
Thursday, September 12, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones - Week of Sept. 9, 2024

Coming Soon: La Historia de Juana will start MUY PRONTO!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which has gone to TWO HOURS!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-11 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 54-57

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.



    I will not be able to watch tonight's episodes until tomorrow afternoon so the recap will be up most likely late tomorrow afternoon.

    Friday's recap should be up on Sunday some time.

    Monday's recap wil be up on Tuesday.

    Soccer on Tuesday.

    Back to single epsiodes on Wednesday. ; )

    Jarifa: Looking forward to seeing the recap of last night's episode! 👍

  3. MAREA DE PASIONES #54/#55 Page One

    1. We see Helena swimming under water. Marcelo is down at the sea shore sand walking the beach calling out to her. He heard the ocean in the background when he was talking to her. He goes to see Cris to ask for his help. Cris is shocked and calls the coast guard. Cris asks how Helena could come to the point of wanting to take her own life. Marcelo admits he told her he was going to report her to the police for murdering her stepfather if she didn't do it herself. Cris gets it and assures him it must have been in self defense since the guy was abusing her physically and sexually from the time she was a little girl. Marcelo agrees and says the fact of the matter is that Zaid has been blackmailing her since he knows about the crime. She has been living in hell. Cris is very upset since he has come to see Helena like a daughter. Marcelo gets a call that the coast guard found Helena's phone. people saw somebody who looked like her on the beach. They are afraid that she got carried out to sea by the tide and has drowned. María and Cris leave flowers in Helena's room as if she were dead. They cannot believe it. Cris never realized she was that sick. He tells María about how after years of abuse, she killed her stepfather.

    2. Ana is sorry for not helping Camila when she needed her but will be with her now; always together. Ana tells he she broke up with Roberta and why.

    3. Rita argues with Beatriz about her motive in hiding the USB drive. Beatriz insists it is not to save her father. She wants Rita to destroy it. Rita tells her about Camila's cancer. Beatriz is distraught not being able to help her. Rita tells Felipe that Beatriz didn't tell her to give him the USB drive but told her to destroy it but she isn't going to do it. She only needs time to find it. She wants to see the real criminal in jail: Juan. He isn't to be trusted.

    4. Zaid meets with Ben and Juan. Juan says Marcelo wants a meeting with Elías Fayat. Zaid says his friend will say that Paladium built his eco-hotel. Juan asks what is going to happen when Luisa finds out about the scam.
    Zaid has it planned out. After the meeting, Elías will be going back to Israel who has no extradition treaty with Mexico. All Juan cares about is Paladium laundering his money. Zaid assures him they can talk after Marcelo chooses Paladium.

    5. Ana apologizes to Luisa for not being able to control the Natalia situation.
    Luisa says if anyone is responsible, it is Zaid and his revenge using her daughter against her.

  4. MAREA Page Two

    6. A police official tells Ana that Gael has been found. He rigged the kidnapping himself so he could get money for his drug dependency.He adds that now she and her friends are cleared of any involvement in his disappearance. She tells Camila they are off the hook. Also, Gael forgave them and was grateful that they saved him from Zaid. She adds that now they all have to learn to live with what they did. Life can always be better. They all need hope including Camila.

    7. Luisa's lawyer tells her that the only ones who end up winning anything in a divorce are the lawyers. She knows but cannot stand being in her relationship one more day. She realizes that Zaid has a strategic position within the company and that he will try to fight her for part of her shares so he can become a partner. She will not allow that or him having the slightest influence in the company. The lawyer tells her to think it over because Zaid will think of some way to be party to her inheritance. The divorce will not remove him from his position within the company. She will have to continue spending time with him. She knows and adds that no amount of money is worth her peace of mind. She is ready to sign her divorce petition today. He will notify her husband shortly. She tells her lawyer that Zaid threatened her. He reminds her that threats are also crimes. She says they cannot prosecute him because he has turned her own daughter against her. The scope of his influence is terrifying.

    8. Rita checks with the maid to see if Juan is going to be out all day. The maid tells her he is most likely at the office. Surprisingly, Juan arrives a few minutes later. Isela wants to talk to him. He accuses her of only caring about Sofía. He now wonders if his decision to bring Sofía home was a good one.She never cared about her other daughters and now it is even less. Isela insists it can all be different now because she is open to changing. She wants to start with improving the relationship she has with him for the good of their children. She is hoping somewhere deep in his soul he wants to recover his family , too. He is not interested. She asks what she did to him. He answers that first she cut his wings to protect her familial inheritance and made him depend on her. She took his money away from him but now he is investing his money in a company which will pay off for him. He no longer needs her.

    In the meantime, Rita is looking for the USB drive. She puts all of the drives from the drawer in a plastic bag and is caught by Juan on the way out. He takes the bag and asks her what she is looking for in his memory drives. He seems to think she is interested in how much the family is worth so she can get a piece of it. He reminds her that there is sensitive information on the drives that nobody should see. She tells him she saw nothing. When Juan grabs her by the arm Alfonso comes in and tells him that will be the last time he lays a hand on her. Juan says he deserves respect.

    Alfonso answers that he doesn't give a s**** and repeats his threat. Alfonso is upset with how his father treated Rita. He assures her it will never happen again.

  5. MAREA Page Three

    9. Marcelo shows up at Zaids's demanding his daughter. Zaid asks for the court order. Marcelo says he has applied for custody. He wants to know where his daughter is. Zaid insists that Natalia is more his daughter than Marcelo's. He suggests they go to court where he can show how he took care of Natalia while Marcelo was hiding like a coward. Marcelo reminds him that he was not hiding and he knows it. Zaid says then he will have to do what he has threatened. He will make Natalia tell court that he abused her. He will never touch Natalia again. Marcelo should know hat he won't just stand by. Marcelo wonders who he will use this time. It can't be Helena because she is dead. Marcelo adds that he knows that Zaid paid Helena to keep Luisa away from him. Marcelo also knows that he was black mailing Helena with everything that happened with her stepfather. Zaid asks how he found all that out??? Marcelo doesn't answer and says that Helena knew he was going to turn her in to the police and she killed herself. Zaid blames Marcelo for her death. Marcelo refuses to take the blame.

    Natalia comes out of her bedroom and asks Marcelo if Helena went to heaven because of him. Marcelo tries to answer all of Natalia's questions but Zaid will not let them talk. Natalia thinks that Helena went to heaven because Marcelo didn't love her. She sees him and her mother as the bad guys. She is also all about protecting Zaid from Marcelo. Luisa arrives and she and Marcelo leave. Zaid is all about protecting Natalia.

    Marcelo tells Luisa that Natalia overheard him telling Zaid that Helena was dead.The look on her face broke his heart. Helena's death is news to Luisa. She sadly tells him she is sorry and that Helena did love him in her own way.
    All Marcelo cares about now is that Ordóñez sends him the evidence about who killed her father. He still hasn't heard from him.

    Marcelo gets a call from Juan telling him the meeting with Elías, the general manager of Paladium, is ready to go. He leaves.

    10. María tells Cris her cake business is going very well. It is almost a little too much to deal with. He thinks she needs a distribution partner. He can see her "Sweet Orange" business all over the country. He says she only needs to be a
    an associate of one of the large food distribution companies that already exists. He can help her with that as long as he gets a couple of slices of that cake of hers he loves so much. They agree to go home and get drunk on the cake. They kiss.

    11. Alfonso has brought Rita t the beach to calm down. She is still worried about Juan. He assures her that as long as she is with him, he will not threaten her. They are both worried about Juan hiding the USB drives she found. She is sure there is something incriminating on them. Alfonso doesn't want her to be looking for them and putting herself at risk. It is his job. Yes, he worries about her because he loves her. He wants her to tell the truth about who she is even to his mother. They end up kissing on the beach. They end up in bed. Afterwards, Alfonso tells her he is the happiest man in the world after what they have been through. She will always remember this moment but it will never happen again. What if his mother found out?? She refuses to tell the truth to his mother knowing that Juan could take the orphanage away from the children. She tells him the only way they can be together is in secret. he agrees. They need to find a secret place.

    12. Marcelo tells the eco-resort board of investors that he has chosen Paladium to do the eco-resort construction and explains why. Luisa asks Juan to transfer the Spanish investment money to Paladium and they can start building. After Isela inappropriately brings up the shares he inherited from Leonor, he tells her that he has decided to keep them. Lisa congratulates Marcelo as a partner.

  6. MAREA Page Four

    13. Ana has news for Luisa. She wants Luisa to swear to her that she will not do anything that will cause her more problems. Luisa swears. She tells Luisa about Camila's cancer. It was the result of a HPV infection that was not treated in time. Giancarlo the son of the Italian Consulate is who infected her. Luisa cannot believe that Camila kidnapped him and that Ana and Roberta ended up as her accomplices. She looks disgusted when she finds out that Zaid then kidnapped him to blackmail them. Ana knows it is going to be difficult for Luisa to believe that Zaid is a criminal but she has proof. It is time she finds out who Zaid really is. Ana takes Luis to the Private VIP section of the casino. She doesn't not look happy seeing men groping willing women. Ben sees them and calls Zaid. Ana explains that Zaid manages illegal bets, drug sales and prostitution there. Ana thinks this was the best way to show her that Zaid is a criminal. Luisa sees it as a bordello not a casino. Luisa starts to scream for all of them to leave. She is closing it down. She will not allow Zaid to ruin the reputation of her parents. Zaid arrives say that her parents started it all adn approved of it all . He never told her because she has a closed mind and would not have assimilated it. Luisa tells him he is lying. Ana doesn't believe him either. He has the e-mails to prove it. He tells her to ask her uncle Juan who is involved in al of this. She cannot believe she has been so stupid about the filthy human being he is. She is takes off her wedding ring and lets it drop on the floor. She screams he is garbage. He answers that she is surrounded by garbage. He says he whole family is involved in this: Santiago, Juan and for the cherry on top: Ana. Ana has to admit it is true as Zaid smirks. Ana asks Luisa o forgive her. Zaid forced her. Luisa asks her not to apologize. She brought her friends there knowing that they were going to be drugged and afterwards who knows what was going to happen to them. Ana swears she didn't know that was going to happen. When she realized what was happening she saved them the best way she could. She is now paying for Ximena's therapy. Zaid tells her to quit playing the victim. She always could have said no.
    Ana calls him a liar reminds him that he threatened her saying he was going to tell everyone about her sexual orientation. She tells Luisa how afraid she was of her mother rejecting her. Santiago arrives to join in doubling down on Ana. Zaid has Santiago tell how he decided to turn the casino into a bordello. Santiago tells his old story of his family never believing in him blah blah blah. Zaid says the whole family is involved. Juan is also falsifying the casino earnings. Wha is Luisa going to do? Is she going to press charges against them all? What about the reputation of the company? Natalia blames him for having involved all of her family and doing it for his own advantage. She tells him that this is not the end of the matter.

  7. MAREA Page 5

    Luisa goes to see Juan who tells her that everything Zaid told her is true. Juan says that her father started it all with her mother's consent before Zaid was on the scene. Her mother never got involved and tried to stop it but she never could go against Alejandro. When Alejandro died, she put everything in Zaid's hands. There were compromises with powerful and important people. She asks what Juan's role was in all of this. Juan says he hid the numbers; manipulated the finances but then Zaid decided to start moving the money and set a trap for Beatriz. That is why she is in jail. She asks how could he have seen his own daughter in jail rather than file charges against Zaid. Juan answers (honestly): Because he is a coward. Also, Isela would never have forgiven him. He hurt her so much over María. Luisa feels the same because Zaid has tied her hands by involving her whole family. Luisa says she is going to have to be very smart and think everything over very well. Juan says she has to destroy Zaid, before he destroys her. First, she has to get custody of Natalia back. She cannot do anything else until that is done. She also suspects that Zaid killed both of her parents. Juan admits that he thinks so, too.

    14. Felipe is happy to see his mother doing well in her business and with a man who can support her advancing in that business. Cris says she is his best medicine. María and Cris all feel sorry for Helena knowing how she suffered as a child. Felipe is not familiar with her story. María and Cris fill him in. Once he hears it, Felipe says that is Sofía's story. He heard it from a guy from around where Sofía was rescued. Everything matches. Maybe Helena robbed Sofía's story. Cris wonders if maybe Helena is Sofía his daughter.

    15. Camila is back home. Isela tries to make amends the best she can. Camila only wants her to be happy. Isela says she will not give in.

  8. MAREA Page Six

    16. Luisa tells Marcelo all about the casino. He always suspected that something was going on. he thinks that this can be the end of Zaid. Luisa says they cannot say a word because he whole family is involved. He agrees but doesn't want her to be affected by him. She asks how can she not be when he has Natalia and is capable of anything. Marcelo says she can go to the judge and ask for custody. She also tells him that she thinks that Marcelo killed her parents. So does Marcelo but they have no proof. She is sure they will find some. She is going to destroy him. She knows where she is going to start. The supposed lover of her father, Fabiana Astorga, is really a prostitute. it is all a farce. Supposedly, her mother killed herself because of the guilt she felt over killing her father because he had cheated on her. He father never would have been involved with a prostitute nothing makes sense.

    17. Juan tells Zaid he will never forget the look of disappointment that Luisa had on her face when he told her that everything he had said was true. Zaid asks what did he expect??? Zaid wasn't going to see it his work go all to waste.
    Juan tells him that Luisa will never forgive him for all of this and especially not if she finds out that he also plans to take the hotel away from her, too. He is going to lose her forever. Zaid really doesn't care. Juan says if nobody is going to stop him, he wants what he has been promised: the records of the receipts so he can launder his money. Zaid takes care of that. Juan tells Zaid that he hopes that he doesn't put the property of his family at risk with the bankruptcy of the hotel chain. Zaid says of course not!! He is going to do it so Luisa comes crawling back to him and so that she realizes that nobody in the family is anyone without him.

    18. Maria shows up at the company to tell Juan that Marcelo is going to come to see him. She is asking him to advise Marcelo. She is only asking that if he cannot treat him as his son, that he at least be kind to him because he is the son of somebody who once loved him deeply. He agrees to see Marcelo and give him the best advice he can. He tells he that he has a friend in the food distribution business. He would like to introduce her to him. She thanks him but doesn't need his help.

  9. MAREA Page Seven

    19. Zaid asks Santiago what he would think if he were to tell him he is going to end up with the hotel chain. Santiago would say he is stupid saying that to one of the owners. Zaid is not joking and he adds that Santiago will have his job. Santiago asks how can he trust him. Zaid explains that if Luisa keeps being the head of the business, he will never get the job he deserves. Santiago wonders if he is saying this only because he needs his vote. Zaid insists he has always trusted Santiago. Santiago says he could always tell Luisa what he is planning. What about Marcelo's shares??? Zaid says he is keeping them now. Santiago is enraged at Luisa for having cut him out of everything for years and turning his mother against him. Luisa started the war. Santiago will be on the winner's side when it ends. He wants the job Zaid offered him and Marcelo's shares when it is all over. He shakes with Zaid on the deal.

    20. Luisa asks Felipe for the info on Fabiana Astorga. She needs to talk to her. He agrees. Luisa calls Nuria but gets the madame saying to let Nuria talk or she will be the accomplice in a murder case. Nuria answers the phone and Luisa says she needs her to tell her who hired her to pose as her father's mistress. She could be named an accomplice in a murder if she doesn't answer. Nuria repeats that she cannot speak because she is being threatened
    if she does. Marcelo offers her money and tells her that the authorities know where she is. Nuria confesses that the person who paid her was Zaid Espino. Marcelo tells her to leave town because she is in danger. Nuria decides the time has come to follow Marcelo's advice. No, she has no interest in lying to Zaid. The madame has contacted him already. Her phone rings. Nuria is out of there.

    21. Ana manages to see Natalia outside of the hotel room for a second. Zaid goes ballistic and orders her back inside.He tells her to leave and grabs her by the arm. She tells him not to dare touch her again. She is an owner of the hotel and he is a simple employee. She ends up calling him homophobic.. Who gave him the right to judge anyone? He laughs. She isn't afraid of him anymore. She also calls him a murderer and adds that he will pay for it all. He leaves having things to do. Natalia manages to sneak out of the hotel room.

  10. MAREA Page Eight

    Natalia and and Ana sit by a swimming pool and chat. She doesn't think that Natalia loves her anymore but she misses papá Marcelo. Ana explains how much her mother loves her and how she doesn't want to destroy her family. She ants to fix the family so Natalia can be happy and peaceful. She reminds her of how she feels when papá Zaid gets angry. That is just what her mother doesn't want her to feel like. Ana adds how much her mother misses her. Natalia doesn't want her mother to be crying. She misses her, the whole family and her room.She cannot tell papá Zaid because he will cry. Zaid shows up cutting the visit short.

    22. Marcelo tries to console Luisa who calls herself "the queen of the stupid."
    How could have she lived for seven years with a monster and never realize it??? Marcelo tries to explain that Zaid got her at a vulnerable time and took advantage of her. She blames herself for what happened to her family and her mother. Marcelo reminds her that her mother knew who Zaid was and maybe what she knew cost her her life. Luisa feels like she doesn't know anyone in her family anymore. Marcelo is the only honest person she has had and he was the one she doubted. Marcelo assures he will al ways be there for her because he loves her. They kiss.

    23. Ana finds Luisa in Natalia's room. Ana apologizes again to Luisa. If she had only spoken sooner so Luisa would know what a monster she had for a husband. Luisa doesn't blame her. She was another one of Zaid's victims. Luisa apologizes to her for bringing Zaid into the family. Ana disagrees. She tells Luisa about her visit with Natalia. Natalia said she missed her mother and wanted to come home. She also didn't want her mother to be sad. Ana says she should still try to make contact with her in spite of Zaid. Ana says they will get Natalia back together.

    Luisa calls Natalia. She knows her father is working and wants to read her a bed time story and so she does.

    24. Luisa visits Beatriz. She apologizes for Zaid being involved in their family. She knows that Beatriz is in jail because Zaid set a trap for her. Her father told her. Beatriz asks her not to say anything because her father could end up in jail. Luisa corrects her saying that her father and half of the family could end up in jail. Beatriz asks her to talk to Felipe. He could destroy it all because he is too impatient. Luisa needs Beatriz to be patient. They need to be cautious and smart. to demonstrate each one of the atrocities that Zaid committed so he pays for them. Beatriz nods.

    25. Isela is still trying to get her family back. Juan still isn't interested. She wants to find out the truth. Why did he stay with her when he was in love with María? Was it pity?Did he love her a little bit? He admits he hasn't loved her for a long time. Isela asks him to leave the house. He sees it as the same old same old. She screams at him to GET OUT! She doesn't want to put up with him for one more second. He says he has spent a lifetime feeling smothered inside of his own house. He has put up with it all for years and now she is kicking him out. She admits she has only put up with him all of these years because of her children because they are the only ones she loves. He says he only stayed so he wouldn't have the guilt of her suicide to deal with. She knows the real deal which is even worse.: he only stayed with her for her money. What a failure! He sacrificed his own true love for money. She never wants to see him again.

  11. MAREA Page Eight

    26. Beatriz calls Juan. She needs him to come and see her today. They have to talk about something very important.

    27. Cris sadly packs Helena's belongings away and fondly remembers talking to her.

    28. Marcelo talks to Juan. There must be a problem with the money not being transferred to Paladium to start the construction. Juan makes a call to the bank and finds out that the money is gone and the account has been cancelled. Juan says now he knows why Paladium hasn't been answering his calls. Marcelo thinks there must be a mistake and asks to see the contract. He goes to talk to Luisa.

    29. Cris takes Helena's hair and has a DNA test done to see if they are father and daughter.

    30. Marcelo takes Luisa on a drive to where Paladium Construction is located.
    There is nothing there, just a bare lot. He realizes it was a straw company. They lost everything.


  12. MAREA

    Forgive the typos! No time to correct them.

  13. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for your amazing recap that explained much I didn't understand. Your time and talent are greatly appreciated.

    When she strode purposefully into the water, I thought Helena truly intended to drown herself. I felt myself getting very upset as she seemed to give into the water and its powerful undertow. But then "We see Helena swimming under water". She certainly was and swimming like a seal I might add. I have no doubt she intends to fake her death.

    So what is Luisa going to do?? Zaid really has her painted into a corner. I can't wait for everything to implode on him.

    Shut. Up. Santiago.

    "Isela insists it can all be different now because she is open to changing. She wants to start with improving the relationship she has with him for the good of their children". Huh?? Isela is certifiable. She and Juan deserve each other. I do like Alfonso standing up to Juan though. It's obvious Juan detests him yet he accuses Isela of loathing her daughters. This family could keep a good psychiatrist busy for life.

    Interesting that all of a sudden Cris put two and two together and instantly decided to do a DNA test; I'm sure it will reveal he is Helena's father. But everything is sad and messy at best.

    I like Marcelo's outward calmness (for the most part), such inner turmoil though. I can't wait until he takes it all out on Zaid.


  14. Marea

    So much in this double episode and lots of blame to go around. Ana should have come clean about her sexual orientation and never been drawn into Zaid's game. Their father for bringing Zaid into the family fold in the first place (his illegal casino doings with Leonora's sort of approval), Luisa and Marcelo leaving town without Natalia, Luisa should have stayed home and let Marcelo talk to the eco resort company and that contact he needed to see and she also should have stuck to her guns and evicted Zaid when she told him she was through with him.

    I'm surprised the coast guard found Helena's phone. She carried it quite far into the water with her. Every ocean scene I expected a dead or alive Helena to appear on the shore.

    Marcelo dropped the ball on checking out Palladium. They almost deserve to lose that money.

    Isela has had a miserable life. I occasionally feel sorry for her. She doesn't deserve an anvil. I hope she learns to love all her children as they deserve to be loved.
    And the winning beanie moment is Maria's baking business. As far as I can tell she has no commercial kitchen and is baking them out of her home. Most cakes take an hour or so to cook, and even with 2 in the oven at a time I think her output would be at most 6 or 8 cakes per day as she also is running her orange orchard and making fruit deliveries. I would have a hard time paying more than $20 for a cake so I don't see this as a very lucrative side hustle.

    Why did I think Gael was the one that infected Camila? I remember the Italian but also thought Gael was that guy. I guess because we all were not really enthused with the teens' storyline I missed some things.

  15. Marea

    Thanks so much Jarifa, reading the recap was almost like watching the show. Brought up the scenes vividly, and my feelings too.

    I somehow thought they had found a woman on the beach, along with the cell phone. So I was thinking Helena’s body was found, and thinking of how the real Sophia would never discover who she is, and the stuff she knew about Zaid would be lost. But even thinking that, I expected her to walk out of the ocean in every ocean scene. And we spent a lot of time on the beach last night!

    The way I read the recap, and I could have misread, Juan lied to Luisa and her father was not involved in the prostitution. It was Zaid’s doing.

    Helena knew they were going to cheat Marcelo. Too bad she didn’t love him enough to tell him


  16. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for that excellent recap of this sea of tears. Uff

    Well, I guess Helena is going to pop up at some point .

    Wasnt it Santiago's brilliant idea to bring prostitutes into the casino , and devil incarnate Zaid thought it was a great idea.

    I am hoping for some great big anvils for these awful guys. Ugh.

    I guess that Likes

  17. Diana, you are too kind! I loved your "She certainly was and swimming like a seal I might add. I have no doubt she intends to fake her death." It made me laugh. She was so at home in the ocean. I am confident she will pop up somewhere else on the shore. "I like Marcelo's outward calmness (for the most part), such inner turmoil though. I can't wait until he takes it all out on Zaid." Me, too.

    Kat, "And the winning beanie moment is Maria's baking business. As far as I can tell she has no commercial kitchen . . ." You can say that again and again. They could have embroidered this plot line in different ways keeping her a realistic home baker. Way back at the start, Gael blamed Camila for having infected him. With both of them being promiscuous, we will probably never really know who infected who. The teen story lines tend to be the ones I like least.

    Liz, so glad you enjoyed the recap. "Helena knew they were going to cheat Marcelo. Too bad she didn’t love him enough to tell him." Helena has turned out to be such a complicated character. I never can guess what she is going to do. That being said, I admit I hope that she swims far far away and goes free.

    Susan, I found your post. Thanks. "Wasnt it Santiago's brilliant idea to bring prostitutes into the casino , and devil incarnate Zaid thought it was a great idea." Technically yes after Zaid forced Ana to bring in classmates to be victimized as "unofficial" prostitutes.. There is no shortage of despicable men in this novela.

  18. MAREA DE PASIONES #56/#57 Page 1

    1.Santiago wants to see everything taken from Luisa since he sees her as responsible for his lack of success. With a handy hand on her thigh, he wants his psychiatrist Tere to write a letter saying that she was treating his mother Leonor who she found to be unbalanced. She told her that she wanted to change her will. She advised against it but Leonor went ahead and did it anyway.

    2. Roberta wants to make up with Ana. Ana is not interested even though it hurts her not being with Roberta. She sends Roberta on her way and cries at home later.

    3. At a meeting of all of the eco-lodge players, Luisa says she is just as surprised as anyone of them that the construction company ended up being a fraud that is putting the whole hotel chain on the verge of bankruptcy. Paladium was a straw company and Fayad escaped with the money. Santiago blames his stupid sister. Cris stands up for her saying from what they saw it seemed legit. Zaid concludes that the blame then lies with Marcelo who didn't do his due diligence in investigating the company. Luisa says it was her fault. Investigating the building company fell to her and not Marcelo. Santiago and Zaid thinks that Marcelo should sign over his shares. Luisa insists she is at fault. Marcelo smells a rat; somebody set them up. Cris insists the only ones at fault are Zayad and Paladium. Luisa says they have to file charges so they can get to the bottom of the situation. Santiago is only worried about his inheritance and hands Luisa a report from a psychiatrist attesting to the incompetent mental state of Leonor before her death. Luisa reads it.

    3. Camila has had a chemotherapy treatment and leaves with Iñaki. She feels fine and wants to go out and have some fun. He thinks it is better they go home. She has no intention of spending the rest of her life in bed.

    4.Santiago thinks Luisa should resign and let Zaid run the company. What about the investors? Juan would be in favor of mortgaging the company and getting a new partner to run the hotel chain. Luisa is going to have think the whole situation over before taking any action. Zaid thinks that is a good idea but reminds them all that he has no intention of ending up in jail for fraud because of that imbecile Marcelo's fault. Juan tells Marcelo no tto take it personally. He knows how talented he is.

  19. MAREA Page 2

    5. Marcelo tells Juan that they have no father-son connection but he wants to smooth things over and start fresh. Juan is pleased and in agreement. Marcelo has a favor to ask him. He needs Juan to advise him on finances now that he has shares in the company. He needs to invest his shares in some kind of business. Juan asks how much is he willing to put at risk. Marcelo says he is wiling to risk it all if necessary. He concerned that it have profitability. Juan will have to study the quotes of prices of other companys' shares in the stock market before giving him a good decision. Marcelo makes it is clear that he is trusting him not as his father but as the specialist he is.

    6. Zaid tells Luisa that she can count on him during such difficult times at the company. He is sure the authorities will do their best to find Fayad. She hopes so because they are at the point of losing it all. It affects them all. He reminds her it doesn't look good that she is protecting the guy who brought the company to this point. She accuses him of coming by to just rub her nose in the situation. Luisa doesn't care what people are saying. Zaid says he will support her because she is the mother of his child She reminds him that as the general manager she doesn't need his support and thanks him very much.
    Zaid's assistant come in and delivers a folder to him. SURPRISE: it is a notification from the court that Luisa has filed for divorce and that the court date is the day after tomorrow. Zaid trembles with rage that after so many years of him having loved and protected her, she is doing this to him.

    6. Alfonso warns Marcelo not to trust his father on anything.

    7. Alfonso and Rita visit Juan in his office. He demands that Juan give him all of his hidden memory devices.

    8. Luisa starts to remind Zaid of everything that he has done to her like paying a prostitute to play her dead father's lover. He insists that he found Fabiana Astorga on the social networks. She tells him she is nowhere on the social networks because she doesn't exist. Luisa says their situation needs to be in the hands of a judge who can realize all of his lies and let that influence his decisions especially that of custody of Natalia. Zadi insists he will search the world over to get Fabiana Astorga to testify. All she knows if that she is going to get her child back. She tells him to leave.

    9. Juan accuses Alfonso of having allowed Rita to seduce him to get his money. She is a thief! Alfonso asks how Juan can he accuse her of a crime when he is so much worse. His mother has to know that he paid off Rita to pose as Sofía. Juan asks if he is going to blackmail him so he can get money for drugs. His mother won't believe a word of this. The information they want is under lock and key. Alfonso sees a bunch of keys on a cabinet with a distinctive key chain with dice on it. It makes him remember being a child and being outside next to the car with his father. His father had the keys in his hand and was telling him that he would not be remembering anything that he saw. Alfonso tells him that he sees that key chain in his dreams or is it a memory?
    Juan dismisses his comment blaming it on drug use. He grabs his father by the throat and demands that he tell him if he had something to do with Sofía's disappearance. Juan breaks a glass across his forehead to stop him. Alfonso ends up on the floor. Rita cares for him. Wanting "save time", he asks Rita how much money will it take for her to stop annoying him. She wants nothing from him now or ever. He asks why does she want the memory drives. Maybe she is working for somebody else who wants the information. She wants help for Alfonso. As Alfonso is holding his head and grimacing from the pain, Juan dismisses his wound as nothing much. Juan leaves. Before Alfonso and Rita leave, she takes the keychain.

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    10. Marcelo stops by to comfort Luisa. She needs a hug and he gives her one. He has all the confidence in the world that she, being the strong woman that she is, will come out of this ahead. She tells him about Zaid's reaction to the divorce notification. She is a faid of what Zaid could do to her and Natalia. Marcelo assures her that will not happen. He is there to protect her. They love each other. He wants her to focus on her future. He will be by her side to face all of her problems. He tells her that his brother can help them out.

    11. Juan visits Beatriz in jail as requested albeit a little later than expected. She gets straight to the point and tells him that she knows all about his lie: having that girl pretend to be Sofía. He made fools out of the whole family. He apologizes. Yes, he still believes Sofía is dead but Isela will never accept that. Rita, an orphan of Sofía's age, needed a home. He thought he was helping everyone. Beatriz is worried abut what he is capable of doing to get what he wants. She reminds him that she is in jail because of him because she loves him. He will tell her mother the truth. She ran him out of the house because he told her he hasn't loved her for years now. Beatriz thinks that he has turned into a very cruel man. At least, Isela doesn't know about Rita. At this point she doesn't know if it was worthwhile for her to take the fall for him.

    12. Ana sends the maid to Roberta's to collect her things.

    13. Rita explains to Isela that some guy was coming on to her and that Alfonso stepped in to protect her. Isela thinks that if Alfonso didn't believe he was her sister, he never would have defended her like that. Rita tells her they are coming home.

    14. Camila is drinking and doing everything she feels like no matter how Iñaki tries to stop her. She tells him to hell with her chemo. She is ready to drink and enjoy the pool., live to the max.She knows she is going to die and plans on enjoying her last days.

    15. Zaid now understands why Santiago's family thinks he is a fool. The psychiatrist never signed the report she wrote on Leonor. He says he will get it fixed. They then discuss how to get Luisa out of her position that she inherited. Santiago says they need to get Ana's vote to vote Luisa out. Zaid says that is Santiago's job.

    16. Cris offers María support for her business from business men who are her friends. She is grateful. He would give his life for her and can only hope that he can do better for her with his business connections than Juan could. She assures him he can. She invites him in for some romance.

    17. Luisa calls Tere. She needs to come and see her. Tere is always therefor her.

    18. Camila is drunk and partying with a reluctant Iñaki. He ends up leaving her at the pool.

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    19. Santiago is at Tere's office complaining that she never signed the report. She is refusing to ever sign the report because if she does, they are going to realize that she is his doctor. That would be suspicious. He suggests that she have a friend of hers sign it. She says she will see what she can do. Now she has patients to see. He isn't moving until she helps him.

    20. Natalia tells Zaid she wants to go home. He says that her mother will not let him be there. She says he can stay at the hotel. He says he will be all alone if she goes to live with her mother and Marcelo. He makes her feel guilty and she loses her appetite with his sad face. She wants it all to be like it was. Frustrated, he says he is trying to make everything like before. She needs to have a little patience.

    21. Tere tells Santiago to get another therapist and then they can date. Luisa walks in on them standing very close together as they are talking. She excuses herself. The door was open. Luisa looks shocked. Santiago asks if they know each other. It is evident they do!

    22. As Isela ices Alfonso's head, she thanks him for defending his sister but he never should have risked himself like that on his own. Alfonso says that is not what happened. His father hates him and this was the result of his rejection. Isela clarifies that Juan did that to him and declares it is all over for Juan. Her marriage is over and Juan will not bother him again. She willm ake sure Juan is out of the house today.

    23. Camila is still partying on her own and then her reality hits her.

    24. Santiago goes berserk and confronts a tearful Tere for prompting him to confide things to her that he never told anyone before. Luisa asks Tere if she is Santiago's doctor because if she is, that is not ethical because the two of them are friends. Santiago is taken aback that Luisa and Tere are friends. He accuses Tere of telling everything to Luisa. Tere denies that she ever did that. She lied because she loves Santiago and wanted to spend more time with him. Luisa is in a state of SHOCK hearing that. Santiago thinks that Tere got all of the info on him to blackmail him. He accuses her of giving his personal info to Nora. She denies it all. He demands to know who she told and slaps her. Luisa pushes him away. Now he beats women besides harassing them? He threatens to hit her in the face if she touches him again. They have a standoff as Tere cries. He admits to Luisa that Tere was the one who wrote the report on Leonor pretending that she was crazy. Luisa is incredulous. Tere apologizes but what she feels for Santiago has been controlling her. Luisa calls her crazy and tells her she needs therapy herself. He adds they together also made up the report on Zaid saying that he was having memory lapses. He leaves in a rage telling Tere this is not over and she has no idea what is coming. On her way out, Luisa says Tere knew that Zaid was lying to her. She and Santiago deserve each other.

    25. Luisa has a question for Zaid. When her father died, he argued that he had PTSD. She knows it was a lie. Santiago just told her the truth. Tere was supposed to have done the diagnosis but she never did. Zaid says that her brother hates her and that is why he said that. She says no and that Zaid is a murderer. Zaid thinks she is crazy. She tells him she is so very close in rpoving that he murdered both of her parents. He has no idea of how she is going to destroy him. Zaid says the judge will think she is a psychopath and needs psychiatric help because she is crazy. (Uh, technically speaking, psychopaths are not crazy) Lisa says when the judge finds out he bought a psychiatric report, he will not allow him to have access to Natalia. She calls him an imbecile as she leaves. His smirk disappears. He goes in to see Natalia and says it was her mother who was there. She wants to keep them a part. He is afraid that he is going to have to do something that neither she or he will not like but it will need to be done so they can be together like before.

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    26. Ben harasses Ana at the casino as she is taking notes on what is going on.
    She tells him to leave her alone. Roberta sees her.

    27. Isela has Juan's suitcases packed as he comes in. He asks about the suitcases. She reminds him that she said she wanted him out of the house, so she packed for him so he can go right now. He argues and she tells him that she knows that he hit Alfonso. He explains that Alfonso came into his office to steal from him. She knows that he hates Alfonso and she will not allow him to treat him like he did ever again nor will he treat any of her children that way. She putting all of her property in the names of her children. He says that Sofía doesn't even know her. No matter how much money she gives her, she will never love her like a mother. She tells him at least she has the satisfaction of knowing that she is her child not like him who isn't her father. (Whoospie!!) Juan is shocked with that news.

    28. Zaid, Natalia and Enzo arrive at Luisa's house. Enzo says that there isa a charge that has been filed against her. Zaid says it is a charge for the psycho-emotional damage she has done to his daughter and he will not allow it any more. She calls him a liar. She would never hurt her daughter. Natalia disagrees. He is not a liar. She thinks that Natalia is bad because she wants to destroy their family. As Zaid strokes Natalia's hair, a tearful Luisa begs Natalia to tell her why she is doing this. Natalia doles not look her in the face. Enzo arrests Luisa for child abuse. Luisa argues her side but Natalia keeps her eyes on the floor. We see a flashback where Natalia agrees to tell one lie to make Zaid happy again. He also tells her if her mother ends up with Marcelo, they will probably have a child who will be their priority and not her. She says Zaid is doing this only because she asked him for a divorce. Enzo says a judge will sort this all out. Zaid carries Natalia out. In the presence of Santiago, Ana tells Luisa not let Zaid win. She should tell the authorities about what is going on at the casino. Santiago says if Luisa were to say that, he would say that he saw her hit her own child. Luisa says she is not saying anything about anything but she is not doing it for him. She tells Ana to call Marcelo. Enzo handcuffs her and takes her to the police.

    29. Juan has now sat down and wants to know why Isela never told him that he wasn't Sofía's father. He demands to know who Sofía's real father is. She makes it clear that she will NEVER tell him.

    30. Outside of the house, Luisa tells Enzo that he should also be arresting Zaid for several crimes: he lied in his declaration against Marcelo; he is tied to acts of corruption; he falsified a medical report and by doing so obstructed an ongoing investigation. Enzo asks if she is sure about these accusations. She says if he doubts her, he should drop by the VIP casino. She assures him he will find a a trail of breadcrumbs that he can follow. Enzo puts Luisa on his car and advises Zaid to go to the police station so he can be questioned.

    31. Juan cannot believe any man would want to get involved with Isela wiht ow she is. He knows it couldn't be him at fault. He drove María crazy in bed. She sees him as being full of resentment because he could never reach her level. That is why he never could satisfy her. The man who was Sofía's father DID drive her crazy in bed and truly loved her. She asks if it hurts him not being Sofía's father. She wants him to take a DNA test so she she can stick it to him that Sofía is not his daughter.

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    32. Marcelo and Felipe listen to what Ana has to say at the police station. She says what she has to tell them has noting to do with Luisa or her charge. Zaid changed part of the casino into a place for illegal betting, drug sales and prostitution. Felipe says he knew it and that it had something to do with the illegal money transfer to Hong Kong. Felipe wants to report it. Ana stops him. She agrees that It might help Beatriz and Luisa but it turns out that she, Santiago and Juan are all Zaid's accomplices.

    33. Enzo questions Luisa who calls Natalia the thing she loves the most in the world. Luisa was raised in an environment of love without any violence and that is what she wants for her child, too. When Enzo asks about what Natalia said, Luisa blames Zaid for manipulating her daughter. THAT is violence. He wants to remove Natalia because he knows that will hurt her the most. Enzo says that if they go to the casino( a family business) and find drugs, more family members than Zaid could be caught up in charges. She says it it were up to her, she would close the casino tomorrow. She tells him to investigate. He will most likely find drugs. He also needs to look for the false report that talks about Zaid's mental state.

    34. Felipe is impatient and wants to get Beatriz out now let the chips fall where they may. Ana explains to him that she is very loyal to her father Juan and if she is in prison, it is to protect him. She asks him again to not say anything for right now. Felipe agrees to try to find another way to trap Zaid but if that doesn't work, he will go with the information she gave him.

    35. Camila wakes up at BeaTriz's . She found her passed out and took her there. She asks how could she have done this to herself while taking chemo? She gives her the short lecture. it is her life and she can do what she wants. She can then call everyone who loves her and cause them even more pain by telling them she doesn't care what happens to her. She is going to die anyway. Roberta give her her phone so she can call all of these people and tells them she doesn't care about them. Camila admits she never thought about things that way.

    36. Isela wants Cris to do a DNA test with "Sofía". Cris asks her if she is sure that this "Sofía" is the real Sofía. Isela says that she passed a DNA test.

    37. Roberta understands Camila since she herself has made so many mistakes in her life. Now, she is without Ana. She is willing to accept being without her if she doesn't not deserve her. Camila tells her to fight for Ana. Roberta tells Camila that she nees to fight fo rher life. Camila cries.

    38. Marcelo pushes Zaid at the police station and asks how dare he make his daughter tell lies about her mother. Zaid insists that Natalia is telling the truth. Marcelo insists he will see him rot in jail. Zaid asks how he will do that and Marcelo punches him in the mouth. Enzo arrests Marcelo for disturbing the peace. He will be cooling his heels for a few hours.

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    39. Just as Alfonso is going to kiss Rita, they hear Isela. Rita moves to the other side of the room. Isela drops by. She is so glad they are getting along better. Isela is going to lay down. Alfonso cannot control himself. They decide to go get a coffee. She hands him the plastic bag with the USB drive.

    40. Cris has arranged for one of his businessman friends to go over a business plan with her. She has baked him special heart cake to thank him. She gave him her heart a while ago.

    41. Enzo tells Zaid he finds it very strange that he is the only person who has complained about Luisa's treatment of Natalia. Zaid says that the Grajales would not talk to anyone outside of the family. That is why he had to look out for the well-being of his daughter. Enzo says they will need more witnesses and will have to do certain physical and psychological exams of his daughter. Zaid hopes they do so because he feels that Luisa is acting out of her revenge for him. That is the real Luisa Grajales.

    42. Camila apologizes for causing so much worry for Isela but she couldn't accept that her life was going to be so different. Isela understands. She tells Camila that she asked her father to move out. Camila smiles and asks if she is her mother. Isela says she is her "new" mother. Isela wants to go to the beach. Camila says that sounds good but not now because she has to take care of herself. Iñaki magically appears and is happy to hear that. Isela will let them chat.

    43. Juan shows up at Cris' house. He tells him that Isela told him that Sofïa is not his daughter this morning. She had an affair with another man. Juan says the only fool that found her attractive was Cris. Cris explains that he and Isela were only friends. He suggests that Juan take a DNA test with Sofía and get over the doubt already. He doesn't know why he hasn't done it yet unless he knows that "Sofïa" is not the real one.

    44. Camila apologizes to Iñaki. She was foolish and made a mistake. He never should have left her alone. He may not understand what she is going through but he wants to be with her. She wants to be with him and they make up.

    45. Enzo tells Zaid and Luisa that the accusations they are making against each other do not have overwhelming evidence to prove them so he cannot retain them. They are free to go. They both agree to cooperate with the police. Since they are both under investigation, they cannot leave the state or get involved in any problems. Luisa warns Zaid that he won't be getting off scot-free, he will pay for each of his crimes. She will find any loose end that there is.

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    another 45. After they leave, Enzo makes a call to get the officers together for a special taskforce.

    46. Enzo has a special team show up at the casino with a search order which is presented to Ben.

    47. Marcelo goes to see the judge. He understands that the investigation in the Alejandro Grajales murder case has been paused for a lack of evidence. The judge admits they are stuck. Marcelo thinks he can get the evidence they need: False statements that Zaid made to incriminate him. Zaid said he suffered from PTSD and obtained a false medical statement attesting tonthat. . Marcelo says more than that. He can take him to the psychiatrist who falsified the report so she can confess to him herself. Marcelo says that Zaid did all that because he is the real murderer.

    48. The officers report back to Enzo that they have found nothing illegal at the casino. Roberta asks Ben what the police are doing there. She wonders where the regular clientele and the girls are. All he can tell her is that she is fired as of now. They will contact her about selling their "merchandise" some place else. She tells him that she is done with them and leaves.

    49. Natalia is concerned about her mother. Did they scold her?Did she cry? is she angry with her. Zaid assures her that everything is gong to be fine. She wants to a talk to her. Zadi says later. He doesn't want Luisa saying anything that might hurt her. She asks if Marcelo knows that she lied. Zaid says she needn't worry about that. She says but Marcelo is good, Zaid insists that Marcelo isn't good. He is why she had to lie.

    50. Ana has had it with Santiago's criticism of Luisa. She tells him how she has been the pillar that has kept the family going after their mother's death. He says Luisa hasn't told her that they are on the verge of bankruptcy then. Marcelo lost millions of dollars. Ana thinks it is a lie. He gives her the details. He asks whose side is she going to be on. Luisa's or his because he is open to doing whatever he has to to save them from that "pillar."

    51. Ana talks to Luisa about what Santiago said. She says it wasn't her fault. Luisa says it was. She didn't pay enough attention to what she was doing. Ana still supports her. She is also willing to say she was responsible for mistreating Natalia emotionally and psychologically. Luisa will not allow her to do that. She makes her swear she will not do it.

    52. Alfonso is having a hard time seeing what is on the USB drives. They are all encrypted. He is sure that Juan did it on purpose. What to do? Have sex of course!

    53. Zaid and Luisa meet with the divorce judge. Zaid does not feel like he is being compensated for seven years of marriage with the current division of marital property. Luisa says all she is asking for is complete custody of her daughter. Zaid says that he wants the same thing. The judge will male a decision about the custody child now.

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    54. Felipe tells Beatriz that he almost has the proof that he needs to get her out. She acts dumb and asks what proof?? He says to trust him and he will do his best to make sure that her father is not charged with anything because of Zaid. He tells her that Zaid did the same thing to Ana and Santiago. Beatriz hates Zaid. He says he doesn't have the USB drive but that Zaid did so much to so many people there is a loose end somewhere. He asks whendoes she she wants her wedding. They can get married tomorrow if she likes. She is surprised and overjoyed.

    55. Ana does exactly what he sister told her not to do making a false statement about saying terrible things to her niece to Enzo. Roberta drags her out of the office and asks her why she is doing such a thing. Luisa called her. Roberta says she can turn herself in also for the crimes she committed. Enzo wants to know what is going on. Roberta is going to spill the beans on everything she did and knows. She sold drugs. She only wants Ana to be dismissed from her false statement. Enzo agrees. Roberta tells all she knows. Ana cries.

    56. Camila wonders about death. Iñaki proposes to her. Camila turns him down. She is going to die.

    57. The judge tells Zaid that if he falsified his testimony in a murder case, he cannot trust him with the custody of a minor. Zaid reminds the judge about the pending investigation of Luisa for child abuse. She says there is no proof. The judge says since they are both under investigation for crimes, custody of Natalia is being transferred to the state. She will be placed in a group home.

    58. Camila thanks Iñaki for being there for her. She loves him. They kiss.

    59. Luisa tells Zaid that he needs to withdraw his charge against her and stop the farce. She doesn't want to see Natalia in a group home. Zaid wants her to withdraw her suit for custody. Marcelo comes in with his mother and says that Natalia is HIS daughter and Zaid stole her from him. His mother is there as a witness. He is also there to say that the Grajales murder case has been reopenend and the principal suspect is Zaid. Zaid doesn't care what he sayss. They have no evidence. Marcelo wants custody right then and there. The judge says that is not possible.His application for custody is still in process. Luisa suggests Natalia's maternal grandmother María. Zaid starts blabbering about her being the lover of a married man. Maria admits to the affair which is long over but swears to protect Natalia with all of her love. The judge calls for a recess.

    60. Ana tells Roberta that Zaid should be in jail and not her. Roberta says she had to pay for what she did sooner or later. Roberta tells her that whatever they had is over. She doesn't want to hear what Ana has to say and tells Ana to go.Ana says she will not leave her alone and goes.

    61. Isela catches "Sofïa" and Alfonso having sex.


  27. Another pair of great episodes. No time to edit. : (

  28. Marea

    Jarifa, I had most of my comment typed and hit something that brought up gifs and in backing out of them I lost it all! So here I go again. The scene with Roberta packing up after the maid came to the door confused me. I thought it was the neighbor or landlady that we saw once when Gael was being hidden there. I thought Roberta was being evicted and was confused when Camila ended up at her apartment. Thanks for clearing that up. USB encrypted, what to do, have sex, made me laugh....
    I also didn't realize Ana was "confessing" to emotionally abusing Natalia. I thought she was admitting her involvement in the rapes of her friends she gave the VIP passes to. Another crime Zaid is on the hook for, much worse than the prostitution ring.

    So is Nora's story done? One character we may see no more, along with her ex and his mother.

    Single episodes will be nice for you, and us. It's hard to remember everything that occurs in the 2 hour show.

  29. OT
    From what I searched it seems la historia de Juana begins Sept 30th. Not sure which show it replaces, possibly Marea.

  30. MAREA

    Jarifa, such a masterful, play by play narrative of everything that transpired. Done exceptionally well as always. My heavens, the verbal sparring and angry tirades flew at the speed of sound (literally).

    Loved "handy hand" and "Zaid says the judge will think she is a psychopath and needs psychiatric help because she is crazy. (Uh, technically speaking, psychopaths are not crazy)" :)

    "Luisa pushes him away. Now he beats women besides harassing them?... He admits to Luisa that Tere was the one who wrote the report on Leonor pretending that she was crazy...Tere apologizes but what she feels for Santiago has been controlling her". What are the odds of deranged Santiago getting therapy from someone equally as sick? The deranged and their ilk.

    "She tells him at least she has the satisfaction of knowing that she is her child not like him who isn't her father. (Whoospie!!) Juan is shocked with that news". It was satisfying seeing his shocked expression; how well he suspected Cris. I did love that Cris gave him the dig about being sure Sofia was THE Sofia.

    "Alfonso is having a hard time seeing what is on the USB drives. They are all encrypted. He is sure that Juan did it on purpose. What to do? Have sex of course!" HA!

    I didn't see the last scene where Isela walked in on Sofia and Alfonso (!) That should be an interesting follow up convo!!

    I was also disappointed not to see Helena (wherever it is that she landed) or Nora...Next time hopefully.

    I believe Fugitivas starts at 8 on 9/23. Juana will air at 9 starting on a later date.


  31. MAREA

    Kat, isn't it weird how easy it is still is for computers to eat up whatever you are working on and not know what happened? "Single episodes will be nice for you, and us. It's hard to remember everything that occurs in the 2 hour show." You can say that again. I cannot wait until Wednesday and single episodes. That plot line with Ana lying about abusing her niece emotionally really came out of left field; bizarre but entertaining in its own way. Ana is immature. Poor Enzo not knowing what to believe.

    I would think that Nora's story is over since she was moving to another city to start her own business with her settlement , but who knows? This novela has surprised me more than once. I sure hope that if Helena is no longer a part of the plot, we see her under a palapa with a piña colada on a beach somewhere.

    Diana, thanks. "What are the odds of deranged Santiago getting therapy from someone equally as sick? The deranged and their ilk." Great description. That is such a twisted situation. I loved Luisa's reaction when she realized how taken Tere was with her brother!! Ewwww! Hopefully they will start off the next episode with the sex scene. I wonder if they are going to have to help Isela off the floor after she got that eyeful of the canoodling.

    Just thinking about Isela. She could very well end up alone with her mental illness at the end of this all: still no Sofía, a possibly dead Camila, an estranged Alfonso and divorced from Juan.

  32. OT

    With info from Kat and Diana it looks like the evening offerings will be (CST since I am in Chicago):

    9/23 7:00 Fugitivas

    9/30 8:00 La historia de Juana

    9/18 9:00 Pedro el escamoso (season 2 with 23 episodes; Colombian telenovela) The first season dates from 2001-2003 and had 326 episodes. It was a mega hit. From the couple of episodes from season 1that I have seen on Netflix, it seems to be a comedy with a heart.

    BUT 26 episodes will be over in no time.
    What will follow "Pedro" in the late night slot?

  33. Marea

    I actually thought Luisa referred Santiago to Theresa for help with his problems. I figured they were friends and she used her as a therapist as needed. I certainly can't see what appeal Santiago has for any woman, especially if he is impotent and abusive, which she knows all too well.

    Wow 326 episodes of a show. Not so sure I will search that one out. I do like the Colombian TNs though. (Telemundo is doing a rerun of Nuevo Rico, Nuevo Pobre. Comedic also so I'm watching it as lighter fare than these darker novelas).

  34. OT

    Kat, 326 is way too many for me. I watched the first and last episodes to get a flavor of the novela after seeing the “leading man” with a mullet. Too funny. I like comedies the best and we don’t get many of those on Univision or Telemundo. Glad to hear that Telemundo is showing one.

  35. Marea

    Jarifa, thanks for again doing double duty on the double episodes which is a big commitment of time !!

    Luisa is barking right back at devil dog Zaid , but she wasn't smart telling him she suspects he murdered her parents .That is really poking the bear. I guess Lisa has never played poker and doesn't know how to keep her cards close to the chest.

    I dont think we have seen the last of Helena . She has to reemerge and discover that she is Sofia.

    I thought Juan knew that Sofia wasn't his daughter , and that's why he made her disappear. Evidently as a child, Alonso witnessed what happened to Sofia but is blocking it from his mind.

    Poor Natalie has become a pawn in Zaid's games. Susan

  36. OT I will give Fugitives and Juana a try. Not interested in wacky Pedro.

  37. Marea

    Thanks so much Jarifa. These are action packed episodes and I don’t know how you can watch and recap them. It’s like having a part time job. Or maybe full time! But you get in every event and make it a “must read” event!

    I’m one of those that thought Juan got rid of Sophia because he knew she wasn’t his. Is he just pretending to be surprised or do we have to come up with a whole new theory for Sophia’s disappearance.

    I also was confused about the packing of clothes and then Ana’s confession I thought she was confessing about the VIP passes. The apartment was always Roberta’s so it makes more sense that the housekeeper came for Ana’s things.

    I agree that Helena will definitely appear. Nora may not. And I’m glad Alfonso warned Marcelo about Juan. Alonzo needs to get all those USBs to the police. I’m sure it’s all the shady financial deals, even Marcelo’s hotel stuff. Juan has no loyalty to any of his children.


  38. MAREA

    Susan and Liz, when am I going to start being so gullible??? Why would I ever believe Juan was surprised at Isela's announcement??

    He's cruel, spiteful and delusional but I was surprised he would sell his own daughter. But the way he treats Alfonso made me think he did.

    I'm looking forward to finding out all the details.

    "I wonder if they are going to have to help Isela off the floor after she got that eyeful of the canoodling". HA Jarifa!! Do I have any pity for her? No, I don't. She is a terrible mother and a horrid human being.


  39. Marea

    Diana , there isn't a shortage of truly awful people in this show . Zaid leads the parade with the murders and all the other horrendous deeds he has done ...but then we have horrible Juan, hissyfitting, chronically cranky Santiago , Debbie Downer Isela,creepy minion Ben ...ugh. I guess telenovelas ate supposed to make us grateful that nobody this awful is in our orbits.
    P.s. I couldn't believe Juan hit Alfonso in the head with that vase!!;


  40. MAREA

    Susan, you are welcome. "Luisa is barking right back at devil dog Zaid , but she wasn't smart telling him she suspects he murdered her parents .That is really poking the bear. I guess Lisa has never played poker and doesn't know how to keep her cards close to the chest." Love your evaluation of Luisa's approach. I wonder how old she is supposed to be. Again, I find her so immature. Guess my age is showing. . .

    Liz, you are welcome. It is commenters like you, Susan, Diana and Kat who keep me going. Your comments make me feel like I am doing something worthwhile. If nobody commented, it wouldn't be worth my time. I find it much more fun watching a novela with others than watching on my own.

    "Alonzo needs to get all those USBs to the police. I’m sure it’s all the shady financial deals, even Marcelo’s hotel stuff." I totally agree that Alfonso needs to have the police sort out the mess of the USBs. He doesn't have the knowledge the police have to be able to open the drives.

    Diana, I have to believe Juan when he says he is a coward and give the writers for creating very nuanced character. Isela is just as bad as Juan in her own way. Looks like somebody will have to tell her the truth about "Sofía" soon.

    Susan, "I couldn't believe Juan hit Alfonso in the head with that vase!!" Me either. He was like a cornered animal.

  41. Marea

    Jarifa, I have enjoyed reading your excellent recaps so much over the years and appreciate all the time and talent you invest in them. I would be lost without them . It is so much fun sharing these wild and crazy stories and characters together . susan
