
Monday, July 22, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Week of July 22, 2024

 The rest of the page will be up later...



    María tells Marcelo she is mentioning that Natalia is probably is daughter now because she has heard that Luisa is planning on moving her out of the country.

    Luisa goes to see Marcelo with Zaid demanding to know where Marcelo's criminal file went. Marcelo says he has no idea what he is talking about. Marcelo demands to know why Luisa didn't tell him that he had a daughter. If Natalia turns out to be his daughter, he will make up for lost time with her. He decides to move back home.

    Juan tells Beatriz to be careful when he hears that Felipe came to see her about a loan for his mother's business. He thinks that was just an excuse and he is really investigating her. Juan asks Zaid for help since he got Beatriz into this legal mess. The best Zaid can do is get a computer hacker on the case.

    María invites Juan over for "tea" so Felipe can try to get some info for his investigation from him in a friendly setting. As they get to talking about Beatriz and him and their jobs at the hotel, Juan gets a message about a "meeting" and has to go.

    Luisa has to try to recreate the criminal file from scratch. As she asks Zaid for some info she notices a discrepancy from what he initially said. He blames it on the passage of time. Luisa tells him that will not work. He later signs his statement as true at the prosecutor's office.

    Felipe gets a text telling him that Beatriz is the one who is guilty for what happened at the bank.

    Beatriz calls the bank in Hong Kong she made the transfer to with the idea of getting the money transferred back only to find out that the account was closed out the day before.

    Marcelo promises Luisa he will clear his name and get his daughter back. She cannot look him in the eye and tell him that Natalia is not his daughter. He maintains his innocence. She is not interested. Marcelo is planning on leaving town again.

    Natalia doesn't want to leave her home.

    Nosy Juan finds out that Natalia is Marcelo's daughter via Luisa's unlocked cellphone.

    At the start, Zaid roughs up Elena so she understands that her job is to keep Marcelo from returning home. When she fails to achieve her task, he attacks and rapes her.

  2. Marea

    Thanks, Jarifa, that jogged my memory and reminded me of all that went on. I will say last night’s show zoomed by so when it ended I was surprised the hour was up.

    Marcelo should call the number of his friend from his captivity. That would clear up his innocence in the death. But I guess Luisa will have to uncover that, and all the sins of her husband, on her own.

    Why would Elena continue to work for Zaid, who seems to get worse with each episode. He also seems to be all powerful in that region. Right now Marcelo only has his mother and brother, everyone else seems to be in Zaid’s pocket. Maybe Beatrice will work with him. I don’t understand the bank transfer thing. If the account is now closed is that good or bad for Beatriz? She now knows her uncle is a criminal, but is closing the account how he took care of the problem. It seems any investigator would still realize the money was moved.

    Hard to believe Luisa has never suspected her husband of anything to 7 years of marriage.


  3. MAREA

    Jarifa, thanks so much for your always wonderful recap.

    I only saw part of this and unfortunately it was all the violent scenes with Zaid. El Amor (thankfully finishing up) has ramped up the cruelty to the point I can't abide any more.

    I appreciate your relating what transpired in other events. Although Marcelo has every right to be moody and bitter, I'm hoping he thaws a bit and does so soon. I really like the actor who is completly uncharismatic at the moment.

    Alfredo Gatica arrives tonight so I'm looking foward to seeing what he's bringing.

    To be honest, I'm still struggling on most of the characters so can't comment further.


  4. MAREA

    Liz, I do not get why Elena stays around either. It is almost like he owns her like a pimp would. Maybe he is her pimp.

    Diana, I am one who is not usually turned off by violence in movies/tv but the extent of violence in these novelas seems gratuitous to me and needlessly extreme and grotesque. I simply do not know how these bizarre violent acts add anything to the storyline. I sure hope we have a comedy soon and wish I would have liked “Golpe de suerte” enough to watch it.

    As for the characters, I printed up thumbnails from a complete cast search I did and that helped a lot since I did not know many of these actors to be able to match them up with a list of characters /actors. Then I ended up making a chart like I always seem to do these days.

  5. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for an excellent account of everything that happened . I am watching several shows right now , and this one hasn't clicked with me yet, but I will keep watching . I can't wait to see Gatica's look in this one . In the butterfly themed show, I didn't even recognize him until someone told me it was the same guy who played the rude, crude biker dude in " Amarte mi caminio. "


    Jarifa: Great job on the recap of last night's episode.

  7. MAREA #7

    Entertaining epsiode.

    After abusing Helena, Zaid has a job for her she cannot refuse since he is blackmailing her. He wants her to go for Marcelo and bring him back. Marcelo welcome her at his mother's house and they are back together.

    Luisa finds out from a lawyer that she can get a restraining order against Marcelo for stalking her daughter AS LONG AS he doesn't have proof that he is the child's father. Later, she tells her mother that there is no way that Natalia is Marcelo's child. Natalia doesn't want to go to New York. Juan tells Maria that he read a text on Luisa's phone identifying Natalia as Marcelo's daughter. She reminds him that they did the same thing as Luisa and Zaid by hiding the true identity of THEIR CHILD: MARCELO!!!. She won't tell Marcelo. Luisa shows up at María's and María tells her that she knows that Natalia is her granddaughter. Luisa rushes her and goes looking for Marcelo. She finds him in bed with Helena.

    ALFREDO GATICA appears as Isela's son Alfonso home from Amsterdam to stay. Uh oh, he wants to open a night club on the beach and has a partner but NO MONEY. Juan knows the only reason the parasite is back is to get money from his mommy and he says that is not happening. Isela has other thoughts about that. She gives Alfonso a jewel he can sell from her safe deposit box so he can be majority owner of his new business and his father will not be the wiser but Juan is because he overheard them scheming behind his back from the get go. Isela wonders later why Alfonso hasn't come back to tell her about how things went with his partner. Juan has Isela sign "some papers" so she can get payment from her shares this trimester. Sure . . .

    Felipe shows up at the bank to investigate and doesn't find out much. Beatriz called in sick but is talking with Juan about the account situation. Juan says Zaid was setting her up but just because the money transfer was made from her computer doesn't mean that she did it. Surprise: she pulled the security tape already. Juan wants her to tell the police that he made her do the transfer and he will take the rap. She refuses. Felipe's boss tells him they need some solid evidence like a security tape. He thinks Juan stole it. The investigation continues.

    Osvaldo is a good for nothing guy who depends on his wife Nora to earn a living and do everything as he sits around drinking beers waiting for a job that is "worthy of him." His mother badmouths his wife as she helps him out so he can sit around some more. It looks like Nora will end up sacrificing "herself" with Santiago to get the money she needs.

    Looks like Leonor is hiring a "hunk" from the beach bar to work (?) at her house.

  8. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, great read and great help for me. Apparently Alfonso is not a good guy! I knew he wanted money for a business but didn’t realize it was a bar. I guess he didn’t take the money and run as I’m thinking his character is here to stay.

    Juan is telling Beatrice to blame him. Why doesn’t she tell the truth and tell who really had her do it.

    Didn’t I read, on this site, the Galens never sleep with someone else. The writers missed that memo for both main characters!

    I think Elena will end up helping Marcelo. And vice versa! But it was a shock to hear Juan is his dad! That won’t please Marcelo if/when he finds out.

    I could live without Olvaido and Nora in this. He doesn’t even try to be a decent husband. Prostituting his own wife. One sorry dude.


  9. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for an excellent recap of everything that happened in this episode .

    Gatica has a haircut that was similar to his character as the shy, nervous mouse in the butterfly show. However the open shirt and beads let us know that this character will be a different sort. Is he Isela's son , but juan's stepson ? Juan didn't seem to be his fan.

    So....Marcelo is Juan's son. Did everybody mark their bingo card ?

    Liz, in telenovelas in the past, once the main couple meet , the two do not sleep with anyone else, even if they have spouses. That plot point seems to have changed with the times. So much for one true love.

    What was Up with Helena scratching Marcelo's back? DNA testing ? Did Zaid tell her to do that?

  10. Marea

    I forget who Leonore is. I have to admit that I was folding laundry and doing other chores while this show was on.

  11. MAREA

    Liz, I agree about Marcelo's possible reaction when he finds out who his father is. The guy just can’t win.

    Susan, Leonor is Luisa’s mom. Good guess about Helena collecting Marcelo’s blood from the scratch she gave him. I never thought of that.

  12. Marea

    Jaeifa, thanks . I am watching several novelas, so there are a lot of names swirling in my bead !

  13. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for yet another fantastic recap.

    I especially enjoyed "Osvaldo is a good for nothing guy who depends on his wife Nora to earn a living and do everything as he sits around drinking beers waiting for a job that is "worthy of him." His mother badmouths his wife as she helps him out so he can sit around some more" which perfectly mirrors that situation.

    So Alfredo is playing a villain. Not a surprise but I was hoping he might play against type as a galan. Not sure why he isn't as drop dead handsome as he usually is (hair?) but he is angry, tricky and dangerous. I thought Isela was smarter than that.

    So Marcelo is Juan and Maria's. This is certainly moving along :)


  14. Diana, glad to see you on the patio! There are lots of actors I do not recognize in this one which has made it hard for me to maintain interest. Alfredo Gatica was a welcome sight. Here is hoping he pops up again soon looking for more $$$.

  15. Jarifa, thanks for keeping us informed on the action and characters. I'm with you on wanting a comedy and being disappointed in Golpe. I am an episode behind so nothing to add, and it sounds like a bunch more characters to keep straight. I'm with Susan and Diana on too many TNs and names swirling around but since 2 of them are towards the end maybe I will stick with this.

  16. MAREA #8

    This just gets messier and messier!

    Marcelo knows he needs a DNA test to prove he is Natalia's father. Zaid has already brought Natalia's DNA and somebody else's (supposedly his) to a lab for a DNA test. María, who delivers oranges to the school, thinks that she will be able to help Marcelo get some DNA from Natalia but Luisa beats her to the punch telling the school that she does not want Luisa to have any contact with Marcelo or his mother. Marcelo manages to worm his way into the school and gets Natalia to give him a licked lollipop. In the meantime, Zaid tries to blackmail Maria into keeping her son away from Natalia by taking a video of María being "friendly" with her one time lover Juan. She tells Zaid to stick it. When Zaid finds out about Marcelo going to see Natalia, Luisa tries to talk him into doing things her way and letting the murder case neutralize Marcelo as a threat. Zaid does not agree. He is afraid he will lose his daughter. He gets a gun and goes to see Marcelo. The episode ends with Marcelo on top of Zaid choking him as María and Luisa beg him to stop.

    Juan takes advantage of Isela accepting his advice to take a couple of sleeping pills and takes her safe deposit box key. He removes what jewelry he needs from the box to solve several monetary issues. He pays off his debt with the casino thinking it will save his daughter from the repercussions of the illegal money transfer. To his dismay, Zaid reminds him that he needed a fall guy and that Beatriz became that because Juan wouldn't do it himself. Juan confronts Alfonso about his pressuring his mother for money thinking it is only going to his dealer. Juan gives him a wad of cash and tells him to leave his mother alone. He is disappointed that his son isn't a better person than he is. Juan gives María another wad of cash to invest in her business. She accepts it but only as a loan. Juan returns the safe deposit box key. When she wakes up, Isela ends up going to the bank and discovers that a bracelet is missing. She thinks that her son Alfonso must have taken it. She wonders how she could have trusted Alfonso one more time and asks Juan to protect her from him. BINGO!

    Leonor 's bartender from the beach is now working at her home. Zaid does not approve. She doesn't care. The bartender knows what he has been hired for and is soon in her bedroom.

    That is it for me.

  17. HEADS UP!!!!

    Tomorrow we are pre-empted by Premios Juventud.

  18. MAREA

    Another exceptional recap Jarifa.

    Thanks to you, I have a much clearer understanding as to what occurred.

    "Leonor's bartender from the beach is now working at her home. Zaid does not approve. She doesn't care. The bartender knows what he has been hired for and is soon in her bedroom" was perfect. Was it just a coincidence Zaid gave her that lasvicious look the other day?

    I loved that Maria "tells Zaid to stick it" and was rooting for Marcelo to beat him to a pulp which appears will not happen as Luisa arrived just in the nick of time.

    I readily admit I haven't follwed this closely but Juan taking the jewelry and than "framing" Alfonso was a bit of a shock. I know I should feel something for Isela; does annoyance and dislike count??


  19. Diana, isn’t this an unlikeable group of characters? Including the galán? No, I do not think that Zaid’s being lascivious was a coincidence but why would Leonor put up with that as she clearly and knowingly does? Could it be because he controls the family business and the $$ and knows of her taste for male prostitutes? Zaid is a creep, a criminal and a murderer of the first order. How has Luisa not seen that he is at least a morally compromised individual after him being with the family and then her husband all these years? At least, the intro with the ocean and theme song are good. ; )

  20. MAREA

    Jarifa, the opening credits and accompanying theme are indeed one of the highlights!

    If there is anyone here with a charming, alluring personality that I've overlooked, kindly point them out to me.

    "How has Luisa not seen that he is at least a morally compromised individual after him being with the family and then her husband all these years?" is exactly right! It's confusing and quite unbelievable which may be why I'm unimpressed with her character. Leonor is a cold fish.

    I'm waiting for Marcelo (Matias) to heat up but so far, he's only angry or impassive. Not a good galan look.


  21. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for a great account of what's happening as we ...lumber forward.
    I am with you and Diana. Hard to find somebody even a bit likable in this show. I need a hero , and so far, I don't see any. I suppose we are supposed to like Maria and Marcelo and his brother , but ....meh I, too, like the scenes of the ocean and beach.

    I do like Natalia, who seems like in sweet child.

    I guess Helena and Marcelo are living with Maria now and doing it like bunnies . okay.

    I had hopes that Gatica would spark things up.


    Juan and Isela are quite a duo.

    I am still trying to figure out what show I saw Leonor on. So, is Leonor a serial cougar, or is this her first young intern? Intensely creepy Zaid probably would have done the job for free.

    Oh well, this show is on before Receta so I will continue kind of watching. Susan Susan

  22. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, I enjoyed your recap. The show itself would be better if there was a character I could really get behind. I guess I’ll have to be content to hate Zaid. I agree with everyone that Luisa should be suspecting something after all these years. Actually last night, when she stayed in the car and Zaid was threatening Maria should have been a clue! I do like Maria. How rotten of Luisa to not allow Natalia to see her anymore.

    Said has set up his niece to take the fall, and has no guilt whatsoever.

    I’m not sure how Juan will get away with cashing in the bracelet and blaming his son. There’s plenty of witnesses to him having the bracelet.

