
Thursday, July 11, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, #82, "The sweetness of reunion is the joy of heaven"

Ginebra asks for water from one of the guards, but she isn’t allowed to any until she gives her answer to the Don. They start to fight and Ginebra gets the upper hand, almost kills the other woman, two other guards have to remove her and they give her a good beating. But before they leave her alone, all bloodied and sour, she manages to threaten to kill them all.

It’s night-time and the men are eating marshmallows around a camp fire. Eder sings Daniel Elbittar’s song (pretty well, I might add). Then Kenzo wants to start telling horror stories. Bosco is scared, but Salo goes for it. Eder asks where is abuelo, here he comes, he has brought blankets for the men to keep warm (he leaves immediately after, which bothers Esteban, who goes to talk to him).

This is definitely no “Hangover” level bachelor party! Between the marshmallows and the blankets, if a stripper ever showed up, they’d bake her cookies and teach her how to knit. PG13 Premium Plus.  

Porfirio is in the house and he agrees to talk to Esteban. They finally mention Margarita’s death. Flashback to Porfirio finding his wife sitting on the grass outside, dead. He tries to do CPR, but it’s too late. He cries for Esteban to help him, hugs his wife and starts sobbing. Then he sees a note that says “from Esteban, with love”, next to a cake that is missing a slice.

Back to present time, Porfirio accuses his son of killing his mother. Esteban admits that they baked that dessert together, but his mother didn’t want to hurt anymore. Porfirio insists this wasn’t his decision to make and calls him an assassin. Leaving the ranch was the best decision he could have taken, he’s no longer welcomed on these lands.

Esteban reminds his father that he wasn’t around at the time because he was in the city on some farm work. He flashes back to a talk he had with his mother, who begged for his help. She felt worse every day and his father couldn’t understand this. She couldn’t bear to hurt them any longer. She mentions Esteban having sisters, he says they no longer live in the country (This has to be a sign she is also losing her mind, but is the Patio also having a mental lapse? Did Esteban have sisters until now??) Margarita asks Esteban to prepare a cake and back to the present he says that he didn’t know she was planning to kill herself. But she really wanted to do this and she even left him a note in their secret special place. And he pulls out a paper that he conveniently had in his pocket during his bachelor party. He knows the letter by heart, he says part of the words out loud while Porfirio reads the rest. Margarita wants to “leave” while she still has her mind and is able to recognize him. She mentions deciding to bake a cake and feeling sorry she won’t be with him later in life. She also asks him to tell Porfirio that she loves him and to take better care of his health. She will love them and the never before seen, heard or mentioned sisters forever.

As they finish the letter, they are both crying. Porfirio would have wanted to know this sooner, but Esteban chose to protect his mother and take all the blame. He didn’t want Porfirio to get upset with her, he wanted him to remember her as she used to be. Porfirio says this situation destroyed him, Esteban explains that he did try to reach out several times. Porfirio admits that he’s a stubborn man, why did he have to leave and abandon him? He even kept all the articles that were ever published about him.

They both agree that they wasted a lot of time, they apologize to one another, and they decide to take advantage of all their time together from now on. And hug!

Later they both feel relieved, happy to be able to talk again. Esteban needs Porfirio in his life, he asks him to come live with them.

Humberto arrives and is happy to see them reconciled. Esteban asks his dad to give him away at this wedding with Paz. There is even some talk about Porfirio and Lupita and Porfirio admits he fell in love again. With Esteban’s suegra no less.

The ladies are playing some sort of Pictionary, but Sam is not enjoying the party, she is on the side, crying. Paz goes to talk to her, the poor girl misses Ginebra. They leave the room while the other ladies worry about the long talk they are about to have. Elvira suggests they pray for them.

Paz and Sam are on the roof, looking at the moon. Then Paz tells Sam how bad she felt when she lost her daughter, she couldn’t imagine ever being able to look at the sky again. But then she realized that she had to be strong, be prepared for when her daughter Maria came back. Does Sam remember the day they met, she felt like their hearts connected. She is the sun, the moon, the entire sky, all she needs to be happy, the reason she has to breathe. Sam doesn’t understand what Paz means.

Paz doesn’t know how to talk about this, she is afraid, but Sam encourages her. Paz finally says she loves her more than anything because she is her Maria, they are mother and daughter.

Sam removes her hands from Paz’ for a second, but then jumps into her arms. Paz is overjoyed, she laughs, and she cries and she hugs Sam over and over again. She has waited for this moment her entire life, she can never thank God enough. Sam is also happy, she and Paz have always had a special relationship and Paz has always brough her joy and peace.

But she also has another mother, Ginebra, and she loves her, too. Why does she have two mothers?

Paz tells her she was taken from the hospital and ended up with Ginebra (leaving out the horrible details). Sam asks if Elias was her dad, because they loved each other a lot. Paz says he wasn’t her father, it will be hard to understand, but her father was Fermin. Sam starts to cry again, realizing she has lost another dad. She never got the chance to say goodbye to any of her fathers. She does remember Fermin apologizing to her at one point and now she understands better. Paz tells her she can speak to both her dads when she prays at night.

Sam can’t believe Paz is her mom, she has so many things to tell her. No wonder the first time they met she felt so good. Is this why Ginebra doesn’t love her? Paz says Gin loves her in her own way, but she wants to yell to the world that she is her mom. Sam encourages her to do so and they both start screaming. Then Lupita arrives to hug Sam, and then Mireya and Nandy. All the Roble women finally together.

Later Sam talks to a picture of Fermin, while she remembers all the moments they spent together and all the love he showed her. She hopes he will watch over her from wherever he is and she forgives him. Mireya and Paz are watching Sam, Mireya thinks Fermin doesn’t deserve all this love but Paz doesn’t want her daughter to fill her heart with hate. Sam remembers some more special moments spent with her father and says out loud that she forgives him.

It's the morning of the wedding (finally, because I’ve cried enough) and the family wakes Paz up. Sam calls her “mama”, she loves her new family and she loves them all.

Esteban and his kids are also happy, getting ready for the wedding. He tells them that Sam is Paz’ daughter that she lost years ago. Bosco wonders if they will al live together in the house.

Paz is doing her make-up, she is very happy for herself, but sad that Nandy and Mireya are unhappy in love. Nandy is nervous, anticipating she will see Kenzo at the wedding, Mireya doesn’t even want to think about love.

Sam and Lupita join them, they are ready for the wedding. Esteban sends Paz a sweet text message, he can’t wait to get married.

Sabon comes to visit Ginebra again. She agrees to work with them, but she wants to get out of jail. She asks about Mauro and Sabon says her brother has a message for her. Esteban is marrying Paz Roble. Ginebra gets mad, asks Sabon to interrupt the wedding if they want her help.

Paz is all dressed, and everyone says she’s very pretty. But we only get to see her from the back.



  1. Merci, Adriana.

    This is about the right time for this revelation but I have to say that it's remarkable that little Samara is as emotionally healthy as she is after everything she's experienced. Both Elias and Mauro loved her but Ginebra's abuse was extreme enough, especially so because Elias went to the office and on business trips and Sam was left alone with her.

    I have to wonder how many house servants they had and how much they knew about the abuse. Or did the abuses we witnessed were as bad as they were partly due to Ginebra having to control herself in the presence of maids, gardeners, etc.

    At least this child now knows she's hit the jackpot discovering she has a loving family to look forward to.

    It has often been pointed out that abused children keep trying to "earn" the love of the abusive parent. At least Sam will no longer have to do that once Ginebra's Karmageddon hits.

  2. Thank you so much for your wonderful recap, Adriana.

    My favorite line ". . . if a stripper ever showed up, they’d bake her cookies and teach her how to knit. PG13 Premium Plus." : )

    FINALLY, we found out the back story of why Porfirio was so against his son. It was long past time that he accepted that hi wife killed HERSELF because she couldn't take the SUFFERING and didn't want to be a burden. . Luckily Esteban had the letter. He should have given it to his selfish father years before.

    Great scenes with Paz telling Sam who she really is. The actor playing Sam was perfect. She has been outstanding throughout the whole production.

    Uhhhh . . . why does Sabon have to cave to Ginebra's "demand" to disrupt Paz's wedding when he already is doing her the favor of getting her out of jail to do his dirty work for him? Sorry, it doesn't make sense. At that point, Sabon should have let her rot behind bars rather that granting her wish FOR NOTHING.

  3. Adriana: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. Ginebra is hell-bent on destroying the happiness of Paz & Esteban.

    Jarifa: I better see those Karma anvils ASAP.

    UA: Sounds like we're going to be on the edge of our seats with the craziness of Ginebra's reign of terror.

  4. Jarifa, I totally agree. How could Sabon not know that Ginebra was arrested for a very public shooting which means that she can't be trusted? The only answer to that question that makes any sense is that the Mr Big he reports to is setting her up to eliminate her.

  5. Urban, great take on Sabon’s motives. It is the only way the situation makes sense.

  6. Thanks so much, Adriana, this was a meaningful episode and how wonderful to be able to read all that went on. The scene with Paz and Sam was beautifully done. And I’m glad Esteban and his dad made up but look at the years wasted. I was also happy to see Humberto so pleased with the reunion.

    My recording cut off before the end. Apparently the fútbol went over into the hour of the show. So I didn’t get to see the females ready for the wedding. Hopefully they’ll replay it tonight!

    I feel like we’ve had our HEA and it’s tempting to end it there. But guess I’ll tune in to see Ginebra wreck havoc again. How does that guy have the power to get a murderer out of jail!


  7. Right, especially with the prison murder and the assault on the guard. Are Televisa writers looking to clean up police corruption?

  8. Cher Adriana,Tres bien. merci for all the sweet moments and those gruesome moments for Gin, who remains belligerent and awful despite the beat downs. Uff.
    Well, it feels like the joy that we usually feel at the last episode , but it's not the last episode ,and Gin is still seething for revenge so....

    I had to tighten my beanie , and it's much too hot for a beanie . That scene between Esteban and Porfirio was odd. Esteban and his mom baked a cake together. Then, she ate a piece that she must have put something in and died . Did she only put something in her piece? Otherwise , someone else could have eaten a slice and died. . Also, why did Esteban just happen to have that letter in his pocket? Was he finally going to share it with his dad?

    So will the joy joy happy happy continue and the wedding happen, or has still trying to be large and in charge Gin convinced Sabon to do something ? Can't wait to see how this story unfolds tonight . p.s. I am also watching " El Conde" which is on Telemundo at 10. Fernando Colunga is still an amazing. Susan

  9. For any Colunga fans, he is currently starring in a Netflix series: “The Secret of the Greco Family.”
