Friday, September 01, 2006

Barrera de Amor: September 1

Federico offers to help Manola and Nicolas bolster their feeble fabrication concerning Gustavo's alleged death - in exchange for more power over the Zamora estate. Manola feels forced to accept.

Veronica's alternate personalities continue to torment her in the insane asylum. The bad one scribbles on her paintings.

Rodrigo tells Federico he wants to pay the workers more, Federico says: "No, that will lower the profit margin." But as nine months pass (so Valeria's baby can be born) we see Rodrigo is doing an excellent job building up his father Gustavo Zamora's estate. (Well, actually, don't forget, Rodrigo is in fact Federico's son, and Federico knows it, but Rodrigo doesn't. Poor Gustavo. Not only defenestrated but cuckolded.)

It's explained why Andres and Valeria split up: Jacinta, with Rodrigo's help, engineered a scene which made Andres think Valeria was making time with Andres' brother Daniel. Valeria was furious with him for doubting her and fled (pregnant) to the nunnery in Oaxaca, where she has been holed up ever since. Now she has had the baby, Pedro. She plans to go back to Aguascalientes. Her grammy Jacinta doesn't know about the baby. Jacinta prepares for Valeria's return by getting rid of anybody who could tell Valeria the "misunderstanding" had been created on purpose. She pays her brother Sergio to leave town and she tells Federico to sack Baldo. Baldo's sister Juanita, who might also have known, has left the country.

Andres went to Spain, where he has been building his reputation as a bullfighter. He mopes for Valeria all the time. However, innumerable promo photos of him with babes dripping from his shoulders have made their way to Oaxaca and Valeria is convinced he's forgotten her. She is registering the baby under her own name and doesn't plan to tell Andres he has a son.

Jacinta has it all planned: she will become mistress of the Zamora estate, Rodrigo will marry Valeria. Rodrigo (who appears to be completely rehabiliated, misses his father, is a responsible and sensitive employer, etc) has a "special interest" in Valeria. Federico convinces him not to come clean about having had a hand in the "misunderstanding" - "she will never forgive you."

Gustavo (Rodrigo's dad, who was defenestrated by his wife Manola) appears to be living with Victor and Maite. He is in a wheelchair (every modern-day novela has somebody in a wheelchair) but is in good spirits. He will go back and accuse Nicolas and Manola of murder, but not till he can go on his own two feet. Also, he wants proof of their dastardly deeds.

In a final act intended to annoy Baldo (who says he's been offered a job at Las Barricas at double salary), Federico barks: "arrange my archive before you leave." Bad move! Because, while so doing, Baldo finds the letter Griselda wrote to Unibrow - twenty years previously - about her niece Maite, shortly before she (aunt Griselda) was murdered in a burning building, along with Baldo's mother, by Jacinta.

This was the letter intercepted by Manola. It explained: Maite was forced to marry Adolfo because - after he raped her - he (and his mammy Jacinta of course) threatened otherwise to throw Unibrow in prison forever. Baldo now shows it to his dad Teodoro, who points out helpfully: "Unibrow should have received this letter many years ago."

Jacinta orders her puppet, Cleotilda, to go find out if it's true that somebody has bought Las Barricas, and promises: "If you keep pleasing me and serving me, I will ask our Savior to accept you at his side." "Really?" breathes Cleotilda enthusiastically.

Victor and Guillermo are going to move in together. Maite says valiantly that she won't be lonely. While they are all at a restaurant, Sergio shows up and says he suspects his sister Jacinta knows where Valeria is, and that she (Jacinta) gave Sergio money to leave town so he wouldn't be there at the arrival. Maite admits to him that she still loves Unibrow, who happily was entirely absent from this episode.


Well, now they are saying Ultimo capitulos. I wish they would make up their minds.
They skip ahead 9 months and don't even warn us.
I hope you'll hang in there until the end. Your recaps make it lots of fun.

I miss seeing the pictures of the recappers when I read the latest recap. I thought they were totally gone until I scrolled down to find the synopsis of Mundo and found them at the very end. Why were they moved? I liked seeing your smiling faces (and Fernando's, of course).

Thanks so much for restoring the pictures.

Kay, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened, and I didn't fix anything. On my computer, the pictures had never moved???

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