
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of August 19, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


  1. VIVIR #119 Part 1

    Kindhearted Don Emilio tells Misael that he will be happy not just to have Pedrito there, but to see him spend time with Misael. Misael hugs and thanks him and knows he can count on him. Conversely, Pedrito makes it crystal clear he does not want Misael OR Rebeca there! Don Emilio sits Pedrito down and explains that Misael is his father who wants to get to get to know him, to play with him. Pedrito would rather play with Don Emilio (can you blame him?) but ultimately agrees to give Misael a chance. Adolfo watches all of this with a pleased smile. Don Emilio, Cris’ arm on her father, then tells Pedrito that he has a surprise for him in the kitchen. What surprise Misael murmurs?

    After Pedrito leaves, Don Emilio explains that Rebeca gave him the idea not to condemn but to give people a second chance. Don Emilio advises Misael that Pedrito should know his mother. Rebeca does not seem to be on board (hop off then I sneer). After Misael agrees to take Pedrito to see his mother, Don Emilio (one ups him) informs him they’ve already brought her there! “Que?” Misael manages. With perfect timing, Pedro comes running in, Wanda right behind him, both beaming with happiness. (Unaired) Don Emilio, smooth as silk, lies through his teeth saying it was his father’s idea.

    Sebas and JE are still reviewing files. Sebas urges that they need to act quickly so JE will review the files himself.

    Don Emilio sends an excited Wanda and Pedrito off with Petra to see their rooms. Don Emilio sternly admonishes Misael that he will not tolerate any problems; he advises Misael (now pursing his lips) that there are many ways he can spend time with Pedrito. Rebeca tilts her head her expression unreadable.

    Misael appreciates it but sniffs that Wanda’s “limits” need to be clearly defined. Don Emilio and Cris look at each other but when Misael derides Wanda, Don Emilio tells him that he needs to start by respecting her!

    When Cris steps away to take JE’s call in private, Rebeca asks where the restroom is. (Shouldn’t she know that? Ahhh, the amnesia. Sorry, I forgot.) Once in the guest room, Beca Balrog picks up an extension and listens in on Cris’s and JE’s conversation. Cris will approve giving JE the necessary authorization to access the information he needs. Cris then tells JE about Misael and Rebeca living there. JE is experiencing shock and awe and not in a good way.

    Wanda tells Pedrito a nighttime (nightmare) story (based on how her baby was taken away from her). If anyone can add specific details, kindly do so. Pedrito puts his sweet arm on Wanda’s face to comfort her as she strokes his head. As he falls asleep, tears gently cascade down her cheeks.


  2. VIVIR #119 Part 2

    In a very touching scene, Adolfo is sorry for the way Misael found out about Mau. He lovingly assures Misael that he is still his son. He wants them to forget the past and make up for lost time. He loves Misael and will always be there for him…he asks for a hug and Misael obliges. Tears fall down both men’s cheeks.

    Renato complains about Rebeca being allowed back into the restaurant. Angel (needing a wardrobe change) is glad that they can still talk as friends. All of a sudden, she feels faint and just as Renato moves to hold her, JE walks in!

    Angel is chatting happily away to a stern, obvio unhappy JE. She notices right away and explains that Renato was only helping her when she felt faint. JE admits that his green-eyed monster has not been vanquished after all. He is afraid Renato may try to stop their wedding. Angel assures him that will never happen and that she loves only him. He declares he loves her, putting his hand gently on her cheek. He finally relaxes and kisses back.

    A distraught Jimena asks her attorney for the status of her divorce…she wants to stop being Icky’s wife asap. She then muses that she will show Icky that she doesn’t need him. David calls her and she tries to shake off her sadness, turning a picture of her and Icky on the sideboard over.

    Santi tells Sandra that he doesn’t just want to help her, he likes being with her. He then apologizes for making her feel uncomfortable. Marisa and Doris arrive and tell Sandra that they have organized a neighborhood watch. Doris gives her a whistle to use in case she needs them to come and like a good sport, Sandra tries it out. Although kindly meant, I doubt a whistle is the answer. How about a deadbolt and a personal alarm instead?

    Fatima complains about Rebeca to her mother. Cris explains that Don Emilio gave Rebeca the benefit of the doubt. Fatima (who wasn’t born yesterday) still doesn’t believe anything Rebeca says and warns Cris to be careful; Cris assures her she will be and that she loves her. She then hurries her off the phone and looks at the bandage on her chest.

    Don Emilio worries how JE will react and about Rebeca wanting to attend Angel’s wedding. Cris (obvio experiencing temporary insanity) urges that all will be fine. Fatima then asks where Adolfo took her out. Uh oh.

    (Unaired) Fatima tells Luciano that something is going on with her mother; he advises her to let it go.


  3. VIVIR #119 Part 3

    Misael (in his silky grey robe) tells Rebeca he didn’t think the family would be so supportive. He then muses that although Mau is his father (recalling shooting him in cold blood) ...he prefers Adolfo be his father. Rebeca tells him he still needs to be careful and reminds him that Monica warned him that they will try to take everything from him. She then tells him what she overheard.

    The next day, a cheery Don Emilio wishes Pedrito a good morning as he gets ready for school. Pedro tells him about the story Wanda told him and Don Emilio is suitably impressed with Wanda. Pedrito asks if they can invite Loli over. Misael walks in telling Pedrito that he will drop him off on the way to work. Wanda comes in and after whatever she said, Misael berates Wanda for using “common” language; she looks upset putting her hands on her hips.

    Cris is making arrangements for the wedding when Rebeca descends the stairs (deliberately) overhearing, asking for the deets.

    JE tells Angel that Rebeca and Misael are living with Don Emilio. “Que??” a horrified Angel manages. She wonders if Rebeca will be at their wedding as she and JE stare at each other.

    Cris confirms that the wedding will be there this weekend…and asks Rebeca NOT to attend. Rebeca (in an almost preppy looking ivory sweater and pale-yellow skirt) lies that she understands. Misael informs Cris that he will be at work. The happy family leaves. Sigh.

    Angel is with Elena (in a shocking pink and ivory jumpsuit looking great) as they discuss Rebeca. Angel explains she doesn’t believe Rebeca or forget what she’s done. Then Lupe and Marisa arrive; they think they know who assaulted Sandra! As Elena and Angel both look stricken, they describe him. Angel (silently) deduces that it is Bruno.

    Mati is actually getting PT when Domingo bursts in, telling Luciano that he needs to come right away; there is a big problem with the crops. Fatima tells the workers that the crops were affected by something in the water; it couldn’t have been contaminated on its own. They need to act now or the entire crop will be affected. Meanwhile, Brayan hides behind a tree, hideous mask in hand, thinking that while the others are busy, he will continue his plan.


  4. VIVIR #119 Part 4

    Sebas hopes JE doesn’t mind if he invites Doris to the wedding. JE is happy Sebas and Doris have reunited and the men embrace. He has no problem with her attending the wedding.

    At breakfast Gi and Armando (looking fine in a pink blazer and light green shirt) talk about the wedding. Armando questions why it wasn’t postponed since Monica died, but Gi doesn’t think anyone will miss Monica. Gi looks forward to the day Doris marries…it will be a dream wedding!

    Sebas tells JE that he and Doris are getting along very well. JE mentions that Rebeca and Misael are living with DE…and Angel has decided to have the wedding there. “Poor Angel” Sebas mutters sympathetically.

    Doris has joined her parents and jumps up to describe her perfect wedding. I cannot translate what she said but her animated expressions, her jumping up and down and sweet enthusiasm was adorable. My favorite scene of the day was Gi and Armando clapping with delight as though she just learned to talk!

    Luciano has no idea what could have affected the crops. He orders that the water be shut off immediately before it gets to the rest of the crops. After Fatima reports that the water has been shut off, an angry and fed-up Luciano declares they need to send samples off for analysis…and borrows a pump from one of the neighbors.

    As Mati moves her leg onto the wheelchair stand, Gabriel rushes in telling Mati that he needs to talk to her father. As he isn’t there, Mati pleads that he tell her…so he reveals that plans are being made to steal from the hacienda.

    Fatima tells Luciano that she heard someone in the fields last night; it must be the same person responsible for contaminating the water. She wonders who it is and what their motivation is.

    Brayan tells his idiot followers Axel and Memo that everything is ready for the robbery. They cackle with delight.


  5. VIVIR #119 Part 5 of 5

    Lucas arrives and tells Mati that Brayan is planning to rob the hacienda tonight. Mati needs to tell her father, but Javi tells them that their father is not at the hacienda.

    Wanda asks Don Emilio for help. Is there a problem with Pedrito he asks? No she smiles; she wants to improve herself - she wants Pedrito to be proud of her! “Si hija” is his smiling reply.

    At Jimena’s pizzeria, Renato takes a pizza out of the oven as he wonders what is wrong with Icky (we quickly cut to the next scene as the answer would clearly have taken too long).

    Speaking of, Icky’s lawyer is urging him to sign the divorce papers…unless he wants to respond to Jimena’s charges of damages and assault. After Icky scoffs that Jimena is making it up, the lawyer tells him that the not so candid cameras caught everything…busted! The attorney pushes the papers in front of him. Icky who has removed his wedding ring, signs on the dotted line and gets up.

    Mati frantically calls Luciano but to no avail. Lucas tells them they have to do something now! Lucas doesn’t want Gabriel to help but when Mati intervenes, he gives in (although the young men exchange angry glances).

    Santi tries to give Sandra a taste of a dish he’s preparing but when she visibly cringes as his hand comes close to her mouth, he hands her the spoon. Sandra smiles, commenting it reminds her of her mother’s cooking. After Santi leaves, Angel gently asks Sandra if Bruno assaulted her. Sandra’s eyes widen and Angel walks around the table enveloping her in a huge hug stroking her back. No words are necessary.

    Sebas explains the consequences of the loan Misael arranged. As JE tells him that he should have listened to what Bruno had to say, Misael walks in and questions what imbecile Bruno could possibly tell him. JE replies that Bruno assured him that he has VERY important information to share. Dramatic music plays as Misael stares, eyes narrowed…

    I never fail to marvel at my friend’s inspired dialogue translations replete with wit and wisdom. I am continually grateful for her truly amazing work and her selfless giving of time that she does not have.


  6. VIVIR #119 Part 5 of 5

    Lucas arrives and tells Mati that Brayan is planning to rob the hacienda tonight. Mati needs to tell her father, but Javi tells them that their father is not at the hacienda.

    Wanda asks Don Emilio for help. Is there a problem with Pedrito he asks? No she smiles; she wants to improve herself - she wants Pedrito to be proud of her! “Si hija” is his smiling reply.

    At Jimena’s pizzeria, Renato takes a pizza out of the oven as he wonders what is wrong with Icky (we quickly cut to the next scene as the answer would clearly have taken too long).

    Speaking of, Icky’s lawyer is urging him to sign the divorce papers…unless he wants to respond to Jimena’s charges of damages and assault. After Icky scoffs that Jimena is making it up, the lawyer tells him that the not so candid cameras caught everything…busted! The attorney pushes the papers in front of him. Icky who has removed his wedding ring, signs on the dotted line and gets up.

    Mati frantically calls Luciano but to no avail. Lucas tells them they have to do something now! Lucas doesn’t want Gabriel to help but when Mati intervenes, he gives in (although the young men exchange angry glances).

    Santi tries to give Sandra a taste of a dish he’s preparing but when she visibly cringes as his hand comes close to her mouth, he hands her the spoon. Sandra smiles, commenting it reminds her of her mother’s cooking. After Santi leaves, Angel gently asks Sandra if Bruno assaulted her. Sandra’s eyes widen and Angel walks around the table enveloping her in a huge hug stroking her back. No words are necessary.

    Sebas explains the consequences of the loan Misael arranged. As JE tells him that he should have listened to what Bruno had to say, Misael walks in and questions what imbecile Bruno could possibly tell him. JE replies that Bruno assured him that he has VERY important information to share. Dramatic music plays as Misael stares, eyes narrowed…

    I never fail to marvel at my friend’s inspired dialogue translations replete with wit and wisdom. I am continually grateful for her truly amazing work and her selfless giving of time that she does not have.


  7. VIVIR

    My part 5 wouldn't post so I reposted and now, there are two.

    So frustrating!!


  8. Vivir. As usual an excellent recap, Diana and friend. I see that some of the hilarious snark is back. I particularly like "Hop off then, I sneer." I loved it that there are security cameras inside at the pizzeria. Iker's goose is now cooked as far as framing Jimena for lying and getting out of the divorce. Coward that he is, he gave in immediately and signed the divorce papers. I am so glad that Angelli, Marisa and Lupe have figured out who the rapist is. A neighborhood watch may not be quite as effective as more electronic or physical barriers, but it certainly shows how much the people in the barrio care for Sandra and each other. My goodness! Lucas and Gabe are now allies (of sorts) to protect the hacienda. I still wonder if those 2 actors are related. Yep, Wanda definitely deserve to be respected. She is a very good person and Misael should have had sense enough not to believe Monica's propaganda. Of course, JE walks in at just the worst time! I believe this cliche has happened several times before in this novela. I'm glad that Pedrito is back in school and wonder if Rebeca will crash the wedding anyway. Btw, we still don't have the results of Cris's biopsy, as far as I know.

  9. Vivir
    Many thanks and more thanks, Diana and Omni.

    “Ah, the amnesia. Sorry, I forgot.” Good one. Reb slipped up again in her reaction to hearing Mauricio’s name when Misael said he was his bio dad, but she recovered quickly while Misael was flashing back on shooting.
    Reb’s voice when she’s being the good innocent girl is really grating on me!

    Ha, I had wondered what Brayan would gain by poisoning the crops. Just to create a diversion. I’m afraid for what might happen here.

    Great to see an actual pizza dished up out of the pizza oven and looking tasty too.

    What I recall of Wanda’s nightmare bedtime story: a mother, very poor, loved her newborn very much. She had to do her best to support him by any means she could. Pedrito asked: what about the father? Wanda: mother had decided to raise him on her own. Then an evil witch(?) took him away. Pedrito: did she eat him? Wanda: no!

    Doris was mostly describing her wedding dress in detail, waves like the ocean as she moves down the aisle. Sebas was there too, admiring his loved one!

  10. VIVIR

    Thank you for your kind words SpanProf!!

    "A neighborhood watch may not be quite as effective as more electronic or physical barriers, but it certainly shows how much the people in the barrio care for Sandra and each other" was beautifully phrased. Thank you...

    I was also happy that Jimena showed her bizness savvy in having the cameras installed. Hopefully, we won't need to watch Icky tormenting Jimena any further; that said, I wouldn't mind seeing his smarmy grin if he is able to turn up the heat on Bruno and/or Rebeca. I really enjoy the actor.

    I fervently hope Angel and JE have reunited for good this time and don't get sidetracked by more misunderstandings about Renato, Rebeca, etc., etc.

    SpanProf, I find I am always trying to find some snark when the epis are a bit lighter. Fortunately today was one of those :)


  11. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you so very much.

    "Great to see an actual pizza dished up out of the pizza oven and looking tasty too". It was, wasn't it??!!

    Clara, thank you for relating Wanda's story to Pedrito! "...she loved her newborn very much. She had to do her best to support him by any means she could. Pedrito asked: what about the father?...Then an evil witch(?) took him away" was so, so helpful. I had to smile at Pedrito asking if the witch ate the child. He is such a dear.

    Reading your words "Doris was mostly describing her wedding dress in detail, waves like the ocean as she moves down the aisle" was just perfect. I can now envision it in my mind's eye. I did not see Sebas there! One of the hazards of trying to keep one eye on the TV while keeping the other on the computer!!


  12. Vivir
    Diana, you didn’t miss anything! Sebas was not physically “there,” only “there”in Doris’s envisioning of her future wedding (which maybe we’ll get to see?)

    I thought of something else sweet to add. When Sandra was tasting Santi’s creation, he said “I’ll make it for you every day.” Sandra responded, rather wistfully, “you’d do that … for me?”

  13. VIVIR

    Thanks Clara!

    I love Santi's sweet sentiment! Thank you for sharing...

    They're not quite Doris and Sebas, but I look forward to seeing what happens. :)


  14. Vivir
    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for a wonderful retelling as our story spins onward .
    So, it seems Pedro softened immediately toward Wanda after he found out she was his mother. . He is even tolerating Misery, who is completely clueless about how to be a loving , caring father.

    Is Mis really buying Reb's amnesia act? I can't believe that those two vipers are back in Don Emilio 's House .

    I hope that Lucas and Gabriel can stop Brayan .
    Hate this feature
    Interesting outfit Homemade was wearing to make pizzas...a purple strapless cocktail dress. Okay. Susan

  15. Vivir

    Argghhh..i am having so much trouble commenting in this crazy format .
    Homemade =_jimena, Susan

  16. Vivir de amor

    Diana and friend, thank you for another truly fun and helpful recap. No Balrog, you!

    I think the scenes introducing Wanda as Pedrito's mother, etc., were not extremely well done. But whatever, it's done now.

    Ah, Diana is in a playful mood today. "When Cris steps away to take JE’s call in private, Rebeca asks where the restroom is. (Shouldn’t she know that? Ahhh, the amnesia. Sorry, I forgot.)" And then, "Beca Balrog". Balrog? Wherever did "Balrog" come from...? Wikipedia to the rescue! "A Balrog (/ˈbælrÉ’É¡/) is a powerful demonic monster in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth." Of course, we know Diana well enough now to have been fairly certain even before checking.

    We are on to you, Diana! :-)

    Anyway, "Beca Balrog" is a clever Balrog and listens in on the phone conversation. Interesting that JE called that phone rather than his mother's own cell phone, but whatever moves the story along, eh?

    I got a big kick out of daughter Doris acting out her wedding dreams with Armando and Gi. This is a fun family.
    And it was very nice of Doris to include Sebas in her dream wedding :-)
    At least I think she did, mostly it was her dress :-)
    Nice to see a little realism in our telenovela.

    So the defense of the hacienda is left to a few youngsters, one of them in a wheel chair. Okay.


  17. Vivir

    Thanks once again, Diana and friend, you keep turning out these great recaps. My favorite part was Icky with the divorce lawyer! Jimena is no fool.

    JE saying he can’t help but get jealous was ridiculous. Every time he has gotten jealous he is misinterpreting things. And Renato said no to Angel at the alter, so even if he loved her he wouldn’t try to destroy her and JE’s relationship.

    Did they tell Pedrito that Wanda was his mother? I thought they were going to let them get to know each other first. And DE had brought a friend from the barrio for a visit. I hope Misael learns that his mother really did steal the baby.


  18. VIVIR

    Hi Susan and thank you!!

    "Is Mis really buying Reb's amnesia act?" It does appear he is "buying" her explanations when it's clear her brain doesn't seem to be particularly "foggy". Que lastima.

    Thank you for pointing out Jimena was wearing "a purple strapless cocktail dress". She always looks so put together, and fabulously so. I was impressed with her putting Icky in his place and what a great weapon of choice.

    I have a bit of hope for the hacienda simply because Lucas is pretty smart and I think (and hope) more than a match for Brayan...

    And I agree, posting is so much harder now. Lousy format indeed.


  19. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you for your always supportive words.

    "I think the scenes introducing Wanda as Pedrito's mother, etc., were not extremely well done". It wasn't I agree. I have my doubts this is all going to turn into one big happy family. Call me cynical...:)

    "Interesting that JE called that phone rather than his mother's own cell phone, but whatever moves the story along, eh?" had me laughing away. Great point!!

    I am enjoying every single scene with Doris and her fam. When Gi and Armando were clapping for Doris, there was such love and such pride it truly touched my heart.

    I realize not everyone knows the writings of or is a fan of Tolkien. I can honestly say I've been censoring myself in making references, but I couldn't resist today. With only 11 more episodes today, I feel it certain I will sneak a few more in.

    "So the defense of the hacienda is left to a few youngsters, one of them in a wheel chair. Okay." It's bound to be a tense standoff but there is a secret weapon the enemy is likely overlooking - Javi! I have faith the young guy is going to come through and help vanquish Brayan, Dumb and Dumber...


  20. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you very much.

    "And Renato said no to Angel at the alter, so even if he loved her he wouldn’t try to destroy her and JE’s relationship". Of course you are exactly right. It's a shame but JE just can't seem to shake off his jealousy. I guess no one truly changes overnight.

    I'm a little surprised Misael has shown not the slightest bit of sympathy or compassion for Wanda. Further, there has been not a flicker that he ever felt anything for her, someone he purported to love long ago.

    Yes, as you noted, Jimena is no fool. She's bright and resourceful.


  21. Vivir
    Thanks Diana.
    Andy, I too thought it was strange JE called the house phone. Liz, I'm with you on thinking Pedrito doesn't know Wanda is his mother yet. I get the impression she has been hired as a kind of nanny/babysitter by DE or JE and Angelli.

  22. VIVIR 119 - Part I

    Hola, Patio.

    Thanks Diana (recap) and Selfless Timeshare (translations). The wheels on this bus (novela) go round and round. You covered all the action, and your asides were especially fun today: smooth as silk, Balrog, needing a wardrobe change, deadbolt, temporary insanity, asking for the deets, cackle with delight, the answer would clearly have ramen too long.

    Lots of fun vocabulary in this episode. From jump, Pedrito tells d. Emilio he doesn’t want Misael OR “Maléfica” living at the manse. That’s none other than Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty! Go, Pedrito! Sneaky backstory: d. Emilio tells Pedrito that Misael is very good at wrestling (jugando a las luchas). Unfortunately, we don’t get a flashback. d. Emilio uses a form of descuajeringar (break into pieces) in describing a wrestling match between himself and Pedrito. He is so great with children.

    How thoughtful was it for Marisa and Doris to bring Sandra a whistle - in case she gets attacked again OR gets invited to Studio 54 for Ladies Night. Toot toot. Hey. Beep beep!

    Misael’s pajama game has been ON POINT lately. Didn’t we get sharp paisley a few days ago? Today’s pattern was super fly too. Rebeca was also two-bit slick: covering her tracks after learning the Mauricio bombshell AND explaining her duplicitous eavesdropping with a very believable lie. Can’t nobody lie like Big Reb.

    When Pedrito asks if Lolis can visit, d. Emilio says, Simón, Pimpón.” The man is too hip! Wanda’s phrase that made Misael cringe was “De volón Pimpón” which translates to “Chop. Chop,” i.e., do something quickly. She was referring to his getting ready for school. Despite the hints at redemption, Misael continues to be an arrogant clasista arse when it comes to Wanda. Ugh. While being whisked away, Pedrito tells Wanda, “Ahí nos vidrios.” I have gotten a kick out of this barrio phrase (for “C-ya later.”) throughout the series. That really irked Misael (YAY!) and d. Emilio was embarrassed by Big Bang’s high-falutin antics.

  23. VIVIR 119 - Part II

    Two takeaways from Brayan’s brief scene:
    •I don’t know much about robberies, but doesn’t logic dictate that the robber be inconspicuous and blend in with the surroundings? Why oh why did Brayan pack a ridiculous Party City horror mask? Is it Halloween at the hacienda? Was it on clearance?
    •Brayan monologues that he wants everyone consumed by their “biznés” while he takes care of his (business). This slang must be trending as they’ve used it before, and I’ve seen it in other novelas. Tadeo has said it a few times on Golpe de Suerte. Sometimes they say it just like English (biznés) and sometimes they drop the s (bizné).

    Per Doris, on her wedding day, her dress will be the most beautiful dress of all. She demonstrates how she’ll be waving as her dress flutters in the wind. She’ll be surrounded by roses - just like in the telenovelas. Sebas will be right behind her, very handsome, protecting the one he loves. He will pick her up and carry her straight to the altar. Red Fan & Armando applaud with aplomb.

    For the first time all series, Luciano loses his cool and is quite the jerk. I guess nobody is perfect. He was close. He gets THIS upset and intense about some wonky crops, but when Romina neglected and starved his kids, he just took it in stride? Ok. He needs to apply this ire and aggression around Romina’s throat.

    I made fun of Misael for cringing at slang, and then I turned around and did the same thing with Brayan and his knuckleheads. They have been driving me bonkers with “¡Bazuca!” all season. So.Dumb. ¡Basta con Bazuca!

    Oh, Ickster. You got played, Buddy. The lawyer even added monetary damages for the broken plates! That was a nice touch. YAY! It couldn’t have happened to a nicer philanderer. I don’t know much about forensic handwriting analysis, but it appears Bruno signs his name as an unpronounceable symbol. There’s no way he signed “Bruno Fonseca” on those documents.

    Question: why don’t Mati, Lucas, and/or Gabriel call the cops? They should be out of Corral’s jurisdiction which means someone with at least a hint of competence could show up.

  24. VIVIR 119 - Part II - Addendum

    Darn it. I messed up my own joke. Let me try this again.

    Oh, Ickster. You got served, Buddy. The lawyer even added monetary damages for the broken plates! That was a nice touch. YAY! It couldn’t have happened to a nicer philanderer. I don’t know much about forensic handwriting analysis, but it appears IKER signs his name as an unpronounceable symbol. There’s no way he signed “Iker Beltrán” on those documents.

  25. Vivir
    O.S. I had to compare your messed up joke to realize the mistake. I knew you were referring to Iker so when you typed Bruno I just skimmed over the name and recreated the scene in my mind.

  26. VIVIR

    O.S. thank you for your always lovely words.

    Local meterologists promise today will be one of the best this YEAR. You have already brought the sun and its warming rays with your oh so observant and wise comment .

    Your vocabulary translations were exceptional and very much appreciated!
    "Wanda’s phrase that made Misael cringe was “De volón Pimpón” which translates to “Chop. Chop,” i.e., do something quickly". Thank you for explaining that but was that truly so offensive? "Misael continues to be an arrogant clasista arse when it comes to Wanda. Ugh" was perfect. Asked and answered. :)

    I also laughed at: "Why oh why did Brayan pack a ridiculous Party City horror mask? Is it Halloween at the hacienda? Was it on clearance?" They must have bought in bulk as they were similar to, if not identical to what they wore for the jewelry heist.

    You are exactly right in that last night Luciano was far at his best. "He gets THIS upset and intense about some wonky crops, but when Romina neglected and starved his kids, he just took it in stride?" nailed it!

    "I don’t know much about forensic handwriting analysis, but it appears IKER signs his name as an unpronounceable symbol. There’s no way he signed “Iker Beltrán” on those documents" was beyond.

    And this which deserves to be repeated in its entirety: "Per Doris, on her wedding day, her dress will be the most beautiful dress of all. She demonstrates how she’ll be waving as her dress flutters in the wind. She’ll be surrounded by roses - just like in the telenovelas. Sebas will be right behind her, very handsome, protecting the one he loves. He will pick her up and carry her straight to the altar. Red Fan & Armando applaud with aplomb". Just lovely...


  27. Vivir

    O.S thanks for delivering today's giggles . I was running low,.

    Yes, the whistle ...Beep beep toot toot ...was that a Donna Summer reference ? Or Sandra may be refereeing basketball in the barrio someday.

    Growing up on a farm, I can forgive The upset over the ruined crops . A crop failure will affect a lot of people.

    I noticed the speedy signature, too. I realized you meant Icky. I've seen a lot of quick signatures that don't look anything like the person's actual name, but it looked like Icky made a speedy quick circle shape. Susan

  28. Vivir
    Thank you, Diana, for your sparkling recap full of humor and with. I too loved, ‘Shouldn’t she know that? Ahhh, the amnesia. Sorry, I forgot.’ And I had no idea what a Balrog was, but I know now!

    Misael is cold to Wanda, but he seems to have genuine affection for his family – for DE, Aldolfo and even Cris. I think the reason Beca had to tell him about Cris and JE’s phone call was to throw water on that affection she sensed when Mis was telling her how much he appreciated his families support. A lot of villains seem to just put up with their family while sneering behind their backs, but Mis seems to have an actual soft spot for them – especially DE.

    I can understand JE’s jealousy, he has no logical reason to be jealous, but feelings aren’t logical. Add to that all the times his life has been turned upside down overnight in this novela – his is murderer, marries his true love, finds out true love’s brother ‘killed his sister’ and thinks she’s involved, perfect marriage falls apart, he ‘sleeps’ with the wicked witch of the west, finds out he’s going to be a dad, marries the enemy, loses ‘his’ baby, finds out he was never going to be a father, finds out he has a different daddy than he thought... etc etc etc. I am tired of typing already and we haven’t nowhere near covered it. Someone who has had their life turned upside down so many times has to feel that life can be flipped on a dime at the least likely provocation. Not saying it’s right, or healthy or he shouldn’t work on it, but it’s understandable.

    I was thinking that Jimena should report Iker for the damage he did to her restaurant, and she actually leveraged it to get her divorce!!! Smart girl!

  29. Vivir

    Gracias, Diana and friend. Super job.

    I like when former enemies come together for a common good. I hope Lucas and Gabriel don't let me down.

  30. VIVIR

    Darcy, such lovely words, thank you so much!

    "I can understand JE’s jealousy, he has no logical reason to be jealous, but feelings aren’t logical" is so true for all the reasons you eloquenly stated. Very wise words.

    I agree that Misael does care for Don Emilio. I'm not sure he really undersands what love is but however he experiences that emotion in his heart is somewhat akin to it.

    However, to be fair, I think Misael's behavior toward Wanda has been out and out cruel. Such venom and hatred, he is truly his mother's son.

    "I was thinking that Jimena should report Iker for the damage he did to her restaurant, and she actually leveraged it to get her divorce!!! Smart girl!" is perfect!


  31. VIVIR

    Thank you Niecie!

    Lucas and Gabriel were a surprising alliance. I'm interested to see what happens next.


  32. Vivir #119

    Posting from my phone from a waiting room.

    I don't think there is a snowball's chance in hell that the Bad Seed won't show up at the wedding. She has never kept her word about anything Iike this.

    Brayan needs his anvil soon and if Luciano doesn't get there in time I hope the ranchhands capture and hogtie him and his minions.

    Icky is about as abusive as it gets and he deserves some serious karmic payback.

    There will be a discussion of this posted tomorrow. I will do a stand-alone page so this doesn't get buried.

  33. VIVIR #120 Part 1

    As the meeting continues, JE argues that if they don’t make the payments on time, they will have to pay more interest. Misael tells him to give him a few days to provide a report on the financial status. JE reminds him that he asked for that report several days ago! Misael asks what JE thinks the results may show. A concerned Sebas looks on.

    Bruno is shown being roughly “escorted” down the jail corridor.

    As music plays, Adolfo has prepared a quiet, intimate dinner complete with beautiful roses in Cris’s bedroom. He is happy she likes his surprise and glad he made her smile. Cris thanks him for being by her side, especially now, when she needs him the most.

    Renato and Angel are discussing the delicious recipe they will use for the contest.

    JE gives Corral all the information on the loan and wants her to investigate the company.

    Meanwhile, Misael is going through everything in and on his desk trying to find and get rid of any information that would link him to the bogus company. He mutters to himself that if Bruno talks, he will have everything prepared to indicate that it was Bruno who planned it all.

    At the hacienda, Luciano and Fatima arrive with the pump. Luciano tells Domingo that he has already received the results of the analysis and it showed high levels of (either) acid (or something similarly powerful). Now they need to check each plant so they can separate the affected ones. They will work all night if they have to!

    Back to the kitchen where the table is now laden with delicious looking delicacies. Angel and Renato are finally done. An exhausted Angel prepares to leave and hugs Renato as rabid Rebeca surreptitiously snaps some photos. Rebeca stews over what would be the most malicious (hurtful) course of action. She COULD send them to JE but realizes she needs something far more sinister to stop the wedding.

    Lucas, Gabriel and Mati devise a plan to set Brayan and his henchies up and be caught by the police. Javi arrives and fills them in on what is going on.


  34. VIVIR #120 Part 2

    As they dine by romantic candlelight, Cris tells Adolfo she appreciates his efforts to make her feel better but admits she isn’t the best of company. Adolfo gently takes her hand and sits her down. The most important thing right now is her health. Cris worries that this could be her death sentence! She is feeling as though she has no control over her life…and no one can reassure her. He is the only one. She has cancer!

    Under the cover of darkness, Brayan and his dimwits enter the house. Lucas tells Gabriel that they need to lock all the windows and doors until the police arrive. Mati sends a message that Brayan is in. The thieves (hideous skeleton masks in place), ransack the house, opening and emptying drawers. Unfortunately, as the best laid plans often go awry, when the crooks reach the ground floor, Javi sneezes! Memo finds him and Javi starts screaming. Memo starts dragging him out but Lucas and Gabriel ride to the rescue. As Memo is knocked out, Brayan and Axel arrive with Brayan pulling out his gun. The sirens sound so Brayan and Axel abandon ship.

    Rebeca plots to stop the wedding. If she’s not happy, Angel won’t be either!

    JE tells Angel about his attempts to find out what is going on at the company and the losses they are suffering. When he mentions wanting to go talk to Bruno, Angel tells him that Bruno raped Sandra the same night Monica was shot! JE is horrified.

    As the police car lights flash, Memo is taken away; the police have also been given Brayan and Axel’s names.

    Luciano scolds the kids for trying to take on the thieves themselves. Lucas accepts the blame but Gabriel chimes in that he was in on it (perhaps there is hope for him after all). After Javi tells them that he tried calling them, Fatima asks Luciano to consider that things didn’t turn out as badly as they could have. The kids were able to stop the theft and at least one of them was caught. When Javi tells them that Lucas and Gabriel saved them, Luciano expresses his appreciation but asks them not do something so dangerous (or foolish) next time. Then (miracle of miracles) Mati can move her legs!


  35. VIVIR #120 Part 3

    Rebeca sees that Misael is upset so he tells her about JE pressuring him. His solution is to implicate Bruno but he does worry because Bruno knows something he might reveal to JE. Rebeca goes fishing for information regarding any other potential suspects for Monica’s murder; Misael tells her that someone overheard Bruno threaten Monica.

    Bruno is in his cell fuming, banging on the bars, spewing that Misael will blame everything on him. (Rot away Bruno, rot away!)

    Luciano calls JE and informs him part of the crop has been lost. JE looks suitably alarmed as Angel’s face mirrors her concern.

    Misael questions Icky about his statement. Icky offers to investigate and Misael answers “esta bien”. Misael tells him that he is to give any info against Bruno to the directors.

    Gi tells Angel and Elena that she’s made all the wedding preparations, but if Angel wants to change the venue, she will ensure everything, including the wedding list are set. Sandra appears and gives Angel a message someone brought. Angel smilingly tells them it’s a romantic message from JE…a surprise! Gi and Elena are delighted for her and are all smiles as Angel leaves.

    (Unaired) Rebeca is told the first “key” has been delivered and she tells them to notify her when the second key is delivered.

    Sebas, Adolfo and Misael have been told about the crops. After Rebeca calls Misael, he tells JE that he wants a report and the name of the person responsible. After Misael leaves, Sebas comments that Misael is controlled by Rebeca and hopes she isn’t attending the wedding; he warns JE to be prepared. JE then gets a message that if he wants to find out “the truth”, he should go to the address supplied in the text. He thinks it has to do with evidence Bruno has.


  36. VIVIR #120 Part 4

    Rebeca is in Misael’s office and wants them to go out to lunch. Misael thinks it’s their chance to start over. Rebeca shares (lies) that she had a dream that they were getting married. As bile rises in our collective throats, she purrs she wants them to be just as happy as JE and Angel.

    Angel enters the hotel room and smiles when she sees the heart made of rose petals on the bed. She calls out to JE saying she loves the surprise but naturally he doesn’t answer. She thinks that she just might give him a little surprise too.

    (Unaired which I will not forgive) Gi gives Doris more etiquette lessons so she can impress Sebas at Angel’s wedding.

    (Unaired) The therapist reports that Mati’s therapy is advancing her recovery; Mati is hopeful she will walk again.

    Fatima tells Luciano half of the crop was lost. After Luciano assures her that they took all the necessary precautions, Fatima wonders how the acid got into the water. She wonders how she will tell her abuelo and how it will affect his health.

    The trap has been set, and the victims ensnared. We see the hotel door being opened and Renato walking into the bathroom, Angel immersed in a bubble bath. He turns away as Angel (in complete confusion) asks what he is doing there. As he tells her that he got a message to meet a representative for the contest there, JE and Sebas also walk in! In shock, JE queries “what is going on here?!”

    (This, the most pivotal scene of the episode was unbelievably unaired) Angel is now out of her bath and everyone is questioning the messages to go there, but hotheaded JE isn’t listening and punches Renato! As they compare notes, Renato shows JE the message he got and Angel tells him about the message she received Sebas then points out that JE also received a message! Finally, JE deduces that they were set up. Angel and JE waste no time in naming the culprit.


  37. VIVIR #120 Part 5

    Wanda brings Loli to see Pedrito. Loli likes the garden so they want to go play, but DE has a big surprise for them—a magical place where his grandchildren would play. He takes them to a room that is filled with toys and fun stuff. A tea party ensues and a wonderful time was had by all.

    Mati continues her therapy, walking between and holding onto two stationary parallel bars.

    (Also unbelievably unaired) Sebas tells Misael that Fatima will give her report at a meeting, but the time will depend on when JE is able to arrive. There was a problem, a huge one; the wedding has been canceled because JE caught Angel with Renato! Rebeca basks in the afterglow of her evil plan, she did it!

    Meanwhile, JE and Angel are enjoying the bubble bath Angel had prepared. JE thinks Sebas has already given Rebeca and Misael the news and Rebeca probably thinks her plan worked. Angel comments that this confirms that Rebeca doesn’t have amnesia and hopes that JE’s plan works.

    Rebeca feigns disbelief since Angel seemed so in love with JE. After Sebas leaves, Misael wonders what happened. Rebeca replies that things happen for a reason…that wedding should not happen…because Misael’s mother just died. His mother was right; Misael should be careful and prepare for the meeting.

    Cris is told that she should go rest and should cut down on her activities.

    Wanda brings sweet drinks to an even sweeter man. Wanda tells Don Emilio that she is happy there. He tells her if there is any problem to let him know.


  38. VIVIR #120 Part 6

    Sebastian tells JE that Rebeca pretended to be shocked but he didn’t believe her. He hopes that the rest of the plan goes as smoothly. He asks if Sebas got the plane tickets which he did. JE thinks the tickets are their guarantee for a nice wedding without Rebeca’s dark shadow.

    Rebeca tells Misael that the evidence against her was not strong enough and she won’t be charged with Alma’s murder. Misael comments that as long as they can’t prove that she had access to the drug, they can’t accuse her.

    Renato tells Jimena (in a hot pink beautiful V neck sleeveless dress) what happened as she applies ice to his jaw. He tells her they think Rebeca was behind it.

    Don Emilio asks why they called the meeting. Misael presents his documents regarding the loan. Uninformed Don Emilio comments that the earnings from the crops will help them pay off the loan. A stricken Fatima then stands and gives the dire report that half of the crops were lost. Misael miserably goes off on Fatima telling her that the crop loss will bring them to the brink of bankruptcy! As he continues to lambaste her, we see Cris appearing weak as Adolfo looks on concernedly. Fatima hangs her head, asking Don Emilio to forgive her. As Misael continues to point fingers and criticize Fatima for relying on Luciano, who is immersed in trying to obtain a divorce, Cris gets weaker. JE tries to calm Misael down but he continues on his rant, threatening that their grandfather could end up in jail. Cris asks them to stop yelling and tells Fatima not to worry…no one is going to jail, especially not her father. She asks Adolfo to find a way to protect her father.


  39. VIVIR #120 Part 7 of 7

    JE continues with suggestions to fulfill the orders and everyone supports him. As JE asks Don Emilio if he is all right, Don Emilio commends JE on his excellent solutions and says he is very proud.

    More bad news in the form of Icky who enters, handing out folders containing his findings about the manipulation of payments…by Bruno. Misael feigns concern about Bruno’s betrayal.

    Meanwhile we see Bruno being shepherded into a jail cell, moving quickly to the back and standing by a guard.

    Fatima thinks Bruno killed Monica because she may have discovered Bruno! With that, Cris faints not so dead away…

    While it’s always frustrating trying to deal with what Univision’s scissors have shorn, today was on another (lower) level. Several of the most important scenes were inexplicably and unbelievably unaired. If not for mi amiga, what I did manage to see would have made no sense without knowing what was cut. I cannot thank her enough for not only the vital information she supplied but her sizzling, sparkling and always amazing dialogue.

    I apologize in advance in advance for any mistakes I might have made. Thank you…


  40. Vivir. An excellent and (thankfully) information recovering recap, Diana and friend. I'm so glad you filled in the unaired scenes. They were very important! I very much liked "Bruno and his dimwits" (so true), and "Rot away Bruno." I loved the way JE, Angelli and Renato tricked Rebeca (and Misael) into thinking the wedding was canceled. Of course, without the cuts it would have been an even better sub-episode. We don't seem to have been informed of Cris's biopsy results, yet she is apparently getting chemotherapy. So was her statement to Adolfo that she has cancer the truth, and all we will learn of the results or once again is she catastrophizing? So in addition to homicides, etc, Agente Corral investigates business fraud? Hmm, no wonder she doesn't do any of it all that well. Those 3 clever adolescents are great crimefighters, but Luciano is right to be angry that they put their lives in danger. At least they prevented the theft, and I wonder how long it will be until Brayan is caught. I'm so glad that Mati's physical therapy seems to be a success.

  41. VIVIR

    SpanProf, thank you very much.

    "So in addition to homicides, etc, Agente Corral investigates business fraud? Hmm, no wonder she doesn't do any of it all that well" was fabulous and had me nodding in vigorous agreement.

    I'm not sure if Angel and JEs ruse is going to work but I'm so happy that they came up with what appears to be a great plan, being proactive to try and thwart more misery from Rebeca.

    I am fervently hoping Sandra will begin therapy and also tell the police that Bruno is her rapist. That way, Bruno can stay right where he is, uncomfortably in jail and not have to move at all...That revelation should hasten Rebeca's discovery as Monica's murderer but with 10 episodes to go it will likely take a bit of time.

    I'm with you in being thrilled Mati is improving!


  42. Vivir
    Diana, thank goodness your friend filled us in. This was such a a slice and dice episode my head was spinning trying to imagine the lost scenes. Throughout I was thinking to myself, Diana has this, and sure enough you did.

    Ok, a few points. The sabotage. Was Brayan using gloves when he tainted the water? None of them were when they pilfered the hacienda. Get the country police out there to look for prints.

    How in the world would they put DE in jail for not making payments. It's not like he stole the money.
    And what is JE thinking getting plane tickets (for a honeymoon I assume) when the company is in crisis mode again. The company wouldn't be that bad off if he hadn't run away to find himself for that month. Still no funeral for Monica so I guess that was an unaired scene.

    It almost looked like Memo knifed Gabriel in the abdomen but but there were no wounds so he either missed or no knife was involved.

  43. VIVIR

    Kat, I'm right there with you in gratitude that my friend shared everything that was omitted; and did so perfectly! She is so careful to share every important scene which is imperative as we have no idea as to what is going to be cut!

    Good question about the gloves. I don't think Brayan wore them when he tainted the water but my screen was so dark when they burglarized the hacienda, I could barely see anything! I can't add anything to Memo's attack on Gabe for the same reason.

    I'm very surprised there was no funeral for Monica. A memorial service later on perhaps? Very odd.


  44. Vivir

    Dear Diana and friend to us all, thank you for reporting every detail , including important scenes that Uni didn't think were important enough to show us. We see the 3 guys looking at Angel in the bubble bath and then...JE is in the bubbles with her and they are kissing and cooing ...wait..what.? Where are SeBas and Renato?

    My absolute favorite scene was our dear Don E. Holding that teeny tiny teacup and totally committed to that sweet tea party. Eric Castillo is the boss .

    I feel so bad for Chris, who can't catch a break.

    Wow, Reb's Charms were on full display in that chiffony hammock of a top. I thought there might e a wardrobe malfunction.

    The police took the one guy away, but didn't Brayan and Minion #2 get away with the stolen goods? Susan

  45. VIVIR

    Susan, thank you so much.

    "We see the 3 guys looking at Angel in the bubble bath and then...JE is in the bubbles with her and they are kissing and cooing ...wait..what.?" was exactly right!! Talk about head scratching...

    Eric Catillo is indeed "the boss".

    "Chiffony hammock of a top" :) Love it.

    I am not sure if Brayand and Axel had the goods with them when they took off...


  46. Vivir de amor

    Diana, and Mystery Friend, thank you both for another great recap, it helped me get through some scenes that I really didn't understand until I read the recap.

    I actually burst out laughing. JE has called in Agente Corral to investigate the loan and the company that is providing it? I know Corral is essentially a one woman police force, but now corporate financial crimes?

    "Bruno is in his cell fuming, banging on the bars, spewing that Misael will blame everything on him." And he does, he even brings in Iker to help. No honor among thieves here!

    Wow! Becky really knows how to set up a love suite for some afternoon delight. When JE got upset I was about to banish the guy to some other telenovela, but he came through with a good plan.

    "(Unaired which I will not forgive) Gi gives Doris more etiquette lessons so she can impress Sebas at Angel’s wedding." I would have loved to see this!

    I don't know just how Uni is doing the cutting and splicing. "(Also unbelievably unaired) Sebas tells Misael that Fatima will give her report at a meeting, but the time will depend on when JE is able to arrive. There was a problem, a huge one; the wedding has been canceled because JE caught Angel with Renato! Rebeca basks in the afterglow of her evil plan, she did it!"
    This did air in broadcast here in NY.

    I don't get it. Does Fatima not connect the burglary with the adulteration of the water supply? Especially as she heard or sort of heard something at the water tower that night.

    Diana, thank you! Watching is a lot more fun when I have a friend who can explain and clear things up for me.


  47. Vivir

    Thank you, Diana, you captured all the drama of the hacienda caper with flare, and I was on the edge of my seat reading it! I’m sorry to hear Brayan was caught! But with witnesses he should be eventually, right?

    Reading about Misael setting Bruno up, I had the same reaction I had when he was set up for Monica’s murder, GOOD!!! I think you may have had the same thought judging from your ‘let him rot’! I would really be fine with Bruno getting blamed and hanged for other people’s crimes… I wouldn’t protest for a min. I believe in personal accountability, but I hate Bruno!! Mis still must answer for Dulce and Mau’s deaths!
    I don’t feel like forgiving Gabriel but I’m glad he did the right thing. I suppose I’ll root for his reconciliation and buddying up with Lucas though, just for Niecie! :)

    Since I’m apparently listing my dislikes tonight, I’d just like to say, I HATE this Cris has cancer storyline! We had enough drama, we didn’t need cancer for Cris or rape for Sandra.

  48. Vivir de amor

    Susan, thank you for "Wow, Reb's Charms were on full display in that chiffony hammock of a top."

    Yes, a "chiffony hammock of a top", thank you for furthering my fashion sensibilities.

    I, um, somewhat did notice that, but Becky is definitely showing some new looks lately, and they are definitely fun.
    And that little love nest she set up for Angel and JE, Renato, the pizza delivery guy, et al, is further evidence that she is a fun girl now.


  49. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you very much.

    "(Unaired which I will not forgive) Gi gives Doris more etiquette lessons so she can impress Sebas at Angel’s wedding." I would have loved to see this!" I know - we wuz robbed!!

    I always enjoy your shrewd observations and wry comments. "Does Fatima not connect the burglary with the adulteration of the water supply? Especially as she heard or sort of heard something at the water tower that night" is an excellent point. 2 + 2 = oh, never mind... :)

    I'm glad you got to see at least one of the cut scenes most of us didn't!

    "Misael...even brings in Iker to help" caught me by surprise. I guess this is why you have a third string, right? :)

    I'm glad we are having so much fun...still more to come!


  50. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your uplifting, very kind words.

    "I would really be fine with Bruno getting blamed and hanged for other people’s crimes… I wouldn’t protest for a min. I believe in personal accountability, but I hate Bruno!!" As usual you've cut to the heart and soul of the matter, quickly and cleanly. You expressed it perfectly and I couldn't agree more.

    "Since I’m apparently listing my dislikes tonight, I’d just like to say, I HATE this Cris has cancer storyline! We had enough drama, we didn’t need cancer for Cris or rape for Sandra". Say it sister! I feel the same way. There are enough on the edge of your seat threads without these two tragic storylines being thrown in to further muddy the already dirty water.

    And in terms of Gabriel "I suppose I’ll root for his reconciliation and buddying up with Lucas though, just for Niecie! :)" OK, I'm in...


  51. Vivir

    Thanks, Diana and friend, for being so faithful in turning out great recaps. And filling in missing parts.

    The hotel room had me confused at first. Then someone mentioned Rebeca! I really had thought JE had done it so couldn’t understand why he thought he was meeting someone at his hotel room. And now I understand the reference to keys! I was sure the wedding was off, I saw the scene where Sebastian told Misael and Rebeca the wedding was off. So I was happily surprised when they were in the tub together. This is a wild guess-when Sebastian gave JE the plane tickets JE said something about this way they could have the perfect wedding day. I think they’re having a destination wedding with no guests! They were planning the restaurant wedding but earlier this week Cris was talking about the wedding in the garden. So I was busy trying to figure out if one was the wedding and one place the reception. So maybe it’s neither, but has it always been neither or is this last minute? And I could be way off base.

    Now that Icky has prepared false documents to the family he is a partner with Misael and Bruno. So I see jail in his future!

    I’m going to miss this show when it’s finished!


  52. Vivir
    Lot of new comments. I also saw the scene at out the wedding being off. Liz, a destination wedding they immediately return from makes sense.

    Brayan and Axel? left the bags of loot behind, but one of the thieves pocketed a ring from the nightstand claiming nothing here. Fatima and Luciano were seen gazing at all the stuff laid out in a table in the hacienda.

    When Bruno was being brought to the new prison I could have sworn I saw Brayan's dreadlocks among the other prisoners but I didn't rewind the scene to make sure. If so, his capture would be another cut scene. That's ok, we may have been spared more gratuitous parkour acrobatics.....

  53. VIVIR

    Thanks so much Liz.

    "JE said something about this way they could have the perfect wedding day. I think they’re having a destination wedding with no guests!" That certainly could be the plan Liz, I honestly don't know. I was also confused about the possible wedding venue change (Cris', restaurant?, etc.)

    "Now that Icky has prepared false documents to the family he is a partner with Misael and Bruno. So I see jail in his future!" Great observation, trust me I won't shed a tear if that happens! :)


  54. VIVIR

    "I could have sworn I saw Brayan's dreadlocks among the other prisoners but I didn't rewind the scene to make sure. If so, his capture would be another cut scene. That's ok, we may have been spared more gratuitous parkour acrobatics....."

    Kat, :) indeed!


  55. VIVIR

    "Yes, a "chiffony hammock of a top", thank you for furthering my fashion sensibilities".

    Andy, I have looked at this several times and laughed every single time. Laughter really is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you.


  56. Vivir

    Dear Diana,and Andy, I am always happy to give or get a laugh. I struggled to describe that chiffon outfit that Reb was almost wearing . Chiffon isn't structured or supoortive, if you know what I am saying. I noticed that the camera man also shot her from the top of her chest up, so maybe he was worried about a wardrobe malfunction, too. Susan

  57. VIVIR

    Susan, yup, unstructured AND unsupportive. Check, check...:)


  58. Vivir

    Diana and friend, awesome job weaving silk out or Uni's butchering.

    For once JE and Angel counter Rebeca's trickery -- squee! And Sebas carrying the breakup news (lie) to Rebeca made it even better.

    Darcy and Diana, good to see you giving previously insufferable Gabriel another chance. Maybe one day Lucas and Mati will even fix him up on a blind date.

    I'm thinking Chris's anxiety has gotten the better of her. If she's hospitalized, I can't see Angel and JE going on with a destination wedding.

    I do admire Gala Montes's confidence in wearing anything the Wardrobe Dept. drops on her. She does bring the swagger.

  59. VIVIR

    "Butchering" describes Uni's maltreatment of this perfectly Niecie! And...thank you for your nice words.

    It was good to see JE and Angel get the upper hand, at least for the moment, right?? And as you note Gala "does bring the swagger". Indeed!

    Yes, "Chris's anxiety has gotten the better of her" - definitely!

    Niecie, sometimes it's the little details that I can't get out of my mind. So, was Gabriel brought back simply to prove he can be a good guy? I'm thinking not. I have a feeling he is going to play some pivotal part in all this. I have a Crackpot theory but will keep it to myself for the moment.

