
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of August 12, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


    Darcy, OS, UA, Weirdo, Dondi356, Jarifa & Co.,:Whomever is doing the recap of this afternoon's episode, I am looking forward to seeing it. Let's hope Angel & Co., start getting on a winning streak ASAP against Crazy Becca & her group of cronies.

  2. Vivir. Pardon me for commenting early, but I'm off to a ribbon-cutting ceremony and wanted to take a minute to gloat first. Oh my gosh! I was right about Misael's taking custody of Rebeca! Of course, he was practically the only person (apart from Doris) still speaking to her.

  3. VIVIR #114 Part 1

    Today, Misael singlehandedly redefined the definition of having a bad day.

    At the end of yesterday’s episode…Elena, suffering in great emotional turmoil, tells Rebeca that she needs professional help. Rebeca insists that she only needs her. After Elena assures she will get her a specialist, Rebeca says “mama?”, and is as shocked as viewerville that Elena hung up on her.

    Today begins with Misael hanging the phone up when Bruno bursts through his office door. What are you doing here imbecile Misael queries. When Bruno starts talking about Monica, Misael grabs him and throws him to the couch, getting a few good punches in.

    Luciano watches as Mati works through painful physical therapy.

    Lucas seems to be purchasing a wheelchair.

    Bruno sneers and tries the retribution tactic snarling that he knows a lot about Misael…he only wants his share of the money. Misael scowls that he won’t give him one red cent! Bruno continues his threats but Misael warns that if he falls he will take Bruno down with him! Bruno responds by mewling and pointing his finger at him. Misael slaps it and roars that he get out!! Largate!

    Angel worries that Rebeca’s merciless tormenting of them continues. JE hugs her tightly and reassures her that Rebeca will end up in prison because no one will want to take responsibility for her; she has to pay for all she has done.

    Rebeca blames Angel for possibly being taken to prison. All of a sudden Corral arrives with clothes telling her to get dressed!

    (Unaired) Adolfo reminds Cris about her appointment; he will go with her.

    (Unaired) Fatima gives JE and Angel a baby gift. Don Emilio tells them that Fatima will be a doting aunt. Cris approaches and tells them to live each day as if it was the last…especially now with the baby that brings new hope.

    (Unaired much to my dismay) Wanda tells Doris that Angel agreed to help her. After she mentions Misael, Doris (who hasn’t seen the newly shorn Misael) notes she would like to take Misael by his bangs and sweep the floor with him! Wanda can’t want to hug Pedrito.


  4. VIVIR #114 Part 2

    After a snack, Javi and Pedrito get bored and wander around the house; they get scared as a picture crashes to the hall floor! Lo and behold they end up in the witch’s room.

    As Rebeca wonders who has agreed to take custody to take custody of her, Misael enters and tells her he did!! (You nailed that perfectly SpanProf!) Misael murmurs that they can try to be happy together (as the patio collectively assure him that has zero chance of success!) Rebeca tries to smooth things over by saying that if she hurt him, asks he forgive her.

    Javi and Pedrito are looking around and think they might find the witch’s broom but instead Pedrito finds the diary, thinking he has found the witch’s book of spells. Petra comes in with the displaced painting, telling tells them to get out before Monica arrives and scolds them. The sweet imps laugh.

    Fatima and Luciano enter Mati’s room with a (manual) wheelchair as Lucas encourages Mati to continue with her therapy.

    Romina pleads in vain that the social worker talk to Mati again because Mati must have been confused. The social worker tells her there is no need because they will review tapes from the cameras in close proximity to the building. OK Romina says as she looks over her shoulder nervously.

    Misael brings Rebeca (now clad in a gray short sleeved sweatshirt, gray sweatpants and sneakers) into his apartment. Rebeca pretends to be unfamiliar with her surroundings; she remembers nothing. When she asks why he is doing this, he replies that he loves her as he strokes her hair. She pulls away and he says he will not pressure her and doesn’t want her to be afraid. She feigns concern that everyone hates her and asks if he doesn’t care about that. He responds that everyone needs a second chance…and when she looks at him like that, nothing matters other than that they live together and get to know each other again. He takes her hands as she stares sternly, head tilted.

    Armando tells Sebas that Doris misses him. Sebas thinks he’s wrong since Doris didn’t want to give him another chance, but Armando tells him he is wrong…Doris truly loves him and her friendship with Rebeca is over. (Despite their burgeoning closeness, Doris has sadly kept Armando out of that loop). Her father pleads that Doris deserves another chance.


  5. VIVIR #114 Part 3

    (Unaired) Doris goes to talk with Rebeca but instead, finds an empty hospital room.

    Lucas brings Mati a motorized wheelchair. While Mati isn’t delighted, the familia sure is! Luciano smiles and kisses the top of her head.

    Don Emilio comes to say hello to Pedrito. Pedrito shows Don Emilio the witch’s book as Don Emilio admonishes Pedrito, asking him not to call her that. All of a sudden, Pedrito asks who Mauricio is…it says Mauricio is his abuelo! Don Emilio’s jaw drops.

    Luciano thanks Lucas with an ear-to-ear grin. As a smiling and encouraging Fatima, Luciano, Javi and Lucas look on, Mati finally uses the control to move the chair forward. Lucas smiles and eventually Mati does too!

    Angel assures JE she will only think of their baby now. They wonder what the gender is but JE prefers to wait to find out…as Rebeca watches them unseen.

    Rebeca (now appropriately clad in black) approaches them wanting to apologize. She asks why they continue to accuse her when she doesn’t remember anything. She insists that she is Frida, Angel’s sister! Angel ain’t buying it and asks how she got there if she doesn’t remember anything. When JE mentions her killing Alma, Rebeca denies knowing her. As Angel corrects her, Alma’s spirit materializes who tells Rebeca to tell the truth and repent. Rebeca stares but says nothing. JE tells Rebeca to leave…he doesn’t want her close to his family. After Rebeca leaves, Angel worriedly wonders who took custody of Rebeca.

    Adolfo tells Cris they need to leave. Cris doesn’t think it’s necessary that he accompany her but Adolfo strokes her cheek lovingly, insisting that there is nothing more important than her right now. An even more inebriated than usual Monica flies in on her broom spilling her usual insults, accusing Cris and Adolfo of always having been lovers. Clutching her crystal glass, Monica is three sheets to the wind, spilling all of the tea (lies) she used to separate them. Adolfo tries to steer Cris away…


  6. VIVIR #114 Part 4

    In shock, Don Emilio reads Monica’s diary and wonders what all this means.

    Monica cackles as she reveals her eavesdropping when they were young.

    Don Emilio reads that Monica was pregnant by Mauricio but vows Misael will have another father; she will take Adolfo from her sister! Don Emilio closes the book in agony

    Monica sleazes on as to how she got Adolfo drunk…to give her son the father she has selected to be her husband.

    Cris reproaches her, but Monica continues to describe how she broke them apart, crushing Adolfo and Cris under this onslaught. Unaware that Misael had entered and standing behind her, Monica confesses that Misael’s real father was Mauricio!

    Monica freezes when Misael asks if Mauricio is his father; answer me he screams, shrinking back, utterly repulsed. Monica cries that he should not have found out that way and blames Cris for everything. Adolfo and Cris ask how she could have lied to them like that and how she could have allowed Cris to marry Mau. Monica accuses Cris of doing the same thing with Adolfo but Cris defends herself saying it’s not the same thing.


  7. VIVIR #114 Part 5

    After more accusation slinging, Misael accuses Monica of making him hate his father as he silently realizes that he killed his own father. Don Emilio enters crying asking how she could have been capable of such a deception; destroying her sister’s life and lying to her son all these years. Monica waves it off…until Misael tells her he is fed up with all her manipulation…she is a despicable being! Adolfo tries to calm and comfort Misael but Misael doesn’t need him, he’s not his father! He needs Monica even less. He will be the only one to make decisions about his life! He then tells everyone that he will support Rebeca…he loves her and she will live with him from now on!!

    More ugly crying and pleading from Monica to convince Misael from supporting Rebeca, a liar and an imposter. When Misael mentions Monica being naked with Bruno, Adolfo calls out lamenting that Misael found out in such a horrible way. Misael attacks him for already knowing that his mother was Bruno’s lover and understands why Monica agreed to the divorce so quickly. Monica freaks out and shatters her whiskey glass before running out as Cris says she is crazy!!

    Don Emilio tells Misael that Rebeca won’t bring him anything good but Misael tells him that everyone deserves a second chance…he loves her and she is alone. He hopes that Rebeca, his son and he can form a family. Adolfo tries but can’t stop Misael from leaving. After, Don Emilio cries heartbrokenly as Cris tries to calm him and Adolfo caringly strokes his back. JE then calls Adolfo and tells him that Rebeca is free. Adolfo tells him about Misael taking custody of Rebeca.

    More attacks on Cris from Monica who outlines how she thinks Cris took everything from her. The recriminations go on unabated as Monica singsongs in a crazed manner as Cris tells Monica she is sick. …Cris tells her that she will now get what she deserves. She sowed selfishness so now she will reap loneliness. Cris has now decided to …” Vivir de Amor!”


  8. VIVIR #114 Part 6 of 6

    Monica has a hissy throwing fit as she sneers that maldita (Cris) won’t stay with her son! More crystal throwing as Icky calls to tell Monica that Romina has returned to look for documents that Rebeca requested. Monica tells him to make sure Romina doesn’t leave…she’s on her way! (She can’t walk but apparently she can drive).

    Romina searches for documents as Icky spies on her. Romina recalls Mati’s accident and thinks about the police viewing the camera tapes and mutters that she need that money.

    Luciano tells Fatima that the judge has ordered the children to testify regarding their mother.

    Monica enters the office and asks Romina if Rebeca is lying about the amnesia…and she’d better tell the truth or she will be Rebeca’s accomplice in everything …including murder! Romina recoils and recalls buying the meds for Rebeca. Monica repeats her threats and again asks if Rebeca is lying: “si” or “no”!

    Misael is driving when he realizes that he not only killed his father but ALSO his sister…Dulce! He freaks out behind the wheel as ominous music plays. JE calls and demands to talk to him, NOW!!

    I readily admit I froze like a deer in the headlights during Monica’s confrontational scenes. The dialogue was so fast and furious I was able to capture very little. All credit to mi amiga who adroitly and artfully wove her way around the intricate pattern of Monica’s treachery. Her dedication and generosity are unparalleled. I am so very appreciative.


  9. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for covering this absolutely crazy and difficult to watch episode. You are made of stern stuff.

    And congrats, SpanProf! Misael did indeed take custody of Becky. Ah, the wonderful and strange world of telenovelas! Some judge believes Becky's story of amnesia and allows her to avoid jail, at least for now, if somebody, anybody, will take custody of her. "You will? Okay, take her, she's yours!"

    Pedrito is a sharp kid, and reading diaries quite well now.

    Finding that diary was like rupturing a dam, and the burst dam is now drowning everybody downstream. What a mess! I even feel sorry for Misael, although it's not the first time. The guy is a louse, but his life history set him up to be one, especially his mother. And then he fell in love with Becky. He should have just shot himself and be done with it.

    What can we expect now, now that Cris has spoken the title of this telenovela?

    Diana, I agree, this new format for Blogger, um, bites.


  10. VIVIR

    SpanProf, congratulations in that your prediction that Misael would assume responsibility for Rebeca is exactly what occurred!

    Steve, although not what you hoped it would be, today's episode was completely explosive and riveting.


  11. Vivir de amor

    (Second time posting this, first one seems to have disappeared. I am deleting a comment about the new format to see if that helps.)

    Diana, thank you for covering this absolutely crazy and difficult to watch episode. You are made of stern stuff.

    And congrats, SpanProf! Misael did indeed take custody of Becky. Ah, the wonderful and strange world of telenovelas! Some judge believes Becky's story of amnesia and allows her to avoid jail, at least for now, if somebody, anybody, will take custody of her. "You will? Okay, take her, she's yours!"

    Pedrito is a sharp kid, and reading diaries quite well now.

    Finding that diary was like rupturing a dam, and the burst dam is now drowning everybody downstream. What a mess! I even feel sorry for Misael, although it's not the first time. The guy is a louse, but his life history set him up to be one, especially his mother. And then he fell in love with Becky. He should have just shot himself and be done with it.

    What can we expect now, now that Cris has spoken the title of this telenovela?


  12. Vivir

    Thanks Diana and amiga.
    The boys were a hoot to watch this episode. First they hear a cat meowing and then the picture falls off the wall. I think they were talking about bad luck. I was confused why Petra was carrying the painting when she showed the. Kids out of Monica's room. My first train of thought was Monica threw one of her cocktail glasses at it and it needed repairs and Petra was bringing it back to hang in her room.

    Ok, Pedrito realizing Mauricio is his Abuelo from a 30 year old diary is really a stretch. Of course it may be a newer diary with Monica's venting and things spelled out more clearly I'm not sure.

    Mati would be much better off without a remote control wheelchair. Her arms still work fine.

  13. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so much.

    I appreciate your trying to post again after Blogger ate your first one (not criticizing must have helped!)

    "Finding that diary was like rupturing a dam, and the burst dam is now drowning everybody downstream. What a mess!" encapsulated today's crazy episode perfectly.

    Yes I say smiling, it seems Beca wasn't even auctioned to the highest bidder; if you raised your hand, it was indeed "Okay, take her, she's yours!"

    I did feel a tiny bit of pity for Misael in that the only one he feels he can trust, to cling to, can't abide him. For whatever small part of him it is that hasn't been destroyed, Rebeca will do so callously, without a second thought.


  14. VIVIR

    Thanks Kat.

    The boys were having fun! I think Petra might have brought in the picture as she blamed the boys for it falling, but I'm not sure.

    "Ok, Pedrito realizing Mauricio is his Abuelo from a 30 year old diary is really a stretch. Of course it may be a newer diary with Monica's venting and things spelled out more clearly I'm not sure". I'm not either but if ever there was a cautionary tale to never put it in writing, this was it! :)

    I have a feeling Lucas wanted the electric wheelchair as it would be a little more fun for Mati, hoping she'd "feel the need for speed"!


  15. Vivir
    Wow, the sh*t hit the fan today!!! I can’t wait to watch! And you captured it all perfectly as always, Diana! I can easily imagine getting lost in the jaw dropping and forgetting to take notes!!

    You have to chuckle when one day a character is declaring no one will EVER know the truth and trying to burn the evidence and the very next day she’s spilling the beans faster than you can catch them!!! Oh novellas! I suppose she was caught either way though with Pedrito and then DE reading the not burnt book.

    Can we just send Romina to jail? No one is interested in her trying to avoid it!!! Just go, don’t pass go, don’t collect $200. Get Beca’s cell ready for her!

    I get your perspective about the wheelchair Kat, the electric wheelchair might be more fun, but the manual one would force Mati to put some effort into her mobility and not get complacent. I had a friend a few years ago that really wanted to get an electric wheelchair, I thought it was a horrible idea! She had some mobility issues but was still able to walk and I thought if she sat down in that chair she’d probably stop walking altogether.

    I feel sorry for Misael too, especially lately and Andy has a very good point with the ‘he should have just shot himself!’ Btw, I went and looked at your spam comment because I was curious what the criticism was, but I didn’t post it since it was almost identical to the comment that did post so I left it unposted.

  16. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your sweet words and for checking on Andy's floating in space comment.

    "You have to chuckle when one day a character is declaring no one will EVER know the truth and trying to burn the evidence and the very next day she’s spilling the beans faster than you can catch them!!! Oh novellas!" was perfect. Monica's flip flop was extraordinary but at least the truth (or some of it) is out there.

    Darcy, please prepare to get a hit of whiplash when you watch this as the accusations fly fast and furious, pingponging back and forth!

    Admittedly, there have been a few episodes where little or nothing happened but for the most part, the dirt is flying; today was action packed. After today, I think this could have been written to end in the next 5 or 6 shows so it will be interesting to see what else the writers have up their sleeves.

    Yes, put Romina in jail and throw away the key! :)


  17. Vivir

    All I can say is wow! Thanks so much Diana and friend. What a great recap of a fast and furious episode. My throat hurt from all the yelling Monica did. Maybe it just got dry as I think my mouth hung open in shock for most of the show.

    Loved JE asking Rebeca how she got to the restaurant if she has amnesia. They need to call Agent Corral and get a restraining order against Rebeca. Apparently that’s the one thing the bad guys respect.

    When Pedrito said Mauricio was his grandfather I couldn’t imagine how he figured that out. The diary just said Mauricio was Misael’s father. I didn’t even think of him being Pedrito’s grandfather.

    So Misael freaks out when he realizes he killed his sister. Does that mean he was ok with killing his cousin!

    I didn’t think they can top this episode.


  18. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. A masterful recap. From your opening sentence, it was blast-off, hold-on-to-your-seat. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

    Yikes! Will Misael cling even more to Rebeca now?

    I had to laugh when Angel asked Rebeca "if you have amnesia, how did you find us here." Another question is, why is Amnesiac Rebeca just as obsessed with Angel as Old Rebeca?

  19. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you so much.

    "They need to call Agent Corral and get a restraining order against Rebeca. Apparently that’s the one thing the bad guys respect" is exactly right! Great idea; that is the first thing they should have done.

    "So Misael freaks out when he realizes he killed his sister". Dulce's death is the only thing Misael seems to truly rue. We've seen several flashbacks of him reimagining the scene and he truly seemed to be shaken. While it was an accident, it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't done the robbery. I do think finding out Dulce was his sister does make it worse in his eyes.

    Yes, what ARE they going to do for an encore? This is going to be tough to beat.


  20. VIVIR

    I appreciate your kind words Niecie.

    "Will Misael cling even more to Rebeca now?" I'm with you, it's a certainty. He has lost faith in everyone else, she is the only one he feels he can trust. What he doesn't seem to realize is that Rebeca loathes him and his trust is completely misplaced.

    "why is Amnesiac Rebeca just as obsessed with Angel as Old Rebeca?" Touche! :)



  21. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Joker Whisperer (histrionics translations). Today’s show was firing on all cylinders. Despite all the action, fighting, revelations, screaming, crying, and wheelchair buying: here you are with a riveting summary that doesn’t miss a beat. If there were awards for recapping, you’d be an EGOT.

    I should have known it was going to be great show when my 3rd favorite couple of the series started the episode: Misael & Bruno. These guys! I cheered when Misael landed a solid punch to Bruno’s face. He’s deserved one since Episode OO3. Oops. I forgot my standard disclaimer: I abhor violence, but….

    It got even better when the inked weasel tried to extort No Bang and got his hand SLAPPED! This may not have been scripted as Bruno’s grimace looked too real and he genuinely seemed to be smarting after the tap. I used to want anvils for these two, but they should end up together. They’re becoming more entertaining than the married couples.

    It’s so unfair that we missed the Doris & Wandiux exchange - especially as it included Big Bang threats. That would have catapulted this episode into the stratosphere. ::shakes fist at Univision editors::

    The sound effects during Pedrito & Javi’s Haunted Mansion sequence made up for the all too convenient reveal it set up. Cats. Falling pictures. Frogs.

    Armando advocating for Doris with Sebastián was cute. They need to get it together as Bruno & Misael and Javi & Pedrito are challenging their Favorite Couple chart standings.

    Comedic sniper: when Pedrito shares Mónica’s Book of Spells with d. Emilio, the latter says, “I already told you she’s not a witch? Although sometimes, all she lacks is a broom.” ZING!

    How did underaged, unemployed student Lucas afford to buy the “Mati-mobile?’ Beanie Financial.

    3D-hologram Alma’s tour continues. Riddle me this, patio. Why is her fantasma drinking tea while she urges Big Reb to confess? Holograms don’t need hydration. Is it Rebecca’s guilt? The Tell-Tale Tea.

    I almost fell off the couch @ Mónica’s drunken cackling and revelations. Has our show ever unloaded so many truths in one episode? And Ms. Mónica chewed up the scenery like Ms. Pac-Man. Waka-Waka. I like how the writers are having Mónica’s mindset mirror Big Reb’s. Everything is always __________’s fault. The irrational sibling envy/hatred. The perception that the other sibling was the golden child while they are chopped liver. Misael loves Rebeca because she’s Mónica 2.O (replacing booze and pills with a decanter of mental illness).

    Prop-aganda: Mónica smashes her glass twice in this episode; however, it’s the same shot repeated twice. I told ya’ll Production was low on glassware.

    Just when you think the episode can’t deliver any more, they throw in the dang title of the telenovela in Cris’ dialogue. I wasn’t ready. More kudos to Cris for calling Mónica out on her BS and debunking her drunken delusional claims. Someone (Ang) needs to do this with Rebeca… as soon as she regains her memory…

    I heart Iker (the actor not the character). He cracked me up spying on Big-Eyed Idiot Romina in the office. Just when we thought BEIR couldn’t get more bug-eyed or loathsome, her peepers expand 25% when Mónica threatens to out her as an accomplice.

    Misael was having quite the revelation and realization moment whilst driving. I have to admit I was distracted by those damn eyes and the rich, Corinthian leather in his sports car. JE brought me back to reality when he called to schedule his next conniption

  22. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your kind words.

    You made so many clever and insightful observations it's nearly impossible to limit my list of favorites.

    This was truly beyond: "The irrational sibling envy/hatred. The perception that the other sibling was the golden child while they are chopped liver. Misael loves Rebeca because she’s Mónica 2.O (replacing booze and pills with a decanter of mental illness)". You captured the crux of these troubling relationships perfectly.

    "Mónica smashes her glass twice in this episode; however, it’s the same shot repeated twice". Nothing and I mean nothing escapes you!

    "inked weasel", "shakes fist at Univision editors" and "Ms. Pac-Man" were great. And I like Iker the actor too!

    From the brief scene we saw, I wondered if Lucas was trading something in to buy the wheelchair? As you noted, he shouldn't have had the funds.

    And now, I'm sure to ponder this throughout the day: "Why is her fantasma drinking tea while she urges Big Reb to confess? Holograms don’t need hydration". True that! :)


  23. Vivir

    After watching, two things I want to add.

    1) I can't remember if we already knew this but during the big confrontation Cris said the Mau always knew that he wasn't JEs father. Cris didn't lie to him the way Monica lied to Al.

    2) Monica scratching her nails slowly down the door post when Cris entered the hallway was AWESOME!!! I loved that detail, creepy yet not really threatening. Cracked me up!

    O.S. also cracked me up as usual this morning. I don't know why but somehow in the midst of a bunch of hilarious phrases the one that made me laugh the hardest was the subtle 'Someone (Ang) needs to do this with Rebeca… as soon as she regains her memory...' So funny!!! Of course, we must wait for Rebeca to regain her memory!

  24. Vivir #114

    Gracias, amigas. This was a helluvan episode!

    Since so many characters accidentally or otherwise hear such information from the mouths of the guilty, Misael walking in on it did not surprise me. It was the right choice by the writers because Monica can't squirm out of this with any excuse. especially as Don Emilio is now holding the written proof.

    I do object to the writers continuing to demonize black cats. My Figaro is a sweetheart.

    Here's hoping there is security camera footage that can put Romina away; also that DE will be alright. 16 capitulos to go means that Angeli will likely be in serious danger yet.

  25. VIVIR

    Darcy, good morning!

    I believe we did know Mau knew JE wasn't his...

    Yes, Monica's scratching was fab!

    Agree with you about O.S.'s comment. Another gem...


  26. VIVIR

    Urban, thank you.

    "Misael walking in on it did not surprise me. It was the right choice by the writers because Monica can't squirm out of this with any excuse. especially as Don Emilio is now holding the written proof" - I wholeheartedly agree.

    I agree there is more than ample time for Angel to have anothere terrifying adventure. She should have spoken up....

    I love all black animals, especially cats!


  27. Vivir. Great comments, everyone! I love those Alma ghost appearances, tea or no tea! They sure re putting off Cris's breast biopsy. Let's hope the tumor is benign!

  28. VIVIR #115 Part 1

    Misael is driving when he realizes that he not only killed his father but ALSO his sister…Dulce! His tortured face reflects the myriad of emotions he is experiencing including shock and guilt as ominous music plays. JE calls and demands to talk to him, NOW!!

    Monica enters her office and finds Bruno waiting for her. He roughly grabs her saying he needs to talk to her but she pours herself a drink, reiterating she has no interest in talking to him. An incensed Bruno points his fingers in her face blaming her for their problems. He demands Monica talk to her son and explain he will not benefit from having him as an enemy. Misael blocked his access to the accounts but he refuses to give up on what’s coming to him (which viewerville hopes is a slow and excruciating death). Bruno taunts he knows a lot about them and how they “resolve things”. He warns Monica that should anything happen to him, JE will receive a letter outlining all of their crimes and misdemeanors. Oh, and he wants his money in 24 hours! Once alone, Monica curses insolent Bruno and hisses that no one threatens her. Iker comes in and asks if she is OK and she slams the door in his face (the only light moment in this entire episode). She calls Rufino and orders him to follow Bruno.

    Rebeca enters Misael’s apartment where Alma’s persistent spirit continues to taunt her. While there is no visual, Alma’s voice strikes fear in Rebeca’s heart; she starts crying, clearly upset. The spirit pays no heed when Rebeca demands she leave her alone. Panicked, Rebeca calls Misael asking where he is and tells him she will wait for him there. When the phone rings she picks it up and asks “Misael?” but no it’s Monica who tells her she knows she is faking her amnesia and she’d better not get involved with Misael again. After Rebeca informs Monica that Misael took custodial responsibility for her, Monica threatens the idiot that if she doesn’t leave, she will turn her in for Angel’s kidnapping. Rebeca taunts her back as Monica takes another swig from her glass. Rebeca retorts that she remembers the evidence against Misael and wonders what the family would say if that was revealed!

    Bruno is lurking outside the del Olmo restaurant wondering if he should talk to JE when he sees Misael entering. He makes himself scarce.

    JE chastises Misael for supporting Rebeca after everything she has done to the family. “Why Misael?” Angel asks looking sad and confused. Misael justifies that she has amnesia and can’t hurt anyone (idiot!). JE is heated; he and Angel argue that Rebeca is deceitful and dangerous but Misael counters that they have no evidence (which of course Angel does but stubbornly refuses to share).


  29. VIVIR #115 Part 2

    Rebeca mocks that now Monica is the one who has gone silent and warns her she’ll have no trouble digging out the evidence from where it is hidden. Rebeca continues that if Monica does anything, Rebeca will hand over the evidence to the Rivero Cuellar (family). Monica wants to make a deal; if she hands over the photos, Rebeca will hand over the evidence. Rebeca fears there are copies but agrees. As her feverish, cunning and conniving brain amps up, Monica suggests that they meet at Bruno’s apartment. After hanging up, Monica muses that she will kill two birds with one stone (as she caresses her jaw with the gun) because she has no enemies, they have her!

    JE asks if Misael is going against his family. Misael wonders what family…Monica can take care of herself, Adolfo has JE to look after him, and his father is dead. JE questions what he means so Misael explains that Mau was his father. JE says por favor but then realizes Misael is telling the truth.

    Elena can’t help but worry about Rebeca going to prison; so Angel tells her that won’t happen because Rebeca was there at the restaurant (viewerville reels as not only will Angel not reveal the pictures, but she is also providing a completely false alibi!) Even Santi says “que?” After she explains that Misael took custody of Rebeca, Santi worries that Rebeca could “handle” them just like Alma.

    Misael won’t change his mind whether they like it or not! JE can only hope Misael never regrets what he is doing.

    Rebeca walks by Lupe, Carmelo, Luis, Marisa and Loli as though she doesn’t have a care in the world! They wonder what she’s doing there; Lupe doubts Rebeca has amnesia.

    Santi offers to show Sandra Angel’s apartment. She kisses his cheek and thanks him for everything he has done for her. He puts his fingers on the spot on his cheek and smiles.

    (Unaired) Javi asks if Mait will let him use her wheelchair.


  30. VIVIR #115 Part 3

    Lucas hopes Mati forgives him for taking the ladder. Mati assures him he did nothing wrong…he just tried to help. She told the police that it was her mother who was responsible but she doesn’t want her mother to go to jail. Lucas kisses her gently as she thanks him.

    Bruno spots Sandra leaving the restaurant and follows her but not before turning and lecherously ogling two young women passing by.

    Rebeca meets with Memo and Axel who have gotten a gun with a silencer for her. She says thank you as though they’ve just exchanged a bag of fresh veggies.

    Monica polishes her gun as she swears she won’t let Rebeca get away with what she wants; she thinks no one will suspect her (another fool). Meanwhile Rebeca hopes she can trick Monica. She sends a message to a pizza delivery guy to go into a nearby building and then steals and roars off on his motorcycle.

    Rufino gives Monica a report about where Bruno has gone. Perfect she hisses. She tells him to let her know when Bruno heads back to his apartment. She has on gloves as she puts the silencer on the gun.

    Rebeca enters the apartment building with a pizza box; the concierge is too late to catch her. She gets into the elevator as Monica plans to make Rebeca depart this life. Rebeca takes several deep breaths and finally knocks on the door. Monica tucks the gun into her skirt waistband. “Hola suegra” Rebeca mutters. When Monica asks for the bag, Rebeca tells her to go for it. Monica tells her to throw the bag on the floor but Rebeca throws it directly at Monica! As Monica loses her balance, Rebeca shoots her. Monica goes down with a thud!


  31. VIVIR #115 Part 4

    As Monica lies on the floor, Rebeca asks if Monica wanted to kill her; is that why they met in her lover’s apartment? Rebeca too came prepared…Monica struggles but manages to tell Rebeca to go to hell before passing out. “Monica” Rebeca yells, seemingly a bit panicked, but there is only silence. Rebeca rushes around trying to collect and get rid of any evidence.

    Cris and Adolfo sit sadly side by side. She tells Adolfo that Don Emilio is calmer. They talk about Monica; she isn’t a good woman. Adolfo says she is perverse and Cris says she is cray cray (my words not hers). Cris worries about Misael finding out so abruptly that Mau was his father. Adolfo worries that Misael will now hold on to Rebeca even tighter.

    Misael returns to the apartment calling out for “mi amor” but there is no answer. The doorbell rings and it is Elena who wants to talk to Misael about Rebeca. While Rebeca is cleaning up her murderous mess elsewhere, Elena explains that Rebeca never got over the fact that she didn’t grow up with her family. (Rebeca distracts the guard and manages to get out of the building undetected, taking off on the bike. From the angle, are there cameras in the garage?) Elena continues that he may not fully understand Rebeca, but Misael assures her he truly loves Rebeca and hopes to give her a second chance. Elena wants Rebeca to start again and forget the past, making a future with someone who truly loves her. Elena will support them even in the face of Angel and Santi’s disapproval. IF Rebeca has changed, she will never abandon her. Misael hugs her.

    (Unaired) Adolfo laments that Monica showed Misael her way of loving and he didn’t know how stop it. When everything has settled, he will try to talk to Misael. He then tells Cris that he was able to schedule her appointment for tomorrow.

    Luciano tells Mati and Javi that they will testify in front of a judge about their mother. They should tell the truth no matter how uncomfortable they feel…their testimony will determine custody. He comforts her with his hand on Mati’s face.


  32. VIVIR #115 Part 5

    Adolfo and Cris sit in front of the doctor who begins by saying he doesn’t have good news. They detected a lesion on Cris’ right breast that could be malignant…cancer. The camera pans in as Adolfo looks stricken, Cris stoic.

    The doctor continues that they need to perform a procedure to confirm the type of tumor and the severity of malignancy. Cris asks about more tests and/or a second opinion but the doctor stresses that time is of the essence. He explains about biopsies and that they can perform it tomorrow. Shaking, Cris asks for further explanation…which the doctor provides. Adolfo puts his arm around Cris and comforts and hold her.

    Although sickened, I need to record what transpires next; I will be as brief as I can…A delighted Sandra is smiling walking around Angel’s apartment when Bruno bursts into the bedroom. The tiny young girl is completely helpless as Bruno throws her up against the wardrobe and then flings her like a rag doll onto the bed. The brute then rapes her.

    Rebeca calls 911 to report gunshots.

    Angel doesn’t care what Misael says, she still thinks Rebeca is faking. JE feels the same and want Rebeca to stay away from them. They need to concentrate on their little world, the wedding and their baby. He proposes that they only think of themselves. They kiss passionately.

    Bruno arrives at his apartment and as the police arrive, Rufino tries to warn Monica.


  33. VIVIR #115 Part 6

    Bruno enters and stumbles on the gun. He sees Monica and starts yelling her name just as the police burst into the apartment. Bruno denies shooting Monica.

    Beca flies back to the barrio as Lupe and Luis wonder what Rebeca is doing there again. Rebeca tells them she got lost (before they could tell her to get lost) and asks for their help.

    Elena worries where Rebeca might be when Misael gets a call from Lupe who tells him exactly where Rebeca is.

    Sandra recalls her gruesome ordeal as she lays in bed crying, the room in complete disarray.

    (Unaired) PSA- Fatima tells Lucino about getting her mammogram. She adds that she confirmed how Adolfo feels about her mother…and continues with the PSA.

    Adolfo urges Cris to get her biopsy ASAP.


  34. VIVIR #115 Part 7 of 7

    Pedrito regrets finding the witch’s spell book as Don Emilio has gotten ill. Don Emilio assures Pedrito he is fine. JE and Angel arrive and Pedrito tells them he isn’t that happy…he cries saying he wants to find his mother but as long as he lives there, she won’t be able to find him. (Why on earth has Angel not told Don Emilio she knows that Wanda is his mother)???

    Rebeca makes excuses for leaving. Misael reminds her he took responsibility for her. After she asks what his family said, he tells her he will confront everyone for her because he loves her. As she hugs him, Rebeca muses that it won’t be long before Misael is told that Monica is dead!

    We’ve come to expect murderous hatred from both Rebeca and Monica and understand that the writers sometimes need to sink to despicable levels with their characters. That said, I am sad and sickened that the writers felt it necessary to have Bruno rape Sandra. It is of no comfort to know Monica and Rebeca won’t feel the burning fires of hell alone.

    I would like to give special thanks to my friend for persevering through the pure evil and madness to provide her always insightful, precise and exceptional dialogue translations. I admit I froze in horror and/or revulsion more than once. It is only thanks to her that the recap follows the events exceptionally well. What a blessing she is.


  35. Vivir. Another incredible recap, Diana and friend, even in the face of some horrific episodes. So, is Monica dead or not? When Rebeca said that she really has no enemies, they have her, that really reflected her character or lack thereof: ruthless and almost guilt free (except now and then). Bruno's rape of Sandra was horrible. I totally agree that it was awful that the writers thought it necessary. After that horrific rape, I hope that Bruno is one of the bad guys who doesn't make it out of this novela alive. Of course, his alibi for Monica's murder would be that he was elsewhere raping someone. There's no way to tell without the biopsy whether or not Cris has cancer, and if she does, they would have to do surgery to get rid of the tumor (or the whole breast) and find out whether the cancer had spread. Then they would decide how to treat it. In a way, it's too bad that both Rebeca and Monica didn't get a shot in and end up killing each other--of course then the novela would probably end a bit too soon.

  36. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for another great recap, though this episode was especially, and perhaps unnecessarily, brutal.

    As we get closer to the finale of this novela we are more and more seeing that Becky really is crazy. Incredibly smart and capable and determined, but crazy as a loon.
    In his own way Misael is a bit crazy too, and in love with the wrong person. Becky would be wrong for just about anybody I suppose. Maybe someone half Superman, half Mr. Spock, might be able to manage her, but not poor Misael. It should be interesting to see how these two wind up. Hopefully just interesting and not too unpleasant.

    Bruno was quite disgusting early on with Sandra at the hacienda. How he got away with that, twice in fact, I don't understand. But at least it didn't go too far then. I suppose that some viewers might think he was not all that bad though, and the novela writers or producer decided that he had to be shown as a true brute, all the better to hate him and look forward to his equally brutal anvil.

    OK, for some this is a welcome part of most telenovelas, seeing the bad people suffer, and suffer terribly, for their sins.
    Then come the HEAs later. Me, I'm a softie, I prefer the HEAs. But telenovelas tend to want to really wring our emotions, both good and bad.

    So I'm looking forward to some fun time with Doris and SeaBass, Jimena and Renato, and some others. Who knows? Maybe even Misael and Crazy Becky.
    There are still things to clear up and they may complicate things. Sebastian still has not come clean about his part in poor Dulce's death, nor has Misael. I have to wonder what this will mean for Misael and Becky, Sebastian and Sandra.
    I think Jimena and Renato will be fine, though Renato can be a bit boring.

    Bullets were flying in this episode, and Diana took one for the team. Thank you, Diana!


  37. Vivir de amor

    Sorry, I meant Santiago and Sandra. (But I would bet you knew that :)


  38. Vivir
    Well, that was disturbing. Diana, you and Omni really “took one for the team” with this one. Thank you!

    I don’t think Sandra’s rape was gratuitous (thank goodness they didn’t show more than they did).
    Must figure in the plot development somehow—but I am not clever enough to play it out.
    As SpanProf noted, not much of an alibi for Bruno!
    Apart from Sandra sadness, for some reason I was having a hard time following Reb’s machinations and trail of destruction, so your clarifications are much appreciated.
    Here’s hoping our lighter storylines get advanced soon.

  39. VIVIR

    Hi SpanProf and thank you very much.

    Describing Rebeca as "ruthless and almost guilt free" is exactly right.

    I am hoping Cris will get treatment and be cancer free.

    'In a way, it's too bad that both Rebeca and Monica didn't get a shot in and end up killing each other--of course then the novela would probably end a bit too soon'. That would be fitting justice, wouldn't it??

    Considering everything that happens in one episode I would be surprised if Monica dies with 15 more episodes to go but what do I know?? :)

    "I hope that Bruno is one of the bad guys who doesn't make it out of this novela alive". I am not a vengeful sort of person but I think that is a certainty.


  40. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you very much.

    Today was rough. I was hoping for a little Doris and Sebas but nopis...not a ray of sunshine to be found. When Iker getting the door slammed in his face is the highlight of the hour, something is seriously wrong!

    Like you, I look forward to the HEAs, but as you so smartly noted "telenovelas tend to want to really wring our emotions, both good and bad".

    Your wise "Becky really is crazy. Incredibly smart and capable and determined, but crazy as a loon" was a perfect descriptive.

    I have faith Bruno will receive the ending he deserves.


  41. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you so much.

    Yes this was incredibly distressing and heartbreaking. I am hoping that with much love, care and understanding, Sandra might be able to recoup some of the genuine joy and happiness she so sweetly exuded.

    Clara, the hate was flying so fast and furious, I had a hard time concentrating. To be honest, my friend deserves all the credit for explaining exactly what was said and done in the non stop action and vitriol.

    Yes, please writers, we need some lightness and some joy. Now!!


  42. Vivir
    I was horrified also with Sandra. Did she forget to lock her door? A young girl living in a new city needs to take precautions. Yup, Bruno moved on my hate meter. His character on El Conde is also an abusive brute.

    I wonder if Chris' s mother also had Breast cancer. The Dr telling her she was young, strong, (50 isn't all that young in my book, my sister was diagnosed with BC at 32, which thankfully she has survived for the past 26 years) was I guess meant to calm her fears.
    I agree with you Diana, why isn't Angelli saying anything about Wanda. Of course since we haven't seen that she knows yet (they were unaired scenes on our end) maybe this is a way to drag out the show.

  43. VIVIR

    Liz, if we didn't hate Bruno before, we sure do now.

    I can understand the doctor being encouraging to Cris as to "calm her fears" as you noted. Bless your sister for being a cancer survivor.

    Perhaps it's the writers who have else to explain Angel keeping mum about Wanda??!! Ack.


  44. VIVIR

    Sorry my comment above was to Kat, not Liz.


  45. Vivir

    Wow!!! Just wow, thank you Diana, for another terrific recap and I’m sorry you had such a horrific scene to recap!!! Ick! I agree that it was unnecessary at this late date to throw in this horrible rape of Sandra! I always hated recapping scenes like that… when I read that Bruno was caught over Monica’s body, my first thought was: Good!!! Let him fry for it!!! Beca has enough other crimes she can go down for!!

    Although I suppose the rape will end up being the ‘albi’ for the murder, not a good one but Sandra knows Bruno so she can ID him as her rapist and when the cops figure out that he is guilty of one crime and not the other. Still, I wouldn’t be mad if he went down for both crimes!!!! YUCK!!!

    I don’t know if Monica is dead or not, but it almost feels like it’s too easy a way for her to go out. On the other hand, if Monica lives, she can name her attempted murderer so that kind of takes the wind out of the sails of the whole framing Bruno storyline.

    It’s interesting that Misael both still takes JE’s phone call even though he’s in the middle of a meltdown AND he goes to the restaurant when asked. Misael doesn’t seem to hate JE the way Monica hates Cris. He’s clearly jealous of JE and resentful but it isn’t hatred.

  46. Vivir

    Thanks so much, Diana and friend, loved the recap, with all the distressing details.
    With all that was happening I think Sandra’s rape was the absolute worse thing that happened. She’s such a carefree innocent. I wonder if she’ll report Bruno, be his alibi by reporting the rape, or go home to the hacienda. She never told of Bruno’s other actions towards her, although I think Lucas knows, or suspects.

    I was assuming Monica was dead but she could be in a coma for a while. Her death was too much an easy out, especially after Thursday night’s rants! I believe I will miss her and her lipstick if she is dead.

    Both Rebeca and Misael discovered their parent or parents weren’t really their’s. Rebeca doesn’t know about Misael’s dad yet but maybe she’ll feel some sympathy for him. And they both killed a parent. They do have a lot in common.

    Elena is still giving Rebeca the benefit of the doubt. If that’s the expression! She’s going to support them if Rebeca stays nice. She seems to believe in the amnesia today.


  47. VIVIR

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Persa Veerance (dialog translations). Today’s gut punch of an episode was disturbingly dark. You captured the good, the bad, and the ugly with your usual style, grace, and eloquence. Not sure if there will be any morning giggles after this dour episode.

    So much happened so quickly. I will start with some takeaways from Mónica & Bruno’s interaction at the top of the episode:
    •Bruno indicates that should anything happen to him (hint hint) JE will receive some sort of dossier on all Misael’s crimes. This has become a cliched threat on novelas, but we’ve established that our show is hardly subtle. I anticipate this will be revisited. Then again, our show is not known for not tying up loose ends. The Primitivo Effect.
    •Bruno wants his pesos in 24 hours. Haven’t we learned that unrealistic deadlines usually wind up with attempted vehicular manslaughter (The Mauricio Effect) or other treachery? Meh. He deserves the worst after today.
    •After this demand, he even uses Mónica’s phrase against her: ¿Capisci? and stalks out.
    •Poor Iker. So misunderstood. LOL
    •If Rufino followed Bruno all day (as instructed), won’t he be another key witness/testimony for today’s unthinkable acts (plural!)?

    Takeaways from Mónica & Rebeca’s phone call which sets the stage for their Silencer Showdown later:
    •I don’t think we addressed the ridiculous leather cummerbund/codpiece Mónica’s wearing. Reason #1958 one should never leave the house drunk. Also, she’s the Joker, not Gene Simmons.
    •In most countries the standard telephone salutation is “Hello” or some variant. Mónica begins with, “What the hell do you want with my son, Murderer del mercado ?”
    •I did like when Rebeca abandoned her amnesia ruse and fired back that she DID remember things…like the evidence against Misael.
    •Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. -Mónica
    •Bruno’s aforementioned tattletale letter is the motivation for Mónica to host the meeting at his apartment. Elapsed time from foreshadowing to active story arc: OO2 scenes.

    When JE & Ang confronted Misael about the stray psycho he recently rescued, neither one of them said, “Hey, Big Guy. Where the hell is your bang?” These self-absorbed lovebirds aren’t the most observant interrogators.

    If anyone’s counting, we can add Grand Theft Moped to Rebeca’s rap sheet.

    This is neither here nor there but Rufino has one of the lowest voices on daytime TV. It almost sounds digitally altered like a whistleblower or witness protection. Anywho, he did advise Mónica that Bruno was chasing after Sandra whom Mónica knows as Domingo’s daughter from the hacienda.

    Ahem! The other thing we’ve learned (The Mauricio Effect 2.O) = until they zip up the body bag, hold off on obituaries. Not a spoiler - sheer speculation based on our show’s previous behavior and the number of episodes remaining.

    When Elena & Misael had their summit, Misael never said, “Hey, Lady. I’m hopelessly devoted to your oldest daughter, but your son Gamble-ino or whatever he calls himself helped me cover up my sister’s murder!” This self-absorbed Romeo really needs to work on his sharing.

    Through every fault of his own, i.e. karma, Bruno is perfectly set up for Mónica’s “murder (See Mauricio Effect 2.O above).” Let’s hope Agent Corral and her trusty mute throw the book at his sorry arse.

    ¡Basta! We’ve had enough misery. May we have:
    •Doris & Sebastian Reunited, and it feels so good.
    •Wanda & Pedrito reunion with a side of Primitivo.
    •Jimena & Renato (shirt buttoned) making more than pizzas.
    •Father’s Day with Doris & Armando.
    •Mother’s Day with Ang & unnamed Pastrana (Adolfo’s grandkid).
    •Luciano & Fati finally get some alone time and take the next step.
    •Lady Marmalade global domination of the preserves markets.
    •Iker in his own sitcom.
    •¡¡¡ULISES DEL OLMO!!!

  48. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your very kind words.

    "I wouldn’t be mad if he went down for both crimes!!!!" You read my mind. I believe in justice for all but ...

    As Santi had just left Sandra, I don't think he will return immediately. I am hoping that someone shows up and sees the poor young woman shivering and in shock so they can convince her to go to the police. She may do that on her own but is so traumatized...

    "I don’t know if Monica is dead or not, but it almost feels like it’s too easy a way for her to go out". I feel the same way! Too easy as you noted, and too soon. Ack.

    Your insight shone with "It’s interesting that Misael both still takes JE’s phone call even though he’s in the middle of a meltdown AND he goes to the restaurant when asked. Misael doesn’t seem to hate JE the way Monica hates Cris. He’s clearly jealous of JE and resentful but it isn’t hatred". An excellent point.

    Darcy, I see Blogger ate O.S.' comments. When you read this could you kindly fish it/them out? Thank you so much.


  49. VIVIR

    Liz, I appreciate your nice words.

    "I think Sandra’s rape was the absolute worse thing that happened. She’s such a carefree innocent" could not have been stated more perfectly. A beautiful flower crushed by the heel of hatred.

    I'm with you in the Monica lives camp.

    And this luminous pearl: "Both Rebeca and Misael discovered their parent or parents weren’t really their’s...And they both killed a parent. They do have a lot in common".

    Elena has flip flopped again, she is so susceptible and gullible.

    Your wisdom is fully on display today, thank you Liz.


  50. VIVIR

    Oh O.S. I'm so sorry your comment disappeared!

    I've asked Darcy to repost it when she is able.

    I cannot wait to see what you've written.


  51. Vivir

    Hello there . I haven't been able to pop into to the patio in awhile . I was on a family vacation and then had some house guests . I watched last night's horrific episode , and I have read the previous wonderful recaps by dear Diana and Friend to us all. However , I have so much to catch up with. ..laundry, cleaning, organizing . I will try to comment later if I make some progress in my own turmoil. As my head spins , here are my stream of consciousness thoughts ...poor Sandra ( I can't believe these writers went there)....Reb still has the capacity to !earn( she put on a helmet when she got in that stolen bike On her mission to shoot Monica ).... Bruno needs prison time with bigger guys with bigger tattoos

  52. After watching, Angel wasn't giving Rebeca a false alibi for the kidnapping by saying that she was at the restaurant, she was telling Elena and Santi that Rebeca was just there at the restaurant (that day) and thus informing them that Rebeca didn't go to prison because someone took charge of her - Misael.

  53. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for posting O.S.'s comment.

    Thank you for pointing out that Angel was pointing out Rebeca was at the restaurant because "someone took charge of her".

    I apologize for misinterpreting that scene....


  54. VIVIR

    O.S., thank you for your kind words.

    Your clever and wry comments, like so many of life's delicious treats was well worth waiting for.

    "Through every fault of his own, i.e. karma, Bruno is perfectly set up for Mónica’s “murder (See Mauricio Effect 2.O above)" is an excellent point. I say (very uncharitably) let him rot.

    "I don’t think we addressed the ridiculous leather cummerbund/codpiece Mónica’s wearing. Reason #1958 one should never leave the house drunk. Also, she’s the Joker, not Gene Simmons". We had not addressed it so thank you for doing so! :)

    You struck the mother lode with your amazing:

    "¡Basta! We’ve had enough misery. May we have:
    •Doris & Sebastian Reunited, and it feels so good.
    •Wanda & Pedrito reunion with a side of Primitivo.
    •Jimena & Renato (shirt buttoned) making more than pizzas.
    •Father’s Day with Doris & Armando"...

    I think we need to call in Gandalf to "make it so". :)

    Such sharp commentary and oh so very welcome!! Thank you.


  55. VIVIR

    Susan, so happy to "see" you! I had posted the other day wondering where you were and glad you are back.

    Thank you very much. I believe yesterday's episode was the most grim with Darcy's shooting coming in right behind it. At least you got the worst over with. I'll echo "Bruno needs prison time with bigger guys with bigger tattoos". Big time!

    Look forward to hearing more from you once you catch up.


  56. VIVIR

    ...with Dulce's shooting...Oh my word...So sorry.


  57. Vivir

    Diana, 'I believe yesterday's episode was the most grim with Darcy's shooting coming in right behind it. ' LOL Finally something to chuckle about! I certainly hope no one shoots Darcy, I bet that hurts! :)

  58. VIVIR

    Oh my Darcy! I blanched as soon as I saw that!!! Again, so sorry!!

    You have such a wonderful sense of humor amiga. Thanks for laughing...


  59. Vivir

    O.S. glad that your comments and my giggles were restored . #peachesandherb ha

    We haven't seen much of Renato and Jimena . I guess he is holding down the fort at the restaurant since nobody else seems to be there anymore. Jimema is still standing at her pizzeria counter next to that jazzy sign . Did she remember to buy a pizza oven? Has she had any customers? Why aren't her friends ordering pizzas? You can't just eat ice cream all day every day. Lets order some for the finale.

    So, is everyone going to make a grocery run to get marmalade for the finale?

  60. Vivir

    Diana and friend, you took a hit for the team reporting the gruesome parts. Thanks for highlighting the sweet and tender moments where you could find them -- and even making me laugh, with this: "Rebeca tells them she got lost (before they could tell her to get lost)..."

    Poor Sandra. I hope she doesn't stay silent and she gets to testify against Bruno. Since the writers have gone here, they could show Sandra receiving support from a rape crisis center, but I doubt they will.

    I'm betting Monica's heart (such as it is) is still ticking.

    Bravo to Ghost Alma. She's the only one getting to Rebeca.
