, Doris is really showing her Magenta Status (replete with gold studs) and looking great. Army says he left Doris’ mom to make his fortune so that she could have everything she desired. When he returned he learned a(n unnamed)disease had killed her. She left him a letter he was too afraid to read. With time he got bold enough to read it. Note: the amount of time is not provided. The letter revealed they have a daughter and included Doris’ picture. That’s when he realized she was working in the market. He cries, but she puts him in check. All her suffering won’t be cured by one letter. He agrees to her terms (of their relationship) and would be happy just to watch her from a distance. He calls her “Hija,” but she says for now, he is d. Armando and she is DORIS!

    When Big Eyed Idiot Romina gets home from a hard day of lying and double dealing, her maternal instincts really kick into overdrive. She calls her kids “pigs” for the mess they’ve made of her place. Mati brilliantly blames starvation and malnutrition then goes in for the kill (Bruno romp video). After a slap, Mati exits stage left. BEIR blames Luciano and celebrates her custodial victory. This top notch nurturing gets 1O (out of 1O) wire hangers.

  11. VIVIR - Episode 97 - Addendum Part 2

    The crux of the Reb/Santi fight was Santi declaring “You won’t destroy our family with your schemes!” Elena hears this along with Rebeca’s answer, “We’ll see about that, Brat!” Finally! Elena witnesses her dark side (a mere 97 episodes into the series). Santi calls out her blindness, shows there are no chips or pesos in his little carry-on, and exits stage left.

    In the dumbest homecoming scene of the series, Lucas and Age-Shifter Sandra are welcome into the barrio like royalty despite:
    •Brayan being out of jail and still after Lucas.
    •Lucas having no police protection outside of a restraining order.
    •placing themselves physically closer to Predator Bruno.
    Lucas realizes Chapul铆n (in a Rasta wig and tacky tats on full display in the flashback) is actually Bruno (menacing Sandra with tacky tats on display in the flashback).

    I’ve advocated for counts before, Susan. I love your idea to add hospital visits. Es m谩s, can we count the number of victims Reb has eye-dropped? She must buy her roofies at Costco®️ or the CDMX equivalent.

    The office showdown was a hoot with Icky (hate the character, love the actor) hamming it up and Big Reb throwing our Dorotea quite the curveball. Let’s hope Sebas doesn’t have a JE moment (false conclusions/hissy fits).

    Random Notes:
    •Kimberly Dos Ramos is playing Ang as a goody two shows a toda madre, but she is one bad motor scooter with that body and those outfits.
    •What killed Doris’ Mom? Cancer? Mesothelioma? OJ Simpson? Baby Rebecca’s eyedropper?

  12. Vivir
    Oops, O.S., sincerely hope I didn’t preempt one of your delicias with my just-the-facts notes! Wasn’t aware you were planning to recap and jumped in when nothing was posted.
    Anyway, your witty amplifications were perfect and your observations captured all the flavors.
    Thanks for the morning chuckles! Are you a comedy writer in your spare time?

    Angel, somehow I feel she’ll show some fire before we’re out.

  13. O.S., ‘ This top notch nurturing gets 1O (out of 1O) wire hangers.!’ Lol lol lol lol

  14. Vivir #97

    Gracias, amigas.

    Since there is a DNA test result on Rebecca and Elena that proves their blood tie, Elena's hesitation can be interpreted as disowning her hellspawn. She was oblivious to her evil back in the day; the 4yo Frida was precociously cunning enough to conceal her evil deeds from her parents. She is The Bad Seed. It will take an eyewitness experience -- or security camera footage -- for Elena to finally get it. I wonder whether Angeli could remember Frida's abuse back then, since she was only 2 years old.

    Having said that, the world is also full of parents who go into denial about their children's inadequacies and evil deeds, even after witnessing them.

    This raises the interesting question as to whether Elena has the legal right to deny Rebecca her original birth name. Would the court recognize nurture over nature? Would it question Rebecca's motive for wanting this name? Could Alma still get into legal trouble over failing to inform police 20 years previously when she and her husband found the evil brat? Since Antonio is dead there may not be a reliable witness to Alma's mental state at that time.
    In other news...

    Is there any other way the damning video of Romina and Bruno could be recovered?

    Wasn't there a DNA test proving that Pedrito is Wanda's child? If there is Misael would have a hell of a case against Monica. However I think there will be a more colorful conclusion of their conflicts.

  15. VIVIR

    O.S., your wit and humor sparkled and shone this morning. Just wonderful. I am so appreciative you and Clara provided such marvelous recaps! Everyone's style is different but adds so much unique perspective (and FUN!). You both rock!

    "Fun Fact: his safe code is 159#". O.S., how on earth do you know that?? I'm beyond impressed.

    "She defends her actions (known as Child Abandonment/Endangerment in most countries) by attacking Wanda and claiming she was protecting a very young and na茂ve Misael" was perfect.

    "HOWEVER, it appears he went to the Renato School of Shirts Open Down to the Ombrigo.. Eek! Nobody wants to see that". HA! Love it. I have to admit, I was so transfixed by his cool clothes, I didn't notice the supposedly seductive unbuttoned buttons. Thank you for expanding on what he told Doris. She is playing it cool; I don't blame her but I have hopes for this father/daughter eventual reunion.

    "The office showdown was a hoot with Icky (hate the character, love the actor) hamming it up and Big Reb throwing our Dorotea quite the curveball. Let’s hope Sebas doesn’t have a JE moment (false conclusions/hissy fits)". Yes! Icky is THE character you love to hate. I'm hoping Sebas talks to Doris before flying off the handle but I'm not going to lie, I AM worried.

    Like you and Clara, I'd like to see some solid heat eminating from Angel. Bring it on!


  16. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Clara-No preemptions at all! In fact, you saved everyone’s day and kept the daytime chat going. I am reluctant to commit to recapping because I cannot guarantee that my work will be posted before the next episode airs. I believe the patio has always been First Come, First Recap/Highlight/Comment, and all feedback is greatly appreciated. You also kept me from feeding Blogger which creates less work for…

    Darcy the Rescuer-Hi. Our show has had a grand opportunity in the past few episodes to give us what we all want and need in our lives: more Ulises del Olmo (during flashbacks), and they have FALIED! One can still hope. #morechristianplease.

    Diana-Welcome back..,your dreams were your ticket out. I always hear that song with that phrase. You and your gal pal were missed, and I hope you got some well-deserved rest. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to turn off the snark or my attention to the silliest minutia. The show is heating up! I hope we’re in for a week of solid entertainment - unencumbered by the fetters of novela cliches, lazy writing, and overacting. One can still hope! I kid. We love this show!!!

  17. Vivir

    Clara and O.S., thanks a bunch for pinch-hitting for Diana. You delivered the facts I needed and laughs to my breakfast table. Cheers to you both.

    The problem with Doris is previously she denied to Sebas that she even knew Rebeca. I hope Sebas won't go JE on her though, only because one of those is enough.

    It took Armando about 20 years to open the letter? Yeah, he needs to suffer before Doris gives in.

    Diana, ITA on an Armando fashion award. I've noticed he's fastidious about his attire and likes pastels. I hope you and your husband are getting rest.

  18. Vivir

    Just wanted to say thank you to both Clara and O.S . for their recaps . We have a devoted patio with folks who are willing to fill in for our dynamic duo of Diana and friend to us all . That is why we are having such a good time .

    I guess Reb keeps that little vial of psychedelic drops in her purse , so that she is always prepared . Maybe she was a boy scout #beprepared . She definitely wasn't a girl scout ....#friendtoallandsistertoeveryothergirlscout. .....or a Brownie Scout #makenewfriendsbutkeeptheoldoneissilverandtheothersgold.

    When Elena was wearing that red and black popart jumpsuit and somersaulted over that car , I got a little dizzy .

    One thing about Reb, her confidence never lags. Girl is a legend in her own mind. She basically has no supporters now except for Romeana , who is only loyal for the money . However, Reb is a lone wolf with a vision and doesn't seem to care that everybody knows she is a demon. She gets up every day , picks out something hideous to wear , and checks her day timer for things to do and people to threaten and terrorize . #metoo

    I wonder who will eventually stop her and what anvil the writers have forged for her . Susan

  19. Vivir

    Thanks, Susan. Your brilliance glows like a beacon in the dark!

    Maybe Brayan witnessed the accident and will recruit Elena to his flying monkeys troupe. Together they will take down Rebeca, her funky wardrobe, and her unchecked ambition! #dramamine®️

    I did NOT see that coming. LOL


    OS: Let's hope the Good Guys can finally take down Psycho Becca & her group of cronies & thugs because it's constantly becoming annoying of seeing her winning 24/7.

  21. Vivir
    Late to the patio today. Had an eventful day yesterday. Mi consuegra sadly passed away after a valiant fight against stomach cancer over the past 14 months. Also my niece and her family spent the afternoon and night with us on their way back to OH from Myrtle Beach and they left an hour ago so I just finished the episode.

    So my comments will be along the fashion side. I really disliked the red and black outfit Elena wore, perhaps Rebeca's awful fashion sense is contagious. I did like Doris outfits. Angelli's crop top was especially revealing today. All I can think is the mosquitos and oh yay, scorpions, have plenty of bared flesh for a feast. Bruno's signature plaid jacket was a bit less obnoxious I thought.

  22. VIVIR #98 Part 1

    After she faints, Angel sips water as Julia looks on anxiously. Angel clutches her chest, repeating that something is happening to her mother. Without examining her, Julia tells her and JE that there is no medical reason for how Angel is feeling (osmosis? sixth sense?). Then the villager (without a degree but with vast common sense) tells them it was a premonition and Angel should listen to her heart; someone close to her is calling her and may need her help!

    Elena is splayed out on the street, conscious at first, but then quickly blacking out. A man takes her pulse as a crowd gathers; an ambulance is called.

    Angel worries about her mother…it’s as if she were calling to her. Angel wants to go to town to see if everything is okay.

    Rebeca continues her attack on Doris, delighting in crushing her former friend telling Sebas that Doris said he was boring but his money was enough; she scathingly adds says that Doris doesn’t require much since she only buys cheap goods. To add insult to injury, she adds that once Doris finds someone better, she will drop Sebas. Rebeca’s furtive eye lands on Icky who is smiling salaciously, pointing out he also enjoyed time with Doris. Icky smirks but says this is no longer his problem and leaves. Rebeca continues her malicious tirade as Doris tries to combat Beca’s vicious lies but Sebas wants to talk elsewhere. Wanda reproaches Rebeca and after she leaves, Beca gets Gabriela in her sights, asking if she has nothing better to do. When Gabriela says no since Don Emilio is very satisfied with her work, Beca tells her that the old man should die soon and she will take over and fire her! To her credit, Gabriela merely sort of smirks and shakes her head.

    Monica continues to excuse her actions and asks Misael to forgive her. He tells her to stop the drama; he knows her well and she never regrets what she does. He asks where his son is, she tells him that her pleas for forgiveness were useless and wishes him a good day. At this Misael is forced to backtrack; he apologizes and practically begs she tell him where his son is. She turns and reveals that his son lives in the same barrio as “that woman.”

    Pedrito catches some sort of payment mistake. Loli and Alma compliment him; Alma tells him she knows how hard he is trying hard at school.

    Monica shows Misael Pedrito’s picture. At first he questions it but then recalls insulting and scolding Pedrito. Monica twists the knife adding Wanda has always lied to him; she made him believe she didn’t know where the boy was while they are living together in the same neighborhood. Misael wonders why Wanda would ask him to help her find her son, so Monica tells him that she was just trying to get his sympathy and get money from him. Misael doesn’t want to listen to her anymore…but Monica persists with her advice. He wants her to stop telling him what to do… and warns that she’d better not do anything against Wanda. She shrew screams after him then calls Rufino and tells him to follow Misael and tells him to be careful.

    Javi wants to go outside. Mati concedes but Romina locked them in.

    Lucas thinks it’s odd that Mati is online playing games.


  23. VIVIR #98 Part 2

    Brayan somersaults and performs other acrobatics, landing to meet with his henchies. Axel tells Brayan that he saw Lucas, but Brayan won’t violate his restraining order and go back to jail…but he will get back at Lucas through his Princess. Brayan knows how to locate Mati once she is online. Uh oh…

    Javi suggests that they play a game, but Mati refuses.

    Rebeca tells Tina to let her know when Misael arrives. She asks her if the attorney has come to see her mother. Tina replies that the attorney came and left…when she went to look for Elena she wasn’t in her room. Tina then tells her that Elena is not in the house.

    Doris wants to explain but Sebas wants the truth. He asks if she became close to him just to help Rebeca; after all, clearly, she seems to be Rebeca’s BFF. Answer me Doris! With that, Doris admits that yes she was helping Rebeca – at first; but then she got to know him and fell in love. She pleads with him, tears streaming down her cheeks. Sebas tells her to get her things and leave! She cries out to him but he leaves, standing outside, leaning against the door in tears.

    Lupe tells Sandra that Luis will give her work until she finds a job. Carmelo throws a jealous hissy fit because Sandra will be working there too; so Luis explains Sandra’s story.

    Sandra walks over to Santi’s table, asking that he smile but he can’t. She makes a face and when that doesn’t work, takes her hands and pulls out his cheeks in a mock smile. After she manages to crack his cement, Carmelo stalks over and takes over. Santi tells him he is staying in Angel’s house for a few days.

    In an unaired scene, Domingo tells Luciano that he misses Sandra. Luciano also misses his children.

    Angel and JE wait in line to use the phone.

    Carmelo chatters away while Santi puppy dog stares at Sandra. (I look at what is unfolding in complete shock. I never, ever saw this coming!!)

    Gi worries that Elena hasn’t arrived. When Renato tells her that Santi also left home, Gi wonders what is wrong with Elena! Gi is rightly agitated and when Renato finally calls Santi, he tells them they don’t know where Elena is.

    Angel calls and Tina tells her she doesn’t know where her mother is. Where are you mother Angel muses to herself.

    Renato picks up the phone getting the news that Elena has been run over. Gi grabs the phone and takes off to the hospital. Renato stands arms folded…

    Using a rotary phone, Angel calls the restaurant. She asks Renato how he is and he is forced to give her the bad news!


  24. VIVIR #98 Part 3

    Angel, now frantic, tearfully lobs a series of rapid-fire questions at Renato. Renato replies that tests are being run, Gi is on her way and he’s already contacted Santi. When he asks how she is, she tells him she is fine but is worried about her mother. Renato hears JE in the background and now knows he is with her. She ends up thanking him and hangs up. After Angel reminds JE to call Cris to tell her they will be returning he picks up the phone.

    Luciano talks to Adolfo about how to get his children back, but Adolfo tells him there is nothing that can be done since Romina is doing well with the kids. Luciano questions why Romina would have to prove herself to be an unfit mother so he can get his kids back (which is a rhetorical question I’m surprised he even bothered to ask).

    Mati can’t access any games and they can’t send messages. Javi wonders why their mother is doing this. Javi then admits that he overheard Mati and their mother arguing…about their mother being with another man. He asks if that is why their parents divorced so Mati (honestly) replies that they didn’t love each other anymore. Javi misses his father and Fatima. Mati hugs him and strokes his hair.

    Fatima tells Cris that Luciano is divorced and they are back together again. They discuss how Romina tried to keep them apart and about her securing custody of the children. When Fatima worries about the kids, Cris teases that Fatima has never wanted kids to which Fatima smiles but I couldn’t translate what her reply was.

    Cris tells Adolfo that JE is coming back. They are both overjoyed and for a moment, they share a loving, deeply intense stare.

    As she prepares to depart, Angel tells the villagers that she bought all the supplies they need for their classes (chalkboard and notebooks). She shares she also ensured a town teacher will be coming to continue the lessons. Everyone rushes forward to envelop her in a group hug. Julia stands in the background with her arms folded; she wishes Angel the best.

    At the hospital, Rebeca asks about Elena and lies to the doctor, telling him her mother was stressed and took some sedatives. The doctor relates that tests will reveal if Elena’s confusion was due to the sedatives. Santi and Gi arrive. Santi questions Beca about the sedatives since his mother had never taken any. She tells him that after he left, their mother got depressed and took some sedatives. After Rebeca leaves, GI shakes her head and suspiciously comments that this is very odd. (Indeed, the patio notes).


  25. VIVIR #98 Part 4 of 4

    Bruno tells Misael that they shouldn’t be wasting their time at the neighborhood; they should be getting back to business! Misael completely ignores him as he watches Pedrito and Loli and then Wanda (now sporting a red and pink striped dress with her lavender hoodie). As he stares, Monica’s poisonous lies reverberate in his devious mind as he juts his chin out angrily. (Also, mi amiga tells me that Pedrito calls Misael “water tank face!”). HA!

    Rebeca, now wearing a (surprisingly not hideous) black v neck dress with gold dots and belt, roots through Elena’s desk for some documents. Finding them, she calls the attorney and asks how else she could change her name back.

    Renato walks in catching Rebeca in the act, asking if she is stealing more money to blame someone else. She spews her insults about Angel not marrying him, but Renato fires back about how she was with a man who didn’t love her. He hopes Elena realizes who she really is. Beca emphasizes that she is Frida and can have him fired whenever she pleases. However, when she tries to do so, Renato points out that she is still Rebeca Sanchez and Elena was the who hired him!!.

    Over the course of the next few scenes, JE gives last instructions to the villagers. They are very appreciative and clap for him. They are like his family and will miss them.

    Misael tells Bruno that all women are hypocrites. He went to confirm for himself that Wanda was a liar. Women lie and make you think they love you; and when you least expect it, they destroy you! Bruno reminds him that they need to stay a step ahead of Rebeca or she will leave them with nothing. Misael doesn’t care about the money as Bruno queries “que?” Rebeca lied and betrayed him; he will never forgive her, she can rot!

    Elena wakes up asking what happened. The doctor advises that they will need to do more tests. When he asks how long she has been taking sedatives, she tells him she doesn’t take any; so he tells her that her daughter told him she took the sedatives. After he leaves, Elena recalls drinking the juice and wonders what her daughter did to her.

    Rebeca mutters that she is Frida and she will keep everything at whatever cost! Romina enters as Rebeca strides out.

    Rebeca slithers in on her (by now well worn) belly telling Misael that they need to talk about what happened. He stares hard at her and asks what she wants. Putting on as angelic a face as she can muster, she purrs she wants to explain. When he tells her she betrayed him, Beca again pleads to explain, but Misael grabs her and putting a gun to her neck says he wants to kill her!!

    Omni’s superb dialog translations enlightened and enhanced all that transpired, filling in my many missing blanks gloriously. I thank her for sharing her marvelous skills and expertise with us in such generous fashion.


  26. Vivir. Welcome back, Diana. I hope everything went well. And thanks to you and Omni for your usual superb recaps! Of course Angelli can sense her mother's accident hundreds of miles away. What's a telenovela without a little bit of the supernatural? Oh oh! Pedrito seems about to be kidnapped again by Rufino. And I can't believe that Misael believes Monica's lies about Wanda. If he weren't a double murderer (at least) I would almost feel sorry for him. Btw, naturally the very smart Pedrito is doing very well in school. In this episode Rebeca injures 3 people: Elena, Doris and Sebastian. No one in her vicinity can be allowed to be happy. When will she be stopped? Too bad Luciano and Adolfo don't know that Romina IS being an awful mother. I did think that some of Angelli's and JE's interaction with the villagers was a bit patronizing. Loved your "Rebeca slithers in on her (by now well worn) belly."

  27. VIVIR

    Thank you for your kind words and very thoughtful comments SpanProf.

    "In this episode Rebeca injures 3 people: Elena, Doris and Sebastian. No one in her vicinity can be allowed to be happy. When will she be stopped?" is a great question! There seems to be no one who has escaped her wrath. And as to when she will be caught? My answer is not soon enough! :O

    "Too bad Luciano and Adolfo don't know that Romina IS being an awful mother" is a shrewd observation. She IS being the worst and they are none the wiser. Surely some disaster regarding the locked door is looming, and as much as I want it adverted, something needs to expose Romina for who she is. UNFIT!

    Rebeca is so full of herself she actually seemed to think she would have Misael melting and eating right out of her hand again. I loved that not only was Rebeca rebuffed but that it was done in such a way to leave no doubt that her "charms" are no longer working.


  28. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for catching and serving up every moment as this show somersaults forward.

    Brayan is wasting his Circe du soleil talents . The Olympics are about to start .

    Is it possible that Reb could actually seduce Miserable again ? Fool me once, Shame on you. Fool me twice , shame on me. Fool me thrice, I'm Misael.

    How soon are JE and Angel going o get home ?

    I am confused about why it is so important to Reb to go back to the name Frida.

  29. Vivir

    Thanks Diana and friend, a great read. I’d be lost without your recaps!

    Color me disappointed! I was sure Misael would lay claim to Pedrito and then Wanda would know that was her son. But now Misael has no interest in him because of what his mother said about Wanda. He must realize that is his son.

    Santiago and Sandra will make a cute couple. But what a surprise!

    And Rebeca destroyed another happy couple. And Icky reminded me why I didn’t like Doris. She was fine being with a married man. And Icky, at that. Pretty low standards.

    Elena might finally be realizing that everything people( everyone she knows) said about Rebeca is true! I loved the doctor being truthful to her and thinking she was lying about a pill popping habit.

    Rebeca is going to be really busy if she takes the restaurant and the family company away from the rightful owners. I guess that might have been why she made Angel and Santi so miserable they had to leave So Elena will make her the owner. She does have self-confidence, I’ll give her that.


  30. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Susan.

    "Brayan is wasting his Circe du soleil talents . The Olympics are about to start" had me laughing out loud. Leave it to you!!!

    I'm not sure Misael has lost his obsession with Rebeca but for the moment, she should tread very lightly. If I had to bet, I don't think she would succeed in seduction, at least not now when he is vastly consumed with Pedrito and Wanda (courtesy of his horrid mama).


  31. VIVIR

    Liz, thanks so much.

    "Color me disappointed! I was sure Misael would lay claim to Pedrito" as was I! Nothing regarding Wanda or Pedrito has happened the way I thought it would; especially Misael's reaction and action.

    "I loved the doctor being truthful to her and thinking she was lying about a pill popping habit" is exactly right!

    I'm still trying to absorb the shock of the idea of Santi and Sandra. He has a lot to atone for and reveal, especially about Dulce. Sandra might be the one to do that.


  32. Vivir #98

    Gracias, Diana y Omni, for the great recap.

    That locked door is a disaster waiting to happen. Mati needs to hit the bathroom, inspect it for cameras, and call Luciano ASAP about the locked door. He needs to record the call and get there yesterday with his lawyer.

    Luciano knows that Romina is not a good mother, but this will show him how bad a mother she really is.

    Monica has some damn nerve insulting other women's morals when her own are beyond questionable. How many episodes will it take for Wanda to convince him of the truth about Monica taking Pedrito away from her?

    I'm sure that if Elena ever wakes up to seeing what a Bad Seed Rebecca is she will disinherit her, but that's still a pretty big If.

  33. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great recap and I hope your day with your husband went well and the procedure went very well.

    Monica wears jeans??? Wow!
    If Monica were to tell someone the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, would she be so shocked at herself that she would lose the ability to speak, at least for a while?

    The doctor attending Elena was funny, or at least his hair was funny. The novela made sure to give us a good look, front and back. Sometimes I have to wonder what the telenovela crew is up to.

    Diana, like you I was completely surprised by the Santi & Sandra interaction. I was doubly surprised when Sandra stretched Santi's face into a sort of smile. She has the makings of a truly great waitress. If she acts this way with all the customers she should make really good tips but Santi will be let down. But this was fun!

    As a Certified Curmudgeon I have to say I find JE & Angel's rapid betterment of just about everything in that oh, so isolated, far away location to be quite corny.

    Susan, I think Misael still has the hots for Becky and whatever happens that will be a constant. "Fool me once, Shame on you. Fool me twice , shame on me. Fool me thrice, I'm Misael."
    Ha! Funny, but so true.

    Doris does have a very shady past, doing Becky's bidding, eventually being part of something that got poor Ramiro killed, canoodling with Icky for an apartment and "gifts" without any wifely burdens of child care, housekeeping, etc.
    But, hey, the poor girl is an orphan, sort of, and is trying to find her way in life without an excess of functioning brain cells. And she's really cute and loves Sebas.
    I think Sebas will come around.


  34. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban.

    ITA the locked door has "disaster" written all over it. You have me thinking and it is strange that Mati hasn't told Luciano who would be there in a heartbeat as you noted.

    "Monica has some damn nerve insulting other women's morals when her own are beyond questionable. How many episodes will it take for Wanda to convince him of the truth about Monica taking Pedrito away from her?" Well said! Again, I'm surprised Misael is letting Monica hoodwink him. Yet again. He seemed to intimate he loved Wanda way back when. There certainly has been no glimmer of that in the present. Frustrating.


  35. Vivir
    I forgot to mention that Wanda looked so uncomfortable trying to walk in those very high tacones. Susan

  36. VIVIR

    Andy, thanks so much.

    Your quick powers of observation were on fire with "Monica wears jeans??? Wow!" I did not notice that and thank you for pointing that out. I'm shocked!

    This bears repeating in its entirety: "Doris does have a very shady past, doing Becky's bidding, eventually being part of something that got poor Ramiro killed, canoodling with Icky for an apartment and "gifts" without any wifely burdens of child care, housekeeping, etc. But, hey, the poor girl is an orphan, sort of, and is trying to find her way in life without an excess of functioning brain cells. And she's really cute and loves Sebas". You were fair, accurate and unbiased in listing Doris' offenses (loved "without any wifely burdens"). However, do I sense the tiniest trace of a tilt in your objectivity in her defense? :) I also agree Doris must come clean about her role in what happened to Ramiro.

    "If Monica were to tell someone the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, would she be so shocked at herself that she would lose the ability to speak, at least for a while?" Wouldn't that be a marvelous sight to behold?

    Santi and Sandra were fun, weren't they? A clever twist I never saw coming...


  37. Vivir

    Thanks again Diana and Omni. It did come out of left field, but a Santi/Sandra pairing is cute. Santi is turning his life around. Now if only he would come forth with the truth about Dulce's murder and Misael's theft of the safe contents.

    So the villagers can't read, but two of the hydroponic workers were given written instructions on how to continue their agricultural farming. As a wannabe farmer (that has thrown in the towel this year on her veg patch due to a month of drought and infestations of vine borers and now the pesky leaf footed bugs) the plants would not be that big in the week or so they have been there. I guess maybe it has been a month, but ordering the greenhous tunnels and assembling them had to account for part of that month.

    Diana, I caught the rotary phone too. My 4 and 7 y.o. great nephews enjoyed playing with mine on their overnight stay. I didn't connect it to my land line though as they were happy enough just spinning the dial. My grandsons always like to call people on it when they come to my house.

    Andy, I missed seeing Monica's jeans. Not worth viewing the episode again for it though. I'll keep an eye out for it. I don't recall a glass in her hand this episode either.

  38. VIVIR

    Thanks Kat.

    "So the villagers can't read, but two of the hydroponic workers were given written instructions on how to continue their agricultural farming" is a great point and had me smiling away.

    I remember my pink "princess" rotary phone as a prized possession decades ago!

    Ahhh, Monica in jeans AND minus her glass! I hadn't noticed that either. Will wonders never cease?! Great catch.


  39. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana for another fun, snappy, and witty recap! I could feel your surprise while reading when it got to the new Santi and Sandra pairing! I am surprised too, but also pleased because jerk Gabriel didn't deserve Sandra and I was afraid he'd get her by default.

    I agree that the whole villager scene with Angel and JE is a little on the condescending side. I like the idea of themes like this in novelas, because we should all help each other it's good to model/encourage it, but somehow, they never quite hit the right note and balance when they put the idea into play and actually film the scenes. But who knows, maybe the next one or the one after that. I do like the message that rich businessmen (maybe not the ones whose companies are bankrupt, or not bankrupt this week?) should give back.

    Renato wasn't wrong in what he said to Rebeca, but somehow, he still came across to me as arrogant, it grated.

    I agree with the comments above, why isn't Mati using that phone Fatima gave her? Is she still struggling with misplaced loyalty to mama? It's one thing to know your mother is in the wrong, it's another to advertise it to the world! She might hold out until she absolutely HAS to tell, and we have a locked door danger waiting in the wings to give her a reason!

    Color me SHOCKED, Brayan actually DOES care about violating his restraining order!!!!! I should take back all the stuff I said about that paper being pointless... I should, but I won't! ;) We still have time for him to change his mind. Horrible, that his focus is still on Mati as a way to hurt Lucas! 

  40. VIVIR

    Thank you for your always lovely support Darcy.

    I'm still a bit shocked about Santi and Sandra but you are totally on poin in that "...jerk Gabriel didn't deserve Sandra and I was afraid he'd get her by default" which was also my fear.

    "Renato wasn't wrong in what he said to Rebeca, but somehow, he still came across to me as arrogant, it grated". Thank you for noting that. His arrogance WAS something that annoyed me in the beginning and I didn't like seeing it resurfacing even though it was toward Beca.

    I keep waiting for Mati to realize, hey we are prisoners here and can't escape! The other shoe will surely drop, something bad is going to come of this I say worriedly.

    Still worried about what Brayan is going to do to Mati. Another anvil hanging in the breeze.


  41. Vivir
    All is well with the Dynamic Duo back doing their thing; much appreciated! (And thanks everyone for the generous comments about my barebones fill-in).

    Santi and Sandi, perfect together? As Andy noted, new job, first customer, and she goes for the cheeks. Bold move!

    Outraged Sebas overlooked the excellent point raised by Niecie — Doris lied to his face as to even knowing Reb.
    Hope they don’t go with Doris being pregnant, but wary since the blowup happened on the heels of trip to the bedroom.
    I too forgot about Icky. Ick.

    Don’t get why Reb is so stuck on name change, unless some material benefit?
    Don’t get why Romina wants custody, unless for child support $$$$?

  42. Vivir

    Diana and friend, welcome back. Terrific storytelling.

    Even if Wanda were lying about not knowing Pedrito's whereabouts, the boy is still Misael's son and he should do something for him. Instead Misael is "wah wah wah!" about his mom and Rebeca. Crybaby.

    Refino jumped in the cast from out of nowhere. Does Adolfo have a clue that Monica keeps henchies on standby for years?

    At least Elena is wondering if Rebecca doped her. I was relieved the doc gave her the true results. I too kept looking at the doc's hair and hoping he was too old and principled to take a bribe if Rebecca offered one.

    Kat in SC, my condolences on the passing of your consuegra. May she rest in peace.

  43. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Clara! Such nice words, greatly appreciated.

    Loved 'Santi and Sandi, perfect together? As Andy noted, new job, first customer, and she goes for the cheeks. Bold move!" I still need to process this a bit further but like so many others, I'm glad she isn't going to end up with Gabriel.

    As you wisely pondered "Don’t get why Reb is so stuck on name change, unless some material benefit?" Beca always has some ulterior motive, doesn't she??


  44. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you.

    "Even if Wanda were lying about not knowing Pedrito's whereabouts, the boy is still Misael's son and he should do something for him". Amen to that!

    "I too kept looking at the doc's hair and hoping he was too old and principled to take a bribe if Rebecca offered one" was great. :)


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of this morning's episode.

    *Ugly confrontation between Maricruz, Octavio, Miguel & Nutjob Lucia.

    *Maricruz & Buji Blondie discussing something that I couldn't comprehend.

    *Octavio visiting Miguel & Nutjob Lucia in the hospital room of Miguel & Nutjob Lucia's kid.

    *Octavio & Miguel discussing the boring usual situation regarding Miguel's relationship with Nutjob Lucia & his son, Miguel, Jr.,

    *Maricruz inside her office phoning some folks, etc.,

    *Octavio & Maricruz will be endgame.

    *Maricruz discussing the hostile situation regarding Nutjob Lucia with Buji Blondie.

  46. VIVIR #99 Part 1

    Misael grabs Rebeca, putting a gun to her throat. She tries in vain to assuage his anger, calling him “mi amor” but he angrily spits out that what he wants is to kill her and snarls “adios Rebeca”! Seemingly still not breaking a sweat, Rebeca tells him it would be foolish to kill her…and asks him to lower the gun. Misael reluctantly does but hisses that she can’t always have control and play everyone as she pleases because vengeance arrives when one least expects it. If he shoots her, he is sure everyone will be grateful (as I sheepishly grin in agreement). Misael declares that shooting her is too quick; he wants to see her destroyed slowly. When Rebeca tells him that she wants them to continue with their plans, he scoffs; but she persists opining that if everyone thinks he hates her, no one will suspect that they are allies. Only together will they be able to destroy JE. Misael tells her that JE isn’t even there. To rub salt into her wound, he says that at this moment, JE is probably enjoying his love with Angel. Rebeca goes on relentlessly but Misael rebukes everything she says and finally orders her to get out! She pleads but he points to the door and then physically removes her as her face mirrors her shock.

    Rebeca, looking only the tiniest bit shaken, goes to her office and muses that she needs another strategy to get that contract.

    JE and Angel say their goodbyes to Najeli (the sweet little girl) and Julia, admitting to having fallen in love with JE, realizes the only one he can love is Angel. JE hugs her and wishes her the best as does Angel. They thank the spiritual leader who blesses them. As they walk away, the spiritual leader prophetically commenting “Two arrived and THREE depart!” (hmmm)…Julia stares after them and then smiles.

    Monica asks the mirror who is the fairest in the land. Oops, sorry, wrong fairy tale. She is trying to convince herself that Misael has come to his senses and will forget the Cabaret girl.

    Cris is glad that Adolfo still looks after Monica. He asks her to sit and tells her that he only worries about Monica because she is his son’s mother…he was never in love with her. They talk about JE and Angel returning as Elena is in the hospital. Adolfo is clearly excited to see his son again. He is (rightfully) worried that JE won’t like Misael’s return to the company. Cris shares his concern with Misael returning but Adolfo argues that he wants to give him his vote of confidence…he wants Misael to walk the straight and narrow (as viewerville collectively roll their eyes).

    In an unaired scene, Fatima isn’t doing well as a cook but Luciano encourages her. He doesn’t love her for her cooking; he loves her because of her heart. Fatima knows he misses the kids and assures him that the situation is only temporary.

    Romina (finally) comes home as Mati and Javi complain about being locked in and not able to communicate with anyone. Romina tells them she will get the password and have the internet reinstated. Romina suggests that tomorrow afternoon she will take them to a place where they can play while she goes to the office. As Mati uses her phone, predator Brayan obtains her location as he and his jackals cackle.

    Santi, Gi and Armando arrive to see Elena. Santi kisses his mother’s forehead and tearfully apologizes for leaving, asking her to forgive him. Elena puts her hand on his cheek as the two embrace. Armando mentions his daughter, Doris as a surprised Santi asks, “Doris is tu hija?” Gi gives them an update on what has transpired between Armando and Doris. Gi is supportive and Elena is happy for them.


  47. VIVIR #99 Part 2

    Doris cries a river of tears as a concerned Wanda stops her. Doris tells her about her breakup with Sebas as Wanda hugs and comforts her friend.

    Sebas is welcomed warmly by Don Emilio. Sebas asks him to enumerate everything that needs to be checked. Don Emilio invites him to sit, clearly worried about Sebas’s attitude. Sebas confides that a bad woman broke his heart and he needs to work to not think about her. Don Emilio furrows his brows, concern clearly reflected in his eyes.

    Jimena and David talk to Armando who reveals the bank approved her loan to open the pizzeria. When Jimena calls Renato to share her news, she notes his somber mood so he tells her about Elena being in the hospital. “Pobre Elena” Jimena declares. After hanging up, Jimena sighs as she wonders if only Renato would realize she is in love with him.

    When Jimena arrives home, Renato is waiting for her outside and hands her a rose to celebrate getting the loan. As they stroll off, arm in arm, Icky lurks in the background, watching and scowling.

    Gi tries to soothe Elena asking that she please not worry. Elena cries how wrong she was in not listening to them; she was mistaken in defending and believing in Rebeca! Gi realizes that Elena now sees who Rebeca really is. Elena doesn’t understand why Rebeca is like that! She was so happy to find Frida but now realizes she was very mistaken. Gi tells her that Elena is not at fault…she just needs to consider Santi and Angel who turned out to be so good. As Elena cries that she was so blind and hurt them so much…Angel, standing at the door looking stricken, listens as Elena continues that she couldn’t apologize for saying such horrible things to Angel. When she adds that she couldn’t even tell Angel how much she loves her, Angel rushes to her mother saying that she loves her too.

    The mother and child reunion continues…Elena is the happiest woman in the world. Angel is fortunate to have her and has nothing to forgive her for because she knows Elena loves her as much as she loves her. Te amos are exchanged as a delighted Gi and JE look on.

    Luciano is down in the dumps so Fatima tried to encourage him; she promises to be with him. She suggests he call the children and when he does, Mati tells him their mother took them to an incredible place (a gamers paradise). Javi grabs the phone and happily confirms. They will talk soon.

    Brayan impinges on Mati and Javi’s space, performing a few acrobatics to impress. He asks if he can stay and watch. Mati thinks she has seen him but (unfortunately) doesn’t remember where and does not object. She continues to show off her mad skillz.

    Angel calls Santi and tells him she will stay with their mother. When Angel asks Elena why she took sedatives, Gi asks Elena to tell the truth before leaving. Elena admits that Angel’s hermana, Rebeca, put something in her juice. Angel is flabbergasted that Elena was run over because of Rebeca.

    Cris paces as Don Emilio asks her to calm down. She is worried that JE hasn’t called so he tells her JE and Angel went to see Elena. When Petra come in with a salad for Monica, Cris offers to take it to her.


  48. VIVIR #99 Part 3 of 3

    In a cringeworthy performance, Monica pleads with Adolfo to stay with her. He tells her he will do no such thing! She reminds him that they are not divorced yet but Adolfo insists that she not refer to him as her “husband” in front of everyone. She tries to seduce him…and when she sees Cris, she forces a kiss on Adolfo! Naturally Cris misinterprets what she sees and leaves the salad, quietly saying she will let them continue whatever they were doing. Adolfo runs after her and tries to explain but she refuses to listen. She firmly bids him “buenos noches” and leaves.

    Angel thinks Rebeca is crazy…and is sure that when she previously fell ill it was because of Rebeca too. Elena flashes back to Rebeca giving her tea and doesn’t know why Rebeca would behave in such a way. When she chastises herself, Angel asks her to stop blaming herself for something that happened years ago. JE then tells her that Rebeca threw herself down the stairs and blamed Angel but a video proved otherwise. Elena thinks Rebeca is sick with hate and envy.

    Wanda calls Misael and asks if he has talked to his mother, but he spews that she and that bastard who is not his can go to hell! He slams inside his apartment and Rebeca is waiting for him in a black negligee. Does he throw her out into the hall without her street clothes?? Nopis. Proving that the line between love and hate is indeed razor thin, he caves like the weak coward he is, letting hormones rather than rationale rule him and starts kissing her.

    As stomachs roil, Rebeca tells Misael they may have their differences but she loves him.

    Brayan is playing games with Mati and Javi when they are told that it’s closing time.

    Luciano thinks the kids are enjoying themselves. Fatima suggests they enjoy themselves too.

    Mati tries calling Romina, thinking she’s forgotten about them. Brayan sees that they are alone and nefariously thinks he can continue his plan. He offers Mati and Javi a ride and they foolishly agree to go with him. He hands them helmets, (safety first right?) and they head out on his motorcycle, roaring through the streets.

    Luciano is trying to watch TV but is worried about the children. Fatima tells him they are probably asleep so he decides to call in the morning. Fatima offers to spend the night as they start the preliminary prerequisite kissing. She seems to change her mind about staying but Luciano changes it back as he picks her up and she giggles delightedly.

    JE and Angel are still with Elena when Renato and Jimena arrive. After they chat about the missionary experience, Jimena hugs Angel and she and Renato leave. JE goes after Renato and thanks Renato for what he did for him and Angel. Renato crosses his arms but wishes him and Angel well. Con permisso Renato says, turning away and as Jimena gives JE a little wave, they walk on.

    A heartfelt thank you to my friend who once again has brought the dialogue to vivid life adding so much meaning to the recap. Rather than my being purposefully vague or trying to guess, it is such a relief that her masterful translations are perfectly reflective of the action.


  49. Vivir. Another excellent recap, Diana and Omni! Loved "he and his jackals cackle!" I wonder if Misael's words to Rebeca about not being able to put off punishment forever are foreshadowing. And of course the native spiritual leader must be right that Angelli is expecting. Isn't he always? Ho hum: Cris, Adolfo and Monica. Yet another example of someone seeing an embrace at exactly the wrong time and misinterpreting what it was. It happens all the time in this novela! Yep, Diana, Brayan may be a thug and a kidnapper, but at least he gives his victims helmets before putting them on his motorcycle. What a responsible bad guy!

  50. Vivir
    Gracias Diana and Omni, incredible how you knock out your stylish recaps so quickly!
    Loved “wrong fairy tale.”

    Brayan provides helmets and respects restraining orders. What a guy.

    As for Adolfo, Monica, and Cris, Monica dropped one of her random philosophical musings when Adolfo chased after Cris to explain the non-kiss. Monica muttered to herself: we live in a world where graffiti is a crime, but killing a bull is an art. Monica’s mind always seems to be churning.

  51. VIVIR

    Thank you so much SpanProf!

    "I wonder if Misael's words to Rebeca about not being able to put off punishment forever are foreshadowing" seem exactly right! Her reckoning can only be delayed so long.

    "Brayan may be a thug and a kidnapper, but at least he gives his victims helmets before putting them on his motorcycle. What a responsible bad guy!" had me nodding and smiling in agreement.

    I always savor your wise observations!


  52. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you!

    Your razor sharp comments including "Brayan provides helmets and respects restraining orders. What a guy" were great.

    "Monica muttered to herself: we live in a world where graffiti is a crime, but killing a bull is an art. Monica’s mind always seems to be churning." Thank you so much for translating that! The mysterious musings of Monica's mind are certainly beyond me! :)


  53. Vivir de amor

    Diana, "Monica asks the mirror who is the fairest in the land." This made me laugh out loud. The Wicked Witch talking into the mirror! Thank you!

    Even the "good guys" in this novela are annoying. I don't blame Sebas for being annoyed, or even more than that, but the day before he was daydreaming of a HEA with Doris, and now she is dirt? Without even a word of discussion? Has he been taking lessons from JE on how to deal with women?
    Although, as I said, I don't blame him for being annoyed.

    "She tries to seduce him… and when she sees Cris, she forces a kiss on Adolfo! Naturally Cris misinterprets what she sees and leaves the salad, quietly saying she will let them continue whatever they were doing. Adolfo runs after her and tries to explain but she refuses to listen."

    Monica then said something like "We live in a world where painting graffiti is a crime and killing a bull is an art." What? What??

    Well, at least the novela is being somewhat fair, not just dissing the guys; Cris is just as silly about judging Adolfo when she sees him talking with Monica, his ex-wife of almost 30 years of marriage.

    I have come to the conclusion that hell is being vanished to a telenovela and falling in love way, way, way before the ending.


  54. Vivir
    Thanks Diana and Omni. I couldn't get the last few minutes to replay on my DVR so you of course filled in the blanks. I may try again but since you 2 are so comprehensive l feel like I saw it all.

    I almost wrote some notes as I watched to make a comment, and the thing I wanted to write was ' mirror mirror on the wall....' you did me one better with your, wrong fairytale!

  55. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so very much.

    One of the greatest gifts in life is that of laughter. To know that I made you laugh makes me very happy.

    "Well, at least the novela is being somewhat fair, not just dissing the guys; Cris is just as silly about judging Adolfo when she sees him talking with Monica, his ex-wife of almost 30 years of marriage" was insightful and your example was perfect.

    "I don't blame Sebas for being annoyed, or even more than that, but the day before he was daydreaming of a HEA with Doris, and now she is dirt? Without even a word of discussion?" are excellent questions that deserve an answer. Whatever happened to frank honest exchanges and giving someone the opportunity to explain? Sadly, it does seem he's "... been taking lessons from JE on how to deal with women". In truth, Doris does have some things she needs to admit to and atone for (primarily Ramiro) but I feel that she will. I am rather confident that she and Sebas can patch things up.


  56. VIVIR

    Thank you Kat!

    I'm glad we were able to fill in the last few minutes that you missed.

    I got such a kick out of Monica's "mirror, mirror" moment and just couldn't resist. She is such a character! Her words are often nonsensical but I always take her seriously as she has an evil, grasping mind and soul.


  57. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana! Your recap is amazing as always and your humor is spot on! I too love 'wrong fairytale'! Lol I certainly hope this isn't anyone's idea of a fairytale.

    I always chuckled at: 'I have come to the conclusion that hell is being vanished to a telenovela and falling in love way, way, way before the ending.' Good one Andy!!

    Elena finally woke up and is seeing Rebeca clearly! Yay!! She even admitted to Angel that Rebeca drugged her!

    Aw, children! So precious, and such short memories! Mother has them imprisoned for multiple days but by the time dad calls they have finally been taken to do something fun, so everything is wonderful and all they tell daddy is they are having a fabulous time!!!! Sigh

    What is Brayan going to do next? I'm nervous, but also genuinely curious. I can see him going the kidnap/horror route, but I could also see him just driving Mati and Javi home and saying good night with a smile, building up a relationship before making a move - the playing with your food route... we shall see.

  58. VIVIR

    I so appreciate your warm words Darcy!

    "Aw, children! So precious, and such short memories! Mother has them imprisoned for multiple days but by the time dad calls they have finally been taken to do something fun, so everything is wonderful and all they tell daddy is they are having a fabulous time!!!! Sigh" was perfectly descriptive and had me nodding in vigorous agreement. The allure of gaming escapes me but not surprising considering I am decades older than Mati :)

    Elena SEEMS to be making progress but she seems to take one step forward and several back. Here's hoping she breaks that pattern.

    Because such a big deal is being made of the locked door I'm thinking this is Brayan's chance to make his move. I'd rather he go with the "play with your food route" (love it) but the children being left alone seems (sadly) to be providing an opportune time. I keep recalling Brayan skewering Lucas so readily admit I'm very nervous. :(



  59. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Witness Protection (vivid translations). The show was fun; your recap was divine. My faves: jackals cackle,impinges, mad skillz,and preliminary prerequisite kissing.

    The truest words Misael has spoken in 99 episodes: everyone would be grateful if his gun went Pew! Pew! Pew! on Rebeca. Unintentional comedy: Reb coaching gun safety and reminding him the gun could go off while begging for her life. If only Dulce had thought of that…

    Before quizzing the mirror on the fair population (most clever, Diana), M贸nica told Rufino, “Good job!” via phone. We weren’t privy to what that task might have been.

    Brayan and his ilk get the slang/vocabulary corner of the day. Throughout the series, the Eminem-looking one has been wearing Parkour gear. From the interwebs: Parkour is a way of moving from one place to another as quickly and as efficiently as possible by means of jumping, vaulting, climbing and other such things. Later, Mati asks Brayan if he’s into Parkour after he dips and slides around @ the arcade. More on that later. The thugs celebrate their malfeasance by shouting “¡Bazuca!” which sounds even dopier than it reads.

    I’ve always liked Gi, but she’s on the brink of doing too much with all her family coaching and wannabe-therapist advocating. Elena is laid up because her succubus spawn drugged her and had her playing human bumper cars in the streets. Now Gi wants to talk about unbreakable bonds?!! Read the room, Toots! The HOSPITAL room, no less. Note: this was before the heartbreaking one-on-one between the 2 friends and Ang’s arrival.

    What in the world will Jimena name her new Pizza Hut? Please place your bets now.
    Will stalker Icky burn it down before its first slice is served? Stay tuned.

    Perhaps Mati didn’t recognize Brayan at the arcade because he swooped in with the craziest head wrap on daytime television! ¿QTH? Did he steal this from Renato’s wedding ensemble? Attn: Mati & Javi! Your first red flag has been delivered.

    Cliche Corner: The MAC (M贸nica Adolfo & Cris) misunderstanding. NEXT!

    I’m surprised Rebeca wasn’t wearing lingerie from Naca’s Secrets when she seduced Mis. I really do hope this is just part of his endgame. He’s already done away with:
    •Symmetrical Hairdos.
    Please please please let Rebeca be next.

    Brayan has no discernible partner or children or even nieces or nephews yet he carries not 1 but 2 helmets for young adults. I don’t know much about street cred, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t the way to attain it. I can’t wait to see what he does with his prey. Despite the helmets/beanies, the writers have set up an intriguing predicament. More on them later.

    JE & Ang are on the back burner, and that is fine. Great to see Petra. Where is Primitivo?

    Had we but known M贸nica was going to be so quotable, we would have set up “M贸nica’s Musings.” Thanks, Diana. I will be using that moving forward.

    Old Stuff: I hate that I missed the deadline for Episode 9&. Great episode, recap, and comments. I would be remiss if I didn’t give kudos to the writers. I was pleasantly surprised by the Santi/Sandra pairing. That was fantastic! I usually give them the blues for their sloppiness, but this was a home run! It’s a relief that undeserving Tiger Beat won’t get our favorite Age Shifter by default.

  60. VIVIR

    O.S., you brought the sizzling heat today; your comments were total fire.

    I belly laughed at "Perhaps Mati didn’t recognize Brayan at the arcade because he swooped in with the craziest head wrap on daytime television! ¿QTH? Did he steal this from Renato’s wedding ensemble?" Scorchingly hysterical.

    "the Eminem-looking one has been wearing Parkour gear" was fab. Also, who knew about "Parkour"? Well you obviously, thank you for sharing that! You are a wealth of information...

    "succubus spawn", "Naca’s Secrets", "MAC" and "Symmetrical Hairdos" were inspired among many others.

    Yes, Brayan having the extra helmuts was inexplicable :) That said, I am very worried as to what he has planned.

    O.S., if you don't write professionally, you should consider it.

    Thank you for starting my day off for your always witty ad uplifting comments!


  61. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and friend. What a great recap. Loved the wrong fairytale comment. What else to wonder about when sitting in front of a mirror!

    I was disappointed in Sebas’s reaction mainly because he was around when JE made all those mistakes. But I’ve always felt Doris was well aware of Rebeca’s plans for Angel and other victims. I never felt she should just jump from that to a HEA.

    Cris has done the same thing and she definitely should know better. For one, she pretty much knows what her sister is like. I really thought she saw Monica basically grab Adolfo and kiss him. Plus she has been a witness to much of Rebeca’s plots.

    So Missel doesn’t think he’s Pedrito’s dad. I wasn’t sure of that and wondered why he didn’t approach Wanda with the kids or do a dna test.

    I think Brayan will threaten Lucas with the fact that he has the kids to have him do something for him. Not sure though. But maybe Luciano can get custody after this.

    Elena finally realizes everyone else is right about Rebeca. I’m anxiously awaiting the confrontation. My thought on the name change is it will guarantee that the restaurant will be hers. But she just blew that.

    Misael holds fast to his hate and revenge plans until Rebeca appears in a nightgown!


  62. Vivir

    O.S., I had to stop by to thank you for the morning giggles . Your comments are a treat to read. I think I remember seeing the word Parkour the shirt of one of Brayan's minions . It was pragmatic That Rebel without a comb had a helmet for both of his easy riders . I had the weird vibe that he might not hurt these two clueless innocents because deep down Brayan isn't all rotten Reb.

  63. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Ya'll have delivered a brilliant recap. Adding to the great lines my Caraymates have cited, "As stomachs roil, Rebeca tells Misael..." made me howl.

    Misael gets the award for biggest mess in this TN.

    Jimena was so cute in her white double-breasted mohair coat actually skipping as she went to meet up with Renato. Her "in love" is definitely showing.

  64. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz!

    "But I’ve always felt Doris was well aware of Rebeca’s plans for Angel and other victims. I never felt she should just jump from that to a HEA". I cannot argue with your savvy rationale. I have also felt Doris should have atonement in her future and it looks as though it is happening now. I do see her and Sebas together but not right away.

    You are right in that Cris DOES know who her sister is. She also knows who Adolfo is, especially his good, kind and noble character.

    I'm also surprised Misael didn't even bother to get a DNA test for a child who looks exactly like him. Not the brightest bulb.


  65. VIVIR

    Susan, "Rebel without a comb had a helmet for both of his easy riders" was wry and wonderful.

    Given his vicious stabbing of Lucas, Brayan remains a terrifying, looming threat.

    I'm imagining all kinds of things he might do but I'm keeping them to myself. I hope whatever he has planned is thwarted. And quickly.


  66. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you for your kind words.

    "Jimena was so cute in her white double-breasted mohair coat actually skipping as she went to meet up with Renato. Her "in love" is definitely showing". Yes, she was skipping! Also, thank you for noting her beautiful coat! I hope she still has it on during today's show.

    "Her in love is definitely showing" perfectly described her glow. Now all Renato needs to do is follow it... :)

