
Monday, September 02, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of September 2, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor*

*My DirecTV Guide shows no episode on Friday, September 6.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. El Conde, Monday, pt. 1 of 3

    Whoa. Mariana tells Cordelia and Ger that she is willing to let Cordelia get to know Gabi, little by little. Gerardo is very concerned. About his campaign.

    David and Lorena are friends (?) again. I thought she wasn’t seeing him anymore. David shows her things about the deaths of her grandparents. He says he has a moral obligation to find out the truth. Isn’t he like 18? Maybe he should go to college first?

    Ger wants to explain Cordelia and Gabi but Mari isn’t having any of it. She’s mad, y’all.

    Caya tells Ale she admires him but he says one day she’ll realize he isn’t the man she thinks he is.

    Javier tells David he’s going to be a father and wants a congrats. Eye roll because he’s about 18 too. Meanwhile, Jose is telling Antonio about the escuincle hanging with her granddaughter IN PUBLIC! She is still set of Sofie marrying Brendan. Javier does mention being concerned about being a young father, so he’s not a complete idiot.

    Lucrecia chats with Amaranta about the duchess coming to see her nephew, the “marquis”. Lucrecia thinks is odd she’s never seen his face.

    The “marquis” is hanging with his new BFF, Ruben, at the bar, where the song about being a bad thief plays in the background. Ruben offers to help Pedro with his future new wife and Pedro has a look on his face like he has a plan for Ruben that Ruben isn’t going to like. But Rubin is too busy ogling the women to realize.

    Dolores talks to Vio about passion, and how Pedro doesn’t get near her (?). I think she wants passion and isn’t getting it? Or maybe she’d put out if Pedro wanted it? Whatever she said, Vio doesn’t like it.

    Caye looks great in a tight black dress. She talks to Ricardito, who is trying to fix something that belonged to his grandmother. A music box innard, I think.

    Dolores finally gets the ring she wants from Pedro/Francisco. He points out how expensive it was while trying not to roll his eyes at her. They get busy with that whole “passion” thing she wanted. This is not going to end well.

    Josi busts into Sofia’s room to manhandle Sofia and yell about Javier. Then she gets super violent and punches Sofia in the stomach! This is not an easy scene to watch. Josi has way crossed a line. Sofia cries and yells for her mother while getting the stuffing beat out of her by her GRANDMOTHER. I wonder if Brendan would help get her out of this situation at home. I don’t trust Grandpa Gringo but Brendan seems like a good kid. Pau finally gets to the room and gets between Sofia and Josi. Then she gets a slap from Josi, and Pau finally hits back! There is a lot of yelling and Josi wants to take Sofia to see if the golfa- she calls her granddaughter a golfa- is pregnant. She’s not stupid about the nausea. Felipe comes in but he’s useless so far.

  2. El Conde, Monday, pt. 2 of 3

    Pedro wakes up with Dolores. Ugh. It was the best night of Dolores’s life and she wants to go at it again. But Pedro doesn’t want to get caught. He kicks her out in gentle way, but really I think he wants to go back to sleep.

    Sofia fills in Felipe about hearing a boy in her room and finding the hankie. Felipe says he’s in charge of his family, not her. But he blames Pau for everything. He’s worse than useless. Josi lets him know they can take care of her after the wedding.

    The marchesa! And Bonitilla, her little doggie. She’s wearing a great turban as she is welcomed to the Conde abode by Memo, who has the patience of a saint when dealing with her and everyone else.

    Caye, who is more mechanically inclined that you’d expect, fixes the music box and the song or the box triggers a memory, as you knew it would. her memory is of her as a kid getting a music box from some gross old guy smoking a giant cigar (Vic). Her dad comes home. That’s it. Caye cries in present day for her papa.

    Ger talks to someone about a favor regarding someone who is causing him problems.

    Lucrecia comes into the kitchen yammering about something and then notices that Caye is upset. She tells Lu that she saw her dad’s face and heard him call her Amelia. She doesn’t understand why if her name is Cayetana. She uses an oven mitt to dry her tears, making me chuckle a little, and gets Lu to go with her to do something important. We don’t know what yet.

    The Marchesa is being annoying to Memo and is at least trying with the Spanish accent. Sort of. She’s old and doesn’t want to leave without seeing her nephew, to whom she is going to leave her entire fortune. She remembers him very well. But does she?

    Pedro and Ruben talk about stuff, including that the hotel Pedro is saying in belongs to Vicente. Ruben is surprised. He doesn’t think highly of Vic. I dn't remember how they know each other.

    Dolores talks to Teresa about her ring and her lover boy. Vic and Vio celebrate the upcoming marriage. Vic is happy because the marquis is very smart about investing. Ha! Or maybe he said the conde? But still. Teresa is shocked that Dolores slept with her beloved but Dolores thinks it’s ok because she’s all I love and they are getting married. Teresa doesn’t want details, which is totally understandable. Vic and Vio toast all this and Vio isn’t impressed but has to keep her mouth shut.

    Nanny is in the kitchen prepping food when Josi comes in, grabs a knife, and holds it to her throat while threatening her about the whole Sofia situation. She threatens to kill her if she tells anyone about what is going on in the house. I assume Josi is concerned about Mari, as much as the rest of high society? And now we’ll get to find out if Nanny has a backbone or not. They could all move in with el conde, who seems pretty cool with taking in anyone who needs help. I’m sure there is room for Sofia, Pau, Nanny, Javier. Josi hasn’t had to threaten Rodrigo and Leticia (parents of Javier) yet so they should be ok for now.

  3. El Conde, Monday, pt. 3 of 3

    The doc comes to see Sofia and Josi asks is Sofia is still a virgin. Eww. The honor of the family depends on Sofia’s purity. More ewww. The doc lies and says she is. He also points out the bruises on her body and mentions her illness. Pau says something to the effect of I hope you’re happy to Josi. She mouths a thanks to the doctor from behind Josi where Josi can’t see, so the doc is still in on the virginity conspiracy. Too bad he can't tell the police but then we wouldn't have a novela.

    Nanny runs to Mari to tell, so good on her! Nanny is so worried about Sofia but Mari says she’s not alone and Mari invites her to stay with them, but Nanny wants to know what to do about Sofia. She thinks they’ll be locked in the house now.

    Felipe yells at Pau and Sofia and almost calls her a slut but Pau says don’t you dare insult your daughter. He thinks Pau isn’t worth anything as wife or mother. Sofia tries to defend her mom but Felipe tells her to shut it. And that they are going to be locked in the house until the wedding. Nanny was right.

    Ruben checks out the pics in the hotel, the old ones, when Vic comes in to yell at someone. Ruben hides his face- so Vic would recognize him?- until Vic leaves. Kinda seemed like he knows something about that pic of the partner and the girl (Cayetana)? Or maybe he just knew the partner?

    Cordelia meets Ramiro and I missed why. But scary music plays in the background so this can’t be good. I suppose this is who Ger wanted taken care of, but I thought Ramiro was a less bad guy now. We shall see.

    Memo welcomes the Marquis to el conde’s house and Memo says he’s glad he’s there because his aunt, the marchesa is there. Pedro tries to beg off the meeting saying he’s not ready, tries to leave but picks up the dog, asking what’s this, and then tries to use the dog to hide his face when the marchesa comes in. She uses what look like binoculars to see him. If she’s old and blind, he may just get away with this and get more money to boot!

    Seems Ramiro was pretending to be a taxi driver and forces Cordelia out of the car, tells her she messed with the wrong man (Gerardo), and then we hear a shot as the scene goes dark. Did he forget about his becoming a father and really shoot her? Tune in tomorrow!


  4. Conde

    K, thank you for that excellent recap of all the dramatic drama.

    That scene of Jo punching her tiny , pregnant granddaughter in the stomach was awful. Jo gets worse and worse . Her anvil is dangling .

    The scene between vapid , clueless Dolores and smirking Pedro was cringe worthy. Lets see if she gets pregnant, too.

    The actress playing the marquesa was just killed off in "Marea de Pasiones." She was funny here with her bright red outfit and little doggie using opera glasses to get a closer look at Pedro.

    I guess we are supposed to feel the call of the blood because RIC and Jr. Because both wear their hats 24\7.

    Vic and Ruben both testified against Ale in court. I think that Vic forced Ruben to testify.

    I guess Ramiro is not actually on paternity leave. This guy is scary looking .

    We don't see Ale much considering that he is the galan. Susan

  5. Conde
    Thanks K. Great recap and asides. I'm thinking David is 19 and a college student which is where he met Lorena. In an early episode I think he told Ger he wanted to change majors from a Political Science type of degree to journalism or writing, though I don't think he told Ger what he wanted to switch to, just that his father's choice for his major didn't suit him.

    Honestly in the 50s I don't think the doctor reporting Sofia's abuse would get very her far. Women still had limited rights ( thanks to a patriarchal society) in the US and I imagine it was even more so in Mexico. Corporal punishment was the norm; a spare the rod spoil the child mentality.

    I caught on that Ger was calling Ramiro about his problem(Cordelia). All I could think is Steve B. Was right. Sofia will get beat up by Josie and lose the baby and that Cordelia wasn't long for this world

    Are you watching Marea? I almost thought to myself Leonora died in Marea but she is alive and well on Conde as a duchess. Not sure if it is the same a tress but I had the impression it was her. I couldn't find any credits naming the duchess though so I will leave it to others who may have seen her before to tell me if I am correct.

    Yes, the conde needs to rescue and give safe harbor to Pau and Sofia.

  6. Conde,
    Susan, I was tying up my observations while yours was posted, then I read yours and see i was right about Leonora being the duchess...I knew someone else was watching both these TN's and that a more seasoned viewer would be able to recognize the actress.

    K: Awesome job with the recap of last night's episode. I tried to WARN all of you that Sofia was going to lose the baby.

    Kat in SC: I called it! Cordelia got all uppity & got whacked! Blabbermouth Mariana is all but Gabriela's new mother for the foreseeable future at this point.

    Don't be shocked if Paulina gets whacked including Javier & his parents.

    Gotta up the Body Count 🤔

  8. conde

    Many thanks, K, for this great recap of an exciting and rather disturbing episode.

    I was happy when Mari insisted to Cordelia that she, Mari, was Gabriela's mother. I was thus not at all pleased when she eventually told Cordelia that she'd have to get to know Gabriela little by little. Geez, Mari, you were right the first time!

    Yes, K, I think Dolores wants passion from the Marquis and isn't getting it. And she's right--he has shown her very little passion, and to my surprise she's sensitive enough to have noticed this. But I wonder whether she's sensitive enough to recognize that in spite of the one episode of sex, she's still not getting passion from him. (Perhaps Vio's words of wisdom may have done some good.)

    And then there's the Duchess! I've assumed from the start that she is simply part of El Conde's scheme, and her totally absurd behavior in last night's episode confirmed that for me. Oh well, given some of the nasty behavior we're seeing (Josie, Ramiro, etc.), I guess some absurd, over-the-top comedy is welcome.

    Thanks for your explanation of Cayetana's flashback as she's fixing the music box. I knew it involved Caye as a child, her father, and Vicente, but I wasn't sure how to put that all together.

    I think Josie not only threatens Nanny--she also fires her and gives her 30 minutes to leave the house. It will be interesting to see how much Nanny is now willing to reveal.

    I'm not 100% sure that Ramiro kills Cordelia. Frankly, I hope the shot we heard does kill her, but the fact that we didn't see it makes me a bit suspicious. I guess we'll find out tonight. Meanwhile, thanks again!

    Juanita: Cordelia still dies & Blabbermouth Mariana is all but Gabriela's new mother throughout the remainder of this Telenovela.

    On the Duchess: Are we're sure she's part of Alejandro/Joaquin's plan ? 🤔

  10. conde

    Wow! K, that was a fantastic and VERY witty recap. So many clever asides!

    Yes, they showed David and Lorena reconciling when they ran into each other at Casa Conde.

    I really loved Mari telling Gerardo to shut it and reaming him perfectly about the lie about Gabriela's humble mother and her having died in childbirth. In some small part of his evil heart, he loves her still and seeing how she despises him now must hurt. Good!

    Thanks, K, for mentioning the bad thief song. That's definitely Pedro's theme song and it's played during his scenes often.

    Maybe Violeta sees herself in Dolores and saw some red flags about the lack of passion. Speaking of that, I guess we're supposed to believe Pedro has some skilz in the sack. But, come on. That morning after scene had to have been written by a male writer. Virgin, first time ever, and it was the greatest night of her life. Please.

    I laughed at "as you knew it would" about the music box triggering something for Caye. And I also laughed at "at least she's trying" with the Duquesa's sorta, kinda European Spanish accent.

    Ruben was a ranch hand on the Gallardo's ranch and Vic was someone in a managerial role. I remember Vic catching Ale looking at the books and being furious. Ruben and Vic both testified at Ale's "trial" that he wasn't with them when the shots killing the Aguilars were heard.

    I'm 100% convinced that the Duquesa is a fabrication and planted by Ale. This whole nobility line was made up by Ale and no such family likely exists. It will be interesting to see tonight how that goes. I'm pretty sure she's going to pretend to recognize him to keep the game going.

    I certainly hope Cordelia hasn't been killed. And I understand Mari's agreeing for her to be in Gaby's life. It shows her kindness and more people loving a child can't be bad.

  11. Conde

    Gracias, K. Your recap is a delight.

    Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that's the late Helena Rojo portraying the marquesa. I was surprised to see her in this role because earlier in the TN she portrayed Ale's poor suffering mother.

    1. Niecie - Luz Maria Jerez is the countess. She played Leonor in Marea de Pasiones

  12. conde

    Thanks for another entertaining recap, K.

    Ha, ha, Pedro needed to sink several drinks before bedding Dolores. It’s often the girl who has regrets the next morning, but Pedro looked sick with regret. You’d think he was the virgin. Susan: “Lets see if she gets pregnant, too.” Possibly, because Pedro is that stupid.

    I thought all the young ones were still in high school. I could be wrong.
    Josie reached another low in this episode. I’m glad the doctor mentioned Sofia was beaten. That smack Pau delivered to Josie was so satisfying.

    You’re right novelera, Ruben worked on the Gallardo ranch. He wanted in on Vic’s shady dealings and got shot for his overreaching ambitions. That’s how he acquired that limp.

    What was the point of bringing Cordelia into the story only to kill her off so quickly. Is Ramiro going to make a mistake and get caught?

    I agree the Duchess is part of Ale’s plan.

    Dondi356: You & I both know Ruben will NOT be long for this world either because he's quickly becoming a liability to Scumbag Pedro's plans.

    The music box triggered Cayatena ? Not shocking. More flashbacks of Vic molesting her ugh.

    Plus, be prepared for the increase in the Body Count.

  14. conde

    Novelera, I disagree with you about Cordelia. I hope Ramiro kills her. I don't see Gabriela's having two mothers as more people loving her; rather, it's two people competing to be the better mother, the one the child likes best, and though Mari might be gracious about the relationship, I suspect that Cordelia would be trying to undermine Mari at every turn. Mari doesn't deserve still more problems. (I should add that though I hope we've seen the last of Cordelia, my guess is that we haven't.)

  15. conde

    #45 – Part 1 of 3

    We don’t see what happened to Cordelia, but later Ramiro reports to Gerardo that she’s at the bottom of a lake.

    Mari has called the hotel and finds out that Cordelia is gone. [This seems odd to me; I didn’t think she was leaving town, just going out somewhere.] Nanny, now living at Casa Villareal, tells Mari she’s not surprised; the woman left her child once already.

    Ale, disguised in the same monk costume he wore before, approaches Ruben, who’s grooming a horse. He asks him about Beatriz.

    Three tough looking young men approach Javier in the street and give him an awful beatdown. He tells them he doesn’t have any money with him. He gets in one punch but it’s a bad beating, complete with kicks to his prone body. We see Antonio looking on and realize he set this up.

    Sofi is crying. We see the letter she’s written to Javier. “My love, in my house they found out about us. Don’t try to come to the hacienda. My father and grandmother are capable of killing you.” She’s in bed, recovering. Pau comes to look in on her, and Sofi asks her mother to get her letter to Javi. Pau tells her it’s going to be very difficult; they’re being watched all the time.

    The friar (Ale) tells Ruben that he knows he worked for the Gallardos. He says that Rodrigo invited him (Ale) to visit. He asks Ruben about the diamond he gave him. Ruben says that un desgraciado stole the diamond and killed his wife. Then he says that he was a bit drunk and arrived too late to save Beatriz (he’s lying). Ale asks him if he’d turn that killer into the police if he found him. Ruben quickly says he would because he stole the diamond. Ale says but, of course, the important thing is your wife's death. Ruben stammers that, yes, that's the important thing.

    As I suspected the Duquesa calls Pedro Francisco and asks for a hug. She pulls out all the stops at being a fond auntie. Memo is having a hard time keeping a straight face.

    Caye has come to see Pau. She wants her to do a dibujo (drawing) of a face she’ll describe, one she remembered. [Kind of like a forensic sketch artist who works with crime victims.]

    I’ll combine a couple of scenes with Pedro and La Duquesa. Pedro pours it on regretting not having contacted his family for so long. She asks him to come to Spain with her. Beaming a fake smile at her, he tells her he’s honoring his father’s last wish. He’s getting married. She says she’s dying to meet her and she’s sure she must be an elegant person. Pedro’s nose grows as he says how refined Dolores is. Memo’s eyes nearly fall out from rolling.

    The “friar” offers Ruben a job, but he says he’s working for the Marqués. Ale tells him he hopes he’ll do the right thing. "Remember you let an innocent be imprisoned." He hopes this won’t be repeated.


  16. conde

    #45 – Part 2 of 3

    Pau draws something. Caye says it’s her father! Pau asks Caye to get Sofi’s letter to Javier, and Caye puts it in her purse. Josie walks in smiling and faking being a decent human being. Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth toward the movie star who lives with a nobleman. After Caye leaves she sneers at Pau for drawing.

    Caye and Lucretia come to Leticia’s dressmaking shop. Caye gives Carmen the letter for Javier, after complimenting the styles.

    Ric has another attack of righteous indignation. He’s mad Ale got Ruben out of the slammer. He goes on to say that Lucretia will be very upset when she finds out about Pedro. Memo tells him that Ale has a need for Pedro; he’s going to ruin Vicente.

    Javier limps into his mother’s place of work all bloody. He tells his mother and Carmen that the men told him to stay away from Sofia. Carmen gives him Sofi’s letter. Eyes like saucers, he says they’ve been discovered.

    Caye tells Ale she remembers her father. She saw herself kissing him and that her father called her Amelia. She shows him the drawing.

    Mari and Pau talk. Mari is outraged at what Josie and Felipe did. Mari says she’ll talk to the Count about speeding things up. But Pau says that Javier’s father insists on Sofi being of age.

    Pedro comes to see the Count about the high-risk investments. Ale gives him the Charles Schwab warning about highs and lows in the stock market. Pedro passes over a check. He says the funds are from Vicente. Pedro is SO smug. He’s living in a fool’s paradise, even mentioning that he might start an investment firm himself. After he leaves. Ale: “Ay, Vicente. You put your future in the hands of Pedro. You fell into the trap!”

    The “Duquesa” is in Ale’s office. “If you had seen the efforts of that >chaval (rascally kid) to portray himself as a noble Spaniard." She calls him un pillo (sly rogue). [The accent continues while she speaks with Ale, so she is from Spain.] Ale tells her that these people think that having money makes them wise. They couldn’t even detect the difference between a nobleman and some guy off the street (Pablo). She thanks him, saying he helped her get back the fortune that was stolen. She calls him Joaquín. [I wondered if she was supposed to be related to Abbé Faria from the prison. But I thought they said early on that Ale couldn’t find any relatives and kept the whole hidden treasure.]

    Caye plays the music box for Ric, Jr. He thanks her for fixing it. [She’s just delightful when she’s not jealous of Ale.] Ric comes into the room and gets the cold shoulder. After Ric Jr. leaves, Caye tells him she’ll help bring Ric and his son together.

    Mari comes to see Ale. She tells him that Josie found out about Sofia and Javier and about the beating. Ale has to be restrained from going over there. She also tells him about Pau and Sofi being prisoners in their own home. The problem is that the Gallardos don’t want them to elope until she’s of age lest Felipe accuse Javier of kidnapping. Ale promises to find a solution. But he says he’ll act if they touch her again. He asks her not to put herself in danger, giving her a tender look.

  17. conde

    #45 – Part 3 of 3

    Teresa confides in Carmen about Dolores and Pedro having sex. Carmen says she knows that Pedro is bad, and that Dolores won’t be happy with him. [Remember how Pedro was nasty to Carmen when she was measuring his arm.]

    Josie and Dylan are together. So sickeningly sweet, she tells him she doesn’t want to take away the special day from Brendan and Sofia. ¡Nos adelantemos! We’ll go first. It will be a simple event, with only the family. Of course, he’s more than pleased.

    Rodrigo has come to see Felipe in a total rage. It’s a good thing Antonio is there, or Felipe would have ended up in the hospital. Rod is furious about his sending those men to beat up his son. With Antonio standing there to protect him Felipe says he’ll kill Javier if he comes near his daughter again. Rodrigo lunches and Felipe backs away. I’m surprised Antonio could stop him. Felipe insults Rodrigo’s family, calling them muertos de hambre. Very calmly Rodrigo says: “Gerardo and you are going to pay for everything you’re doing. You have my word.” Antonio looks very embarrassed during this whole scene. I suspect he’d like to let Rod have at the miserable creep.

    Josie and Dylan get married. Felipe looks sour.

    Dolores meets La Duquesa. She talks with food in her mouth, puts the snacks tray on her own lap until Pedro moves it back to the coffee table. She asks why Spaniards take siestas. She gets up at 11:00 AM and goes until late in the night. La Duquesa says she can’t stay for the wedding, but she’ll send a spectacular wedding gift. When Teresa leaves the room, Dolores tells her that her sister is poca cosa, insignificant, and doesn’t have HER charms.

    Teresa and Ric Jr. have made eye contact. She’s left the room and he’s fixing her shoe. They’re very cute together, and we see Ric peek through the door and smile.

    At the wedding party Brendan compliments Sofi. Josie starts gushing about how beautiful Sofi will be at the altar. And maybe soon there’ll be a baby.

    Caye comes to the Altamarina Hotel and is looking at those pictures on the mantel, the ones with Vic, her father and herself as a child. She starts crying. She remembers her father saying “Amelia, hija.” Violeta approaches and Caye gets even more distressed. [Does she recognize herself in the photo?]

    Ale has come to the wedding party at Casa Zambrano. It seems a month has passed since Mari came to see him. She says she’s been sticking close to make sure Josie doesn’t hurt Sofi. He says that the trip to Europe for Sofi and Javier is arranged. They leave the following week. She tells him he seems like a different man (from the one who coldly told her she should speak with Memo about the charities). He’s about to explain, looking sorry about that, when Gerardo walks up. Gerardo has to control himself, even though he seems to sense something between them. He wonders why Cayetana isn’t with him. Ale explains she’s finishing up the movie. Ale walks away from them abruptly. Gerardo wants to know what they were talking about. Mari makes up some simple thing.

    Memo gives Rodrigo Javier’s ticket for the voyage next week. Sofia will be of age, so Felipe can’t act against Javier. [Why am I so sure this won’t go as planned?]

    Ruben has sneaked into the main house to take a peek at the “famous” Count. He gets a look and whoops, seems to recognize him.

    Novelera: I told y'all it was only a matter of time before Ruben would figure out Alejandro & Joaquin are the same person.

    Javier in serious danger of getting whacked any moment now.

    I dont think "CONDE" will be airing tomorrow night due to Thursday Night Football between Baltimore Ravens vs Kansas City Chiefs.

  20. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. There is so much past history to keep track of in order to put all the present pieces together. Thanks for the reminders, such as Pedro dissing Carmen. ITA Caye is great outside of her jealousy. She's a sweetheart when she's trying to help Vi or Ric Jr.

    Kudos to Luz María Jerez (Anon @ 11:18, thanks for straightening me out) for using a Spaniard accent for the duquesa. A hoot seeing the duquesa take in stupid, smug, and crass Pedro and Teresa.

    I'm guessing we haven't seen the last of Cordelia, that Ramiro gave her a chance to run away.

  21. conde

    Muchas gracias, novelera, for another superlative recap! As always, I'm grateful for the Spanish you include, and I'm especially grateful for your translating the note that Sofia wrote to Javier. It went by too quickly for me to translate it.

    I enjoyed your comment "[Why am I so sure this won’t go as planned?]" I definitely share your skepticism. My guess is that there will be a scare about the baby Sofia is carrying, but since a month has apparently gone by since Madwoman Josie viciously beat up Sofia, I expected that problems would have occurred sooner. Then again, the problems may not have been caused by the beating but rather by Sofia's health issues.

    I didn't catch La Duquesa's statement about El Conde's helping her get back the money that had been stolen from her. I'm guessing that she's not related to Abbé Faria, but I could be wrong (it's been known to happen :-) )

    Loved your "Pedro's nose grows as he says how refined Dolores is. Memo’s eyes nearly fall out from rolling."

    Yes, it looks as if Ruben does recognize Ale. Oops.

    Juanita: Alejandro better do something about Ruben FAST!

  23. Conde

    Novelera, Thank you for that excellent recap if our story rolls along.

    Jo is brutal . She beat Sofi and had poor Javier beaten up by those ruffians .

    Antonio has been getting a funny look on his face as he watches Jo getting worse and worse. Will he eventually turn on her ? He knows a lot Of her dark secrets.
    Caye is starting to remember her past. Is she starting to finally give up on her obsession with the conde? Marjorie seems to enjoy her Marilyn Monroe type character.

    I bet Cordelia is still alive.

    I hope Ale and Mari get a HEA after the villains get their anvils. Susan

  24. Conde

    I think maybe I didn't click "submit" and lost my comment, so I'll try again.

    Gracias, Novelera. Super recap. I appreciate you including reminders of past history, like Pedro dissing Carmen when she was measuring him, to make the present clearer.

    Caye is great helping Vi and Ric Jr., but she's going to need help herself when she remembers her early past. I guess Ale is not aware of the photos in the hotel lobby.

    I'm betting Cordelia is still alive, that Ramiro gave her a chance to run away. She'll turn up like a bad penny.

    Kudos to Luz María Jerez [anon @ 11:18, thanks for straightening me out the actress] for springing a Spaniard accent. Fun watching her take in dumb and smug Pedro and Dolores.

    Susan: I don't see a happily ever after in this one (see "Yago" & "Ezel").

    Niecie: Scumbag Villarreal should've asked Ramiro if Cordelia is really dead. Hell, I would've shot her multiple times just to make sure.

    Those Karma anvils better be coming ASAP because "SED DE VENGANZA" is supposed to be replacing this Telenovela soon in the 9:00 PM CST timeslot unless Telemundo moves "VENGANZA" to 8:00 PM CST timeslot.

  26. Conde
    Thanks Novelera. I just finished the watching episode. Too tired last night to finish it. I had my opthalmologist appt today so my eyes were dilated and I waited to watch later. Another appointment in 2 weeks with a retina specialist to hopefully fix the macular hole in my left eye. This small print is especially difficult to read lately, but it made me aware of my problem sooner than later, so there is that. Hope I can do justice to tonight's episode.

  27. OT
    Kat, thinking of you and sending you good vibrations )))))))) susan

  28. conde

    Thanks for the first-class recap, novelera. Love the snark. “Ale gives him the Charles Schwab warning…”

    IIRC, Cordelia asked Ramiro, why did you stop? This isn’t the hacienda. Did Cordelia think she was going to stay with the Villarreals? Why would Ramiro lie about killing her? And if Ramiro did kill her, what was the purpose of her brief appearance?

    Memo told Ric that Ale planned to use Pedro to ruin Vic, Antonio, and Felipe. And that he hadn’t lost hope that Pedro would redeem himself along the way. I think that might happen when Pedro finally comes face to face with Lucrecia. The love and forgiveness she has in her heart could turn Pedro around.

    The Duchess looked horrified at Dolores’ behavior. As she should.

    I hope Caye gets the help she needs to get through her trauma. Good comment, Niecie, “I guess Ale is not aware of the photos in the hotel lobby.”

    I also think it won’t be that easy for Sofi and Javi to escape.

  29. Memo cracks me up in this. You know he has to be thinking to himself "deadpuppiesdeadpuppiesdeadpuppies" to keep from laughing at all the nonsense. And the duquesa's face didn't look very impressed by Dolores. I want to feel sorry for Dolores, having lost her mother and all, but she's making it hard. That knock on her sister was uncalled for. But at least Teresa will have Junior to keep her company!

    Smart thinking by Cayetana to get Pau to do that picture. I'm surprised Josie lets anyone in the house to talk to Pau at all.

    Does Ruben recognize el conde as Ale or as the friar? The whole "am not Alejandro" worked for Mari, but if Ruben thinks he's the friar, that's a little harder to get out of.


    K: I'm assuming you're doing the recap of last night's episode 🤔 ?

    I'm still doubling-down on Sofia losing the baby. The Body Count will still likely aggressively increase!

  31. Conde
    Steve, it's me but it will be delayed. I scribbled notes I have to decipher and turn into something legible. It may not be until the afternoon while my granddaughter naps. That way I can watch it again with English subtitles, hopefully.

  32. Conde #46 part 1

    Ruben is shocked that the friar is the count . Gerardo bumps into him and is his usual rude self with those he considers beneath him. Ruben remembers being shot by him 20 years ago. Gerardo tells Lopez Verdia (the inspector sent by the Governor?) these damn beggars don't know there place in the world. Ger thanks Lopez for coming ( I don't remember what the event was, is it still Josie and Dylan's wedding). Lopez says it was a pleasure, but he seemed insincere to me .

    Violeta and a Dr are concerned about Caye. She is lost in her childhood memories of her dad and Vic. She didn't like the smell of cigars. Vic goes with her dad up to the rooftop, in her flashback Amelia(Caye) says to Vic don't keep him long we are going to the zoo today. Back to present, She keeps repeating mi papa ..Vic wanders in with his stinky cigar. She leaves
    Ruben recognizes Carmen. She tried her standard "I'm not her", he threatens to go to Vic and she tells him what he did to her and that if he finds out about her she is as good as dead. Ruben gets a thoughtful look on his face .
    David gets a letter from Sofia to give to Javier. 1 more week I'm 18. Conde tells Pau everything is set along with a ticket for her.
    David delivers the letter to Javier then asks Rodrigo if he can get information about Alejandro and his involvement in the murder.
    Yup, still the wedding. Felipe escorts a very drunk Dylan to bed with Josie following. He wants to get back to his guests. Josie tells him she'll be back to check on him and if he is better he can rejoin the celebration. As he falls back into the bed Felipe and Josie discuss how "sick" he is.

    Memo and Conde laugh at Josie falling for the sick Dylan line they fed her. Not that he is a saint. Conde brought the 2 vipers together hoping they will tear each other apart. Now to show Dylan the harpy he married and he will pull the zarambados ?down. Memo wonders if she will hasten his demise, conde thinks she will wait for natural causes to do him in, by the time she realizes he isn't I'll it will be too late. Is Dylan the guy that ripped Rodrigo's father off I wonder?

    Pau and Amaranta get to meet in the kitchen. Amaranta says the count will let me go too. Pau thinks that would be wonderful but then she would have to tell Sofia the truth about them.

  33. Conde#46 part 2

    Caye is back at the counts. She tells conde she found out her father was Thomas Altamirano and Vicente Garcia worked for him. Caye is distraught that conde knew all along, he didn't seek her out for her talent. Conde tells her that her father died in a very suspicious way. The supposed suicide falling from the roof. Conde knows Vic way too well, he was behind it. When Caye was put on a merchant ship to Spain Vic kept everything (as bad as Vic is, I'm surprised he didn't kill her too, maybe he drew the line at killing a young girl like his daughters). Conde has only wanted justice for her and that she recovers all that was taken from her. Caye asks why he didn't tell her and he reminds her the dr.told him not to force her memories after the knock on her head and the ship travel. Caye is convinced Conde had his own reasons why he used her and wants to know what Vic and Thomas meant to him in the past and she is not happy about it.

    Lucrecia is worried about Caye. Ric too. She thinks they knew about her past. Lucrecia, no, Ric on the other hand....Caye will never forgive him (poor Ric)

    Rodrigo is talking up Alejandro to David. Tells the story about him saving people crops and houses . They grew up together like brothers. Then David asks about the murder. Rodrigo says he was innocent but doesn't give David any hint as to who he thinks committed it. David asks about ales family, wife, girlfriend. Rodrigo says he did have a love he would have given his life for

    Ger asks Mari why she left the party. She went to the hotel looking for Cordelia. She left a month ago with all her things. She is confused since Cordelia was willing to fight for her daughter. She hopes Her wasn't behind her disappearance. Ger is indignant and tired of her accusations.

    Ruben tells Pedro he realized all the people that ruined his life have had good luck. Pedro tells him it's time to turn the page. Ruben says I met the count. He's been making a fool out of me. Don't know why, but if he lied to me he could also be lying to you . Be careful. Ruben is going to get to the bottom of it.

    Sofia and Pau. Pau is happy for her new life to be and is sad she won't be there to see it in person. Sofia is worried for her and wants her to go with them. Ok, I'll go

    Violeta and Antonio discuss Josie and Dylan wedding. He tells her she is pretty much like golddigger Josie. Vic only keeps her as a trophy wife. She knows that why she has Antonio keeping her money safe. She can't wait to leave with her son, he can come too. The 3 of them. Antonio is like, the 3 of us, aren't you leaving the kid with Vic! Antonio, I'm not into raising other people's kids.

    Sofie gives a letter to the maid, Patricia .

    Lucrecia is worried about Caye who won't eat and just cries and cries about her papa. Memo is mum on the matter.

    Uh oh, Josie has a Dr to give Sofia a once over before her marriage....of course he discovers she is almost definitely pregnant. Josie is irate.

  34. Conde #46 part 3
    Rodrigo and conde discuss David's journalistic endeavors regarding Alejandro Gaitan. He wonders how long it will be before David discovers his mother was in love with Ale and planned to run away with him. Ale thinks she should have told David about her love life( yeah, right, what every mother thinks of telling their 19 year old son!). Rodrigo wants Conde to tell Mari who he is. "Not yet Rodrigo ". He has come back for justice. What about David? I like him, he has earned my friendship and respect. So different than Gerardo...(Think Ale, think!!!). He's the son I would have liked to have had with Mari. Rodrigo thinks he should stop David from further digging for fear of what Ger might do. Conde doesn't believe he would harm his own son.

    Josie and Felipe...what's wrong mom, troubles with your new husband. Nope with your daughter Felipe. She's pregnant.your wife and daughter have made fools out of us.felipe is ready to beat them both to death.

    (Granddaughter woke up so the last 15 minutes are super short). Antonio drives up a road and meets the maid that has the letter. She denies it but then he gets it from her at gunpoint.

    I chicken scratched something about Caye...don't have enough notes to say what that was about

    Josie brings Sofia a vitamin drink because the Dr. Told Josie that Sofia was a bit anemic. We all know where this is going ...


  35. Blogger ate part 1 if someone can retrieve it for me ....

    Kat in SC: Still aggressively doubling-down on Sofia losing the baby.

    Body Count will still likely aggressively increasing since we can assume Antonio whacked Patricia. NOT shocked that Doctor blurted his big ass mouth to Buji Joise.

    Odds Felipe has Javier killed ? We know Paulina will NOT be among the living at some point.

    Ruben is going to cause big problems for Alejandro's revenge plans. I wasn't surprised that Cayatena scolded Alejandro, Ric, etc.,

  37. Conde

    Gracias, Kat. You provided the deets I needed. Your commentary is so on point, especially "Ale thinks she should have told David about her love life (yeah, right, what every mother thinks of telling their 19 year old son!)."

    Does Josie even care that the abortion drink she forced on Sofia might be especially toxic for an epileptic? I'm still hoping this is the last night Sofia (alive) spends in this house.

    Ale thinks Ger wouldn't harm his on son? Dream on, Ale.

  38. Conde
    Steve, I don't think Antonio killed the maid. I'm sure she just handed over the letter and will let Sofia know. It's not like Sofia can complain about Antonio stealing the letter as she is still under house arrest and her mother can't help.

  39. Kat in SC: I was able to retrieve Part 1. It's now posted where it should be. I wish I knew why the Blogger software makes these annoying mistakes, but I don't.

  40. Thanks Juanita. Now I can see how many typos I made!

    Kat in SC: The baby is likely a goner at this point & Paulina is most likely going to get whacked soon.

    Big question is whether Felipe & Buji Joise find out about Amaranta & kill her too ?

  42. conde

    Many thanks, Kat in SC, for a terrific recap! I'm glad all three parts are together again. I wish the Blogger software would stop messing things up.

    I think the reason Lopez Verdia seems insincere is that he was sent by the Governor or President or someone like that to investigate, and he was given instructions not to let Gerardo have anything to do with the investigation. Hence, he's probably assuming (rightly) that Gerardo is not to be trusted.

    Yes, Pau would have to tell Sofia the truth about her relationship with Amaranta, but that's all to the good. Admittedly, I'm saying this in 2024. In, say, 1954, it might not have been so clearly the right thing to do.

    You say that "maybe he [Vicente] drew the line at killing a young girl like his daughters)." Well, maybe, but I think that when Caye was a young girl, Vicente's daughtrs probably hadn't even been born. Vicente wouldn't have had that frame of reference.

    Each time I decide that Antonio isn't all that bad, he says or does something to make me change my mind. This time, it was his declaration that he had no intention of raising someone else's children. (Admittedly, on this telenovela's badness scale, that hardly registers, but....)

    I loved your parenthetical comment here: "Ale thinks she should have told David about her love life( yeah, right, what every mother thinks of telling their 19 year old son!). " And also when Ale says David is so different from Gerardo: (Think Ale, think!!!)."

    Cayetana really got on my nerves in this episode. She acts as if El Conde had told her he loves her and is now cruelly taking back what he said. That's simply not so. I suppose I should have more compassion for her, given the unfortunate circumstanes of her early life, but....

    Yes, that ugly green drink Josie makes Sofia drink almost screams disaster. Probably miscarriage. I wonder whether she got the recipe from the same bruja who provided her with the poison to kill her husband(s).

  43. Conde
    Juanita I thought vicente "killed" Carmen around the same time Ale was convicted so that would make the girls older, 24 or so. Hard to say. He had to have spent some time getting experience in the hotel business for Thomas to make him a partner, unless his payoff was so big he just bought himself the partnership.

    Any takers on tonight's recap? I'll be driving ( well being a passenger) for 8 hours tomorrow so if I take good notes I could put something up. Husband and I are going back to where our HEA began 41 + years ago. It's our 40th anniversary Sunday..

  44. Totally agree with Juanita about Antonio. But not because he doesn't want to raise Vio's son. That's for the best, really. but threatening the maid for a letter? Why does he care if Sofia leave? he shouldn't. Plus there was the whole sex trafficking thing, if that's still going on. He does still seem to like Vio but I'm concerned about her suitcase of money. She really should have trusted Cayetana with it, despite Caye's current issues.

    And what is with Pau leaving Sofia alone in that house?? She knows about Josie's history with poison. Not that they think she knows about the pregnancy, but still. Tell Sofia about the last time she tried to kill someone (I don't think there was any attempted murder since Pau but hard to keep track), or stay there and guard your kid so she doesn't accidently drink an abortion smoothie. Sheesh.

    The tv guide says there is an episode tonight at 10:30 pacific time, but there was a commercial last night that said it would be back on Monday. So maybe nothing for a few days?

    Happy anniversary Kat!


  45. Conde
    I had nothing recorded tonight. K, I'm thinking that Pau was somewhere in that huge house and didn't realize Josie brought her Dr. to treat her epilepsy , etc.

    Antonio is on Josie's payroll so whatever she commands he does.
