Thursday, February 08, 2007

Acorralada - #18 - 2/7/07 - Guys DO Make Passes at Girls Who Wear Glasses!

Larry is still in his pajama bottoms and wife-beater t-shirt. This is a repeat of yesterday's episode when Larry asks Gaby if she’s crying because she loves him. Gaby doesn’t respond; they just exchange "meaningful glances" as eloquently stated by NinaK.

Camila is badgering Emilio to tell her who her rival is. Emilio tells her it's a servant.

NOTE: I am going to refer to Diana's and Gaby's faux grandma as Granny, and Max's grandmother as Grandma DS.

Granny is trying to sell Diana on the idea of going for Diego. He's like the best thing in the 'hood. No one is better. Diana says she can't help it, she just isn't that in to him. ***OK, time out. I'm getting a little tired of everyone trying to cram Diego down Diana's throat. It's creepy that Lala, Granny, and Diego keep saying "you’ll learn to love him." I can only image the guy my mom and grandmother would have picked out for me. ***

Fedora/Gaviota (F/G) is asking Lorenzo about Paco. Lorenzo says Paco went to confront Pancho about being a jerk to Caramel. Paco walks into the bar and tells Lorenzo and F/G that he and Pancho got into a fight. He tells F/G that Pancho is a dirt bag. You think? Paco then asks where Caramel is. She's in Paco's office crying a sea of tears. Paco goes to his office. F/G says something about suffering when your kids suffer. Lorenzo points out F/G is suffering and she doesn't even know where her kids are.

Diana walks over and picks up the phone before it even starts ringing. Must be that "Love Connection." It's Max saying he can't stop thinking about her. She tells him not to call her. They have the usual conversation where they admit they love one another, with Diana adding the relationship is impossible. "You're married (in case you've forgotten) and your wife needs you." Max tells Diana that as soon as his wife is cured, he'll be a free man and "game on."

Paco is trying to comfort Caramel. He tells her that her ex is a louse and she's better off without him. He lets something slip that makes Caramel ask "When did you see him?" Paco back-peddles and says "well, um, um, that's what guys like him do. He's a delinquent with shady dealings. " Paco asks Caramel if Pancho has made her do anything "bad." Caramel swears she's a good girl (with a heckuva right hook). Lorenzo interrupts the counseling session to say Caramel has a visitor. Yup. . .it's Pancho.

There are a bunch of people dancing at a club. Lots of women wearing skimpy outfits and some weird music. There is more hooting and hollering than music. It kind of looked like the "music" was added in the editing room. Rene is wearing dark sunglasses and no shirt in the bar, dancing with Peyote. Andres walks in and Rene excuses himself to go talk to "the brother of his supplier." That must be code for 'time to make a dope deal.' Peyote says she's going with him. Andres and Rene make some sort of deal and Rene scurries off to get money. Peyote starts flirting with Andres, who of course, is totally into it. He asks if Rene is Peyote's boyfriend***not that it would matter if he was. *** Peyote says Rene is just a friend. Peyote introduces herself to Andres. He asks if she's part of the famous Irazabal family. "Gee, what a coincidence. My boss is the doc who cares for Grandma DS." Peyote says something about her sister-in-law being an invalid and wishing her sister-in-law had a nurse as handsome as him. Andres wants to know if Peyote's sister-in-law is as pretty as Peyote.

UH OH!!!!!!! M/D is listening in on Max's and Diana's phone conversation on the extension. I believe Max just told Diana "You complete me." I had to run and take a barf break at this point.

Larry confronts Gaby and asks if she loves him. Gaby gets flustered (although that's not much of a stretch, since that's pretty much the norm when she's not crying). Larry is still in PJ bottoms and his wife-beater t. After an indeterminate amount of time, Gaby finally says "No, I don't love you. No. No. No. No. No... etc." She runs out of the room as the "no's" trail her down the hall. Larry looks confused. Perhaps I can explain it to him.

Bruno goes into Gaby's room looking for her. "Woah, what's that sticking out from under the mattress? Why, it is a photo of Larry!" "Ah, Caramba" says Bruno. She starts rooting around the room and finds all of Gaby's love letters to Larry. "Hmmm" says Bruno. "The servant loves Larry." You can see the hamster running overtime in Bruno's mind.

Pancho tells Paco he's there to ask for Caramel's hand in marriage! Impactada!

More of Max blathering on and on to Diana with M/D listening in. Octavia walks in and Max quickly hangs up the phone. O and Max fight about Max being in love with Diana. Max actually stands up to Mommie Dearest and defends his love for Diana. He accuses mom of trying to manipulate him. Max threatens to move out again. "Let's be honest here, I don't love Marfil."

Rene give Andres the money and all three go to dance. Peyote is the filling of the "manwich." She then takes off Andres' wife-beater t shirt and the "rumpus" begins.

Bruno is burning all of Gaby's letter to Larrywhen Gaby walks in. Gaby is hysterical telling Bruno she has no right! Bruno tells Gaby what on earth were you thinking? ***Probably the same thing that I think about Larry*** "How could Larry possibly be interested in anyone as insignificant as you?" Gaby keeps repeating that Bruno has no right to destroy her letters. Bruno is about to add Larry's photo to the conflagration when Gaby grabs it and saves it. Bruno points out "You're lucky I don't tell Octavia. You'd be SO fired!" Gaby cries. I think she's the designated crier in this show.

Granny walks into Diana's room where Diana is sitting on the bed crying and holding some sort of pink frou-frou thing. Is it a pink elephant? I can't tell. Diana confesses she is an awful person. She can't help it, but she's in love with a married man. Granny tells her she needs to be strong and resist. This conversation continues for awhile with Diana saying "he makes my legs tremble, hands sweat, and my heart race. I want to be Marfil." I'm with you, NinaK. Max is a drip.

Pancho repeats his request to marry Caramel. Needless-to-say Paco is not thrilled and Caramel, who has apparently already forgotten "Peyote-gate" is ecstatic! She buys all his flattery hook, line and sinker. Kind of fitting with the nautical theme of the office. Caramel tells him "YES!" She can now be the devoted wife, ironing his shirts, cooking his meals, and in general, being his servant. I want to hit her with a 2x4. Paco's arguments fall on deaf ears. So what if Pancho is a sleaze; "I know I can change him once we're married." ***Caramel doesn't actually say this, but I can only imagine*** Oh, I forgot to mention Pancho says he's allergic to marriage, but for Caramel, he'll do it. "I love you and please forgive me." Dad tells Caramel what she feels isn't love. It's desperation.

Bruno rats out Gaby to Larry, describing the letters in every sordid detail. "What pretension Gaby has to even think about him." Larry tells Bruno she had no right to burn the letters and reads Bruno the riot act. Bruno apologizes and leaves. Am I mistaken, or did Larry's eyes actually get watery thinking about all of Gaby's letters? Maybe it's just an allergic reaction to Bruno. That's got to be it.

M/D is walking, using a walker, with Diana. Diana is saying how well she's progressing with her rehab. M/D asks "why are you in such a rush for me to get well? For professional prestige or so Max can abandon me?" Peyote walks up and tells them she met this cool guy at the bar "and I told him all about you two." ***I believe Peyote wants to set him up with Diana. Can any of you readers help me out with this? *** "His name is Andres Davila." M/D collapses.

Andres and Doc Evil are discussing Diana. I'm not sure what specifically the conversation was about, but it seems Doc Evil wants Diana to pay for stabbing him (even though it was apparently Camila who did it.)

All are now in the garden of Psycho Mansion. Diana asks M/D why she collapsed when she heard Andres' name. M/D made some excuse about being tired. Peyote asks M/D if she knows Andres - no of course not. Peyote leaves and M/D asks Diana why she suddenly looks so serious. Diana says she knows Andres well and he's a "bad person." He's the chauffeur for a doctor at the hospital where she used to work. Diana starts to say more and stops herself saying it's hot and she's going to get a glass of water. After Diana leaves, M/D is furious that stupid Peyote wants to bring Andres to the house. If Andres comes, he'll tell Max that "I'm not really Marfil, that we (Andres and I) were married, and that we were professional thieves. That will ruin all my plans!"

Diana runs into Camila in the house. ***Now have either I or NinaK pointed out yet that people just seem to walk into this house all the time? I/we probably have.*** Camila is looking for M/D. Diana says "I'll tell her you're here." C-"That's OK, I'll tell her myself." Camila walks into the garden and kisses M/D on the cheek in greeting. M/D calls her a "Judas." They exchange some barbs and M/D threatens to take out Camila's eyes if she goes after Max again. Camila points out that "I'm not the one to worry about. Max loves that nurse. Are you blind?" M/D says no, and makes the comment that Diana has the "face of a dead fly." ***Or does she say she has the face of a "fly killer?" I don't know which it is, but it's comical. *** They ultimately decide to join forces and destroy Diana.

More plotting between Andres and Doc Evil. Dr. Evil wants to see all three women fighting over Max. Andres thought bubbles something about Camila being willing to pay Andres for dirt on Diana. "Hmmmm. I could earn more money!"

Camila is trying to get M/D to work with her in destroying Diana. M/D finally agrees. Max walks up and wants to know what's up. I thought you two hated each other. (Apparently the two of them were rivals for Max in the past.) "Nah, we're best friends now." Max doesn't get it. "You know us women, we're unpredictable!" says M/D.

Andres calls Camila. Camila tells him "I don't want to hear any messages from the dirt bag Doc." Andres-"Oh no, I'm not calling on his behalf. In fact what I have to say will be more interesting to you than me."

Larry is now dressed in a tight blue t-shirt. He comes to Gaby's room and tells her Bruno told him about the letters. Gaby is mortified (I know I'd be if I was Gaby!) "If you want to fire me, I'll leave. All I ask is that you don't tell anyone about the letters. I'm humiliated enough." Larry promises her she's not fired. "Why would I fire someone for loving me? Don't be ashamed. Love is nothing to be ashamed of. Why didn't you tell me you loved me? " G-"Our love is prohibited and besides, why would such a hunky specimen of a man like you have anything to do with someone as insignificant as me." Gaby seriously needs some therapy for her self-esteem issues! Larry replies, "No one-I mean no one- is insignificant!" ***You go, boy!***

Granny is sitting at her sewing machine talking to La Virgin. "What if Diana's and Gaby's birth mother is looking for them? If she finds them will it be good or bad? These girls are like my true granddaughters - it would hurt so much if I lost them."

Back to the good part. Larry is still with Gaby. L-"You said you loved me. I never thought I'd be in this position." He s-l-o-w-l-y takes off Gaby's glasses. L -"Woah...Gaby, you're pretty!" G-"Don't make fun of me. No, I'm not. I'm ugly!" L (incredulously)- " really ARE pretty. I never noticed before, but now that I've been dumped and am vulnerable, I've finally noticed you and I'm feeling something inside...I don't know...different. You're sweet, you take care of me, attend to my needs..." Gaby starts crying at this point and tries to leave, but Larry stops her. L-"Maybe destiny has brought us together. Pilar dumping me, Bruno finding your letters and telling me, and now me seeing how beautiful you truly are!" ***Boy, does this guy have the lines down or what? He sold me, but that wouldn't be hard!***FINALLY he kisses her! Aaaahhhhh!!

Back to reality ***Sigh. Talk about buzz kill***Diana is in the kitchen looking out the window. Lala asks shy she's hanging out and not getting the glass of water. "Because Max is out there with Marfil. He makes me nervous!" Lala-"You have to forget him." D-"It's impossible for me to forget him. I can't get him out of my heart. It's something stronger than me. How can I do it?" L-"Perhaps you should look for qualities in someone else who loves you...marry my son Diego!"

Credits roll. Just in time for me to watch "The First 48." Nothing like true crime to bring you back to reality!



Hilarious recap--thanks! I accidentall erased this episode, so it's a good thing you did it.

P.S. Klee, how come you are calling Paola Peyote? Did I miss something? Did she take drugs? Thanks.

According to the Cast of Acorralada's overview, Paola is a party girl who "would rather do drugs with her buddy Rene." I haven't seen her do any yet, however. If I'm wrong, hopefully one of our readers can correct me.

OK, this was the first episode that I watched all the way through, I'm still thoroughly confused, but I REALLY enjoyed the scene between Larry and Gaby. Who doesn't love a good Ugly Duckling story? Larry was sweet...ahem, to say the least.

Bruno is great. Gotta love that masculine hairdo, polyester pant-suit, and severe make-up. I loved her whipped dog look when Larry scolded her...witch!

Great job y'all! Keep up the good work!!

I think the scene between Larry and Gaby is the best part, but I'm biased. Bruna burning the love letters and telling Larry came in second. If you have any questions, let us know and we'll try to answer!

Things do happen fast on this one. I was not expecting Lovable Lunkhead Larry to see past Gaby's hideously disfiguring glasses so early on.
I love the fact that Debofíl totters about with a walker while wearing CFM shoes.

Thanks for the recap!
I love seeing the scenes with Larry and Gaby!!

Yes, Gaby and Larry are deffinetly the best couple on the show. Max and Diana are boring to me. I am new here..The recaps are great and fun to read !! Thanks a lot !

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