
Monday, August 19, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of August 19, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


  1. VIVIR #116 Part 1

    After Rebeca questions doting, delusional Misael, he assures Rebeca that he loves her and will fight for her…against everyone if he has to. Rebeca robotically hugs him and impervious to his misplaced devotion, immediately dismisses it; silently musing that it won’t be long before Misael is told that Monica is dead!

    Angel and JE talk lovingly to Pedrito, reminding him it’s bedtime! JE promises that if Pedrito’s mother arrives at the neighborhood, he will make sure she knows he is there. After Fatima takes Pedrito and Javi to read a story, Don Emilio frowns commenting that Misael knows where Pedrito’s mother is but says that she is a bad woman.

    Wanda (in a blue green jeans jacket wearing a chain necklace and earrings) has tears streaming down her face, lamenting that she hopes to get her son back someday. Marisa and Doris (V neck sleeveless orange dress) encourage her; Doris commenting that she still has a ray of hope. Wanda cries that Pedrito may hate her but Marisa assures her Pedrito is intelligent and will understand. Wanda will go to see Don Emilio; she needs Pedrito to get to know her.

    Angel FINALLY tells Don Emilio and JE that she knows who Pedrito’s mother is. JE and Don Emilio are impactada as she finally imparts his mother is Wanda!!

    Marisa and Doris continue to encourage and support Wanda. Suddenly they hear music! Marisa and Wanda rush to the window. Marisa thinks it’s Carmelo but she and Wanda turn away from the window with huge smiles. It’s Sebas! Doris strikes a “couldn’t care less” pose and then breaks down in a smile.

    Lucas tells his parents about giving the wheelchair to Mati and how much it motivated her. He doesn’t know when Mati will be released but she will return to the hacienda. Lucas worries that Brayan is still free and worries about Mati. Luis (foolishly) tells him that he heard that Brayan left the barrio. Lupe echoes that sounding hopeful but Lucas smartly discounts this, continuing to worry as to where Brayan might be.

    Luciano tells Mati that there will be a custody hearing tomorrow. Mati, understandably hurt, wonders why her mother hasn’t come to see her. He comforts her, stroking her hair.


  2. VIVIR #116 Part 2

    Romina flashes back to a scene with Rebeca and recalls being told that she could be considered an accomplice; she worries that she will end up in jail. With impeccable timing, the social worker shows up with police backup, telling Romina that she is under arrest for causing Mati’s injuries.

    Now for the highlight of the day. Gi and Armando are flanking Sebas who is standing outside of Doris’ door. Armando is holding a large boom box as Sebas begins singing. Sebas starts to wonder why Doris hasn’t come out but Armando and Gi continue to encourage him. All of a sudden Doris opens the door, chiding him (and viewerville) for thinking he can win her over with a few songs. He starts to turn away but Gi and Armando hold him back. Doris reminds him of all their time together and how he said she brought happiness back to him. Armando and Gi stand there encouraging him as he pleads that she forgive him. Armando is in Sebas’ corner urging his daughter to forgive Sebas saying “por favor “but Gi tells him to stay out of it. A minute later, Gi ends up doing the same (it was cute she referred to Doris as her “hija”) but then they silently stand away. Doris starts to explain about Rebeca but Sebas stops her. He goes to kiss her but she pulls away. As Gi blanches, Sebas asks that they start over and Doris finally concedes. Passionate kisses ensue.

    Angel tells Don Emilio how much Wanda has suffered all these years; Don Emilio suggests that they need to help Wanda get close to Pedrito; JE wholeheartedly agrees. Fatima enters and asks about the diary Pedrito told her about. Don Emilio is downcast but before he can explain, they are interrupted by Cris and Adolfo who lie that they had gone to dinner. Some good-natured teasing follows as Cris and Adolfo try to maintain a still upper lip as we hear the phone ringing in the background. Petra interrupts and tells them that it seems something happened to Monica. JE takes the phone saying “si, si, she is my tia” and after listening, announces that Monica was shot. Don Emilio is overcome with grief yelling “no, no, no” …

    Monica is in surgery and still alive!!

    Misael asks Rebeca to do what he asks; that she not go out again. As they talk, Misael gets the call about his mother. Where is she?? “Madita” Rebeca spits out, cursing that Monica didn’t die!

    In the hospital chapel, Don Emilio suffers flashbacks recalling Monica complaining that he loves Cris more…and her wish that he look at her the way he looks at Cris. Don Emilio is tortured with guilt; he blames himself for her selfishness, indifference and her being consumed by envy and ambition. He prays that his daughter does not suffer. JE walks over and rubs his beloved grandfather’s shoulders to consoles him. Don Emilio sobs again that it is his fault; JE kisses his head and tells him he isn’t responsible.


  3. VIVIR #116 Part 3

    Prayers (asking for different outcomes) are offered up. Cris prays for her sister as does Adolfo (recalling Monica’s confession she seduced him). Elena calls to ask about Monica while Rebeca prays that Monica dies. In the waiting room Angel (dressed in pure white) sits next to Rebeca who gives her the side eye. Misael’s self-recriminations continue as he recalls telling Monica that she didn’t deserve his father and how much he hates her. He thinks this must be a nightmare.

    Monica wakes up suddenly, needing to warn her son about that maldita!

    The doctor comes out and Misael asks to see her. Angel approaches Rebeca and asks if she truly cares about Monica or is she just concerned as to what she may tell Misael?

    Corral questions Bruno who yells that he is telling the truth…he has told them a thousand times…he didn’t shoot Monica. When she asks where he was prior to arriving at his apartment, he recalls the repulsive memory of raping Sandra. “Answer me” she says but he remains silent.

    Santi asks Brenda where Sandra is; he is concerned because she is always the first to arrive. Just then, Doris (with a cute pink flowered silk bolero over her dress) and Wanda (lime green dress and backpack) arrive asking for Angel. Santi tells them Angel is at the hospital…because Monica got shot.

    Jimena is at her restaurant showing Renato some prizes she will give to the customers who come for the grand opening. She then pins a little button on Renato and he smiles asking “for me?” Si she answers and as music gently plays, they kiss several times!!

    Bed head Monica mutters “hijo” as Misael cries…She says.. _ “shot me” so Misael assures her that the scoundrel is already in jail. She adds the (s/he) is lying…and wants to destroy them. Misael assures her that he knows the intentions (of the shooter) and won’t be betrayed or fooled.


  4. VIVIR #116 Part 4

    Monica mutters that he is her only love…she doesn’t care about them, just him. She adds he needs to prepare her nieto, just like she prepared him (as the heavens cry). Misael replies that his son will be better than him…and will be a true Rivero Cuéllar. When he asks why she lied to him all these years, keeping secrets including Mau being his real father, she replies that sooner or later the truth comes out…she thought it was best for him. She told him she was strong…she didn’t want him to see her cry. She then asks that he forgive her and he agrees, says “esta bien”.

    In front of the bright, gaily colored pizza garnished walls, Renato grabs Jimena and holding her close, kisses her longingly. Then to our dismay, they rather sheepishly apologize to each other…it shouldn’t have happened. Renato thinks it was bound to happen, but Jimena thinks they are only friends…and she is still in the process of getting a divorce. Renato assures her that his interest in Angel has changed; he now feels something special for Jimena. He ruefully adds that he doesn’t want to cause problems for her divorce. Jimena’s priority is David…afterward, she will think of herself. Renato will give her the time she needs. She smiles and holds her hand to her lips.

    Sandra, in shock and suffering grievously, has been unable to move from bed. Face contorted in pain; she is still crying when Santi enters. He sees the clothes strewn on the floor…and then her. He sits gently on the middle of the bed …” Sandra he says, his voice shaking, who did this?”

    Lucas advises that Mati just tell the truth but Mati worries that things will go badly for her mother. She wants to be alone to think of what she will say, Lucas kisses her and obliges. She smiles as she thinks of Fatima and all the fun she and Javi had with her and Luciano; and how her mother forgot about them and left them without food. Luciano and Javi enter and she tells Luciano she is ready to talk to the judge.

    Doris and Wanda meet up with Lupe, Luis, Carmelo and Marisa. spreading the news about Monica. Despite Monica’s cruel crimes toward her, good witch Wanda hopes that Monica will be all right. Lupe comments that no one leaves this earth without paying for all they have done.


  5. VIVIR #116 Part 5 of 5

    Misael sobs that he killed Mau because Mau killed his son. He hopes that hell won’t be the next place they see each other. He holds his mother’s hand tightly as Monica tells him he needs to defend himself and protect himself from the vultures. After a long-drawn-out goodbye, she repeats that he is her only love…and he will never find someone who loves him more that she does. With that, she flatlines, and then dies!!! Misael puts his hand on her face and cries uncontrollably.

    Elena talks with Gi, wondering when all the tragedies will end. Gi wonders how and why Monica was shot. To add to another horrid day, Elena then gets a notice of foreclosure. She sighs and stares sadly.

    Misael runs out shouting for help but to no avail. As Misael watches, prostrate with grief, the doctors are unable to revive Monica, who is already entering the gates of hell…Misael dissolves in grief, crumbling to the floor.

    I thought Monica would live on, at least for the moment…not all is formulaic as evidenced by her somewhat premature (but inevitable) departure. There have been some surprises (and atrocities) we never saw coming. The highlight was Doris and Sebas’ reconciliation, a ray of hope on a dark horizon.

    As always, the deepest gratitude and highest praise to mi amiga for her illuminating, thoughtful and careful translations.


  6. Vivir. Another wonderful recap, Diana and friend! "doting, delusional Misael," yep, love it! Also: "Monica, who is already entering the gates of hell." Oh dear, a tn misunderstanding, an important one in this case. Monica and Misael in her intensive care room: She thinks he's talking about Rebeca, but he thinks she's talking about Bruno as her shooter. Oh my! Rebeca is off the hook for a while longer. I'm glad Doris and Sebastian are back together again, silly though their reunion was (but entertaining!). It's just as well Sebas wasn't encouraged to sing any more. Romina belongs in jail--both for causing Mati's accident and for being Rebeca's accomplice. Ah ha! Just as I thought, Bruno's alibi for not shooting Monica (raping Sandra) is just about as bad as shooting Monica would have been. And an upbeat note (in addition to Doris and Sebas) is that Renato shows Jimena what a really good guy he is.

  7. Vivir,
    To add to the Doris cuteness scene didn't she call Gi mama?
    Well, if Bruno is smart(not) he will demand a gunshot residue test. Then he needs to talk to a lawyer because rape has a shorter sentence than man 1, although the cops may claim he could have done both. I'm hoping there are security cameras that caught Reb. That taxi guy in the background when she nabbed the motorcycle could be a witness. I don't remember, did Reb take Monica's gun? She could plead Self defense.

    Wouldn't it be ironic if the unfaithful (or raped and left with an unwelcome reminder of the deed) wife went back another generation and Monica wasn't actually DE's daughter. If he knew she wasn't his biological daughter he may have inadvertently treated her a little less lovingly.

    I guess Misael has a lot of company shares now his mother is dead.

  8. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you for your always kind and supportive words.

    "It's just as well Sebas wasn't encouraged to sing any more" had me smiling away. So true! :)

    "A tn misunderstanding and an important one in this case. Monica and Misael in her intensive care room: She thinks he's talking about Rebeca, but he thinks she's talking about Bruno as her shooter" is exactly right!!

    Sebas and Doris finally patch things up as Renato and Jimena are turning up the heat.

    Rebeca is still as free as a bird, at least for the moment. Will she next turn her hatred toward Angel?? I forget who suggested 24 hour guards but I think that is an excellent idea.


  9. VIVIR

    "I guess Misael has a lot of company shares now his mother is dead" is a great observation Kat.

    Hopefully, Corral and Co. will do their due diligence in resarching the crime scene.

    There is no one kinder or more loving than Don Emilio who has been the epitome of a strong and fair father figure. I think he would love any child under his roof and treat them with equal kindness, blood or not.

    I didn't hear Doris call Gi "mama" but yes, that would have been a lovely touch.


  10. Vivir
    A stellar recap once again, Diana and Gran Amiga, of a tense and frustrating episode. A lot going on and resolution is slow to come.

    Seems unlikely such a vibrant character is gone, but the doctor’s pulling the sheet up over Monica is as final as zipping up Mauricio’s body bag. Miseal wasted some valuable time before calling for help. That was certainly a drawn out mother son goodbye for Misael to be left with such an important misunderstanding.

    Wanda mentioned a plan to visit DE with Angel for the motherhood reveal. I think she said “tomorrow.” Angel may have been waiting until that meeting to break the news to the family.

    Noticed Jime’s gold disc earrings were just the size of the pizza pins and pizza cap logos. Clever. And Renato’s kisses were more passionate than anything we saw with Angel, weren’t they?
    Thanks Diana!

  11. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you for your lovely words.

    "Noticed Jime’s gold disc earrings were just the size of the pizza pins and pizza cap logos. Clever". Also, how very clever of you to notice, thank you for that detail! And you are right in that Renato's kisses were more "passionate than anything we saw with Angel".

    Misael did wait too long to call for help; he seemed to get caught up in the moment which would unfortunately be Monica's last.

    If Bruno is ruled out as a suspect, I wonder how long it will take for Misael to put two and two together.


  12. Vivir
    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for another amazing account of every detail as this show rolls toward the finale and the anvils are hovering overhead . Monica already was flattened by hers. I am surprised that the first words out of her month weren't " Maldita Rebecca shot me !!!!!"

    So, it looks like weasel Bruno will have to confess that he raped poor Sandra to get out of the murder charge. #rockahardplace

    No more wild and crazy outfits for Reb....basic black as she tries To keep a low profile. What's going to happen when Misery discovers that Reb killed his mother ?

    Telenovelas certainly show us what hate and cruelty do to people. What goes around, comes around. . What you send out eventually comes back to you.

  13. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, for another phenomenal recap! I'm happy you got some happy scene mixed in with the drama to recap today! Last week was mostly dark.

    I'm a little surprised Monica died but they kind of needed her dead to play out the mistaken identity killer angle, unless they coma'd her, so I'm not completely shocked. I agree with Susan though, it's shocking that Monica didn't name Rebeca and throw in 'del mercado' just so there's no doubt who did it!

    I understand why Angel waited, I believe the only other times we've seen Angel with DE are when Pedrito was also present, and I wouldn't have sprung that news on Pedrito either. Let Wanda tell him, or let DE and JE decide how to tell him, it's not Angel's place to break the news. If there were other chances to tell DE sooner, then I'll still forgive her considering she was recently kidnapped, rushed to the hospital with fear of losing her baby, and has a psycho sister running free who might try to kill her again at any minute! Girl is stressed!!!

    Looking forward to seeing the reunion of Doris and Sebas and the romance of Jimena and Renato (bc Jimena wants it, not because I think Renato is any particular catch)!

    I hope they throw several books at Romina - literally!!!! And then convict her and throw her in jail! Even after the severe injury to Mati, she still shows 0 concern for her daughter and is only worried about herself. What a waste.

  14. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you.

    Yes, Monica was "flattened" by her anvil with others swaying in the breeze.

    "What's going to happen when Misery discovers that Reb killed his mother?" First, love "Misery'! I do think Rebeca did the one thing that Misael won't be able to forgive. I have a feeling though he isn't going to find out for a while...

    Beca is dressing a bit less colorfully isn't she? Hopefully, her fashion "don'ts" will be back, bigger and badder than ever.


  15. VIVIR

    Darcy, I so appreciate your very nice words.

    To be honest, I was relieved and happy to see the Sebas/Doris reconciliation; it's been one depressing episode after the other.

    Rebeca has so much on her plate; murder Alma and Monica check, check; fool Misael into thinking she gives a damn check and take revenge on Angel - in process.

    Keeping with that theme, "I hope they throw several books at Romina - literally!!!! And then convict her and throw her in jail! Perfect! I'm all in..


  16. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and friend, another excellent recap. And a few positives! Renato and Jimena will be happy together, and also Sebas and Doris. To be honest I’d rather see Jimena with Sebas but alas, I have no influence with the writers. I do wonder what Doris will do if Rebeca needs her for something.

    I think Monica would have had a chance of surviving if she’d rested instead of using all her energy talking to Misael. If only she’d told him in English there would have been a she or her in the conversation!

    I am afraid Rebeca will get cocky with her success in getting away with another murder and resume her quest to punish Angel, JE and the baby.

    Hopefully Wanda and Pedrito will be reunited this week. I sure don’t want Misael and Rebeca raising him. Would Rebeca even let him live?


  17. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you very much.

    I also fear Rebeca will next set her sights on Angel and her unborn child.

    "Hopefuly Wanda and Pedrito will be reunited this week. I sure do't want Misael and Rebeca raising him. Would Rebeca even let him live?" A very sobering thought...

    I don't believe that anyone has legal custody of Pedrito (please correct me if I'm wrong). Misael will of course want Pedrito with him which will not resonate well with Rebeca. Would Rebeca stoop to murdering a child? We know that won't happen but that doesn't mean she won't try. For Wanda to have a fighting chance, Adolfo is going to need to strategize quickly. Custody is going to be a painful and contentious road.

    In the beginning I also wanted Jimena and Sebas together. But I've grown fond of Doris and am happy she and Sebas have hopefully resolved everything. That said, she needs to stay away from Rebeca. I sure hope she does.


  18. Doris did call Gi mama. She called her Mama Gi, it was easy to miss as she was talking really fast. It was hilarious in the beginning of her righteously indignant speech, she wasn’t making sense and Sebas looked to Armando and GI in confusion and GI looked just as confused and Armando shrugged.

  19. Vivir

    Diana and friend, fine job.

    Monica's death is such a tragedy for Don Emilio, but I'm sure he tried to be a good dad (just like Alma tried to be a good mom). But surely the writers aren't finished with Monica just yet. I hope she turns up in Rebeca's nightmares.

  20. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so much.

    Yes, I can't imagine Don Emilio being anything but a wonderful father...sometimes it sadly isn't nearly enough.

    "I hope (Monica) turns up in Rebeca's nightmares". Wouldn't it be fun to have both Alma and Monica torturing Rebeca!! Love it.


  21. VIVIR

    "Mama Gi", thanks Darcy! Yes, Doris was on a torrential tongue monologue.

    "Righteously indignant speech" indeed :)


  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. VIVIR #117 Part 1

    As Monica flatlines and journeys from this world into the underworld, Misael ugly cries in grief, guilt and disbelief.

    Romina states that she would NEVER do anything to harm her daughter (locking her up without means of egress and without food aside). What happened was an accident. The lawyer tells her that without audio the recordings are useless but they can argue that she did not intend to hurt Mati. The attorney informs her that due to Mati’s injury and medical expenses, the judge may still impose a jail sentence. Wide-eyed, bug-eyed Romina argues that her daughter did not file the report; her attorney tells her that it was the hospital that filed the report. Further, there was a previous report of the missing children that the judge will consider. When he asks if there is anything else she has done that could be considered a crime, Romina recalls giving Rebeca the pills. Romina winces, wondering what she is going to do…

    The social worker asks Luciano to leave while Mati gives her statement. He kisses her on the head telling her to be calm. The questioning begins with the most logical first: how do you get along with your mother? Mati turns to look at Javi…

    As Angel and JE comfort Don Emilio, Rebeca wonders why Monica hasn’t died yet. Her kind, compassionate reverie is interrupted by the devil himself as a distraught Misael appears and cries that his mother has died. Don Emilio crumples and is helped by JE as Misael hugs Rebeca. Sadly, Rebeca’s first question, if Monica named the shooter, seemed to arouse no suspicion. Misael swears he will kill the murderer…Bruno! Angel stares from the couch and as Misael continues to hug Rebeca, he hears Don Emilio cry that once again, a loved one has been taken from them as Misael harkens back to his shooting Dulce.

    Corral tells Bruno that Monica just passed away. She reminds him to try to remember where he was before going to his apartment. Unless he has an alibi, he will remain there. Bruno evilly remembers raping Sandra.

    Santi tries talking gently to Sandra as she tells him that she doesn’t know who the rapist was. Santi tries to get her to name her assailant but Sandra persists in saying she didn’t know the man. Angel walks in and explains that it is important she allow the doctor to check her. Sandra reluctantly agrees. After Santi leaves, Angel sits by Sandra’s side as the doctor starts her questions.

    The judge assures Javi and Mati that their only intention is to protect them; there are no right or wrong answers. When he asks how they got along with their parents, Mati shares that she cares very much about her mother. One day her mother left and their father took them to the hacienda. When her mother left her job, she went to the hacienda but didn’t like it there so she took them to the city with her. Javi adds that their mother would go to work, leaving them alone without food; that’s why they wanted to leave. When the accident is brought up, Mati tells them it is no one’s fault. Mati and Javi say how happy they are with their father. Javi then shows them a recording of how they were locked in.


  24. VIVIR #117 Part 2

    (Unaired) Outside in the lobby, Luciano paces so Lucas reassures him that the kids are better off with them. Lucas denies hanging out with Brayan and will make sure Brayan doesn’t bother them anymore. Red flashing lights and alarms are set off in unison.

    Brayan is at the hacienda complaining about the smell when Gabriel (pop goes the weasel) leading his beautiful horse, spots him. He is not having warm or fuzzy feelings.

    The doctor tells Santi that Sandra’s physical injuries were minimal but the psychological ones are severe…she was sexually assaulted. He turns in fury but she puts her hand on his arm. When he tells her that he is Sandra’s friend, the doctor reports that Sandra insists that she didn’t see the abuser…but the doctor is obligated to report the assault and Sandra will be interrogated.

    Sandra curls up in bed, wrapping the covers tightly about her, trying to make herself as small as possible. Angel assures Sandra that she won’t leave her alone. Sandra cries that the doctor has to file a report but she doesn’t want anyone to know. Angel explains that they have to find who did this but Sandra doesn’t want to talk about it. She doesn’t want to remember what happened.

    Romina comes to taunt Bruno in jail smiling like a jackal. She can’t believe that Monica is dead and asks Bruno what she did to him that made him kill her, but Bruno denies having killed Monica. As she leaves, Bruno wonders what Monica was doing at his apartment.

    Rebeca brings coffee to Misael (wearing silky grey paisley pjs) in bed. She asks what’s wrong (aside from his mother’s dying) so Misael shares that he never expected his mother to leave…she was strong and always wanted the best for him. Rebeca urges he do as his mother asked; to fight for the company. Unless of course, she adds acidly, he is going to wait until his cousins take it from him. He opines that without his mother’s support they will try to push him aside. Rebeca (did she cut the front of her hair?) blames herself since she saw how everyone looked at her at the funeral service. When she tells him it would best if they weren’t together, Misael doesn’t care if he loses it all as long as she is with him (as bile arises). She is the most important thing for him…as is his son. Rebeca, rarely caught off guard, stares and mutters “your son??” And right then and there, Rebeca adds another name to her resume – (not yet legal) stepmother!!!

    JE needs to go to the office. He knows the special connection Misael had with his mother and worries even more now that Misael is with Rebeca. Angel (wearing a short white skirt and white top with a grass green top tied under her bustline) comments that even though Elena swears that Rebeca is different, Angel has a hard time trusting Rebeca. JE knows Misael won’t listen to him but he has to try.


  25. VIVIR #117 Part 3

    Misael explains about Pedrito and when he adds that he wants them to form a family, Rebeca is visibly upset, fanning herself, inhaling and exhaling exaggeratingly. Rebeca thinks their families will try to separate them. Undeterred, Misael declares his love for her, stroking her face. She stares wild eyed. He shares about Elena’s visit and how Elena will support them (this last bit of dialogue was not aired in what I saw).

    To avoid foreclosure, Elena tells Angel she has decided to sell Ulisses’ watch to help pay for the debt. As Elena shows her the foreclosure notice, Angel looks suitably stricken and hugs her mother.

    Gi talks Armando into buying the watch although he thinks it’s too expensive and he doesn’t need it. As they talk, Carmelo walks behind them, listening.

    Adolfo meets with Romina. He has agreed to represent her since Luciano asked him to. Romina asks for one last favor (we do not hear what it is).

    Don Emilio sadly looks at family pictures when Cris arrives; she tries to comfort her brokenhearted father. She understands losing a child all too well, learning to live with the crushing, all-consuming pain. She gently asks him not to feel alone; she is with him. She reminds him he is strong and time will help him heal. She lovingly reinforces that his family needs him. Don Emilio would have liked to have more time with Monica. Cris argues that no one knows when their time will come; the only reality is that they have this day and they should be happy. Don Emilio tells her she has her life ahead of her…and he has his grandchildren to look after. Cris tells him Pedrito will be fine; the one she worries about is Misael since he has gone through so much…he must feel very alone; he should not be living with Rebeca! Don Emilio thinks he should support Misael and make him feel that he has a family…they have to show him that he doesn’t need “that woman!”

    Luciano, Fatima, Javi and Mati have gathered as she prepares to leave the hospital. Mati is happy that she is finally free. Lucas will miss her and gives her a chaste kiss. Romina approaches and Luciano (more than) graciously tells her she can visit Mati and Javi any time she wants. Rebeca kisses each child as Luciano and Fatima exchange glances.

    Icky gives his condolences to Adolfo. Icky then shares that he heard Bruno threaten Monica. Adolfo thinks will help the case and asks that Icky report it to the police. Icky agrees.


  26. VIVIR #117 Part 4

    Misael is at Bruno’s cell and as Bruno walks up, Misael calls him an assassin and tries to grab him through the bars. Unfortunately, the guards pull him away. Bruno swears he didn’t kill his mother but Misael is still ready to tear him to shreds. After Bruno reminds Misael about all he has done for him, he tells Misael to look for the real killer because he didn’t do it. This does seem to have penetrated through his fury.

    Pedrito sees a sad Don Emilio who explains that his daughter died. Pedrito audibly gasps and tries to comfort him. The sweet child shows Don Emilio how to how to fold his hands as he offers up a prayer.

    Corral tells Misael that the test showed that Bruno didn’t fire the gun. Misael asks if Bruno will be freed but she says no, he will still be detained because someone testified that they overheard Bruno threaten Monica.

    JE goes to see Misael but it is Rebeca who opens the door! She tells him he isn’t there but as JE turns to leave, she calls him back. Rebeca asks him to listen to her; she doesn’t remember anything and doesn’t want to hurt them. JE warns that nothing she can do will separate him and Angel and she needs to stay away from them. After he leaves, Rebeca mutters he is an idiot and that they won’t get rid of her that easily.

    Carmelo has undoubtedly reported what he deliberately overheard. Lupe, La Pinky and the ladies greet Angel, wanting to give her all the prize money to pay the restaurant debt. Angel is touched but refuses as it is they who deserve the money. When Angel mentions that she came to see Sandra, Lupe comments that they haven’t seen Sandra much. Angel takes Lupe aside and tells her Sandra was abused and will need their support. Lupe looks crushed.

    Lucas tumbles away, needing to find out where Brayan is.

    Brayan calls Memo and tells him that there is plenty to steal at the hacienda…as Gabriel lurks behind him.


  27. VIVIR #117 Part 5

    Lucas is pushing Mati’s wheelchair over the rough terrain. When they work to lift the wheelchair up several steps, Mati cries out that this is not working. She gets frustrated and wants to go alone.

    Lucas listens as Axel and Memo cackle away (like the fools that they are) that Mati led them to the hacienda. Lucas decides to go to the hacienda to stop Brayan.

    Luciano gently picks up Mati and carries her into the house. Javi looks so sad…

    Angel goes to see Sandra who is prostrate on the couch huddled under a blanket. Angel encourages her to go back to the restaurant, but a devastated Sandra doesn’t want to see anyone or be seen; how can she face her father? Angel reminds her that what happened wasn’t her fault…she was a victim. She holds Sandra’s hand and strokes her back soothingly.

    (Unaired) Adolfo tells Cris that he made her appointment for the biopsy. He urges that she tell her children, but she refuses. Adolfo will be with her.

    Angel’s persuasive kindness must have worked its magic as the next scene we see is Angel standing with her arm around Sandra at the restaurant! Renato arrives and Angel tells him about the foreclosure. She wants to enter a cooking contest; if they are finalists they will have enough money to pay their debt. As Angel and Renato hug, JE approaches. At first, he grimaces but now having thankfully learned from his mistakes, simply smiles and greets Renato. After Renato leaves, JE then tells Angel that he wants to continue with their wedding plans.

    Mati feels useless. Luciano encourages her to be patient; he will set up ramps so she can go outside.

    Fatima talks to Domingo about the importance of the crops. The workers give a resounding cheer!


  28. VIVIR #116 Part 6 of 6

    Gi and Elena talk, Gi commenting that Monica’s death was odd. When she mentions that Bruno was detained, Sandra drops the tray. Gi and Elena look at each other.

    Bruno sulks in his cell (unfortunately there were no rats to gnaw his face off). Corral approaches and tells him about the witness who heard him threaten Monica.

    Misael goes to Bruno’s to investigate. The maître d tells him about the person who delivered the pizza. Misael tells him his mother is dead; it’s very important that he see the surveillance video. (Isn’t this something Corral should have immediately done/found out???)

    Don Emilio thinks Pedrito can’t be kept away from his mother. JE wants to talk to Misael first but Don Emilo adds that with or without Misael, they need to find Wanda. Cris and Adolfo walk in wondering why they called the meeting. After Don Emilio says he didn’t call the meeting…Rebeca walks in! “Hola, buenos tardes” she begins as everyone stares nonplussed. Rebeca thanks them for attending; she wants to talk to them about Misael. Don Emilio frowns, JE and Adolfo look incredulous, Cris shakes her head and Angel looks afraid…

    I’m so sad that Sandra isn’t talking; I hope someone can break through her pain and get her to reveal Bruno as her rapist.

    Part 1 didn’t post at first which is why I reposted it. Then, the first one magically appeared. Ack.

    I extend my deep admiration and appreciation to mi amiga who translated the (often too fast and confusing) dialogue smoothly and eloquently.


  29. Vivir

    Thanks Diana and friend, another great recap.

    I kept thinking Misael would use his head when Rebeca was talking about his cousins taking over the company. I felt she was saying things she shouldn’t know about. Her memory loss has always been selective but JE was the only one that asked how she got to the restaurant the other day.

    I hope Sandra eventually tells someone it was Bruno. He needs to pay for that.
    Misael seemed to believe Bruno towards the end. Or at least more likely to listen to him.

    I was disappointed that Adolfo is going to represent Romina. I guess he doesn’t know how she helped Rebeca. Plus she was taunting Bruno and she’s no innocent.

    What was with Rebeca when she heard about Pedrito. A strange reaction.

    I didn’t realize Lucas was heading to the Hacienda to save them from Brayan. He should call Luciano!

    Also surprised we didn’t get to see Monica’s funeral.


  30. Vivir. As usual, thank you so much Diana and friend for your excellent recap. As usual, a number of bons mots among the summaries: "her kind compassionate reverie is interrupted"--yes, indeed, reflecting on the lack of success of an attempted murder might cause that. :) "(pop goes the weasel)"--indeed, Gabriel is a weasel. I hope they find Bruno's dna on Sandra. Maybe it will have been sampled to find evidence on the gun, etc. of his having killed Monica. Sandra has very traditional ideas about rape--that it is somehow the woman's fault and that it will ruin her reputation forever if discovered. Traditionally the only way for a woman to save her reputation was to marry her rapist. In fact there's an early 17th-c. Spanish play (by Lope de Vega?) in which a woman is forced to marry the man who raped her and whom she certainly does not love. But the man she does love turns up at the ceremony and after it is completed stabs the rapist to death. Then he says to the priest: "All right, now marry us."--which the priest does. The woman of course is no longer considered a rape victim but a respectable widow. I loved Misael's pajamas! Will Mati still be getting physical therapy, even if she is back at the hacienda? Will she and Lucas together find a way to thwart Brayan? At least Cris's biopsy appointment wasn't totally forgotten--just not aired. And yes, rats gnawing off Bruno's face would be a fitting punishment.

  31. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz!

    "Her memory loss has always been selective but JE was the only one that asked how she got to the restaurant the other day". Good catch!

    I don't think Rebeca had been around when Pedrito was in the house and/or being discussed. In this one instance, I'm thinking Rebeca's reaction was genuine; she didn't think Misael had a plus one although I could be wrong.

    I think Bruno will be revealed as the rapist, one way or the other.

    I always have trouble figuring out the time lapses. I agree there should have been something for Monica, perhaps it's too soon??


  32. VIVIR

    Thank you so very much SpanProf. Such uplifting comments.

    While Sandra will be able to draw on the care and affection of her neighbors and friends, she will also need intense counseling. I wonder if she is going to talk to Domingo. I have no doubt he will help her heal and be her staunchest supporter.

    "I hope they find Bruno's dna on Sandra. Maybe it will have been sampled to find evidence on the gun, etc. of his having killed Monica". That would be wonderful! The sooner he can be thrown in jail the better.

    As we haven't seen Mati getting any actual PT, we don't know if she is progressing in her rehab or not. I would think that if she isn't going to be able to walk again, she would have been told that. But as I always say, what do I know? :)


  33. Vivir de amor

    Diana, you are a champ! I have been busy the last two days and when it came to watching the recorded episodes or getting some sleep, I chose sleep!
    And I'm not ashamed :-)

    In any event, they were in the can and I got to watch eventually and, much better, I read your great recaps. Better than watching except that seeing Doris and Wanda again was really nice. Add me to the list of those who think Sebas should stick to acting and avoid parts that call for him to sing.
    Armando and Gi add some welcome humor as the doting parents of their "new" daughter Doris. They are great fun, and we need some humor in this novela.

    Jimena and Renato finally get together. I'm happy to see this though I don't see them as a great couple just yet. Hopefully with a little time. Amazingly, we do have just a little time left on the clock with this novela, not all that much. Throughout most of the run it was "Well, we still have almost another 100 episodes to go, plenty of time!"

    Bruno's raping poor Sandra was a "clever" way to put Bruno in a predicament. His two earlier attempts to force himself on her at the hacienda were, I suppose, to set it up.
    The whole thing is rather disgusting though, and I have to believe they could have found much better ways to do this.
    Mejia and the rest of the crew are all telenovela professionals and if they believe there are viewers who might want to see this sort of thing so they can hate some bad guys all the more, they are probably right.
    But as for me, I think it was very unpleasant and gratuitous.

    Just how bad is Gabriel these days? Will he redeem himself with what he now knows about Brayan, or just seek to profit from it?

    Some really interesting stuff coming up soon. Wanda and Pedrito, Sebas and Doris, Jimena and Renato; Misael and the security video, if it's still available.
    Maybe even another appearance of Alma's ghost. I can't help but wonder if there isn't something that will send Becky over the edge.

    Diana, Champ, thank you for these splendid, fun to read, and wonderfully helpful recaps! And to your friend also, of course.


  34. Vivir
    Thanks Diana and friend. I totally did not understand the part about the watch so it was good to get that explained. I thought they were going to have to sell the restaurant, and then I thought maybe Gi and Armando were in financial difficulties and actually thought that was Primitivo eavesdropping. Just goes to prove how needed your recaps are for me.

    I'm thinking in this case Monica's funeral has yet to occur. Off to walk our dogs before it gets dark...
    I'll add more if I think of anything later.

  35. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for your always kind words.

    "Armando and Gi add some welcome humor as the doting parents of their "new" daughter Doris. They are great fun, and we need some humor in this novela" was perfect. They could do an hour on this newly formed family and I would sit watching and listening to every exchange in rapt and happy attention.

    Bruno and his storyline = "gratuitous" and "disgusting". Exactly.

    And this, which has also been on my mind: "Just how bad is Gabriel these days? Will he redeem himself with what he now knows about Brayan..." I think and hope he will redeem himself by joining forces with Lucas to thwart Brayan.

    "I can't help but wonder if there isn't something that will send Becky over the edge". Perhaps the spirits could join forces to do just that. I hope the writers have something really creative and different for Becky's demise.


  36. VIVIR

    Thanks Kat.

    I wouldn't have understood the Gi/Armando exchange either if not for my friend's translation. There is so much happening so quickly it's really hard (if not impossible) to see and understand everything that is transpiring and being said.

    I think your right in that Monica's wake is yet to come...


  37. VIVIR Episode 117 Part 1 of 2

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and L.O. Quent Lee (dialog translations). I wanted to chime in on Mónica’s Monday swan song, but work had other plans for me. Thank goodness it continued through today. So far her departure has been a tad underwhelming. For 116 episodes Mónica’s Musings have been as colorful as they’ve been random. She’s quoted the Bible & Bruce Lee and dabbled in Italian, but when it comes time for her words to really mean something. e.g., “It was Big Reb who shot me in the left boob!’ she clams the hell up and dies with a whimper. Boo! I hope she comes back and double teams Rebeca with Alma. They can’t let Joker go out like that.

    My patio mates have voted for the book to be thrown at vile Big-Eyed Idiot Romina. Book? I say throw the whole dang biblioteca. What an odious character. Not one redeeming quality in 117 episodes. Her anvil can’t come BIG enough or soon enough. The actor playing her attorney deserves an award for his no-nonsense delivery of her possible (well-deserved) punishments, AND keeping his lunch down while her eyes and protestations got bigger with every judicial scenario. Ugh.

    The whole Sandra saga is just tragic. The only thing I can think of is perhaps it was a trajectory in Laços de Sangue, which this novella is based on. Otherwise, why oh why would the writers subject us to this dark and brutal sidebar? I was hoping for a sweet HEA for Santiago and Sandra. He’d come a long way (fka Santi-asco in early blurbs). Only time will tell.

    Don’t look know but we’re getting a gratuitous shot of a horse’s ass at the hacienda. It’s wearing a blue tank top and walking another horse. I think they call him Gabriel (fka Tiger Beat), and it’s too late for his redemption. Then again, what kind of After School Special would this be without convenient reformation? Alright, everyone act surprised when he helps save the day. 3, 2, 1, YAWN.

    I know they have to move the story along, but in what medical universe would a doctor spill very intimate frijoles about her patient’s physical and mental status to a friend (not immediate family) in the hallway esp. when the victim reports she didn’t see the abuser. SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE, DR.. BLABBERMOUTH! She has an obligation to put all Sandra’s business on blast AND report the assault to the authorities.

  38. VIVIR Episode 117 Part 2 of 2

    A few life tips from the mentally ill:
    •Upon finding out your nemesis and pending mother-in-law has died, the first thing you ask is if she identified the shooter. Don’t even bother with “Asking for a friend.”
    •Help your man through the grieving process by pitting him against his remaining family. Time heals all wounds but not as fast as triple dealing and corporate power plays.
    I don’t capisce why Mónica’s funeral happened off-camera or how Misael’s bangs grew back so quickly.

    In today’s That Came Out of Nowhere news: Elena’s been sitting on Ulises’ watch for almost 2 decades. Ok.
    •That timepiece must really be bling’d out if it can save the family restaurant.
    •Milagro que Santi didn’t lose it in high stakes Texas Hold ‘Em during his The Gambler era.
    •Why couldn’t we get footage of Ulises wearing this mortgage-saver? ::shakes fist at Salvadore Mejia::

    Our favorite office scamp (Icky) strikes again - stacking the deck against Bruno with his chismes/testimony. The Ickster was one of the sole highlights in what we must assume was one of Mónica’s last episodes.

    Ioved Loved LOVED Misael’s green Riddler suit when he visited Bruno in the hoosegow. It’s high time Bruno’s patented plaid gets replaced by STRIPES!

    More surprising developments:
    •There’s an international cooking contest with a prize amount almost equal to Ulises’ antique watch. The contest is sponsored by How Convenient, Inc.
    •JE witnesses Ang holding hands with Renato and doesn’t flip his wig. A first?
    •Misael “Encyclopedia Brown” beats Corral and Silent-but-Deadly to surveillance video of Bruno’s Bachelor Plaid, er, Pad.
    •How did Big Reb remember where the main conference room is (let alone how to call a company meeting)?
    •Wanda’s about to get a visit!

  39. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Looks like Blogger ate Part 1 of my post.

    Please help!

  40. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, for another wonderful recap as we meander closer to the awaiting anvils and HEAs!

    I posted your part 1 O.S., and thank you for "' SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE, DR.. BLABBERMOUTH!' LOL no kidding!

    I was hoping we were done with Gabriel, but I suppose he could try to redeem himself by helping stop Brayan, unless he goes the other route and decides to help Brayan for 'revenge'. I was hoping for some sort of after school special-like surprise where the love of the land or horses or something gets into Brayan's soul while he's working and he goes straight!!! LOL well maybe not, but that would be outside the cliche and different.

    So, if a gun residue test eliminates you, you can still be detained if a 3rd party claims you threatened someone???? Good to know! I guess when you're just one cop and you investigate every single crime committed you have to take a win any way you can get it!!! I'm not mad though, keep him! Lock him up, throw away the key and give him a really mean cellmate!

  41. Vivir #116/117

    Gracias, amigas.

    I know that JE suspects that Rebecca is faking the amnesia so I hope he is asking himself why she was in Misael's apartment. And why she turned up at the office.

    Misael would be in deep shit if the Olympian gods were real. He killed his father and no break because he didn't know Mauricio was his father. There was also so much emotional incest between him and Monica. Oedipus replay.

    He knows what Monica thought of Rebecca, so it may not talk him too long to figure out what happened.

    Mati is an idiot for not holding Romina responsible for her accident, so when are those security tapes going to appear? BTW, in case nobody's posted this yet, I think Lucas sold his gaming set-up to buy the wheelchair.

    Did the writers forget that this wheelchair is electric and didn't need to be pushed?

  42. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your supportive words.

    I'm in awe. I want to cut and paste your entire comment which was amazing, start to finish. Nothing makes me happier than to laugh and I did so reading every wry word that you wrote.

    Like Darcy, loved "SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE, DR.. BLABBERMOUTH!" Perfect!

    "•Upon finding out your nemesis and pending mother-in-law has died, the first thing you ask is if she identified the shooter. Don’t even bother with “Asking for a friend” was inspired.

    And this riff, my favorite: "In today’s That Came Out of Nowhere news: Elena’s been sitting on Ulises’ watch for almost 2 decades. Ok.
    •That timepiece must really be bling’d out if it can save the family restaurant.
    •Why couldn’t we get footage of Ulises wearing this mortgage-saver? ::shakes fist at Salvadore Mejia::" Divine!

    "L.O. Quent Lee, How Convenient, Inc and Misael’s green Riddler suit" were amazing.

    There is nothing else for me to say as you said it all, with wit and flair. Thank you!


  43. Vivir
    O.S. I always enjoy your commentaries. The bangs thing bothered me too. He managed to scrape it back into his ponytail the very next scene.

    About the wheelchair. Yup it's motorized. It won't get her up the steps though and the uneven cobblestones may affect it's ability to function. The thing that got me was how incompetent they were getting it up the steps. As a former home care provider for elderly they had terrible form at that transition. At least Dad is going to build ramps for her.

    Gabriel also has terrible form leading a horse. For a minor role they should have found a better cowboy! He certainly didn't win the role for his singing/guitar playing prowess. Brayan going off script and being redeemed! That would be great

    OT. On my walk last night I met up with one of my neighbors (that lives 3/4 mile away, but living in the country there are not many close neighbors)). She has an actress friend that since COVID has not been called into work much. The industry is paying a pittance to the minor role actors. Apparently AI is being used a lot for the writing now. So whenever we wonder what monkeys have written these scripts we can blame it on AI now! If only the AI read all the patios comments maybe we could be an influence in telenovela land!

  44. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you so much.

    You captured one of the most eyebrow raising events yesterday with your usual marvelous humor and insight:

    "So, if a gun residue test eliminates you, you can still be detained if a 3rd party claims you threatened someone???? Good to know! I guess when you're just one cop and you investigate every single crime committed you have to take a win any way you can get it!!! I'm not mad though, keep him! Lock him up, throw away the key and give him a really mean cellmate!"

    Could not agree more!!! I believe in fairness and in justice but I would not feel the least bit guilt or remorse if Bruno were to rot in jail in perpetuity.


  45. VIVIR

    Urban, thank you.

    "BTW, in case nobody's posted this yet, I think Lucas sold his gaming set-up to buy the wheelchair". Urban, thank you so much for that!! After we saw that very quick scene, I thought he was selling or swapping something for the wheelchair although I can't recall if I noted it in the recap or not. Mystery solved!

    "Did the writers forget that this wheelchair is electric and didn't need to be pushed?" :)

    You are exactly right in that now that Bruno has been exhonerated, Misael SHOULD realize who had motivation and opportunity to kill mama.

    Kat, thank you for "So whenever we wonder what monkeys have written these scripts we can blame it on AI now! "


  46. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Super recap. "Brayan is at the hacienda complaining about the smell when Gabriel (pop goes the weasel" -- love it. Though deep down, I do hope Gabriel turns himself around and helps Lucas.

    "Rebeca brings coffee to Misael (wearing silky grey paisley pjs) in bed. She asks what’s wrong (aside from his mother’s dying)..."

    Misael is such a fool to not notice that Rebeca has the empathy of a stone.

    Niecie: Did Buji Monica just kick the bucket ?

  48. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks, Darcy the Rescuer. Nu-Blogger is insatiable with our posts lately. Is it excess snark? I wish we could divine a solution for keeping our posts safe/uneaten. Nevertheless, I always appreciate your swift recovery and emancipation of our work - not to mention your commentary. I don’t think Brayan’s soul will be set free by nature and country. LOL. Apparently the hacienda smells worse than his nappy dreads. Those things can’t be April Fresh.

    Thanks, Diana. It’s not a fair trade, but if I can provide a chuckle or two in exchange for your daily, eloquent recaps, then I’ll sleep a little better. Have I told you lately how much I look forward to you + amiga’s work? Es más, I can’t wait to read your take on the latest episode ALONG WITH your feedback on EVERYBODY’S 2¢. Just amazing. Diana 4 President!!!

    Kat, thank you for sharing my post-traumatic bang concerns. Like Romina, Gabriel/Tiger Beat/Horse Poseur has brought NOTHING to the table throughout the series. Remind me to check the credits. Maybe he’s a VIP’s nephew or something. ¡Basta, Nepo-Gabriel!

  49. VIVIR

    Niecie, thank you so very much!

    "Misael is such a fool to not notice that Rebeca has the empathy of a stone" had me chuckling away. Oh, so true!

    Yes, I am also hoping Gabriel will use his powers of sneaking observation for good. Alas for him, the Sandra ship has sailed without him...


  50. VIVIR

    "...if I can provide a chuckle or two in exchange for your daily, eloquent recaps, then I’ll sleep a little better".

    O.S., in that case, you will enjoy a long, restful sleep for many nights to come. Thank you!!


  51. VIVIR

    Hi Steve. Rebeca shot and killed Monica.


  52. VIVIR

    Steve, Rebeca shot and killed Monica.


    Diana: Guessing that Buji Monica was a liability to Nutty Becca's plans.

  54. VIVIR #118 Part 1

    Rebeca swoops into the room like the vulture she is, trying to muster a look resembling concern. She asks everyone listen to her because she is worried…about Misael. She doesn’t want them pushing him aside at the company because of her. Don Emilio states no one is condemning Misael (‘cept us of course) and JE adds that Misael doesn’t need her to speak for him. As Cris turns her head and rubs her forehead in frustration, Rebeca tells them that Misael is going through a hard time because of his mother and he needs his family. When she assures them that she is willing to distance herself from Misael, JE insists “Do it!” (I’m actually starting to like ‘ole JE).

    Misael questions why the police took the videos. The maitre’d comments that he doubts Bruno killed the señora, but Misael, thinking clearly, only asks what pizzeria the person was from.

    JE tells Rebeca that he doesn’t buy her little dog and pony show…Misael has them and doesn’t need her. When Rebeca implores Don Emilio not to leave Misael alone and starts to walk out, Don Emilio actually calls her back and tells the family that during this difficult time, Misael needs everyone…including Rebeca as she is with Misael! As JE and Cris look at Don Emilio incredulously, he asks the family to give Rebeca a chance! Jaw dropping impactada from everyone except Rebeca who smiles and thanks him.

    Fatima tells Luciano the family is in a meeting with Rebeca. Luciano muses about Rebeca but Fatima doesn’t trust her.

    Don Emilio asks if it has been proven that Rebeca is guilty. When Adolfo replies no evidence has been unearthed (thus far), Don Emilio thinks although she has made many mistakes they should give Rebeca the benefit of the doubt. Don Emilio admits he has also made mistakes but everyone dismisses that telling him what a wonderful father and grandfather he is. Kindhearted but woefully misguided Don Emilio brings up Monica and is adamant about giving Rebeca a chance.

    Sandra shows up at work; Santi smiles at seeing her. She admits she feels safe there. When Santi tells her that she needs to name her assailant, Sandra gets upset, raising her voice, refusing to do so. She threatens that she won’t return if Santi persists.

    Elena is happy that the charges against Rebeca were dropped; Rebeca deserves a second chance. When Elena insists that Rebeca is another person (if only we lament), Gi (shockingly in the world of never ever land) hopes so, going so far as to say that if Rebeca forgets about all the envy she felt for Angel, they may even reconcile. Elena mentions the wedding, but Gi doubts that Angel will want her there. The two end up laughing as only the oldest and dearest friends can.


  55. VIVIR #118 Part 2

    Adolfo thanks Don Emilio for supporting Misael. Cris asks them to be very careful with Rebeca. Don Emilio explains that he is doing it in Monica’s memory. Cris understands and brings up Dulce. She will support Don Emilio; together they will move the company forward and they clasp hands.

    Lucas frantically tries to contact Mati, but Mati is outside playing with Javi. She tries to retrieve the basketball and gets frustrated when she can’t reach it. She screams at Javi in frustration that she will spend the rest of her life in the wheelchair causing poor Javi to run off crying.

    JE tells Misael (still wearing his “green Ridler suit” thanks O.S.) that he worries about him trusting Rebeca. Misael tells him not to worry, Rebeca is now with him (which is exactly JE’s point)!

    At Cris’ doctor’s office, Adolfo worries because he agrees with JE that Rebeca might hurt Misael. Cris is called in…

    Gabriela tells Fatima that Cris left with Adolfo and Fatima smiles.

    Cris is in the OR, praying for strength for herself, her father and her children.

    (Unaired) Domingo explains to Brayan how the faucets used to water the crops work and how to clean them. Brayan mocks that he won’t clean them. The first part of the scene I saw was Brayan lying down in the grass when he hears Luciano and Fatima coming. …

    Fatima thinks they will have a very good crop and Luciano adds that the harvest will help fill all the orders they have. A distraught Javi comes running in, telling them that he was playing ball with Mati but she started to cry that she would never walk again. Luciano worries that Mati will fall into a depression…so he thinks they need to show Mati that her life will go on and she will play basketball again. (And the physical therapy is where??) Fatima hugs Javi as Luciano kisses the top of her head.


  56. VIVIR #118 Part 3

    Renato thinks of his intense kiss with Jimena when Sandra arrives, bringing him out of his reverie. She smiles knowingly and tells him that Elena is looking for him.

    Elena talks to Renato about the contest he wants to enter and offers one of Ulises’s recipes…which reminds her of their life and time together. Slimy Rebeca (wearing a strangely not hideous beige floral patterned V neck dress) slithers up, eavesdropping as Renato tells Elena that he and Angel will meet after hours to look for the best recipe to try to win. As Elena thanks him, Rebeca approaches and asks if there is a problem with her coming there. Renato icily says “con permiso”, stares hatefully at Rebeca and leaves. After Elena assures her it’s fine, Rebeca thanks her for talking to Misael. She play acts at bidding Elena a loving farewell and as she walks away, Rebeca wonders what event her sister and Renato are planning for.

    Pedrito is at loose ends and unable to resist him, (I mean who could?) Petra allows him to vacuum a bit. He is having fun when Misael storms in, shutting the machine off. Misael scolds Petra for having his son do her work. Pedrito gives attitude right back to Misael, sneering away, defending Petra stating that he asked to help! Misael tells Pedrito that it’s time he lived with him. As he tries to roughly pull the child toward him, Pedrito resists so spaghetti arm Misael ends up picking Pedrito up, carrying him away. Pedrito scrams for Petra stretching his arms out toward her as Misael carries him away.

    Mati is still crying when Luciano tells her that all depends on her attitude and asks her that if he can show her that she can play basketball, will change her attitude. Mati thinks it’s impossible but Luciano insists she try.

    Rebeca walks in and calls out “Pedrito”! Not quite dumb as dirt Misael asks how she knows his name…is it true she does not have amnesia? Pedrito insults her calling her “gorda!”

    Luciano arranges a quick pick-up game that continues until Mati makes a basket. Hugs from all.

    Misael demands an answer. Rebeca fibs that JE told her his son’s name. She met with JE and his family today, telling them not to condemn him for supporting her. Sensing he doesn’t believe her; she says it’s best that she leave. Naturally, Misael stops her. She hurt him but he loves her; that’s why he took responsibility for her. She swears she isn’t lying…she will never forget the only person who gave her another chance. He asks HER to forgive HIM. Sigh. He hugs her and tries to introduce Rebeca to Pedrito. Crying as though his heart is broken, Pedrito frowns he already knows her and he doesn’t like her, nobody in the neighborhood likes her! Pedrito doesn’t want to be with Misael or Rebeca, he wants to go back to his great grandfather.


  57. VIVIR #118 Part 4

    Brayan carries jugs of an unknown substance up a ladder and dumps them into the water tower! Fatima happens to walk by but when she calls out, asking who is there, he hides. Fatima looks around but Brayan throws a rock to distract her.

    Wanda tells Don Emilio, Angel and JE that she doesn’t want Pedrito to know that she is his mother. Angel suggests that they tell Pedrito that they brought someone from the neighborhood to keep him company. Wanda crosses herself as Cris and Adolfo arrive who tell them they went out to (yet another) dinner, this time, Italian. Introductions are being made when Petra comes in and nervously tells them that Misael took Pedrito. Wanda looks heartbroken.

    Mati is still playing in the dark. As she makes a basket, Gabriel approaches…. he came to talk to her father about something that has him worried.

    Meanwhile, Brayan pours more substance into the water.

    Javi comes running up ready to beat Gabe to a pulp and Gabriel surprisingly retreats. Luciano arrives and Mati tells him Gabriel needed to talk to him. Luciano says he will talk to him tomorrow

    Angel encourages Sandra to name her aggressor but (as lasers flash and sirens roar), Sandra tells her that the person has already been detained!!!!! (Question asked AND answered).

    Santi and Renato arrive and Angel, part of the three amigos, start to get to work.

    Jimena is at the pizzeria, talking to David telling him she is ready for the grand opening. She is unpleasantly surprised by Icky who has brought her a rose. When Icky snarks that she is waiting for her lover, Jimena won’t give him an explanation; so Icky reminds her that he is still her husband. Jimena counters by reminding him he had a lover! As they argue, Icky gets really ugly, roughly putting his hands on her face! Jimena immediately gets a super-sized rolling pin and threatens him. Before he leaves, he callously pushes a stack of plates and as they shatter on the floor, she breaks down in tears.


  58. VIVIR #118 Part 5 of 5

    Lupe confides in Doris and Marisa about Sandra. An outraged Doris (looking beautiful in a white lace bolero over a green V neck dress) wants to find the man and beat him up, but Lupe points out that they only need to support Sandra. When Doris wonders who the scoundrel could have been, Marisa recalls a man coming out, bumping into her; she is sure he works at the Rivero Cuellar company!!

    JE and Sebas are reviewing paperwork. JE can’t believe Bruno is being accused of killing Monica when Satan himself calls, telling Misael he will be transferred to prison. Bruno has information on Misael and is ready to negotiate. JE sits up fully alert, Bruno has his full attention.

    Lucas tries to call Mati but nada! He hopes Brayan hasn’t done anything to her. Lucas shares his worries with his parents and the upshot is that he is going to return to the hacienda.

    JE wants specific info but Bruno won’t talk unless JE helps him. Firstly, JE needs to convince Icky to retract his statement. When JE questions helping him, ready to hang up, Bruno suggests he review the loan payments. As the call is disconnected, Bruno bangs the receiver down in frustration.

    Cris is telling Don Emilio to calm down…they can talk to Misael tomorrow. When Adolfo tells Cris that she needs to rest, Don Emilio questions his concern but Cris covers by explaining she is just tired. All of a sudden, Pedrito bursts into the room running to and hugging Don Emilio, Misael and Rebeca right behind him. As Misael puts his arm around Rebeca, he announces they are staying there to be close to Pedrito and will be moving in lock, (gun) stock and barrel! And as shock and awe descends, we end for the day…

    Sandra’s comment her assailant has ALREADY been detained and surprising witness Marisa noting a man coming out of Sandra’s bumping into her was someone she recognized, should be enough to prosecute and convict Bruno…

    The rapid-fire dialogue and whiplash inducing events have been brought to light by my amazing friend’s precise and brilliantly captured dialogue. Marvelous!


  59. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and friend, you are life savers! I was babysitting at my daughters and was able to watch Monday and Tuesday. When I got home today I had to finish last nights Marea. Then I accidentally erased today’s episode when I was erasing the other shows! I was able to watch bits and pieces online but not the complete episode. And no closed captions. I feel like I got to see the best parts, Pedrito being dragged away by his father and Rebeca calling him by name. Awful Icky breaking the plates. I think I really only missed the first part, the meeting and doctor’s office.

    I have a feeling Rebeca is going to send JE to the restaurant where Angel and Renato will be working late. He got upset today when they were together. If he gets mad like he did in previous times I would love for Angel to decide to be a single mother!

    Not sure how Wanda will ever get to be a mother to Pedrito. Misael wants Rebeca in that job! But so glad I got to see everyone’s faces when Misael arrived with Rebeca to move in to keep Pedrito happy!

    It looks like Bruno won’t get away with his brutal act against Sandra. Hope we don’t have to wait too long for that. But not sure why he’s being sent to prison for the threat he made, although I’m quite happy with it!


  60. VIVIR

    Hi Liz, thank you - I'm glad we were able to fill in a few of the scenes you missed. Outside of the scene with the indignant Doris :) I think you saw the best ones.

    Rebeca sending JE to wherever Renato and Angel will be cooking sounds just like something she would do! You are exactly right that when he first saw them, he was upset. Then, he seemed to immediately calm down and smile. Now I'm wondering if that was just for Angel's benefit and he hasn't lost all of his hotheadedness??? Well, we shall see right?

    Don Emilio hasn't suffered enough (Darcy and now Monica's deaths), now he has to put up with Rebeca! I would wager he is going to regret his decision to give her a chance much sooner rather than later.

    I am hoping Wanda will be with Pedrito in the end. As much as Don Emilio and family love Pedrito, he deserves to be happy with his mother in the neighborhood he has always called home. I expect there to be many trips to the mansion for ice cream and fun...


  61. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you as always for another outstanding recap. Right out of the gate you had me laughing with "Rebeca swoops into the room like the vulture she is, trying to muster a look resembling concern." I think you nailed it!

    "Sandra shows up at work; Santi smiles at seeing her. She admits she feels safe there. When Santi tells her that she needs to name her assailant, Sandra gets upset, raising her voice, refusing to do so."
    Santi is right, technically, but it's not so easy a thing to do, and too often is not done. It's complicated sometimes.

    Misael sure has a way with kids. And when it comes to Becky, he is as dumb as a rock.

    Becky wearing a not hideous at all "beige floral patterned V neck dress" looked really good! Becky quite often looks really fine, but occasionally she looks like she is coming off a "lost weekend" hanging out with an over-the-hill motorcycle gang. Not today!

    I would like to see Pedrito not make so many nasty faces; cute goes only so far, though where Pedrito is concerned Diana would probably disagree :-)

    It was nice to see both Doris and Wanda today, though I was hoping Wanda would wear that green dress again. Ah, well, good enough. Doris has a new look, different hair. Doesn't matter much, she looks good all the time.

    Diana and shy friend, Omni, thank you again!


  62. Vivir de amor

    It looks like Blogger didn't like something I said and ate my comment.
    I could repost it, but most often Blogger will keep deleting it.
    Sometimes I try to figure out what prompted the deletion, but I'm almost always wrong.


  63. Vivir de amor

    Ha! Oddly enough, Blogger sent me an email to my Gmail account telling me that my post had been published and included the text that I had written.
    Yet I do NOT see it here.


  64. VIVIR

    Andy, I asked Rgv Chick to restore your comment and she did. Thank you Rgv Chick!

    "Santi is right, technically, but it's not so easy a thing to do, and too often is not done. It's complicated sometimes". Your insight, understanding and kindness is one of the many reasons your voice is so important and so valued here.

    "Misael sure has a way with kids" had me laughing away.

    HA! "...cute goes only so far, though where Pedrito is concerned Diana would probably disagree :-)" You are darn right I do!!! ;)

    I always perk up now whenever I see Doris. Hopefully, we'll see her a bit more. We need some light and levity!

    Thank you for your always nice, supportive comments.


  65. Vivir de amor

    Diana and Rgv Chick, many thanks for retrieving my comment. I wish I could figure out what triggers Blogger sometimes.


  66. VIVIR

    Andy, there is no rhyme or reason; Blogger just does what it wants, when it wants...

    Now, I just hold my breath and cross my fingers the recap posts!


  67. Vivir
    Thanks Diana ....
    Andy, I hoped you would be active tonight. I'm watching me Marido Tiene Mas Familia (episode 96) and lo and behold there is Doris! Well not really, her character is Diana in that show. Usually the character wears her hair in a ponytail but in today's episode it is down and I'm like I know that actress! I'm not enjoying this second season like I did the first. and there are over 50 episodes left so I'm not sure I'm sticking it out.

    I agree with the Pedrito observation about the faces he makes. I just can't get past the casting of a brown eyed boy from blue eyed Wanda and Misael. No way that happens by the laws of genetics.

    So poor Sandy thinks Bruno is behind bars because of the murder charge and that she is safe now so she doesn't have to report him. Another thing that keeps bothering me is Sandy's apartment door in the barrio is never locked. I'd have dead bolts and dressers or chairs blocking the door to prevent anyone getting in.

    Well if Lucas sold his gaming system to buy the wheelchair it was not evident in his bedroom as he checked his huge TV/Computer screen to see if she was online when she didn't pick up her phone.

    1. Vivir de amor

      Kat, thank you for the information! I watched the first version of 'Mi marido tiene familia' and enjoyed it, mostly. But I didn't have enough interest to watch any sequels. I do hope that Bárbara Islas has a decent career in telenovelas.

      This dark turn in Sandra's story is upsetting.


  68. VIVIR

    "So poor Sandy thinks Bruno is behind bars because of the murder charge and that she is safe now so she doesn't have to report him"

    Kat, I don't think Marisa's identifying Bruno as the person fleeing Angel's house will be enough to keep him in jail. At some point, Sandy will need to tell the terrible truth and I believe she will amass the courage to get there.

    Perhaps at the hacienda, doors were never locked. Even though Sandy obviously didn't lock it at first, I was surprised that Santi walked right in after the attack.


  69. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Smith N. Wesson (rapid-fire translations). Today was fun with lots of action and plot movement. The following nuggets should be sold @ Ximena’s Pizza®️ because they were so tasty: Rebecca swoops, dog & pony show, spaghetti arm, white lace bolero, scoundrel, upshot, lock, (gun) stock and barrel.

    Too bad Santiago wasn’t at the Rivero Cuéllar junta. When Big Reb threatened to separate from newly orphaned Misael and JE said, “Do it!’ - that was a master class in calling someone’s bluff. Then again, let us rejoice that Santiago hasn’t fallen off the (casino) wagon.

    Prop-aganda: Gi has been working her red fan for a few weeks now, and I keep forgetting to mention it. It was nice seeing her laugh with Elena like true, old friends are wont to do. It is cursi that Gi is doling out maternal advice - having joined Mothers of Mexico about 13.5 days ago. Gi’s thought: hoping Ang & Reb reconcile is asking for the impossible (pidiendo peras al olmo - literally asking an elm tree for pears). Gi’s joke: Ang & Reb may be ready for reconciliation by the time Ang’s (unborn) kid gets married. Let’s us pray that Doris got her dad’s sense of humor.

    Blink and you may have missed it: when Gabriela calls Fátima with the meeting update: her right arm is still in a cast and the (green) pins are still visible. Suspending disbelief (©️Susan) really did a number on our favorite former fall guy/Admin Assistant.

    Age-shifter Sandra was almost back to normal in her scene with lovestruck Renato. She was pretty, confident, and almost sassy. She even smiled. This reignites my anger with the writers for her rotten story arc.

    Yesterday was Ulises’ watch. Today it was his recipes. WE WANT HIS FACE! The event RAS (Renato | Ang | Santi) want to participate in sounds fun in English: International Culinary Tasting Event. In Spanish, it makes my stomach go 246: El Evento de Degustación Internacional Gastronómico. EW!

    I cheered when Misael caught on to Rebeca’s amnesia slip, re: Pedrito. Then I got eye strain from rolling them after she lied her way out of it. So.Frustrating. Slight correction: Pedrito didn’t call Big Reb “gorda.’ He said, “Me cae bien gorda,’ which means he can’t stand her. I will chime in on the Pedrito’s Faces debate. The actor is great and adorable and all; however, where I come from, cutting your face up like that at grown folks would be a guaranteed chanclaso (or Southern equivalent)!

    Perpetual cheerleader Javi stole the show as usual when he bum rushed Tiger Beat and put up his dukes to defend Mati. LOL. Bluff called.

    Icky dipped back into his not-so-fun side by tormenting Jimena. I had to laugh when she grabbed the outsize rolling pin. Thanks, Diana. I didn’t know what the heck that was. And then I cheered. Go, Jimena. Iker skedaddled. Bluff called.

    Bruto (fka Bruno Fonseca) calling JE to negotiate (and sell out Misael) was a fun twist. I cheered when JE hung up in his face!

    Brayan is tampering with the filtration system. Meanwhile, heading to Hacienda: Lucas (and presumably Axel & Memo). dun Dun DUN!!!

  70. Vivir

    Another fantastic recap, thank you Diana, and friend! I am looking forward to watching this fast-paced episode!

    Rebeca is so bold!!! Nothing and no one stops her, derails her, causes pause, she lies effortlessly and moves from one idea to the next with barely a backward glance; it would be impressive if she was using her powers for good instead of evil!

    I'm getting more and more convinced that they are going to try to redeem Misael, redeem with a prison sentence maybe, but redeem. There's been one too many conversations between Cris and DE about having sympathy for Mis and standing by him. I could be wrong, but I detect foreshadowing.

    One thing you can say for Mis is he's not heartless. Evidenced in the fact that he brought Pedrito back to the big house and decided to live there with him. If he was Romina, he would have been completely immune to the fact that Pedrito was miserable and poor Pedrito would be locked in a room without food!!!

  71. VIVIR


    Thank you for your very warm words. The sun is shining here and it's actually a bit cool...What else could I want on this beautiful day than to read one of your incredible comments.

    "Yesterday was Ulises’ watch. Today it was his recipes. WE WANT HIS FACE!" Yes please!! I daresay Darcy and I would be delighted to see his handsome visage once, twice, thirty times ere this ends.

    "It is cursi that Gi is doling out maternal advice - having joined Mothers of Mexico about 13.5 days ago". Love it and thank you for mentioning the fan which I also kept forgetting to do!

    Your vocabulary was stellar: "(pidiendo peras al olmo - literally asking an elm tree for pears)" and of course “Me cae bien gorda".

    Sandra having a "rotten story arc" is exactly right. Justice for Sandra...

    Luciano, Mati and "perpetual cheerleader Javi" certainly need a reversal of fortune. Yet, things continue to spiral downward for them. Basta. Time to turn the tide.


  72. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your kind words. I think you will like this episode.

    This bears repeating in its entirety: "Rebeca is so bold!!! Nothing and no one stops her, derails her, causes pause, she lies effortlessly and moves from one idea to the next with barely a backward glance; it would be impressive if she was using her powers for good instead of evil!" It would be wouldn't it? She would have been amazing if she had only possessed a heart.

    "I'm getting more and more convinced that they are going to try to redeem Misael...There's been one too many conversations between Cris and DE about having sympathy for Mis and standing by him". Darcy, your astute point deserves thought and consideration...

    There have been times where Misael has shown he is human but the odds were stacked against him simply because of who his parents are.

    Since this began, Don Emilio, the one true galan, has lost Dulce and her unborn child as well as Monica. Is he destined to lose Misael too? To be honest, that is what I've envisioned but perhaps fate will intervene. "I could be wrong, but I detect foreshadowing" may indeed be what comes to pass.


  73. Vivir

    Hi there. Yesterday was a long day, but I wanted to thank our treasure Diana and friend to us all for once again providing us with a carefully crafted , detailed recap as our show tumbles to the finale. I also loved all the comments .

    I hope that Tiger Beat ( snicker...thanks O.S.) and Lucas team up to thwart ut of his element Brayan. If this guy can't stand the smell of horses , he would hate being around pigs, chickens, or turkeys. I want Tiger to be redeemed . I guess I have taught too many Tigers. He is a cutie. #sorry. .
    Well, seeing Reb in that short floral frock surprised me. The girls in my famijy wear bike shorts under those shorty short dresses, but I bet Reb doesnt.

  74. Vivir
    I've been noticing Gi and her lacy Dan's,all season. I wonder if it supposed to represent that she is of the hot flash age. Or else it is just hot in Mexico and the a c is non existent or set too high.

    Diana, we have had 2 nights in the 60s and we turned the a.c. off and open the windows at night. A false fall but we will take the respite.

  75. Vivir #118

    Gracias, amigas.

    I agree that Pedrito should not make more of those faces and that Wanda needs to be a major part of his life. No way in hell should he be under the same roof as Rebecca. I think she would kill him.

    Just as Rebecca was precocious evil Pedrito is precociously empathetic. He somehow has overcome a difficult beginning. If Misael had not been involved in two deaths he could learn a lot from this child.

  76. OT
    Kat, in the historical novels , you see lots of fans. I have noticed women carrying fans occasionally in recent novels . Maybe Gi is in her person summer, or maybe it's just his actress's " thing" , like Monica's old fashioned glass and super dooper lipstick. .

    We had an unusually hot and humid June and July. Now , we are having an unusually cool August, which is usually are hottest, must humid months. Nights are in the 60s and days are low 80s or high 70s.
    Susan, wearing hoodies again

  77. Gracias, Diana and friend. Riveting recap. "Rebeca swoops into the room like the vulture she is, trying to muster a look resembling concern." -- you nailed it. Now that she's living with the family, how long can Rebeca feign concern?

    Who will be the first to prove Rebeca is faking. Maybe JE. I'm counting on him to not act like a jerk when he sees Renato and Angel meeting. Fingers crossed.

    You go Pedrito. I'll take your scowl face over the cry face anytime. I would love for Misael to catch Rebeca treating Pedrito like crap when she thinks no one is looking.

  78. Vivir. Commenting late because I had County Board business all day yesterday after the episode. Another superb recap, Diana and friend! Agree with O.S. My favorite scene in this episode was when Iker started to get violent and Jimena pulled out that enormous rolling pin. These are not the novela women of yesteryear! :)

  79. Vivir
    Late thanks to Diana, Omni, and patio for all the fun and varied perspectives!

    Small point but wanted to add that scene of Sandra’s rape was Angel’s place. Don’t think Sandra had moved in yet. In the scene before Santi had encouraged Sandra to go in to check the place out.
    To me this added to the heartbreak of what happened, because Sandra went in so hopeful and excited dreaming about living on her own.
    Also might explain the lack of door locking. Not sure, but I think Santi gave her keys. Since she was just taking a look, more likely she would not have locked the door behind her, especially in what she thought was a safe place.

    Maybe not significant point but been nagging at me. Okay, nearly showtime!

  80. VIVIR

    Thank you for your comments Susan, Kat, Urban, Niecie and Clara.

    I've been unable to check in again until now and it's showtime so I can't comment to each of you individually but do appreciate your supportive comments!

