
Monday, August 19, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones, Ellas Soy Yo Gloria Trevi - Week of Aug. 19, 2024

PREEMPTION ALERT: There will be no Primetime Telenovelas on Wednesday due to Fútbol! On Thursday, Golpe and Marea will start 10 min. early and Gloria will be preempted due to La Noche con Kamala”.

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-10 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 27-29

10-11 PM – Ellas Soy Yo: Gloria Trevi

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. OT

    Thank you, RGVChick, for keeping us up to date with all of the time changes this week.

  2. MAREA DE PASIONES #27 Part 1

    Marcelo confronts Helena about the lie she told about the flowers. She readily admits that Zaid sent the flowers to make fun of them for having lost the baby. Marcelo is infuriated and calls Zaid a PIG. She didn't tell him so he wouldn't get upset. She needs him to pay attention to her and what happened to them. Marcelo tells her that so many people have disappointed him since he has come back but he feels good with her. He made a mistake not betting everything on her but now he is. He is sorry to hurt her and asks for her forgiveness. He proposes to her and she accepts.

    The police investigator tells Gael's parents that the man who went after the money was a homeless person only looking for food. They are afraid that their son is dead. The investigator says that the criminals must have suspected that they were watching so didn't risk taking the money. He thinks that they should ask the kidnappers for proof that Gael is still alive. Iñaki and Camila decide that they need to get Gael's parents to drop the investigation. They see his parents arrive in a car one street over and they dial them. With the help of the voice
    distorter, they tell Gael's parents that they know that the contacted the police and now Gael will pay for it. His mother pleads for her son's life. His father wants proof his son is alive. Camila says they are the ones calling the shots and the father backs down. They have until tomorrow to convince the police that their son moved to Portugal and to close the investigation. They need to see that the search for Gael has been removed from the police web page or Gale is a dead.

    Ana arrives at the company and tells Luisa's assistant that she needs to see her sister ASAP. Zaid overhears and says he can take care of her problem. He literally pushes her into his office. She tells him that a scandal has broken out at the school. Everyone knows that the one was raped and drugged at the casino. Now the principal wants to talk to Luisa. He tells her to stop handing out passes. He will take all calls from the school directed to Luisa. He will tell them the girls got drunk and went with the patrons. Ana adds that Serena has threatened to get a blood test to prove that she was drugged. Zaid says it is no longer her problem. He will take care of it. She asks him not to make this worse because she doesn't want to be implicated. He informs her she is up to her neck in it. She owes him now. He calls Benjamín to take care of a nuisance for him.

    Cris talks to Luisa about the deal he would like to make. He cannot see her supporting it being her father's daughter. Luisa insists that she is not her father and mentions Marcelo being an influence in her life. Cris tells her it is important that this construction is done within the year. He makes sure that she knows that Marcelo is a minority shareholder. Will her family accept that? Luisa is interested but doubts that her family will be. She will try to talk her family into it and he will do the same with Marcelo. Luisa schedules a shareholder's meeting that very day. Cris tells Marcelo abut the offer coming from the Grajales. Marcelo is upset. Cris says if they cannot work it out, they will find somebody else but they have to come up with a solution. Time is of the essence. Luisa is having a share holders meeting today. He also tells Marcelo that it was Zaid who called him about the deal at first and not Luisa.
    Marcelo will not allow anyone to steal his project.

  3. MAREA Part 2

    At first, María questions Marcelo deciding to get married to Helena while still loving Luisa. He thinks the time has come when he has to move on.He asks for her support and she ends up supporting his decision. The wedding will happen ASAP.

    Down in Colombia, some inmate called Vicario is talking to a law officer about negotiating a release. He has info about the bribe that Dr. Nazar got to falsify the results of an autopsy many years ago in order to protect some rich or powerful or maybe rich AND powerful men. The officer concludes he is going to be a snitch then. Vicario says if he is not willing to help him then somebody else will. In order to get his freedom, he can keep quiet forever or open his mouth and talk about a lot of things. The officer tells him no deal. Vicario says if he won't do a deal, he will see who will. At his home, Bardo is thinking long and hard about what to do about Marcelo's call.

    Felipe tells Marcelo what he did in tampering with the evidence that could possibly be used against Beatriz in the Hong Kong case. He could his job but he fell in love with her. He suspects that Zaid is behind it all.

    Ana fills in Roberta what happened at the school. She asks how Roberta feels that Serena was a victim. Roberta feels really bad an angry. She told her to leave when she saw her at the bar but she didn't want to. Ana tells her to go see her and and she will be right there waiting for her. Roberta goes to comfort a traumatized Serena. They hear someone trying to open their door. It is Benjamín with a gun. When he finally gains entrance to their place, they have managed to escape though the window. As they run down the street, Roberta offers to take Serena to a safe place but Serena has decided to leave town for good. She cannot live there with what happened to her there. She apologizes for trying to make her stay with her. She tells her to forget about the money. She kisses her goodbye. One last thing, she admits she took what left Roberta indebted to Zaid. She threw it down the drain she was so desperate to get her to come back to her. She apologizes. She flags down a cab and is gone.

    Alonso's rehab is continuing and he and Rita seem interested in each other.

    Zaid pays Helena and tells her she has become a problem because she knows too much about him. He tries to suffocate her with her pillow but she manages to press the call button. The nurse comes in running and Zaid acts stupid not knowing how Helena suddenly couldn't breathe. The nurse removes him as she stabilizes Helena.

  4. MAREA Part 3

    Luisa has a disappointing experience with her mother who has noticed there is a shareholders' meeting that afternoon.Leonor informs her that she will give her brother his job back and stop mobilizing women to take legal actions against him. Suddenly, a smirking Santiago appears. When Luisa argues against protecting a sexual predator and wonders out loud why Leonor has changed her tune, Leonor pulls rank on her and reminds her that she owns the company.

    When Helena is stabilized, Zaid returns to her room saying that the nurse says that sometimes when a woman loses a baby she gets like . . . Helena was. They become vulnerable. Zaid has a feeling that Helena is going to get so depressed she will throw herself out of the window. He says her time has come and looks like he is going to do something to her. She begs for her life. She tells Zaid that Marcelo proposed to her and she will get him out of Zaid's life. Zaid reminds her that as long as she is alive, she works for him. Shenwill protect his interests. She agrees. She will take Marcelo away from there. He gives her one month, if not, she's dead!

    Gael's parents go to the police with the lame story of Gael having gone off to Portugal. The investigator does not believe them but he cancels the investigation Gael's father admits it is all a lie but they have to protect the life of their son. As soon as they are gone, he reopens the investigation. He has a good idea of who the kidnappers are. Camila and Iñaki are watching the police website waiting to see if the investigation has disappeared and it does. They celebrate thinking they are free and are going to get the money.

    Marcelo comes to see Zaid at his office. He is ready to force himself into Zaid's office when Zaid comes down the hall. Marcelo accuses him of trying to steal his eco resort idea from him. Zaid tells him he is crazy and does not know what he is talking about. He grabs Zaid and they start to struggle. Zaid tells him to get out. Luisa emerges from her office. Marcelo says that Zaid was going to try to rob his eco resort project from him. Luisa asks him if that is true. Zaid smiles and says YES! Next, Marcelo wonders how it ever occurred to him to send flowers to Helena making fun of her when they just had lost their child. Luisa cannot believe that Zaid would do something like that. Zaid admits that he did do it because Marcelo needs to get it clear that he needs to leave town, go far away. Marcelo says he isn't going anywhere. Luisa tells them both to shut up.Luisa decides to talk to Marcelo now. She tells Zaid they will talk later and calls him a psychopath.


  5. VIVIR

    Jarifa, thank you for your superb summary of an exciting, on the edge of your seat episode.

    Trying to snuff out Helena's life by suffocating her with a pillow, Zaid dripped pure vitriol. He was a hawk relentlessly attacking a gentle dove. It was so lifelike, it was hard to watch.

    And yet, the threats continue unabated. "Zaid returns to her room saying that the nurse says that sometimes when a woman loses a baby she gets like . . . Helena was. They become vulnerable". Evil personified. Then he waylays Ana from talking with Luisa.

    "He calls Benjamín to take care of a nuisance for him". Again, terror relayed all too realistically.

    Leonor caved; what a disappointment.

    Lime jello makes yet another appearance.

    "His mother pleads for her son's life" was so hard to watch. I didn't understand what the investigator was doing by supposedly canceling the investigation so thank you for explaining everything. Of course when they get caught, realistically, Camila should be locked up for years. How is she going to weasal out of this?

    "She tells Zaid they will talk later and calls him a psychopath". Dawning of a terrible truth.


  6. MAREA

    Thanks, Diana. What an episode! I loved your description of the Zaid attack: "He was a hawk relentlessly attacking a gentle dove." His attack came as a surprise to me. I never expected him to act so recklessly. He clearly is starting to lose it. Luisa is finally getting enough uncomfortable info about her hubby for her to start to doubt him big time. Yes! Leonor joined the ranks of the useless. Another: Yes! "Lime jello makes yet another appearance."

    Please: can they catch and jail Camila and Iñaki already.It has to be coming soon, right?

  7. Marea

    Thanks so much, Jarifa, a great recap as we realize Zaid is even worse than we imagined. His answer to a problem is to kill it so I’m really surprised Marcelo is still alive.

    The people that know the things Zaid has done, and tried to do, need to report it. But which cop would be an honest one.

    Thanks for clearing up the kidnapping. I thought Camila and Iñaki were saying Gael was dead. Not sure how they will hide their identity when Gael knows who they are.

    Ana should have called Luisa and met her somewhere. Does she really want her sister married to that monster!

    Smirking brother was a perfect description. I was hoping Luisa would just quit the family business. She’s the only decent one there.

    Why did Zaid admit he just wants to steal his project and Zaid admits it. He’s feeling invincible and that will be his downfall.


  8. Marea
    Jarifa. Thanks for the recap. An overall unpleasant episode without any bright spots .. bring on more ocean scenes.

  9. MAREA

    Liz, thanks. There is so much fear that Zaid is wielding over so many people. I totally agree with your assessment. "He’s feeling invincible and that will be his downfall." I wonder what/how long it will take for Luisa to give Zaid the old heave-ho and how hard he will fight her.

    Kat, wouldn't it be nice if they would finally "bring on more ocean scenes." ? They supposedly filmed this on scene in Nayarit where there is plenty of ocean. You would think they would want to get their money's worth, right?
    ; )

    Jarifa: Great job on the recap of last night's episode. Zaid is one crazy psychopath with a long winning streak.

  11. MAREA

    Thanks, Steve. With 65 episodes total, I have a feeling that Zaid isn't disappearing any time soon.

  12. MAREA

    Summaries will be posted day after episodes for the rest of this week.

  13. Marea #27

    Gracias, Jarifa.

    I completely agree that Luisa is the only decent human in the company. However we have too many episodes left for her to see that yet.

    I thought Gael had figured out who his captors are. I hope this gets resolved ASAP; this situation is tiresome.

    Zaid is a true psychopath and Ana is probably on his hit list now.

  14. MAREA DE PASIONES #28 Page 1

    This is the "A little this and a little that . . ." version of #28

    As always, please feel free to add anything I left out.


    Gael's parents get the message from Camila that they need to deliver the six million pesos in two hours. She will not tell the parents when Gael will be freed until they get the money. Camila and Iñaki try to convince each other that everything is going to turn out okay. Gael's parents leave the money at the designated place in the open hatch of their SUV. After his parents walk away, Camila and Iñaki come out of the bushes and retrieve the money. They do not realize that someone is spying on them from the bushes. Camila and Iñaki go back to the country house to tell Gael that they got the money from his parents. Now, they need the money to be deposited into Gael's bank account so he can be implicated in his own kidnapping. It is to look like he is the one who set the kidnapping all up to get money from his own parents. As Camila is trying to get his passcode to his account, a visitor appears. It is the man who was spying on them. (It is the same guy who took Natalia on the beach.)
    Camila recognizes him as the same guy who was on tv threatening her family. The guy wants a part of the money they picked up to keep his mouth shut.
    He even has photos but doesn't show them any. Camila tells him to leave. He smiles and informs them how sorry they are going to be. He leaves. A wide-eyed scared Camila says they need to deposit the money in Gaels' account tomorrow morning and be ready to tell how Gael forced them to participate in his own self-kidnapping.


    Marcelo is wiling to sacrifice his participation in the deal for the sake of Cris when he finds out that he has Alzheimer's. Luisa is upset with Zaid that he sent flowers with that message to Helena but apologizes for calling him a psychopath. Zaid explains he is being driven crazy with his anger and jealousy. How can she care about Marcelo and not about him first? She is angry that now she has to present a project that he came up with only to put Marcelo in a bad spot. In the end, Luisa manages to broker the deal with her family including Marcelo's participation. Zaid is not pleased that Marcelo is still in the mix. Santiago says that it his own fault for having trusted Luisa. Yes, Luisa voted in favor of Marcelo being a part of the project. The project is supposedly to honor her father. Santiago thinks it is because she still has feelings for Marcelo. An overwrought and shaking Zaid warns him to watch what he is saying. Santiago assures him he is on his side. That is why he is telling him. Santiago looks afraid.


    Enzo and Felipe go to see a sailor who may have some information about what happened to Sofía. Years ago, the sailor "heard" people talking about the trafficking of children to supply childless couples. Then he remembered that several years ago he heard about a fisherman who found a little girl out on the sea in a boat. Everyone said that she was dead but she could have been only unconscious. Felipe has to pay him to find out that the boat had been stolen but won't give him the name of the owner. Felipe asks what happened to the girl. The fisherman tells him that "they" said she was taken to an orphanage.

  15. MAREA Page 2


    Juan wants to give María money to save her business. Since she won't take it, he talks to the private investigator who was working for Isela. His plan is to establish a shell company and to have the investigator offer her an alternative to taking a loan from the bank by offering her an investment opportunity in the company. Juan then can support her through the money earned on her "investment". When Isela sees María talking to the investigator, she recognizes him as the investigator who Juan had told her had had scammed her. María quickly realizes something is wrong. Juan ends up confessing his scheme. Marcelo appears. In her anger, María decides it is time for the truth to be told much to Juan's horror. She tells Marcelo that Juan is his father.


    María visits Natalia and apologizes for her finding out about the death of Marcelo's baby the way she did. She offers Natalia some peace with the situation telling her that the baby is in heaven where it will be able to live and play forever.

    María tells Beatriz that her son is risking too much for her. She knows the game that Beatriz is playing. Beatriz insists that she is in love with her son and she is also desperate not wanting to end up in jail. María thinks that is all the more reason to let him go and not see him lose everything because of her. She asks Beatriz not to hurt her son .


    Now with Santiago back at the company, Luisa doesn't have any good news for the female employees she was planning on representing against him. The employees are beyond frustrated and see her as corrupt as the rest of the family. Nora gets the group to at least listen what Luisa has to say. She lets them know how inadequate current laws are in keeping sexual predators like her brother under control. Prison sentences tend to be six to twelve months or perpetrators receive a fine. The evidence that is needed on the victim's part is unbelievable. She adds that Santiago is smart and he has covered his tracks. For example, if any of them were fired, he gave inefficiency as the reason. Any action on their part could be interpreted as revenge for the loss of their job. Luisa has an idea. She is going to write a letter on their behalf demanding that their hotel chain Hotels Deluxe make Santiago undergo psychological treatment. They reluctantly agree to give it a try. Luisa is also going to add a condition where Santiago is going to have to pay a monetary compensation for the psychological, moral and personal damage he has done to them.


    Leonor's boy toy Walter takes advantage of her not being home to steal some checks from her checkbook.

    Ana is worried about Roberta's welfare. Roberta tells her that Ben is a professional killer and she would be dead already if he were ordered to do so.

    Alfonso sees Rita with her boyfriend. Later, they talk and she notices that something is wrong. He gets jealous and calls her a slut just like the others. She slaps him. She informs him he has no business sticking his nose in her personal life. He better not do that again. She is out of there.

  16. MAREA

    Jarifa, another suspenserful episode that you captured exceptionally well. "HARE-BRAINED IDEAS" and "LOTSA' LUCK NOW THAT SANTIAGO IS BACK STRUTTIN' HIS STUFF" were perfect!

    I readily admit I had some grim satisfaction watching "an overwrought and shaking Zaid". Please writers, more of ths. I cannot wait for his anvil to fall.

    Alfonso was obviously troubled but I didn't realize his issues were so deep seeded. His storyline deserves far more air time. I guess I will just have to live with seeing more of Alfredo Gatica. Such a sacrifice. :)

    Nora saved Luisa's butt. And unfortunately Santiago's in the process.

    "Santiago looks afraid" as well he should, the little worm.

    I smiled at the blurred Coca-Cola bottle label. No product placement there.

    I am obsessed with the beautiful clover bracelet Luisa wears. She has such tiny wrists.

    So what are Camila and Inaki going to do now. Add murder to their list of crimes? Basta!


  17. Marea
    Jarifa, thanks. I was confused about the boatman and what he had to say. Didn't catch there was a girl out on a boat. Can we pin this on Zaid also? He was responsible for Marcelo's sister going after the ball in the ocean so I wouldn't put this past him. If Sofia is Helena you would think he would be a trigger for her memory (all supposition of course).
    I also missed the Santiago needing psychoanalysis. I thought I understood all the girls needed it and that the hotel or Santiago would have to pay for it. Now Santi is back to work thanks to Lenore (that was a short lived firing), hopefully if he tries anymore harassment the victim will get evidence against him.

    I spotted that giant clothes pin in the hall again when Walter was pilfering the checks...

  18. Marea

    Thanks, Jarifa, another great recap! So the kidnapping was just to scare Gael and they’re not keeping the money, but framing him. The craziest “fill in” I’ve seen.

    Santiago is a real low life. I wonder how much he knows about what goes on in the casino and with Zaid. I can’t see anyone trusting him with confidencial information.

    I’m disappointed in Walter, not that I ever thought that much of him. But stealing from Leonor was pretty low. The good guys number a very few.

    Good for Maria visiting Beatriz. I hope Beatrice does the right thing.

    We all knew Luisa’s family would be against Marcelo’s part in the business.


  19. MAREA

    Thanks, Diana. You have quite the eagle eye seeing the blurred Coke label bottle. "I readily admit I had some grim satisfaction watching "an overwrought and shaking Zaid"." Me, too. He is losing control and we still have a little more than a half to go!!! As for the kidnapping, I do not know who is more stupid at this point Camila or Iñaki. It has to end soon, right ?

    Kat, it is going to be interesting to see how Zaid fits into Sofía's disappearance. I have yet to see the clothes pin. : ( I am usually watching on my tablet so that could be the reason.

    Liz, yes, that whole kidnapping plot is really stupid. I, too, was disappointed in Walter. one would think that Leonor would be paying him enough so he wouldn't have to steal from her, too. Sort of proves Santiago right which I hate to admit.
