
Thursday, September 12, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): El Conde: Amor y Honor y más: Week of September 9, 2024


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

10 - 11PM - El Conde: Amor y Honor

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!


  1. conde

    I will do a recap tonight since there was no episode on Tuesday, my regular night. I also have a Zoom book club tonight, so it might be briefer than usual.

    Novelera: Looking forward to seeing your recap of this evening's upcoming episode.

  3. conde

    #49 – Part 1 of 2

    As we saw before, a Zambrano maid finds Sofia with the empty poison bottle. These writers sure are messing with our heads. The next scene is of grieving grannie shouting about the escuincla estupida (stupid kid) having done this to her. Dylan comes in trying to comfort her. What’s interesting is at the beginning of the episode they say Sofia is at the hospital with doctors. Later on they say she’s died.

    Vicente yells for Ruben to come out. He didn’t see who it was who went for the box of money, so doesn’t know it was Ruben. Some people come out to their car and Vicente can’t shoot. Ruben goes somewhere to gloat and proclaim his poverty is over, and he then discovers there’s only paper inside.

    Caye is with Ale, being rather cold and saying something about needing time to adjust. He wants her to hear something. Carmen comes in, and she says that thepadrecito told her to come to the Count for help (Ale in disguise). She tells the two of them that she’s terrified of her ex: Vicente Garcia.

    Vicente sends his Asian enforcer after a guy with a limp, about yea tall. Pedro looks nervous.

    Carmen tells what happened to her. Says Vicente was like a crazy man. He threw a pan of boiling water at her face, then smothered her with a pillow. He buried her out in a field. But her comadre saved her. She says she’s worried about her daughters. Caye is definitely moved by this. Carmen says she doesn’t feel safe anymore. Ruben saw her in the street. He’s a bad man. She says that Vicente was robbing the Gallardos.

    Pedro is furious at Ruben for threatening Vicente. Ruben tells him he wants money and fast or the whole teatrito of being the marqués will come to an end.

    Teresa Garcia and Ric Jr. are together. She’s teaching him English. Hmm. The word they’re working on is LOVE. While she’s explaining the pronunciation, he plants a kiss on her. She’s about to run off when he tells her he really likes her a lot.

    Paulina wakes up. Believe she was drugged last episode. She reads a hidden note that I could not read. Anyone remember what the note was about?

    Mari comes in to tell Paulina that Sofia committed suicide. Talk about gall…Josie comes in and starts shrieking about Sofi’s death being Paulina’s fault. She gets a huge slap from Mari. Mari tells her to get out of this room or she’ll tear her eyes out!! Very enjoyable to see the witch back down.

    Caye tells Ric about hearing what happened to Carmen. She tells him she’s going to Mexico City to revisit her steps and try to remember things. She’s going alone. Ric tries to talk her out of it.

    Brendan finds out about Sofia and is very, very sad. Josie says something about the suicide perhaps having had something to do with dealing with her mentally ill mother.

    Caye lashes out at Violeta for staying with Vicente.

  4. conde

    #49 – Part 2 of 2

    Carmen tells her friend that the Count will protect her. And she’s going to tell her daughters the truth about who she is.

    Violeta tells Memo about how Caye treated her. He comforts her a bit. Hmmm. Did I see a spark between the two of them? Then she goes to see Antonio, who’s not paying any attention to her. He tells her about Sofia.

    Carmen is about to tell Teresa the truth when Leticia comes in with the news about Sofia.

    Mari comes to see Ale. She’s bitter because he didn’t protect Sofia. She says she thought her godchild would be happy with the man she loved, that the Count was going to protect them. “It’s your fault!”

    Ale comes to offer his sympathy to Josie and Dylan. When she isn’t looking into his face directly, the expression on his face…icy. He offers his place for the velorio.

    Felipe has a bit of shame. He tells his mother: “We killed her!”

    Amaranta wants to go to Pau and puts a knife to Memo’s throat when he tries to stop her. He tells her that the Count is handling everything.

    Pau tells Nanny and Mari she should have stopped Josie after discovering she was being poisoned. She should have pressed charges. She blames herself for cowardice.

    Memo gives Lucretia the money she was asked to come up with by Ruben because poor little Pedro was being threatened by violent lenders. Memo tells her that it’s likely a fraud.

    The two big baddies butt heads. Josie doesn’t want the charges against Javier to be dropped. Gerardo tells her she lied to him. The boy wasn’t sexually harassing Sofia; they had a relationship. He says the Count came to see him. The boy will have a very good lawyer. He’s not risking a discovery of the fake case they used to put Javier away. Plus, he needs the Count’s support. She’s livid.

    Pau tells Felipe exactly what a terrible father he was. Never spent any time with her because she was a girl. Josie comes in. Paulina tells mother and son that they have Sofia’s blood on their hands.

    David and Mari, dressed in black, are ready to go to Sofie’s velorio David says he's disappointed in the Count.

    Javi is released and told by his parents about Sofi. He keeps saying “No” over and over again. When Leticia tells him about the velorio at Casa Conde, he runs out.

    Javier shows up there and throws himself on a closed coffin, shouting “mi amor”. Felipe tries to throw him out. Javi says they were together, and they loved each other. But her grandmother never wanted that. “She was going to marry her by force to this man!”, pointing at Brendan.

    Poor Brendan. He just looked completely stunned.

    This is kind of a quickie. I have an early appointment.

    EPISODE #49:

    Novelera: Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Enjoyed reading your recap of last night's episode.

    *Javier had impulse issues & barges into Sofia's wake. Brave of him calling out Buji Joise & Jackass Felipe in front of everyone at Casa Conde. My concern is that Javier puts a bigger target on his back.

    *Something tells me Dylan is a key player in the sinister conspiracy to framing Alejandro. Just saying because his body language rubs me the wrong way.

    *Surprised Nanny is still at the Zambrano House of Horrors ? Or is she living with Blabbermouth Mariana ?

    *Lucrecita still NAIVE. I just put the mute button whenever she's on.

    *More of Ricardo & Cayatena: Sounds like they might end up together.

    *Violeta is a lost cause at this point. Big question is whether Carmen will raise Violeta's son ? I do like seeing Ricardo Jr & Teresa together 😃

  6. El Conde

    Thanks Novelera. I couldn't see what the note said either. Interesting that Sofia was at the hospital, then dead. Since it is a closed casket I wonder if she is actually alive and Conde is hiding her until she is 18 and then proceeds with the get her out of the country plan. He doesn't want to tell the grieving family the truth because he wants Josie and Felipe to see true grief on the part of everyone. Perhaps he let Paulina in on the secret and that was in the note. I thought Josie told Dylan and Brendan that she feared maybe Sofia inherited her mother's supposed mental illness.

    I have to compliment the casting of Josie and Felipe. As I was watching them in profile shots I was like, they have the same nose shape!

    I'm not so sure if Memo and Vio had a spark. I also think he and Lucrecia share some lingering looks in some scenes.

  7. conde

    Sorry about all the italics. I did the recap in a rush and forgot to do the closing keystrokes once I began. Also, I still hate this new format where there is no longer a "preview" option so one can see what they want to publish before doing so. That one saved me quite a few sentences that made no sense; and it would have saved me a whole page in italics last night.

  8. conde

    I saw a spark last night between Memo and Vi, but I also saw a sweet interaction between Memo and Lucretia. I guess Memo is just a nice guy who has nice interactions with others.

    The cutest couple in this show is RIC Jr. And Teresa. I wish RIC Jr would take off that hat.

    I hope Carmen doesn't tell Dolores that she is her mother because Dolores will go straight to her father and tell him .

    I am quite sure that Ale has Sofie hidden away somewhere.

    The Dr That Ale sent to Pau gave her that note that she slipped into her top, so perhaps the note let her know that Since was alive.

    Chantel ( Jo) is in Amor Real with FC and also plays a bad girl but not nearly as evil as awful Jo. Susan

  9. El conde
    Rewatching now. The note to Pau says that Sofia is ok. She is at Conde's house. Also conde told Memo that he needed help from the good Dr. to get into Sofia's room so that is how that was accomplished. If I catch more tidbits of information I'll add more comments.

    Susan: Carmen will NOT be among the living due to her own stupidity of blabbing her mouth. You better hope Alejandro & Co., can get her out of the country somehow or something.

    Plus, we're not even in Ultimos Semanas yet.

  11. conde

    Thanks very much, novelera, for doing this recap when it wasn't your night AND you had a book club meeting the same evening. Needless to say, you did a terrific job in spite of the Blogger software's annoying new absence of key features.

    Ruben is stupid as well as dishonest. I suspect he may not make it to the end of the novela, and I won't miss him.

    I enjoyed the scene with Ric Jr. and Teresa. I think at one point after he tells her he likes her a lot, he suggests that she continue to teach him English and he'll teach her how to kiss.

    I don't have much to say about Brendan except that at one point last night he looked considerably older than he has in past episodes. Indeed, he looked too old to be appropriate for a 17-year-old girl. I wonder how old the actor really is.

    I loved your "The two big baddies butt heads."

    Clearly, the key element in last night's episode is the note that neither you nor I succeeded in reading. Many thanks to Kat for going back and watching the scene again (and again and again?) to find out what the note said. It said more or less what I would have guessed, but I'm delighted to have my guess confirmed. I'm also sure that the filming of the scene deliberately made the note all but unreadable without an affort like Kat's. I wonder how long everyone will think Sofia is dead. Surely Pau deserves to know the truth very soon. I would add Javier to that list, except that he's too hotheaded to keep the secret.

  12. Conde

    Gracias, Novelera. I'm amazed how you covered all the bases so quickly.

    Seems we all agree Sofia is alive. Two good people have already been caught up and killed in the Count's revenge plotting, so I'm betting too that Sofia is not the third. Plus, Pau's anger seems greater than the profound sadness of a mother in this situation, so she likely knows.

    Mari was so unfair to blame the Count. After all, she came to him for help only very late in the game. She and Pau have lived in the gilded cage for years doing nothing about Josie.

    I've been wanting Memo to get a lady love. When Vi complemented him, he seemed embarrassed, like a man who's been out of the game for a long time and was surprised by her comment. He and Lucretia seem in the friend zone, but who knows...

    Loved Gerardo butting heads with Josie. I'm a big fan of both actors. (They were great together in Destilando Amor.)

  13. Conde
    Juanita, only went back once. The challenge was stopping the show in the right spot. "Sofia estas Bien. Ella es en la casa de conde. " First line I clearly saw. The rest I'm trying to recall from my memory because I'm not sure that is correct grammar.

    1. conde
      Kat, I went to the recording I'd made and tried several times to stop it when Pau opens the note, but I had no success keeping it stopped for more than about a second. So I assumed that you would run into a similar problem. I'm very glad you had more success.

  14. conde

    Thank you, K, Kat, and novelera for your wonderful recaps this week. Great comments by everyone. They helped me catch up in time to do the recap for tonight’s ep. It will be up on Saturday.

    The editing has become strange. Lots of quick cuts. Javi teleported to the velorio.

    I like Tere and Ric Jr. I also sensed something between Memo and Vi.

    Ruben is too stupid to live. If Vic killed him, that would have solved Pedro’s blackmail problem.

    I’ve really been irritated with this show since last week. I had to force myself to watch some of those maddening scenes. I hope tonight’s ep isn’t too depressing.

    Dondi356: Looking forward to seeing your full-scale recap of last night's episode.

    Bold Prediction: Violeta will NOT be among the living. Just a hunch!

  16. conde #50 part 1

    Slight rewind. Javi rushes into the velorio and cries at Sofi’s coffin. He begs, let me see her, I need to say goodbye and tell her I’ll always love her. Felipe shouts at Javi to leave. Javi is defiant. He’s not leaving. He dares Felipe to get one of his thugs to take care of it. He shouts—you failed to protect your daughter!

    You shouldn’t be here after harassing Sofia, Felipe declares. Javi fires back, that’s not true! Sofia and I were dating, and we loved each other. Her grandmother never approved. She was forcing her to marry him! Javi points at the astounded Brendan.

    Josie calls for someone to stop Javi, but he continues. Sofia and I planned to leave together on her birthday. Sofia was…. Josie yells—I’ve had enough of your lies! Respect this sacred moment. Javi mocks her. Lies? You’re the liar here. How can you ask for respect? You never respected Sofia’s wishes. What we had was sacred. You took it from us.

    Felipe grabs Javi with the intention of throwing him out. Memo intervenes. He takes Javi to the study. On the way out, Javi turns to Brendan and says, Sofia loved me. Brendan and Dylan are dumbfounded.

    Remedios is brought to Vic’s office. [Who is the man with her? Husband?] Vic accuses her of being the blackmailing note writer. She denies everything. Why would we do that after all these years, she asks. We never heard from mi comadre again. We are honest people.

    Reme and ? are saved by the entrance of Vi and Vic’s daughters who are ready for the velorio. Vic sends Reme and ? off with a warning that he might summon them again. Before she leaves, Reme tells Vic that Ruben is back in SJ. Vic is surprised.

    Ruben has set up a meeting with Lucrecia to get the money, but Ric shows up. Ruben recognizes Ric and takes off. Lu is upset that Ric ruined her chance to find Pedro. Ric says the Count was worried and sent him to get her.

    Lorena wants to go to the velorio to say goodbye to best friend Sofi. Ernestina is against it. Miguel tells his wife that Lorena is old enough to make her own decisions and they should support her. Ernestina agrees and gets ready to go.

    Ruben tells Pedro he wants his money now. He needs to leave SJ. He threatens to out Pedro. Pedro tells him to calm down. He’s thought about Ruben’s suggestion about ripping off the Count and making a getaway.

    Remedios tells Carmen what happened with Vic. Carmen is shocked. Reme worries—what if Vic suspects you’re alive? Carmen wonders if the blackmailer is Ruben [good guess]. Reme isn’t sure but she and her husband [positive ID] don’t want to stick around to find out.

    Carmen apologizes for bringing Reme into this. Reme asks Carmen if she’s revealed herself to her daughters. Carmen says no, but adds the Count offered her protection. Reme isn’t sure Carmen should trust the Count.

    Vic is angry at Vi for barging in. You need to knock on the damn door! She pushes her luck and talks back. She doesn’t get the big deal and notes Vic has a short fuse lately. He grabs her but she stands up to him. Don’t do that! You’re hurting me! He backs down. He sends her off to go with the girls.

    Vic realizes the blackmailer is Ruben.

    Pedro and Ruben go over plans to sneak into the Count’s house and steal from him. Ruben doesn’t trust Pedro. But Pedro says, trust me, I’ll be going with you. I’ve got one of the Count’s employees that will help get us into the house. Ruben still has trust issues with Pedro. After tonight, you’ll have enough money to leave, Pedro tells him.

  17. conde #50 part 2

    Brendan asks Dylan if he knew about this. Dylan can only shake his head no. Josie tries damage control. She tells Brendan none of what that guy said is true. Sofia loved you very much and wanted to marry you. Brendan not only is a quick study in Spanish, but he’s also developed a decent BS detector. She loved him, not me, he replies, that man was devastated.

    Josie persists with the lies. Sofi could never be interested in that nobody Javier Gallardo. He was obsessed with Sofia. He finally broke into the house to take her. Dylan wonders why Josie didn’t tell him. That boy is a criminal, Felipe interjects. More BS from Josie-- she calls Javi indecent, disrespectful, and a liar. He came to tarnish Sofia’s memory.

    No one does something like this without a reason, Brendan responds. I don’t understand. I don’t know who Sofia was or who you are. He walks out. Josie pretends to be hurt by Brendan’s words. [I think she’s only worried about her rep and possibly losing Harrison money, if they have any.] Dylan tells Josie not to worry, he will speak with Brendan.

    Amaranta and Pau meet in another area of the house. Ama was worried for Pau. Pau needed to get away from Felipe and Josie as she can’t stand to look at them anymore. Pau is anxious to see Sofi. It’s a joyful mother-daughter reunion. Pau swears Sofi won’t ever go back to that house.

    Josie blames Gerardo for letting Javi out of jail. Nope, Felipe replies, the fault is ours for leading Sofi to her death. I’m not like you, I don’t know if I can live with this. Felipe leaves the room. Looks like teary Josie is feeling sorry for herself. Does she really mourn for Sofi?

    Flashback to Pau reading the note: “Sofia is okay she’s at the Count’s house”. Pau asks Ama how this all happened, and she brings in the Dr who works for the Count. Ama explains that the Count arranged for Dr Rosales to leave town so he could get into the Zambrano estate. Pau remembers the Dr gave her the sedative. He apologizes to her. He had to do it to rescue Sofi alive and make sure everyone thought she was dead.

    Sofi explains she knew the plan in advance and agreed. The Count managed to get into my room, she says. Grandma and dad believe I’m dead. This will give me the freedom to start a new life with Javier. Pau says it's a miracle. Ama says it’s imperative that no one finds out Sofi is alive.

    And in the next scene, Memo tells Lucrecia that Sofi is alive, and she must take care of Sofi by order of the Count. Lu is stunned. As usual, Memo says he will explain later.

    Pedro shares his robbery plan with Ric and asks for his help to get into the house. Ric is reluctant, he can’t do it. Pedro says it’s only a few jewels to get Ruben off his back. The Count won’t miss them. Ric asks if Ruben will leave afterward. Pedro replies, if he doesn’t, I’ll have no choice but to….

    Ric is worried about what Pedro will do. Pedro is more worried that Ruben will talk, and they will lose everything. This plan is the only way to expose Ruben as a good for nothing thief. [As if Pedro is the good guy in all of this.] Pedro insists that Ric help. Ric looks very uncomfortable.

    Mari goes looking for Pau and she crosses paths with Caye. There’s tension between the two. Caye tells Mari there’s something she needs to know first. The Count asked her to do this. Mari doesn’t care what the Count wants. Caye insists—this is a matter of life or death.

  18. conde #50 part 3

    Pau thanks Ale. He asks for forgiveness. He couldn’t prevent the loss of the baby. Pau says the only ones to blame are Josie and Felipe—Sofi’s own blood. Ale suffers a brain fart and says he didn’t think Josie was capable of something like this. Pau prefers to think that Sofi and Javi now have the chance to be happy. She confesses she had doubts about him [the count] and she wants to apologize.

    Ale tells Pau everything is ready for Sofi and Javi and the plan includes her. Pau says she was ready to go but now she wants to stay. Josie and Felipe can’t know that Sofi is alive. She wants to make sure they pay. Ale agrees.

    Sofi talks with Ama and thinks it’s better for her mother to go to Europe with her. Ama tells Sofi not to worry, she will take care of Pau while she stays in SJ. Go and be happy in France with Javi. Mom will join you soon.

    Caye brings Mari to see Sofi. Mari is thunderstruck.

    Ale tells Pau he knows that Josie kept them as prisoners and poisoned her. She asks how he found out. She realizes Ale sent her the antidote. He tells her the woman who sold the poison to Josie prepared the antidote. She flashes back.

    Ale says the Zambranos must pay. Pau asks, what did they do to you that makes you want to seek revenge? Ale clarifies, it’s not revenge, it’s justice. You are not their only victims. Pau still doesn’t understand Ale’s reasons. Ale says they hurt him, too, and he will tell her soon. Trust me.

    The Gallardos show up at the wake to support Javi and hostilities immediately start to simmer. Leticia says they are sorry about Sofia. The kids were so in love… Felipe interrupts, my daughter wasn’t in love with that idiot. Leave now! Show some respect, Rodrigo snaps back, like it or not our kids were in love. Memo steps in. He tells Lety and Rod that Javi was there, but he left. I can help you find him, he says.

    Pau tells Ama she’s determined to make Josie and Felipe pay. Ama worries that Pau sounds just like the Count. Pau says this was her idea and the Count offered to help with the justice. Pau asks Ama if she knows why Count wants revenge against the Zambranos. What did they do to him? Ama doesn’t know. Whatever it is, Pau is happy to have the count as an ally.

    Ale is on the phone. He says, I need everything ready for when they arrive at the airport. Keep me updated. There’s a knock at the door. It’s Mari. She’s come to apologize. She didn’t know. He’s sorry he couldn’t tell her. It was for Sofi’s protection. She realizes that now. He’s sorry he couldn’t protect the baby as well. Mari replies, you did all you could. Thank you.

    Mari asks how he’s getting Sofi and Javi out of SJ. She wants to help. Ale rejects the offer. The less she knows the better. She begs to help. Pau is like a sister to her, and Sofi is her goddaughter. He doesn’t give in. Mari moves closer to Ale. She says, Joaquin, you are a good and noble man. I misjudged you and I can never thank you enough.

    Ama doesn’t like the way Pau has changed. Pau says it’s because of her grandchild’s death and the thought of Sofia living with the pain of knowing her family betrayed her. Pau declares, I can’t live in fear anymore. I’ve been through the worst thing a mother can go through. I won’t let them keep taking advantage of me.

    Pau takes Ama’s hand. I want to be happy with you but for that I need to be at peace with myself. Ama understands--if that’s what you want, we will stay. But I will teach you how to defend yourself and once you learn, they will be scared.

  19. conde #50 part 4

    Over the phone, Ric informs Ale of Pedro’s plan. It’s just in time because Pedro arrives. Ale thanks Pedro for coming to pay his respects. Pedro says this affected him greatly because he is Felipe’s friend. [I’m anxious for Pedro to discover Felipe is his father.]

    Ale tells Pedro he wants to get away for a while and spend a few days at the hacienda. He and the staff are leaving, and he asks Pedro to join him. Pedro perks up and asks, the entire staff? Yes. Pedro must decline as he has an unavoidable commitment.

    Memo comes to the atelier and informs the Gallardos that Sofi is alive. He apologizes and explains the Count had to take drastic measures to proceed with the escape plan. He made everyone believe Sofi took her own life, but she took a medication that made her seem dead.

    Leticia asks about the baby. Memo gives them the bad news. Josie dosed Sofi and she lost the baby. They are heartbroken. The Gallardos are not so sure about the escape plan anymore. Rodrigo cites how Javi was beaten and falsely accused. I was afraid that Alejandro’s story would repeat itself, he says. Lety crosses herself. Memo asks them to trust the Count. [I’m starting to believe I can just copy and paste Memo’s lines.]

    Caye comes to say goodbye to Ale. He realizes she won’t change her mind if he doesn’t tell his story. She shakes her head and says, I can’t stay anymore. I need to go so I can think about all that’s happened. Ale hopes she will understand one day why he did this. Maybe she will, maybe she won’t.

    Ale tells her she is one of the most important people in his life and it would hurt if he never saw her again. Caye asks him to be careful. What you are doing is dangerous, she says, I’d hate to lose you. Someday you’ll understand the truth and the reasons behind what I’m doing, he replies. She hopes so, and that he will tell her about his past. Have a good life, she says and leaves.

    Memo has given the orders for the staff to leave and Lucrecia bristles. She knows something is going on. Don’t insult my intelligence, she says. Memo pulls out the “not authorized” card again. Ric chimes in this is for everyone’s good. Lu realizes she won’t win the argument. Take care, be careful, she says.

    Pedro and Ruben are outside the Count’s house, and they review the plan. Pedro says no one’s home and this will be a piece of cake. Ruben asks if Pedro has the gun. He doesn’t trust Pedro and wants it. Pedro hands it over and we see Pedro tuck a knife into his waistband.

    Javi is packed and ready to leave SJ. He can’t stay without Sofi. His heart is broken. Leticia tells him someone wants to talk to him. Javi thinks it’s the Count and he doesn’t want to talk to him. The Count let him down. It’s not the Count, Rodrigo says, it’s someone who will change your mind. Javi is firm, he’s made his decision. Nothing will change his mind.

    Ama walks in and greets everyone. Javi wonders what’s going on. Sofi makes her entrance. Hello, my love, I’m alive. Javi is in shock. Sofi rushes into his arms. Javi thinks he’s dreaming. They kiss. Sofi explains, she would never kill herself, she took medicine to make her seem dead. She’s been at the Count’s house.

    Javi realizes that was the reason for the closed casket. Leticia says the Count planned it so they could go to France. Javi grabs Sofi around the waist and says now they can go as a family. Rod and Lety leave the kids alone to talk.

  20. conde #50 part 5

    Mari confronts Felipe over his lack of pain and guilt. She shouts, I know what you and Josie did! Locking up Sofi and Pau, beating them. Driving Sofi until she lost the baby and took her life! Felipe accuses Mari of hiding Sofi’s pregnancy. She admits it. He blames her and Pau for what happened to Sofi.

    Mari fires back, we wanted Sofia to be happy, which you didn’t care about. What is inside you instead of a heart? I wasn’t letting Sofia run away with a pauper like Javier Gallardo, he replies. Mari asks, you’d rather see her dead than to be with someone of humble origins? She warns him not to touch Pau again. Felipe scoffs, what will you do? Tell your husband? Gerardo doesn’t care what you say. I don’t need Gerardo to ruin your life, Mari replies. I have many ways to do it myself. You’ve been warned.

    Javi is devastated to learn about the baby. Sofi tells him that Josie gave her something that caused her to miscarry. Javi is furious. He wants Josie in jail. He wants her to pay. Sofi calms him down. Nothing we do will bring our baby back, she says, but at least I’m alive. Javi is sorry he couldn’t protect her. She is sorry she couldn’t protect him either. Javi vows, we’ll never be separated again. We’ll live in France, in peace. [I hope this boy won’t do anything stupid.]

    Pedro and Ruben enter the grounds. Dogs bark and Pedro tells Ruben to run. Pedro stays behind as Ruben enters the supposedly empty house.

    Ruben limps through the house. The lights go on and Ale appears wearing the priest’s robe, but without the facial disguise. Look at that, Ruben says as he aims his gun, if it isn’t the priest. Or rather, the Count that pretends to be a priest. I know you lied to get me to spill the soup. Why did you lie? What do you want?

    Ale calmly replies, this is breaking and entering. Another serious crime to add to your long list. Ruben says the Marquis let him in. He mocks, are you going to use my confessions against me? Is that why you dress as a priest? You still don’t understand, Ale says, I gave you so many chances to do the right thing. But it looks like you’re not worth it.

    What do you care, Ruben asks, who do you think you are? Ale responds with a question, who do you think I am? You know who I am. Someone who knows you from the past. My mother opened the doors of our home to you when you were a kid. She gave you work. We trusted you. You know who I am, Ruben.

    It starts to dawn on Ruben. He shakes his head. Ale continues, yes, I’m the son of the woman who took care of you when you were sick. The one who always had a plate of food and a hug for you. Do you remember me now? Ruben makes a move and there’s a struggle for the gun. Ale wrests it away.

    No, no, a terrified Ruben stutters, you can’t be Alejandro Gaitan!

    We are out and into últimas semanas!

    Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my personal thoughts on last night's episode.

    1.) Dondi356: Excellent job with the recap of last night's episode. Lots of twists & turns. Big Thumbs Up 👍

    2.) Blabbermouth Mariana is very brave confronting Jackass Felipe like that. Something tells me a violent incident will be coming her way soon.

    3.) I'm stilk doubling-down on Violeta NOT being among the living. The trends are NOT in her favor!

    4.) Slippery Pedro is still Slippery Pedro.

    5.) Alejandro, Ric, Memo confronting Ruben. Loved it!

    6.) Wondering what will Old Man Harrison do next ?

    7.) Sofia & Javier back together again..... for now.

    8.) Javier's going to do something stupid.

    9.) Scumbag Villarreal's campaign for the Presidency imploding slowly at this point.

    10.) Big question is whether or not Vic goes down next ?

    11.) It's looking more likely Ric & Cayatena will be endgame ar this point.

    12.) Remedios had some points about her mistrust of the Count.

  22. Conde
    Thanks Dondi. You covered everything in great detail and I have nothing much to add, except I was confused why a young girl had a closed casket. Not sure what the costumes were in Mexico in the 50s so assumed maybe that was the norm. Thanks for explaining it was the Conde's doing.

  23. conde

    Donde_thanks for providing every detail as Ale's plan unfolds. I always enjoy your recaps.

    I have to say that when someone keeps telling me to trust him or her....I don't trust that person. Is Ale starting to notice that he cant protect every innocent in his orbit all the time.?

    I wonder why the writers thought Reme needed a never before mentionned husband with her for her interview with creepy Vic.

    How is the mysterious freespirit Ama going to teach Paul how to protect herself from her awful hub and MIL. Does Ama have a black belt in Karate that we haven't heard about ?

    Unlike most of FC's novelas, we aren't getting his trademark romantic vibes.

    Susan: Amaranta better do something & soon.

  25. conde

    Wow, dondi! Many thanks for another amazing recap! You've caught everyting important and have done so with delightful asides. I especially liked "Ale suffers a brain fart and says he didn’t think Josie was capable of something like this" and "Memo pulls out the “not authorized” card again."

    And yes, "Brendan not only is a quick study in Spanish, but he’s also developed a decent BS detector...." Unlike his terminally clueless grandfather.

    Thanks, too, for reminding me that Felipe is Pedro's father. I once knew that but had lost sight of it amid all the chaos. It will be enjoyable to watch Felipe deal with this.

    Ah yes, the closed casket. As soon as I saw it, I was sure Sofia was still alive.

    I wonder how much longer this novela will last. I missed the announcement of últimas semanas. Of course, that designation often means that there will be at least another month of episodes.
    The novela certainly would seem to need quite a while to provide "justice" to all the baddies. I'd also love to see an Amaranta-trained Pau use her newly acquired martial arts skills on Felipe and Josefina.

  26. conde

    Nice to see that Brendan has some sense. Someone here should. Unfortunately there are no other young women to set him up with other than Dolores when she finds out the truth about the Marquis and I don't think Brendan deserves that. None of the youths deserve that. I hope Brendan finds someone else in Mexico who can keep up his phenomenal language skills. Side note- this actor seems to be Mexican, but Dylan is either an actual gringo or very good at accents.

    Sofia should get Javi to Paris before he does something stupid, as we know he probably will.

    Curious to see el conde's plan now that he's revealed himself to Ruben. I don't see the point of that since Ruben can't be trusted for anything. But I do like that they aren't saving every little thing for the final week of the show!


  27. Another splendid recap, dondi! Thanks so much for your fine writing and wit. And thanks also for coming up with Remedios' name. I could not for the life of me think of it Thursday night. Something niggling around in the back of my brain tells me that Remedios husband also helped dig up Carmen

    I loved the line about Brendan developing that "decent BS detector". One of the best parts of the big Javier blowup at the velorio was Viewerville realizing that Brendan was not such a simpleton. He correctly deduced that Javier was telling the truth. Wonder if they'll show that "conversation" Dylan said he'd have with Brendan. Like many of us, I believe Dylan has a plan and is not the dupe he presents as.

    I want Memo on speed dial. I can think of about 4 or 5 things in my life he could fix muy pronto

    Ana Brenda looked gorgeous in the scene where she's apologizing to the Count. And Ale's face got all soft and a bit yearning.

    I hope we get to see Pau's beatdown of Josie and/or Felipe.

    They surprised me. They DID go with the Juliet plot line. Inquiring minds want to know. Is there a drug that completely mimics death?

    Not sure what Pedro's plan was. Have Ruben steal things and then kill him? Have Ruben steal things and let him go?

    I'm also worried about Javier blowing up about his lost child and blowing up all Ale's carefully laid plans.

    Again, thanks, dondi! You got your wish. There was a definitely upturn in the outlook for some of the characters we like.

  28. conde

    Nope! The Dylan actor is Mexican. Just very good at playing a dopey gringo who definitely has something else going on. I hope Brendan isn't the con his grandpa is.


    K: Something tells me the Harrison's are up to no good. Just saying!
    Javier's impulse issues will blow up Alejandro's revenge plans.

  30. I don’t think El Conde is in Ultimas Semanas. I never heard or saw that.
    Also, maybe I missed something along the way but not sure why some think Dylan is a con man. Perhaps he doesn’t have the moolah that Josie thinks he has but I never saw anything that made me think he was bad. And…thanks Donde for your fabulous recap! You have missed nothing. Can’t wait to see what Ale has in mind for Ruben…who is such a major scumbag. I think the scare of knowing who the conde really is may make him go totally nuts. It will be interesting.

  31. conde
    @CW, I was surprised when dondi ended her recap with "We are out and into últimas semanas." I assumed I'd simply missed the announcement. As for Dylan, I think at one point El Conde seemed to suggest that Josefina would have problems with Dylan. Some people (I'm not one of them) decided this meant that Dylan was a con man. I'm thinking that he may not have the money Josie is counting on and perhaps he may even have married Josie because he thinks she's wealthy. But that's just a guess. The only negatives I've seen so far concerning Dylan are that he doesn't seem all that perceptive and he doesn't hold his liquor well. Neither of those make him a bad guy or a con man.

  32. Conde
    CW and Juanita, I agree with both of you about Dylan. The only thing I speculated about with him, besides not being as rich as he appears, is that perhaps he was one of the businessmen that ripped the Gallegos off with the bad check in the 20 years earlier episodes. I never went back to view it again as I was way too distracted and put off by them using the same actors in their younger years. No makeup can hide a 30 year age difference (Fernando Colunga is 58 in real life) and Mariana seemed to be in her teens (37 irl) and Ale maybe mid 20s. Otherwise I didn't understand conde throwing him to the she wolf, Josie. He really encouraged that romance. Telemundo is really keeping us guessing on the length of this show. I believe it wasn't released in Mexico prior to the u.s.

  33. Conde
    I heard últimas semanas and saw somewhere that Sed de Venganza starts October 15.

  34. conde

    Thanks everyone for your kind words and great comments! Yes, novelera, I got my wish for a hopeful episode.

    About “últimas semanas”: It was announced in the Monday preview. I wasn’t paying attention but “últimas” caught my ear. I looked up and it was on the screen. It makes sense, Sed de Venganza starts in October.

    Steve, I hope you are wrong about Violeta not making it. She deserves an HEA. Possibly with Memo.

    Susan, I wasn’t sure who that man was with Remedios. She’s always walking around on her own. I think novelera is correct, he’s the guy who dug up Carmen.

    Juanita, I have no clue on how Amaranta is going to prepare Pau to defend herself. That should be interesting.

    K, I agree with you on Brendan. He’s smart and he seems okay unless he’s in on a possible scam. And when the Dylan actor speaks English, I detect an accent. This is a pet peeve of mine, that they can’t find an actor who speaks unaccented English.

    novelera, I would love to see the convo between Dylan and Brendan. If there is a scam, it would be revealed then. I guess we can’t be sure what Pedro planned. It looks as if he was prepared to kill Ruben if necessary. But now that Ruben was caught and knows about Ale, it’s a gamechanger.

    Hi, CW! “Can’t wait to see what Ale has in mind for Ruben…who is such a major scumbag.” Yes, this will be interesting.

    I always thought that Ruben was more of an over ambitious dope than a total scumbag. He is also a coward. He desperately wants in on the action, but he doesn’t have what it takes. I might put Pedro in that category as well. Don’t know if I could include Felipe, but he has shown shreds of a conscience.
    He’s been horrified by the evil surrounding him. None come close to the unholy three of Josie, Gerardo, and Vic.

    Kat, I like your comment about the distraction of using the same actor over a wide range of years.

    Also, I’m not totally convinced that Dylan is a con man. But it is an interesting theory. And Ale did say Dylan wasn’t a saint.

    It seems we are all worried that Javier will do something stupid.

    Dondi356: I'm aggressively doubling-down on Violeta NOT being among the living. The trends are just NOT in her favor & do you remember when Amaranta showed Violeta the death card in several episodes ago ? That confirmed to me that Violeta will NOT be among the living.

    When Violeta gets whacked in the closing stretch, I expect Carmen to end up raising Violeta's son once Carmen is reunited with her daughters of course.

    PS: I want to inform everyone "SED DE VENGANZA" is a remake of the Colombian Telenovela "PURA SANGRE". I am so looking forward to seeing Isabella Castillo embracing her devil incarnate as the evil Antagonist.

  36. OT Steve
    Pura Sangre was one of the first shows I watched on the advice of my Colombian extended family. I didn't like that type of show with a lot of murder and mayhem, but Kathy Saenz did such a good job in it I actually felt sorry for her and didn't just hate her character which is more the norm for antagonistas. Not so sure I want to see a remake, imo they usually are inferior to the original.

  37. OT:
    Kat in SC: Big question is whether Telemundo will up the ante even further by making "SED DE VENGANZA" much deadlier like "PURA SANGRE" (I too watched that Telenovela during my college days) or tame similar to "MANANA ES PARA SIEMPRE" ?

    We're going to find out next month.

  38. Conde

    Gracias, Dondi. Thanks for all the deets, especially the dialogue between the Count and Ruben. I knew Ruben wasn't always a creep, but I hadn't realized how close he'd been to Ale and his mother.

    Some of the villains do feel some shame, Ruben and Felipe for two. I hope they wind up with their shameful selves in prison.

    Maybe Dylan is a fraudster but maybe Brandon is clean.

    Looking forward to seeing where Caye goes and what she does next.

    1. I just remembered that there was a scene back in the beginning when Ale was being wrongfully condemned and Ruben had a chance to testify or clarify ( something like that) and Ruben was clearly looking very conflicted and uncomfortable but took the wrong path and chose not to tell the truth or not to help Ale. Don’t remember the details. But, it doesn’t matter because he is now just plain bad and we cannot give him a my humble opinion. Same with Pedro who not only has been acting abominably but never did a thing to help out Lucretia. After seeing Felipe beat Paulina, it’s too hard for me to pay any attention to his teeny tiny seconds-long looks of guilt. He just doesn’t want to be blamed for anything. So far I don’t see any “gray” characters who could eventually feel guilty and change their “tune.” We shall see though

    CW: Maybe the ghost of Aracely should shake some sense into Slippery Pedro.

    Big question is whether or not the villains will plot one final sinister plot ?

  40. conde

    You got it right CW. Ruben testified against Ale. He chickened out to save his own skin.

    Somehow, Ale thought Ruben and Pedro could be rehabilitated and he's given them multiple chances to change. We'll see if/how he makes them pay.

    I think Ale intends to bring the hammer of justice down on Felipe's head. I'm good with that.

    Waiting for the anvils to drop on the Unholy Three.

    Dondi356: We all know Scumbag Villarreal is likely the last villain going down.

  42. I think that was pretty darn naive of Ale to imagine a “rehabbing” without any accompanying therapy 🤣 However, maybe writers trying to broaden use of only black or white characters. I get the feeling we will have to wait quite a long while before enjoying the anvil dropping on worst one, Josie. On second thought, maybe they are all equally despicable??

  43. Oops..forgot to add CONDE at beginning. And CW at the end!!!
