
Thursday, September 05, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of September 2, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 10-11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor*

*My DirecTV Guide shows no episode on Friday, September 6.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.   Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!



  1. conde

    Interesting. You all seem to show either half an hour or nothing for tonight's episode. My DirecTV guide shows it running at 10PM, as usual. But sometimes it gets it wrong. I have it set up to record every episode of the TN. And a few times it's shown a revision of what's gone before or only a partial. We'll see. I'd be willing to do a very bare bones recap. It's 8:30 PM in Califas, so I won't know for an hour and a half if there's anything to write a recap about.

    I was intrigued by the "not a saint" and Ale's saying something about letting the vipers do each other in. Did I miss some sort of indication that Dylan was a bad guy? He's seemed like a pretty nice man and fond father. He's dumb enough to fall for Josie, but does this make him a bad guy?

    I'm starting to move toward some comments by the rest of you. Maybe it's my long fondness for Fernando Colunga, but I was holding back on blaming him for the fallout of his revenge plan on folks who don't need it. But his risking them as pawns in his plan is worrisome.

    But I do agree with Juanita. From what we've seen Ale has never said he wants a relationship with Caye. She's just sort of tried steamrolling him into it, telling everyone in the cast they're an item, etc. And I am once again a bit confused about querer vs amar. Querer can mean like or it can mean love. Sometimes madly in love TN protagonists will say te quiero at some phases of a relationship and te amo at others. After all these years of studying Spanish, I'm starting to think it takes a native speaker to get which means which and when. He did tell her: te quiero, and she replied: Pero no me amas.

    I think we just saw Violeta move on from Antonio. She didn't say anything, just made a hand gesture when he said that about not raising other people's kids. She may spend some time in the sack with him, but that's it.

    Loved: "Yeah, what every mother says to her 19-year old son!" I might have even hinted to my teenaged son that his was a virgin birth. There's just a total ick factor about confessing to being a sexual being to your male child. Never had a girl, so I don't know if that's different.

    It's taking too long for Josie to get hers!

  2. Conde
    Novelera, I wouldn't have caught on to Dylan and Josie being pitted against each other if I hadn't watched it the second time with English cc. I remembered somebody did dirty by Rodrigo's dad, ordering stuff and paying with a bad check. Wondered if Dylan was that guy.

  3. conde

    Kat, I forgot to thank you for the excellent recap. I always appreciate your humor.

    So...tonight was 30 minutes in my time zone, but it was all repeated material. What they showed here was more of the Isla stuff for the first 30 minutes. Easy to FF>>. I have hated reality shows my entire life. I've never watched even one, just sort of read about them in the zeitgeist. There was an article in The Atlantic not that long ago about how awful protagonists are treated on them. 18 hour days and little to no money. They are lured in with the idea that they'll get to be actors or improve their careers if they're already actors. And, at least on Telemundo, it's taking jobs away from real actors and real writers.

    In seeing David interviewing Rodrigo I once again noticed an enjoyable word. I understood it in context the first time but looked it up. Cortafuegos as used in Conde means firebreaks or, as they showed in that scene at the Gallardos' hacienda, digging a trench to keep the flames from spreading. It's also used as firewall in the context of software to prevent hackers.

  4. Conde

    Novelera, I enjoyed reading your comments this morning . I checked to see if this show was on at 10 , and it wasn't , so I went to bed.

    We have daughters ,and let me just say that I don't think any kid wants to hear or think about his or her parents having sex. ...ever.

    I love Fernando , but this role is very different From his past roles. He usually played the knight in shining armor...kind, loving, sensitive, strong, smart, protective.

  5. conde

    This episode made me so angry! Bear with me when I rant. But let me thank you very much, Kat, for a fine recap.

    I know the patio is split on sympathy for Caye. I have a lot of sympathy for the character. I can’t imagine the hell of being a young child on the streets and living with a hole in your memory. I can’t blame her for falling for her rescuer. (Yes, her hyper seduction mode is too much.) Maybe this also has something to do with losing her adoring father at a young age.

    All Ale could offer Caye were excuses and lukewarm apologies, --“the doctor told me…” “Forgive me, but I’ve been waiting for this moment.” He tells her to be patient. (Grant me patience.) I know Ale also went through hell but as this goes on, I’m losing sympathy for him. I don’t have the history that some of you have with Colunga, so it doesn’t mitigate my feelings.

    Caye accused Ale of using her as a pawn. 100% agree. He uses a lot of people and rationalizes it as justice. Caye, Ric, Amaranta, and Lucrecia should storm into Ale’s office, tie him to a chair, and not let him go until he comes clean with everything. I volunteer to hold him down while they tie him up.

    Memo, Mr. “I’m not authorized to give you that information”—pffft. I’m getting tired of him, too.

    I’m also interested in Dylan not being a “saint”. Maybe the crockpot theory of him being a broke scammer is correct. Does he have a problem with alcohol? He’s been drunk a couple of times already. Let’s see how he treats Josie after marriage.

    Where the hell was Pau? I hoped she would show up when Josie appeared with Dr Rosales. Why didn’t Sofi insist her mother be with her? I hope Pau appears before Sofi downs that green goo.

    I don’t know if Ale deserves a son like David. He put the kid in danger. “Conde doesn't believe he [Gerardo] would harm his own son.” Just wait.

    Ha, Pedro lost all his investment and Vic’s. Pedro’s life is now in danger, if it’s not about the money, it will be about Dolores.

    I saw a promo for “Sed de Venganza” that said starting October. Maybe we’ll get últimas semanas soon.

    End rant. Thank you.

  6. Conde
    Dondi, I also don't have the sentimental attachment to Colunga either and am in pretty much total agreement with everything you posted.

    Kat in SC: Something tells me Dylan is a key player in the sinister conspiracy to framing Alejandro. Just a hunch!

    Dondi356: Have you've ever heard of collateral damage ? I'm still doubling-down on Sofia losing the baby at this point. Dumbass Paulina will NOT be able to make it in time.

    I wouldn't be shocked if Buji Joise & Jackass Felipe know about Amaranta & Paulina.

  8. Dondi, I enjoyed your rant! Yes, if you discount 20 years of Fernando Colunga being the very best galán ever, I can see why that stern face and disregard for the people he's using as pawns would definitely annoy you.

    The first time I saw Colunga was in Amor Real. It was my second telenovela, El Privilegio de Amar being my first. I was studying Spanish, as I still am, in the local high school's adult evening class schedule. I began with beginning Spanish, went on to Intermediate, and now take Advanced Spanish and Conversation on Zoom, also by the adult school.

    A co-worker, born in Zacatecas, told me to tune in to watch El Privilegio. I had mentioned that trying to watch TNs starting in the middle was very hard. She was right! Watching from the beginning and recording them on a VCR so that I could back up over and over to better understand the language DID improve my Spanish comprehension. I could also follow the plot because I knew why that woman hated the other one.

    Then I tuned into Amor Real. It was a sensation. I remember stopping into my nearby Mexican restaurant for a burrito and the whole staff had it on in the kitchen. Colunga played Manuel Fuentes-Guerra the son of a hacendado who'd raped his indigenous mother. I believe this was 2004.

    So, my path was set. TNs know exactly how to hook you. Watched the entirety of Amor Real and kept on going. Getting a TV with subtitles in Spanish helped a lot. There was one novela in which Fernando played a not very nice guy, can't remember the name. But mostly he was cast in novelas de época playing a swashbuckling hero.

    Our Caray founder began writing about Amor Real on her blog. Guess I found it googling for fellow lovers of the novela. Then, as most of you know, Caray, Caray was created because the novela discussions had sort of overwhelmed her blog.

    So, I'll watch anything with Colunga in it and wish he'd get cast as a less problematic character.

  9. OT:
    Novelera: Let's not forget about Colunga also starred in "Pasion de Poder" I think it was portraying the villainous Eladio.

  10. CONDE:
    I was a typical fanatic fan of Colunga for many years! I was shocked to see him in this show after not hearing anything about him for years. It took me awhile to get used to seeing him as this version, super serious, etc.. BUt I do think the writers have carried this “everyone will get their due soon” plan just a little too long. I do get that Ale has to be super careful or it won’t work but some of the punishments to some of the culprits could have at least started already at this point. It’s getting a little frustrating…and….. i don’t think I can withstand another physical abuse instance with Josefina!!! Sofia and Paulina do not have to be THAT weak!! I mean their weakness is just too extreme.
    Nevertheless, It do consider it one of the most intriguing novelas I have seen thus far in my 20+ years of watching them.
    We have another pre- empt this week due to debate! PLEASE ALE…do something about Cale—-it’s ridiculous already

    Anon: You're referring to Cayatena correct ?

  12. Conde

    Novelera, I just finished watching "Pasion" again . We were all crazy about FC as pirate captain Ric. Currently. I am watching " Alborado" with FC as Don Luis and " Amor Real." Carla Estrada And Monica Miguel always brought out the best in FC. He seemed made for those big, spectacular period dramas as he portrayed a doctor\hacienda owner (with a dark side and anger \ jealousy issues, a count, and a pirate with a heart of gold. I miss those historical novelas . susan

  13. Conde
    yes, Steve. I was referring to Cayatena.I do feel sorry for what she went through and what she is currently experiencing but I also think Ale made it very clear many times that he was not available in the way she wanted him to be but she just kept at it….i just meant to say it was getting annoying.

  14. conde

    novelera and other Colunga fans, please don’t get me wrong. We all have our telenovios/telenovias. I don’t begrudge your love of TMBMOE. The TN is based on the novel and he’s playing the Count exactly as he should. The novel isn’t light reading. IMHO, this character is supposed to cause uneasiness. Has he lost his humanity? Amador warned him about seeking revenge.

    This TN is holding my interest and I believe we are all eager to see the anvils fall on the evil ones. I’m anxious about the ending we’ll get. Being a dizi fan, I’ve been conditioned to worry.
