
Thursday, August 15, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Ellas Soy Yo - Week of Aug. 12, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 23-24

10-11 PM – Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA

    For Thursday, I will put up something on Friday.
    For Friday, it will be sometime on the weekend.

  2. Sounds great Jarifa! Thank you.


    Jarifa & Diana: The only reason I watched some of the episodes is because of the lovely Oka Giner.

  4. MAREA DE PASIONES #23 Part 1

    This is a combination of episodes #24/25

    I am being plagued by electrical outages today so this will most likely be a bit disjointed.

    Luisa is thinking about what Marcelo told her about Zaid having shown Natalia the tablet and about Zaid having killed her father. She decides to go and talk to him. When she gets there she finds Helena on the floor collapsed in the kitchen. Helena says a car hit her and that it was her own fault. Luisa calls for an ambulance and calls Marcelo. Marcelo is traveling to Mexico City to track down Ordóñez. Robledo has plans to pick him up a the border of the state. His plan is spoiled when Marcelo gets a call from Luisa abut Helena and he heads home.

    Ana's friend confronts her about the experience she and her other friends had at the casino. They felt like they were bait for old pigs. She is now wondering if something happened at the casino to their friend Ximena. Ana puts up a strong front but feels guilty. Being upset, she calls Roberta and tells her about her friend's reaction. Serena shows up at the café where she is. Serena doesn't want her money. She will forgive Roberta the money she owes when Ana breaks up with her. Ana will not do that.

    Rather than letting Gael go when Iñaki expresses his desperation with the situation, Camila comes up with a new plan. They drive out into the country and Iñaki makes another call telling his parents where to leave the money. Little do they know is that his parents are with the police at their house when they get the call. The police assure them that they will arrest the kidnapper when the money drop is made. Iñaki will support Camila no matter what.

    Leonor has hired Walter bartender/Gigolo to come back to her house. As they are making out, Santiago sees them. They head to her bedroom and stat to get cozy when Santiago walks in on them. It seems that Santiago is going to use his knowledge of this relationship as payback for her backing Luisa. He says that she always calls him a cynic. It seems he got that from her. She slaps him and sets him straight. SHE supports him. If he opens his mouth, he will be out on the street. Santiago looks surprised.

    In group therapy, Alonso admits having images of his missing sister in his mind. They make no sense. He wonders if he was responsible for what happened to her or couldn't save her. The uncertainty is killing him. The group leader assures him that sooner or later the situation will clear itself. This is a sign that his rehab is working. He tries to call his mother but Isela is not talking only listening to him begging her to talk to him. She then hangs up on him. Rita tries to console Alonso but he says it is no surprise for the way he treated his family.

  5. MAREA Page 2

    Beatriz gets a call from her father telling her that Felipe is searching their house and that her mother became so nervous he had to take her to the hospital. The doctor has her under control but will be observing her for a couple of hours before they can do back home. Juan tells her to get to the house and to remove any incriminating evidence there could be. Beatriz angrily goes to her house and confronts Felipe. He tells her that he didn't find a thing.
    There is no evidence against her and she doesn't know how happy that makes him because he loves her. They go upstairs and have a sexy good time. That is cut short when Felipe says he won't have a problem being accepted by her family when he finds out who committed the crime that she is being accused of. . . Juan tells Isela that Santiago was doing the search in order to support Beatriz's innocence. Isela tells Juan she is worried about how people like Leonor are going to gossip about her when they find out that there was a search of her house. Beatriz tells her father that Felipe found nothing but she and Felipe have fallen in love. If his superiors find out about their romance, he will lose everything. She feels so guilty lying to him all the time.

    Juan wants to hire Isela's last private detective but not exactly as an investigator. He has an offer for him that could prove to be very lucrative. Later, he asks Zaid for his cut of the Hong Kong laundered money. He has plans for it.
    Zaid makes fun of him as a businessman but he gives him a card with his share. He only has to justify what he is going to do with it. Juan says he knows what he has to do. He tells Zaid about Marcelo and Cris' plan for an eco hotel. Zaid becomes incensed and wants Juan to keep him informed about everything they are doing.

    The doctor tells Helena that she lost the baby. The doctor seems to be the only person that knows the truth about what has happened with the pregnancy and her fall. She encourages Helena to go to the police and see that the man responsible is charged. Helena cannot do that and begs her to not tell anyone the truth.

    Marcelo asks why Luisa was at Helena's house. She says it was to complain toand blame him for anonymous notes she has been getting with very serious accusations against Zaid. he is angry that she could think he is capable of that. he has always been honest with her but she doesn't believe him Zaid has loads of enemies. The doctor tells Marcelo about Helena's condition and that she lost the baby. She says that she was hit by a car while crossing the street. He and Luisa sit next to each other in silence. She tells him he can visit Natalia. He doubts that will work out well. Luisa says now Natalia knows he is her bio-dad things should be different and Zaid knows he won't take her away. Marcelo tries to make her understand that he Luisa and Natalia will never be a family together. What he had with Helena being pregnant was a new start. Now he has nothing. It hurts Luisa seeing him this way. He asks even though he is her father's murderer? María arrives before she can answer.

  6. MAREA Page 3

    Helena tells Marcelo that she feels guilty for him not being able to go to Mexico City to look for proof of his innocence. She blames herself forgetting hit by the car. He blames her for nothing. He is there to support her. She says it was her dream to give him a child. He tells her that he appreciates that and everything she has done for him. Having overheard the conversation, Luisa stops by to check on Helena and to wish her well. Elena thanks her for saving her life. Luisa says she is sorry for her loss and leaves. Luisa overhears Helena asking Marcelo if she will ever be the most important woman in his life. She needs to know. Marcelo assures he the he is going to love her more than anyone in the world. That is how it will be. Zaid calls Luisa. She explains how she found Marcelo's girlfriend when she was going to complain to Marcelo about the notes. She says she lost her baby. Zaid thinks that sometimes people get what they deserve. Luisa cannot believe what he just said. He apologizes. He says he is just angry over all of this Marcelo stuff. Luisa has no time for that.

    Santiago tells Marcelo he can still go to Mexico City to look for Ordóñez. He and María will take care of Helena. Santiago understands Marcelo not wanting to leave but reminds him that the clock is ticking in his own criminal case for when he can submit new evidence. Marcelo insists he is staying. Shortly thereafter, Marcelo's mother María tells him he needs to go and look for Ordóñez. He needs to be a free man if he wants to be with Helena. She also knows that he doesn't really love her. He needs time to get evidence and get his head straight. Marcelo will think about what she said.

    Benjamín has bad news for Zaid. The customers are complaining about the hostesses again and Ana is not bringing in girls. Zaid will take care of that but he has another task for Benjamín. Zaid calls Ana. He needs her to send him more than one girl. She says she cannot. People are becoming suspicious at school and she cannot count on him. He doesn't give a s*** about what people are saying. He has enough influence to get out of of any mess. She will do what he says or hew will tell her mother that she has a girlfriend. She hangs up.
    She was talking to Serena but now she is gone.


  7. MAREA

    Stellar as always Jarifa. Thank you for your dedication in doing these excellent recaps daily.

    I felt so badly for Helena. Zaid deserves a fiery and painful ending which btw cannot come quickly enough for me. I hope Luisa remembers what he callously said about Helena losing the baby. He managed to hide his horrific nature from her for years, but now he is getting sloppy and not keeping his vile thoughts to himself. Luisa take note.

    Alonso is clearly tormented by the bits and pieces he remembers about Sofia; I hope his repressed memories become clearer. He was heartbroken his mother wouldn't speak with him but due to what he's done, I cannot blame her.

    I loathe Leonor but was happy to see her putting Santi in his place! She rules and he better not forget it.

    Juan makes my skin crawl...

    Marcelo is plodding along trying to do the right thing and becoming unhappier by the day.


  8. Marea

    Thanks so much Jarifa, I enjoyed your excellent recap. I hope Luisa will soon have her eyes opened to Zaid’s true character. I wish Ana would confide in her sister about what Zaid is forcing her to do. We know it will come out eventually but I want Luisa to use her lawyer skills against her husband.

    I have such mixed feelings about Helena. On one hand she is being forced to help Zaid but she also had no problem announcing to Marcelo that they were going to be parents. Of course, when he knows she was helping Zaid he’ll feel no guilt when he dumps her for Luisa.

    I’m tired of the teenage kidnapping story. Ready to here more memories from Alonso about his sister’s disappearance. I wonder if Juan had something to do with it.

    And I wish Marcelo would call the number he gave Luisa. I’m sure the guy he was in captivity with would talk to him.


  9. MAREA

    Thanks, Diana. This is turning out to be so much fun. Excellent evaluation of Zaid: “ He managed to hide his horrific nature from her (Luisa) for years but now he is getting sloppy . . .” It looks like Marcelo’s return could be his undoing. Helena has turned into a truly tragic figure. I wonder if she will survive.

    Liz, thank you. “. . . I want Luisa to use her lawyer skills against her husband.” Me, too. That would probably push him over the edge. Here is hoping that Camila and Iñaki get arrested like maybe tonight?

  10. Marea
    Hi there . I haven't been able to stop by the patio in awhile . I was on a vacation with family and then had some house guests. I watched the show last night , but it will take me awhile to catch up on the episodes I missed .

  11. Marea

    Trying to comment but this new format makes it difficult . Is it possible that Helena is lost Sofia as someone here suggested .
    Whats up with rescuer Cris? Susan

  12. Marea
    Susan, Cris has Alzheimer's but I think only his Dr knows at this point. If you use the mobile version to comment nothing has changed there. Everyone complained about the change and I was clueless as I use my phone exclusively.

  13. MAREA

    Susan, yes, ITA the new format is a real pain.

  14. Kat, thanks . I always post comments with my tablet. I never use my cellphone .
    Chris seemed to be the rescuer for Marcelo and his family. Now what ? Does awful Zaid know that poor Chris has Alzheimer's? So sad. He see!s like such a good soul. Susan

  15. MAREA DE PASIONES #24 Part 1

    This is #26 in the original version.

    Before she leaves Ana, Serena steals one of those complimentary passes for the casino from her.

    Helena receives flowers in her hospital room. They are from Zaid. They come with a card calling her a traitor and congratulating her on finally losing that child she never was supposed to have in the first place. He warns her this is not over yet.

    Zaid tries to run Walter out of the house but Leonor says he is going to stay. This is her house. Zaid thinks Walter only wants her money. She knows that and is paying him so it is none of his business. He sees it as his buenss because it affects the family. She approaches Zaid and staring him in the face asks if he thinks she is so old that Walter could be attracted to her just a little bit??? Zaid tells her to do what she wants but threatens to tell Luisa. She tells Walter not to worry and they smile toasting each other with champagne.

    Surprise! Serena shows up at the casino to talk to Roberta. She explains that she took a pass from her little girlfriend. Roberta wants to talk and creates a scene. Roberta makes it clear that even her threats cannot get her to go back with her. Serena say she knows what is going on at the casino and asks what would happen to her little girlfriend's family if she were to bring charges against them. Roberta tries to quiet her down.When that doesn't work, Roberta gets to work and Benjamín takes control of the situation by welcoming her to the Casino VIP. He gives her a (drugged) drink. He tells an old lecher that he has a girl for him. She wakes up the next morning naked in a hotel room having been raped.

    Zaid apologizes to Luisa for everything he said. What happened to Marcelo with Helena losing the baby was just so hard and it brought back memories when she and he tried over and over again to have a child. Helena says it affected her the same way, too. A smiling Zaid thinks they need to be grateful for the child they do have and maybe they can give her a little bother or sister soon. Luisa agrees but reminds him they have to follow the doctor's instructions. He wants to start working on it now. Luisa clearly is not in the mood with having experienced what happened to Helena and Marcelo. No longer smiling, Zaid accuses her of doing it again: putting Marcelo in the middle of their lives. She leaves their bed telling him he is unbearable.

  16. MAREA Part 2

    Marcelo thinks about Helena with sadness.

    As Camila and Iñaki watch from inside a park, the kidnapping money is delivered to a trash can by a man. Camila says they have to wait. Iñaki sees the man drive away. Camila makes him wait before they do anything.

    Marïa asks what Marcelo si planning on doing. he is going to call Bardo in Colombia. He calls him but Bardo does not answer. Marcelo leaves him a message. He knows that Bardo is being cautious but he needs his help because in Mexico they are accusing him of a crime that he did not commit. He could help keep him out of jail. He asks for his help if he is there and thanks him.

    Felipe tells his mother that he has the power in their situation now in spite of her threat to throw him out. Like he cares . . . He could ask for much more to keep her secret but all he wants is job at the company back. She says that is not her decision. He reminds her that she has a vote on the shareholders board. She refuses to bring a family situation to them. He says it would not sound very good for her to be accused of the same thing they are accusing him of. He thinks that people will be saying that the only way to get a job at their company is to sleep with her. She warns him to not talk to her that way. He says as "a man" he will not allow her to slap him in front of the help. He thinks she knows what to do if she doesn't want to be bowled over.

    Another "man" AKA Osvaldo is resting his head on his mommy's lap and tells her he has a cheap lawyer to help get his son back. She asks how he is planing on paying him. He says with HER pension of course. She looks disturbed . . . for only a second. He tells her that the lawyer said that they have to find something that makes Nora look bad and then they will have a reason to take her to court. They cannot use her working at that strip club, because she never did. He cannot believe that the courts always favor mothers. He is determined to get his son back no matter what it costs.

    Zaid tells Luisa that he understands how he she felt last night. He isn't blaming her for anything. He wants to tells her about a business venture that could turn into her father's dream come true. He tells her about Cris who needs a majority financing partner for his eco-resort project. She doubts that Cris wants to be their partner. He feels that Cris will have no reservations when he sees the millions of pesos proposal. Lisa ends up liking the idea thinking they can start being connected to ecological projects. She says it will help quiet those who think they do not care about the environment. He asks if she means Marcelo. Luisa is clearly aggravated but she tells Zaid to go ahead with Cris but to make it clear he is not their favorite person. He is sure that money will make all of their differences disappear. She says that could be but he needs to get the approval of the board of shareholders first.

  17. MAREA Part 3

    Marcelo visits Helena. She thinks it is best for her to return to where she came from. He disagrees. She doesn't want to be with him if in the end nothing is going to happen between them. She loves him but doesn't want to be his concubine or be "friends with benefits." She asks if he wants her to be his wife. He gets that deer in the headlights look. She sees it and says she knows he will never ask him to marry her. Marcelo asks her for time. He is just getting to know her. She wants to know how much time he wants because time is going by and she is only loving him more. He cannot tell her how much time he needs. She ends up giving in and says she will wait for him. He asks who the flowers are from. She says she had a nurse buy them for her. Marcelo says he should have done that for her. Marcelo wants to know why Luisa found out that she was pregnant before he did. Helena is sick of hearing about Luisa but says she didn't say anything because she was jealous of her. Now thanks to Luisa, she is alive and she doesn't know how to thank her. Marcelo tells her to calm down and blames himself for not giving Helena the security she needed. When he starts to talk about Luisa AGAIN, Helena says she is done talking because she has a headache. On his way out, the nurse talks to him about how nice he was to send Helena the flowers. He says he didn't send them. She says that Helena said they were from her novio. She concludes she must have sent them to herself.

    Camila stops Iñaki for going to get the money bag. She wants to continue observing. A poor man starts going through the garbage can and takes the money bag. He is promptly arrested. Camila tells Iñaki that he needs to trust her. Now that they are a couple she doesn't want anything to happen to him. He is the best thing that has happened to her in her life. He is flattered. The police are frustrated.

    At school, Serena blames Ana for what happened to her. At the Casino VIP, they drugged and sexually assaulted her. Ana asks her how she got in but then realizes she stole a pass from her. She is going to get evidence and Ana is going to pay. The other girls who complained toAna before get involved in the conversation. Ana makes it clear that none of it is HER fault. The girls ASKED her for passes and Serena STOLE a pass from her. A school administrator has to break up a fight in between the girls and the issue is brought to his attention.
    He wants to know what is going on. Ana tells him she has nothing to do with her family's business or casino.She tells him to call her sister Luisa. She had the passes on her person but she never offered them to anyone. He will call her sister but if what the girls are saying is true, she and her family have a serious problem.

    Felipe talks to prosecutor García running the possible case against Beatriz. He says they searched her house for videos from the security camera but sadly found nothing. She thinks that Beatriz must have buried or destroyed it. He thinks that it is time for them to stop considering her as the prime suspect and start to look into other lines of investigation. She asks if he thinks that Beatriz is innocent. He says they have found no evidence that she isn't. He thinks that somebody planted the key to frame her. His boss smiles. She has her doubts.
    Felipe offers to take the key to the lab to see if the finger prints on the key match Beatriz's. If the prints d not match, then they will know it was planted.
    She asks Felipe to describe Beatriz since she knows that he has known Beatriz since they were kids. He says that the Grajales and the Marreros hate his family and have caused them a lot of problems but he can ask them. He leaves and his boss smiles.

  18. MAREA Part 4

    The principal at Natalia's school is talking to María about her continuing to provide the school with oranges and also about life. María tells her that Marcelo's unborn baby died in miscarriage. ( Of course,) Natalia is at the doorway and has overheard the bad news. She is upset.

    Marcelo shows the plans for the eco resort to Cris. He thought Marcelo was in Mexico City. He had to come back but he has another plan to prove his innocence. Cris asks what if it doesn't work out. Marcelo says he will have to think of something else. He ends up telling Cris how they lost the baby. Crisis so very sorry for him. Helena is not doing well but they did talk about getting married. Cris remembers he is in love with Luisa. Marcelo says the time has come to close that chapter of his life once and for all. Cris says that when you force things they never turn out well. He needs to take the time he needs to make a clear decision.

    When Luisa picks up Natalia she wants to go see her daddy Marcelo because she drew a picture so that he will not be sad because his baby went to heaven. She heard her fairy godmother (María) talking to the principal.

    Cris loves Marcelo's plans and doesn't think they will have any problem finding a social capitalist to invest in their project as the majority investor. Marcelo wonders who could be interested. Cris has spoken already to several hotel empresarios but they were not interested in caring for the environment. Cris is impatient and wants to start the project. Marcelo was thinking that 10% would be his, Cris would have 40% and the investor 50%. Cris likes that.

    Luisa calls Marcelo about seeing Natalia. He likes that she called him "her daddy Marcelo". He meets Luisa and Natalia at a restaurant. Natalia wishes they could all live together. Marcelo tells he that she lives in his heart. She gives him the drawing so he won't be lonely.He asks if she wold like a little brother or sister. She admits at the beginning no, but now she would. She suggests that he marry his novia so he could have a family like she does. Luisa has a hard time hearing that. Natlaia wants ice cream.

    Nora finally moves out. Osvaldo blames their break up all on her. He never abandoned his family. He didn't destroy a home. He didn't go to bed with 20 guys. Nora admits that she loved him a lot but truth be told she lost him a long time ago before any divorce. He starts to cry after she leaves. His mother watches.

    Felipe goes to the evidence room and tells the officer in charge that prosecutor García sent him for the key related to the Hong Kong case. He gives the officer a cup of coffee. The officer gives him an evidence box. Felipe finds the key and wipes it clean while the officer enjoys his coffee. He gives the key to the officer to be sent to the lab and leaves.

    Luisa and Marcelo agree it is going to be hard to not see each other. He says it is easier though because Natalia told him that Luisa said that Zaid was her father. Marcelo has no problem with that if ends up in jail . . . She also told him to have another family. Luisa says he has a family already: María, Felipe . . . Marcelo clarifies that isn't what Natalia meant. He remarks how incredible it is that kids seem to realize everything. Natalia is right. He thanks Luisa for letting him see Natalia. It was good for him.

    Cris gets a call from Zaid who is interested in being a part of his eco resort project. Cris tells him that he has no interest in Zaid's company being involved in his project. Zaid says they are willing to invest in his project. They have a a very important figure $$$$ in mind that would make it possible for them to come to an agreement ASAP. Cris agrees to meet with Luisa today.

    Luisa arrives at her office and Zaid comes in with the good news abut Cris. He also keeps pressing her about where she was. She is tired of him not trusting her. He tells her to forget it. He would never not trust her. He leaves. She thinks back about Natalia telling Marcel he should have another family. She starts to sob.


  19. MAREA

    I had time today so I did a long recap. There are plenty of typos I am sure. More comments mañana.

  20. Marea
    Thanks Jarifa. It seems everything was there that I watched. I missed the thing about getting prints from the key. I thought Felipe was removing it from the box.

  21. MAREA

    Jarifa, this was a gem. Your level of detail and narrative were exceptional as always.

    So many fabulous lines but my favorite was "Another "man" AKA Osvaldo is resting his head on his mommy's lap...". :) I am rooting for Nora to end up on her feet, thriving, leaving her ex and his mama in the dust as they disappear from her rear view mirror.

    "She leaves their bed telling him he is unbearable". Girl, you haven't even scratched the surface. What a shame you never read the card your not so devoted husband sent to Helena. Cruel and heartless.

    I love how Leonor puts Zaid and Santiago in their place with a mere lift of her brow. Money does have its priviliges.

    So the park was staked out but no one noticed Camila and Inaki??

    Ana should have stood up to Zaid from the start and gone right to Luisa. Not only would she not be in the mess she is now but Luisa would have a clue as to exactly who she is married to.

    I think if Helena told Marcelo the truth now he would be hurt and angry but would defend her against Zaid. She's dragging both of them into quicksand.


  22. Marea

    Thanks so much, Jarifa, that was a great recap. I had no idea what Felipe was doing with the key. But am disappointed that he’s risking his job for Beatrice.

    Not sure why Santiago thinks what his mother is doing with Walter is the same as him bothering all the female employees. I hope she sticks to her guns. I don’t like her but I don’t like that both her son and Zaid think they can threaten her.

    Helena got caught in her lie pretty quickly! She needs to confess everything to Marcelo because if she waits much longer she won’t be forgiven.

    I can’t wait for the school administrar to call Luisa. Ana should have gone to her sister as soon as Zaid approached her. Hope all this comes out this week, but probably too soon for Luisa to find out.

    I was surprised Nora loved that sorry husband. I too want her to end up happy and successful.


  23. MAREA

    Kat, I watched that finger print wiping scene more than once myself. will it not be odd when the lab finds NO fingerprints on that key? Hmmm. . .

  24. MAREA

    Diana, thanks. Things are popping! "So the park was staked out but no one noticed Camila and Inaki??" Exactly what I was thinking, too. Can they please just arrest those two already? "Ana should have stood up to Zaid from the start and gone right to Luisa." He certainly has managed to isolate watch of his victims and that isolation only increases as time goes on and the stakes get higher.

  25. MAREA

    Liz, thanks. "Not sure why Santiago thinks what his mother is doing with Walter is the same as him bothering all the female employees." Great observation. I do not think that Santiago is very smart. Maybe he is on drugs. Seriously. "I hope she (Leonor) sticks to her guns. I don’t like her but I don’t like that both her son and Zaid think they can threaten her." It is a shock to me
    that she hasn't kept Santiago under better control that he would talk to her like he did. Zaid is a different case since I think they have been up to no good together.
