Sunday, July 08, 2007

Duelo July 6 - Luba can be real witch when she wants to be

As I mentioned in the comments to Thursday’s episode, Emiliooo is so romantic and full of love for Alina that he doesn’t even talk to her once they are alone, he goes straight for her zipper and her boobs. I’m sure women love that. “We’re alone set those babies free.” So romantic, right? Alina appears to be ready to finally give it up too. They end up in bed, after they are finally naked he finally says something, that they are more together than ever and no one can separate them.

Rodrigo admits to Karla that he and Alina had been engaged, now she understands the strange behavior between the two big dogs. The boss nurse Valentina comes in to inform them that Emiliooo left for supplies, and there was some local with ‘them.’ Karla wants to know who ‘them’ is, Valentina tells them that Alina was there too. Karla gets a grouchy look on her face. She just doesn’t get it, does she? She’s like the female Elias, just ignore reality and doggedly pursue whoever it is you set your sights on. In Elias’s case, for some reason, it worked. Conveniently his rival was a complete nutjob. I guess that could work out for Karla too, but she hasn’t seen the commercials that the Gran Final is approaching, or she would understand that she doesn’t have enough time to work the deal.

Coral refers to Thelma as a viper again. They (Coral, Angel, Claudia, Tina) try to figure out how/why Thelma would have kidnapped Gaby. Even with the knowledge of her demand that Rodrigo marry Alina and move away, this brain trust can’t figure out how Thelma fits in. DUHHHH. I don’t know how it could be any clearer. Whatever. Coral has a plan – they’ll go play a trick on Thelma. We don’t get the details.

Orlando wonders why Thelma is in SE when she hates it so much. She tells him not to play dumb, he knows why, Orlando deduces that it has to do with getting rid of Luba and Gaspar. He tells her that those two are on the run from the law, they are suspected of being involved with Alina’s death. Thelma thought bubbles that nobody knows that Alina is alive! Orlando gets Vera to support his story, that NOBODY knows where Luba and Gaspar are. I guess he wants to save them for himself, at least he doesn’t want Thelma to find them.

Elias rushes in and wakes up Soledad, there is a cop with them. Don Loco comes in and shoots the cop, then turns his gun on Elias, who is trying to protect Soledad by standing in front of her. DL has a big gun, I think it would go right through both of them.

Commercial – Asi es la Vida has given up all pretense of being more than a booty show, the commercial advertises ‘sexier than ever’ and is about 30 seconds of women’s butts shaking for the camera. There’s even a bikini car wash. I would bet that this show gets more male viewers than any of the novelas. I haven’t ever actually watched the show, but I’m guessing many men do.

Back to the show – DL shoots Elias twice, his body succeeds in stopping the bullets after all, Soledad is fine. Until DL shoots her too.

Yes, readers, it was a dream. Soledad wakes up screaming and turns on the light so we can see the anguish on her face, even though she is alone in the room. Do any of you automatically turn on the light every time you wake up at night? I, for one, would get a quick kick from the other side of the bed if I did that. Soledad is alone at the moment (I’m sure Elias wishes otherwise) so I guess nobody will complain about the light. I’ve noticed this on every TV show, I know we need light for the TV camera, but for some reason it still always gets my attention.

Vera tells Thelma that Luba stole Alina’s body from the tomb. Thelma says she wants to discuss all this with Orlando later. Thelma leaves, Orlando thought bubbles curses at her for showing up right now, at this inconvenient time.

Elias and the guard come into the room in response to Soledad’s scream. She whines and worries, Elias tells her everything will be fine.

Gaspar yells ‘Mama……MAMA” It reminds me of my own little boy, he still hasn’t figured out at age 7 that if nobody answers, go looking for them, don’t just sit on the couch and yell louder. Luba answers, Gaspar asks if she’s sleeping. She said she WAS, why did he wake her up? He says he can’t sleep. He’s excited to see his baby. She says Emiliooo won’t believe he’s the father, Gaspar says yes, Orlando will tell him it’s true. Luba starts rambling on about Raquel and everything going on there.

Vera brings Orlando coffee and tells him she is bothered that she had to lie to Thelma. She sure didn’t mind lying to Orlando earlier. He threatens her, and Mexican Larry too when he returns, with great harm if anyone tells anyone else where Luba and Gaspar really are. Ifignenio comes in after Orlando leaves, Vera tells him that something strange is going on, and boo hoo she’s there all alone without Mexican Larry and Santos.

At the Devil’s Cave, Adela wants to know why Coral brought her here. One of the girls working there is sooo excited to see Coral, like, ohmygod! Coral says they are there to relax, then she says she misses the dancing, the lights, the applause, hmmm I think she’s going to find an excuse to get up and dance, which of course they won’t show, like every other time. The friend announces to the crowd “Look who’s here – La Coral! Do you want her to dance?” Everyone applauds. Coral claims to not be prepared for that. Right. I’m sure she’ll just take off whatever she’s wearing and magically have something under it to dance in.

Rodrigo asks Valentina for news of Emiliooo, nobody has heard anything. They are all starting to worry. Rodrigo decides to get a couple guys and go look for them. Rodrigo has been such a peeping tom/eavesdropper lately, I expect to see him shortly watching Emliooo and Alina get busy through a window. Valentina calls out Karla on the fact that she’s all agitated by Emiliooo and Alina being together.

Rodrigo and his guys, who look like they should be at a Cub Scout campout, not in the army, find the jeep already. That took like 30 seconds. They determine that there was a mechanical problem, then immediately spot the cabin in the distance. They head over there.

Emiliooo and Alina are laying in bed naked, we see flashlights outside the window. HA – I was right – Rodrigo sees them through the window, in bed, and decides not to bother them and head back to camp. So he has gotten the double whammy now – Alina wouldn’t marry him, and she put out for this other guy like two days later. That’s an extra kick in the nads. I know he’s a big dummy but I feel bad for him. He just fell for the wrong woman, who didn’t help by stringing him along until the very last moment. Inside, Emiliooo is laying almost on top of Alina, I’m sure she’s real comfortable like that.

The Olarte/Panama Army General guy (I can’t remember his name here) runs into Luba, who is playing with her knife. He is scared of her, but she wants to talk to him. She tries to scare him into coming back to work. He says no, then she tells him to feel bad for a woman who lost her man and is now expecting twins. The guy says she should sell the ranch then, but Luba flicks his hat with the knife and says that isn’t going to happen. The ranch is all she has. She says she’s going to put a curse on him and his family if he doesn’t go back to work.

Valentina and Karla find Rodrigo and want to know what he found. He says he found them asleep, he figured they were tired, so he left them alone. Karla tries to get more out of him but he won’t answer, he leaves to go check out the camp, etc. Valentina is very pleased at Karla’s irritation over the Emiliooo/Alina nookie news. It wasn’t said out loud, but everyone knew what Rodrigo found.

Singing aunt runs into a room where Angel is reading. He wants to know where Thelma is. SA says she’s in Mexico buying things for the baby, Angel makes a comment something like she might consider the baby itself more than leaving it here and going shopping for it. SA thinks she’ll be back in a few days.

The guy begs Luba not to curse him. He finally agrees to return to work to prevent it. I think he’s supposed to get everyone back to work too. She really scares him, when he leaves she’s quite proud of herself.

Orlando leaves, Vera talks to herself about what he might be up to. She finally convinces herself that Orlando is going to avenge Alina’s death, since they were so in love before and everything. What a dummy.

Creepy Rosendo wants to know why Claudia didn’t come home last night. The mother says she was with a friend. Roseno is mad, but the mom says she thought it was ok, she doesn’t want any more trouble. She is clearly intimidated by Rosendo. To appease him, she swears that she’ll find Claudia and get her to return home.

Karla tends to the sick, Alina enters with the medicine. She is in a great mood, which does not escape the notice of Valentina. Alina kisses and tells, she immediately tells her all the details. She tells how wonderful Emiliooo is, blah blah blah. She left out the part where as soon as they were alone he lunged for her chest. Sorry to keep going back to that, it’s just such a tacky move. Valentina is soooo happy for Alina, she isn’t even upset that they had to wait an extra day for medicine just so Alina could get her groove on. Karla approaches and tries to give her a cup of water, which Alina declines, Karla then tries to tell her how she wants to be friends. I suspect the water was the same cup that one of the patients drank from, there was ominous music when she held up the cup. She’s vicious, trying to infect Alina! At least that’s more subtle than poison. Karla apologizes sort of for being bad with her before, Valentina says “yes, we can agree on that.” Alina the dummy accepts her offer of friendship and the water. More ominous music as she gulps down the drink.

Rodrigo talks to Emiliooo, who seems to become addicted to cigars. He’s washing his face and smoking at the same time. The cigars give him a Don Loco look, I’m not sure that’s what he’s going for. He tells Rodrigo that they spent the night at a cabin. Rodrigo tells him that he saw everything. Emiliooo is impactado.

Raquel is pleased that Luba convinced the workers to come back. Luba tries to warn her about Hernan, that he’s evil and a liar. Raquel says she’ll have a serious talk with him.

Emiliooo says so what? Rodrigo wants a favor. He wants Emiliooo to not play with Alina. Emiliooo says he won’t, he really loves her. Rodrigo says if he hurts her, he’s going to have a big problem.

Claudia runs out of the house to open the store. Outside the doorbell for the front gate rings and when she opens the door, it’s Don Loco wearing a goofy stocking cap, trying to look like a thug or something. It’s a very very strange look. I guess he’s trying to sneak into the house and find Soledad. He looks like he’s on drugs or something.

At Thelma’s house, Coral storms in and tells SA that she wants to speak with Thelma. SA says she isn’t there. Coral says she won’t leave without speaking to her. She says she wants to know why Thelma kidnapped the daughter of Captain Ochoa. SA is impactada.

I guess DL is going for ‘street bum.’ He asks if he can get something to eat, Claudia stupidly says she’ll get him something and goes back to the house, leaving the gate hanging open. She goes back into the house and tells Adela she wants some food for a bum.

SA says she knows nothing, Coral doesn’t believe her. SA tries to make excuses for Thelma and oh yeah she doesn’t know anything. She is acting very guilty and nervous, which Coral notices. Coral accuses Thelma of taking Gaby, SA asks if she has proof, Coral admits that she doesn’t. She begs SA to tell her if she knows something.

Claudia comes out with food, but DL is long gone. After she leaves, DL comes out of his hiding place, behind the house but inside the gate. He actually looks convincing as a bum. He managed to find some really filthy clothes and has the whole twitchy look down, he keeps scratching his arms and chest like he’s jonesing for some crack.

Alina and her boss finish treating the patients. Valentina tells Alina that Rodrigo found them last night and saw everything.

Coral is pumping SA for info, SA has a flashback of Thelma threatening to separate SA from the baby if she talks. She denies to Coral that she knows anything. She tells Coral that she understands Coral’s suspicions, but swears that Thelma has changed. Coral leaves. SA then worries that she’ll now be an accomplice to Thelma, but she can’t be separated from the baby.

Emiliooo and Frank look at a map. They agree that Rodrigo is a great help and a good man, too bad about all that Alina stuff. Frank says he’s going to clear things up with Rodrigo about Karla and what he said the night Rodrigo arrived. Emiliooo is glad to hear it. He thinks it will simplify everything. They make some other plans for their work and Frank leaves Emiliooo alone to moon over Alina.

Adela putters around the house, DL now has his gun out and is trying to sneak around unnoticed.

Alina worries that Rodrigo will think badly of her. Too late for that! They discuss this for a while, nothing interesting. Alina says she’ll talk to Rodrigo and explain everything. What’s to explain? She is in loooove with that loser Emiliooo and gave him some action. Rodrigo already knows all this. Why talk to him about it? To make him feel even worse?

DL opens a door and enters gun first. Nobody is there, it’s an empty bedroom. He realizes that Adela is the only one home. The door handle starts to move behind him, he hies under the bed. It’s Adela, putting some laundry away in the dresser. She leaves and DL comes back out from under the bed. He talks to himself, wanting to know where Soledad is. He vows to find her.

Raquel is thanking Gaspar and Luba, who appear to be leaving, for all their help. She has her workers back, they’ll bring in the harvest, etc. Luba lays a long list of compliments on Raquel. Raquel says she knows that Luba and Gaspar could never kill someone. They have a tearful goodbye.

Frank tells Rodrigo that he was mistaken about what he said that night. Rodrigo says there isn’t anything to explain, he knows that Emiliooo and Karla spent many nights together. Of course Alina is standing in the doorway to hear this part. She is super end of show impactada. Imagine that.

No lead in for Monday, now every commercial is just about the Gran Final in another week. I’ll tell you what happens Monday – Emiliooo and Alina fight some more and piss us all off.


Another brilliant one, Chris! I laughed out loud at your always witty comments about Asi es la Vida. That commercials are like a parody they are so over the top.

Thelma and Karla are almost indistinguishable now. The only problem is that Karla seems even more like a crazy stalker since she barely met Emilio before she wanted in his pants and then wanted his exclusive attention. It's unbelievable to the point of laughable. At least Thelma can point to being his main squeeze, serious or not (since he was doing Coral at the same time), in the between Alina years.

Speaking of our girl, Coral, what was with her buying the SA's defense of Thelma so quickly? I wouldn't trust either of them, they are too self interested.

Hah. I always laugh anytime I read "Mexican Larry." I don't know why that cracks me up so much. I love your indignation about premature hooter grasping. And the yelling on the couch. My son still does that and he's 20.

Funny, Chris! You're so right about Emiliooo just jumping her bones. No how ya doing? So much for her determination to 'save' herself until the divorce goes through...

Thanks, Ferro~~~Well, Emiliooo finally got to deflower Flor, so I guess that he is the big winning quarterback now...touchdown. I would have chosen Rodrigo...he's a little boring , but he seems to be a good guy. I guess nice guys finish last in this show. Elias, Angel, and Orville Redenbacher have all been trying to be good guys , and that has gotten them no where....kind of like that faithful guy who you can only see as a ''good friend and a really nice person.'' And you're right , Ferro, Emiliooo did go right to second base with Alina....very smooth there, Buddy. He is probably also the type of guy who is looking elsewhere rather than in the eyes when he is talking to a woman.It's going to be interesting [is it ????] to see how the writers wrap this puppy up.

P.S.We can all learn a lot from Luba. I think that threatening to put curses on people could be an effective tool in many real life situations. Go out there and try this approach out on some friends and coworkers this week...get back to me on how things turned out. [Note : Probably best not to carry a big knife like Luba's when you do this...I'm thinking citizen's arrest and restraining orders here. Bueno Suarte.

Funny as always -- I especially laughed at Emilio's cigars giving him a Don Loco look.

So just like that, everyone's going back to work for Raquel, so that Luba won't put a curse on them? OK, that's believable. It looks like the whole Raquel storyline really went nowhere, as far as the main plot is concerned, and was just filler. I thought for sure she would end up marrying Rodrigo or somebody. Oh well.

Haa premature hooter grasping. Nice one, Melinama. I love that.

Margaret, you are right about Coral giving up so easy. I think earlier she said she was setting a trap or playing a trick or something, do you think her caving in was part of it? To lure Thelma into a false sense of security? I would think that was too complicated for most of these characters, but Coral, in spite of her originally being nothing more than Emiliooo's ho, seems to be the smartest person in all of Mexico at this point. And Angel, poor wet dog whiny Angel, also seems to have had a personality transplant. Now he is gentle and kind and not whiny, and even sort of smart. Did they change writers mid-stream just like they changed some actors?
Susanlynn - I agree with your list of 'good guys' but I don't agree that it got them nowhere. It got them somewhere, just very sloooowly. Elias seems to have finally worn down Soledad's defenses, Orville got Mariana even though he totally betrayed her trust and lied to her about her daughter's chances for survival, and Angel ended up with total hottie Claudia. He passed on Nurse Susi but still seems to have done pretty well for himself. But he still looks like a wet dog. Maybe that extra hair gel is like strength potion or something, as long as he looks like he just came in from the rain he is self-confident and smart, if he ever dried his hair he'd be bedridden and whiny. Just a theory.

You may be right about a trap, Chris. Somehow we've got to stop old Thelma's plans since Orlando seems incapable of doing it.

I can't believe we are finally in the last week of duelo.

Great job Chris, lots of laugh-out-loud moments for sure.

I nearly barfed when Alina told Valentina that Emilio was "so patient" with her. Patient? The guys is premature hooter grasping jerk! However I'm glad they finally did the deed. It was as unexciting as I expected.

I was afraid DonLoco was gonna off Adela. She so does not deserve that.

Just think, one more week! Thanks Chris!!

You guys are right. All that virginal build-up 'til the final week, and all we get is straight for Alina's chest followed up by some Big Mouth Bass?? And did I just miss something, or did we not even get to see them WAKE UP together? Just slam-bam, 'preciate it, ma'am--right back to work in the morning. Wow.

Definitely Dead List:
Jose--shot/force-fed water
Edelmira--choked by hoochies
Dr. "Einstein"--shot in chair
Don Maximo--neatly impaled by poker
"Batneck"--shot/high fall
Sergio--throat slashed
sleazy lawyer Mauro--knifed
Hugo--shot/rolling fall/eye-gouge
Alphonsina--choked/shot/run over and shot again

Supporting Dead (walk-ons & really short roles:
Mr. Witchdoctor--swamp drowned
Witchdoctor's crony--ditto
Guy in the woods--shot by Don Loco
Coral's old man--sickness
Poor innocent hotel clerk--shot
Stupid hubby who abused wife--??
Poor ranch hand Lauro--macheted and pitchforked


If I've missed anyone, chime in, everybody!

Ferro, another totally hysterical recap to your credit! Thanks! (Whattaguy!)

“but she hasn’t seen the commercials that the Gran Final is approaching, or she would understand that she doesn’t have enough time to work the deal.” ROTFL! Karla, for a smart gal, is really stupid all right. Your comparison to Elias is right on the money. Except, he’s nice.

“Even with the knowledge of her demand that Rodrigo marry Alina and move away, this brain trust can’t figure out how Thelma fits in.” ROTFL again! Oh, you are in rare form today.

“Coral has a plan – they’ll go play a trick on Thelma. We don’t get the details.” One wonders if the details actually have a shape? Does Coral have it detailed? If not, it could be why we aren’t getting them…..I’m just saying. But, y'all are right, so far, she's been the most astute in the whole of Mexico, so I have high hopes for her plan. Whatever it is.

“Orlando gets Vera to support his story, that NOBODY knows where Luba and Gaspar are. I guess he wants to save them for himself, at least he doesn’t want Thelma to find them.” And for some reason unknown to all of us, Vera thinks this is a fine idea……

re: Asi es la Vida—Ferro, you may be one of the few people in the world watching these commercials on Univison. Apparently someone from the network is monitoring, and that’s why they continue ramping up the ads. ;-)

“Gaspar yells ‘Mama……MAMA” It reminds me of my own little boy, he still hasn’t figured out at age 7 that if nobody answers, go looking for them, don’t just sit on the couch and yell louder” LOL! And, come to think of it Gaspar works at about age seven. It’s just too cute, though.

“The Olarte/Panama Army General guy (I can’t remember his name here) runs into Luba,” That would be Fidencio. He’s a twit. Pretty cool how Luba cowed him into getting everyone to come back.

I feel sorry for Rodrigo, too. Not his fault he fell in love with Alina. Not his fault he’s not first choice. He’s a real mensch for not finking on her and Emilio.

“Alina kisses and tells, she immediately tells her all the details.” Kisses? Who saw her KISSING? But she sure as heck TOLD.

“She left out the part where as soon as they were alone he lunged for her chest. Sorry to keep going back to that, it’s just such a tacky move.” It’s really encouraging that a guy would actually notice that, Ferro. You can’t imagine how encouraging it is.

One wonders if Raquel will bring demons from H*** down on her head by trying to talk to Hernán. He’s evil. Why bother?

So did anyone notice that DL had on different street bum clothes between knocking at the gate and being inside a few minutes later? Inside, he had on an outer jacket (not outside the gate, though), and a different knit cap with a red stripe. It’s really nice that street people can carry a change of clothes depending on the social engagement.

Comments from everyone, A++++ funny and on target! Great fun to read them all!

Stephe, wow. Thanks for keeping track of the body count, you've got it all.


stephe, I love your list. Please give us a final update when the fat lady sings.

that is to say, not the singing aunt, but the proverbial "it ain't over till the fat lady sings" fat lady.

Jeanne, thanks for mentioning the change of clothes for DL. I didn't record it, so I wasn't sure. But, I knew he didn't have a jacket and the cap was different. Ha, he dressed for his social engagement.

Right Ferro, the good guys do get ahead, just really slooowly---like they do everything else...

Stephe, thanks for doing the homework and counting up the bodies. I don't see Blanca on the list. She was frightened to death by Don Loco. Also, if you are counting illness, Marianita and her little freind, Estrellita should be there. And Raquel's husband even though we barely got to see him. There was a prison guard who was stabbed during Don Loco's break and I think he was mentioned as being dead too. By my count that's 22.

I had forgotten about the abusive guy who was killed by his wife/pareja. That was a good one. You could make an argument that this novela is feminist in a wierd sort of way. The menfolk, with a few exceptions, are so awful, they make you want to go out and sign up for the next take back the night rally.

Oops, forgot Felicia, that's 24. Technically, I guess you could count Jose's baby too, which would bring it to 25. On the supporting side there was a rebel who Jose tried to save who died anyway. That's 26. The rebel who tried to kill Emilio and was shot by Frank would be 27.

We could have a whole category for flashback on camera deaths too--Daddy Loco rolling down the hill, the cacique's son, Mama Loco and Gaspar's dad or stepdad (we still don't know, maybe the cofre will tell).

I just cross-referenced Stephe's list to Carmel's (on her own blog page,, of the dead and injured. There is also Rosita's unfortunate driver from the night she was raped. Carmel has a tally, at least up to June 12, of who shot whom and at that time DonLoco was head of the class. I'm sure he still is.

if we are going to have a flashback category, don't forget Rodrigo's wife (death by sleepy hubby).

I think DL changed ugly caps and put on a jacket just in case Dumb Claudia gives a different description to the police -- they'll be off looking for a guy with no a dirty jacket. Oh that crafty DL. And speaking of fashion, doesn't Adela wear cute wedgie shoes -- i'll bet that was on DL's mind when he was under the bed watching her --she sure has tiny little feet to hold that upper heft.

I really laughed at Elias throwing his body across Soledad in her dream. His eyes all bulgy. All i could picture was Groucho Marx.

Great recap Ferro. thanks. Cindy

Thanks, everybody, for helping out and adding to the Duelo Body Count. I only came into the story when Thelma was trying to have the servants give poor shot Jose water so he would die, so I was sure I'd missed some early stuff.

Thumbs up!

Hi, I’m not new here but I’ve never posted before. Before Duelo goes away I wanted to tell you all how VERY IMPORTANT you have been to me! My life doesn’t have the body count of Duelo and I haven’t been held captive in a cave much lately, so I’m not complaining, but I want to tell you that many days these posts have been my only LAUGH OUT LOUD moments. This site is FANTASTIC! Thanks for more laughs today, Chris! Jajajaja!!! What a hoot (yeah, pun intended on that hooters comment.) I love the whole Duelo gang and just wanted to introduce myself and send my THANKS before everyone disperses to other novelas... So, where we goin’ next? XOXOX Perla

Leah/Perla~~~I check this site daily. There are so many clever people recapping and commenting. It's something nice to look forward to each day as I travel through my own personal telenovela. . I guess we are moving on to ''Amarte sin Limites'' after ''Duelo'' FINALLY ends.

Another supporting dead for the count is Felicia's brother, the boss of the drug running gang...


I did update my "shooting spree" list this month, but forgot to change the date! I'm only counting shootings and so far I've got 21, but I might have missed a few of the early shootings. By my count, so far Don Loco has shot five people (well, four, but Emilio twice). This show is something else!

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