
Monday, July 22, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of July 22, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. conde

    As I wrote last week, I will recap tonight's episode.

    Just read dondi's Friday recap and have some comments and questions.

    Is Cayetana going to be the classic "other woman"? For me it's up in the air. From what I've seen, I don't think they've ever been sexual partners. Obviously, she loves him. But she hasn't been the habitually nasty other woman to Mari.

    I get the sense that at least part of Ale's plan with Pedro is so that Lucrezia will see what a self-centered narcissist Pedro is, thus getting some payback for her...along with his own.

    Nanny worries me. She already tried to mess up Ale and Mari's relationship back in the day. I suppose she wouldn't want Gerardo to know about David because she would protect Mari, but she's still got that "servant who's more classist than her bosses" thing going on.

    Also loved "betrayal loading", dondi. But it's going to be hard for Pedro to betray Ric since he's in on the whole scheme.

    I was also convinced David was Ale's offspring. I thought so when we saw him as a baby. but, like Susan, I didn't do the math and have watched a lot of telenovelas.

    Kat and Susan: I go back to the beginning of Caray, Caray. I was OBSESSED with Amor Real. I think I googled it or something and found Melinama's (Chapel Hill Fiddler's) recaps on her blog Pratie Place. From what I remember, she got such a number of comments that she felt it was overwhelming the rest of her blog. Thus, she created Caray, Caray. So there would be no recaps of Amor Real on Caray, unless someone wrote some after a rerun years later. I don't remember that happening.

  2. OT..Novelera and Kat, I googled " pratie place Amor Real recaps" and found a synopsis of the show that melinama wrote . I couldn't find recaps of the capitulas. Wikipedia also has a synopsis of the telenovela. I am enjoying the reruns on unimas at 5 pm , but I missed a lot of episodes before I realized it was being shown. It was a great show . Susan

  3. conde

    #15 – Part 1 of 3

    We resume with Cayetana’s passionate kiss, followed immediately by Alejandro’s cold stare. “This cannot happen again”, he says. She declares her love. She goes on to say that she felt that he liked the kiss. “I’m a man, and you’re beautiful. But we can’t mix things up.” She tells him that, at first, she thought her feelings were gratitude for help with her career. But now, for her, it’s love. “You deserve a man who will unreservedly love you; I’m not that man. I’ve been dead inside for many years.”

    He leaves and Memo comes in. She tells him what happened. Memo advises her to choose someone else. She swears she’ll get him to fall in love with her. [OK I take back what I said about Cay not being the typical “other woman”.]

    Josefina comes into the room where Antonio and Violeta were starting to get busy just a minute ago. She gets on him about having locked the door. Quick on his feet, he says that he was counting the recent money of the whiskey sales and locked the door to be secure. She’s come to, it seems, make up for treating him like a nobody in front of the American guy. She starts putting the moves on him while Violeta peers around the couch. Josie says that the chain Antonio pretends he bought himself is vulgar and he should return it. She’s about to jump his bones on the couch when some employee comes in.

    Ale tells Memo a hint of his plan for Vicente: hit him where he lives, his greed.

    Carmen, the woman Vicente thinks he killed after he burned her face with a pan of hot liquid, sees her children when they come to choose dresses. Leticia Gallardo, Aldolfo’s daughter in law, is apparently the best dressmaker in San Jacinto. Carmen is rattled by seeing them and accidentally sticks Dolores with a pin (good!). Carmen’s nicer daughter, Lorena, apologizes for the rudeness of her sister.

    Mariana comes to visit Alfredo Gallardo, who’s a perfect gentleman, as always. He explains that he’s now the administrator of his former hacienda. She apologizes for Gerardo’s doubtless pitiful purchase price. Alfredo intuits that Mariana hasn’t forgotten Alejandro. She runs through all the nice things El Conde has done for Alfredo since he arrived, paying his debts and buying back the Gallardo land. She asks if he hasn’t noticed a similarity between the count and Ale. And all those coincidences. He listens but reminds her that he himself brought back Alejandro’s body to bury. She should find someone that would make her happy.

    Amaranta comes to see Paulina and to bring her the painting she admired at Casa Conde. She’s overwhelmed and says she can’t accept. Finally she takes it. Amaranta says she brought the painting as a pretext to talk with her. Warm smiles ensue.

    Carmen is in the confessional, saying she found her girls. She wants to shout to the world that they’re hers. The priest (Ale – back in that monk’s outfit) advises her to move slowly. She tells him that it wasn’t destiny that separated her from her children; their father is a very bad man. Ale advises her to get to know them so that they learn to care for her. [Good luck with Dolores!]

  4. conde

    #15 – Part 2 of 3

    Antonio has gotten back to Violeta after Josie hustled out of there. She tells him that chain IS tasteful. She says that she’s figured him out. He likes Josie because he was an abused child. “She treats you like a dog. You’re afraid of her, and you go after her para menearla la cola (wagging your tail for her). She also announces that she’s no longer in the mood and leaves.

    Paulina and Amaranta chat. Amaranta is amazed that Paulina has been married 17 years. She, Amaranta, wants to be free. Paulina says that, when she was young, she fended off young men by saying she wanted to be a nun! Amaranta tells her she’s very pretty. They’re looking at each other fondly when Josie marches in, insulting Amaranta. She hates the painting and orders Paulina to return it and not have Amaranta in HER home again.

    Spitting venom, Josie tells Antonio how much she regrets choosing Paulina for Felipe and about her having prevented pregnancy all these years. Antonio reminds her that, if she wants a male grandson, there is one available (Pedro). She blows up at the thought of that.

    Carmen speaks to Leticia. This is the first time she’s broken her vow of silence, and Leticia is very happy. They look at the possible dress choices for Dolores and Lorena. Leticia praises her work, and they embrace.

    Josie has brought around a new candidate for Felipe’s wife, one Raquel Vallarta. She’s pretty, 22, and seems interested (why?). Josie has had Felipe leave campaign HQ to meet this chica. Felipe suggests he and his mother go together to get the drinks, and he’s What? Josie tells him her plan. Paulina is listening at the door, one of the few times in TNs when I’m happy about it.

    While Josie is raving about Felipe’s wonderful career as a campaign manager, Paulina walks in, all sweetness and light. She introduces herself as Felipe’s wife, calls him mi amor, and kisses him on the cheek. She asks the girl’s age and smiles, saying they have a daughter just a bit younger. The expression on Josie’s face…priceless.

    Ale is with Pedro, who not so subtly asks about his inheritance. Ale explains that most of the money is in Spain. He also mentions “el castillo", "tú castillo", and Pedro has to pretend to remember it. Ale offers to go to Europe with Pedro (I keep forgetting the fake name) to help him.

    Gerardo calls his wife into the Living Room. [It drives me nuts the way he calls her Marianita. She’s an adult, sophisticated woman; I hate the diminutive.] He waves an invitation in front of her for another social event the Conde has planned. It’s to be lunch at the Hotel Altamirano to present the “Marqués”. She demurs; he insists.

    No moss grows on Amaranta. She tells Ric she’s not happy with the “job” she’s been given by Ale, to become friends with the wife of Felipe Zambrano. Apparently, Ric has some insight into what makes Amaranta tick. “Ah! You like her! But she’s married; you can’t mess with her.” Amaranta tells him that the Count manipulates everyone. “He better not want me to harm Paulina!”

  5. conde

    #15 – Part 3 of 3

    Paulina confronts Josie. “Hope I didn’t spoil your plans. You’re always so correct about things, but it didn’t bother you a bit bringing that mujercita here to flirt with Felipe…when he’s not single.” Josie brings up the lack of a male grandchild. She tells Paulina to get a divorce and leave. Paulina: “Yes, but first you’ll give me my inheritance. The day I leave, it will be with my daughter and all the money you took from me. Otherwise, no divorce.”

    Felipe asks Paulina what that show of affection was all about. She replies that it was to put Josie in her place. He threatens her.

    Dolores shows up to throw herself at David, probably because she thinks he’ll be the son of the President of Mexico. He has to keep getting out of her clutches, avoiding a kiss, and finally tells her he’s in love with someone else. She tells him she’ll never forgive him. [Like he led her on….please.]

    Ale looks at Mari’s photo in his Revenge Room, telling it she doesn’t know how he’s fought to get her out of his heart. But he can’t stop loving her.

    Nanny (Adela) tells Mari it hurts her that Mari didn’t tell her about David’s real father. Mari insists that she didn’t dare tell anyone. “I hope you don’t think I married Gerardo to cover my pregnancy.” [Hmmm. I think that’s what Viewerville thought. Wonder what other reason it could be.]

    Pedro is all dressed up in his new suit. Ric gives him a nice watch, a present from the Count. Pedro says that the bulk of his inheritance is in Spain, and there are cousins there who would recognize he was not the real Marqués. But, overconfident as always, Pedro tells Ric he’ll get the Count to trust him and then he’ll give him his inheritance.

    At the hotel Ale introduces Josie to the “Marqués”. Wearing a fedora (indoors!) Pedro kisses her hand. Felipe approaches, and we see father and son exchange cynical smiles. Gerardo approaches to round out the three generations of jerks. Some curvy woman across the way gives Gerardo a come hither look, and he excuses himself. He joins her in the bathroom, and it looks like it’s on! Whoops! Mariana and Cayetana come in.

    In the lobby area Gerardo starts babbling lies. She tells him she saw what he was doing. What she objects to is that it was in the hotel, a complete lack of discretion. [It’s pretty clear she doesn’t give a rat's patootie who he boinks, just that he’s an embarrassment.]

    Memo catches Amaranta snooping. She tells him she wants the truth.

    Felipe tries to talk Josie down from the plan to get rid of Paulina in the middle of a presidential campaign. She says she’ll wait until Sofia goes back to Paris and then…she’ll do the necessary thing. [Well, Josie is in for a surprise because Sofia is kind of in love with Javier Gallardo.] At some point Josie has told Felipe the reason for her insistence on a male child. She’s afraid Sofia would pick some guy she doesn’t approve of and inherit all her ill-gotten gains.

    Josie once again visits the bruja for some undetectable poison. My fingers and toes are crossed that she fails. I really like Paulina.

  6. Conde

    Novelera, thank you for that excellent recap with all the details .

    Wow, Gerardo is a sleazy weasel ,and Mar probably prefers him getting busy with anyone else but her.

    Ale gazes at Mar's photo ,and he admits that he still loves her . hmmm, how soon will his icy facade melt , and the two fall into each other's arms. However, in true telenovela fashion , Cay is hopelessly in love with el conde . Here we go .

    Seeing both Mar and Ale's constant sad faces is disheartening . We need some hope of true love and romance to balance Ale's nonstop, relentless revenge plotting . I hope the writers throw us a few crumbs .

    I have seen Chantal Andere play a lot of villains , but her stony face and avarice is scary. She would kill Antonio and Vi in a minute if she found out about their trysts. Vic would do the same. Clueless , hot to trot Antonio and Vi are playing with fire . Yikes

    Love the scenes of Ale and Memo strategizing in the hidden Revenge Room .


    Novelera: Enjoyed your recap of last night's episode. Something tells me Paulina will be joining the Body Count very soon. I can feel it.

    Susan: I am getting sick of Scumbag Pedro & want him to just DIE already. Dude is going to blow up the revenge plans of The Fake Count AKA Alejandro, Memo & Co., plus Ricardo, I just get a gut feeling Ricardo will be the fall guy when the SHIT hits the fan.

    Dondi356: Amaranta better WATCH HER BACK.

  8. conde

    MANY thnks, novelera, for this splendid recap! I found it insightful and very helpful.

    So it looks as if Cayetana did indeed write the script that she asked Ale to read with her. She's no dummy, and I fear she'll create problems for Mariana before things get resolved. I find myself wondering whether Memo and she will fall in love. I'm not sure I'd like that--I'm not a Caye fan, but telenovelas like to tie up loose ends and loose characters.

    It seems increasingly clear that Pau and Amaranta are attracted to each othe. Pau's smelling the shawl that Amaranata left behind left little doubt. I'm rooting for them! I do worry about Josie's plan to kill Pau. That might well have been Pau's fate in earlier telenovelas, but not in 2024. At least, I hope not!

    Thanks for explaining who Carmen is. For a while, I wasn't sure, but last night's episode and your recap made me sure.

    Speaking of Carmen, I know that El Conde seems to be everywhere all at once, but how did he manage to be in the confessional dressed as a priest just as Carmen was there? Indeed, why was Carmen in the confessional at all? Her discussion with "the priest" wasn't about her sins. It seemed to be the kind of conversation she could/should have had elsewhere.

    Though I'm now sure about who Carmen is, I'm still having problems with some of the characters. I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't know that Felipe is Pedro's father. I thought Pedro's father was Ruben. Sigh.

  9. "CONDE"/OT:

    Novelera: I posted my personal thoughts about last night's episode on here earlier this morning. I noticed it's NOT there for some reason.


  10. OT

    Steve, I have asked someone to find your comment and put it back. As you may know, we've had issues like that during the past year or so. I have no idea why this has been happening; and I also do not know how to get comments that have gone to spam and restore them.

  11. conde

    Thanks for the detailed recap, novelera. I love your style. One very small thing: Carmen’s nice daughter is Teresa. Lorena is the Aguilar’s daughter who is sweethearts with David.

    I feel sorry for Cayetana who has blocked out a large part of her early life due to trauma caused by Vic. Are we to blame her for falling in love with Fernando Colunga? At this point, I’m willing to forgive her if she goes slightly astray. That could change. I wouldn’t mind if she has an HEA with Memo. I like Memo. He’s a great guy. Could that change? On this TN, I don’t know.

    Dolores is awful. She needs to be taken down from her high horse. Maybe when her dad’s crimes are exposed. Now she’s going to make trouble for David and Lorena.

    Yes, Juanita, the confessional. Perhaps Carmen was feeling guilty about her vow? Ale can’t absolve anyone’s sins. I hope he didn’t pretend to do that. And how the heck did he know that Carmen would show up? I don’t know about 1952 Mexico but my parish always had a regular schedule for confessions. We stood on line and waited our turn (and hoped to get the “nice” priest). And, yes, it’s not the place to go to for lengthy advice. Maybe you’d get a little “guidance” along with your penance.

    I’m interested to see how far they take Pau and Amaranta.

    I don’t like how Ale’s pursuit of revenge has the huge potential to hurt the innocent. He’s gathered all the victims and he’s using them in the name of justice. Amaranta (I think) claims that Ale is manipulating everyone. Mari is already suffering. At least Memo tweaks Ale’s conscience from time to time.

    This TN makes me want to read the novel again.

  12. Conde

    Gracias, Donde and Novelera for Friday's and Monday's episodes. The teens/20 somethings have been vexing (who's who and Ale's angle with them). Thanks for clearing up the whole cast and how each kid fits in.

    I'm glad Nanny let Mariana know she was hurt that she hadn't chosen her to share her secret. Cayetana is good and caring, but Nanny would walk through fire for her charge.

    I'm sorry that Ale has aimed Amaranta at Cayetana. That's not a hero move. I hope the two women get to run away together and take Cayetana's daughter. But fear Cayetana will be collateral damage in Ale's quest to hit Josie.

    Mariana says she didn't marry Gerardo to hide her pregnancy by Ale. Dear, then please tells us why else you would marry him.

  13. conde

    Other than Mari covering her out of wedlock pregnancy, IIRC Benny Zambrano was on the brink of bankruptcy and Gerardo offered to help. Josie pushed for the marriage to seal the deal.

  14. Conde
    Novelera, thanks for the recap. I read it before viewing as yesterday was a sad day (mi consuegra passed away from cancer), but also eventful as my niece stopped in with her family of 6 at my "B&B" to break up their 11 hour trip back to Ohio.

    Does anyone else find Mariana's eyeliner distracting? Is that how eyeliner was worn in the 50's.

    I really enjoy Amaranta's wardrobe, but that is probably anachronistic also. Paulina deserves a happy relationship, and if it ends up being with her I'm in favor of it.

    I'm enjoying this TN so far. I may pass on continuing to watch Marea de Pasiones though.

    Our Spectrum service keeps going out every time it storms lately... Hopefully it will be restored by air time, but if not the DVR will save it for me.

  15. conde

    Thanks all for the kind words. Susan: I wasn't really expecting any sort of HEA until Fernando, er Ale, said he was still in love. Except for the last couple of months, I haven't watched anything on Univision, so I haven't seen many of Chantal's recent villains. But she's a nasty monster in this one.

    Juanita: Yes, the shawl smelling was significant. Don't worry about identifying all the kiddos. I did the recap with the wiki cast printed out in front of me and still messed up on one.

    dondi: Thanks for the correction on Teresa. I always struggle with the kiddos. Thanks for bringing up Cay's reaction to the cigar smoke. Pedophile Vicente?? I noticed that the same actor who played Dionisio's friend in El Gallo de Oro is also Ale's sidekick. And, yes, the TN does seem to urge us to go back to the source. I listened to The Count of Monte Cristo maaaany years ago on, get this, cassette tapes from the library while I did gardening in my yard.

    Niecie It was Paulina who was Amaranta's target, but ITA in not liking this move on Ale's part. I believe dondi answered our question about why Mari married Gerardo, pushing and maybe a threat to put her out on the street from Josie.

    Kat Sorry about your consuegra. I was one also until my daughter in law's mother passed. I always wished English had such a useful word when trying to explain Phyllis's relationship to me.

  16. conde

    I will do another recap tonight, likely much shorter.

  17. conde

    One more thing. I wanted to mention it in the recap, but forgot. I have vacationed in Spain and in Mexico. Love both countries. I know we're talking about a telenovela, but Alejandro makes no effort to speak like a Spaniard. A Spaniard would use the second person plural when addressing more than one person that he knows well: pedís (you all or you guys ask). And we'd hear a lisping "z" on the regular. I kind of wish Telemundo had tried for that.

  18. conde

    Novelera, I too was wondering about the language issue. Indeed, after watching tonight's episode, I thought I'd come here and mention it, and I found your message, complete with examples of Ale's not using vosotros and the differences in pronunciation.

    I might mention that this same issue is seen in Pedro's passing himself off as a Spanish marquis.

  19. conde

    #16 – Part 1 of 2

    We start with two snakes. Vicente tells Gerardo that David has a serious girlfriend. [He knows this because of Dolores’s despecho (spite).] He says that David seduced Dolores and then dumped her for some other girl. [¿Qué? I’m pretty sure David NEVER was interested.] Then Vicente tries another tack, get “El Marqués” interested in his brazen daughter.

    Amaranta keeps needling Memo about Ale. “He’s cold. When I run his cards, it’s confusing.” Memo tells her that, if he tells El Conde about the snooping, she’s out on her ear. She looks a bit worried.

    Leticia talks about the Garcia girls with Carmen, how they have the bearing of a good family, but the father was a foreman on a hacienda.

    Alfredo Gallardo thinks about what Mariana said to him about the resemblance between the Count and Alejandro Gaitán.

    Cayetana calls Ale out about having set up Gerardo to be caught redhanded in the bathroom. He says he didn’t find the woman; she was Gerardo’s lover before. She asks what Gerardo did to him. [Between Amaranta and Cayetana, Ale has a lot of very devious and curious woman around him.]

    Javier and Carmen bring the Garcia girls’ dresses. Carmen is gazing at a picture of the girls and, startled, drops it.

    Mariana comes to see Ale. She’s come to offer to help him with his charitable work. She mentions having experience managing Gerardo’s properties. These two look at each other, but both try to pretend this is a normal thing.

    Pedro is getting a bigger and bigger head. Soon he’ll outgrow his fedora. Ric tells him to keep a lower profile. When Pedro walks away, Ric smiles and shakes his head, clearly thinking of Pedro’s future downfall.

    Oh no!!! Josie plays nice and brings Paulina tea. She sucks up and apologizes for her behavior about the male heir. Looks like the poison is in the honey. Paulina takes hers without honey.

    Alfredo has come to see Ale and speaks with Lucrecia. She’s nervous. He asks what part of Spain the Count is from and is told Madrid (likely the only city Lucrecia has heard of).

    Then Alfredo goes to place flowers on Guadalupe’s grave. He stands in front of the grave of Alejandro Gaitán and remembers his reluctance to go with him to speak to Benjamin Zembrano to ask for Mari’s hand.

    Gerardo and Mari talk. He’s still trying to smooth over the bathroom incident. She doesn’t want to discuss it. He says she’s the only woman he’s ever loved. It’s her distance that drove him to…. She tells him to stop lying. She knows about all the amorios with his employees and with any woman who crossed his path. He says she hasn’t wanted to please him as a man. She just tells him she doesn’t care what he does and with whom. But he’s not touching her again.

  20. conde

    #16 – Part 2 of 2

    When he tries to get aggressive, Mari threatens to speak up about what the future president of Mexico was doing in the ladies room of a hotel. She’ll stay with him for the children and not ruin his political career. But she’s taking the reins of her life. She announces that she’s the new director of El Conde’s foundation and walks out. [Sendel looks like he’s dying for a cell phone to throw.]

    Caye grills Ale about Mariana’s new job. He’s smooth as ever with her, doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge her jealousy.

    Amaranta confronts Ric about his son, who’s shining shoes in the plaza because he needs money. Why doesn’t he tell the boy who he is?

    Josie has come to scratch her itch with Antonio. She snarls at him about the chain he’s wearing. He tells her she’s making a mistake taking on all these new European orders. They are already at max production and may not be able to fulfill them. [part of Ale’s plan???]

    Alfredo has come to see Alejandro. Cayetana gives him a drink and grins a lot.

    Ric asks Memo’s help in convincing his mother-in-law to let him see his son.

    David is writing about Miguel Aguilar, Gerardo’s opponent for president and the son of parents murdered by Gerardo’s compinche.

    Of course Gerardo has come to ask why the Count gave his wife a job. The jackass says he should have asked him first if it was all right. Ale plays him like a fiddle, touting the benefits of the wife of a candidate doing good works. Ale also promises to keep him informed of everything she does [!]

    Pedro is having a big party in his hotel room, dancing with 3 women. Ric comes to nag him a bit about his excesses.

    Ale tells Memo he’s bought some land. He plans to build a hospital. He also wants to arrange for better nutrition for the children. He tells him about Mariana coming to work with him and that she’ll arrange for some good teachers to come to San Jacinto.

    Cayetana brings the documents about the foundation to Mariana. She also invites herself to be part of the work done. [She wants to keep an eye on Alejandro and Mariana, doubtless sensing something.]

    I love David’s manual typewriter. He’s working on the Aguilar article when Gerardo enters. Gerardo barks that he found out. David’s blood runs cold. But he’s confronting him about the girlfriend Vicente mentioned. David tells his father that he lied to Dolores to get her off his back; there’s no girlfriend. Then Gerardo gets domineering again, telling David that he has to marry a “convenient” woman. David asks if that’s why Gerardo married his mother. Quite seriously Gerardo tells his son that he fell in love with his mother the first time he set eyes on her. But he insists David has to have a strategy for the right wife; if not he’ll pick her out himself.

    Alfredo has come to look Alejandro in the eye and apologize for not helping him with Benjamin Zembrano. He hands Ale the red bag with gold coins. “I know who you are. My former capataz Alejandro Gaitán.”

    I wonder if the writers will keep up the thing he did with Mariana, insist and insist that he’s the Count or whether there’s a chance he’ll tell Alfredo. Alfredo is not on the list of people who betrayed him.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.

    37.) Amaranta is becoming a nagging nuisance & I am getting annoyed with both Amaranta & Ricardo.

    38.) Cayetana getting jealous of Mariana: NOT looking good folks.

    39.) Buji Joise determined to kill Paulina. Noticed Sofie took the tea on the yray: Uh-Oh!

    40.) Scumbag Pedro needs to get his bigly karma anvils ASAP. Dude is going down the rabbit hole.

    41.) Let's see: Alfredo knows Alejandro/Joaquin are the same person. Damn You Blabbermouth Mariana!

    42.) David better grow some backbone ASAP because Scumbag Villarreal will be determined to force David & Bratty Dolores together.

    43.) Scumbag Villarreal campaigning for the Presidency. What could possibly go wrong ?

    44.) Why do I get the feeling that Alejandro's revenge plans will have major deadly collateral damage resulting in innocent people getting killed ?

    45.) Gut feeling that the large group of villains are going to up the ante even further. Assuming this Telenovela is popular with the public in Mexico, could this drag into Summer 2025 ?

    46.) Damn shame about Ricardo's son working as a shoe-shine boy SMH.

    47.) Antonio & Violeta NOT going to be among the living. I can feel it.

    48.) Paulina: You're on borrowed time!

    49.) The slow, methodical approach of seeing Alejandro's revenge plans continue.

  22. Conde

    Novelera, thank you for another great recap as this story unfolds . I had to laugh when you referred to Gerardo as a jackass because I have Been watching reruns of Pasion on Unimas , and a recapper reported that the villain said to his daughter " You can marry that jackass you like so much ." That gave me a giggle.

    I love the scenes of Sergio Sendel and FC together . They both know how to bring the drama.

    I am fascinated by Marjorie Sousa in this novela as she channels Marilyn Monroe in her skintight sheath dresses with plenty of cleavage. Last night she wore a little black pill box hat with her black dress. Her wardrobe is the polar opposite of ABC's full skirted frocks.

    Chantal ( Josie) is truly a wicked witch with her vial of poison in her cleavage. I guess she wasnt worried that her granddaughter might take a sip of that poisoned tea. I am surprised that Antonio has stayed with her all these years. I guess the money and perks are good. If either Josie or Vic finds out that Antonio and Vi are hooking up , they are both dead ducks. Susan

  23. conde

    ¡Muchas gracias! novelera, for this very helpful recap. I loved the humor of statements like "Pedro is getting a bigger and bigger head. Soon he’ll outgrow his fedora" and " [Sendel looks like he’s dying for a cell phone to throw.]" I also am grateful for your including some useful Spanish vocabulary (despecho, compinche).

    I'm not sure how much longer Ale is going to be able to be convincing as El Conde. Mari has already put in Alfredo Gallardo's mind the resemblance between Ale and El Conde, and this prompts Alfredo to remember with regret his failing to help Ale with Mari's father. He comes to apologize to Ale, who as El Conde simply looks at him. I like your point about Alfredo's not being on Ale's list of betrayers, and, like you, I'm wondering whether that will prompt Ale to be honest with Alfredo.

    And then there's Cayetana, who finds yet another reason to doubt that El Conde is who he claims to be. Ale perhaps foolishly says that the woman in the bathroom had been Gerardo's lover in the past. Oops. How does he know this? she asks.

    Speaking of role-playing, I can't believe that Pedro is going to succeed for much longer passing himself off as el Marqués. He has neither the knowledge nor the discipline to succeed in that role.

    I'm hoping that somehow Pau doesn't fall victim to Josie's evil. In last night's episode, I also worried that perhaps Sophia would taste the tea she's bringing to her mother. That didn't happen, but Pau did drink the poisoned tea. The woman who sold the poison to Josie claimed that it worked much faster than the previous poison Josie had bought (which took forever to do in Benjamin).

    I too enjoyed seeing David's manual typewriter. I had one very similar to it, a gift from my father's boss when I graduated high school. The boss had wanted me to come work for him rather than "waste my time" going to college. He didn't understand why I turned him down, but he nonetheless gave me the typewriter.

  24. conde

    Great recap, novelera. Thanks for the vocab.

    Felipe raped Pau, could she be pregnant? Would a dose or two of poison hurt the baby or cause a miscarriage? A baby would get Pau a reprieve.

    I was very nervous for David when Gerardo said he “found out”. The kid looked like he would pee his pants.

    Anxious to find out what Ale will tell Alfredo. I think it would be good if Ale comes clean with him.

    I can’t do a recap tonight, but I can recap Thursday and Friday.

    Kat, I'm very sorry to hear about your consuegra.

  25. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. "Pedro is getting a bigger and bigger head. Soon he’ll outgrow his fedora." lol. I second Juanita citing this choice snark.

    Pedro is incompetent faking noble heirdom, but he's not evil so I feel sorry for him. Not his fault scum Felipe is his dad.

    I have a crazy hope that Amaranta has some real "seeing" power and realizes Paulina is being poisoned.

    Cayetana is getting on my nerves getting pushy with Ale (though understood) and Mariana (completely out of line here). Mujer, Ale's temperature does not rise at all when he's with you and all your curves.

    About the lack of a Spaniard accent, I've tried thinking of a Mexican TN where a character copies the accent and I'm coming up blank.

  26. Conde

    I keep viewing these the next day as last night the storms, not at all intense, knocked out our internet again. Also it is on the same time as Receta and I'm more vested in that one as it is nearing the end.

    Gerardo belongs in the 19th century with his view on his son's future marriage. So glad David isn't actually his son.

    Thank you Dondi for your response about my consuegra. What a useful word I learned early on in my Spanish learning journey. My son's sister in law taught me it when we learned of the cancer diagnosis. Tomorrow I'm back to babysitting duty and I'll see how the 5 y.o. is reacting to his Amah 's passing. She was Taiwanese and we shared babysitting duties of him for his first 4 years. In her honor they found a Chinese immersion elementary school for him. We are now using Duolingo to learn Mandarin together. Spanish is much easier.

  27. conde

    #17 – a Quick and Dirty

    Ale disappoints Viewerville and keeps up the pretense with Alfredo Gallardo, even as Alfredo chokes up saying how hard he tried to get him out of prison.

    Gerardo puffs out his chest and tells Mariana that he spoke with the Count about her supuesto trabajo and agreed it was all right. Mari: “You gave me permission?” Gerardo kind of sneers at what she’ll be doing. When he won’t leave their bedroom, she leaves for some other place to sleep.

    Josie’s crop has been intentionally burned, 1/3 of it. [What do you grow to make whiskey? I know about the agave but she seems to have moved on from tequila.] She reams out Antonio.

    Ric has joined the group comprised of Cayetana and Amaranta bugging Memo about what “the plan” is.

    Vicente and some Asian guy are beating someone up. Violeta comes in without knocking and is shocked.

    Felipe the Weasel is at Casa Conde. Francisco (Pedro) arrives, and there is no call of the blood. Just fake grins. Memo looks on as father and son interact.

    Caye has invited Lucrecia to lunch. Looks like she has a plan to manipulate her for information.

    Ric meets with, I think, Ric Jr’s grandmother. He’s offering humbly to help the boy.

    Violeta confronts Vicente about the beaten guy, who lies saying the guy stole a lot of money from him.

    Javier is in hot water with his father, mother and grandfather. He was expelled from school for not attending classes.

    Ale puts Felipe in charge of guiding El Marqués.

    Mari tells Pau that she shut down her intuition about Gerardo and married him. Now she’s found out what he’s really like.

    Josie tries to maneuver Mari into putting the Count’s charitable funds into HER foundation. She uses the same tone as Gerardo did, hinting she’s not up to the job.

    Violeta tells Antonio about what happened with Vicente and the man who was beaten. Antonio shows his true colors and more or less tells her to ignore it and enjoy the good life. But he does tell her that Vic launders money and is in the opium trade. Violeta ends up dumping Antonio

    Felipe tells Gerardo about his arrangement to guide “Francisco”. At least someone in the novela uses a European Spanish accent, if only to mock it.

    The private eye, or whatever he is, that Gerardo hired tells Gerardo and Felipe that the Count is the real deal. He mentions all the businesses and properties. However, he made the bulk of the money during the war, supplying the Nazis.

    Paulina gets dizzy while talking with her daughter, Sofia.

    Sofia Zambrano and Lorena Aguilar meet. Sofia’s plan is for them to fake spending a lot of time together so that she can see Javier and Lorena can see David.

    Violeta tries to leave Vicente but cannot find her son’s passport.

    Ale meets with Mr. Aguilar (forgot his first name), who is Gerardo’s opponent. He tells him a lot is wrong in Mexico, and he wants to help him win the presidential election.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. My personal thoughts on last night's episode.

    Novelera: Only a matter of time before Paulina joins the growing Body Count & the Big Sky. Blabbermouth Mariana won't have any friends left if trends keep going.

    *Turns out the late Count was supplying the Nazis ugh!

    *Violeta dumping Antonio LOL. Let's see how long that'll last ?

    *Buji Joise still Buji Joise.

    *I hope that private detective can dig up dirt on "Francisco" ASAP.

    *Cayetana's slowly becoming annoying.

  29. Conde

    Novelera and Steve, thank you for the recaos. You cleared up a lot for me..

    Gee, is this the first time that Vi has realized that Vic is a demented ,violent criminal? How long has she Been with him? How old is the son ? I dont think we have ever seen him. I think she met creepy Vic when she was in a bordello. Antonio talked about her being the rumba queen.

    I think young Aguilera is Miguel. I liked this actor very much as a good guy who doesn't get the girl in Minas de Pasiones.

    Was the private detective's report accurate or facts provided somehow by Ale. Did Ale supply the Nazis? Yikes I hope not..

    I still am mixing up the young girls . I know the black haired girl is Vic and Car men's and a terror , but I get brunette Sofia mixed up with the other young brunette . Telenovelas always like to have storylines for the young , the middle aged, and the old.

    Chantal ( Josie) is a real bitter itch in this show. I just watched her as a villain housekeeper seducing Fernando ( Dr. Manuel) in Amor Real on Unimas.

    The 50s fashions and classic cars are a treat to see.

    So odd to watch Fernando as the cold, somber conde, and then see him as pirate RIC in Pasion swordfighting and galloping on his trusty steed. Susan

  30. conde

    Thank you, novelera. Quick and dirty did the trick.

    Whiskey can be made from barley, corn, rye, wheat. There was a NY Times article earlier this year about Mexican whiskey. Mexican whiskey is made from corn, an obvious fit. I guess Josie grows corn.

    Who burned the crops? Would Ale do such a thing? The workers' homes were spared and no one was injured. Why was Antonio so surprised to hear that Josie doesn't give a damn about her employees?

    “Mari tells Pau that she shut down her intuition about Gerardo and married him. Now she’s found out what he’s really like.” She only knows a very small part.

    Interesting that Ale created a background that includes helping the Nazis.

    Pau received an invitation from the Count to look at paintings or something like that. She swore Sofia to secrecy about it. Maybe Pau will feel sick while she's with him and he'll get a doctor for her.

    It’s good to see Violeta has a limit. Wonder if she will help to bring down Vic. She made friends with Cayetana.

    Reminder—I can do the Thursday and Friday recaps. I wish we had more recappers but I’m grateful we have an active patio. We were on life support during ESDLC.

  31. conde

    Thanks VERY much, novelera, for stepping up yet again to recap. Even your "quickie" is extremely helpful and much appreciated.

    The actor playing Alfredo Gallardo has eyes that seem meant for expressing sadness.

    So Violeta finally becomes aware of what a slimeball she has married. It has certainly taken her a while. I think (but am not sure) that at one point in a previous episode she mentioned that her son (Luisito?) is six years old.

    I had a different impression of the meeting between Felipe and "Francisco". I thought there was an extra bit of emphasis on their handshake and the look on their faces that suggested "the call of the blood," at least to me. Not nearly as strong as the one between Ale and David, but there.

    I'm glad that Mari responded negatively to Josie's suggestion that she put El Conde's charity money in her (Josie's) foundation. I doubt we've heard the last of this, however.

    I loved your remark about finally someone using a European Spanish accent. I somehow missed that when it happened.

    Like Susan, I'm wondering what to make of the private detective's report about El Conde, and especially the bit about profiting from working with the Nazis.

    I think I've finally managed to identify the adults in this novela, but like Susan, I'm still mixing up the girls.

    I wonder whether Vicente has taken Luisito's passport as a way of preventing Violeta from leaving him and taking their son.

  32. Conde

    Well, I don't understand Ale's revenge plan , but the plot is percolating . I want Ale's frozen heart to thaw. We need some romance and hope.

    So, the private detective reported the conde's background that Ale fabricated.

    Yes, I knew whiskey was made from rye, but I didn't realize it could also be made from corn, wheat, and barley, too. The farmers in my area grow a lot of grains , but we don't have whiskey distilleries here. We do have a lot of wineries and beer making .

    I haven't seen a historical novela in years , except for " El Gallo De Oro" which I didn't like. They are expensive to make , so I am p!eased this One was made. Fernando made 4 period novelas in The past. I wonder if Carla Estrada , the Queen of period novelas , will ever make another one. I think that her favorite director Monica Miguel passed away a few years ago. Susan

  33. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. Your "quick and dirty" is bursting with all the info I needed.

    I'm having trouble telling the young women apart too. I hope the one who saw Violeta searching for something (her son's passport) doesn't blab this to her papa. Kudos to Vi for trying to flee now that she's seen how dangerous Vicente is.

    I didn't realize Antonio knew Vicente was more than a hotelier. Antonio certainly is not afraid to play with fire. I got a kick out of him getting told off by both his women.

    Hmmm, so Ale wants Gerardo to think he (Gerardo) has something (the Nazi business) to hold over Ale's head.

    Felipe and "Francisco" were a hoot mirroring each other. Each thinks he's the cock of the walk. I too enjoyed Felipe mocking a Spaniard accent.

  34. Conde
    Regarding the detective report, I wonder if it has been purposely skewed to make the conde appear to be a nefarious person to Gerardo. Not sure why, of course. I thought conde and Memo were only in Europe 3 years, which makes it 1949, after the war was over.

    I perhaps can step up to do a recap one day a week to help out. I actually get English subtitles if I wait till the next day to watch it. I will have better availability after mid August though when my grandson starts school, the 5 y.o. is more demanding of my time than the 1 year old.

  35. conde

    Thanks all for the insightful comments. Dondi, I just blanked out on whiskey raw material. Of course, Josie's insistence on working with the Americans and, presumably, making the more profitable whiskey, was part of the reason she wanted to bump off her traditional tequilero Benjamin.

    I am also confused about the Nazi thing and the timing. It kind of strains credibility that Ale was able to plant that story for Gerardo to find. During the war years I think Ale and Amador Guzmán were in prison. Could Amador's son, the one who was dead when Ale tried to find him to split the dinero, have done that? I get the impression the writers want us to believe that Ale is so devious he planted that story for Gerardo to find as one of his two-steps-ahead chess moves.

    I also enjoyed Violeta's being revealed as a person with a conscience. She was introduced as a scatterbrained gold-digger, more than happy to cheat on the source of her good life. But she isn't leaving without her child, and she has, hopefully gotten rid of Antonio, who doesn't deserve her.

    It was a lot of fun watching Memo and Ale observe the meeting between Felipe and the child who inherited the very worst of him.

    Juanita, amen on Sergio Reynoso's soulful eyes. He's done a really good job portraying Alfredo, the kindly hacendado who was outmaneuvered by the unscrupulous Gerardo.

    Niecie, glad to see you caught the exaggerated pronunciation of Felipe. I guess we are supposed to assume that Ale and Pedro are using those European accents, even though Telemundo didn't bother to have the actors use them.

    Like dondi, I had hoped for more recappers, especially considering we haven't seen Colunga for a very long time. My quick and dirty was kind of a way to demonstrate how a recap doesn't have to include very detail of every scene. The point is to stimulate others on Caray to comment and add their own thoughts.
