Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Juan-Tuesday April 8, '08 People Think About Jumping But Nobody Does

As usual, the first few minutes are a rehash of the previous show. Yadira brings the baby and leaves her with Enrique. Asks Marely if Juan is at the office. Marely tells her mom is AWOL and when Yadira laughs it off, tells her that Alirio has turned himself in, the jig is up, and who knows what Nidia might do in a case like this? Yadira offers that if it were her, she'd leave the country!

Now we have a little montage of Nidia walking around the city, looking worried, especially when she sees a couple of policemen hauling off miscreants. Pounding piano music in background as she stands on a bridge and looks down at traffic streaming below. We had this same scene with someone else in another telenovela, can't remember which at the time. That person didn't jump either.

We wondered if we'd see Cesar Luis again and we do...and he's looking awful. Sitting in a bar in Vancouver, Canada, slugging down whiskey and being rude to the waiter. The Canadian scenery is gorgeous and contrasts with Cesar's ugly looks. He really seems to have deteriorated physically.

Nidia has safely crossed the bridge and headed into a church to pray to...guess who?..Santo Niño de Atocha. We don't hear her words but there's a choir singing in the background. Seeing Nidia pray is a surreal experience. We know there must be big changes due.

Enrique, meanwhile, looking very much like a busy mom, is holding the phone twixt shoulder and head while he rinses out a baby bottle. He's talking deliveries with Remolacho, who probably would prefer that Enrique were there in the warehouse. Well, maybe not, given how they get along.

Marely and Yadira are in a taxi on the way to the office. They're discussing Yadira's dramatic expulsion from the university while the taxi driver's eyes widen, listening to every word. Yadira defends her hair-pulling of Señora Topete while Marely rolls her eyes in horror.

Meanwhile, Pastor, toupee askew, is stressing in Juan's office and crying on Ivonne's shoulder. It's time for the meeting with Campeoni! What do I do? Where's Juan? The ship is sinking and I'll have to go down with it. Nothing, not even a miracle will save us. Ivonne advises him not to get an ulcer over it, but it falls on deaf ears.

Bad scene with Cesar Luis. He's thoroughly drunk, the manager is trying to get him to leave. Finally they call in the bouncer. Cesar pushes him off but chooses to leave in a macho huff.

Now a tidy little role reversal. Paula is at the gallery talking with Ana, and it's Paula who's thoughtful and mild after listening to Nidia, and Ana who's furious and bitter. They both agree the worst part of the fraud was they were left thinking Papa Cachon didn't care anything about them, when in fact they were loved even more than his own family. And Paula knows how Ana suffered, thinking they were unloved. It's not right!

Alirio, in his hokey disguise, arrives at the jail to see Gutis.

And Nidia arrives home. When she sees Enrique with baby, she thinks all is well, Yadira has returned. He sets her straight...the baby is only here temporarily until Yadira and Topete get themselves organized and in a better place. Nidia is amazed to hear that Alirio has turned himself in and muses that not only is he noble, he's far more noble than she.

Our not so noble Cesar is still running his short man/macho number, feinting going back to tackle the bouncer but finally stalking off, kicking a concrete pylon and lighting a cigarette. Time for the relief of some advertisements.

When we come back, Enrique and Nidia are musing about Alirio's sacrifice and Kike tells her, "It's because he adores you, Nidia". Nidia looks thoughtful. Bit of a stretch for our gal pal.

Alirio, looking neither noble nor sacrificial but quite ridiculous in his disguise is explaining his visit to Gutis. I'm a fugitive from justice but they know now about the fraud. I want you to promise me that you won't divulge that Nidia was in on it. Keep her out of it. Gutis wants something in return of course....for Alirio to help him escape.

Quick scene switch to Laura, in another of her Tarts-R-Us sweater dress and tights, phoning the office to ask for Juan. Doesn't want to leave a message when she hears he's not in. She'll call back later.

Marely and Yadira arrive, also looking for Juan. Julia tells them he hasn't arrived and then we're treated to a scene of Yadira and Julia practically hissing at each other. If looks could kill! And the current Julia is a babe (played the secretary on Heridas) so watch out Yadira, this one is serious competition.

The interview with Alirio and Gutis is not going well. Alirio doesn't think he can bust him out. Gutis threatens then to blow the whole story sky high (soltar la sopa completa). You'll go down with me. Face it, I'm rotting here in jail and you're walking around free.

Maybe not for long. Paula is on the phone to her lawyer, ,making an appointment, but lo and behold, says she's going to wait and hear what HE has to say before making a decision about the fraud. The rehab of Paula has begun in earnest. Mom tells her of Willy's offer to be her partner in the gallery. Paul counsels caution..."you don't know him that well". but looks like Ana is going ahead with it. For one thing, romantic music plays every time she talks to Willy so I guess we know where this one is headed.

Juan FINALLY arrives at the office and is mobbed by all sorts of people swarming around him like bees. He brushes them off and escapes into his office, only to find Pastor already there, toupee still listing at half mast. Pastor is frothing at the mouth. We have to handle the Campeoni matter! You're fiddling while Rome burns!

Juan thought bubbles that Pastor is doubting his authority and he needs to set things straight right now. He orders him out of the office, informs him that if Pastor wants to see him, he needs to be announced through Ivonne, blows on the offending hairpiece and tells him to straighten it, and "zas!", poor Pastor is booted out.

Juanito is faring no better at school...except perhaps with the girls. One young lass bids him good-bye and gets her hair pulled by her friend. Then the three bullies arrive and tell him they're out to get him and when he least expects it, whomp, they're going to give him a good "mandarina" (thrashing). Prof Pomposo walks out, sees the boys sauntering off and looks thoughtful.

Cesar Luis, looking worse and worse, is now in a restaurant downing more whiskey. He confides in the waiter that "they're all the same". Waiter tells his own sad story of his wife running off with his best friend.

Makes you want to kill them, right? says Cesar. Yes, and also to kill myself. But time heals those wounds. And it was a long time ago. I took a boat, left, and ended up here. We have a super brief scene of Cesar on a hanging bridge looking over a ravine and we break for ads again.

When we come back, he's on the rocks. (Just kidding) Well, actually, he IS on the rocks, but he's sitting on them, safe and sound.

Nidia, at home, calls Marely at the office. Marely is relieved to hear from her and thinks she must be relieved herself after talking to Paula. Well....not so much. Paula was furious and Nidia figures she's probably facing a jail term. Well, the most important thing is that you're home, Marely sighs.

Juan, with a picture of Santo Niño looking over his shoulder, is now giving Ivonne the drill on her new duties. Don't move from your desk! And don't send anyone in without announcing them first!

Now who do you think is the most important? he adds. Pastor! Nope, he wants her to send in Fernando, first and then Yadira. THEN I'll see Pastor.

We flick back to Cesar, looking ever worse, bundled up in a black coat, dragging a suitcase, contemplating a ship, all with sad cello music playing like a dirge in the background. I know we're supposed to be worried at this point, but who would believe Cesar would ever harm himself? Oh well....we'll see.

Fernando's now giving Juan a CliffNotes course in business management. 1) Don't go back and forth on business decisions based on what others say 2) There are no "friends" in business so don't make a decision on what I, Fernando, say, for instance. Get the info, analyze it, take your time, and then decide. What you've got going for you is "astucia" (shrewdness) so make your own decisions.

We get a scene with Nidia and Enrique in the truck with baby. She's saying she won't be able to help with the little one if she's in jail. And worse, she's going to look horrible in those prison uniforms!

Back to the CliffNotes. Juan is complaining that Pastor is pressuring him ("duro y dale presionandame"). Fernando is firm. It's not enough to be the boss just sitting behind the desk. Think! And it's for others to be afraid of you, not you of them. Juan grasps the lesson all too well, and....treating Fernando like an employe rather than a friend, asks him to pour Juan a drink (no offer of a drink for Fernando you notice!)

Outside, Pastor is buzzing around Ivonne bleating "Has he asked for me? I have to wait!? Who does he think he is?!" (or words to that effect)

"The boss" answers Ivonne.

Fernando emerges, looking stunned and tells Marely he's created a monster. Nothing quite as frightening as someone new to power and using it for all it's worth. A new king is on the throne....and it is Juan. The ads come back while we're left wondering if Juan's going to change for the worse while Paula (is it possible?) changes for the better.

No change for the better with Cesar. Now he's aboard ship, but still clutching a glass of whiskey and muttering "Hasta nunca, Paula Davila, hasta nunca!" More ominous pounding piano music. I try to worry but I just can't.

Now Juan is giving a CliffNotes business lesson to Pastor. Campeoni may be in a hurry but why should we be? They want to sell. We need to take time to be sure we want to buy. Pastor is in a hurry to nail it down but Juan says he needs time to think....and offers Gaytan some chocolates.

Then he proposes making Fernano director of business development. Pastor is so upset he squeaks...there's no such thing as that office! And what...to you want to makeJulia the switchboard operator director of communications!? and Marely general manager!?

Hey, great idea Juan enthuses. You're creating posts like a political candidate would, retorts Pastor. There are rules, regulations! Do you think power has gone to my head ?(se me trepo a la cabezota) Juan asks. Pastor clearly thinks so.

Paula has arrived at the office and asks to speak to Marely privately. Marely, looking like a lamb to the slaughter, dutifully follows her into Paula's office. Now, miracle of miracles, Paula apologizes for her rant and false accusations, while also adding, but you have to understand how upset I was. And of course Marely does. Paula also adds that she still plans to bring the full weight of the law down on Alirio and Nidia, even though she's Marely's mother. Marely looks pale but replies, "Do what you have to do."

Cesar Luis is strolling down memory lane and it's a bummer. Ivonne telling him he did everything to kill her love for him. Monica saying she expected better of him. Paula expressing her desire for separation and divorce.

And we're at the police station where Nidia is schmoozing the desk man (sexy seduction music in background) to find out where Alirio is, since he has supposedly turned himself in.

Yadira is in full steam Cachon mode, throwing a tantrum because Juan hasn't seen her yet. Fernando quips, "Why are you in such a hurry. Have to run home and fix dinner for Topete?" She figures Enrique's "defense team" is all there but she doesn't back down any, just goes for the jugular with Ivonne, making her call Juan and then snatching the phone from her and demanding to see him.

Juan is still squabbling with Pastor about the rules (let's not complicate this with rules, argues our hero) while Yadira bullies her way into entry within TWO MINUTES.
Pastor tells Juan to get his priorities straight and Juan replies that he'll never turn his back on friends. (that's good news) All this said as he tries out Santo Niño on various walls and church music plays in the background. Pastor reminds him that he must follow the "organigrama" (flow chart, business organization chart). Juan tells Pastor to take care of it, flubbing it by calling it an "organo" or "organis" or whatever it is you said!

And out goes Pastor and in blows Yadira, who wants a job.

We end this episode with another grim picture of Cesar Luis, looking glumly at the wake of the ship (lovely shot of turbulent waters....mirroring his turbulent thoughts no doubt) and finally hoisting up a leg like he's going to jump over the rail.

Will he or won't he? And do we care? Tune in tomorrow to find out.

additional vocabulary

más cambiante que una velete : more changeable than a weather vane
conseguir hueso : get work
conmover une piedra : soften a heart of stone
me comen vivo las hormigas : the ants (hordes of people in office) are eating me alive
otra buena mandarina : another good thrashing


JudyB..Thank you for your indepth articulate recap as always..From now until the end of this novela, will be alot of rehashing of the same old things..

I really didn't get much from last nights episode,as I was totally sidetracked by Juan trying to hang that stupid picture on his office wall..Obviously, it wasn't a Picasso,but must have importance to him,maybe from Juanito? Moving that "babe"from place to place,wall to wall,when I wanted to knock him over the head with it..

Monica what were you thinking when transferring responsibility of a corporation to Juan?

Get out the fashion police for Paula..Her thighs are much to big to be wearing bermuda shorts two sizes too small..Good grief..Asleep at the wheel is the wardrobe department at Televisa..

Thanks, Export Red...you have at last noticed a defect in Paula's gorgerous body....up to now she seemed alarmingly perfect (in the physical sense). Although actually, thinking back to her bikini days, prior to first seduction by Cesar Luis, those thighs looked pretty darn perfect then. DRAT!!!! Maybe they just got squished out sitting on the couch. Remind me to never wear Bermudas.
The "stupid picture" Juan kept moving around is Santo Niño de Atocha, his patron saint, as well as the patron saint of Paula and who knew??!!! now the frisky Ms. Nidia is praying to him.
I may be off track in my Catholic theology here...is Santo Niño a representation of Baby Jesus?
At any rate, Juan wants the heavens watching over his new venture as Prez of Farrell and goodness knows he needs divine help and then some!
Folks in these novelas are usually praying to the Virgencita so this is a refreshing change. As a good little Presbyterian growing up, I had a picture of Jesus as a young man. The darn thing glowed in the dark and really used to spook me if I woke up in the middle of the night. Good times.

Sometimes I think the wardrobe department deliberately puts the actors in ridiculous clothes. In most cases (on JQ) the clothes seem meant to accentuate the character, i.e. Juan's too-tight shirts and short ties, Nidia's and Yadira's over-the-top outfits, etc. But Paula's outfit last night was positively diabolical. I wonder if the actress pissed off the wardrobe director or something? It's hard to take someone seriously when they're wearing such a getup.

The Santo Niño...when I was in Peru last summer I was in one of the numerous markets and spied a bracelet with little tiles of the Santo Niño. Naturally I couldn't resist buying it (very cheap). Out of curiosity I asked the vendor who the little babe was. "Some saint, I don't know" she answered. We showed it to a bunch of her vendor pals and nobody knew who it was. I finally asked if it was the Santo Niño de Atocha and "Ah si!" all around. Apparently our sainted child is not as popular as some of the other saints. Yes, it is a pilgrim version of Jesus as a child. (Check out Wikipedia.)

Ha ha! JudyB, I love the image of Jesus glowing in the dark and scaring you. Now if you tell me it was painted on velvet you will have made my day.

Fantastic recap, much better than the episode itself. I look forward to re-reading it over lunch today. Thanks JudyB!!

Nooo...it was not painted on velvet. BUT, we were living in a place outside of Lawrenceburg, TN at the time that was known as "three mile holler"....so it COULD have been on black velvet. You had to hunker way down in your seat at the movies to avoid the tobacco juice the farmers spit out at regular intervals, and we did make ourselves some tops out of flour sacks, yes indeed!
We were very happy to get back to Indianpolis IN the following year...it seemed the very essence of civilization after that experience.

Sharkbait..I've been noticing Ms. Thunder Thighs here for quite sometime..Ms. Paula needs pair of Spanx... I just have avoided commenting,but last night seeing her in those shorts with the bulging pockets, I had to see if I was the only one that saw it...I can relate,as I've put on pants a little too snug and had the pockets bulge as well,then immediately took them off and threw them in the garbage.,but I'm not on tv...It makes no difference--a tv star,housewife,business woman,we all have flaws,and Ms. Paula no exception..

Okay you two! now you've got me wondering. I'm going to have to rewind the tape and view the evidence. Poor Paula...Anonymous #1 has noticed her hammer toes, and now this! I might even have to start feeling sorry for her....stay tuned...

I hear an awful lot of meowing out there, but, frankly, I luuvved Paula in shorts! I think the outfit she needs to avoid, however, is the track suit. Talk about thigh bulge!

I think it was Silvana Lombardo in Amar who contemplated jumping off the overpass when her wedding to Diego was aborted.

The laws of wills and inheritance must be very different in Mexico than in the U.S. Most states here, including California, do not permit a husband to devise (will) the surviving spouse's community property (half of everything the community has accumulated during the marriage).

Unless Samuel's fortune was inherited or owned prior to marrying Nidia and not amassed during the marriage, Nidia would have owned half as her share of the community. He could only have devised his share to Ana and Paula.

Some states also have "will canceling" laws that prohibit a deceased from disinheriting his/her lawful spouse.

JudyB, What a fine fine recap. You started out a month or so ago kind of shy but your command of the language and telenovela is impressive. ¡Bravo! And some great vocabulary at the end too. Mil gracias. Perhaps you were only shy about the techie parts of posting? Certainly your abilities are sterling.

I am liking NIdia in her fallibility more and Paula in her self-centered hypocricy less and less. How are the writers going to make us accept the obvious of Paula's ability to stay in Juan's heart no matter what nitwit things she does. Love is a mystery is the only answer I can come up with.

I saw a lot more of El Niño de Atocha in Mexico this last January. I wonder if the show has some effect on popularity in the mercados? Of course I was at the Basilica of ...Guadalupe where the mercados surrounding it on all sides are full of saints' images. Anyway, I enjoyed Juan's discovering the little altar placement at the end with the modern light casting just the right glow on his beloved picture.

Thanks everybody for those kind words, I think it is getting easier as I get a few more recaps under my belt. I was flat out panicked the first time.
And Ribera Joe, we need the balance of a male viewpoint, not just on thighs, mind you! but for that interesting information on divorce laws and division of property.
And in addition to understanding Nidia's hurt, imagine how our sweet Marely must feel, knowing her father left everything to the other daughter. Hardly seems fair. And no one has given Marely any sympathy...just a grudging apology for the tongue-thrashing Paula handed out.

Since I've never been fixated on the infamous feet of Paula mentioned here many times, now has my curiosity..Tonight,I'll check out those "babes" more closely.
Look upward,my friends, to the torso to look upward to see that Ms. Prissy Paula is well endowed with the "thighs' for a woman as tiny as she..That's all I'll say about that..It's good for a laugh..

Yes, JudyB, you do an excellent recapping job...

Sorry to say, but our dear sweet Marely will be on this novela,I feel, forever the bridesmaid..Juan is too absorbed in his heart for Ms. Paula..

gotta side with the ladies, here, on Paula"s jodpur thighs, it was the first thing I thought of when I saw her dressed that way, how big they are. Riberajoe raises a very good point about the community property issue. I don't know what Mexican law is on the issue, but we may very well find out. I don't think that Marely is going to end up a bridesmaid, here, I'm still pulling for her and our hero to end up together. as for CL- after the way that he treated the canadians (perfect spanish-peaking?), he should jump over the railing of the ferry, and be feeding the crabs- he's even more arrogant than ever! One thing has been botheri ng me- why did Ana want to close the shop? Seems like things were going well there, regardless the source of her initial funding- just a wierd detail. dorado dave

Dear Dorado Dave, Yes, hang in there with Marely...surely there is a galan for her, although I don't know if it will be Juan.
I think Ana wanted to close the gallery because she couldn't bear the thought of being the recipient of help from someone who had so cruelly betrayed her (Nidia), even though as Paula pointed out, Nidia was using Paula's inheritance to fund the business.
As of tonight though, looks like the gals are on their way to reconciling. Yea for that! I love the combination of proper little Ana with wild and wooly Nidia.

Anon # 1, I am getting in late with this response, but I can say, Paula is what most men dream of in a sexy women, but no one is perfect. She has always had the thunder thighs, since I started wathing this show late August. At that time she also had a "gap" and her teeth were crooked, she has gotten that fixed, but if you watch some of the pre- commercial and after commercial old shots of her, she has the gap, and crooked teeth. Her feet will need surgery to fix, and in addition to her thunder thighs, she has "knocked knees"

Women take heart, you don't have to be perfect to be attractive, Paula is surely not perfect, but very attractive.

To all Anons::: Why don't you both register here with names like everyone else? Some of us have been on this site here for more than a few years discussing our novelas..We like to address people by their usernames,please..It makes communication a little more personable..

Does anyone here actually think that a sexy woman is all about the physical exterior? A woman can by sexy in many ways other than appearance..Sexy is as sexy does..

Anon # 1, Export Red, I like Anon # 1 as a name, I will register it.

When a man think of a woman as being sexy, we think in the "physical" not the spiritual, or emotional.

I agree a woman does not have to have physical beauty to be sexy...As I pointed out the "flaws" with Paula, shows that a woman does not have to be perfect to be beautiful, either.

One last observation, what gives most attractive, beautiful woman such a bad attitude, is that most "plain Jane" women love to hate on them..

Just look back over the comments on this site, as very few women on here like Paula. I think it is her looks that automatically turn her into a premedonna, to most female commenters here...

Just my opinion, the roll she is cast into, is one of being a "high" maintence B.I.T.C.H.

I hope not to offend anyone here, but it is what it is....

I have a suggestion, lets have one of the bloggers on here give an e-mail address that all commenters can send a photo. On the last day of this show, post all photos, re-cappers (updated photos) and commenters to this site...Who is up for this?

Export Red, that can not be your real name, so whats wrong with me being anon #1

Anon#1, that's a great idea. Remind me about it near the end of JQ (because my pea brain will surely forget) and if people are up for it I'll try to make it happen. Now go register yourself as Anon#1 right now!

Anon#1, My username is ExportRed commonly known and noted sometimes when I sign my commentary as Maureen..It's who I am,and registered here as such,just like SchoolMarm is Jeanne(a very successful woman heading up a school for the deaf,as I recall). Jeanne and I have emailed each other from this site and have spoken on the phone in months past..I've nothing to hide,as I've been here La Fea days...

Some, who are no longer here went to the taping of the Cristina Show down in Miami back when LFMB ended,and all the characters we loved were there....It's a little like meeting friends here..

I live in Ft. Myers,Florida and am president/owner of an international exporting business..Some of the recappers I know and recognize their commentary & usenames,as we've been together here for quite some time.Others have had to leave,because of their other obligations in business and in life, I would surmise..

Anon #1 to, Export Red...Would you rather I not comment here? Do I have to be an executive board member to post a comment, or can I just be someone who love Univision, in particular Juan Q, and comment as I see it?

You could have a little "Paula" in you...smile

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