
Monday, September 30, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#1), Week of September 30, 2024

Welcome to page 1 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas)  *** Not airing Thursday

1-2 PM: El Angel de Aurora (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)  *** Not airing Thursday

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)  *** Not airing Thursday

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  

*** The schedule indicates all Unimas novelas except for Clase 406 and Amor Real will be pre-empted due to Futbol on Tues-Weds. 

*** The schedule indicates Distilando Amor and El Angel de Aurora will be pre-empted on Tuesday. No big event like Futbol is showing on schedule but maybe something newsworthy is happening and I'm out of the loop. It looks like a bunch of news like shows instead of novelas.


    Darcy: From what I've heard, I think Univision & Telemundo's regulary scheduled programming will be preempted due to the Inauguration of Claudia Shinebaum as Mexico's 66th President.

    As for UniMas: "CORAZON INDOMABLE" will be scaled back to 1 HR beginning next week.

  2. El Angel de Aurora #16
    Part 1 of 4

    Aurora hauled off and slapped Jezabel over the DNA test results. Jezabel claimed that Miguel made her show the results to Antonio, furious that his first grandchild was the spawn if a rapist. She blamed Miguel for other such actions. Aurora did not believe her,

    Antonio was discussing plans and investments with the client and saw something irregular.

    Jezabel played the victim again but Aurora was not buying it, saying she was going to investigate this. She took her purse and left the house. Jezabel threw a photo of Aurora aside, calling her a crazy bitch and making a threat to throw her into the streets. She then made a phone call, responding to a text from Pintas saying he needed to see her urgently.

    Helena tried to get Demon to give his father a second chance to which he said he and his mother always argued about that. He handed her a huge Christmas gift bag containing a large pink plush teddy bear [Oy, vey]. This was a move to get her back but she was not quick to reconcile. He kissed her hand, pretending to comply.

    Aurora resolved to get the whole truth out of Antonio. She called JC who had been waiting for her. They agreed to met the next day.

    Jezabel called Antonio to ask why he had talked to Aurora about the test results. He replied that he had no reason to hide anything from Aurora. She wanted to talk to him at the office.

    Angel told Pascual and Vicki about his conversation with Aurora about her missing son, also he was thinking of asking for a loan to pay for Vicki's meds. The parents were nervous.

    Antonio approached JC regarding his own financial involvement in the Campero company.

    Angel asked about Aurora looking for him. Something about his new job ad helping kids, which he speculated was about the son she lost. Vicki got up and went to bed.

    JC begged off about dinner, saying he had to get some things done. He told Aquiles and Glorio about his resignation from the company. He gave the car keys to Aquiles, hugged Luis, and went back inside. They wondered about Esperanza.

    Briana called Angel who said he could not come into the office because of Vicki. Cassandra eavesdropped from outside the office.

    JC told Antonio he was also a socio of the Campero company. He had come from a moneyed family and made money of his own, however this was followed by tragedy. He told Antonio about the kidnapping of his sons and what happened after that. Antonio was shocked. Much of JC's money is now invested for its own protection and his. He asked Antonio to not tell Aurora any of this. Antonio asked why. JC did not want his millionaire status known.

    Angel and Briana talked about the documents he needed to sign. She offered to bring them over; he said it was not necessary and explained that his parents went to bed. She did not take no for an answer.

  3. El Angel de Aurora #16
    Part 2 of 4

    Demon took Helena home but was paranoid about Angel. He called Briana who played hard to get, saying she was going to see Angel.

    JC told Antonio that Aurora knew about Luis Alberto. JC went on about his son's safety. Antonio expressed concern that this omission could affect the business situation and JC's status as a lawyer. He said that if there was anything crooked about this “you'll have to deal with me.”


    Aurora thought back to seeing Antonio and Angel together and her conversation with Antonio about the DNA test. Demon came home and she wanted an explanation about Esperanza's termination. He claimed to know nothing of this. He tried to leave the study but she called him back, asking if he really loved Helena,

    Aquiles, Glorio, and Luis visited Esperanza. Glorio brought a bottle of tequila. He was already a littl high, admitting his crush o Maggie.

    Jezabel met Pintas on the roof yet again. He creeped on her again and said he knew where her sister's son was. She stopped dead in her tracks.

    Vicki told Pascual of her concerns about Angel learning the truth. He was realizing that this secret could not last because of Pintas. He again raised the issue of moving away.

    Briana came to Angel's place. She said she wanted to meet his parents.

    Demon behaved as though Aurora was trying to control his life. Like his mother who wanted very much for him to marry Helena. Aurora asked why. Demon looked surprised.

  4. El Angel de Aurora #16
    Part 3 of 4

    Angel poured a Coke for Briana, who began talking about her mother [the sight and sound of whom we were spared during this episode], saying she was “special” and that she had hit her.

    JC took the elevator to the roof.

    Demon finally said that Jezabel wanted him to be happy, but Aurora did not agree. She said she wanted him to be happy but he didn't pay attention. He left saying that neither he nor his mother approved of Esperanza's termination. A private detective – Esteban Rocha – came to see Aurora.

    JC asked Jezabel why she was on the roof.

    Helena went to Angel's place to see Anita and found Briana there, seating “peasant” food but smirking as usual. Anita had already gone to bed. Briana asked Helena if she and Demon had reconciled. [That obviously was meant for Angel's ears]. Helena did not want to talk about Demon.

    Jezabel hugged JC when she saw Pintas sneaking up from behind, his right hand behind his back. Pintas smirked as he retreated.

    Anita got up and ran in just as Helena was taking her leave. Helena left and Anita got on Briana's case for having been rude to Helena. She stuck her tongue out at her before going back to bed.

    Jezabel told JC that Aurora hit her that day and the alleged reason for it. JC understood that Aurora had good reason to be angry with the deception. Jezabel described her father as machista and cruel. She claimed the family business was declining because of Aurora hanging onto the past. JC said he would take care of this. He was there to solve an employee problem.

  5. El Angel de Aurora #16
    Part 4 of 4

    Aurora told Rocha that she wanted to find her son. He told her there were several possible outcomes and they agreed to begin the search in Las Flores. She was sure he was alive and was there. He had previously looked into the usual sources of info but had found nothing.

    Aquiles and Glorio drank a bit more than was good for them. Esperanza started telling the guys she had given her best years to the company.

    Jezabel asked Antonio why he told Aurora about the DNA results. He answered that Aurora had the right to know. Of course this had not helped anything. She told him that only he could fix this... by “reconquering” Aurora.

    Briana started talking to Angel about Helena and Demon's relationship history and implied that they would be getting married.

    JC went to see Aurora.

    Jezabel looked at Antonio in a very predatory manner as she stirred the pot by encouraging him to pursue Aurora. [She wants him and JC at each other's throats and the excuse to blame Aurora for that].

  6. Angel/Aurora. Excellent recap, Urban! Glad you're back! And speaking of back: Demian is back to his old, selfish, unfaithful self. However, he and Briana do seem made for each other. And Aurora is becoming ever more skeptical of Jezabel--a good thing! Eventually she will no doubt learn the whole truth.

  7. Angel/Aurora. It looks as if today's episode was preempted by a report on the inauguration of the new--female--president of Mexico, and some special reporting on Iran's missile attack on Israel.

  8. Angel/Aurora

    Thanks Urban, all the details were great. Briana and Demon are really more suited for each other. But they both apparently like people that are nice.

    I’m so glad Aurora is getting suspicious of Jezabel. She needs to be aware and on guard at all times.

    Pintas is just a real creep. And so much for his promise to not mention Angel. He’ll betray them for money. But somehow I don’t think Aurora will learn her son is alive from Jezabel.

    Demon’s face really changes when Helena leaves him. I wonder how far he’d go to get what he wanted.

    I never thought about Jezabel playing Aurora’s two “love interests” against each other. I did wonder why she wants Arturo with Aurora when she went to a lot to split them up years ago.


  9. El angel de,Aurora
    Urban, thank you for bringing us every detail.
    We have a leading lady who isn't a shy flower .Aurora Has delivered some good slaps to Pat and Jez.

  10. Angel / Aurora #16

    It's high time. This actress has been typecast as sheltered, naive, and a victim for ages. It's time she had the privilege of delivering a good slap.

    We have to wonder what sort of parent names his daughter Jezebel.

    UA: You're referring to the lovely Natalia Esperon correct ?

  12. El Angel de Aurora #17
    Part 1 of 2

    Jezabel continued to work on Antonio who walked out on her, certain that this was a bad idea. She sighed in frustration at the exchanged with the two men who did not want to risk hurting Aurora, then got a message from within the office.

    Briana told Angel some BS about herself and Patricia living in poverty with an abusive father. Vicki came out of the bedroom and Briana made a cleverly graceful exit, deliberately leaving Angel hanging about the sob story.

    Aurora and JC talked about her search. There was a false lead from up north, but the boy wasn't Gabriel and was returned to his mother. She felt she hag not done enough and she hated her father for making this search necessary. She looked at the portrait photo and called for Carmelita.

    Esperanza and the guys were a bit wasted. Cassandra came over, having just been terminated herself. Aquiles poured a drink for her, too.

    Demon was about to knock when Helena came home. They went inside. Patricia was lying on the couch. She sat up, saying she was ready to resume her career, implying she would be a good model if needed by their company [What a narcissist!]. She was shocked when Demon mentioned his father and that he heard that he was there.

    Pintas and El Morro had their own father/son bonding time with Pintas talking about Jezabel.

    Patricia realized that “Aldo” was Fabrizio. She confronted Antonio and Demon stopped this by saying he only wanted to talk to his father.

    This became the subject of conversation at Esperanza's. All except Luis were three sheets to the wind as Cassandra brought up the possible relationship between Carlitos and Jezabel.

    Pascual and Vicki did not approve of Angel getting involved with the stepsisters.

    Demon and the others entered Fabrizio's room and saw that his hands were bloody. Demon looked shocked. Helena went for the first aid kit. Patricia followed her out of the room. Demon put cloths on Fabrizio's hands as Patricia left the room.

    Aurora told Carmelita to remove Miguel's portrait. She flashed back to the night Miguel took her son away and the news that he had given him to the first person he saw. She realized that this meant it had to have been someone fairly close to home. Aurora continued telling JC about how Miguel tried to destroy her life, but that she did not lose faith. JC pledged his loyalty.

    Patricia tried to call Jezabel, who did not take the call. Helena told her that this was none of her business. Patricia tried to hit her but Helena caught her hand, telling her mot to raise her hand against her. Patricia yelled for Briana, who came downstairs. When she started to defend her mother Helena reminded her of how abusive Mommy Direst was, then told Patricia not to call Jezabel. Patricia started doing so as Helena went back upstairs.

    Pascual warned Angel that having two sisters in love with him would not be a good thing and would not end well. Angel was confused at their concerns about his love life, finally said that he loved Helena, and ended the conversation.

    Helena wiped the blood off Demon's hands as he said he would not abandon his father. [But was he sincere?]

    Detective Rocha talked to Jezabel. She was bribing him to sabotage Aurora's search by deforming the image on the projected photo images. She wrote a checque, talking about how he had been helping her out “all these years.”

  13. El Angel de Aurora #17
    Part 2 of 2

    The Next Day

    Maggie's son – Rolando – didn't want to go to school because he was being bullied for wearing eyeglasses. He asked about his father and she told him that his father had abandoned her when she was pregnant. [He appears to be ignorant of The Facts of Life.] She said they would talk more about this later.

    Aquiles and Glorio slept off the tequila at JC's place. He was not happy about the drinking. He told Luis that he had things to resolve at work so could not quit just yet. The kid had not consumed any booze and was okay with this.

    Jezabel asked about the missing photo, but Aurora did not want to talk about it. She wanted to concentrate on the presentation. Cassandra came in and her termination became an issue. Jezabel denied having fired her. Cassandra ran out, feeling sick. Briana and two male execs came in and took their seats.

    Fabrizio was ashamed but Antonio tried to buck him up about bonding with Demon.

    Helena looked at the documents in the folder. There was something wrong.

    Maggie left Rolando with the Santos family. [She's got it bad for Angel and that ain't good.] Helena's name came up along with words like misunderstanding and apology. Pascual saw another red flag.

    Fabrizio was lying in the foetal position as Antonio made coffee for him. He suggested that Farizio see a psychiatrist. They talked about Jezabel. Fabrizio explained to Antonio that if Jezabel knew he was looking for Demon she would poison his mind against him. Also about Jezabel's long-term hatred for Aurora, which Antonio hesitated to believe, especially that Jezabel would have killed her.

    JC arrived at the meeting. Aurora addressed the meeting on the subjects of contracts, investors, and communications. Demon tried to challenge her and confuse her in the process. KJC contributed something in support of Aurora's point.

    Helena checked the document online.

    A slide came up showing something negative. Demon began questioning Aurora's competence.

    Antonio could not quite believe that Jezabel would deliberately mess up Aurora's life. Fabrizio continued to try to get him to see reason.

    Patricia tried calling Jezabel just as Aurora saw some incorrect numbers on a document. A moment or two later Jezabel checked her phone and read Patricia's text about Fabrizio.

    Antonio tried telling Fabrizio about the DNA text without the details. Fabrizio was adamant that they both Jezabel was capable of doing anything to get what she wants, finally shouting that she was a harpy.

    The discrepancy led to chaos. Helena entered with the correct figures and took the blame.

    Angel was hit – deliberately – by a biker as he shoved a couple of kids out of the way. Pascual, Anita, and Rolando ran over to him.

  14. Angel/Aurora. Excellent recap, Urban! Woo hoo! Looks as if Helena took one for the team when she took the blame for the erroneous figures on Aurora's presentation, when no doubt Jezabel and Demian were responsible. I wonder when people will learn the truth.

  15. Angel / Aurora #17

    I have no doubt that Demon and Jezabel were behind that. I am now wondering about their relative evil. Would Demon want Aurora to commit suicide? Would Jezabel? That would make both of them richer and their lives easier if nobody reveals that Angel is her son.

    I think that Pintas was behind Angel getting hit although he most probably did not actually do this himself. Jezabel was sure all those years that Gabriel was dead; she probably thought Miguel capable of such a murder and I doubt he confided in her about what he actually did. Now that she knows he's alive, well, and nearby she probably paid Pintas to do or arrange this.

  16. Angel / Aurora #17

    We have 8 villains in our story:

    Damien Jezabel
    Edgar Patricia
    Pintas Briana
    El Morro Maggy

    Edgar, Patricia, and El Morro are accomplices to Damien, Jezabel, and Pintas, respectively. They are all expendable when they outlive their usefulness.

    P.I. Rocha joined that list in this episode. as he is on Jezabel's payroll.

    Briana and Maggy are both targeting Helena with similar motives. Briana is the more evil of the two.

    Damien (Demon) is looking to destroy both his aunt and his mother while getting control of Helena. He is probably biting off more than he can chew.

    Jezabel is out to destroy Aurora and Antonio. JC might be collateral damage in this.

    Patricia wants to destroy Antonio and Aurora with no regard for anyone else in this.


    -- What level of fame did Patricia achieve -- and fade from -- before marrying Antonio?
    -- When and how did Miguel's wife die? How old were his daughters when that happened?
    -- Why was Fabrizio in a psych ward? He blames Jezabel for his issues but it is likely to include something very big.

  17. Angel/Aurora

    Thanks Urban, I enjoyed the recap. I wonder if Helene suspects Demon of messing with Aurora’s report. She has to realize somebody did it.

    Why is Briana firing everyone, well two people anyway. Jezabel seemed surprised to hear it. I wonder if Demon is behind it, I wouldn’t think Briana was given the power to fire people.

    I think Jezabel has something to do with Fabrizio’s mental health problems. And I was very surprised at how Demon seemed genuinely concerned for his father.


  18. Angel\Aurora

    Urban, thank you for an excellent recap.

    Demon looked truly upset about his father's injuries. Jez is surely behind Fabrizio,'s problems and his estrangement from his son.

    Yes, why were Esperanzo and Cassandra fired out of the blue? Looks like Cass is,pregnant . Susan

  19. Angel / Aurora #17

    I thought that, too, but it could also be a hangover.
