
Thursday, August 22, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of August 19, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor*

*El Conde:  Amor y Honor will be preempted on Thursday, August 22.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!



    All quiet on this Thursday evening!

  2. Finally catching up on last night’s show! Felipe earns some redemption points by defending the artist that he doesn’t know is his wife. She even gets to hide a grin when he does! And then he loses points by trying to flirt with Amaranta. He seems to know Josi is wrong but can’t seem to do anything about it.

    I was thinking the old man gringo didn’t really have cancer, but that seems rude of Ale to put him in harm's/Josi’s way. So what if he does have cancer but doesn’t actually have the money she thinks he has? He gets care from her and she gets squat when he dies. Win-win!


  3. Conde
    K, I'm in the Dylan doesn't have cancer camp, but I was also hoping he has no money. Your premise is a good one too. Not so sure she would care for him very well, but if she wants his money, real or sopposed, she would have to make herself look good.

    Dondi356: You're going to be doing the recap for tonight's upcoming episode ?

  5. conde

    Interesting theories on the Josie-Dylan setup. Suppose that would be justice if Dylan is a scammer like Josie. Wonder if Ale investigated Dylan.

    Whether Dylan dies due to cancer or poison, Josie will have another fake will drawn up if necessary.

    Yes, Steve, I have the Friday recap.

  6. OT

    Hello Engin Akyürek fans. Word is that Engin will begin filming a Netflix dizi in October called "Kuşatma/Siege”. His co-star is Aslı Enver. I like Aslı very much and I think she’s a good match for Engin. Tarık Emir Tekin (We saw him as Selçuk in “Infiel”) is playing Engin’s brother. It’s being described as (best translation I could find) “a series about the power struggle of two very strong characters which takes place like a chess game.”

    Also, the second season of “Zeytin Ağacı/Another Self” with Tuba Büyüküstün was released on Netflix in July. I enjoyed the second season as much as the first and I’ve heard a third season has been ordered.

  7. OT Condo
    Thanks for the news,about Engin. I no !longer have Netflix, but I guess I have to get it again. Love Engin. Susan

    Dondi356: Looking forward to seeing your recap of last night's episode. Let us know when it's posted with intriguing details!

  9. conde #38 part 1

    Fresh from Amaranta’s palm reading, Felipe interrupts Josie’s phone call with Dylan. She’s angry over his intrusion. He wants an explanation—did you poison my father?

    Violeta comes to the hotel to see Vic but gets sidetracked when she spots Pedro with a woman who is not Dolores.

    Felipe demands an answer. Josie tries to leave the room, but Felipe won’t let her. First, she threatens to slap him, then she tries to calm things down. We have a lot of problems, we are surrounded by people who want to hurt us, she says, let’s not fight. She reaches out. He grabs her wrist and squeezes it till it hurts. He asks, did you poison my father like you did Benjamin Zambrano? He shouts, did you kill him too?!

    Your father was a good for nothing drunk who was going to drag us into poverty, Josie explains. Yes, I poisoned him, she hisses. I did it so you could have this life. Look at how you repay me.

    Ric surprises Cayetana on the movie set. Why did you come, she asks. I came to say goodbye, he replies, I’m leaving the Count’s house. Caye is bummed. She asks why. She wants him to stay. Ric says he’s not the kind to settle down, he likes to travel. But he wanted to say goodbye and he gives Caye a kiss on the cheek.

    The farewell is interrupted by the call to set. Ric spots an accident about to happen. Heavy equipment is about to fall where Caye is standing. Ric acts and pushes Caye out of danger’s way, landing on top of her.

    Vi speaks with Pedro. She notes that Vic has been nice him, but she warns that Vic is dangerous. Pedro wonders why she’s telling him this. You’re dating Dolores, she replies, and I saw you with another girl. Pedro tries to play innocent. Vi isn’t buying it. She advises him to be careful with Dolores. If you hurt her, you will meet Satan himself. She adds a dicho, “he who does not heed advice does not reach old age.” Pedro gives her a flirty smile, I’ll take your advice. Vi leaves.

    Caye is lifted from the ground and she asks Ric, where did you learn to do that? You’re like a stunt man. Caye doesn’t want Ric to leave. Ric takes her hand, and they smile at each other.

    Josie recounts her disasterous marriage to Felipe’s father. Every night he crawled into my bed reeking of cheap alcohol. He lost all the money I got to build the business. If I hadn’t done it, you and I would have ended up on the street!

    Felipe throws a whiskey glass. He rages. He was my father! I was a child and you left me orphaned. Josie claims it was to give him a better life. Felipe calls her out on her ambitions. He calls her a disgrace, she’s selfish. I had a father, he cries, my father loved me. You took him from me! You’re a murderer.

    Josie tells him to shut up before someone hears. Felipe is disgusted and says, I wish you had died instead of him. Or that my dad killed you. You’re a murderer. A murderer. He leaves. Josie tries not to cry.

    Filming is wrapped. Caye is glad Ric stuck around. She couldn’t let him go after saving her. Where did you learn those acrobatics, she asks. Ric tells her he was in a circus. She asks, do you really have to leave, or is there another reason? He repeats that he’s not one to settle down.

    Caye says she’s going to miss Ric. I’ve grown fond of you, she tells him, I consider you a true friend. That’s the problem, he answers. She doesn’t understand. He changes the subject and asks her to take a walk. Wait here and I’ll change my clothes, she replies.

    Mari is visiting Lupe’s house on the Gallardo ranch [I think], and she flashes back to making love with Ale. There’s noise. Is anyone there? It’s Ale.

    An old friend, a woman, barges into Gerardo’s office and he is stunned.

  10. conde #38 part 2

    Ale apologizes for disturbing Mari in her “secret place”. She says she’s not bothered, but she puts her hand to her head. He asks if she’s okay. I’m fine, she replies.

    The “old friend”, Cordelia, plants a kiss on Gerardo that he does not resist.

    More Ale and Mari flashbacks. Mari and Ale kiss. They break apart. Someone is coming. Caye and Ric appear outside and talk to someone in a suit. [no idea who the suit is.] I think Ric might have noticed Ale and Mari inside.

    Cordelia and Gerardo come up for air. Gerardo panics and closes the door. How did you get here? How did you find me? Cordelia says it wasn’t hard. She says he looks better than ever. She starts kissing him again and he reciprocates, then he pushes her away. I didn’t expect to see you again, he tells her.

    Wouldn’t you like to relive what we had in the capital, Cordelia asks. Kissing resumes. Gerardo worries that Mari could find them. Cordelia laughs about “poor Mariana.” You like danger, like me, she says.

    Gerardo holds her off. Where are you staying? I’ll come to see you. She says she’s at a nice hotel and they need to talk. I’m a sad widow now, she tells him. He asks her if this is why she came. Yes, she replies, because I want to know what you did with my daughter… I mean with the daughter we had. [!!! oh no, Gabriela?]

    Josie replays Felipe’s crushing words. “I wish you died and not him! You’re a murderer.” She cries. A maid comes in to tell her Dylan is waiting in the living room.

    Gabriela is playing with dolls when Gerardo comes into the room. He asks, where’s mom? She’s not back yet, Gaby replies. You know your dad loves you, he tells her. He would do anything for you. The clueless child smiles and nods yes.

    Teresa thinks Sofi’s love story is very romantic. Tere asks about Brendan. What will Sofi do? Sofi says she can’t marry him because she loves Javier. She has plans with Javier but can’t say more. Tere asks, what plans? Sofi’s not telling. Tere swears on her mother’s sacred memory that she won’t tell. Scene ends there.

    Leticia has invited Pau to the atelier to talk about the kids. The “marriage”. Sofi’s engagement. Pau says she doesn’t agree with the engagement, but she doesn’t have a say in it. Leticia sympathizes with Pau. Living with Josie and Felipe must be difficult. Pau says she wants Sofi to be happy. She wishes this wasn’t an impossible love. Pau says she will do all she can to keep Sofi and Javi together. She asks Leticia, what will you do? We don’t hear the answer.

    Dylan has flowers for Josie. She asks if he’s come to stay at the hacienda. Not yet, he says, but if you accept, I’d spend the rest of my life here. He shows her a big diamond ring. My beautiful Josefina, will you marry me? He gets down on his knee and asks again.

    Josie thinks of Felipe’s words again and hesitates to give Dylan an answer. He says if she doesn’t like the ring, he will get another. No, no, Josie replies, I’ll marry you. He places the rock on her finger.

    Dylan has trouble getting up from the floor. He grabs his back. Josie helps him up. He notices that she seems troubled. He promises her that once they are married, she will live like a queen. He’s ready to set the date. She says the sooner the better.

    Back at the Count’s house everyone is hovering over Caye to make sure she’s okay after the set incident. [She twisted her ankle?] Caye says it’s not a big deal thanks to Ric. She thanks Ric, “her hero”, and gives him a couple of pecks. Memo smiles at Ric.

    David tells Lorena he doesn’t want to hide their relationship anymore. He wants to tell Gerardo. Lorena is worried. She thought he’d wait till after the election. Secrets are the roots of our problem, he tells her. He’s ready to leave if his dad doesn’t accept it. He will fight for Lorena.

  11. conde #38 part 3

    Mari confesses the kiss to Pau. We couldn’t hold back, she says, we kissed much more intensely than the first time. Pau reminds her about Cayetana. If he [the Count] is playing with you… Mari thinks the Count has feelings for her. His heart raced as they kissed. The way he sees me, the way he touches me, Mari explains, you can’t fake that.

    Pau says it doesn’t seem right. What about Gerardo? If he finds out it will be a tragedy. Mari says their feelings were strong, she doesn’t know what would have happened if someone hadn’t showed up. Pau says someone could have seen. Mari doesn’t think so.

    Well, Ric saw and is holding Ale accountable. He backed away from Caye so she could have the chance to live her dream and have a love story with Ale. Ale is at a loss. I saw you with Mariana, Ric states. And so what? You were in a secluded place, all alone, Ric replies. What a coincidence. Ale says he doesn’t have to explain anything.

    Mari tells Pau she doesn’t know what will happen. She couldn’t talk to the Count after the kiss. Pau begs Mari to be careful. You already had one impossible love and look what happened.

    Ric says Caye is very smart. If she finds out about you and Mari’s past, she will ask you to leave SJ with her. Ale states that won’t happen. Ric wants to know how far Ale will go with the “Count seeking justice” thing. As far as I have to, Ale answers. Ric leaves him with some advice—stay away from Mari. Ale cautions, that’s enough. You’re my friend but I’ll say this once, don’t give me that kind of advice.

    Pau thinks the problem is that Mari still sees Alejandro in the Count. The attraction is not for the Count. He reminds you of Ale.

    Ric eats in the kitchen with Lucrecia. He says this food reminds him of the orphanage. The nuns cooked well. He used to imagine his mother cooked for him. Lu asks about the orphanage. Ric says he was raised by an aunt who was an alcoholic. He grew up between orphanages and reformatories. One day, he decided to escape and make his own luck.

    Lu says she knows why Ric wants to leave. She can tell he is in love with Caye. Ric tries to deny it. Lu says Caye has a heart of gold and she’s special. But unfortunately, her heart belongs to the Count. The heart wants what the heart wants. Ric knows this all too well.

    Lu tells Ric leaving is not the answer. Problems will always follow you. You have friends here, a roof over your head, a home. A roof yes, not a home, Ric replies, my friends are here, but I have to leave for the sake of my heart.

    Zambrano dinner with the Harrisons. Hmm, Felipe is not there. Brendan asks Josie and grandpa in his brand-new Spanish, have you set a wedding date? Mari is surprised. Josie explains that Dylan just proposed. Meanwhile, Sofi is trying hard to keep her dinner down.

    Josie thinks it’s best to wait until the after the kids get married. Why wait? Dylan suggests a double wedding. Brendan thinks that’s a great idea. Sofi is still queasy. Brendan asks, where is Felipe? Hablando del rey de Roma, Felipe shows up. Dylan proposes a toast. Mari tells Felipe they are celebrating the engagement of Josie and Dylan. Felipe mocks, I’ll drink to that. [Seems like he’s already been drinking.]

    Sofi bolts from the table to throw up. Pau follows her.

    Ric and Lucrecia share a last hug. Lu is crying and sorry to see him leave under these circumstances.

    Memo shows up at the kitchen door. He tells Ric, someone is here to see you. It’s Ric Jr.! Ric flashes back to when Ric Jr was born. He promised the mother to take care of him, but the grandma wanted Ric out of the baby’s life.

    Junior tells everyone that his grandmother died. He addresses Ric, she told me to come find you when she was gone and give you this letter.

  12. conde #38 part 4

    Lu sets a plate for Junior. The kid was hungry. He spent the day looking for Ric, he had to find him. He says he’s all alone in the world and has nowhere to live. Lu questions, why Ricardo? Jr replies, my grandma said he’d help me. Memo shoots Ric a look.

    Ric silently reads the letter. “Take care of your son and love him as he deserves. You owe him. Love him, play with him, and protect him. Be patient with him. Mercedes.” Lu asks, how did your grandma know Ric? Memo steps in—they met in the past. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later. Now Ric will have to change his plans. Ric says he will ask the Count if Jr can stay there. Jr smiles. Memo gives a look of approval.

    Vi visits Caye. They talk about the accident on set. Vi tells Caye she misses acting. Caye says she can still be in the movie. Vi thinks it’s impossible. To hell with your husband, Caye declares, I told you I’d talk to him. If he doesn’t understand, I’ll slap him. Vi says Vic is very dangerous. I feel trapped in my marriage, that’s what’s wrong.

    Ric asks Ale if Jr can stay. He has nowhere to go. Ale replies, Ricardito, from this day on, this is your house. Jr is all smiles and thanks Ale. Ale has one condition—Jr must study and finish school. That is most important. Jr is grateful and he offers to help around the house however he can. Ale tells Ric his plan to leave will have to wait. Ric insists this is temporary. Whatever. Ric takes Jr to his room.

    Memo and Ale smile. What do you think? It’s about time, right? Ricardo will have to deal with being a father, Memo answers.

    Caye remembers when she saw Vic fingerprints on Vi’s neck. She wants to know everything that Vic did. Vi would rather not talk about it. Caye identifies with Vi. She was once cold and hungry, living on the streets surrounded by violent and abusive men. You have me, she tells Vi, I want to help you. Vi thanks her but feels suicide might be the only way out. Don’t say that, Caye replies, you can escape. Why don’t you?

    Sofi is feeling better. Mari asks if something happened between Felipe and Josie. She never saw them act like that. Pau says she doesn’t know, but it if something happened, it was serious. Josie comes in to remind them the dinner guests are waiting at the table. Mari says Sofi is not feeling well. Pau blames it on the medications Sofi is taking. Mari goes back to the table with Josie.

    Caye apologizes to Ale for her jealousy. She doesn’t like to see him near Mari. Ale wants to explain but Caye stops him. Mari is a married woman, she says, you wouldn’t play with her or betray me. That’s why I ask for forgiveness. I promise to trust you more.

    Next day, we see Cordelia at Leticia’s atelier. Mari arrives. Cordelia greets her. Mari remembers her. It’s been a while since they all spent time in the capital. Cordelia tells her she’s a widow now and she’s been traveling all over the country. What a coincidence. Cordelia says she’s leaving but hopes she can meet up with Mari for coffee.

    Mari tells Leticia she is looking for dresses for her daughter. She’s growing up and loves dresses. Cordelia turns around and says to Mari, I didn’t know you had a daughter. Yes, Mari replies. Leticia remembers that Gaby was born in the capital. Mari confirms it. Cordelia says, how curious, I don’t remember seeing you pregnant. Mari has a weird look.

    And we are out.


    Dondi356: WOW! Oh WOW! Spicy recap with Maury Povich vibes LOL. I KNEW Blabbermouth Mariana was NEVER Gabriela's mother & that Cordelia is the biological mother.

    I wonder how far will Scumbag Villarreal go in preventing Blabbermouth Mariana from finding out the truth ? Will he have Ramiro kill Cordelia, who's becoming a threat to his plans on becoming President of Mexico ?

    Had the mute button on whenever Buji Joise & Jackass Felipe were on.

    Looks like Ric & Cayetana will become endgame in the end IF both stay alive..

  14. Conde
    Thanks dondi.
    Ah, the irony... Gerardo raises David as his son (but he's not) and Mari raises a daughter that isn't their credit they love them. Not holding out hope Gerardo will feel the same for David when he learns the truth though.

    No idea who Ric spoke with, perhaps one of the set production crew for the movie.

    I prefer Caye as a blonde. Any idea what her natural hair color is, that black wig is distracting but she appears to have dark roots so I doubt the blonde is real either. I still don't hate her character.

    Gerardo has a lot of skeletons in his closet. I'm surprised they haven't come out sooner. I don't recall, were Mari and he sharing a room at the beginning of the show? She may have brokered a sexless marriage with Ger when she agreed to raise his bastard daughter as her own.

    Kat in SC: This became the Maury Povich Special: You are NOT Gabriela's mother!

  16. conde

    Thanks very much, dondi, for yet another splendid recap. It captures everything beautifully.

    I have to confess that at first I was very confused by the scene on the film set. I couldn't figure out who the dark-haired woman was that Ric was talking to! After a few moments of confusion, I finally realized that of course it was Cayetana in a dark wig, but even knowing that, I didn't really recognize her, I just knew it had to be her.

    The extended scene between Josie and Felipe was interesting. Ever since Felipe's response to Josie at Pau's art exhibition, I wondered whether the writers were trying to redeem him, and the scene with Josie seemed to support that. He suddenly becomes a more sympathetic character who loved his father and was loved by him, and is furious that Josie poisoned him.

    I also noticed that Felipe accuses Josie of making him (Felipe) an orphan. This was not the first time I'd heard characters refer to themselves or others as "orphans" even though one of their parents was still alive. I'm not sure what to make of this. If it were the only time I'd heard this, I'd have assumed that he was saying that in her coldness and cruelty, she was no mother to him, but I'm wondering whether in Spanish "orphan" means something different than it does in English.

    Yikes! so Gabriela is really the daughter of Cordelia and Gerardo!?
    I would assume that if this is true, Mariana must know it, since she would have to have agreed to pass off Gabriela as hers. I suppose she felt that since she has presented David as Gerardo's son, she has to go along with Gerardo's lie as well. I wonder whether Cordelia is somehow taunting her when she says "I didn't know you had a daughter."

    Ricardo Jr. seems to have been well brought up by his grandmother. I doubt his father would have done as good a job.

    I don't have much else to say. I'm still somewhat mystified at Mari's having convinced herself that El Conde is NOT Ale in spite of her intial strong feeling that he IS Ale. I suspect El Conde will have to come clean to her soon.

    Also, dondi, I loved your mention of Brendan's "brand-new Spanish." I bet he even gets "por" and "para" right.

  17. Conde
    WOW, I have always loved your recaps , and this one was wonderful and detailed .Thank you so much.

    I thought that Mari and Ale were meeting in their old love shack. When Caye and Ric showed up, I figured the movie was filming near that love shack.

    We ended on a bright note with Ric's sweet son showing up. He appreciated the meal Lu gave him. Then his face lit up when Ale offered him a home and an education. Yay for the good guys . Susan

  18. Conde
    Kay, Marjorie Sousa (Caye) has been in many nove!as . I have only ever seen her as a bad girl and a blonde .

    I wonder if we are going to see Caye confront Vic soon on Vi's behalf , and she is suddenly going to flash back to him abusing her

    Wow, Cordelia is quite a force of nature . She left Ger speechless. Susan

  19. Conde
    I might have to check with my Hispanic friends on the orphan thing, but I wonder if the father dies as the traditional family provider if that is why he referred to himself as an orphan. In the Bible caring for the widows and orphans is lumped together. Just my take on it.

    Por and confusing but more so is the past perfect (had done something). Duolingo does a poor job of explaining it.

  20. Conde

    Kat , there are 12 verb tenses in English and I had to Teach all of them . I don't know how many verb tenses there are in Spanish. Susan

    Susan: Gut feeling tells me both Ric & Cayetana will be together in the end. Just a Jesse Stone-esque hunch.

  22. conde

    Thanks, everyone. Insightful comments by all.

    Steve, you could be right, Gerardo might have Ramiro kill Cordelia.

    Kat: “Ah, the irony...” I’ll cosign that. Gerardo raises David, Mari raised Gaby. IIRC, early in their marriage, Gerardo forced himself on Mari after telling her he’d be patient with her. Shortly after that, she didn’t want to sleep with him and didn’t care if he had mistresses. Not sure where living in the capital fits into the timeline. I suppose that will be revealed now.

    I remember Marjorie de Sousa from “Al Otro Lado del Muro”. She played a good character with medium brown hair. Likely close to her natural color.

    Juanita, maybe we will see a repentant Felipe. I don’t know if that automatically counts as redemption. He deliberately ran down Aracely and he’s a lousy husband and father.

    The Turks also use “orphan” when one parent dies. I especially notice this when a child is fatherless, as in the case with Felipe. My dictionary says that the common usage of orphan is when both parents die, but it is sometimes used when one parent dies.

    As for Cordelia, she told Gerardo she came to find out what he did with their daughter. When she heard Mari and Leticia, that piqued her interest.

    Yes, Ric Jr seems to be a good kid. I think Memo told Ric the boy was a good student. It was for the best he was with his grandparents for the early years. Ric wasn’t a bad guy, but he wasn’t able to provide a stable environment.

    “I'm still somewhat mystified at Mari's having convinced herself that El Conde is NOT Ale… I suspect El Conde will have to come clean to her soon.” ITA!

    “I thought that Mari and Ale were meeting in their old love shack.” I think you are correct, Susan. Thanks for the clarification. I figured Mari was somewhere at Gallardo ranch where the movie is filmed. It makes sense that she had the flashback to making love with Ale. I laugh at how Ale just shows up at various places at the “right” time.

    I hope we see Caye remembering her past soon. I want her to be well and have a HEA.

    Dondi356: Don't be shocked if Jackass Felipe kills Paulina & Amaranta if & WHEN he finds out about their secret extracurricular activities.

    Cordelia will become a LIABILITY to Scumbag Villarreal's plans on becoming President of Mexico sooner or later.

  24. OT
    Susan, I always prided myself on my English grammar and comprehension. I preferred reading to watching TV (now I'm making up for that by watching these TNs). I really don't remember all those 12 tenses being taught 40-50 years ago when I was in school. Or else they had a different name for them when I learned. Now when I go to the Spanish English dictionary app and I look up tenses I'm lost. Personally I feel in the early learning of a language it would be easier to concentrate on past, present and future tenses....

  25. OT..Kat, I always felt bad for my students because trying to understand and use 12 verb tenses is daunting . I tried to help them as much as possible by creating a lot worksheets and reviewing constantly after introducing a few tenses at a time and finally reviewing all 12. I gave a lot of examples. input a lot on the white board every class. . I must say that I was always amazed that my best students could actually understand and use almost all the tenses. Even American students misuse tenses sometimes. Susan

  26. I thought the orphan thing was odd too, but given that the parent Felipe has left is Josi, it makes sense.

    Caye and Ric have to end up together now that they have a theme song. Thems the rules. I think she’ll be a good stepmom to Junior.

    Interesting twist about Gabi. She hasn’t been around much so glad she gets something to do. But it means Mari and Ger have no kids together. They may not have had much of a sex life at all. No wonder Ger is such a pill.


  27. Back from a few days away. More Shakespeare! Every year some friends and I see the plays put on by Santa Cruz Shakespeare. This year was As You Like It and Hamlet, plus their usual non-Bard offering: The Importance of Being Earnest.

    Thanks so much for another stellar recap, dondi. You got a goodie with some new elements added. Chantal was fantastic in the scene with her "son" Felipe. Boy did she ever miscalculate! As is her usual style, she has too much self-confidence. She didn't really believe Felipe would turn on her when she owned up to poisoning his father. I

    I can hardly wait to see how Gabriela has ended up being raised by Mariana. Will it be Ger bringing home a poor orphan baby? Or will he have been caught out getting a side woman pregnant? Somehow I have a feeling the orphan story is more likely. Gerardo has been scared all along about Mari finding out who he really is.

    Hmmm. I thought David said he was leaving his father's house right then in the earlier episode. I expected the writers to follow through on that.

    It's getting a bit tiresome the way Ale withholds information from everyone except Memo. When Ric was clearly angry and jealous, it would have been logical for Ale to tell Ric that he and Caye were NOT a couple.

    I also saw Marjorie in Al Otro Lado del Muro. Gabriel Parras played her bad-guy husband. Uriel del Toro was also in it as a very good guy.

  28. OT

    Turkish drama Amor Prohibido returns on UniMas at 7/6c if anyone is interest.

  29. conde

    Dondi, I too am no fan of Felipe! His treatment of Paulina is enough by itself to make me think he's not redemption-worthy, not to mention all the other terrible things he's done. Perhaps that's why I was surprised when we saw him appreciate Paulina's artwork (though I suspect he wouldn't have been nearly so receptive had he known who the artist was!), and then in the later episode we see him enraged to learn that his father, who apparently loved him and whom he loved, was poisoned by Josie. Normally I would regard these incidents as creating sympathy for him and signalling a possible redemption, but I can't really accept that here.

  30. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. Super recap.

    Normally a married woman like Cordelia would've passed the baby off as her husband's. But instead, Gerardo made up a story in order for him and Mari to adopt. Why? Gerardo couldn't bear to be separated from his spawn?

    Great to see Ric Jr. getting his due. Convenient that he pops in just as Big Ric was about to scram.
    I'm ready for the wedding (weddings?) to happen to see what the fallout will be.

    The way Felipe went off on horrible Josie, you'd never think dear ole mom helped him bury the woman he deliberately ran over with his car. Felipe is in pain and anguish but doesn't think to regret his past and current sins.

  31. OT
    Thanks, Anon, for Amor Prohibido info!

  32. conde

    ITA, Juanita. I don’t always appreciate when writers play with us and try to create sympathy for a vile character. I have to remind myself not to fall for it. Especially difficult when you really like the actor portraying the baddie—in this case Uriel del Toro as Antonio.

    LOL Niecie—"The way Felipe went off on horrible Josie, you'd never think dear ole mom helped him bury the woman he deliberately ran over with his car.”

    Anon, thanks for the reminder on “Aşk-ı Memnu/Amor Prohibido.”

  33. OT
    I am going to try to remember to watch Amor Prohibido which seems to be almost at the end. I watched it, but then I was out of the country for a couple months and couldn't watch. I did see the last episode .I like the leading actor and actress. Susan
