Monday, September 04, 2006

Barrera de Amor: September 4

  • We did not see even one second of Unibrow today, not even a flashback.

  • Theodoro and Baldo recap the entire history of Unibrow and Maite, concluding: they never would have split up, and Maite would not have lost her daughter to Jacinta, if Aunt Griselda's letter (which Baldo just found) had reached Unibrow instead of sitting in Federico's desk for 20 years. They agree nobody must know they have the letter. "It's a very important letter," they tell each other.

  • Andres' mentor insists: "For the sake of your career you must go back to Mexico, in fact to Aguascalientes, and harass bulls there whether you like it or not." This causes Andres to sulk by taking off his shirt, riding on the beach, and flexing his muscles a lot, for those who like that sort of thing.

  • Jacinta is indignant that an outsider has bought Las Barricas, a big important nearby estate which has stood empty for years due to inheritance problems. Teodoro and Baldo, however, are jubilant, because they've already been hired to work for the new owner, whose identity is not revealed.

  • Valeria, freshly arrived from Oaxaca, wisely stows her baby at the Aguascalientes nunnery before popping in on Jacinta, whose welcoming words are: "What are you doing here?" Federico shows up and gives an equally unwelcoming welcome.

    Federico has just received word that Andres will soon be in town. He and Jacinta decide Valeria must go back to the nunnery. Nobody must know she's in town, and she mustn't know Andres is coming.

    Jacinta invites Rodrigo to dinner, as she still expects Rodrigo and Valeria will marry. Valeria, however, was silent over the pork chops, still moping about Andres, uninterested in Rodrigo's scintillating stories about his business. Jacinta snarls: "You should have encouraged him! Well, you better go back to the nunnery to be closer to God, you evidently weren't ready to come back yet."

    So Valeria asks: "Theoretically, what would you say if I had a child by Andres?" Jacinta yells: "I would never accept a bastard." Valeria goes back to the monastery.

  • Dr. Monica (who resembles any blond bimbo) asks Veronica: "Why draw so many pictures of women in mirrors?" Veronica says her "real" mother gave her a three-part mirror long ago, but it broke. Dr. Monica engineers the first-ever sighting of Veronica turning into Vera; Maite and Victor watch, transfixed, from the other side of a one-way mirror.

  • Sergio ruefully explains to Jose and Phyllis Diller Maldonado: "I have no talents or skills and hence must live off the crumbs my sister Jacinta doles out to me." They invite him to live with them. He accepts.

  • Gustavo is working hard at his rehabilitation and is very happy Rodrigo is doing so well. "I know he's not my 'real' son, but I love him as if he were," he tells Maite, who points out she loves Veronica (her foster-daughter) and Valeria (her natural-born daughter) equally.

  • Somebody sends Maite a huge, anonymous bouquet of roses.

  • Remedios, ushering a batch of kids through the convent, sees Valeria with the baby. She bustles over. Valeria introduces Pedrito, and Remedios is cooing over him when -- Jacinta shows up! "What the *&^%$ are you doing with that child?" she demands of Valeria, who will be left staring open-mouthed in horror until tomorrow.


Excellent recap, Melinama.I love the Josefina/Phyllis Diller image.
I hate Maite's new hairdo. The ringlets were bad enough but this sort of fake messy hair just looks like 25 cans of hairspray were used on it every day.

As you would expect, a psychiatrist who looks like a bimbo is incompetant. It took Jacaranda and her buddy the bent doctor about 10 seconds to figure out that Veronica had multiple personalities and another 10 seconds to figure out the triggers that let them manipulate her to their nefarious purposes. Presumably, Veronica has been in the nuthouse for six or seven months (most of Valeria's pregnancy)and they are only just figuring it out. Art therapy with Phyllis Diller doesn't seem to be working...

Nicolas evidently did not take to murder as readily as his daughter did. No one has mentioned that he has a Lady Macbeth problem. Manola made Nicolas kill Omar and he got blood on his hand, I guess, and now he rubs his hand all the time as if he can't get it clean and Manola keeps telling him to quit it.

Good call on Nicolas, Jean, I hadn't even noticed his hand-rubbing tic ... but I don't think (judging from the preview) we have to worry about Nicolas much longer...

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