Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Acorralada #138 Tuesday 7/31/07 Gaby and Snotnose do the Dynasty thing

Highlight reel:

Most important: Gaby saw photos of Bratty kissing Larry. She is angry and she and Bratty get into a bitch slap fest after Bratty also reveals that she slept with Kike. Although Gaby seemed to be getting the better of Bratty, she was barely landing more than glancing blows. They are interrupted by Miguelina, who pulls the warring weasels apart. Gaby has already managed to kill Andres, so why couldn't she do better against tiny Sharon?

Gaby reveals only the part about Larry but not about Kike, which would be much more damaging to Bratty. Why not???? Oy!

Then Roddy, Kiki and Fedora are called in. Fedora says that in her house no fighting is allowed. They are too refined for that. Roddy is shocked to learn that his offspring was kissing strange men on the beach. But again, no one tells him about Kike. Gaby says she is sorry and leaves the room.

Finally, Gaby of course, lets herself get locked in the room with Kike alone. He's going to hit her for being jealous of Larry when she reveals that she knows about him and Bratty. She apparently goes to work.

Bratty tells Gaby that she declares war. Later, everyone goes to work but Kike and Bratty. Bratty is dancing in front of the loud radio again, and Lala comes in and tells her to turn it off. Lala is on to her and calls her a cinica (trash, not cynical, although it can mean cynical also). Bratty chides her for her failure to address her with the respect owed her for her position as "daughter" of the house. Lala isn't having any of it. Bratty is beginning to remind me of Linda Blair in The Exorcist.

Bratty then decides to go to Kike's room for a session of love. She interrupts him while he is lying in bed phoning a friend to discuss what a great deal he now has with this new girl on the premises. Why doesn't Kike work? Why do they put up with that aspect of his personality?

Other highlights: Diego tells Diana that he was not only responsible for the stabbing but also for giving the baby to Bruna, six kidnappings ago. He will harm her baby! She says she will kill him if he harms her baby. I notice that Diego is now calling it "her" baby. He is no longer trying to call it his own baby as he used to do.

Max visits Silvita and Maxito as Alejandro. Silvita has come into her own as a baby sitter. She has a hot pink wig and matching hot pink false eyelashes! She wonders why he's so interested in Maxito. Because he just loves children!

Alejandro tells Pedro that Diana seems to like him. It's getting in the way of his plans. Pedro reminds him again that he seems to love Diana both as Max and as Alejandro. Alejandro is wearing one of Max's tight sweaters. I fear that he is reverting to Max subconsciously.
Alejandro is giving himself a birthday party on a made-up day. There is some kerfuffle about his inviting Fiona. This party is sure to offer us some comic relief in the grand tradition of other Acorralada par-tay scenes. I hope someone loses clothes or hair. Maybe Alejandro will lose his beard.

In that vein, Camila is plotting to get DNA that will prove Alejandro is Max.
Octavia is also invited, if I remember correctly. I did not take any notes.
That's about it!


I can't wait for the party! He invited the whole Irazabal clan and Diana, so I wonder if he'll invite Gaby too. Maybe we'll get another Gaby & Larry scene out of it. Why can't they bring Rene back from Germany? I miss his dimples!

Also, I hope that Gaby and Bratty have their next fight near the pool. We haven't had a pool-plunge scene in a couple of weeks.

So I missed out on watching this yesterday because I was studying for my history mid-term I had this morning so I'm reading your recap as I watch. Thank goodness for DVRs.

Why does Fidiota put up with Snotnose? She used to slap Gaby and Diana around when they "defied" her so why not Snotnose? I need her gone, just the sight of her makes me want to jump in there and push her down the stairs.

The Gaby and Snotnose slapfest was almost as entertaining as the Diana, Marfil, and Camila bathroom fight a few days ago. Only thing is that Gaby is no Joan Collins.

I cannot wait for the big party! This show in particular seems to have the juiciest stuff go down at parties. What will it be this time? Hi, I'm really Max Irazabal and you've all been had! Speaking of Max, his scenes with the baby were cute.

Thanks for the recap! =)

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