
Thursday, August 15, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of August 12, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. I will do a recap tonight, hopefully posted to the right page!

  2. conde

    #33 – Part 1 of 3

    Gerardo is grinning and gloating to Ramiro that the leader of the Workers Union (how vague is that? What kind of workers?) has shown sympathy for his candidacy. Ramiro manages to wipe the grin off his face telling him that all the files about the case of Alejandro Gaitán completely disappeared.

    We see another scene with Ale pretending to be Ruben’s lawyer. [Ruben lied at Ale's "trial" also, but I guess Ale thinks it’s more important to put Pedro between a rock and a hard place.] Ruben says that Pedro fled with the diamond, and Lucretia was found guilty of killing his wife, Beatrix. He swears he didn’t kill her; it was Pedro. Ale asks for a written declaration.

    Lucretia comes to Antonio’s bordello. Pedro is just pulling up and sees her…saved by the bell. [is anyone less deserving of this coincidence?] We see him looking like a deer in the headlights, smirk completely gone.

    Dylan and Josie talk. Dylan expects the wedding to be after Sofia turns 18. Josie grins and wheedles. She says it’s fine if the parents agree. He says that Brendan has a business trip in Boston, but agrees that when he’s back, in a couple of months, all is fine for the wedding.

    Carmen gives Teresa the completed dress for the theatrical Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl play that Teresa will star in. Teresa asks Rodrigo and Leticia if they know about what happened to her mother.

    Sofia is telling Nanny about her “wedding” with Javier, when Josie walks in, giving Nanny a “drop dead” look. Josie breaks the news about a fairy tale wedding, and in two months.

    Paulina tells Amaranta she didn’t like the Count setting up that “wedding”. Paulina spouts the party line about women having to submit.

    Lucretia enters Antonio’s bordello. [Sheesh! How many times are they going to show that same scene of the bare cheeked woman entering the back of the place with a well-dressed man. I think I’ve seen it 25 times!] She shows Antonio a photo of Pedro, who says he doesn’t know him. But he takes down her contact information in case he finds something out.

    Pedro gives Dolores the necklace that spent some time in a coffin and comes up with a quick lie when she notices the dedication isn’t to her. It was for his grandmother, a baroness.

    Felipe rants to his Toxic Mom about how Gerardo sticks him with the problems. [Guess he didn’t grasp the part about what a Campaign Manager is supposed to do.] He says that he was supposed to get some old files, and they disappeared. Something about Alejandro Gaitán. Now Josie looks worried. She tells him about Ale and Mariana having been in love. Felipe: “Might Gerardo había colgado esos muertitos a Gaitán (blamed him for the murders) so as to get him out of the way?” Josie tells him to shut it. She isn’t breaking ties with the possible future President of Mexico to satisfy the curiosity of her loose cannon son.

    Antonio enjoys telling Pedro about his having met Lucretia. “Is she your lover? Gallina vieja hace bien caldo (an old hen makes a very good soup)." Pedro blurts out that it’s his auntie.

  3. conde

    #33 – Part 2 of 3

    Carmen overhears Remedios telling Teresa about why Carmen may have left. [Remedios now works for the Gallardos and, along with her husband, dug Carmen up all those years ago.] Carmen wanted Remedios to talk with Teresa but was scared about her daughter knowing she's right there. Remedios says that Vicente was recio (tough, always wants his own way). She says she doesn’t know exactly what happened, but one day she was gone.

    Memo and Ric look over the files about the Alejandro Gaitán case. Memo says he paid a fortune to get them. He also says that El Conde wants to wipe out any signs of A.G. Cayetana does what she always does, walks in at an inopportune moment. She tries to get at the papers and Memo and Ric block her path. What I think happens is that Ric falls prey to a seductive smile, yields a bit and she grabs the documents. She starts reading them out loud about A.G. Memo gets them back.

    More and more I think that Ric and Caye are the moscas en la sopa (flies in the soup) to mess with Ale’s careful planning. Ale assures Memo that Caye will be busy soon because the movie will begin shooting. [He seems to not grasp how obsessed she is with him.]

    Lucretia has Amaranta read her cards again, and it’s bad.

    Sorry, I’m tired of the Cayetana plot. I know it’s the telenovela trope to have another woman scheming, but where does she get off with her highhanded behavior? When Memo was trying to keep her away from the old files, she said she was privy to everything concerning El Conde. And then she grills Miguel Aguilar about A.G. He tells her he was found guilty of killing his parents. Later he shows her where his parents are, in one of those wall tombs and the grave of A.G. She wants to know who pays for the flowers. Miguel tells her that A.G. was beloved in San Jacinto, and many people thought there was a coverup.

    Vicente wants to help Miguel’s campaign. He gets the same response as the Count. He can’t accept donations. Vic offers his hotel for special meetings with constituents. Miguel says he’ll think about it.

    Pedro talks with Ric, freaked out about seeing his auntie, who’s supposed to still be behind bars. He admits that she was doing time for what he did. “I can’t let her find me. She was weak, not like me. I don’t resemble my mother nor my aunt.” [but you totally do your grannie and papí] “I’m prepared to do whatever is necessary not to lose what I’ve gained so far!” We see Ric’s expression of disgust.

    Ale talks to Caye about her questions. She says that everything about him matters to her. “Why do you have those documents about A.G? Why are you so interested in that?” He tells her it was a concern of Alfredo, and he wants to honor his memory by looking into it.

    Vic comes to see Gerardo, guns blazing (metaphorically speaking). He flat tells Gerardo that he knows Gerardo gave the cops the locations of his poppy fields. Gerardo denies it and then: “Why did you steal the documents about A.G. from the public ministry?” Vic: “What are you smoking? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Oh, the guy who got those papers would know about the dirty tricks you pulled off. What worries you, that these documents would show that you faked the death of A.G., and buried him in a cell in Islas Dolores? Cuidado. ¡No me busques porque me encuentres!” (Don’t come after me or you’ll get more than you bargained for.) Gerardo grabs him by the lapels. “Why are you digging around in this?”

  4. conde

    #33 – Part 3 of 3

    Vic goes on to say that Gerardo messed up the good thing they had going. Now he has to find a new partner, one who no escupa al Cielo como tú (spits at the sky, meaning that spit falls back on the spitter). He throws in that he’s giving all his support to Miguel Aguilar. Gerardo says that Vic has nothing on him. Vic just laughs saying that maybe he doesn’t, but the guy who took the documents may have.

    Carmen comes to confession (!). She tells Ale that Teresa wants to know the truth. Teresa is a sweet, innocent girl, but the older one shows the influence of Vicente. She says that Vicente will kill her if she tries to return to be their mother. He mentions a strong person who could help.

    Brendan shows Sophia a ring. But she tells him she wants to get married after her birthday. He’s nice about it and puts the ring away. She also asks that he not tell her grandmother who suggested the delay. He says he won’t say a word.

    Javier tells David the Count has promised him a job in Europe, working for an important vineyard, after he and Sofia are married. David says the count is a good man and, for some reason he feels a connection with him, more than with his own father.

    Lucretia is crying over a letter. Cayetana walks in and just grabs the letter and reads it. The letter was sent by a priest, and it says that Pedro did it for the money.

    Amaranta tells Ric about the cards Lucretia chose. Ric gripes about powerful people hurting the little ones. [Uh oh]

    Mari reads the latest to the Count about local schools being helped. He admires her thoroughness. She also thanks him for helping Javier and Sofia. He confesses having been that much in love when he was younger. She's surprised, saying he always looks so serious.

    Apparently Pedro asked the count for money, and Memo gives him a suitcase full, saying it’s from the Marquis’ properties in Rome. He warns him to put it in a safe at the hotel. Memo asks why he needs so much. The reply: “Why does a gentleman like myself need to explain himself to an employee like you?” The Greek chorus intones the refrain about the thief who doesn’t know how to rob.

    Vic gives a woman a vial to put 5 drops every day in someone’s food, but no more. She’s given half the money she’ll earn and promised the rest later. He says En bocas cerradas no entran moscas. (Flies can’t enter a closed mouth or keep yours shut.)

    The next scene looks to me like the same woman serving Josie breakfast. We hear Vicente: “They decided to become my enemies, and now they’re going to repent for having messed with Vicente Garcia.”

  5. Conde
    Novelera,I just love your recaps. I should start a journal of the phrases you translate for us., the old hen, the spit....

    Did you notice the counts facial tic and semi stutter when he was acting as the pro bono lawyer.
    Speaking of acting, Vic won't let Violeta act in the upcoming movie, but is ok with his daughter acting in a theatrical production. You would think he'd nix that also.
    ITA about Caye and Ric being the weak link. Since conde is so forthcoming about his identity to others, wonder when he will let Mari know the truth.

    Poetic justice if Josefina is poisoned by Vic. It couldn't happen to a more deserving villain. Initially I thought Vic was giving opium drops to a new hire in order to get her addicted so he could use her in the brothel, although Antonio is the brothel manager, not Vic.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.

    *Novelera: Enjoyed reading your recap of last night's episode. Something tells me Scumbag Pedro will kill Lucrecia very soon. The look on Ric's face says it all: DISGUST indeed.

    * Kat: I've been saying this for quite awhile: Cayetana & Ric are LIABILITIES to Alejandro's revenge plans. I've NEVER liked or trusted them from the beginning.

    *Amaranta tried to warn Dumbass Lucrecia. Nope: The Old Dumbass won't take a fucking hint that Pedro is a lost cause. Those death cards will be very key.

    *Vicente having someone poisoned ? I wonder who'll be poisoned ? 🤔

    *FINALLY see Blabbermouth Mariana after half the episode was nearly over LOL.

    *How far will Scumbag Villarreal go in becoming President of Mexico ?

  7. conde

    Many thanks, novelera, for this terrific recap, complete with humorous remarks, useful Spanish, and lots of insightful observations.

    I have very little to add. I'm still puzzled by the "wedding" between Javier and Sofia. At first I assumed she understood this had no legal standing, but she seems to regard it as very important, so I'm really not sure what she understands or doesn't.

    Thanks for making it clear that Carmen's friend is Remedios. When I first read your recap, I thought, "Oh no, not another character I don't know!" But you made it clear exactly who she is, and that all I didn't know had been her name.

    I'm really beginning to wince every time Cayetana appears. Admittedly, I've never liked her, but at first it was just a prejudice I have against her looks, but now I see her as a real threat to El Conde's plans.

    I loved your parenthetical remark when Pedro says he doesn't resemble his mother or his aunt. Yes indeed, he's clearly got the evil genes of "grannie and papi"!

    And speaking of genes, I enjoyed David's remark about feeling closer to El Conde than to his father. I wonder how much longer it will be before David finds out that El Conde is his father.

    I'm also a little puzzled by Mari's not recognizing El Conde as Ale when he talks about having had a passionate love as a young man. Didn't she at first feel strongly that El Conde was Ale? I understand that she finally came to feel that she had been mistaken, but I'm surprised that her initial idea totally disappeared from her mind.

    Wow, I must have been more tired than I realized when I watched the current episode. I seem to have totally missed Vicente's giving a woman a vial of poison and instructing her to put 5 drops every day in someone's food. And then the woman serves Josie breakfast! Wouldn't Nanny be the one to serve her breakfast? Did Josie get rid of Nanny? Hmmm....

  8. Conde

    Juanita, Have you seen the huge house Josefina lives in! She probably has half a dozen maids, a cook etc. I think Nanny is more of a personal maid/former Nanny.

    Juanita: Why do I get this awful feeling Lucrecia will meet a deadly end at the hands of Scumbag Pedro soon ? The way he was talking about his aunt being a threat to his schemes......

    Both Ric & Cayetana are LIABILITIES & need to go away. The sooner, the better.

    Sensing the Body Count will likely be increasing soon.

  10. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Yes, things are definitely heating up.

    Juanita, I have seen this before. Nanny was Mari's Nanny, then somehow moved on to be Sofia's. I think nannies just always have lifetime gigs in TNs. I also cannot wait for the David/Alejandro reveal. They definitely hinted at la llamada de la sangre last night.

    Kat, I'm pretty sure that the theatrical production Teresa will be acting in was a high school one. You're likely right Ol' Vic would object to any career on the stage for his daughter.

    I couldn't help but wonder if Vic contacted Casilda for those drops. They looked an awful lot like Josie's. But I also had the impression that Ale may have kind of scared La Bruja straight. Since Vic was pretty firm about the amount, I guess he's going for a slow, wasting illness. Yep, pretty poetic justice.

  11. Conde

    Excellent recap, novelera. Vocab/dichos always appreciated. Your asides were spot on and had me laughing.

    I’m wondering about Vic’s drops. I hope they are opium.

    Caye doesn’t bother me too much. She doesn’t appreciate being kept in the dark. I wish they would focus more on her backstory rather than a romantic triangle.

    Juanita, I’m also puzzled by Mari giving up on the Count being Ale. She kissed him! Didn’t she feel anything from that??

    I will do the recap for tonight and it will be up tomorrow.

  12. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. I appreciate your taking the time to explain who the less frequent characters are. Now I better understand Pedro's past.

    Caye is determined. I expect her to figure out everything. But I hope she doesn't inadvertently screw up Ale's plans.

    Josie getting poisoned. Serves her right.

    Gerardo is supposed to be the chief villain, so I'm guessing he'll one up Vic soon.

    Dondi356: Looking forward to seeing your recap of tonight's episode.

  14. You have to give Pedro props for his quickly thought up lie about the necklace belonging to Grandma Baroness (and not the woman he probably stole the necklace from). He’s good at this when he has the upper hand. Problem is he only has that with Dolores, and she’s not all that sharp.

    I enjoyed Caye’s flirting to get info from Ric. Memo wasn’t falling for it but Ric was all in. I thought her flirting was funny and reminded me of Vivian Leigh’s Scarlett O’Hara, quick to bat the eyelashes when necessary. But I agree that I’d like to see her recover more memories. She deserves better than being just a pretty face in el Conde’s Plan.


    K: Big problem is that Scumbag Pedro is digging an extra larger hole for himself & with the potential possibility of Ruben being released from prison, what will Pedro do when Ruben gets released from prison ?

  16. Conde
    Hi there . I have been on a family vacation and then had house guests , but I recorded the episodes I missed and have read the great recaps and comments . Thanks to all the excellent recappers . I have lots of chores to catch up on , but I will try to get back to comment if I take a break at some point today. Susan

  17. conde #34 part 1

    Josie eats her dosed breakfast while we get the replay of Vic’s instructions to the maid. Five drops, not one more. Half pay now, and the other half when the job is done.

    David is called to a meeting with the Count. He is surprised to see Linares there. Ale tells David he’s the owner of The Mexican Daily and he’s been following David’s publications for the paper. Why didn’t you tell me, David asks. Linares explains the Count wanted to keep it secret.

    Ale gives David a special assignment. He says they received new information about David’s grandfather, but it hasn’t been verified. What they heard refutes David’s first article. [IIRC, David wrote a glowing obit about Leo.] Ale realizes this might be a tough spot for David, but as a journalist he should follow this lead.

    Memo gives Vic some bad news. The Count has withdrawn his investment in Vic’s new hotel construction. Vic panics. According to the contract, Memo notes, you should give back 70 % of the investment. Now Vic looks sick.

    Vi is at the atelier for a fitting with Carmen. Carmen asks about Dolores and Tere but Vi is staring out the window. She tells Carmen that Vic has his man Chao following her. Vi vents, Vicente is incredibly jealous and wants to control me. Vi tells Carmen about the movie and how Vic threatened her.

    Carmen is alarmed and she asks if Vic is that way with the girls. No, Vi replies, the girls are his only weakness. She tells Carmen about Dolores and the Marquis. She adds that Vic would kill anyone who would mess with his girls.

    Pau paints and Ama models. Ama needs a break. Ama admires the painting and admires Pau. I love seeing you happy, she says, you seem like a different person. Pau admits she’s feeling happier. Maybe it’s because my daughter is living her love story. Ama reaches out to touch Pau’s hair and asks, what about us? Pau says she’s feeling something new inside of her. Something that was asleep. A hope of happiness. Exchange of loving looks.

    Vic comes to see the Count and asks why he’s withdrawn from the project. Ale is blunt. His hotels in Europe have a high standard. He feels Vic’s hotels are not up to those standards. Vic tries to argue his case.

    Ale goes over a list of issues he found after looking at the architect’s report. Lack of quality materials. Marble, carpets, chandeliers. Vic has cut corners. Vic notes the extreme expenses and says the replacements are hardly distinguishable. He says this is only SJ and the people won’t notice or care. But Ale cares. He brings up the contract and says he can withdraw.

    Nice to see Vic squirm. He says ok—I have to invest more money to do things your way right? It’s agreed. Ale asks Memo to have the lawyer draw up a new contract.

    Caye comes to see Mari. It starts off tense. Mari is surprised by the visit and says, I thought you didn’t enjoy my company. Caye says she is there to apologize. Mari understands that Caye is in love and it’s hard to see the Count with other women. But she assures Caye there is nothing to worry about. I am a married woman.

    Caye says she fell head over heels for the Count. She thought she’d die when he said he was going to Mexico. That’s why she agreed to shooting the movie here. They would be together, and she could win him over. Caye whispers, and I think I’m about to do it. Mari doesn’t look very pleased.

    Pedro brings Antonio the case of money that he got from Memo. Antonio is impressed. He brings in the first young girl from the campo and presents her to Pedro. The girl keeps her eyes on the floor. She thinks she’s there to help the clients with their drinks. [This is sickening.]

  18. conde #34 part 2

    Movie shooting has started, and Ale sits and watches Caye film an emotional scene. She asks him if he liked it. Yes, of course. She thinks this will be her best movie ever, thanks to him. He takes her hankie and wipes tears from her face. He says she’s talented. She puts her hands on his shoulders and gives him a kiss on the cheek. [He doesn’t back away and smiles a bit, but it seems a little awkward to me.]

    David interviews a farmer about Grandpa Leo. The man says no one liked him and they feared him. Even the other estate owners feared him. David asks why. The farmer answers, he’d make us work all day with no breaks. If you took a break, the overseer would be called. You would be lashed. The farmer continues, the worst was when anything went missing from the bodega. Workers were taken to a hole. No food or water for days on end. And the lashings continued until workers passed out.

    David asks, did you have good wages? No, the farmer replies, it was a pittance. We were forced to buy from the estate shop. We had no money. We were poor. Women and children had to work, too. We barely had enough to eat.

    Why did you stay, David asks. The other estate owners wouldn’t hire us, the farmer answers, everyone feared Don Leo. They didn’t want trouble. The man shows a huge scar on his arm. Leo did it. We shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, he says, but Don Leopoldo won’t get God’s forgiveness. David asks about Gerardo. The farmer says he was just as arrogant as his father.

    Caye feels she has a lot in common with her character. She reminds her of herself before knowing the Count. “Maria” is poor and doesn’t have opportunities. [Caye goes into flirt mode.] She has no one but herself. Until she meets “Manuel”, and he changes her life. Ale notes that Manuel is living a dream, but he’ll suffer a lot.

    A photog wants a picture with Caye and Ale. Ale tries to beg off, but the photog says it would be good for publicity since he’s the sponsor of the movie. He reluctantly gives in. Caye drapes herself over Ale and the pic is taken.

    More flirting between Ama and Pau. They have their hands in each other’s hair when Sofi walks in. Mom? Ooops! The women quickly separate. Ama thinks fast. Sofia, come look at your mom’s progress. That’s why we are so happy. Sofi admires the painting.

    Pau babbles about cleaning her brushes to make a getaway. Sofi stops her. Pau tries not to panic. Sofi tells Pau her painting skills are improving. Pau smiles and leaves the room. Ama offers Sofi refreshments and starts to get friendly with Sofi.

    Ale is impressed by David’s professionalism. You’re braver and more committed than other journalists I’ve met, he says. You’ll be unstoppable. David thanks Ale but he has doubts on continuing. It was too painful to hear about his grandpa. Ale understands. David knows he has an obligation, and he will publish the article, but this will be the last time. He’s quitting the paper.

    Ama and Sofi talk. We see all of Pau’s paintings are of Ama. Sofi calls Ama her mother’s muse. Sofi is happy her mother is painting she thanks Ama for helping her mother. Ama tries to deflect the compliments. Sofi says a couple of months ago, she [Pau] looked faded, sad, subdued. She became someone different once she started painting here. [I’ll say more like her true self.] Sofi takes Amaranta’s hands. [Maybe Sofi understands and is okay with it. Let’s hope.]

    Josie brushes her hair. She loses a lot of hair on the brush and is horrified. The maid comes in to say that Dylan Harrison is waiting. She yells at the maid to find her hair lotion.

  19. conde #34 part 3

    David tells Ale he will never look at his family the same way again. My grandfather must have committed horrible crimes. [I think it’s horrible how Ale set David up like this.] Finding the truth is never easy, Ale says, that’s a good journalist’s goal—finding and sharing the truth. David asks, even if it condemns my own family?

    I always thought my grandfather was a poor old man, David shares, damned to suffer in silence. I’d tell him everything. I know he understood. I always thought he was a good man. Maybe he was to you, Ale replies, we all have both light and shadow within us. But this shadow is very big, David answers. He was very cruel to his workers.

    Ale asks if Gerardo also abuses his people. David says his father also plays dirty. He tried to ruin Miguel Aguilar. David knows his article can tarnish his father’s campaign. As a journalist this is his duty. But as a son, he feels like a traitor going after his own blood. Ale says he understands. David thinks Ale can’t fully understand because he has no children. David thanks Ale for the opportunity and says this is his last article.

    Ama and Pau talk about Sofi. Anxious Pau asks Ama if she spoke with Sofi about anything in particular. Ama says Pau’s secret is safe. Pau is relieved. But Ama has unsolicited advice for Pau. Tell Sofi the truth. Talk to her.

    Pau responds softly, you don’t understand. You are alone, you’re a free woman. I’ve already lost my parents… because of who I am. That’s why I was forced to marry. They thought I was just young and curious, and it would go away with marriage. The only good thing in all these years is my daughter. If Sofi rejected me, I couldn’t stand it. I love my daughter with all my heart.

    Amaranta totally gets it. She knows what it’s like to lose everyone you love. Her parents, her siblings, her whole family. All because of who she is. She adds, but I’m not ashamed anymore. I didn’t ask for this and I can’t change it. The moon will always be the moon. You should accept who you are, she tells Pau. Pau is scared. Ama knows and lets Pau know she’s not alone. I’m here with you. Little by little.

    Dylan greets Josie with a big bouquet. He starts to talk about the impending wedding. Josie tunes out and has a hallucination of her mother. Rosario glares at her Chepita and begins to taunt her. Josie hisses, get away from me, now! I’m here for you, darling, Rosario says, we will finally be together. Josie is horrified. Dylan is QTH.

    One month later.

    Memo brings Vi the profits of her investment with the count. Wow. Mucho dinero.

    Ric shares his worries about Lucrecia with Caye. Ric says he’s tried to reach out to Lucrecia, but she won’t let him in. Ric thinks a woman-to-woman approach would be better. Caye is surprised that Ric has this much of a heart. He says he’s fond of Lucrecia and hates to see her suffer. [not sure what’s Ric’s agenda here.]

    Vi brings her profits to Antionio for safekeeping. He’s shocked. Did you steal this? Vi talks about the Count being involved in international markets. Amazed Antonio says it’s incredible. He agrees and they seal it with sexual activity.

    Josie is hanging on, to Vic’s dismay. He tells Chao they need a stronger poison, and he sends him off to get it and deliver it to the maid. Vic laments, maldita vieja no se muere. [Weeds never die, Vic.]

    A doctor examines Josie. Her heart is weak and she’s too skinny. Josie claims all she had was heat stroke. The doctor says fainting, weight loss, hair loss are not normal symptoms. He wants her to rest and come to the office tomorrow for tests. Josie says she’s expecting guests and has too much to do. She doesn’t even want medications. She asks Nanny to see the doctor out.

  20. conde #34 part 4

    At dinner, Josie wonders if she’s being poisoned. Who could it be? She looks around the table for the possible culprit. The Harrisons? Felipe? Pau? Everyone looks suspicious to her. No, they wouldn’t… or would they?

    Antonio shows Vi’s profits to Pedro. Your sponsor [Ale] has a lot of money, he says. He’s helping a friend of mine with investments. Pedro wonders if it is Josie. Nope, Antonio has other lady friends. Antonio suggests that Pedro take advantage of his relationship with the Count and invest with him. If you do it, I’ll do it too, he says.

    Ric complains to Ale that Pedro is greedy. He likes easy, ill-gotten gains. Memo chimes in to ask Ale, aren’t you worried he might put someone in danger? [too late.] Ale is concerned and says he will keep an eye on him. He says he’s still testing Pedro.

    How much longer will you test, Ric asks in frustration. Pedro said Lucrecia visited Antonio’s brothel. Ruben gave her the address. What happens if Lucrecia finds him? Ale says they need to avoid that. They should try to awaken Pedro’s kindness and his regrets first. Memo counters, what if the boy can’t be redeemed. What if he’s as rotten as his father? Ale shakes his head in doubt.

    Pau gushes to Mari about her newfound happiness and motivation. Mari is thrilled for her friend. If I didn’t know your situation with Felipe, I’d say you were in love. Pau dials back on the exuberance.

    Mari pursues the subject. Tell me who it is. You have someone, don’t you? Mari assures her she’d never share her secret. Who is he? Pau takes a breath—well… it’s not a “he”. Mari doesn’t get it. Pau says it’s a “she”. I fell for a woman. Mari processes.

    Pedro comes to see Vic. He wants to throw a big party to thank the important people of SJ for their kindness. Pedro pulls out a stack of bills to pay for the shindig. Do you always pay in cash, Vic asks. Pedro says his mother Leonor the daughter of the Count of something or other, always said, if you pay cash, the banks don’t know what you’re up to.

    Vic asks if this is from his company. Pedro replies, us nobles don’t work, it’s distasteful. Investments make money. Vic is interested to hear about the investments. Pedro is willing to explain.

  21. conde #34 part 5

    Josie and Sofi go to Leticia’s atelier to talk about a wedding dress. Josie would have rather gone to Paris, but Sofi insisted on Leticia. Josie is her usual rude self. Javi shows up. It’s uncomfortable. Josie makes another rude comment. Leticia asks Javi to leave. Josie turns to Sofi, this is why I don’t like doing business with the locals. Sofi tries to make a silent apology to Leticia.

    Pau immediately regrets her admission and starts babbling. I should have said something when we were younger. This is why I didn’t want to get married. My parents found out an made me marry Felipe. You must think I’m weird. You don’t want to be friends with a sick woman. She doesn’t let Mari get a word in.

    Mari interrupts—no! Of course not, I’d never judge you. Love is love. If this is why you are so happy and full of life, I’m happy for you. Mari thinks, I finally get why you married Felipe. They laugh. Disbelieving Pau asks if Mari is really okay with it. You don’t need anyone’s approval, Mari answers, let alone mine.

    Pau is grateful for Mari’s understanding. But now Mari wants to know who “she” is. It’s Amaranta, Pau replies, since the beginning she’s been so nice, and she treats me well. I like her. It’s perfect. Pau says she terrified of anyone else finding out. She’s worried Sofi will reject her.

    Vic says he’s always been suspicious about the investing thing. But with a smart advisor like Pedro [lol] he thinks he could get involved in it. Pedro asks, do you think the Count will agree? Vic wouldn’t want the Count to know. He will give money to Pedro to invest and keep it secret. It’s agreed with a handshake.

    Felipe comes home stumbling drunk. He demands Pau fulfill her wifely duties. He whips off his belt. Pau tries to leave. He cuts her off. She picks up a vase and threatens him. He laughs at her.

    And we are out.

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family.

    Dondi356: AWESOME job on the recap of last night's episode. Really enjoyed it very much.

    I strongly agree with both Memo & Ric: Scumbag Pedro is a LOST CAUSE. Alejandro/Joaquin is too incompetent to see that Scumbag Pedro is likely gunning to loot all of the Count's wealth next.

    Buji Joise losing her hair ? Good. The next batch of poison better be good. Big question is whether or not Buji Joise will find out Jackass Vic is the culprit 🤔 ?

    Paulina very brave telling Blabbermouth Mariana about her "friendship" with Amaranta. I'm worried about BOTH Paulina & Amaranta. My other concern is Sofia opening her big mouth regarding catching Paulina & Amaranta in the act.

  23. Conde
    Dondie, I can always rely on you for lots of details I miss. All the money Conde is doling out to the bad guys is going right back into his coffers. I don't see Pedro being redeemed. Like father, ike son is so true. It was good to get the truth about why Pau was forced to marry Felipe.

    Kat in SC: If & when Nagging Lucrecia gets into a likely confrontation with Scumbag Pedro, I foresee Scumbag Pedro killing his aunt & having Antonio dumping Lucrecia's body somewhere.

    Dondi356: How popular is this Telenovela back in Mexico ?

  25. conde

    Thanks VERY much, dondi, for another superlative recap! I'm afraid I've run out of different ways to praise you. All of your recaps are terrific, marvelous, outstanding, superb, extraordinary....

    I was very uncomfortable in the scene between David and Ale. I felt Ale was being cruel and insensitive, taking selfish advantage of David to further his Plan, and so I was very pleased when you said "[I think it’s horrible how Ale set David up like this.]" I suppose David will feel somewhat differently once he learns that Ale is his father, not Gerardo, but still....

    I'm glad that Pau is beginning to feel more comfortable in her relationship with Ama. It was interesting that both she and Ama had been made to feel ashamed by their families. Ah, yes, the 1950s.

    I was surprised to learn that all Pau's paintings are of Ama. It's hard to imagine the Count sponsoring an exhibition of an unknown artist who has just a single subject.

    That was quite a scene where Josie hallucinates seeing her mother. I wonder how she explained her bizarre behavior to Dylan. I was surprised that, "one month later," Dylan is still in love and planning to marry her.

    You asked about Ric's agenda in expressing his concern for Lucrecia to Caye. One never can be sure with Ric, but my suspicion is that part of his agenda may be genuine concern, and part of it may be the wish to impress Caye with his goodness and sensitivity.

    Speaking of goodness and sensitivity, I think El Conde may be mistaken in thinking he can awaken Pedro's "kindness and regrets." Indeed, I wouldn't be all that surprised if Pedro tires of Dolores, and an enraged Vicente does him in. (I keep thinking of Violeta's statement about Vicente killing anyone who mistreated his daughters.)

    Can't wait to see what happens tonight in the scene between the drunken Felipe and the terrified but determined Paulina.

  26. Conde
    Well, autocorrect once again changed conde to donde ! I always love your detailed recaps, donde . Thank you. So happy to be sharing a novela with you.

    I wonder what Ale will think when he finally finds out that David is his son. I feel sorry for David discovering how hated, cruel, and feared his grandfather was . Poor kid.

    Cay looked a bit like Mar with the brunette wig. I wonder if Ale Thought so, too.
    Cay, your flirting is pointless. This is Fernando Colunga, and TBLMOE always ends up with the leading lady...and that ain't you, missy.
    Looks like all the baddies will be investing with the conde and will lose all their ill gained wealth. It's great to see the evil ones trying to zoom each other. Susan

    Susan: Big question is when David finds out that Blabbermouth Mariana has been lying to him saying Scumbag Villarreal is his father when it's really Alejandro (guessing this will NOT be revealed until later this year).

    Time to play "Which Villain Goes Down Hard First ?"

  28. Thanks so much for the fantastic recap, dondi. And your asides were spot on, as usual: "This is sickening." "Maybe Sofi understands and is okay with it."

    It sounds like part of Ale's plan is insolvency for some of his enemies. Pedro, Vic, and Antonio "investing" looks like a one-way street to being broke, possibly when Ale claims the market went bad on everyone.

    I still really don't like Cayetana. I suspect there'll be redemption and discovering why she forgot her childhood. But showing up at Mari's to "apologize" in order to really pee on her turf but saying Joaquín was almost hers didn't go over well with me.

    I wonder if there will be a bad outcome from that photo Caye insisted on, as you said dondi, draped all over him.

    I found it interesting that Leo had a "Company Store", perhaps modeled after the ones in coal mining towns in the U.S., where workers became debt slaves having to buy necessities at inflated prices and on credit.

    I enjoyed the writers rounding out Paulina's history. Early on she was set against getting married. Then there was the time jump showing her married to Felipe and with a daughter, and Viewerville wondered about that. So Mari and Pau were both pushed into marrying men they didn't love, for different reasons.

    I was kind of surprised the writers portrayed Josie suspecting poison. I thought her immense ego would not admit anyone else would be that devious.

    Yes, I'm not sure where the writers are going with Pedro. I was surprised Ale sees anything redeemable in him. Well, that will come to a screeching halt when he becomes aware of the plot to lure young girls from the country. And, of course, any residual liking I had for Antonio went straight out the window after that scene with the first victim.

  29. Conde
    Antonio and Pedro are truly despicable preying on those young girls. We have been getting this storyline in so many recent telenovelas. Awful. Then, we have Vic "killing" ( he believes) Carmen to get rid of her , and weasely Felipe beating Pau. Makes my stomach turn. Susan

  30. Conde
    Susan, I agree about the exploitation and rape of the young women. It makes me appreciate the Betty la Fea, Mi Marido Tiene familia etc all the more. I'm trying to finish mas familia but the second season is such a let down from the first. I'm reading the recaps and wishing I could weigh in on it like these current fares. Time to watch episode 3 of LaLola now....I need something humorous after this weeks current shows.

    Also I agree it's nice to see the good guys actually being effective early in the show. Anyone know how many episodes this has?

    Susan: Expect to see more heinous, disgusting garbage like selling young girls for prostitution, etc.,

    Kat in SC: Since the DNC is beginning next week, I wonder how Telemundo will potentially preempt "CONDE" ?

    Only a matter of time before Scumbag Villarreal violently beats Blabbermouth Mariana WHEN it's revealed that Alejandro is David's biological father.

  32. conde

    Thanks everyone, for the kind words and insightful comments.

    I would like to Pedro redeemed for Lucrecia’s sake, but I don’t understand why Ale is giving him so many chances. Ale doesn’t even want to consider Mari’s extenuating circumstances.

    Steve, I don’t know if this aired in Mexico. All I know is it took a long time to air here.

    Kat: “All the money Conde is doling out to the bad guys is going right back into his coffers.” Yes, I love the clever way Ale keeps recycling his money among the baddies.

    Juanita: “…I felt Ale was being cruel and insensitive…” I feel that way about many of the things Ale does. And then he rationalizes it by claiming it’s in the pursuit of justice.

    Maybe Pau has other paintings, but all the ones I could see looked like Ama. A lot of painters have muses that are regular subjects. I can’t think of a same sex one off the top of my head. If there was an exhibition of only the Amaranta paintings, I think it might raise suspicions.

    I hope Ric’s intentions toward Lucrecia are genuine. He does seem sincere and he’s not an evil guy.

    I think someone recently asked whatever happened to Ric’s son. Ric seems to have forgotten about him.

    Pedro better watch out for Vic.

    Nice to have you back, Susan. “This is Fernando Colunga, and TBLMOE always ends up with the leading lady...and that ain't you, missy.” LOL. I also feel sorry for David. When Ale and David find out about the father/son connection, I expect an initial disaster.

    novelera, yes, Caye can be irritating but I think she’s redeemable. It seems like there will be an outcome from the publicity photo. And I also thought about “company stores” in mining towns.

    We all thought something was strange about Pau suddenly marrying Felipe. It was especially strange how Felipe, on his own, went to her parents who said very little—and bingo! But now it’s clear that Pau had a history.

    “I was kind of surprised the writers portrayed Josie suspecting poison.” I was kind of waiting for this to cross Josie’s mind. One of my favorite sayings is “You only look under the bed if you have hidden there yourself".

    I wish I knew how many episodes this has.

    I think we might be preempted for the DNC next Thursday evening.

  33. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. I'm late to the patio, but thanks a bunch. Ale's contracting with and investing for evil ones had me confused. You made it all so simple.

    I kind of like Cayetana. She is a pain rubbing Mari's nose in her (Caye's supposed) snagging Ale soon, but I like that she is aware of the personalities she's dealing with. Apparently she's been around without a family's protection (like Amaranta) and it shows. She's got a good bead on everybody.

    Vi is a sweetheart, but getting it on with Antonio at his brothel. Ugh.

    In Mexico crusading journalists face real danger, including murder. I wonder how David's storyline will go over when the TN is showed there.
