Friday, February 16, 2007

Acorralada #24 Thursday 2/15 Don't know why . . I would kiss a drippy guy . . . stormy weather . . .

Diana and Max are on the yacht. What a beautiful day, in spite of the predicted storm. More back and forth about how he is going to divorce his wife, he loves her, please kiss me, no. Finally she kisses him.

Yolanda is lecturing Larry about how he and his sibs are going to make her die of a heart attack. They should take lessons from the great role models of adults they have around. But Auntie, we have a right to live our own lives. Still, Larry agrees he made a mistake to marry Gaby. Yes, I can’t forget Pilar. I don’t love Gaby, and the worst is I never will.

D/M is trying to call Max. He left his cell phone off. He’s at the beach. She pouts.

More boring kissing and cooing between Max and Diana. She’s fed up with him. But wait a minute. The yacht is moving too much. Brilliant solution? Diana jumps off and starts swimming to shore! He jumps in after her.

Back to house. Octavia is fuming at her children to Yolanda. They will kill me. Larry commits the barbarity of marrying a servant. Max wants to divorce Marfil because he is in love with a nurse. Paola takes drugs and spends the night on the beach with a strange man. She is like a streetwalker. She’s disgusting. This is a curse of god for what I did to Gaviota. And I was your accomplice, says Y. We destroyed her unjustly. We took her fortune and made her a beggar. But don’t cry for her Yolanda. Here I am not exactly sure what she was saying: Something about God and vengeance, and no one but God can get Octavia Irazabal, I think.

Paco is looking at his picture of “Alicia.” I never knew if you loved me or if it was real. But my wounds and scars are healing little by little since I met Gaviota. Gaviota comes in. Are you busy? Never too busy for you. I need a favor. I need to see Diana and Gaby at their house.

Diana and Max manage to swim safely to shore.

Paco and Gav plan to go visit Granny and the girls when the storm stops. Gav says that she must see them because ever since she found out they work at that darned Irazabal mansion she is very worried. Paco says she feels they are like her own girls. She hopes that hers are doing as well. Paco says he would give whatever he could to erase her sadness.
He kisses her and she lets him. Gaviota, that is the first time that you let me kiss you. I never denied I loved you. You deserve someone good. You are wonderful and noble. Someday you and I could be together, but my priority is not love. It is to find my daughters and get revenge on Octavia.

Gaby is in her little room. Lunkhead comes in. He apologizes for his mother having put her there, but then says, well, maybe it's better if you stay here or we stay apart. He kind of chides her for letting his mother roll all over her (but of course he never defies Mom!). It's not completely clear. Larry kisses her on the head and looks up with a prayerful expression. Please God don't strike me dead for doing this. I have things to do. I will return later.
Poor Gaby. She looks very sad. He doesn’t even love me a little bit.

D and M still caught in storm. Diana is scared. It is dark. Don’t worry, says big brave he-man Max. I won’t let anything happen.

Back to bar. Lorenzo is talking about the record storm, but Paco isn’t listening. He says, oh, yes—for the first time, Gaviota let me kiss her. More mooning.

Diana and Max are still in the storm; then they see a place to go inside.

D/M is complaining to Bruno that Max went out to the beach with Diana. But this storm will ruin their day. But they could go to a motel. How I hate this “muerta de hambre.” This epithet keeps popping up lately. Although it literally means "dead of hunger," it is used for an insignificant trashy low-class person.

Isabel calls D/M on the phone. Is that Deborah. Yes, she answers, who is calling? (Our cleveridentity thief always on the ball with her answers.) It’s Marfil. Isabel is holding the phone to Marfil’s ear. RM says:
I warn you that I won’t let you steal my identity and my husband. I am the real Marfil. The true wife of Max. You are a usurper and one day I will throw you out.

D and Max go into a shack. Diana becomes hysterical all out of proportion. More don't worries from Max.

Back to D/M Well, my dear sister, she says sarcastically. How nice to talk to you. She throws Bruno out of the room. Bruno wants to talk to RM. No dice. For the first time we get to see this actress on the split screen. A double whinny.

D/M says RM should be happy that she is filling in. Your two years unconscious have left you stupid. I am watching out for your interests. You know Max wants to be with that gross, social climbing nurse. Now we get to learn about the dark secret from the past: Pay attention, boys and girls: RM says. You were always ambitious, and envious. You hated me because I married a millionaire. You envied me in school when I was a better student. You never forgave me because papa loved me better because I was better behaved. You want revenge and to take my whole life. My enemy is not the nurse: it is you. D/M says RM doesn’t know what she is talking about. Your two years unconscious have atrophied your brain. RM promises to come and unmask D/M.

Back to shack. More hysteria from Diana.

Granny is talking to Diego. They are worried about Diana. She is out in the storm--and with a married man, no less.

Back to shack. Diana is still hysterical, but Max wraps her in a blanket. More boring entreaties from Max. She drops the blanket and they start kissing. Max's kissing technique seems to me chomping on Diana's upper lip.

The twins are still fighting. I am Marfil--no I am. etc.
RM wants D/M to put Bruno on the phone. She always helps me. Well, too bad. Bruno is a two-face. RM says, I hate you, Deborah for what you have done. Pudrete! (rot away). RM enlists Isabel to help her get up and get back to unmask the imposter.

Diana lying with Max in shack. I told you that I won’t let anything happen to you. But you are married. Don’t say her name. At this moment it is “sale sobrando.” (This apparently means "not necessary." More mush and lip chomping.

Bruno, having been gratuitously humiliated by D/M, goes to the servants quarters to gratuitously humiliate someone even lower: Gaby. Just because you have married an Irazabal doesn’t mean you have risen above me. Ha! Etc. You will continue to be a “muerta de hambre.” Gaby begs for mercy, but no. You don’t even have the power to get your husband to come to bed. (Ouch, that hurts, esp. coming from a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman.)

Larry is lying on his bed and looking at picture of Pilar. I can’t hate you. If you came back I would take you back.

D/M still threatening that RM won’t get back into the house.

Back to the little house. Andres is there. Auntie asks why he's out in the storm. He asks for whiskey. She says it's too expensive. I only have rum. (huh?) They down two rums and discuss Auntie’s financial arrangements for taking care of RM. Don’t they pay rent? Yes, I don’t have to pay rent, so out of my salary, that is profit (“ganancia”).

Auntie is still trying to get him to look at the girl. Imagine that the twin sister has taken her identity. This poor girl can’t go back. What does she look like? Andres asks. Beautiful. Why don’t you look or talk to her. She is very upset. You could entertain her. No, we are spared that revelation for another day.

More wet kissing between D and M.

Diego and Granny are lamenting. Rain has stopped. I hope Diana comes home soon. Diego says, don’t let Diana be with Max anymore. He is going to hurt her. I don’t like it either, says granny. I always taught her morals. But she is going with a married man. The truth is that when women are in love we become stupid. With three or four nice words we give in. Now Gav and Paco are at the door. Diego introduces them. She is the lawyer who will defend Diana.

At the little house. Andres won’t meet RM. He says he has to get back because he has to do something with a jewel (the emerald bracelet).

Back at Granny’s they are chatting about the girls and how Granny raised them. The doctor wants to destroy them and it is terrible. I cared for those girls like mother and father. Gav says that it must have been sad for Granny to lose her daughter. She knows because her daughters were stolen. Granny is shocked. Who could be capable of that? (Audience, doesn't granny know who their real mother is? I don't get this.)
Gav reveals the shocking name: Octavia Irazabal. You know her. The same person where these girls work. Since I learned that Diana was working there, I begged that they wouldn’t go. They must avoid being a victim of this trash. Gav begins to get worked up.

Gaby comes in and is crying. Asks Granny to forgive her for something stupid. I got married without telling anyone. I got married to Larry. y dios mio. Gaviota drops her cup and stares.

Diana has more fear. It’s not fear of the storm but fear of what will happen to us. More promises from Max to divorce his wife. But your mother hates me. Nothing will stop us, says Max, with one of his best constipated looks.

Back at the hospital, Dr. Evil is discussing the pulsera with Andres. Andres tells him the jewel is real. Doc Evil reminds him that they have to split the profits. Andres says it isn't fair, but Doc reminds him that Andres wouldn't have the secret without him. (Is the secret about Diana's trial or is it about her mother being a murderer? I'm still not sure about this either.)
Andres says that Camila is desperate to know the truth. (If he only knew the truth about Real Deborah!) Let her wait. Something about how if you tell her she will tell Max and the nurse will escape. The logic of this escapes me. We can’t let her get away without our eating this ripe fruit. Keep pressuring her.

Gaby is crying to Granny. I married Larry because he begged me. You shouldn’t have. He used you, and now his mother will reject you. Typical of an Irazabal, says Gav. At the mention of Octavia, Gav becomes irrationally incensed. Slowly I turn . . . I guess 20 years in the clink will do that to you.

Gaby tries to defend Larry although admitted he behaved badly by leaving her in the hotel on her wedding night. Granny says: Forget him. You have life ahead of you. You will find someone better. Forget him. Gav has other sage motherly advice: Forget, no! What they have done is a humiliation. You must begin to hate and get revenge on them. Pull yourself up and go! They have to suffer like they make you. Granny protests.

Gav gets madder. You must make him pay. All I ask is that you hate the Irazabals with all your fuerza. (strength/heart/soul.) Then she looks a bit sheepish and leaves. Paco tries to make up for the awkward moment. She is very passionate about the Irazabals, he points out. Paco leaves.
Gaby goes on bed with her stuffed animals. She should go hang out with Granny DS. Granny wants her to forget Larry, but she can’t. If only he would love me a little.

Yolanda is having another one of her filler talks with Larry. Forget Pilar. You are married to Gaby. Pilar is no good. No Auntie, I don’t love Gaby, and I never will. Yolanda doesn't know that Pilar called from Mexico.

Back to the yacht. The sun is now out. You are so beautiful. They have kissed and done who knows what. Max walks away. Diana says. Ay Dios Mio. I hope I don’t regret giving in.


Geez, poor Gaby. If I were her, I'd leave him, get a makeover, and show him what he lost!
Thanks for the recap!! =)

Thanks for the recap! I love to watch the show and then read the recap to see how well I understood. Speaking of which -- I'm thinking that D & M sealed the deal in the shack -- which is why she said she wasn't afraid of the storm anymore, she was afraid of what happened between them... it was her first time. Did anyone else catch that?

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