Monday, September 18, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #105 9/18/06 A little romance; a lot of business

Luigi and Alicia

Luigi lets Alicia know about the collection the cuartel is doing in her name. Luigi tells her it’s like the Red Cross is in the reception area. Alicia is very upset wants help from Luigi, but he tells her that he has his own problems. He needs to go talk to Fernando immediately. Alicia protests, but Luigi leaves anyway. Sara and Martha enter with cans in hand. Sara purposely turns her can so that Alicia can see what they wrote on the label. Alicia is upset and whispers some insults to herself.
Luigi goes to his office and packs while talking on the phone about his trip. Irmita lets him know that the storyboard has arrived; Luigi says to take it to Fernando. Irmita reminds Luigi about the upcoming underwear commercial; he tells her he’ll only be gone for a few days. Luigi tells his dog that he’s going to leave her with Irmita. Irmita says okay but… Luigi interrupts and says he’ll leave a video for the dog. Irmita asks Luigi to look at the storyboard but he tells her that’s the President’s problem.
Meanwhile, in the secretaries’ area, Sara tells Alicia that there is an emergency and she needs her help urgently. Alicia insults her; tells her it’s not her problem and says she did not realize that the presidency of the company was now in the hands of the cuartel. Sara tells her that she needs Alicia to confirm the details of Luigi’s trip to Munich. Alicia is mad because Luigi gets to go to France! Sara tells her that Munich is in Germany. Celso enters with two gentleman. They say that they want to donate to her fund. Alicia is really insulted. More people enter with some coins. Celso tells everyone that Alicia doesn’t want their money. Alicia has to call Germany and she can’t remember the country code, oh, and she doesn’t speak German!
Alicia gets on the phone and demands an interpreter. She tells them its not her fault that they never learned Spanish. She says she needs two interpreters; one to interpret German to Spanish and one to translate Spanish to German.
Alicia runs to Lopez and tells him that she is completely alone. Lopez wants to know what she’s talking about. She says that the cuartel left her all the work while they joke around with Fernando. Lopez says he’ll go straighten them out. Alicia tells him that they were even making fun of him. He gets ready to go (head squeak and all) when she tells him she needs some help finding translators. Lopez, painfully, says he needs Lety’s permission to get the translators for her. Alicia doesn’t like that idea at all. Alicia and Lopez walk back to her desk while she goes on about needing a translator. She can’t find the cuartel so she goes to look for them in the bathroom.
Alicia did not find the cuartel in the bathroom and she comes back out. She looks under their desk and then she hears their laughter. It’s impossible that they’re in the boardroom!
Saimon comes to the common area; Alicia tells him that they’re in the boardroom. Saimon wants to know why they’re in there. Alicia asks him to tell her when he finds out.

The Cuartel, Lety and Fernando
Fernando writes a letter to Lety. He wants to know why she’s hurting him this way. Luigi enters and says something about going to Germany today. Fernando tells him to stop joking. Luigi says he’s not joking and he needs to go to Germany right now because FIFA is restricting the time they have to film. Then he starts pressuring Fernando to authorize the start of the new underwear commercial. He says if it is not done in the next few days, Conceptos will lose the contract. Fernando reminds Luigi that he is very busy. Luigi agrees and says the underwear commercial is very important for him, but it will have to be done without him as director. Ricardo has already sent over the storyboard for the commercial. Luigi, not so subtly, tells Fernando that he needs money for his trip to Germany. Fernando desperately calls for Lety, and (surprise!) she’s there. Luigi says that now Lety is here, she’ll fix all of Fernando’s problems and he can leave. Luigi attempts to say goodbye in German, but decides that “Ciao” works just fine. J
Irmita talks with the cuartel and tells them that Conceptos has a big problem. She needs to organize Luigi’s trip. Luigi walks into the conversation, sets the instructions on Lola’s desk and tells Irmita to let the cuartel take care of that stuff. Luigi, of course, has to insult the cuartel before he walks off with Irmita giving her some last minute orders.
Lety calls Tomas from Fernando’s phone to check on financing for Luigi’s trip to Germany. Fernando intently watches Lety during the whole conversation. Lety tries to urge Tomas to hurry up. Lety lets Fernando know that Filmo Imagen will finance the trip. Fernando apologizes to Lety and says that he had a complicated morning and that is why he wasn’t able to get her a real card. Fernando gives Lety a drawing of a teddy bear (so much cuter then the real things that Omar buys! Remember the giraffe monster thing??). He is obviously nervous about it and says if she doesn’t like it he can get her something else. She says thanks and walks into her office. Fernando can not believe that such a simple thing makes her that happy.
Lety puts the picture on the wall while Fernando walks into her office. She asks him to sign her picture. Fernando is embarrassed and says she shouldn’t make such a big deal about it, after all, it’s just a drawing. Her phone rings and Fernando gives her a hug. He says he wants to answer it. Lety tells him no. Fernando says that it’s his company and he can do what he wants and picks up the phone. Lety tries to tell him how to answer the phone properly, but he just says hello. Ooops! It’s his mom and she wants to talk to Lety. She wants to know why he’s in Lety’s office answering the phone. Fernando asks his mom what it is that she needs. She asks for Lety so he gives Lety the phone. She tells him that his mom wants to talk with her about a favor. Fernando is surprised that Teresita would want a favor from Lety. Teresita overhears this and tells Humberto that she think Fernando is going to find out about their secret gift. Lety lies and says that his parents miss eating hot peppers. Teresita and Humberto get a good laugh out of this. They want her to send some to their house. “My mom doesn’t eat spicy food Lety.” “But you’re dad does.” Fernando just laughs. Fernando won’t leave, and he’s listening over Lety’s ear while she’s talking to Teresita. The Mendiola’s are happy that Lety is working so hard to keep their secret. Humberto plays along with her story about the peppers; he wants to know how her task is going, if she’s found anything good. “Delicious,” she says. Fernando waves and leaves. Lety tells Teresita she’ll send the video.
Fernando goes to the restroom, frustrated. Lety arrived late, the red bag is still missing, Lety is talking about suspicious stuff with his parents, he can’t get a hold of Omar and she spent the whole morning with Tomas! Then he’s worried that Lety found Omar’s letter and called his parents to tell them about it. Irmita calls for Fernando and he tells them that he’s peeing and will be out in a second. (He seriously told one of his employees that he was peeing.)
Irmita presents Fernando with the storyboard and Lety comes out of her office to announce the money is ready for Luigi’s trip and for the commercial. Irmita tells Lety that they need to film the underwear commercial tomorrow. Fernando’s day is not getting any better, and it shows. Lety tries to calm Fernando. Lety says if Fernando needs a beautiful model with perfect measurements, she would be happy to do it for him. Everyone laughs. Fernando asks Lety for more money. Lety leaves with some orders about Luigi’s trip. Fernando asks Irmita to bring Bernardo and Faviola to his office. She’s very excited to comply. Fernando calls post production to request the best producers possible.
Irmita goes out to the cuartel and they’re trying to get the best prices possible for Luigi’s trip. Juana calls someone for cameras and other production equipment. Some boxes arrive from the airport. ( I don’t know what’s in them). Fernando calls post production and asks them for
Irmita goes back to Fernando and tells him that the director he wanted can not do the video because he’s filming a movie with Gael Garcia Bernal (ah, Gael…). The other director can’t come either because he’s on a twenty day vacation. Irmita tells Fernando that they’re won’t even be a director of production. .Fernando’s upset and everyone can hear the conversation. He yells, a lot. The cuartel is proud of their boss (I didn’t realize yelling was so impressive.) Paula Maria runs in and tells him that the cuartel is with him. The whole cuartel enters and they all let him know that they support him. Fernando says this is nice, but it doesn’t fix his problem. Sara says they will find a production team for him. He says it’s a complicated commercial. They say that’s okay, do a little cheer and Fernando starts his little dance. Lety and Fernando talk some business alone when Irmita enters and tells him that they found the production team. Lety and Fernando follow her, surprised how quickly the cuartel works. Irmita takes them into the board room and presents the cuartel as the production team. They march. There’s a parody of army talk. Paula Maria and the rest of the cuartel ask for orders. Fernando talks to himself about how happy the cuartel’s enthusiasm would have made his father. Lety tells Fernando that she thinks that the cuartel’s idea will work fine. Fernando nervously laughs. He offers them something to drink. More dog pound noises. Fernando pretends that he’s not going to agree, but then says okay.
Meanwhile, Saimon is answering the phones. He says bye to Luigi. The phone rings again. Celso enters and Saimon begs him to find Paula Maria, because he doesn’t want to cover the receptionist job anymore.
Juana wants to film in Veracruz. Fernando says that would be nice, but there’s not time to set it up or money. Sara says she’ll be in charge of finding the location. Martha says she’ll be in charge of the food. Irmita says they need a model. Fernando says they need a gorgeous woman who is sensual like an Italian woman. Lety almost chokes on her water. Lola says there should be a horse in the commercial. Juana says she knows someone who has a very beautiful horse.
Fernando nervously paces and runs into the storyboard. Lety calms him again. Fernando says something about a horse. Lola says it’s the greatest idea he’s had! They all imitate a riding a horse. Fernando leaves. Martha talks about Luigi. Alicia enters. She orders them to return to their work. Paula Maria says that they are doing their jobs. Lety tries to shush her. Alicia keeps talking while the cuartel tries to explain. Fernando comes in and walks behind Alicia. He starts doing an impression of her. Alicia pretends to play along. He tells her that the cuartel is there with him doing something important for him. Alicia starts to say something about Lety, and Fernando tells her that Lety is now her immediate supervisor from this moment on. The phones are ringing and the cuartel tells her to answer the phone. Oh! And order some pizza for Martha. Sara says she doesn’t need anything. Lety tells Fernando it’s time to go leave.
Back in his office, Fernando tells Lety the truth and says that he thinks the commercial is going to be a disaster. Lety says it may be a total success. She goes into her office to get her things.
The cuartel remain in the board room, laughing about Alicia’s situation. They want vengeance. Irmita reminds them that they’re there to do work.
Fernando and Lety leave Conceptos. Neither seems to sure about the other. Lety remembers her conversation with Teresita and another with her mom. Fernando just watches her.
Lety and Fernando get stuck in traffic. Fernando asks Lety what happened with Tomas. Lety says that it was personal. “You’re really not going to tell me?” Lety tells Fernando that she was helping Tomas with a small personal problem. Fernando wants more details, but Lety won’t give them up. Fernando tells Lety that he tells her everything, truthfully and frankly (ha!) and she hides things from him. He accuses her of lying to him. She says “You don’t believe me?” and gets up and leaves the car.

I would love to give you guys some teasers for tomorrow's episode, but I still can't get past the preview of Lety with a machine gun... I'll talk to you all tomorrow!


Thanks again Amanda! Great recap! I love the "Lety with the machine gun" and can't wait for tonight. I hope there will be a lot of romance and not so much business. Thanks for all your hard work!

This plot is getting so thick you could cut it with a knife!

Maybe "Will Lety shot Fernando and make him lose his memory?" Would have been a good one. I'm definitely interested to see how this will go tonight.

It actually looked like she was protecting him. It's probably a dream... I wonder whose dream, though. It'd have been funny to see her in a superhero uniform... I think. Maybe. Maybe not. ;-)

Fernando's looks to Lety when they were leaving work were so sweet. I could just eat him up with a spoon.

Awwhhh, I'm so mad that I missed Fernando giving Lety the drawing. I hope they leave it up so I can see it on her wall. Her office is sataring to look like Novedades (gift) shop! Thanks Amanda! (Also found the YouTube clips you mentioned before, thanks for that too!)

Yes, just watching Fernando tell an employee he going Pee-Pee damn near made me do the same.....Thanks

Ha! I couldn't believe that he said that. I had to rewind my DVR just to make sure that was what he really said. Looking back over the show so far, he's had some great lines.

The 2010 discussion for Capitulos 105 & 106 is at this link.

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