
Monday, August 19, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of August 19, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor*

*El Conde:  Amor y Honor will be preempted on Thursday, August 22.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation! 


  1. El Conde, Monday, pt. 1 of 2

    I almost didn’t recognize Ric without the hat. He and Pedro chat about money and what I caught was that Pedro thinks he can manipulate Vicente- VICENTE- to get money out of him. Pedro is an idiot.

    Pedro shows Mari the second article he wrote about Grandpa Leo, and it’s more honest about Leo’s true self.

    A maid brings food to the maid about her food and she’s all kinds of paranoid now. She feeds a bit to a ray before eating it herself. I’m impressed she would allow a rat in the house.

    Caye has done a makeover to Lucrecia and she looks great. She beautiful regardless of her clothes, but she is grateful to Caye. Caye took Lu out for a full pamper day, but she felt guilty about enjoying herself. Caye doesn’t get it but Ale tells her Lucrecia has suffered.

    Pedro, Marques, talks to Memo about investing with el Conde and doubling his money. I didn’t catch everything Memo told him but Pedro is busy smoking a giant cigar and probably not listening either.

    Next day- the rat is dead. Poor rat, but he’s better off. Josi, however, is sure someone is trying to kill her.

    Sofia is giving her mother grief about her father (Felipe), but Pau says she won’t let him disrespect them both again. Sofia hates him and doesn’t want him near either of them again. Smart girl.

    Back to Josi and her drunken idiot of her son. He’s complaining about his family but she tells him to get a grip because someone is trying to hurt them. She tries to get him to see sense but that’s pointless, so she tells him instead he's a good for nothing. She threatens him with the info about his former prostitute girlfriend (who he murdered). This somehow doesn’t help.

    Vicente runs into Remedios in the street, calling her “comadre”. She tries to ignore him and pretend she doesn’t hear.

    Pedro runs into a drunk Felipe. Felipe wants to women and Pedro wants to oblige.

    Remedios finally turns around and pretends to be happy to see Vicente. She complements him but accidently says something about the daughters that makes him think she’s seen them. Cara de OOPS de Remedios.

    Josi is yelling at the cooks and making one cry. Antonio loses redemption points by holding her hand over a fire and trying to get her to speak, por las buenas o por las malas.

    Remedios fills in Carmen about meeting Vicente and how she got out of the conversation. Carmen is still safe though. (For now).

    The maid that Vicente paid to put the drops in the food has been fired and is at Vicente’s begging for a job since she got fired. He tells Chao to give her what she needs to solve her problems. I don’t think she’s long for this world.

  2. El Conde, Monday, pt. 2 of 2
    Pedro gets one of the new girls to serve Felipe. Felipe doesn’t want drinks or snacks. He grabs her and she is not happy about this. She fights back and smashes a glass over her head. Good for her! Except that he strangles her. Then he sees the ex- Aricely, Pedro’s mom- in the face of the current victim and he yells at her. “You’re dead! You’re dead”. And Vicente didn’t even have to drug this one to make him lose his mind. Pedro thankfully breaks this up and saves the girl. Felipe is still yelling that he killed her with his bare hands and she’s dead (still thinking of Arecely).

    The curadera whose name I don’t remember meets with Josi. She offers to sell her a cure for a price. Good for her even if she is kinda evil. I miss the rest of what she tells Josi.

    Sofia is with Javier telling him about her violent father. She offers her and her mom a place to stay. Theme music, so you know it’s true love.

    Ale reads the second David story about Grandpa Leo, the one about what he was really like. He’s with Rodrigo who asks if Ale is still in love with Mari. He’s picked up on that pretty quickly. Ale lies and says no, and Rod gives him the same “life is short” that I think his father Alfredo gave to Ale.

    Gerardo reads the same story to Mari. Mari is rolling her eyes that Ger doesn’t see as reads, and then he yells about this story. He tosses the paper on the desk, which is not the same as tossing a phone but it’s all he has, and he’s ready to find that reporter (?) and maybe toss the paper at him too. Tossing things was less satisfying back in the olden days.

    Josi asks Antonio how someone could have poisoned her without anyone seeing. Antonio suggests that if it wasn’t an employee, it was someone closer to her. Cara de Hmmmm de Josi.

    Mari talks to Amaranta and tells her she knows, that Pau told her. Ama tells her it’s none of her business but Mari still wants to protect her friend. She tells Ama that it is complicated, won’t be easy, and that Pau’s husband is a violent drunk. But she wants Pau to be happy and says she’s an ally for their relationship. Aw.

    Ger complains to David about this horrible reporter that he doesn’t know is actually David. Miguel the politician reads it as well, and is impressed, but tells Lorena her boyfriend might have problems with this. Ger blames Leo’s actions on being from another age. David asks if he has ever abused his employees. Of course not!, Ger lies. Miguel warns Lorena about David’s family but he doesn’t push too much, probably because he knows she won’t listen. David talks to Ger he wants to help papi clean his image but (something?). I think he wants Ger to denounce Leo? Help?

    Pedro drags Felip’s drunken tush into his house where Antonio is surprised to see him. Pedro explains what happened at his burdel. He leaves but runs into Josi on his way out. She greats him with too much deference on account of his nobility and all and he says Felipe fell or something. She orders Antonio to take him upstairs without the least bit of deference of respect.

    Pau is with Amaranta, who tells her she met Mari and that obviously their secret isn’t between two anymore. All is well and el Conde is going to have an exposition of Pau’s work, but Pau says her family can’t know she’s the artist. Theme song so you know they’re in love.

  3. El Conde, Monday, pt. 3 of 2 (oops)

    Vicente talks to Ale about the Marquis for some reason. Ale tells him the kid needs time to adjust to this change in his fortune. I can’t tell if Ale is getting Vicente to put off the wedding or put off investing his funds.

    Ger yells at Felipe about where he was, and kicks him out, saying his son would be better at getting him elected. The next time, Felipe is fired.

    Miguel talks to Memo about Lorena and David and being worried for the kids. He asks why el Conde is so interested in justice for San Jacinto, and ask what his mother’s name was. He’s not given the info. Future problem for el Conde? But he’s not wrong to question. I would have.

    Ger tells Mari about his talk with David and how great the kid is, that they’ll work together. Mari somehow doesn’t laugh at him. Then he tries to get her to forgive him and give him another chance to go back to how things were. She doesn’t’ look impressed.

    Antonio and Pedro are back at the office. Pedro isn’t interested in drinking after what he saw with Felipe. Antonio warns him about who he brings to the burdel. He doesn’t’ want any desgracia with his muchachas.

    Ale comes into some room just in time to see Mari and her happy family with both kids. He doesn’t look pleased.

    I had a harder time following this chapter so all help and corrections are appreciated!


  4. It also seems like the first page disappeared. I'll try to repost it here even though it will be out of order. If it can be resurrected, this one can be deleted.

    El Conde, Monday, pt. 1 of 2

    I almost didn’t recognize Ric without the hat. He and Pedro chat about money and what I caught was that Pedro thinks he can manipulate Vicente- VICENTE- to get money out of him. Pedro is an idiot.

    Pedro shows Mari the second article he wrote about Grandpa Leo, and it’s more honest about Leo’s true self.

    A maid brings food to the maid about her food and she’s all kinds of paranoid now. She feeds a bit to a ray before eating it herself. I’m impressed she would allow a rat in the house.

    Caye has done a makeover to Lucrecia and she looks great. She beautiful regardless of her clothes, but she is grateful to Caye. Caye took Lu out for a full pamper day, but she felt guilty about enjoying herself. Caye doesn’t get it but Ale tells her Lucrecia has suffered.

    Pedro, Marques, talks to Memo about investing with el Conde and doubling his money. I didn’t catch everything Memo told him but Pedro is busy smoking a giant cigar and probably not listening either.

    Next day- the rat is dead. Poor rat, but he’s better off. Josi, however, is sure someone is trying to kill her.

    Sofia is giving her mother grief about her father (Felipe), but Pau says she won’t let him disrespect them both again. Sofia hates him and doesn’t want him near either of them again. Smart girl.

    Back to Josi and her drunken idiot of her son. He’s complaining about his family but she tells him to get a grip because someone is trying to hurt them. She tries to get him to see sense but that’s pointless, so she tells him instead he's a good for nothing. She threatens him with the info about his former prostitute girlfriend (who he murdered). This somehow doesn’t help.

    Vicente runs into Remedios in the street, calling her “comadre”. She tries to ignore him and pretend she doesn’t hear.

    Pedro runs into a drunk Felipe. Felipe wants to women and Pedro wants to oblige.

    Remedios finally turns around and pretends to be happy to see Vicente. She complements him but accidently says something about the daughters that makes him think she’s seen them. Cara de OOPS de Remedios.

    Josi is yelling at the cooks and making one cry. Antonio loses redemption points by holding her hand over a fire and trying to get her to speak, por las buenas o por las malas.

    Remedios fills in Carmen about meeting Vicente and how she got out of the conversation. Carmen is still safe though. (For now).

    The maid that Vicente paid to put the drops in the food has been fired and is at Vicente’s begging for a job since she got fired. He tells Chao to give her what she needs to solve her problems. I don’t think she’s long for this world.

  5. So i posted part one, then is disappeared so I posted it again and now that one is gone. Can it be found or should I repost again? I don't think I did anything different. maybe Google hated the first part of this chapter?


    1. K, I found what I think is your repost of Part 1. It's out of order, but at least it's here. I have no idea why this happened, but at least it's now here.

  6. I won't be much help figuring out what you missed unless I rewatch with English subtitles. I'll add more after doing that. My final 5 minutes was a black screen with only subtitles which sometimes happens when I FF through the commercials so I need to go back to see that part anyhow.

    I was happy to see the peasant girl get out alive and with her virtue intact. Time to go back to your village or find a safer job.

    Felipe was getting abused by the women in this episode. First Sofia stands up to him, somewhere along the line Josie slapped him, the barmaid smashed him over the head with a glass or decanter, and his brother in law fires him.

    I've never seen Sergio before but I'm getting a good picture in my mind of flying cell phones. That sounds like it would get expensive. In the 50's you could have the satisfaction of slamming the rotary phone back into it's cradle though...

    K: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Great job with the recap of last night's episode.

    I see Paulina & the young girl stood up to Felipe's ass. Had no idea that Aracely's ghost made an appearance. Maybe she needs to make several appearances to drive Scumbag Pedro nuts too.

    Miguel is going to figure out that Alejandro/Joaquin are the same person. Only a matter of time before Alejandro's revenge plans blow up in his face.

    Kat in SC: Scumbag Villarreal throwing newspapers LOL. Didn't they invent cell phones in the 1980s ?

  8. El conde ( I keep forgetting to preface my comments with the title!)

    Well let's see what I can clear up after a second viewing. Ger and David. Ger says times were different with the way his father ruled the workers with an iron fist. David asks did you condone his actions and Ger claims he wasn't involved, he was at university and working in public service. David believes him and wants to help his father by writing his speeches to clean up his image. (Now if Ger were innocent I would approve, sins of the father and all shouldn't be attributed to subsequent generations IMO).

    Vicente and Ale. Vicente talks about the Marquis courting his daughter and that he approves. Conde advises that the Marquis is new to having money and waiting would be a good idea until he proves himself as a man of means (my words not his). Vicente of course is all in favor of the match (because the money of course). I'm guessing Conde is trying to protect Doris in a way, but she doesn't deserve it, she is too much her father's daughter.

    I thought Miguel was let into the secret of Conde's identity so him asking the name of Ale's mother confused me. I guess he only told him he was actually a Mexican national.

    If part ever reappears I have some observations about the early scenes

    Kat in SC: You & I both know it's only a matter of time before Alejandro's identity is revealed. PS: the slow-dragging pace is too slow already & I'm wondering how many episodes did this Telenovela have ?

    Dondi356: Wake me up when Bratty Dolores gets her Karma anvil & ASAP because the sooner, the better.

  10. El Conde

    K, we have all 3 parts now. Good job. The convo between Memo and Pedro was Memo advising safe investments because you can't be promised a great return on everything. He also tells him the bigger the investment the greater the rewards. Pedro is leaning towards go big or go home I think. If he is investing on Vicente's behalf he has no skin in the game. I had to chuckle at your "smoking a big cigar and probably not listening either" remark.

    I'm thinking the maid will be fed opium and turned over to the prostitution ring, but that is because never ending murders turn my stomach.

    So does anyone else see a resemblance to Judy Garland in the actress playing Paulina? I was getting a Dorothy in the wizard of Oz vibe from her hairstyle and facial features today.

  11. conde

    Many thanks, K, for this fine recap, and special thanks for staying with it even after the Caray Monster repeatedly ate your postings.

    I was less impressed than youthat Josie would allow a rat to be in the house. The rat seems the perfect company for its fellow rats--Felipe and Josie.

    I loved your remark about Pedro "busy smoking a giant cigar and probably not listening either"! My father-in-law used to smoke cigars, and they never seemed too big for his face, but Pedro's certainly did.

    Earlier in the telenovela, Sofia seemed to me too sweet and immature. I was delighted to see her in this episode standing up to her father and defending her mother, both physically and verbally.

    Yes, as much as I liked Antonio in many episodes, he's now on my mierde list for his cruel treatment of the servant girl and his acceptance of the plan to trap innocent girls into prostitution in his bordello.

    I too think that the girl who put the drops of poison in Josie's food is not long for this world. Vicente's instructions to Chao were clear to everyone but her.

    In a previous episode, Josie hallucinates seeing her mother (whom she killed), and apparently the rotten apple doesn't drop far from the tree. Felipe hallucinates that the girl he is strangling is the woman he killed, Aricely.

    Wow, I wonder what (if anything) Pedro will do if/when he learns that Felipe murdered his mother.

    Like Kat in SC, I thought that Miguel already knew that El Conde is Ale. Oh well, apparently not.

    In the last comment on the previous Telemundo page, Niecie in MD made an interesting point about the very real dangers crusading journalists face in Mexico. She wondered how this telenovela will be received when it's shown in Mexico. I was impressed with her comment and wanted to repeat it here.

  12. Conde

    Gracias, K. Not a lot of action last night, but many conversations that you've made clear. I too laughed at your crack about Pedro being too busy with his big cigar to pay attention. My favorite scene was the village girl standing up for herself. Sure hope she leaves town.

    I hope the maid who was fired for incompetent poisoning flees too. Not much decent work for women in this town.

    Juanita, I grew up reading newspapers and never imagined reporting (not in a war zone) could be so dangerous in some countries.

  13. conde

    OT, sort of. Kat, the heading for this novela is conde, all lower case. Not sure if using it with an upper-case letter changes the dynamic. The point of these headings on pages that might contain more than one novela recap is for people even years later to find the recaps and comments. For Telemundo, Juanita and I alternate weeks putting up the pages. When a new one premieres in our week, we choose a one-word title to appear at the beginning of each recap and/or comment. Again, this is so people can find that thread of recaps and comments into the future. Telemundo used to have as many as three evening novelas (until NBC bought them). So those headings were quite important. Don't know if they'll ever go back to more novelas and less reality programming. Money talks; reality is cheaper.

  14. OT Novelera. I'm reading those old recaps all the time as I watch the shows others in the patio have recommended so I understand the importance of them, I just keep forgetting and I'm spoiled with the ability in social media to edit my posts when I make a mistake. I know this is a Blogger issue and since we are enjoying this free service I have no grounds to actually complain, but if they ever asked for feedback from users this is one feature I wish it had. I realize I can delete the comment and repost, but then it tells everyone that a comment has been deleted which is just as annoying.

  15. Thanks so much, K. The was a terrific recap. I’m so sorry that weird glitch happens where someone’s comment and/or recap is sent to spam by Blogger. We don’t know why.

    Yes, Pedro is definitely taking after his amoral father.

    Memo first pretended to advise Pedro about investing cautiously, then segued into higher risk meaning greater rewards. Recognizing Pedro’s greed, Ale is setting the stage for getting back all the $$$ he gave Felipe’s disgusting offspring.

    K, loved “rat better off”

    Vicente asked Remedios if she had a pact with the devil since she looked the same as the last time he saw her, presumably before he killed Carmen. Vicente is a great source of campesino dichos. He’s used them a LOT verbally jousting with Gerardo.

    I was wondering if Felipe was meant to be the first client of the “new girl”. She was dressed in a sexy way, but she didn’t seem to understand what she was supposed to do with a man and resisted. As someone else noted, I hope she ran back to her village.

    I found it interesting that Mariana used the 21st Century terminology “ally” to describe how she felt about Amaranta and Paulina’s relationship. I just read an article in yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle by a gay columnist about how important the organization Gay-Straight Alliance was to him in high school.

    The bruja’s name is Casilda.

    I was happy to see there were some of Paulina’s paintings not of Amaranta. As, I believe, dondi said, this might cause some talk.

    It saves on costs of cast members for Telemundo, but it’s odd that Gerardo hired Felipe as his campaign manager. Surely considering the “family ties” he would have been aware of what a waste of space he is.

    Sigh. Not only did Ale see the family portrait, but Gerardo insisted on a kiss. And he didn’t settle for a quick peck on the lips for publicity. He went for it.

  16. conde

    #36 – Part 1 of 3

    Looks like Telemundo is back to its old ways, showing 3 or 4 scenes from the episode before, rather than beginning with a brief new scene. We get to see the dead rat again and Pedro grinning and telling Ric he’s going to end up with all of Vic’s money. There was also a repeat of Josie telling Felipe that he comportas igualito a tu padre (you’re behaving like your father) that intrigues me. I’ve thought all along that Felipe wasn’t Benjamin’s son. This seems to confirm it. As far as I remember, they haven’t said anything about Felipe’s parentage, but what she said doesn’t sound like she’s describing Benjy.

    Ale has come to talk with Gerardo about the article about Leo, but Gerardo tells him they need to continue with the photo session. Ale gives Mari a cold look and a curt nod and leaves.

    As we suspected Sofi is feeling nauseous and tells Nanny she’s 2 months late.

    Ale gets a good look at his son and his principles about not attacking his father. David says that, in aiding his father with the campaign, he’s brought his parents closer. [Another pained look from Ale.]

    Dylan brings Josie more flowers and invites her to a getaway at his house on the beach in Los Angeles. But, of course, she pleads business issues and refuses.

    Mari comes to see Ale and gets a cold reception. He suggests that she give the reports on the foundation to Memo from now on. He tells her he’s happy things are better between Mari and her husband.

    Nanny gets angry, thinking it was Brendan who impregnated Sofi, but she tells her it was Javier. Nanny says she can’t believe it is happening again, but quickly tries to cover that up.

    Amaranta asks Paulina to go away with her. She also tells her about Sofi going to Europe with Javier after she’s of age. She tells Pau she would marry her if they were allowed.

    Dolores has brought Pedro to Leticia’s atelier for a fitting for a new suit. The brat remarks that she’s sure they’ve never had such a distinguished client before. Carmen is measuring Pedro and asks gently if he’s in love. The reply: “If love means having to put up with the most annoying girl in the world, then ..yes.” Carmen sticks him with a pin.

    One of the worst mother and son combos I’ve seen in quite a while talk. Josie is ragging on Felipe about being a worthless drunk and tells him that someone was poisoning her. She shows him the dead rat. She wants his help finding the poisoner. She thinks it’s Paulina. Felipe scoffs, saying Paulina is too saintly. Pau says she completely knows the symptoms of this kind of poison. Then she blurts out that she used it herself. "I did it for you." Felipe, I think, has a tear in his eye. He says that Benjamin was a good man and treated him like a son. Plus, he adored her. Josie: "He made me sick!"

    Snarling like a Rottweiler, Josie tells Felipe that she did it for the two of them. “What? Did you want Mariana to get it all and the two of us out on the street?” He says she scares him. But she reminds him he killed Aracely and that her blood runs through his veins.

  17. conde

    #36 – Part 2 of 3

    Pedro tells Ric about Felipe attacking that young girl and babbling something about killing someone. Pretty sure Pedro is looking for an angle.

    Carmen tells Teresa that the Marquis isn’t right for Dolores. Teresa vehemently agrees. She says that Dolores doesn’t really love him; she’s just stubborn. When Carmen agrees, Teresa wonders how she knows that.

    Felipe confronts Paulina upon her return from being with Amaranta. He tells her not to put Sofia against him. Then he asks her if she’s capable of harming Josie. After she looks appalled at this, he tells her that she’s worthless and he regrets marrying her.

    Once more without knocking Caye bursts in to show Ale some photos, maybe about the movie. He tells her once again that he’s not the man she thinks he is. He wants her to be happy with some other man. Off she goes with the standard other woman dialog. She’s sure that eventually he’ll realize that she can make him happy, find a place in his heart.

    Still delusional Caye tells Lucretia that she and Joaquín are going to give it a chance. Of course, Ric overhears this, especially how she gushes about her intense love for El Conde.

    Sofia comes with Nanny to see Mari su madrina (her godmother). She tells Mari that she thinks she’s pregnant. Mari offers to take her to a doctor she knows who will keep quiet.

    Ric speaks bitterly with Memo about the Count and Cayetana, saying they are having amoríos (a love affair, a romance). Memo tries to calm him without saying too much.

    At the doctor’s office, Sofi tells Mari she hasn’t told Javier; he’s too impulsive. But she says the Count is going to help them.

    Dylan meets with Ale, raving about Josie. He says he feels something more for her than friendship. But he thinks he’s too old for her. Ale kind of urges him to keep trying.

    Sofi and Mari come from the doctor. Josie and Brendan are waiting. If Brendan weren’t there Sofi would get a real reaming out. Josie urges Brendan to kiss his intended, while Mari gives her a look. Brendan tries for a chaste kiss, but Sofi backs away.

    Gerardo is over the moon about the discurso (speech) David wrote in which Gerardo is to disavow his father’s “management techniques”. He says he knows David will be a great politician one day. David, basking in his father’s warm approval, starts to say something (presumably about his real career goals) when Felipe walks in. Gerardo raves about David’s work while Felipe babbles that he had his draft almost ready. Gerardo rubs salt in his wounds, joking that Felipe should be careful lest David take his place.

    Pedro gets a big bag of money for the gains in la Bolsa (stock market). He tells the Count and Memo he wants to invest more.

  18. conde

    #36 – Part 3 of 3

    Josie announces to Sofi that the ideas Leticia has for her wedding dress aren’t at “their level”. They’re going to the Capitol for her wedding dress and ajuar (trousseau).

    Memo tells Ale about Ric’s concerns about Caye. Ale doesn’t seem to be able to realize that Caye won’t give up. Ale shows Memo a folder about Caye’s life and tells him that she’s blocked out certain memories. Then we see Vic looking at a picture of Caye’s father, himself, and Caye as a child. Vic tells Pedro the man in the photo is the founder of the hotel chain he now owns (the guy he pushed off a building to get out of the way). He also says that that guy’s daughter died in a terrible accident.

    Memo is furious after reading what’s in the folder. “She was a child!”

    Caye is trying to get Ale to go away with her somewhere. He says he can’t get away.

    Mariana has come to see Ale. Caye puts a proprietary hand on his shoulder and behaves like maybe Mari has come to see the both of them. But she does eventually leave.

    Ric confides in Amaranta about how he feels about Caye and El Conde. She tells him that the cards she read for Caye clearly said she was in love with the Count.

    Mari starts to talk with Ale about Sofia when Caye returns. She’s changed her clothes demonstrating that she must have spent some time changing rapidly in the theater. She’s come to show off a sexy black dress that she says Joaquin gave her. She calls him mi amor. She goes on to say, in response to Mari’s question, that it wasn’t a birthday present. They’re giving each other a chance. She’s very happy. Ale’s eyes are bugging out.

    Mari says she’s happy for them. Caye goes on saying how she already told Mariana how much she loves him. Mariana excuses herself. Ale, for once, loses his temper. He tells her she had no reason for lying and behaving that way. [Grrr! Why doesn't he tell her what novelera wants to tell her!]

    Mari, crying, tells Pau about that scene. Pau tells her that she’s sad because Joaquin reminds her of Alejandro.

    A Week Later

    Memo and Ale look at plans for a hospital he’s having built, one that’s completely free for the people of San Jacinto.

    Josie comes home with Sofi yakking about the fantastic wedding dress and trousseau they’ve bought. She also tells Sofi that they’re going to Casa Conde for an art exhibition. Paulina smiles.

    It turns out Casilda is still in Ale’s camp. She tells him about giving Josie the antidote and that she didn’t provide the poison. He reminds her of their deal: no poisoning. After she leaves Ale tells Memo that he thinks it was Vicente. Memo opines that she’ll have to sell her liquor business; things are really bad. Ale says she’d rob a bank before selling it to him.

    Yep, Sofia is pregnant.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family.
    Novelera: AWESOME job on the recap of last night's episode. I see David is working on Scumbag Villarreal's presidential campaign & Scumbag Villarreal continues scolding Felipe LOL.

    *Buji Josie admitting to Felipe about killing Benji & looting all of the money from Blabbermouth Mariana.

    *Sofia is PREGGERS: How long before Buji Joise finds out.

    *Still do NOT like or trust Cayetana: There's more to her past that we don't know yet.

    *Will Casilda make it to the Gran Final ? Doubtful.

    *Scumbag Pedro finding another angle when talking to Big Mouth Ric.

    *Laughed when I read about Carmen sticking Scumbag Pedro with The Pin LOL.

  20. Conde
    Novelera, thanks for the great recap. I was always sure Felipe wasn't Ben's, or else he and Mariana would have probably inherited equally (Mariana was also due her mother's portion, something she asked Josie about after the will reading) from Ben. I also had the impression that Felipe was older than Mariana. Her mother died at some point and I think Mariana knew and remembered her mother.

    Stubborn, guess I need to start that list of vocabulary words for quick reference.

    Since there will be no show tomorrow night I will post tonight's recap tomorrow rather staying up till 1 a.m. or later. I get up at 6 a.m. to drive to my daughter's during the week. I generally get 6 hours of sleep a night, I'm dragging if I get less and need a nap while the baby sleeps!

    Kat in SC: Looking forward to seeing your recap of tonight's episode. Make it super exciting 👍

  22. conde

    I’m slightly behind. Great job with the Monday Monday recap, K. An enjoyable read. The scene that impressed me most was with Memo and Miguel. Miguel is a very admirable character.

    Thank you for another terrific Tuesday recap, novelera.

    I also wondered about Felipe’s parentage. It seems Benny was a step father to Felipe. IIRC, Gerardo referred to Felipe as Mari’s step brother in the episode. But doesn’t he have the last name of Zambrano? Did Benny adopt him?

    I hope someone—anyone confides in the Count and Sofi and Javi get whisked away to that vineyard in France before the ish hits the fan. Then Pau and Ama could tag along. Nah, that would be too easy.

    I hope David doesn’t get sucked into the Villarreal dark side.

    Caye was irritating in this episode. But Ale is part of the problem. I think he isn’t ready for Caye to learn the truth about her past because he’s not done using her in his so-called plan for justice. Does she see a therapist on a regular basis? Maybe things would be different if she remembered what happened to her. Maybe it would lessen her fixation on Ale.

    And what kind of justice is Ale seeking in Mari’s case? What is her crime? Marrying Gerardo? Let’s call it like it is—Revenge! Waiting for Memo to get tired of this.

  23. conde

    Thanks very much, novelera, for another splendid recap. I love the fact that not only do you give a clear and complete account of what happened, you do so with delightful humor. Describing Josie as "Snarling like a Rottweiler," or saying that for once Ale loses his temper with Caye and then adding a parenthetical "[Grrr! Why doesn't he tell her what novelera wants to tell her!]"

    Pedro is becoming increasingly insufferable as, for example, in his response to Carmen's asking whether he loves his bride-to-be: “If love means having to put up with the most annoying girl in the world, then ..yes.” Three cheers for Carmen sticking him with a pin! And three more cheers for Teresa agreeing with Carmen that the Marquéz is not a good match for Dolores. (Then again, Dolores is such a perra that perhaps it would serve her right to have to deal with him as her husband.)

    I'm wondering what Sofia will do about her pregnancy. She and Javier are really too young to be parents. I was surprised that Telemundo is portraying Pau and Ama's relationship so sympathetically, but will Telemundo also present an abortion as an acceptable option for Sofia? I wish they would, but I doubt it. My guess is that she will have a miscarriage.

    As for Caye, the less I say about her the better. I've never liked her, and with each new episode I dislike her more.

    Gotta run. Again, many thanks!!

  24. Conde
    Juanita, in the 50s it was totally common for 18 years olds to have children. My mother would have been of this generation and so many of her friends married straight out of high school and started families. My mother was a late bloomer, she didn't have me until she was 27. Also, short of taking some of Casilda's abortificants (is that a word or did I make it up?) abortion was illegal back then I'm pretty sure.

  25. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. Fine recap. "[Grrr! Why doesn't he tell her what novelera wants to tell her!]" -- Yes, indeed!

    I can't stand Felipe, but it's nice to see he was fond of his loving stepdad.

    The only thing that will make the Sofia pregnancy storyline worth the bother for me is if she and Pau head to Paris.

    Dolores hasn't killed anyone, so I still feel sorry for her hooking up with Pedro.

    I've never read The Count of Monte Cristo (only seen a movie version), but the number of people (and their children) Ale wants to take revenge on surprises me.

  26. conde

    Niecie, I listened to the Count of Monte Cristo on cassette tapes from the library more than 20 years ago. I used to borrow those long novels, strap on one of those small cassette players, and work in my garden. Weeded a lot of corn, tomatoes, green beans, and crookneck squash while listening, not to mention agonizing over some black spot on my rose bushes.

    I refreshed my memory on Wikipedia. To me, here are the analogs: Edmund Dantes is a young sailor on a French merchant ship. His first enemy is Danglars, a shipmate jealous of Edmund’s promotion. To me this seems like Vicente. A second enemy, who conspires with Danglars, is Mondego, a rival for Edmund’s fiancée, Mercedes. This could be Gerardo Villareal. The third enemy in the novel may also represent Gerardo. He is Villefort, a prosecutor who conceals evidence that would clear Edmund of the crime of being a Bonapartist. The time period would have been the restoration of the monarchy and Napoleon just having escaped from Elba to create chaos.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Conde episode 37 part 1
    Antonio and Josefina discuss the failing business and Josefina is more preoccupied with who is trying to kill her. Marrying Sofia to Brendan is her solution, Antonio's is to sell the business to Conde. She hates that idea.
    Javier enters Sofia's room via the window ( I guess the bedrooms aren't on the upper floors in that hacienda), surprising Nana who is bringing folded linens or clothes to her room. She insists he leaves and pushes him back out the walk in window.

    Lucretia tells conde everything is ready for Paulina's exposition. After she leaves I'm thinking he tells Memo to stick close to her tonight and keep her away from Pedro

    Ger and Mari. She pleads a headache trying to avoid the exposition. Ger is having none of that.

    Nana gives Sofia a letter from Javier ( that was how she got him to leave so easily, she offered to be the go-between with letters) Sofia tells Nana yes, she is pregnant. Nana is overcome with disbelief.
    At the exposition. Conde lauds the female painter who unfortunately couldn't be there for the fiesta and says the paintings are for sale and proceeds will be donated to charity. During Conde's speech we see Josefina rolling her eyes. Guess she isn't one of the patrons of the arts faction…. Paulina is beaming,
    Josefina wanders the exposition with Felipe…all the paintings are of the same woman. How vulgar. ( Mari admires a painting and Conde says Paulina is very talented.) Felipe actually likes the artwork. Josefina tells him he knows nothing about art. He retorts all you have on our walls is paintings of fruit in fruit bowls. Josie-they are still life paintings by famous artists (sounds like maybe you should sell them then to relieve your financial difficulties). Mari tells Conde how sad it was Paulina's parents were so strict. She had to give up painting and then married Felipe, the worst mistake of her life.

    Felipe really likes a painting that Josie thinks is the ugliest there. He is buying it (with her money I think) for his bedroom.

    Mari and Conde talk some more about Paulina, Sofia and Javier. He asks what did she want to tell him about them, and she says this isn't the time or place. They agree to meet tomorrow. (Some discussion about Caye but I'm skipping that convo.)

    Ric is in the kitchen when Caye comes in. He's upset that she and Conde are an item now.

    Josefina is complaining to Conde about the exorbitant prices. He tells her they are the going rate for the new age (i.e. she is out of touch and doesn't appreciate modern art. Call her old without calling her old!). Now they discuss her failing business and he reiterates his offer to buy it. She claims all is well and she doesn't need to sell. Next he pumps up Dylan Harrison to her, a great man. So sad that he is ill.. oh, excuse me I thought you knew…he has cancer and only has a few months to live. (Throw the good guy to the wolves why don't you, Conde). Josefina has a half smile at the news.

    Javier and Sofia talk in a different room. She nearly tells him about the pregnancy news, but changes her mind and they kiss instead. Teresa witnesses the kiss. They ask her to not tell anyone and she agrees.

    Paulina and Amaranta are in a pow wow about the success of the show. Felipe interrupts and says it's time to go, then gives Amaranta an assessing glance as he walks by her.

  29. conde
    @Kat in SC, yes, abortion was definitely illegal in the 1950s in the US, but if you had sufficient funds to travel outside the country, there apparently were doctors in other countries who would perform abortions. One person I knew went to Japan for an abortion. Surely El Conde has the necessary funds, but I doubt that Telemundo will go that route.

  30. Conde episode 37 part 2 of 2

    Pedro gives Vicente his gains from Conde's investment. Time to celebrate. Violeta comes in.

    Sofia tells her mom how proud she was of her exposition. Then she and Mari break the news of her condition. You are going to be a grandma….

    Leticia is upset with Javier (At the exposition Conde informed her and Miguel that J and S were married). How could he get married without letting his parents know. Mom, it was purely symbolic…we had to. Josefina is trying to marry her off to a millionaire. Leticia is totally worried about what the Zambranos might do to them. Miguel reassures her and lets her in on the plan.

    Paulina is not happy at the news, especially considering Sofia’s health but promises to help her. Mari tells her the Conde has plans for the pair to go to Europe. Sofia worries her grandmother will harm her baby.

    Now this is an interesting part. Memo has found out information on Josefina's first husband. He died of a heart attack also (at a young age). He rode a horse everyday, no family history of heart problems.. the black windows first victim. Conde sends Memo to get Amaranta, he has a job for her.

    Antonio and Josefina are together. She has a happy smile on her face. Her business woes are at an end. He asks did she rob a bank. Time for another bottle of champagne. Tonight I'm not going home. Then she glanced at his necklace in disgust.

    Ric tells Conde that Felipe and Pedro talk daily. Then Ric says he believes in Conde's quest for justice but he quits. Conde realizes it's because of Caye. I think Conde tells him it's all in Caye's head. Ric knows Conde is still stuck on Mari but he wants Caye to be happy and if Conde is the one to make her happy he wants that for her…(I may be wrong on this interpretation)

    Ger chews David out for consorting with the enemy, Lorena. David says she is a friend of Sofia's. David tells him Miguel isn't his enemy but his opponent, which is very different. Ger goes ballistic telling him he can't associate with her. You will obey me while you live under my roof. David says you aren't the boss of me (my words not his) and I'm out of here.

    Jose is now fawning over Dylan at breakfast (or lunch who knows what time of day it is). Why don't you stay with us here at the hacienda? He accepts happily.

    Lucrecia is upset that Ric left. Amaranta and Memo say he's a free spirit and goes where and when he wants.

    Violeta is with Carmen. Carmen confides in her that when the Marques spoke of his betrothed he was not nice. Violeta wants to know exactly what he said

    Felipe is drinking, to Josie's disgust, when he asks her why the sudden interest in Dylan. It reminds him of when she made a conquest of Benjamin. She says he is her only way of saving the business. Felipe points out she could sell to the conde, she says never. Oh the humiliation! Felipe says you would rather marry the old guy and kill him like Ben. Don't count on me in your murder plans. No, I don't need your help, cancer will get him in a few months. Felipe shakes his head in disbelief.

    Amaranta delivers felipes painting to him. He is lying her up again. You are the belly dancer at Conde's party. She flirts with him, takes his hand for a palm reading.

    Mari tells Conde that Sofia is expecting. This changes plans. Caye interrupts.

    Memo tries to keep Ric from leaving. Caye vents to Lucrecia; it's like Mari and Conde have known each other all their lives.

    The palm reading, your father didn't die of a heart attack, he was poisoned.

  31. I decided to just get it over with tonight and not watch a second time tomorrow (now today) with English CC's so I can't swear by everything I think I saw and heard. No episode Thursday....

    Kat in SC: Excellent job with the recap of last night's episode. Big Thumbs Up 👍
    *I've got a bad vibe Felipe will harm Amaranta if & when he finds out about Paulina & Amaranta.

    *Buji Joise smirking about Old Man Harrison's cancer battle. Disgusting to seeing Alejandro/Joaquin throwing Harrison under the bus like that.

    *Scumbag Villarreal scolding David again: What else is new ?

    *Strong vibe Sofia suffers miscarriage.

    *Slippery Ric quitting: Good! Go away & don't come back!

    *Need to see more details about Cayetana's backstory ASAP.

  33. Conde
    Steve, learning more about Caye is a definite yes. I don't hate the character. You can't blame her for loving Conde since he is her rescuer. She is a bit snippy to Mari, but the true villains do much worse. I still see her and Ric together in the end, whenever that may be. Telemundo is still shy about telling us how many episodes there will be.

  34. conde

    Thank you, Kat. You hit all the important points well.

    Josie said the artist, Agatha, showed a lack of imagination,” painting the same woman over and over again—she must be a pervert. So vulgar.” Later she called the artist “filthy and depraved.” Josie is the one who is filthy and depraved. Felipe said he bought the painting and told Josie, “I’ll do whatever I want with my money.”

    Ale’s throwing Dylan to the she-wolf. Why? Dylan doesn’t seem like a bad guy. Does he really have cancer? If not, Dylan will meet the same fate as hubby #1 and #2. Ale plays dangerous games with the lives of others.

    I’m extremely worried for Sofi and Javi.

    Memo and Ric mentioned giving their lives for their brother (Ale). I never like that kind of talk in a TN.

    I’m rooting for Caye and Ric in the end.

    Thinking about novelera’s comment about the novel. I’ve been remembering and equating characters and storylines, too. I might be spoiling things for myself. Wondering how closely Telemundo stuck to the original.

  35. Conde
    Thanks dondi. I got most of Josie's commentary but I was thinking at the time I would elaborate when I watched it again, but then I decided to just touch on her distaste. Don't like Felipe, but good for him telling his mother off. I've never read the book so I'm just awaiting events.

  36. Thanks so much for your recap, Kat. I loved all your clever asides like: "Throw the good guy to the wolves, why don't you, conde."

    Not much time for commenting as I'm leaving for a short trip in about an hour and I haven't even finished packing. As a frequent attendee at West Coast Shakespeare Festivals, I look for correlations in TNs. Nanny seemed a bit like the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet as she managed to get a letter to Sofia from Javier.

    Maybe Ale's plan in telling Josefina about Dylan's having cancer could be a good one. Yes, Dylan is sentenced to living with her. But she'd butter him up and spoil him, like she apparently did Benjamin, who loved her until the big reveal. And Josie would be sentenced to waiting and waiting for the cancer to get him, and not poisoning him because...why.

    That whole crap about Josie dissing Paulina's art was kind of unnecessary. I think the writers should have gone with her praising it to suck up to, she thinks, the nobility. And, of course, she wouldn't be aware it was her daughter in law's art. But Chantal got another opportunity to be very, very nasty.

  37. Conde

    Novelera, enjoy your trip. I'm a last minute packer also. You raise a good point about Dylan, I can see her spoiling him and acting the happy housewife. One would imagine she lived with Ben 10 or more years before hastening his end . Probably the same for husband #1. Also Josefina's poison source has dried up. If she buys any from her it will be herbs to prolong his life.

    I also felt the Paulina dissing was superfluous and didn't feel like going into too much detail.

    Noticed a typo towards the end of the recap. Felipe is eying Amaranta (but probably imagining lying with her). That's what happens when it is after midnight. I typed it in my notes phone app and had the hardest time figuring out how to copy and paste it. The first deleted attempt was a url link .

    Kat in SC: I hope you're right about Ric & Cayetana being endgame in the end of this chaotic Telenovela. I have some doubts about them, but we'll find out soon enough.

    Novelera: Old Man Harrison better watch his back because Buji Joise will loot what's left of his $$$$$$ too.

    Dondi356: Gut feeling the Body Count will be increasing very soon.

  39. conde

    Thanks very much, Kat in SC, for this fine recap. I was exhausted last night, and your helpful recap was just what I needed. And I love your delightful commentary, such as telling Josie she should sell some of her supposedly valuable paintings by well-known artists to save her business, and your tranlating El Conde's "they are the going rate for the new age" as "(i.e. she is out of touch and doesn't appreciate modern art. Call her old without calling her old!)" Yup!

    I'm still not clear about El Conde's seeming to let it slip that Dylan has cancer and will not live more than a few more month. It seems clear that El Conde is trying to get Josie to marry Dylan, and that Dylan is actually in good health. But why throw Dylan to the she-wolf, as dondi has so well put it? Since I very strongly doubt that Dylan has a fatal disease, he probably won't die anytime soon--unless the she-wolf helps him along, as she apparently did not just to Benjamin but to husband #1 as well. From what we've seen of Dylan, he doesn't deserve that. (I don't remember who suggested another possibility in a comment a few episodes ago, but the very interesting suggestion was that perhaps Dylan is attracted to Josie for the same reason Josie is eager to marry him: they both have financial problems and think the other one has lots of money.)

    Whereas I don't in any way agree with Josie's artistic judgments, I still think it's unlikely that an unknown artist whose paintings are all of the same person would normally get an exhibition, and that these paintings would sell for high prices. I suppose since all the money is to go to charity, that might make people more willing to pay more, but still....Oh well, I guess I'm forgetting this is a telenovela. Silly me!

    I'm rather nervous about David's strong negative statements to Gerardo. Gerardo seems capable of hurting anyone who stands in his way.

  40. Conde

    Kat, thanks for the details. And great snark. "(Throw the good guy to the wolves why don't you, Conde) ." Dylan is loco to want Josie, especially after her crazy spell. I don't know why Ale wants her to marry Dylan, but my guess is he's not sick. I'm hoping he's broke instead.

    Poor Caye can't hear Ale and Mari's theme song. She and Ric have chemistry, and look good together when he cleans up.

    I like Memo. Too bad he doesn't have a love interest.

  41. Conde,

    Kat, thank you for providing us,with all the dramatic details.

    Caye drives me crazy. She is hovering and Pounces whenever Mari comes to see the Conte. She hangs all over Ale and tells Mari they are a couple, and Ale does nothing except look in comfortable.
    Are we supposed to believe that now Mari doesn't think the conte is Ale?

  42. Conte
    Maybe Memo will end up with Lucretia . This actress was in Alborado with Fernando, so these two have known each other for a long time.

    I watch Amor Real at 5 on Unimas , and Chantal plays a bitter itch in that show, too. She is Fernando's house keeper and seduces him when he is separated from his wife. She goes BSC when he returns to his wife. Chantal knows how to bring the rage and the nasty. Susan

  43. Conde
    Susan, you bring up some good points. I could see Memo and Lucrecia together. Carmen deserves someone too, but their paths never cross.

    Juanita, perhaps Conde's goal in fostering the Josie and Dylan romance is to stall their plans to marry Sofia off to his grandson. I'm still curious whether Paulina could sign her consent for Sofia to have an underage marriage or if in the 50's in Mexico women's rights were limited. How soon that is and will Sofia start showing before then? Who knows.

    I think in this the episode when Paulina freaked out about the pregnancy news she told Mari and Sofia she started showing right away when she was pregnant with Sofia. Mari advised they could hide any signs with different styles of clothes.( The voice of experience there?..)

    OT. I'm so used to the blogger app format. When I use my new larger tablet and check things, because the print size in the app is ridiculously small and Friday night I noticed an issue with my left eye (praying it isn't macular degeneration, I have an appointment to see an opthalmologist Sept 4th. But I digress), things changed in my comments. Lo and behold Dondi=wheredi and Niecie in MD = granddaughter in MD. I was all set to welcome this new commenter to our discussion, then realized it is translating to English. I need to figure out how to stop that feature or stick with my phone.
