Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Heridas de Amor, Tuesday October 3

Renata & Juan work things out while Mamá Amparito eavesdrops. They decide to tell Gonzalo.
Gonzalo & Fernanda continue their discussion about her ‘lover,’ she continues to insist that she didn’t have an affair. He continues to disbelieve her. While they have come to terms (sort of) that he isn’t the father of Florencia. Gonzalo admits that Renata hates him and the only daughter who loves him, Florencia, isn’t even his and it’s all her fault.
Bertha (in her divinely red shirt….it screams I’m up to no good) & Alejandro share a drink and discuss. When he offers to pay her however much money she wants for the briefcase, she says, I don’t want money, I want you and starts her crazy lady eye-rolling as she starts caressing him.
Cut to Lisania & Cesar in bed. Ewww. Cesar continues his poor me act and says that he needs money. Lisania offers to help and Cesar switches to his gallant act…I can’t take your money.
Miranda & what’s her name are trying to work out what happened that fateful night so many years ago and how the many branches of their family tree relate to those events.
Carola and Raúl are drowning their sorrows in a bottle of cheap hooch. When she complains that Juan never loved her Raúl comforts her by saying, Nonsense, he loved you like a sister. That Raúl…he always knows what to say! Fernanda, everyone’s godmother and an all-around saint, has offered to help Carola and just as she’s reflecting on all the possibilities the future brings….Juan knocks on the door. Juan expresses some anxieties about his marriage and longs for the good old days when they didn’t have to worry about love and marriage. Carola looks hopeful.
Cesar starts pumping Lisania for information about her family. Lisania acts like…well an idiot…and lets it slip that Alejandro has a score to settle. (Oops, giggle, giggle.)
Renata picks a fight with Mama Amparito, ultimately telling her that she’s not the mother of Juan, she’s more like the nanny….no actually she’s more like a servant. Looks like Renata’s relationship-building skills are just as polished as ever. Fernanda comes in and breaks up the fight with a three-way glare. Renata puts a favorable spin on things (perhaps she has a future in politics) and the ever-gullible Fernanda believes her and asks Amparo what the deal is, everyone just needs to get along. Fernanda invites Renata for a coffee who is surprised that she lives in that neighborhood.
Miranda confronts Alejandro asking him about his conversation with Bertha. He reveals that in order to get the portfolio back, Bertha has demanded that he marry her. Instead of thinking about what they could do together to get at Bertha they have a fight about his behavior with Bertha and her behavior with Cesar and yada yada yada…I just want to shake some common sense into the two of them.
Daira, Luciano and Alejandro are worrying about Lisania. Ay! What to do!
Miranda tells Pamela about Bertha’s evil plot, worried that she isn’t a monster, she’s young and pretty and maybe Alejandro, a man, would fall for her wiles. Despite Pamela’s protests, Miranda is convinced that the portfolio is important enough to Alejandro that he would be willing to marry Bertha. Pamela, following the Raul-school of putting one’s foot in one’s moth, says maybe they can be bridesmaids at Bertha’s wedding. Miranda is not amused.
Renata & Fernanda have their coffee with Renata acting up about Amparo and the neighborhood. Renata tells her mom that they’ll be telling Gonzalo the next day and doesn’t care what his reaction will be since he hit her (green flashback to their argument). On her way out, Renata tells Fernanda that she doesn’t want to talk about her mother because she hates her with all her soul.
Juan and Renata have a chat. Basically he tells her she should have married someone from her own circle so he could please all her stupid little wants and wishes. He also lets her know he’s not going to tell Gonzalo they got married. Upset and not sure what to do, she decides to turn to Bertha (of course).
Charo tells Pamela and Fernanda that Lucas and Bertha have gone out. They toss her room looking for Fernanda’s engagement ring…I mean an old beat-up leather portfolio. Charo surprises them and lets them know that Bertha is going to Europe.
At San Llorente Investments…Gonzalo is busy signing some important looking papers and discusses with his lawyer how the company is going. His lawyer suggests a meeting with the investors to calm their anxieties.
Cesar, at home with his morning snifter of brandy and cigarette (clearly the breakfast of champions), is reading the newspaper and snickering to himself about Gonzalo.
At Casa Luque, Alejandro and Daira are confronting the petulant Lisania and she breaks the news that she wants her inheritance.


Yack, yack, yack, yack. You Heridas recappers are saints.

Ha, "breakfast of champions," that's too funny! Nora, thanks for covering for me last night. Your recap is hilarious.

I've decided that Lasagna and Cesar deserve each other--2 spoiled brats...congratulations..go pick out a china pattern. Susanlynn

Nora excellent recap. I liked the breakfast of champions comment too!

Oh Lasagna how you've fallen. You always think it will be great to see an ex fail in life but really you end up feeling sorry for them. Poor girl. So stupid. What did I ever see in her. (oh yeah I remember now)

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