
Thursday, September 05, 2024

Daytime TNs... Y Mas (#2), Week of Sept. 2, 2024

Welcome to page 2 of Daytime TNs! This page is to give those who are watching daytime TNs on any channel a place to discuss the TNs aired prior to 7Pm. If you would like to contribute a recap of just some highlights for a daytime TN, I’m sure there are those who watch the same TNs that would appreciate it.

 8-10 AM: Clase 406 (Unimas) 

10 -12 PM: Cuando Llega el Amor (Unimas)  

11-12 PM: Distilando Amor (Univision) 

12-2 PM: Corazon Indomable  (Unimas) 

1-2 PM: Vivir de Amor (Univision)

2-4 PM: Mi Corazon es Tuyo (Unimas)

4-5 PM: Nadie Como Tu (Unimas)

5-6 PM: Amor Real (Unimas)  


    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Looking forward to seeing those anvils hitting the large group of villains including their friends being complicit.

  2. VIVIR #129 Part 1

    Previously: As JE, Angel and their son hug, we see the back of Rebeca’s head as she limps up. She is dressed in black with a yellow scarf. She asks how her sobrino is as JE and Angel recoil in horror, disbelief etched on their shocked faces...

    Rebeca forges ahead and strides purposely up to JE and Angel telling JE Jr. that she is his tia! An incredulous JE asks her what she is doing there; she is loca and should be locked up! Rebeca explains that she is out on probation, full of strength (among other things), determined to seek justice. When Angel asks what Rebeca wants, she insists on being called “Frida” and reminds Angel that their mother signed the papers giving her the name back along with her life. They thought she would be locked up forever…but this is only the beginning…our war is just starting! JE warns Rebeca not to threaten Angel because he is there to protect her. Rebeca tells him to calm down because he is scaring her nephew. “Adios Jose Emilio” she calls to her sobrino.

    In the restaurant kitchen, Elena tells Renato, Santi and Sandra she still can’t reach Angel. Santi doesn’t understand why Elena hadn’t warned them that Rebeca was out! Apparently it is news to her as well; Elena explains that she didn’t think Rebeca would be released. Santi tells her to be prepared because it won’t be long before Rebeca shows up to ask for money (or blood I add). Elena doesn’t think so because she has been giving Rebeca money when she was in the hospital. Que??? (Upon reflection, we aren’t really surprised are we?) Elena (tiresomely) defends that Rebeca is her daughter, but Santi argues that Rebeca is crazy and they never know what she will do.

    We see Rebeca throwing a small box away as Elena tells Santi that Rebeca is under control because her meds regulate/control her emotional crises. Stating the obvious, Renato doesn’t think the meds will control the hatred Rebeca feels for Angel; and Santi wisely points out that no one will be monitoring whether Rebeca takes her meds.

    Rebeca, sitting on a park bench, throws her meds into the trash murmuring that she won’t need them anymore; they stupefy her (which viewerville completely understands as Rebeca certainly stupefies us). Rebeca reaches out to Brayan who asked her to call him when she got out, saying he would help her.

    JE, Angel, Cris and Adolfo meet. JE questions why Rebeca was released when she was supposed to be locked up for 7 years (which answers one of our questions). Adolfo reminds them that Rebeca was found to be mentally unstable so that helped her. He continues to explain how Rebeca was not convicted in either the kidnapping or Monica’s murder. The only way Rebeca could be returned to the psychiatric ward would be if she violated the conditions of her probation. Angel (from bitter experience) is sure that Rebeca is up to no good as Cris comforts her. Adolfo offers to get a restraining order.

    Rebeca is upset that Brayan won’t help her unless she gives him the money he wants, but she will get it.


  3. VIVIR #129 Part 2

    Lucas shows off his medal for getting the highest average in his class. Lupe, Luis and Carmelo are effusive in their praise and congratulations. Lucas informs them that once he gets his degree as agricultural engineer, he’ll ask to work at the hacienda. Everyone beams proudly.

    (Unaired) Luciano, Fatima, Mati and Javi are preparing to eat when Fatima asks Mati what she will be studying. Mati replies that she wants to be a physical therapist; Luciano smiles and supports her.

    (Unaired) Lupe wistfully notes that she will miss Lucas when he leaves. She then comments that Lucas doesn’t suspect anything about the luncheon she has prepared for him. Just then, Luis gets a call from his sister informing him that their father had a heart attack; he will leave tomorrow.

    Misael tells Adolfo he will never stop feeling indebted to Cris so he wants to offer her his shares. He realizes that after everything that transpired, he can’t go back to the company. He is thinking about leaving the country since Pedrito is studying out of the country. When Adolfo asks him if he is sure, Misael replies that he is; he will always feel chased by his past. Adolfo then drops the bombshell that Rebeca has gotten a get out of the psychiatric hospital free card. Misael stares in disbelief.

    Rebeca is in a car outside Angel and JE’s home. With a touch of intuition and an ounce of common sense, Angel comments (with fear and dread) that she feels Rebeca close. JE angrily vows she and her son are the most important things in the world to him; he will kill her if she does anything to their son. He is willing to go to prison just to keep Rebeca from harming them. He will do anything for Angel and his son.

    (Unaired) Cris worries about JE, instinctively realizing he is capable of doing anything to defend his family. Adolfo reminds her that he has already obtained the restraining order and tells her there is something else they need to discuss. Adolfo informs her that Misael wants to sell his shares to her, but Cris still has nothing to say to Misael.

    “Miserable” torments himself as he thinks about Rebeca (not even a hammer and chisel can get through that head!) He wonders why he still dreams about her…he has her in his blood.


  4. VIVIR #129 Part 3

    Rebeca knows how to seek vengeance against Angel…she flashes back to them picking up their son and mutters it’s just a matter of patience even if it’s the last thing she does!

    Dawn breaks and Rebeca, staking out Angel and JE’s, sees them leaving with Jr. and follows them.

    In the car, JE tells Angel that he will get security for her and their son. Angel agrees since she is afraid Rebeca will do something to their son.

    Bruno can’t believe Misael has gotten out of prison.

    Adolfo goes to pick up Misael and the two embrace, sharing a hug, both smiling. Adolfo tells him that the sale of his shares to Cris is in process.

    Angel and JE arrive at the market where a clown greets them. (Red lights flash and sirens roar. After all, clowns are never a good thing are they?) They crouch down as the clown sweetly interacts with their son, smiles all around.

    The wretched wheels in Rebeca’s twisted mind start to turn.

    Misael greets Cris who coldly reciprocates without looking at him. Adolfo leaves them alone to talk but Cris merely nods imperceptibly never looking up. When Misael starts to explain why he is selling the shares to her, Cris interrupts and finally meeting his glance asks, “Just tell me one thing, Misael, how much is your repentance and guilt worth?…How much is the life of my granddaughter and my grandchild worth?” Misael ugly cries…


  5. VIVIR #129 Part 4

    Rebeca approaches the clown (now making animal balloons) asking how much she will sell her costume for.

    Cris tells Misael that there is no greater pain for a mother than the death of her child. It’s an endless pain that tears one up inside and from which you never recover. He took the life of her daughter and grandchild. Misael cries that it wasn’t intentional but Cris admonishes him that he did do it! She takes his hand and taps it and mumurs that with his hand, he killed her daughter…this hand that carries her blood, her grandchild’s and her daughter’s (blood). She pushes his hand away and asks how much that is worth for him? Misael begs forgiveness. Cris wishes she knew how; he has no idea how many nights she cried for Dulce. She asks how she is supposed to heal the wound he inflicted. Misael doesn’t know; if he could turn back time he would give his life for Dulce and his nephew. He never wanted to hurt Cris. That night when he saw Dulce, he begged her not to intervene but she tried to take his gun. Cris continues berating him for taking Dulce and her grandchild from her. He holds out his hand but she immediately retracts hers. She murmurs it is good that he is leaving; she never wants to see him again! When Adolfo returns looking upset at the scene he is walking into, Cris asks that they sign the documents.

    At the market, Lucas’s celebration is in full swing. Wanda, Armando (in royal blue), Gi and her fan are all there. Lucas thanks everyone for coming and Mati gives him a kiss. Then, Rebeca the clown arrives and JE Junior is clearly entranced. Unfortunately the elements conspire and both of his parents’ attention is diverted elsewhere. Angel talks with Lupe who is missing Luis, and JE makes the terrible misstep of allowing himself to be whisked away by Carmelo. As this stroke of very bad luck occurs, Rebeca leads Jr. away!!

    Angel looks around and asks JE where their son is. At once, they see he is not in the immediate area; everyone starts to look for him but he is nowhere to be found. Full out panic ensues.

    Outside, Luciano, Fatima and Javi arrive. Javi (the sharpest tool in the shed) spots the clown and takes a picture as Rebeca gets in a car and drives off. Once inside, JE tells them that Jr. was with a clown so Javi shares the picture. JE immediately knows it’s Rebeca! While Luciano calls the police, JE and Angel start frantically searching, Angel’s heart sinking. JE promises he will return Angel’s son to her even if it’s the last thing he does!


  6. VIVIR #129 Part 5

    JE asks Corral if there’s any news. Meanwhile, Angel remains in the car and gets a call from Rebeca (calling her maldita and stupid) demanding Angel does exactly as she says.

    Angel takes off in the car and the police follow her as JE hops on a motorcycle and roars after her.

    The notary tells Cris that the shares are now hers so she tells him she wants the shares to be divided equally between her children. Misael tells her that his cousins are very lucky to have her as a mother. Just then, Adolfo gets a call from Fatima that Rebeca has kidnapped his grandson! Everyone is impactada.

    JE catches up to Angel and forces her to stop. She is in a panic, telling him Rebeca called her and she has to go alone…she has to save their son! JE then moves his motorcycle, blocking the street so the police can’t follow Angel.

    Gi tells Elena that Rebeca kidnapped Angel’s son! Ay, Dios mío!

    Angel arrives to meet Rebeca Racoon (dark circles under her eyes). After she gets out of the car, she demands to see her son and insists Rebeca return her son to her. When Angel tells Rebeca that she’ll do anything, Rebeca orders her to kneel before her…then tells Angel that she deserves to suffer and cry knowing that her son will go through what Rebeca did. Rebeca doesn’t want anything…this is her vengeance; Angel will never see Jr. again! Rebeca opens the door and the seat is empty! As Angel sobs and screams, she tells Angel that, just like her, her son will never have the life he deserves…the life she lost because of Angel. Angel screams “What did you do to my son?!”


  7. VIVIR #129 Part 6

    We see the distraught child, walking down a road alone calling out to his “mama”.

    (Unaired) Cris can’t imagine what JE and Angel are going through. After Petra tells them that Elena has arrived, Cris assures Don Emilio she will let him know if she hears anything about her grandson, then leaves with Adolfo.

    Misael tells Don Emilio he is leaving the country for a while and wants to spend time with his son…he has much to heal and Don Emilio will be proud of him when he returns. Don Emilio urges him to be proud to be a Rivero Cuellar and asks for a hug…and wishes him good luck.

    After Don Emilio walks away, Misael answers the phone…then asks how much they want for the boy. (I am unsure who that was?)

    A couple is driving down a road. In an eerie parallel to Rebeca, Alma and Antonio, the woman is crying because she will never be able to be a mother. Spying the small child walking along, she tells the man to stop. They exit the car and run to him. The woman crouches down to embrace the child and asks if he is alone. She tells the man the boy is for them (a tragic tale of the past is reincarnated).

    The police arrive as Rebeca tells Angel that hopefully her son will find someone who will care for him. As the police approach, Brayan drives up on his motorcycle, Rebeca limps up, gets on and they escape! Angel tells JE and Corral that Rebeca abandoned her son but recalls that Rebeca mentioned a dump. Vamos JE cries as he calls Luciano.


  8. VIVIR #129 Part 7

    The delusional woman begs the man that they keep the boy because this is her son. He seems to be arguing against it but when they hear sirens, they attempt to take off but mercifully, are blocked by Luciano. Angel runs up and takes her son in her arms as the couple plead that they not do anything to them.

    Rebeca asks Brayan (now sporting a manbun) if his friend got them their fake IDs. Brayan tells her that first they need the money. Just then, Misael drives up, alights from the car then walks slowly toward Rebeca. “Misael?” she queries. When Brayan points a gun at him, Misael tells him he came alone. After Brayan demands the money, Rebeca tells him to calm down and asks Misael what he is doing there; he should be in jail. Misael tells them there is no money because there is no boy…he just got word that Jr. was found! Rebeca, (thinking he is lying and that Angel sent him), asks if he is serious. Misael assures her that no one knows he is with her. After Brayan tells Rebeca that she can forget about the false IDs to get out of the country, Misael tells Rebeca he can help her. He tells Brayan to get the fake IDs, he will pay double. Rebeca echoes Misael, telling Brayan to get the IDs as well as the elixir he promised. After Brayan leaves, Misael asks Rebeca what elixir? She explains that it’s Brayan’s new business. As he wasn’t born yesterday, Misael asks what she’s up to.

    Family and friends are back at Don Emilio’s as Angel holds her son close to her. Cris can’t believe that the years Rebeca spent in prison were worthless. Angel comments she would die if something were to happen to her son. JE vows to look for Rebeca to ensure she causes them no more harm. Adolfo adds that Rebeca has lost her probation because of what she did.

    Rebeca tells Misael that JE and Angel have no idea what’s coming. When they take the drug, they will appear dead and will be buried alive! They will wake up in a coffin and they will pay for all the rejections and harm they did to her. Misael tells her that won’t happen. He calls her “Rebeca” but she insists that she is “Frida”, Rebeca is dead. Misael apologizes but then tells her what she wants to do is stupid; they will lock her up. Rebeca tells him she will escape, get out of the country and be happy. When the police approach, sirens roaring, they see them kissing but unbelievably they actually leave! Misael tells Rebeca that if they catch her, he won’t be able to help her. He tells her to forget her vengeance…they can start again. Once they have the fake IDs, they can leave; he sold his shares and has mucho dinero so he can take her to the best specialists. She should forget Angel and JE. She stares vacantly and does not respond.


  9. VIVIR #129 Part 8 of 8

    Angel tells JE that their son will sleep with them. He reminds her that he is fine and urges her to remain calm. Angel gives thanks for the return of their son.

    The sun rises and a new day begins. Misael is at the bank taking out money. As the bank official steps away, Adolfo calls and Misael answers “hola papa”. A sad and grim Adolfo relates that there is a new warrant out for his arrest…for Mauricio’s death! We see a flashback to Misael loading the gun as Bruno watched. It was Bruno who told the police where Misael kept the bullets he used with the gun…and the ballistic reports confirmed that it was the gun he used. Adolfo will not be able to help him and Misael will return to prison for many years. Misael hangs up on him and we see Don Emilio (his back to us) has been there during the conversation. After hanging up, Misael tells the bank clerk he wants to withdraw ALL the money. And there we end…

    Mercifully, the abduction was short lived and Angel and JE have their son back. It appears though that there is much yet to be resolved so hope for more than five minutes of joy before FIN flashes tomorrow seem to be dashed against the rocks of wishful thinking.

    The dialogue today was especially difficult to decipher and I am immensely grateful for Rgv Chick’s clever and skillful interpretations especially during the Cris/Misael conversations. Her wordsmithing is unfailingly superb; we are so fortunate to be the recipients of her talent and generosity.


    Diana: Super excellent job with the recap of this afternoon's episode. More chaos, more trouble & more unsolved loose ends.
    1.) At this point, Romina & Iker will NEVER get their Karma anvils for their heinous crimes against humanity anytime soon sadly.

    2.) Crazy Becca plotting more schemes to destroy Angel, JE & Co., she has to DIE.

    3.) If they're following the Portuguese original, I'll be shocked if the Body Count increases again.

    4.) Happy that Junior was found.

    5.) Can law enforcement agencies catch Misael ? Bruno talked like a singing bird.

    6.) Somebody please take down Barayan ASAP. Dude is too slippery.

    7.) Elena still STUPID. She's worthless piece of expletive.

    8.) That judge was stupid too. Screw him!

    9.) Cris scolding Misael was spot on. I would've shot him on the spot.

    10.) Javi was the sharpest kid ever filming Limping Becca & telling everyone about it.

    11.) The actress who portrayed Fatima, I've seen her before in a previous Telenovela "La Gata" I think.

    12.) Adolfo still naive!

  11. Vivir 129

    Gracias, amigas. What an episode.

    I'm sure the actor playing Brayan was relieved to be rid of the dreads and braids; they must have weighed several kilos. It looked like he was going to steal Misael's identity.

    Javier is a really smart kid; he should get a scholarship to Hogwarts.

    Steve, the actress playing Fatima was also in Vencer al Ausencia as the obnoxious Sofie.

    True to form, Elena still can't accept that Rebeca is a Bad Seed. Would she have to see her murder someone for that light bulb to go on?

    After all this time I don't think Romina will get her just desserts.

    Rebeca now seems to believe her own lies. Angeli could never have done what she blames her for. She resented Angeli's very existence and would have resented Santi's if she had been there when he was born. There will be no peace for them until she is dead. Her plan for killing Angeli and JE is monstrous.

  12. Vivir
    “The wretched wheels in Rebeca’s twisted mind start to turn.” You captured this perfectly, Diana! As well as the rest of this mostly grim episode.

    Oh no, not a kidnapping of JE Jr. At least quickly resolved as you noted. Quite the coincidence with the other couple.
    I did smile when Javi, taking his pic of the limping clown, said it was “cool” the clown’s disability didn’t keep her from working!

    Sigh, the HEAs will end up rushed, but hoping all those deserving will get one. Not to jinx anything, but I am thrilled DE is around for the fin—back 130 episodes ago that didn’t seem likely, and he’s steered the family through so much turmoil.

  13. Vivir. A superb recap of the next-to-last episode, Diana and Rgv Chick! Yep, Rebeca does stupefy us. Rebeca Racoon? Ho ho! How handy there was a clown. A perfect disguise, but beanie hat! And too much of a coincidence that there was a childless couple that picked up Josemi and wanted to keep him--yes, much like Alma and her husband with Rebeca. In 3 years Brayan still hasn't been caught? There was no attempt to make Javi look older, though between the actors and makeup both Lucas and Mati looked a bit more mature. Nice that Lucas is graduating from the university with such distinction. I must say (again?) that the actor playing Misael does an excellent job of crying. Btw, that scene between Cris and Misael was very moving.

  14. Vivir de amor

    Diana and Rgv Chick, thank you for detailing this episode as well as could be done. There was precious little fun there, and mostly nonsensical unhappiness.

    JE and Angel didn't take really great precautions with JE, Jr.; they were asleep at the wheel.

    I'm happy for Lucas, and Wanda seems OK without Pedrito, but this is all just wrapping up. There was no explanation why Wanda was OK with Pedrito going off so soon after she had found her son and established a "good" relationship with him. Nothing but tying up loose ends.

    I feel bad about Misael, he almost escaped. But he is guilty of a good number of things. Misael may be reformed now, but he was a really rotten guy. I think he had Ramiro killed in jail, but it's so long ago that I'm not sure.
    I do feel for Misael, but he has a long laundry list of sins and needs to pay his penance, whatever that might be. Maybe lock him up with nutso Becky/Frida. A couple of years of that would have him hanging himself, even though he is obsessed with her.

    That distraught couple finding Junior much as Alma and Antonio had found young Frida was pure filler.

    This week's episodes have been, at least in my opinion, very weak. The best bit so far was Icky being bossed by his dominant, whip wielding girlfriend. This was so appropriate because Icky was always ragging poor Jimena that she should do everything, and more, in terms of housework without fail, while he just lazed about. After all, house work is woman's work.

    And I can't feel sorry for Icky, he seemed happy enough, and if he wanted to run away his girlfriend was wearing high heels (of course) of at least three inches. She could never catch him.
    And this is much more fun than crazy women stealing babies and the misery of the parents and such. Even Cris's berating of Misael, which I could not ever argue with, was certainly no fun. But if Misael meets an unhappy end, it won't be so upsetting now, even though I feel for him a little.

    Diana, thank you for recapping this unpleasant episode. You are a real trouper.


  15. And I am sure that neither Rebeca nor Misael will make it through alive to the very end--and if they did, too many other lives would be in danger. Those references Rebeca made to cleverly killing JE and Angelli could foreshadow her own death.

  16. VIVIR

    Steve, thank you.

    "More chaos, more trouble & more unsolved loose ends" is a very fitting description!

    I also have a sinking feeling we've seen the last of Romina...


  17. VIVIR

    Thank you Urban!

    "Javier is a really smart kid; he should get a scholarship to Hogwarts" had me smiling away.

    "Rebeca now seems to believe her own lies. Angeli could never have done what she blames her for" is exactly right!

    Yes, Elena is still determined to hold steadfast to her delusions about Rebeca. I wonder if anything will happen tomorrow to change that??

    I will wager Romina is history..


  18. VIVIR

    Clara, thank you for your kind words.

    "I did smile when Javi, taking his pic of the limping clown, said it was “cool” the clown’s disability didn’t keep her from working!" Ahhh, thank you for translating that!

    "I am thrilled DE is around for the fin—back 130 episodes ago that didn’t seem likely, and he’s steered the family through so much turmoil" is such a great point. I love the character and the actor, he added so much kindness and humanity which was sorely needed!

    I am still clinging to hope that we will at least see a few quick scenes as to how our favorites are faring and what the future might hold...Fingers crossed!


    Diana: Elena is just plain STUPID! Too damn gullible: Doesn't she realize nobody will ever be happy until Crazy Becca is dead ?

  20. VIVIR

    SpanProf, I so appreciate your unfailingly uplifting support.

    "Too much of a coincidence that there was a childless couple that picked up Josemi and wanted to keep him--yes, much like Alma and her husband with Rebeca" was exactly right! I am just so thankful this plotline was cut to the quick and didn't linger on and on. It would have been too much!

    "In 3 years Brayan still hasn't been caught?" had me smiling and nodding my head in agreement! Slippery as an eel apparently! :)

    "Those references Rebeca made to cleverly killing JE and Angelli could foreshadow her own death" was very insightful and you may well be right! I also agree Misael and Rebeca will not be long with us. Too many others in danger as you wisely noted.


  21. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so much for your very nice words.

    "JE and Angel didn't take really great precautions with JE, Jr.; they were asleep at the wheel" was perfect and is one of my favorite expressions. No they certainly didn't, they should have had a hand and eye on him every second.

    I was very unhappy that Wanda and Pedrito weren't together. One of the many instances of "nonsensical unhappiness" you so cleverly noted.

    "The best bit so far was Icky being bossed by his dominant, whip wielding girlfriend". ITA agree and that little nugget from yesterday was one of the very few bright spots in this garden of (mostly) agony.

    I feel that one hour away from the finale, at least a few things should seem lighter. Brighter. But there is little glowing at the moment...I am trying to be optimistic that a few things tomorrow will surprise us in a somewhat happy and lighthearted manner.


  22. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thanks again for all you and Rgv Chick do for us, it can't have been easy recapping a novela of 130 episodes.

    We are almost at the finish now, and I completely agree with your comment:

    "...I am trying to be optimistic that a few things tomorrow will surprise us in a somewhat happy and lighthearted manner."

    I will quote a very old expression: "From your lips to God's ear!" Let's hope!


  23. VIVIR

    Andy, I'm keeping hope alive :)


  24. Vivir

    Thanks so much Diana and Rgv Chick, what an episode!I feel like they have a lot to tie up. Sebas and Doris, Jimena and Renato, and Cris and Adolfo, all couples that I thought would marry. And Sandra and Santiago should be a couple by now. And Brayan still not caught!

    I could not understand Rebeca’s evil plan for Angel and JE I think I was happier not knowing. I wonder if Misael will warn them. Although he might become one of her victims, after she gets his money.

    I don’t see how they can resolve all this in an hour. And we once wondered how the show could go for 125 episodes!


  25. Vivir

    Dear Diana and Chickie,thank you both for wading through all the last minute evil to bring us that complete report on the villains' last stand .

    First and most important , Brayan finally decided on a new luke . I actually liked the man bun on him . Misery lost the bang earlier, and now these two kind of look alike .

    I am sure that we all knew instantly that Reb was going to be in that clown costume . I pulled my beanie over my eyes when she lured JE2 with a ba!loon while everyone was looking away.

    I think we are going to find out that the job out of the country that Romena got was not the big opportunity she has always been pursuing. Please.

    One more episode...come on , writers...smother us with love and happiness (shout out to All Green).

  26. VIVIR

    Liz, thank you!

    Yes, in addition to finding out what Misael and Rebeca's fates are, there are a million and one details waiting to sewn up.

    "I don’t see how they can resolve all this in an hour. And we once wondered how the show could go for 125 episodes!" is so true! And now, when we are clamoring to see what happens to the people and couples we care about, time indeed seems to have run out.


  27. VIVIR

    Thank you very much Susan...

    "JE2"; I will immediately incorporate that into tomorrow's recap. Fab.

    "First and most important , Brayan finally decided on a new luke . I actually liked the man bun on him . Misery lost the bang earlier, and now these two kind of look alike". As you know, I hate the man bun but I have to agree that Brayan wears it well; and yes, there now seems to be a resemblance between the them.

    I would like to see if Romina falls on her face. But I am stubbornly sticking with my intuition that she is gone baby gone. :)


  28. Vivir

    Diana, you are a wonder, and we are almost at the finish line!!! I don’t know how you did 130 episodes in a row!!!! (Or at least will have done tomorrow) You made this journey so much more enjoyable and set the tone for the patio with your kindness and generosity! Your hard work is so appreciated!!! I hope tomorrow has lots of upbeat, fun, and happy moments for you even as I fear, like you, that it won’t.

    I’m right there with SpanProf in being dumbfounded that Brayan couldn’t be captured in 3 YEARS!!! This is not a criminal mastermind! How is that even possible. I also want to see Romina miserable in her job somewhere but it’s feeling like a lose thread. Wanda shouldn’t be in the barrio, she should be gone with Pedrito wherever he is, it’s weird that she would just stay behind and bad writing. No mother would have gone through what she had and then just shrugged as her son was sent away again… well Romina would have, but that doesn’t count.

    Is Mis really still wanting Rebeca??? Reading it, I was hoping he was trying to play her… Wow, Beca’s hold over Mis and Elena is STRONG!!!

    I just can't with the whole Rebeca is free and able to kidnap JE jr three seconds later despite everyone swearing they will guard the child with their lives... my beanie isn't big enough for that. Glad it wasn't drawn out, though it seems very anticlimactic. Like it should be a Beca's last stand moment, but instead it's a 15 min distraction that's over almost as soon as it begins. And everyone gets away AGAIN!!! Can the police catch anyone who is actually guilty? They have shown plenty of times that they are adept at arresting the innocent.

    As much as I’d love to believe Icky is getting his anvil by suffering under his girlfriend’s dominance and doing all the housework; that scene looked like role play to me. The girl was dressed like a dominatrix and cracking the whip while they both made suggestive comments – it looked like foreplay. Not sure that Icky cleaning the house is a thing that actually happens on the daily.

  29. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for your lovely support ane extremely kind words.

    I wholeheartedly agree that "Wanda shouldn’t be in the barrio, she should be gone with Pedrito wherever he is, it’s weird that she would just stay behind and bad writing. No mother would have gone through what she had and then just shrugged as her son was sent away again". Perfect and well stated.

    I had to smile grimly at "… well Romina would have, but that doesn’t count". Nopis, it sure doesn't!

    It's also hard for me to believe, to accept that Misael still has it bad for Beca. She's used him, cheated on him, treated him like dirt and those were on her good days! :) It makes no sense.

    "And everyone gets away AGAIN!!! Can the police catch anyone who is actually guilty? They have shown plenty of times that they are adept at arresting the innocent" had me smiling at your superb wry wit. So, so true!

    I'm anxious to see how all of this plays out. It has certainly been a very long road....


  30. Vivir #129

    Misael never had a healthy relationship with any woman. Look at who his mother was: Rebeca is actually worse than Monica because she didn't have any substance addictions to get in her way.

    Since it is obvious that six years in a manicomio did her no good we now need to wonder whether she got worse instead. The scheme she has in mind to wipe out JE and Angeli is so monstrous we can easily conclude that this is unlikely to satisfy her bloodlust. Does she enjoy torture and killing as much as Ginebra did in Receta? I think so.

  31. Vivir

    Was Reb in the manicomia 6 years ??? I thought only 3 years had passed . I nave lost track. Confused . ..Susan

  32. Vivir

    Diana and Rgv Chick, great job. I'm going to miss your recaps, though I'm glad you'll get a break after this wonderfully (for us!) long run.

    Hmm, Brayan never could get Rebeca to sleep with him and still he's there for her.

    Got my fingers crossed that we get to see Romina in a miserable job.

  33. VIVIR

    Urban, you are right in that Misael did not have any healthy relationships with women.

    By the time she entered the hospital, I believe Rebeca's mental illness was tightening its grip and she was losing her lucidity. With intensive therapy would she have gotten better? I don't think so. I'm not even sure she could have been helped should she have gotten the help she needed as a child.

    Urban, I think Ginebra was THE worst. Ever. Bad as Beca was, she wasn't in her "class". 'Course we haven't seen the finale so...


  34. VIVIR

    Thanks for your lovely words Niecie.

    "Hmm, Brayan never could get Rebeca to sleep with him and still he's there for her" is a great observation. You are exactly right!

    An hour till show time....


  35. Vivir #129

    Rebeca was nowhere near as intelligent as Ginebra (who also had colder blood).

    Brayan was still hoping to boink Rebeca but she would only have allowed that to use him. She would likely have discarded him eventually.

    Just checked Zap2it and it says that El Angel de Aurora replaces this on Monday the 9th. Who is in for this?

  36. OT
    Urban, I'll add El Angel to my library so I can give it a shot. I'll be driving again that day. Currently driving now to what looks like ea rainy weekend getaway.. My husband and I are revisiting Eglin AFB where

    1. Hit publish while I was writing that comment..where we met 41 years ago for our 40th anniversary.

  37. VIVIR #130 Part 1

    Gran final

    Previously: The sun rises and a new day begins. Misael is at the bank taking out money. As the bank official steps away, Adolfo calls and Misael answers “hola papa”. A sad and grim Adolfo relates that there is a new warrant out for his arrest…for Mauricio’s death! We see a flashback to Misael loading the gun as Bruno watched. It was Bruno who told the police where Misael kept the bullets he used with the gun…and the ballistic reports confirmed that it was the gun he used. Adolfo will not be able to help him and Misael will return to prison for many years. Misael hangs up on him and we see Don Emilio (his back to us) has been there during the conversation. After hanging up, Misael tells the bank clerk he wants to withdraw ALL the money. Misael hangs up on Adolfo and asks the bank manager to withdraw everything from his account.

    After Misael hangs up on him, Adolfo laments he didn’t have a chance to ask him where he was. Misael signs the papers for the bank withdrawal as Corral gets a call informing her that they located Misael at the bank. She is poised to leave promising to keep them informed.

    At JE’s behest, Luciano drives him around in a futile search for Rebeca. Luciano doesn’t feel this is the best use of their time and advises that JE let the police handle it, but a distraught JE refuses to stand by idly, doing nothing! JE is fed up with infirm Rebeca and the paralyzing fear she has instilled in Angel. He refuses to allow any more of this so he will end this himself!! He doesn’t care if he goes to prison as long as he ensures his family is safe; he will not allow his son to pay the consequences for that sick Rebeca!

    As JE2 plays adorably on the floor, Angel holds Elena’s hand (looking ravishing in red) telling her that the police were there and informed her that the search for Rebeca has intensified. Elena feels guilty and asks that Angel forgive her for her insistence in supporting Rebeca, believing she would be cured. Angel also asks to be forgiven in return. “Ahh mi nina” Elena tearfully manages. Angel haltingly says that when she searched for her lost son, she feared she would never see him again! It was then she thought of everything Elena lived and suffered through. Angel promises never to ask Elena to turn away from Rebeca if that gives her peace. And with that, mother and daughter forgive each other as viewerville hopes the power of love and forgiveness acts as a balm to soothe and heal their troubled minds and heart.

    As Brayan holds up a small vial of amber colored liquid, Rebeca questions if that is the potion of eternal sleep. Brayan explains that the liquid will lower a person’s vital signs making it seem as though they were dead; indeed, any doctor would say that was so. Rebeca needs him to ensure Angel and JE won’t wake up before they are buried and Bryan confirms they won’t…when they wake up, they will be buried.

    Don Emilio also thinks JE should leave the search for Rebeca to the police; Cris tells her son all of them agree, including Angel!


  38. VIVIR #130 Part 2

    In fact, Angel hopes JE doesn’t find Rebeca, as does Adolfo. Fatima then hands Cris an envelope Petra had just delivered. Dismayed, Cris tells them it is an invitation to Rebeca and Misael’s wedding! Don Emilio shakes his head, Adolph looks stricken. Cris then throws the invitation on the table as though it was scorching her fingers…

    A new, nefarious, dangerous plan is revealed. Rebeca asks Misael if he is serious; what he wants to do is stupid! As she hands him the bottle originally intended for Angel and JE, Brayan asks for his money first. Misael waves a substantial packet of bills in front of him offering him a hundred more fistfuls of money. “What do I have to do” Brayan queries suspiciously. Misael asks if he knows what a grave digger does? In this case, Brayan will need to do the opposite, dig Rebecca and him out!

    JE is on the phone with Cris who informs him that Misael is getting married; JE is open mouthed impactada!

    It is the dawn of the wedding day of the (almost) dead. Misael is dressed in a black suit and white tie, his hair slicked back in a flip. Rebeca wears a white corset “gown” (undoubtedly purchased from online only Frederick’s of Hollywood), veil and a frilly white, feathery confection around her neck. Her hair is swept up, falling in curly tendrils around her heavily made-up face. Misael tells Rebeca that they are fugitives and this is their very last chance to evade justice! They only have each other; and he doesn’t care if she is a bit crazy (I’m sure he meant to say totally insane) …he loves her regardless. The important thing is that they will be together; and when Brayan gives them the papers, they will go far away. There is no officiant or any guests present as they speak their own vows and exchange rings. Revenge driven Beca tells him that he has to help her with her vengeance; she will kill Angel when she comes back from the grave…the world isn’t big enough for both of them! Misael implores that she forget Angel and focus on them.

    Doris (in a green dress with her new fashion staple, a short jacket) is the first to arrive, wondering why Rebeca asked her to meet her there.

    In a final declaration of his enduring slavish devotion, Misael promises to return from the dead to love her all his life. Rebeca promises to celebrate the success of her vengeance with Misael…so they can finally be happy. When Misael takes out the vials, Rebeca wants him to drink his first but Misael tells her they should drink them together. After they down the poison and kiss, Doris arrives to see Misael and Rebeca doubled over in pain. Doris runs to Rebeca, and traitorous and conniving as ever, tells Doris that Brayan will go to the cemetery and she should tell him “Rebeca first.” She then collapses on the cold hard floor as Doris screams out.


    Looking forward to seeing the full-scale recap of this afternoon's Gran Final. Any chance majority of the unaired scenes are discussed ?

  40. VIVIR #130 Part 3

    The too late wedding guests arrive in alarm, Elena running to Rebeca’s side and Adolfo to Misael’s. As Rebeca and Misael writhe in pain on the floor, they ask what happened. Rebeca tells Elena that she has always wanted to live a life of love but never did. Adolfo screams for an ambulance and asks Misael what they did. Elena cries that she tried to show Rebeca what love was as did Alma and Antonio; she then asks why Rebeca was so full of resentment. Misael cries he always lived full of envy; in contrast, JE and Angel always lived lives of love. Cris has to look away, putting her head on her father’s broad shoulders. JE hugs Angel as they look horrified and confused. Misael confesses that he killed Mau because Mau killed his baby that Rebeca was expecting. Rebeca’s “last” words are that everything was Angel’s fault but she will pay! Elena crouches next to her daughter’s body as Adolfo does the same to Misael. Misael and Rebeca lie side by side hands together.

    At the cemetery, there are two freshly dug graves with identical wreaths of white flowers adored by silken banners. Elena throws fresh flowers on her daughter’s grave. We next hear Misael’s voice reading a letter to Adolfo. He begins by saying when Adolfo reads the letter, he will already be dead. He asks for forgiveness for making this decision but he couldn’t go back to prison. The mortuary already has instructions as to how the burial should be conducted; he asks them to respect his wishes. He asks that he be forgiven for not being the son Adolfo deserved.

    The assembled mourners grieve and lament. Don Emilio asks that they be forgiven and accepted into God’s kingdom. Cris tells Adolfo that they too should forgive them, not because they deserve it but so they can live in peace. Elena thinks Cris is right and adds that everything they suffered won’t be erased but it will liberate their hearts from all of the poisonous evil. JE tells Misael that he knew JE loved him since childhood, but Misael followed the wrong path. He forgives him because he knows Misael never had the kind, generous love of his mother, knowing only the love of gaining power via envy. Misael never let Adolfo into his heart; their grandfather gave him many chances but Misael made mistakes and ruined his path. JE will always be hurt that Misael took Dulce from them and even though Misael said it was unintentional, it was irreparable. JE forgives him and hopes God forgives him too. Angel addresses her hermana saying that, as a child, she always thought Frida would protect her and they would be a great team, but that wasn’t the case. Although Frida may not believe it, Angel suffered because she was not there and most of all because of the pain it caused their mother. She would beg God to bring her back, and when she finally did, Frida preferred to make them suffer with her vengeance and envy. Angel forgives her and asks that God enlighten her and despite everything, Frida will always have a place with them because they will never deny their blood ties.

    Nighttime has fallen and under the cover of darkness, Brayan tells a (new) henchie to hurry up and check to ensure no one is around and that everything is secure. Brayan recalls the money Misael offered him and greedily thinks Misael must have the money, plus more, with him in the coffin. He starts digging up what he believes to be “mi reina’s” grave.


  41. VIVIR #130 Part 4

    Rebeca and Misael wake up in their respective coffins. Rebeca turns on a flashlight; she can’t hear anything; Misael thinks Brayan should have already dug them out. Rebeca wonders where Brayan is. As he digs, Brayan tells Rebeca that he’s coming as Rebeca starts to panic, waiting for him get her out. She doesn’t want to be there anymore! She doesn’t want to die, yelling out for “mama” and “Misael”. Misael is also panicking and as he tears at the satin lining, all the money drops down. He yells for Brayan…while Brayan hopes the rich kid has a fortune with him. Rebeca blames Angel who wants to leave her there and kill her. Misael starts gasping for air as he curses Brayan. Meanwhile, Rebeca is yelling that Angel wants to kill her…she is stealing away her life! Help me please!! Misael appears to be taking his last breaths as Rebeca yells out for Brayan…and for mama because she can’t breathe!

    Elena lights a votive, praying that God take Frida into His kingdom and give her eternal light.

    Rebeca takes her final breath…murmuring “mama” then “Misael” and she dies with her eyes wide open! Brayan is barely grasping for air.

    After Brayan and his henchie pull up the coffins, Brayan dismisses him. He opens the first coffin and SORPRESA - it’s Misael!! Brayan thinks Misael is dead and assumes that Rebeca has also passed on (to a hellish and hotter) life. He starts taking out the money, but suddenly Misael springs back to life, sitting up and grabbing him by the throat!! (If only Misael had morphed into Dracula and sank his fangs deep in Brayan’s neck! But I digress…)

    Misael points a gun at Brayan as he orders him to take Rebeca out. As sirens wail and grow closer, Brayan tells him there is no time! When Brayan warns Misael the police are upon them, Misael turns his head and Brayan quickly grabs the gun. As they struggle, the gun goes off and Misael is shot! The police call out but Brayan runs off. As justice is relentless, his escape is thwarted when he trips and falls on a stake that skewers him through his stomach. As this nightmare comes to its hellish conclusion, Misael falls back into his casket and perishes!


  42. VIVIR #130 Part 5

    Weeks later—

    Adolfo is at the prison with Bruno who questions why he won’t be getting out of prison; after all, he provided the evidence that Misael killed Mauricio. When he adds that Misael is the one who should be in prison, Adolfo tells him that Misael is dead; Bruno is now being charged as an accomplice to Mau’s murder. Bruno is shocked but points out that he did not kill Mau and insists that Adolfo help him. When he stands up begging that he is innocent, the guards grab him and drag him away (hopefully to hell) where he will rot for the rest of his miserable and pointless existence. Goodbye and good riddance…

    (Unaired) Don Emilio talks to his dear, departed wife. He recalls they spent many a night hoping for family unity; unfortunately, Monica and Misael are now gone… pray for them. He smiles that Cris is now happy with Adolfo and their filly (Fatima) got married! Jose Emilio is an honest man and their grandson, Pedrito is studying abroad. He asks that she not worry about him; he is surrounded by their family and knows that her love will accompany him until the day they can be together forever.

    In bed, JE hands JE2 a note to give to his mommy. Angel smiles as she reads the note, “I think it’s time we marry though the church…do you accept?” Angel carries her son back to bed as she asks him to tell his daddy YES! “Si mi amor” she says as they kiss tenderly.

    Luciano and Fatima stroll the hacienda grounds as he tells Fatima that the new fertilizer will ensure the crops will be the best they’ve had in years. Fatima loves to see the crops and fruit trees so green; she wants to increase production next year. Luciano thinks Fatima is now like a fish in the sea and hopes she doesn’t take his job! Fatima thinks that together, nothing can stop them; she is so happy because she has proven to her grandfather that she can manage the hacienda. Uh-oh, Fatima feels dizzy!! Luciano picks her up and carries her off.

    The wedding day (is this #4?) arrives. Angel arrives in a horse drawn carriage, her son by her side. Wanda has just arrived from the airport and comments that Pedrito loves the summer camp Don Emilio sends him to. Marisa adds that Loli is going this year and is very excited.


  43. VIVIR

    I've reached out to both Rgv Chick and Darcy to ask them to retrieve my part 6 that blogger ate. There are a total of 8 parts. Stay tuned....


  44. Vivir. Thanks, Diana! This was both an incredibly intense and in some ways incredibly stupid final episode. I am looking forward to commenting!

  45. VIVIR #130 Part 6

    Everyone cheers and claps as they see the carriage approach.

    Angel is escorted by Elena and her son (in an adorable cowboy hat) as she walks down the aisle to her beloved JE, wearing a handsome ivory charro outfit. Angel looks glorious, wearing a white princess neckline gown, her hair down, veil clasped onto the back of her hair by a flowered barrette. She sports a simple necklace and if there were any earrings, they were not visible. She carries a bouquet of orange and multicolored flowers.

    For the wedding, Doris wears a yellow wrapped one shoulder dress, looking like a Grecian goddess. Sebas looks handsome in his light gray suit. Cris is in regal purple and looks beautiful. Always in high colored fashion perfection, Jimena looks amazing in her one shouldered fuchsia gown. Gi wears a lovely deep rose V neck dress and Armando looks GQ worthy in his light pink jacket. As the maid of honor, Fatima shines in a pink strapless gown.

    The priest starts the ceremony and gives a long speech about a successful marriage, ending with “God gives us freedom to choose if we want to live out of envy or vivir de amor”. Angel and JE say their vows. As they walk out, Angel offers flowers to the Virgen and JE gives thanks for Angel having been placed in his path. They both give thanks for their son…their biggest blessing.

    As the wedding march plays, Cris is very happy…and has no doubt that their love will unite them forever. JE has no doubt she is the best mother of all. Cris wishes them happiness…and gives them her blessing.

    Angel goes to Elena who tells her that a noble heart like hers always gets compensated; she is very proud of her and her fight for her happiness. Angel just wants to be happy. After Santi arrives, wishing her happiness, Angel thinks that this is their chance to be the family they have always been…united and loving each other despite everything.


    Diana: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Enjoying your recap of this afternoon's Gran Final. WOW! More final chaos from the usual suspects.

    I laughed watching Crazy Becca, Slippery Misael & Barayan all FINALLY dying LOL.

    SpanProf: Could Fatima be PREGGERS ? 🤔

  47. VIVIR #130 Part 7

    Thank you Darcy for reposting my Part 6.

    Domingo arrives and asks Santi (in a tan suit with dark tie and white shirt) what his intentions toward his daughter are! Santi replies that they have been together for three years and he wants to be with Sandra for many more years. Sandra (looking sweet in an off the shoulder flowered short dress) tells him that she loves Santi very much.

    JE, son on his shoulders starts movin’ and a groovin’ as Angel joins him on the dance floor. Everyone starts “Gettin’ Jiggy wit ’It”. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist).

    As JE has his arm around Adolfo, Don Emilio tells Angel that she is taking his beloved grandson. He advises JE that marriage and family is like this land they love so much; he will reap everything he sows, so he should fill it with love.

    Fatima approaches and comments that the ceremony was beautiful. Luciano toasts to JE’s and Angel’s happiness. Fatima adds that she also wants to toast because JE2 will soon have a little cousin! Cris, Adolfo and Don Emilio yell with delight.

    Doris (never wanting to be left out) suddenly feels nauseous!!! As Sebas solicitously tends to her, Gi excitedly tells Armando that they will be grandparents.

    Renato and Jimena (in a stunning hot pink one-shouldered dress) wish them happiness and congratulate them.


  48. VIVIR #130 Part 8 of 8

    Fatima and Luciano ask Lucas about his desire to work at the hacienda. Lucas replies he wants to work and he loves Mati and wants to be close to her. When Lucas adds that he is a hard worker and wants to give them a hand, Luciano advises him that “giving a hand” is akin to offering help. When a person asks for a job, it shouldn’t be requested as a favor, he should ask for it by offering his services. And yes, he smiles, Lucas is hired as Luciano’s assistant. Mati hugs Fatima.

    Doris is proud of Sebas because he has been placed in charge of finance while JE is on his honeymoon. Sebas is also proud of Doris because she is now the marketing director! As they move toward the dance floor, Doris twirls and they blend into the dance floor crowd. Next, the camera pans to the stage where JE and Angel stand.

    Angel wants to vivir de amor para siempre. JE will love her all his life.

    As the elegant horse leads the carriage down the path, JE and Angel are set to begin their next chapter. JE tells Angel that they will now VIVIR DE AMOR!! The theme music plays as they ride off into the sunset.


    True to form, Rgv Chick’s ingenious, beautifully conveyed dialogue illuminated everything to perfection. Thank you…


  49. VIVIR

    “FIN” has finally flashed (at least in our minds) and the sun has set on our beloved and not so beloved characters.

    It is time to thank everyone who came together to make our journey so very memorable.

    First and foremost, I thank my partner, Rgv Chick. Your brilliant, illustrious dialogue translations gave life and meaning to all of the joy, angst, agony and heartbreak that flashed before our eyes. You gave graciously of your time and your selflessness was evident at every turn. I would not have been able to do this without your wise guidance and generous assistance and I am truly grateful.

    To all of you who commented and shared your wise and witty insights, thank you. SpanProf, Darcy, Susan, Andy, Niecie, Liz, O.S, Clara, Urban, Kat, Novelera and Steve, your unfailing support and encouragement meant more than you know. Thank you…

    Rebeca and Misael’s endings were dramatic and quite gruesome. It seemed as though Misael suffered much more than Rebeca, in life and in death. Perhaps his having a shred of conscience and a heart that could still feel led to his tragic downfall.

    The writers had several glaring lapses in judgement. Romina sailed somewhere into the sunset; but as to where we were not privy to. We can only hope she encountered choppy waters! Why the writers brought Gabriel back for a bit of redemption was puzzling. I thought the only reason was that Santi was going to die and that Gabriel and Sandra would end up together. I’m glad that didn’t happen but it was a puzzling story arc.

    Jimena, who figured somewhat prominently throughout, was relegated to an afterthought. Wanda’s relationship with Pedrito remains disappointingly vague. Although we understand why the time jump didn’t allow us to see Pedrito at the end, his absence left a void…

    Some of the most compelling and enjoyable storylines (Doris/Sebas in particular) were disappointedly given short shrift. I wish they had been given more opportunity to shine and delight. We would have enjoyed watching as they revel in their future happiness.



  50. Vivir de amor

    Diana, thank you for yet another great recap and, especially, for sitting through this episode and writing it up so well.

    Too late now, but if I had known how this final episode was going to go, I might have asked you and Rgv Chick(ie) to concoct your own version and give us that and warn us not to watch the actual episode.

    OK, OK, it wasn't really that bad... right?

    The big wedding and party at the end was very nice, though I was a bit upset that Wanda is still by herself and dancing alone again. And not pregnant. It seemed as if she, Mati, and Sandra were the only women not preggers. Next year.

    "The writers had several glaring lapses in judgement." Diana, you are such a softie! The writers screwed up big time is more like it.

    Becky and Misael were going to drink 'something', provided by ever trustworthy Brayan, that would make them appear dead and then they would be buried with the expectation that Brayan would dig them up and... whatever?

    Hey, good plan!

    120, 125 episodes, whatever it originally was, they should have stayed with the original script outline. This novela turned into a crazy mess at the end.

    More later...


  51. Vivir. A superb recap of this novela's finale, Diana and Rgv Chick, despite the uploading challenges! Misael was very stupid to adopt Rebeca's plan for doing away with Angelli and JE as a way for them to appear dead and then be dug up so as to run away together. What could possibly go wrong? Not to mention that it was incredibly stupid to trust Brayan to dig them up in time. At least Brayan met his appropriate end after killing Misael. Btw, I hate to inject a bit of "realism" into the story, but given the circumstances of Rebeca's and Misael's "deaths" shouldn't they have been autopsied? And even though Rebeca was extremely evil, dying because of being buried alive seemed too cruel an end even for her. Of course we had to see the details of her horrible death scene. Otherwise, there were lovely though somewhat stereotypical wedding and reception scenes, with all the appropriate couples together and extremely happy--with no danger whatsoever from Rebeca. But why couldn't she have fallen off a cliff or died from some kind of allergic reaction, or been stabbed by Brayan? Being buried alive is the worst death I can imagine.

  52. VIVIR

    Oh Andy, what a journey this has been!

    "The writers screwed up big time is more like it". I can't argue with the unvarnished truth amigo; you are exactly right...

    I was truly tempted to write my own version of what the finale should look like. This certainly wasn't it...

    "Becky and Misael were going to drink 'something', provided by ever trustworthy Brayan, that would make them appear dead and then they would be buried with the expectation that Brayan would dig them up and... whatever?" had me laughing away. Well, when you put it that way 😊

    As usual, you picked up on an important moment. "I was a bit upset that Wanda is still by herself and dancing alone again". It was rather sad. And awkward. Did the writers forgot about Primo? I can't exactly fault them becaus in truth, I did too!!


  53. Vivir
    I haven't watched it yet and I don't know if I will. I just wanted to say Andy, what a good idea having Diana and Rgv chick writing an alternate ending.

  54. VIVIR

    Thank you for your nice words SpanProf.

    "Misael was very stupid to adopt Rebeca's plan for doing away with Angelli and JE as a way for them to appear dead and then be dug up so as to run away together. What could possibly go wrong? Not to mention that it was incredibly stupid to trust Brayan to dig them up in time" was fabulous and seeing the "plan" written in black and white through your wry wit does make it seem all the more ludicrous doesn't it??

    The cameras certainly didn't shy away from recording every agonizing moment of Rebeca and Misael's death scenes. Quite upsetting...

    I'm glad we had a few more glimpses of future happiness but more would have been most welcome!


  55. Vivir
    Dear Diana and Chickie, thank you both so much for tag teaming this hot mess of a finale . I appreciate all the time, talent, and effort that you both put into taking on the Herculean task of recapping each and every episode .

    I loved the recaps and all the clever, funny, insightful comments . It may have been a hot mess of a show, but we certain!y had fun sharing our thoughts on all the madness.

    I have to think about this episode for awhile before I comment on it .Also, I find it best if I keep my comments short With this new format.... Susan, dazed and confused ...and kind of relieved this train has pulled into the station

    Diana: If I was the executive director of the Telenovela, I would've made the Gran Final 3 full HRS: lots of loose ends being tied up.

    SpanProf: I'm assuming Romina's kids had their happily ever after correct ?

    Andy: I'll be honest: I busted out laughing watching Crazy Becca, Slippery Misael & Barayan all FINALLY dying LOL. I couldn't contain the laughter, so I laughed & snickered.

    Doris (Barbara Islas) is preggers too WOW. She got off wayyyy too easy!

  57. Vivir

    Diane and Rgv Chick, I can’t thank you enough for recapping this day in and day out for almost 7 months! You both are amazing! That said, the writers sure knew how to save time by having the deaths of the three evil ones happen almost simultaneously. I wonder if part of the instructions Missel left were to have he and Rebeca switch gravesites! It did seem strange that Brayan thought he was digging up Rebecca and it was Misael. That was the strangest way to eliminate the bad guys, but I kept expecting Rebeca to show up at the wedding.

    I was totally confused when Misael pulled those vials. They went from planning to poison Angel and JE to doing it to themselves. And after three years of searching for Brayan they find him just at that moment.

    Weddings at the end are fun. I love to see a nice party with everyone having fun. And most couples did get paired off

    I thought a dark haired boy running at the wedding could have been Pedrito, 3 years older. Javier looked the same!

    Thanks again!


  58. VIVIR

    Hi Susan and thank you for your nice words!

    "Hot mess" is a great descriptor. We certainly had a lot of fun didn't we?

    There is a lot to process and consider. I have to say though that this was never truly boring, a bit dull every now and then but there was always something going on, a lot of dastardly deeds and several surprises (some good, some not).

    Kat, I understand that you might not wish to watch but you might consider FF'ing through the first half and cut right to the wedding.


  59. Vivir de amor & OT

    Kat, let me wish you a happy anniversary!

    Diana, something you said frightened me, '“FIN” has finally flashed (at least in our minds)...' Yeah, there was no on screen "FIN".

    I certainly hope they were not signalling that there is more to come sometime soon. We dodged that bullet with "La desalmada", but it was close.
    Actually, I'm just kidding, Mad Becky is gone, gone. Misael, too.

    I never really warmed up to Primitivo for Wanda, but we hardly even saw the guy, so who knows? In a moment of craziness I did think maybe Wanda could save Misael, but that was hopeless.

    In any event, it was not the warmest and happiest ending, and they didn't confirm our matchmaking skills. The Church wedding was nice enough though, and it was a very happy wedding, though it could have been better.


  60. VIVIR

    Thank you so much Liz!

    "... the writers sure knew how to save time by having the deaths of the three evil ones happen almost simultaneously" had me nodding in vigorous agreement!

    "I wonder if part of the instructions Missel left were to have he and Rebeca switch gravesites! It did seem strange that Brayan thought he was digging up Rebecca and it was Misael" is a great point. Were the graves mismarked, if so was it intentional? I am not sure exactly how that happened.

    Overall, the wedding was a fun time. I also saw the boy with the dark hair. I think the writers were teasing us as if it had been Pedrito, he would have had to be featured prominently at the wedding and would certainly have been dancing with Wanda :)


  61. VIVIR

    Andy, yes, I had to improvise on the "FIN" as there wasn't one! I think this is the first TN I've seen where that has happened.

    I think this one season wrapped things up (for better or worse) subsequent seasons needed! :)

    I initially had high hopes for Misael and Wanda. He talked so wistfully about her initially but all that changed when she reappeared. I was confused and disappointed that when that occurred, there was no spark whatsoever. Puzzling as he openly declared he had loved her but was cold as ice and openly contemptuous toward her.

    I would like to have seen more of Gi and Armando, one of the most surprising yet utterly delightful couples of the series. What doting grandparents they will be!


  62. VIVIR

    Great recapping! Diana, your thank-you to the co-Carays was lovely.

    My favorite thing about this telenovela was Monica’s lipstick. And Gabi Spanic’s melodramatic acting was a hoot.

    This was standard telenovela stuff, but there were some great performances. I loved how Gala Montes played Rebecaa. I’ve never seen an antagonista with such calm assured sang froid. Josh Gutierres was terrific as Misael. I was particularly taken with the fellow playing Brayan – he brought some depth to what is usually a cardboard cutout of a telenovela role. He might be great playing a good guy. I hope to see him more.

    And they way they finished him off – death by parkour! Kids, don’t try this at home.

    I’m glad I don’t have to look at Kimberly’s brows that were perpetually upturned in worry or sorrow all the way through. A simpy heroine!

    I do wish if they’re going to cut a telenovela, they’d cut the earlier parts, We really don’t need to see our romantic leads swimming in the pond by the waterfall. Do we need to see the bed with rose pedals and a lengthy pan of all the candles? It seems they wait until the end, the part we’ve been waiting for, to hack big chunks out of the story. I wonder if Romina’s story was actually wrapped up, but it got cut out for us.

    My question: Why isn’t there some viewer revolt about cutting huge pieces out of these shows? We get all invested in the characters and the stories and when the end comes up, they give us just plot bullet points. Grrrr.

  63. Vivir
    Maggie, and don't forget the non existent funeral for Monica. At least with Romina we can make up our own unhappy ending for her. Also, a wedding for Chris/Adolpho and Doris/Sebas or even Jimena/Renato would have been better than a 3rd wedding for the main couple, IMO. I may catch this episode later just to say I watched it. The patio made it much more fun to watch.

    Thanks Andy. Now can you wish some sun on us. Here we are in the Sunshine State and the forecast looks like rain and overcast everyday!

  64. VIVIR

    Good morning Maggie and thank you.

    Ahhh "sang froid" is new to me and what an apt description for Rebeca! I completely agree with your comments on the actors; Josh was amazing and so was the actor playing Brayan. And yes Monica and her guppy mouth lipstick was definitely a highlight.

    "death by parkour! Kids, don’t try this at home" no, definitely not :)

    We should make a fuss about the slicing and dicing.

    I'm going to miss this though, withdrawl is already setting in.


  65. Vivir

    First of all, a big, gigantic thank you to Diana and Rgv Chick for their hard work and spectacular recaps throughout this journey!! Your tireless dedication and sparkling wit set the tone for the patio and made this trip so enjoyable! Diana, you guided the discussion on the patio seamlessly with your compassionate understanding and warm hospitality. Your generosity with responding to every comment and sharing in every laugh made the Vivir patio a wonderful place to gather!

    I’m disappointed in the ending, but I’ve seen worse. I wish they had ended Misael differently, I find the idea that he was still determined to live miserably ever after with Rebeca to be too far to stretch my beanie. But then again, it was a remake, maybe that’s how the original ended? I would have liked to see Misael take responsibility and then go to jail. Beca dying alone in her own attempt to plot murder would have been more satisfying to me. As for Brayan, death by somersault seemed like good karma. I don’t understand why Corral was bringing Lucas along on the fugitive hunt though!

    The lack of additional weddings - Doris and Sebas, Jimena and Renato and even Santi and Sandra – was disappointing but maybe it’s a nod to the fact that lots of couples don’t get married these days? Though Doris and Sebas got engaged, they should have wanted to get married.

    A thought about Pedrito – I noticed a couple of times characters referred to the location where Pedrito is as a summer camp. Not only today but in the first episode where they talked about sending Pedrito away they called it a summer camp for learning languages (I think). Could it be that Pedrito isn’t studying abroad year around but is just going away from the summer? And our time jump episodes just happen to be during the summer? This gives us no Pedrito in the time jump, but also explains why Wanda might still be in town and not off yonder with Pedrito. Pedrito is only gone for the summer and is in town with her and his family most of the year.

  66. OT

    Urban, El Angel de Aurora looks interesting. I am going to be out of town next week, but I might check it out the week after when I get back.

  67. Vivir Finale

    Gracias por todos, amigas. Doing a whole series like this is hard work. Your patience and dedication is much appreciated.

    The wedding was beautiful; the bride and groom were perfectly attired, as were most of the guests. Doris really rocks those one-shoulder dresses, Elena and Christina were beautifully dressed as the proud mothers, and it was good to see Santi interact with his future suegro while Sandra can finally feel safe. I was disappointed that Wanda's wardrobe upgrade didn't happen. A Marilyn Monroe look would have been stunning and she deserves a decent man in her life after all the suffering.

    As for Karmageddon...

    Bruno will not survive long in prison. Most if the other inmates have mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, etc, so they will deliver his fate.

    Romina got away with being Rebecca;s accomplice in the murder of Alma. That bothers me.

    Somebody was looking over a Receta writer's shoulder about that potion. Brayan was no genius. He did not have a chemistry degree, so did he spend the absent three years as an apprentice in a drug cartel? How was Rebeca planning on tricking Angeli and JE into ingesting full vials of that stuff? They know she had poisoned Alma, so the odds would not have favored them falling for this.

    Rebecca's plan to fake the deaths had to fail and considering that Rebecca's manipulations and cruelty was ruining lives all over her fate was appropriate as well as having been buried in that trashy-looking dress.

    The poetic justice was Misael dying the same way as Dulce.

    I love the idea of Misael coming out of the coffin with fangs! He was certainly dressed for it. That could have been done as a superstitious delusion for Brayan who cold have been tired of being their Renfield.

    I still say that TV/Uni should buy the story rights to Dark Shadows. Josh Gutierrez would make an excellent warlock.

    Now that this story has ended I don't have to hear Laura Pausini's annoying voice anymore.

    I do agree that there needs to be massive viewer protest about the slicing and dicing. Cut from the filler in the middle if you must, but not the beginning or the end.

  68. Still Vivir
    Maggie, yes to all your observations . The term " sang froid " is a perfect descriptor for cold hearted , unfeeling Refrida. I, too, would like to see the actor playing Brayan in a kinder, gentler, less somersaulting role .

    Darcy, I was wondering if any of the other couples were married . If we are to believe that they didn't marry, you have a good theory on why. Perhaps it's a sign of the times . Not every couple gets married anymore . We did get some pregnant women . Susan

  69. OT

    Urban, is " El Angel" replacing Vivir? I noticed Jorge Salinas and Marisol del Omni are in it. Susan

  70. OT

    Yes! I only wish that would air in Prime Time. JS has been my favorite since Las Vias del Amor. I will cover the opening episode. Will anyone else jump in?

    If only Univision would put their stuff On Demand earlier than they do. If I miss a 1PM airtime I can't see the episode until 6AM the next day.

  71. Vivir
    Diana, you elevated this TN and made following it a special experience. I am grateful to you for your dedication and for sharing your insight, writing skills, and precious time (since February!)

    You nurtured the flock of patio “animalitos” with careful individual attention and encouragement, remarkable!

    And Diana, you have a great gift of conveying hard truths with wit and wisdom—yet without ever seeming unkind. You have a generous spirit.

    As others have noted re the fin, cockamamie plan relying on Brayan was a head scratcher, and many questions left unresolved. But I’ll credit the writers for something different that quickly dispatched the 3 baddies, and also allowed for fake death scene “confessions.”

    Juxtaposition of the coffin horror vibe with the wedding celebration was a bit jarring. Despite the glassy eyes, I half expected Reb to pop up at the wedding somehow!
    At least the good folks all seemed happy in the end.

    Thanks as well to Rgv Chick, you two are an amazing team! and to all commenters for the different perspectives, the laughs, and the reality checks. I looked forward every day, and I’ll miss it.

  72. Vivir. After reflecting a while, I think the only worse way for Rebeca to die would have been to be burned at the stake, which is probably what would have happened to her a few centuries ago.

  73. Angel

    Urban, I don't know if you are watching via Univision Now for on demand, but Univision Now's live feed can be rewound up to 72 hours. I don't have Univision Now anymore since Vix is cheaper, but when I did and I couldn't watch something during the day, I would rewind the live to watch it rather than waiting til the next morning for it to hit on demand.

    I can't commit to recapping at this time. I miss recapping but there's a lot going on a work and I'm preparing for a promotion (hopefully) and going through a total realignment of my team either way in the next couple months. It's exciting and all consuming. I will hopefully get to watch though when I get back and can catch up.

  74. OT
    Urban, I could possibly help on recaps. I think El conde is ending soon. My Spanish is less than stellar, but it is improving every day. Telemundo puts English captions up about 12-18 hours after air time so in a pinch I have done a late recap with more detail than I can manage. The plus for me is the 1 p.m. air time. I'll look into the synopsis.

    I wish I had known others were watching the other Colunga (Pasion, amor Real. I have them in my library for future watching. I was waiting till my Spanish improved) shows. Even if it was not recapped, I would have liked to maybe discuss it with the other viewers.

  75. Vivir de amor

    Diana and Rgv Chick, I want to thank you for your great and selfless work for our benefit.

    This was an extremely interesting novela, though certainly not a great one, at least as far as I am concerned. You guys made it infinitely more enjoyable.

    I don't know what you are planning to do now; if it were me I think I would just go to bed and burrow under the covers for a month or two.


  76. Vivir

    Muchísimas gracias, Diana and Rgv Chick. Thanks for all the recaps and your dedication even after Vivir moved to daytime. Every recap was a gem and a go-to treat in my day. I will miss them.

    I'm fine with the gothic ending, but I admit my brain is a bit pickled from all the beanie moments throughout the TN's run.

    What good fortune for Misael that somehow Brayan got the coffins mixed up. The finale actually upgraded Brayan to a top-tier villain, lasting until the end and getting killed in a dramatic way.

    If Brayan had opened Rebeca's coffin first, I wonder if Rebeca would've followed through and run off for good with Misael and the dough. For once I was rooting for Misael, in the fight against Brayan. Sad, but at least Misael went down fighting and not suffocating.

    All the pregnancies were ho-hum. Nothing new to see there. Since Fatima originally didn't want kids and was now a happy stepmom and expectant mother, the writers could've done more with this.

    My MVP is Don Emilio, for making good sense (almost) all the time.

    Both Kimberly and Gala were good in their roles, but casting petite Kimberly against hearty Gala meant we never had a chance for a knock-down drag-out fight between the two. So I thought we'd get that with Gala and Monica, but nope. I'm still bummed that Monica got shot and was never seen again. No haunting, no nothing.

  77. VIVIR

    Darcy, thank you for you always lovely, kind and very supportive words. You always add so much!

    "I’m disappointed in the ending, but I’ve seen worse had me smiling away. We certainly have, haven't we??

    "I wish they had ended Misael differently, I find the idea that he was still determined to live miserably ever after with Rebeca to be too far to stretch my beanie" is exactly right. And I have to add that in the same vein, Rebeca "going back" with him after he cold bloodedly ran her over also has me scratching my head! Can't live with each other, can't live without...

    More weddings might have been fun but just seeing more interactions between the various couples would have been fun too.

    Loved your wise musings on Pedrito especially "Pedrito is only gone for the summer and is in town with her and his family most of the year". That would be my hope...for both of them....


  78. VIVIR

    Urban, thank you very much.

    "The poetic justice was Misael dying the same way as Dulce". It was Urban! Very well done.

    I enjoyed your comments on the wedding "...Doris really rocks those one-shoulder dresses, Elena and Christina were beautifully dressed as the proud mothers" which were spot on.

    "Brayan was no genius. He did not have a chemistry degree, so did he spend the absent three years as an apprentice in a drug cartel?" was an excellent point! The shanking he gave Lucas was unforgiveable and he ended up getting his karma.

    El Angel does look very enticing. However as I have no VCR I've had to revolve my life around being home every day to watch VIVIRs so I can't commit to watching in the afternoon right now. I hope you get a patio and enjoy your fav, JS! :)


  79. VIVIR

    Clara, your comments were beautiful and so uplifting. How very kind of you. Thank you.

    "I’ll credit the writers for something different that quickly dispatched the 3 baddies, and also allowed for fake death scene “confessions” was an excellent point. It certainly was not the norm as was a lot of this, perhaps it was the out of the box creativity that hooked us!

    "Juxtaposition of the coffin horror vibe with the wedding celebration was a bit jarring. Despite the glassy eyes, I half expected Reb to pop up at the wedding somehow!" had me nodding and smiling. We never knew what to expect did we? So many unexpected surprises, most of them NOT good but fascinating nevertheless.

    Happiness for those who deserve it was very gratifying. I just wish we'd seen a bit more of it...

    I hope to "see" you on another novela soon Clara.


  80. VIVIR

    Thank you for all your support and nice words Niecie.

    Loved "The finale actually upgraded Brayan to a top-tier villain, lasting until the end and getting killed in a dramatic way". As usual, you've highlighted something else that hadn't occurred to me. I too definitely would have been rooting for Misael rather than Brayan!

    I also wonder if Rebeca would have run away with Misael if things had "worked out". I think she might have but I don't think she'd have tolerated Misael for too long and would likely have done him in :)

    "My MVP is Don Emilio, for making good sense (almost) all the time". Hear, hear. A true gentleman and one of a kind...


  81. VIVIR

    Darcy, best of luck to you in all you have going on.

    Congrats on your expected promotion!!


  82. VIVIR

    Andy, thank you so much...

    To be honest, I'm looking forward to reclaiming my freedom to do what I need to when I want rather than having to figure out if I can get home by 1! :)

    I have to admit, I have run out of gas, this has been a long (although very enjoyable) journey.

    I'll have to see what the new night offerings are. I always say I'm going to take a break from watching but something inevitably lures me in... :)


  83. Vivir

    Dear Diana, you and Chick have earned a vacation . You were both very unselfish in devoting so much time to recapping. However, I hope we are on the same novela patio again soon. I always enjoy reading your comments . Enjoy your free afternoons.

  84. VIVIR

    Susan, we still have a bit more of Marea to enjoy thanks to Jarifa's excellent recaps.

    I am not sure what I will watch next...


  85. OT.."el Angel de Aurora

    Urban, I watched the trailer , and I am going to watch. lots of familiar novela themes. Get out your bingo cards. Many of these actors are new to me, but I saw some familiar faces , including the young police chef from "Minas" and one of the brothers from "Heredos." I'm in. Susan
