
Monday, September 02, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Golpe de Suerte & Marea de Pasiones - Week of Sept. 2, 2024

Coming Soon: La Historia de Juana will start MUY PRONTO!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. Jarifa is leading discussions on Marea de Pasiones which has gone to TWO HOURS!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte

9-11 PM – Marea de Pasiones: 42-47

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Golpe”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.


  1. MAREA DE PASIONES #42/#43 Page 1
    The plots were all over the place tonight. Please feel free to fill in anything I did not include.

    Gael was not mentioned even once.

    Luisa gets a call from María that she found her in the orchard. The police and their evidence team have cut down Leonor and are looking for evidence when Luisa and her siblings arrive. (I was impressed with the dead Leonor's makeup job. The look they created was very convincing.) Luisa doesn't believe for one minute that her mother killed herself. She will repeat that over and over through out the episode. Zaid keeps up his charade as the grieving son-in-law who thought of Leonor more like a mother. A police officer gives the police official a USB drive in a plastic bag that they found at the murder site. On the USB drive, there is a recording from Leonor explaining to her children why she killed herself. Leonor confesses to murdering their father. That morning she heard him talking to Fabiana Astorga. She couldn't take it so she choked him and then pushed him off the balcony. After all these years years, she just couldn't take what she did anymore. Sofía refuses to believe that her father had a lover, but if he did, they need to find Fabiana ASAP. She also doesn't believe that the explanation she recorded for her suicide was done of Leonor's own free will.
    The coroner rules that the cause ofLeonor's death suicide. The police agree.

    Zaid manages to "find" Alejandro's lover just by hiring the madam's classiest prostitute Nuria to pose as "Fabiana." "Fabiana" makes a memorable scene announcing her presence and who exactly she is at Leonor's funeral in the cemetery for all to see.

    Leonor has left encouraging and loving messages to all of her children that she recorded for them. She asks for forgiveness from her little Ana for not having understood in time that she was only her mother and not the owner of her life. She needs to choose her own path that will make her happy. She knows she is a brave woman and with that bravery she knows she will right her wrongs. For that, she will be forever in her debt. As for Santiago, she always wanted the best for him and it hurt her to see that he had lost his way. She knows that he is intelligent and has potential but he attracts things that are easy to do and he avoids challenges. Maybe it is tie for him to show everyone and especially himself that he is worthy and capable. As for Luisa, she only has to apologize to her. She makes a lot of mistakes with he but she knows that Luisa is a good person and will hold no resentment against her. She is already a winner and an and an exemplary mother. She is at peace knowing she will be there for her family and business. her children are her greatest pride. AN ODD SILENCE Then Leonor adds that she hopes that Luisa realizes in time. (realizes what??? is the question)

  2. MAREA Page 2

    On her way back to the orchard, María sees Zaid giving money to Helena. What she doesn't know is that Helena has told him that María found out that she tried to poison her so now she has to go and see a psychiatrist in order to have a chance to stay with Marcelo as he wants her to. The problem is that she has no money. Zaid gives her some. María calls her on taking money from Zaid and Marcelo asks her what is going on. María asks if Helena would prefer that they ask Zaid. She lies and says that Zaid suspected that Marcelo and Luisa had something going on between them in Colombia and paid her to find out. She didn't tell him anything but she needs the money to see a psychiatrist.
    Marcelo reminds her that she tried to kill his mother and tells her to pack up and move out right now. She wants to be forgiven. She cries. No goodbye hugs from Marcelo for her!!! Teresa warns Marcelo and María that due to her psychological state, they are still both at risk without Helena getting treatment.
    Helena appears again with flowers trying to apologize again to María and Marcelo. Marcelo says he will pay for her therapy if that is what it takes so she doesn't have to use Zaid's money.

    Rita and Alfonso admit being attracted to each other. He reads the DNA test results on Isela's phone and it shows that Rita is Sofía his sister.

    At Leonor's wake, Isela tells Zaid that she saw him and Leonor in a very compromising situation. Maybe that is why she killed herself because she couldn't take what she was doing to her own daughter. Maybe he was the impossible love she spoke of and not that gigolo.

    After the wake, Ana asks Isela to tell them all the secret she was threatening her mother with. Isela says that she discovered that Leonor was paying Walter for sex and that she planned on marrying him. Zaid found out and threatened to tell. Luisa asks why Zaid didn't tell them what was going on. Zaid says he was trying to protect everyone. Then everyone wants to know what secret Isela was trying to keep about herself. She lies and says that she confessed to Leonor that she was attracted to Cris.

  3. MAREA Page 3

    Marcelo takes care of Natalia for Luisa so she doesn't have to go to her grandmother's wake and funeral. She tells him that Zaid sometimes scares her because he yeell at her. Marcelo is not happy to hear that.

    Marcelo returns Natalia. Zaid says he won't be seeing her again. There is that matter of that restraining order. Marcelo says he heard about Zaid yelling at Natalia. He reminds Zaid that he is Natalia's biological father.

    Marcelo tells Luisa that he is going to file for shared custody of Natalia. He also tells her that Helena is gone. She looks happy but doesn't admit it.

    Zaid want to fire Santiago for hiring prostitutes and then taking a percentage for himself off the top. Santiago says if he fires him, He will tell Luisa everything he knows. Zaid says if he knows wha is god for him he will shut his "snout" up. Zaid advises him to look after his wife, because she is getting more and more suspicious all the time.

    Santiago goes to a psychiatric session with Terese. She knows what his problem is. He says he likes to see his work as a place for sex. He can have power over female workers. It is all about being in control. He can do that even if he cannot do anything else. She concludes that is he is impotent. He admits she is right. He leaves in a huff when she tells him he needs another psychiatrist to work with him because she is too attracted to him. He takes his records with him. She has labeled as a risk for females who has had problems with his parents, is a narcissist and a misogynist.

    Luisa sees Ana and Berta hugging each other as Berta tries to console Ana. She knows what is going on immediately and assures them she does not have a problem with their relationship.

    Crooked office Robledo shows Zaid the playing card he found where his mother-in-law died and he has seen Zaid with that kind of card in his hands more than once. He will make sure the press doesn't divulge that but it is the last thing he is doing for Zaid. Robledo says he knows that he was behind Leonor's death. Covering for him in the exhumation case is different than covering up a murder of a leading matriarch in their country. Zaid tells him he has not proof. Robledo answers that they both know that he wanted to avoid an exhumation because he killed Alejandro. He also thinks that he killed Walter. Zaid threatens to tell all he knows about Robledo. Robledo says he could do that but that will have no bearing on the charges that will be filed against him for those other cases.

    Cris tells María he just found out he has a daughter but is not saying anymore at this time.

    Juan tells Beatriz that he has managed to get bail for her through loan from Zaid which is really his share of the laundered money. She doesn't want to accept a bail based on laundered money. Juan tells Felipe what he has done and suggests that he and Beatriz leave the country together and start fresh somewhere else. Felipe looks like he is considering the offer.


  4. Marea
    Thanks jarifa. I still feel so bad for Helena, I can't hate her character and really hope she is redeemed in the end.

    I have so many questions about the supposed suicide. How could she get herself in the tree to hang herself without some sort of chair or ladder. How did Zaid manage it without leaving any traces of a second person being there or are the cops really that incompetent. They managed to miss finding the playing card so they are pretty useless. Enzo and Felipe needed to be on the scene! How about the fact her sub was left there without her prints on the steering wheel. How did Zaid get back to the house or casino from the orchard, or is everything that close

    The shock of the night to me was Santiago's revelation that he is impotent. Theresa saying she was attracted to him and suffering through an embrace with him reaffirmed my belief she is also being manipulated by Zaid. I may think of other things later ...

  5. Marea

    Jarifa, thank you for bringing us every restless moment.

    Zaid has now killed three people ( are there more we don't know about ?). We have to secure our beanies because he isn't very careful in his murder schemes . it is bizarre that he decided hanging from a high tree would look like a plausible suicide . Even If the po!ice are under his control , aren't the family suspicious? Wacky Isela may be next on his list.

    Helena ...." Can't I stay with you...sorry about poisoning your mother....". Susan

  6. MAREA

    Correction: SANTIAGO advises Zaid to look after his wife because she is more suspicious all the time.

  7. "JUANA":
    Jarifa: I'm assuming this will be replacing "GOLPE" in the 7:00 PM CST timeslot on Univision ?

  8. MAREA

    Jarifa, your recap was utterly sensational. Your ability to capture all of the action so seamlessly is incredible.

    Zaid killing both of Luisa’s parents seems particularly obscene. I keep waiting for the insanity he has bottled up to come bubbling up to the surface.

    So once Ana ran through the gamut of police to throw herself on her mother’s lifeless body, Felipe never tried to pull her away or keep Luisa AND Camila away. That crime scene was completely contaminated. I’m surmising police work is not Felipe’s forte.

    Will Luisa figure out Leonor’s thinly veiled message?? Think Luisa, think.

    Helena is psychotic.


  9. Marea

    Thanks so much Jarifa, another great recap. It’s hard to watch Zaid with all his fake caring. There are so many people that know things about him I feel he will have to kill the whole family. I feel he doesn’t even love Luisa, she was a way to the power and money. Which are his true loves.

    Kat, thanks for clarifying the cliff in the credits. I read it too fast and assumed they showed a body being thrown off. But if Zaid had Gael i can’t see him allowing him to live.

    Count me as one of the ones that can’t believe anyone would believe a 60 year old woman could get herself or a rope up that high. At first I thought Zaid left the car so they would think Leonor climbed on the car, then somehow got it to roll. But that’s another impossible thing.

    Thank goodness Natalie wasn’t at the funeral. The “lover” shows up to announce her affair, recordings are played and everyone wants to know what secret the sisters-in-law had on each other! Craziest funeral ever.


  10. MAREA, Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

    I am with you all in wondering how anyone could think that Leonor some how hanged herself. If she wanted to kill herself, there would have been so many easier ways to do it.

    Kat, "The shock of the night to me was Santiago's revelation that he is impotent." I NEVER saw that coming. It was out of left field! I like that this novela keeps us guessing.

    Susan, great point: "Wacky Isela may be next on his list." She better watch how much she pressures Zaid. You made me laugh with "Helena ...." Can't I stay with you...sorry about poisoning your mother."

    Diana, "That crime scene was completely contaminated. I’m surmising police work is not Felipe’s forte." Isn't that the truth? All of the people milling around and touching this and that. Unbelievable. "I keep waiting for the insanity he has bottled up to come bubbling up to the surface." Me, too. I want to see him go so far over the edge that Luisa will not be able to make an excuse for his actions.

    Liz, BINGO: "I feel he doesn’t even love Luisa, she was a way to the power and money. Which are his true loves." "Thank goodness Natalie wasn’t at the funeral." That turned out to be the best decision ever. Can't wait until tonight!

  11. JUANA

    Steve, I have no idea what Univision is going to show in which time slot. ; (

  12. Marea 41/42

    Gracias, Jarifa.

    Can this story get more perverse? 20+ episodes to go and we have no reason to expect Zaid to stop killing.

    The revelation about Santiago was unexpected but it certainly explains his misogyny, which is compounded with self-loathing. Since he is impotent he must be taking this out on women through sadism. No redemption for him although I hope he avenges his mother's murder.

    Teresa is sick, sick, sick to be attracted to him and I hope she loses her license.

    Beatriz needs to wake up and stop shielding Juan.

    I was surprised at Leonor's apparent acceptance of Ana's orientation, but what is in her will? I'm sure Zaid may have tampered with that.

  13. MAREA

    Urban, "perverse" yes! but oh so entertaining. I cannot wait to see Leonor's will.

  14. MAREA DE PASIONES #44/#45 Page 1


    1. Felipe tells Beatriz that her father said they could flee the country together and he is willing to do it. She refuses wanting him to be the honest man he has always been. She also will do nothing to ever hurt her dad. So, it looks like they will be getting married in jail. Alfonso finds the USB drive that Beatriz has asked him to find. Felipe wants the drive to save Beatriz. Felipe refuses to give it to anyone but Beatriz who sent him to find it for her in the first place. Beatriz is being moved to a prison the next day.

    2. Alfonso and Rita AKA Sofía have strong romantic feelings for each other that they are having a hard time controlling. Because of those feelings, Rita tells Juan she wants out. He says no way. Alfonso doubts that Rita si Sofía because when he suggested they go swimming, she didn't wnat to. When she was a kid, she loved to swim. Isela reminds him that Sofía has a bad allergy to cherries. Alfonso has a disturbing memory from his childhood of some men taking Sofía and placing her in the trunk of a car.

    3. The four stooges are still wondering where Gael is or if he is alive. They think of following Zaid. Ana goes to his office and tells his assistant that she wants to take some photos of his office for a school project about office design. Zaid is not there and the assistant lets her into his office. She searches it for any clue to where Gael could be. She finds some keys and brings them back to the others. Zaid's assistant notices that things are out of place in Zaid's office when she leaves.

    4.When he finds out she is homeless, Cris invites Helena to come live with him.
    She feels like he is the father that she never had. He is appy to be that for her.

    5. Nora finds Santiagos's psych record in his office and doesn't miss a beat in starting to harass him with a text message that he is as dangerous to the women he harasses as a castrated dog since he is IMPOTENT. He goes crazy and makes a beeline to Teresa. Nora almost laughs out loud as she sees him leave. Teresa insists that she didn't tell anyone about him. He is afraid of being a laughing stock if anyone finds out.

    6. Osvaldo calls Nora because his mother is in bed asleep (unconscious?) and his son is on the bed with her. He still hasn't found a job and wants her to help him. She refuses. She tells him to support his family something that he has never done. Santiago overhears them and offers to help Osvaldo.

    7. Zaid wants Nuria to reprise her role as Alejandro's lover. She is not interested because she feels there is something illegal about all of this. Zaid gets aggressive and tries to grab her. The madame puts a stop to him and tells him he will not treat her girls like that. She will talk to Nuria.

    8. Zaid is upset when Luisa tells him she is asking the judge for shared custody of Natalia with Marcelo. He goes beserk that everything always comes down to MARCELO!!! They yell and scream at each other as they argue. Let us say the bloom is off the rose of their marriage. Zaid starts to poison Natalia's against Luisa and Marcelo by telling her that they want to makes a family with her and cut him out. He wants Helena to do the same. Helena tells Marcelo she wants to still spend time with Natalia because she feels close to her and it will help her herself to heal. Marcelo says only if he is present.

    Luisa tells Teresa how violent Zaid has become She is not sure she wants to save her relationship with him. He is so violent lately. She thinks he hated her father and feels like he is hiding something. She cannot trust him.

  15. MAREA Page 2

    Helena lets it drop to Zaid that Marcelo and Luisa went to bed in Colombia. He starts to go nuts thinking it just happened and then she adds that it occurred when they were novios in Colombia years ago. No matter what she said, the fact that they could have gone to bed together recently is in the back of his mind. At work, Zaid suggests that he and Luisa talk and pours them a couple of drinks. He is all apologetic and only wants the best for Natalia. He won't try to deny Marcelo time with Natalia or fight against the joint custody. She doesn't know that he has drugged her drink. She passes out and he starts to choke


  16. MAREA

    Jarifa, thank you for your marvelous recap, so clear and concise. Your recaps are always such a joy to read.

    So relieved Luisa has rapidly come to the realization she is married to a violent, dangerous lunatic. But has she come to it too late??

    I am still bewildered why Beatriz has such fierce loyalty to Juan who is deserving of and is in fact, nothing.

    I readily admit I enjoyed Nora getting the better of Santiago, especially after he offered to help Osvaldo! She best be careful as the repercussions will be terrible if he finds out.

    How long is Rita expected to carry out this farce? Indefinitely?

    Does anyone else feel that Isela looks unhinged at times??

    "Let us say the bloom is off the rose of their marriage" said it all! Watching the gamut of emotions flash across Zaid's face as Luisa passed out; bewilderment, pure fury, hurt then hatred was truly frightening. He is becoming increasingly unhinged and seems incapable of keeping his rage under control.

    Someone needs to tell Ana that the first rule of an unauthorized search is to leave things as you find them.


  17. MAREA

    Diana, thank you. Yes, to: "But has it come too late?" and "Does anyone else feel that Isela looks unhinged at times?" Zaid drugging and choking Luisa was a surprise. I thought he would be more into intimidating her by hitting her. Alejandro de la Madrid is doing and outstanding job as Zaid showing his constantly shifting emotions. "Someone needs to tell Ana that the first rule of an unauthorized search is to leave things as you find them." I couldn't believe how careless she was. Let us hope the assistant will keep quiet but then why else would they show us what a mess she left the office if Zaid is not going to notice something. I think I might be finally catching on to the construction of these novelas or maybe not.

    When will the notary retrieve the will and there be a will reading?

  18. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, I really appreciate you doing the two hour recaps. I usually don’t even watch the show in one sitting!

    We know Zaid won’t kill Luisa, although I was worried at first. But I would think when Luisa wakes up there would be marks on her neck. It could even hurt. She told Teresa he’s becoming violent, but I don’t know if we can trust Teresa. How long will it take her to be convinced Zaid killed her father. Then the next step would be linking him to her mother, who had that complete turnaround in her feelings for Zaid vs. Marcelo.

    So Helena is living with her real dad, but I think it will be a long time before they both learn it. I am hoping for a happy ending for the two of them.

    Osvaldo is learning life is harder without Nora. Something to at least grin about.

    I’m hoping Felipe and Alfonso work together to free Beatriz, and maybe even find the real Sophia. I couldn’t tell if Felipe ended up with the USB drive or not. But they seem to be the same age and maybe we’re friends at one time.

    Juan is just a loser. Such a disappointment that he doesn’t have the guts to do anything to save his daughter and everyone else in Zaid’s radar. He has to know that Zaid killed Leonor.


  19. Marea

    Yikes !!! Jarifa, thank you for delivering every crumb to us as these crazy cookies crumble . Most of these characters are unhinged and becoming increasingly more so ...but Zaid is losing all his hinges . This guy is NASTY evil.

    Ise!a is her own special form of unhinged .

    Well, Chris has really walked into a hornet's nest.After all these years , isela decides to tell him he is a dad , and now it seems that daughter has drifted into his life and his house. Uff.

    Juan is a worthless wimp. The line forms right behind him.. .calling Santiago , Oswaldo.

    Zaid is finally losing control over his facade with Luisa. Susan

  20. MAREA

    Liz, you are very welcome. Recapping this one is just too much fun. Excellent point about bruises on Luisa's neck. She also could end up with a sore throat. I wonder if they will go there or ignore the reality of the attack. Teresa could be a problem with her competing personal interest. "Osvaldo is learning life is harder without Nora. Something to at least grin about." Exactly!

    Susan, love your description of the is novela as a "crazy cookies crumble!!
    You have called it with Zaid. "This guy is NASTY evil." Zaid is turning out to be a formidable villain. "Juan is a worthless wimp. The line forms right behind him.. .calling Santiago , Oswaldo." So very many weak men with no values.

  21. Marea

    Gracias, Jarifa.

    Indeed. Osvaldo's mother is to blame for the way he is and she may be realizing that now.

    Luisa will survive this tale, she has to. However she may also have to save Natalia's life before this is over.

  22. MAREA DE PASIONES #46/#47 Part 1

    Zaid stops choking Luisa. He has listened to a message on Luisa's phone where Marcelo confirms his worst suspicion that he and Luisa went to bed together when they were recently in Colombia. Luisa awakens in her own bed with a headache feeling nauseous and wonders how she got there. He hands her her phone and demands that she unlock it and plays the conversation. She wants to explain. He slaps her instead and crawls on top of her and reminds her how he took care of her and Natalia as if she were his own child for seven years and it turns out she was still in love with Marcelo all that time. Zaid crazed and in tears says he still loves her like the first time he saw her.
    In the next scene she is sitting on the floor of the shower screaming and crying. (Oka Giner does the BEST ugly cry ever!)

    Zaid pays Helena a visit at Cris' house and is furious that she knew that Marcelo and Luisa had gone to bed in Colombia and didn't tell him. He slaps her. She slaps him. He chokes her and leaves her with bruises that have to be covered with a scarf and a sore throat. Zaid leaves with a promise to get even.

    Luisa calls Marcelo and asks him to pick Natalia up from school. She will meet them on the beach later. Zaid shows up to pick up Natalia, too, and he and Marcelo argue. Zaid mouths off about Marcelo and Luisa taking another roll in the hay in front of Natalia. Zaid has a gun and almost shoots Marcelo on the spot but Marcelo asks him to think about Natalia. Zaid leaves informing Marcelo he has something far worse in store for him. .

    Marcelo takes Natalia to the beach. He sees the bruise on Luisa's cheek. Marcelo wants to kill Zaid. Neither regrets anything they have done. They tell Natalia that the three of them can be happy as a family. Natalia would be happy to be away from her daddy Zaid who shouts all the time. Marcelo will take Natalia to stay at Maria's.

    Luisa is going to work and insists she will talk to Zaid alone. She finds out that Zaid is waiting for her in his office. She tells him that she hates him and that he disgusts her. Of course, he blames her. Luisa takes responsibility for what she did. She makes it clear that she he isn't asking him to leave, she is demanding him to leave. He warns her not to ask him for a divorce because she wouldn't want him for an enemy.

    At the end of a meeting on the eco-resort, Luisa silently listens into a call that Zaid is having with Helena. She finds out that he has been paying Helena from the very start to keep Marcelo away from her and to mess with Natalia. She goes into his office and attacks him.

    At a meeting of all of the share holders in the eco-resort project, Zaid and everyone else leaves the search for the construction company to Marcelo who is happy to take it on. Little does he know that Zaid is planning on defrauding them all. He is setting up a dummy corporation with a front man who will be Ben's half-brother.

  23. MAREA PAGE 2

    Beatriz is transferred to the penitentiary but not until after everyone stops by to see her and cries. Alfonso brings her the USB drive.Beatriz tells him she will destroy it but slips it instead to "Sofía" to hide and keep it for her. Felipe stops by and the two pledge their love for each other. (Shortly thereafter, Enzo tries to talk him into getting on with his life and finding a new love but Felipe isn't interested) Even Camila manages to show up and Isela leaves her home to say goodbye to her daughter. Beatriz gets on the bus and it finally rolls on.

    At the prison, Beatriz meets a young woman doing seventeen years for killing her first husband who was beating her. She got pregnant while she was in prison and is currently pregnant. The baby will be able to stay with her until she is three.

    Cris tells María about Helena staying with him. He has a fatherly feeling for her and wants to help her because she has nobody and he couldn't put her out on the street. María tells him about Helena trying to poison her. María tells Helena that she wishes her no ill will.Helena hopes she can forgive her some day.

    Helena tells Cris of the devastation she felt being rejected by Marcelo and it was like she was another person when she poisoned María. He wonders why she is so afraid of being abandoned. She explains how she has only vague memories of her childhood. She remembers a man who she thinks was her father putting her in a boat and saying goodbye. She remembers the tide taking her out to sea and then suddenly a bad smelling man rescuing her and taking her back to land. From the very start, he had her out begging in the street. It was horrible. He is in jail now and his name is Zenobia Cueva. Cris assures her everything will be fine.

    Santiago hires Osvaldo as his driver. He notices how disrespectfully Santiago
    treats the female employees. He tells his mother that maybe Nora was right.

    Nora sends Santiago another text telling him to respond financially to his female victims or they will all find out about him. He has a week. He calls Luisa right away saying he is ready to make the financial settlements.

    Santiago calls Teresa. She complains saying that she told him that she didn't want to hear from him. He won't let her go that easily and threatens her with a malpractice suit.

    Nora makes an appointment for therapy with Teresa. She found ehr anme on the internet.

    Isela tells Cris that his daughter is Sofía. He really wants to meet her because his time is short.

    Knowing that his sister was allergic to cherries, Alfonso buys some chocolate covered cherries for "Sofía" to eat. When she eats one and does not break out in a rash, he goes running with the news to Isela. Isela is not surprised because it was raw cherriess with the pollen still on them that Sofía was allergic to. She reminds him that they did a DNA test. She will not lose Sofía again.

    Roberta follows Ben to what looks like the same place that Leonor was kept prisoner. She calls the other three stooges to let them know that maybe that is where Gael is being held.

    Bothe Iñaki and Camila get vaccinated against HPV. He suggests that she get tested to see if she still has an active viral infection. Camila says she thinks she does because she still has symptoms. Anyway, she is afraid if the test results would show she had something worse like cancer.

    Helena forces her babysitting on Marcelo. She wants to play with Natalia. (REALLY???) They decide to play restaurant where she has Natalia hold a tray where she puts more and more on it making it heavier and heavier. When Natalia complains, she doesn't let her put it down. In her mind, we see how her stepfather did the same thing to her. She suddenly comes to her senses and tells her to put it down.She apologizes as Marcelo arrives.




    The inmate Got MARRIED while she was in orison.

  25. Marea
    Jarifa, I'm pretty riveted to this story (except the 20 somethings storyline that is). I wonder about the fat, smelly guy that found Helena(Sofia I'm certain). More hints that Juan was behind her disappearance. He may have found her and used her as a slave but he may not have been the stepfather she thinks she killed. (Since Zaid knows about it I wouldn't have put it past him to have been the actual murderer to control Helena. I'm sure he had no altruistic motive if he did. Helena's story is the most interesting to me

    Since Luisa was sitting in the shower crying I'm sure Zaid also raped her. Hopefully she can get a restraining order against him and of course a divorce.

    Ana wants to get a job at the hotel or casino to earn money and quit school so she can help her friend Jimena pay for therapy that her parents can't afford? No inheritance coming her way from Leonora or her shares in the family business? I'm actually rooting for Roberta finding some evidence about Leonora in that hideaway. Looks like Ben had orders to clean it out as he left with several trash bags.

    Ok, why doesn't Oswaldo do his own DNA test with Rita to check if they are siblings?

    I think Teresa is getting scared. Nora's call to become a patient seemed to set off alarm bells.

  26. MAREA

    Another exceptional recap Jarifa, thank you so much.

    You bring this so vividly to life and always fill in my many blanks.

    "(Oka Giner does the BEST ugly cry ever!)" is so true. I think she and Matias are coming into their own the further this goes on.

    Kat, I agree with you that the way Luisa was crying (as though her heart was broken) in the shower along with the anger and pain she was so clearly displaying after, that Zaid raped her.

    As disgusting as Santiago is, he pales in comparison to Zaid which is saying quite a bit.

    When is Beatriz going to wake up and realize who she is shielding? I still don't understand why; Juan is such a low life.

    Loved "THE BLACK HOLE OF ABANDONMENT AKA HELENA". I do feel sorry for Helena but instead of backing off after trying to kill Marcel's mother, she tries to endear herself to Natalia. Boundaries. Learn it.

    There may be a small sliver of hope for Osvaldo; at least he somewhat realizes how contemptible Santi is.


  27. Marea
    Jarifa, thank you for a great report on all the drama. Uff . Well, do much for my idea this show was going to give us lots of loving by the sea.

    I have had more than enough of Zaid abusing women . I can barely stand to look at his awful, hate filled face. This guy is off his rocker and getting worse with every episode. Cringe .

    Kat, I agree that the scene of Luisa crying in the shower was a sign that Zaid had raped her. Thankfully, that was not shown.

    So, Teresa is the only psychiatrist around.

    Santiago and Osvaldo make quite a pathetic pair.

  28. Marea

    Hmmm..Zenobia was a Syrian warrior Queen. I remember reading about her.

  29. Marea

    Thanks Jarifa, I enjoyed the recap. Zaid is really losing it. I’m glad Luisa heard the conversation with Helena. I feel that she will tell Marcelo. Everyone else seems to keep things to themself.

    I could be wrong but I thought Zaid threatened harm to Natalia if Luisa divorced him. My first thought when she was in the shower was that he raped her too.

    The kids are getting way over their head in trying to find Gael. Roberta should at least suspect that Zaid could be dangerous.

    Beatrice should definitely have let Felipe have the USB drive. Not sure why she feels she needs to protect her father.

    I wish Alfonso would do the DNA test to see if they’re siblings. Good suggestion, Kat. Meanwhile the real Sophia is down the road. I don’t like Helena but I think Cris will be good for her.

    Why did they throw the HPV scene in? That just seemed out in left field.

    It looks like Nora and Osvaldo could have had a marriage if it wasn’t for his mother.


  30. MAREA

    Thanks everyone for stopping on by.

    So many mysteries to be unraveled! Liz said "Why did they throw the HPV scene in? That just seemed out in left field." It sure felt like that. I hope we are not going into a Camila cancer scare due to her HPV infection.

    As for Luisa, seeing her in the shower was enough to know what happened. So glad we didn't have to see her being assaulted. I thought it was interesting she didn't cover up the bruise on her face with makeup; quite the statement.

    Kat, "I'm actually rooting for Roberta finding some evidence about Leonora in that hideaway." I had not thought of that. We need some evidence from somewhere to get her murder solved. I cannot wait to see how Nora's appointment with Teresa goes.

    Diana, " I do feel sorry for Helena but instead of backing off after trying to kill Marcel's mother, she tries to endear herself to Natalia. Boundaries. Learn it." My problem is that Marcelo and María understand how unstable Helena is but still allow her to be around Natalia and even them. Why? Because a psychiatrist said it would be good for Helena? What about their and especially Natalia's well-being??? This is a time for them to batten down the hatches and protect Natalia as well as themselves. There is no virtue putting yourself or anyone else in jeopardy. Got that off my chest!!! "There may be a small sliver of hope for Osvaldo; at least he somewhat realizes how contemptible Santi is." Yes, I agree. Maybe he can be a decent father for his son but I never want to see Nora back with him.

    Susan, "Well, do much for my idea this show was going to give us lots of loving by the sea." gave me a good laugh this morning. "I have had more than enough of Zaid abusing women ." I hope he has a terrible ending. Yep, it sure looks like Teresa is the only psychiatrist around. Too funny!

    Liz, "Roberta should at least suspect that Zaid could be dangerous." Exactly. She has been around him enough to see who he really is. "Beatrice should definitely have let Felipe have the USB drive. Not sure why she feels she needs to protect her father." That level of self-sacrifice given the situation makes no sense to me.

    Jarifa: I see we're finally in Ultimos Capitulos.

  32. Marea

    Gracias, Jarifa.

    Luisa's shower scene said it all. Zaid raped her so he needs to die.

    I have no pity left for Helena after she abused Natalia like that. Trying to kill Maria was more than bad enough.

    Didn't somebody give Camila that virus during the first week of this tale? If I'm right this isn't out of left field.

  33. Marea
    UA, Gael gave Camila the virus which is why they kidnapped him, as a revenge to infecting her
