Saturday, May 03, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre - 05/02/08: "One for all ...and all for one”

A gun has just been pulled and Grampa Augie takes an intervening tumble down the stairs. Scruffy gruffy Juan rushes upward to catch him and keeps the old man from getting hurt. Amazingly, Juan’s big sombrero stays in place, making Juan’s move nothing less than smooooothe. (I know there has to be a trick to that!) Back in his wheelchair, Gramps, dressed like a Central American native, plays kookie to their cocky and says this is a first for him: bricklayers coming to work with weapons instead of shovels and pickaxes. (Gramps has never tried to cross a good ol-fashioned American picket line.) Maybe times have changed and they think bullets and gunpowder do better than mortar.

The Reyes boys don’t know what to make of the old coot. Eva breaks in to tell them to come back the next morning and meantime they can get what they need to start building the cottage out back. The boys are still confused. Gramps breaks in and suddenly yells, "You aren’t allowed to enter the house!" Juan scowls at the old guy thinking WTF??? Gramps is just pulling their leg, “Least-wise not unless you bring a bottle of tequila, the good stuff!” Eva diffuses the scene again and the brothers agree to return the next morning ready for work. Eva takes a deep breath and Augie says she looks a little frazzled but Eva covers and says nothing is wrong.

In the very old and very traditional colonial capital of Puebla, Puebla (puebla.htm Mexico Travel Puebla, Mexico, Cuetzalan, Center ...), Sofia is begging her mother to let her get divorced from Fernando, cuz it’s the pits being hitched to a putz like Feo. Momma Crabiella though, is all tough love and tells her tough luck. The Church doesn’t do give-backs. Sofia’s stuck with Feo, at least in this lifetime.

Back at the brothers’ buggy bakery, Juan is sweating profusely over a hot oven and giving his pecks and biceps a hell of a workout kneading bread dough. Oscar and Franco look on and Oscar mentions the only hitch to this plan is that the only one of them who knows anything about construction is (what a nifty coinkydink) Juan. (Wow, a baker and a bricklayer! What a prize for some lucky señorita some day.) Juan says not to worry since he’ll give them whatever instruction they’ll need as they go along.

Oscar and Franco say they’re not so keen on this vengeance thing now since the housekeeper told them that Bernardo was actually in love with their kid sister. Oscar says it doesn’t make sense to avenge Libia’s death if the offender is dead too, and if he really loved Libia anyway. Juan says that’s not the point. There is more there than meets the eye and only by working for the Elizondo’s can they eventually find out what really went down that night and who iced Libia. It’s not only that they took a blood oath to do so, but that he knows there’s a crime that’s been committed that needs to be brought to light.

In Puebla the next day, Fernando has found himself a corruptible attorney. (No! Say it ain’t so!) The lawyer is a bit skittish about writing up the transfer of power of attorney to Feo since he risks losing his license to practice. Feo persuades him that he’ll be paid very well as always and besides, it’s only a couple of points to sneak into the agreement. He just needs to write them in somehow so that Gabbi doesn’t realize he will be given full, unconditional control over the hacienda and all the family bank accounts permanently.

Meanwhile, Grampa Augie is enjoying breakfast at the Hacienda San Augustin while Eva chats with him. Augie likes the fact she’s hired the three brothers to build the cottage. It’s a good reward for Juan having saved him from a deadly fall down the staircase, but he figures his insufferably nasty daughter will run them off the minute she shows up.

Back in Puebla, Nonefer-Nando wants to see the sights with his Missus. Sofia though, isn’t up for it. She’s too depressed still over her father’s untimely death. It’s too soon for her to enjoy anything. He misses him too, but life goes on. Sofia starts to give ol' Nonefer a bit of the stink-eye herself and says, half-way thinking out loud, that he and her daddy were pretty good buds until the two of them got married. She plunks herself down on the couch to mope as well as mourn. Feo figures they can spend a little time enjoying the fresh air and a few of the tourist traps.
Nonefer-Nando is now exasperated. Sofia would rather be a stick in the mud even though he’s agreed to all her silly conditions and even went as far as to get himself a separate room. The least she can do is to make an effort so the two of them can get along amiably as a couple. Sofia, in a funk, gives him her best “You just don’t get it” stare then looks away wishing she were anywhere, anywhere, but there with the feo Fer.

Downstairs at the café Sarita and Jimena are eating breakfast with their momma. Jimena can’t stop flirting with the eye candy at the next table. Unfortunately for him he makes the mistake of trying to be sociable by coming over to introduce himself to them all. Big Momma shoots him down like The Red Baron himself and makes mincemeat of him in 2 seconds flat. The guy makes his way, ever so humbled, back to his table and doesn’t know what hit him. Jimena starts to whine at Gabbi about what was wrong with the young man coming over to them, but Sarita kicks her a good one in the shins under the table to keep quiet and to just let Momma be Momma for now.

Gabbi explains to her daughters that anyone not from their social strata is off bounds and when the time is right, she’ll pick the proper husband for each of them. Sarita shows her little sis how to play along and gives Gabbi her biggest and broadest “Momma knows best” smile.

Back at the buggie bakery, the two younger brothers (and I’d say younger is stretching it a bit since both Jorge and Eduardo, though well preserved—pun intended, are getting pretty long in the tooth these days to still be playing roles like this) are sampling some of Juan’s salsa and chips. Juan, for his part, is ruminating over the probability that old Elizondo’s widow had something directly to do with Libia’s death. He says he’s sure she has lots of answers for all their questions, so she’ll be the main target of their plan of vengeance. (Even a broken clock is right twice a day.)

Night falls on the old capital of the state of Puebla. And, there being none fer ‘Nando, he finds solace in another poker game where he immediately loses another pile of pesos. Drunk and ready to bunk, he stumbles along the hallway and sneaks into Sofia’s bedroom to try his luck at luhhhv. Nando crawls on top of her sleeping body and wakes her up with a soggy be-sotted kiss. Sofia wakes up to her worst nightmare and screams there’s not none for ‘Nando and there ain’t gonna be, not for him, not for any man. She’s all yesh! yesh! crawly flesh! and filled with repulsion. Nonefer whines that he’s fed up with her frigid attitude and threatens menacingly that once their house is built she’ll be living alone with him and he’ll have her then whether she likes it or not! Sofia screams at him to get out and stares daggers from the corner of her bed.

Eva, meanwhile, sits on her bed in her nightgown and stares sorrowfully at an old photo of two studs: a very young and virile Bernardo standing next to his horse. She remembers the fateful night of passion with him and we fast forward a year later as she and Gabbi are talking in a hallway. Eva gives her her baby daughter to hold. Gabbi shocks her by telling her that she will not permit Eva to raise the little girl (a bastard child, but does she know whose?) in her house. She says she’s taking the child and will provide for her. Eva is helpless to do anything about it. So Eva swears her own revenge against Gabriella for stealing her child so long ago.

Next morning in Puebla, Gabbi and Nonefer are at the attorney’s office and she is skimming over the documents regarding control of the estate and bank accounts. She has the lawyer confirm the stipulation that ‘Nando will keep control of the properties and accounts for a brief period only and then full control returns back to her. ‘Nando offers to continue reading with her through the entire document but she declines and says she trusts him totally. The lawyer hands her a pen and the two men share a conspiratorial wink and a nod as a rattler hisses and shakes his tail in the background. Foreboding music plays to a crescendo as Gabriela signs away all her fortune to him.

The Reyes brothers return ready to begin building the brick cottage but Eva, with Augie taking mental notes from his balcony, tells the brothers that she’s changed her mind. She’s not going to let them go through with the plans for revenge because she does not want the family, not even her worst enemy, to be hurt by their actions. Juan and Franco say it’s a bit late for regrets. This was her idea, they agreed and she’s just going to have to suck it up. They’re staying. Juan argues that his sister didn’t deserve to die and more than ever they believe the goings on at this house that night played a role in her death. So it’s an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Eva is still objecting when Augie yells down to them and greets them with crazy talk about building huge forts and grand walls. Oscar says to Juan this guy is a nut job, but Franco says he thinks the old guy’s a hoot. Juan says naw, the old man is not as crazy as he pretends and most likely is keeping secrets about lots of things.

Back in Puebla as Gabbi and the gang are getting ready to return to the hacienda Sofia tries again to make her mother reconsider. She begs her not to go through with the building of the cottage, but Gabbi says she’s doing it to save her marriage and one day she’ll be thanking her for it. Anyway, she’s given her word to Fernando and she cannot go back on it. Sofia complains that her mother seems to care more for Fernando than her, her own flesh and blood. Gabbi tells her to stop talking nonsense. Sofia is left alone to weep by her miserable lonesome.

At the hacienda Eva lies to the contractor that Gabbi originally hired that she has simply changed her mind and hired somebody else to do the cottage and the widow refuses to ever have her decisions questioned. Being that she’s on a trip the contractor has no choice but to accept he’s off the job and walks away disgusted. Outside in back Juan and Franco begin to take measurements while Oscar lazes on his back with his shirt unbuttoned, getting some rays. Juan finally sends him off with Franco to get some building materials and he continues working by himself.

In the hotel parking ramp Sofia’s two sisters kid around with ‘Nando and and tell him what a great guy he is and what a shame that Sofia can’t appreciate him like they do. He says, well, it’s no secret she doesn’t love him. They shake their heads in sympathy.

Back once more later in the morning at Hacienda San Augustin it’s gotten really hot. Juan decides to cool off with the bucket of water used for the mortar, so we get a fully gratuitous two minutes watching a shirtless Eduardo in tight riding breeches taking a sponge bath in the baking sun, cooling himself off, inch by inch, pecks, abdomen, biceps…… (Dunno about you, but a shirtless, sweaty guy with 3 days worth of stubble and a do-rag doesn’t do diddly for me. Naw, have EY ditch the do-rag and dig out a razor. Then we’ll talk.)

Finally Gabbi and the gang arrive back at the hacienda and Eva tells her that the construction crew is there and has started working on the cottage. Gabbi heads off to talk to them. As soon as she spies shirtless Juan she has a conniption fit. “Who raised you! What were you thinking, going around here all naked?” Juan just stares at her and asks sarcastically, “What? You’ve never seen a man without a shirt before?” (Loaded question, gAwd knows.) “Just who are you to scold me, anyway?” Eva races up just then and tells him this is the Widow Elizondo and she owns the place. Juan subconsciously squeezes the handle of his hammer at this revelation.

Just then Sofia walks up behind Gabbi to ask a question. One glance between them and it’s love at first sight. The camera blanches their images white on the screen as the two are locked in an endless, endless, endless and meaningful stare full of phenomenal pheromone excitation, and much exchanging of goofy grins. He gives her the hairy eyebrow. She smiles coyly back at him. Crabbiela turns around and scolds and sends her back to the house where they’ll talk privately afterwards, away from the view of shirtless, sexy, sweaty, stubble-faced muscle-man, Juan. He continues to make funny faces at her behind Gabbi’s back and gives her the come-on. Sofia is overcome with heart palpitations as she turns to leave, unable to resist one last look and a silent giggle over Juan’s antics.

Gabbi returns to the business at hand and asks why there are only three of them. Juan says a cottage that size doesn’t need more men to be built. Gabbi agrees to their doing the job and says she expects them to finish the job completely and to do it properly. Juan looks her straight in the eyes and assures her they’ve come to do their duty and, rife with double-meaning for those of us in Viewerville, assures her they will not leave until they’ve fulfilled their obligation.

Gramps, now in a Sherlock Holmes get-up, is watching this through his spyglass. “So starts the Holy Inquisition. The battle between the heroic construction workers and that embittered daughter of mine is going to be mighty entertaining.” He rolls over then to a toy mock up of the accident that killed Bernardo. He notes that the logistics and the “facts” don’t add up. It was impossible for Bernardo to have died the way Fernando says, particularly with Feo conveniently observing nearby. He writes in his journal, “Be careful with Fernando.”

Upstairs also, Sofia looks out her balcony window and daydreams of her odd meeting of Juan moments before, and at the same time Juan is remembering his odd meeting of Sofia. The theme song plays in the background: “True love is worth a thousand bags of gold….. True love is worth a thousand bags of gold. That is why you are my treasure…..” Sofia doesn’t know what’s come over her, why she cannot stop thinking of him, why she feels the crazy way she does. Love is flying through the air along with Cupid’s arrow. Outside Juan cannot stop thinking of her. The song continues, “I’m happy with you. You are very valuable to me. I am speaking from my heart. We’ll forget the past and what people are saying.” He smiles to himself remembering the encounter and her beautiful eyes. Again in the background we hear, “The truth is that I love you. You will love me forever.” Juan says her name aloud, “Sofia!”

Inside Sofia serves lunch. Grampa Augie turns the conversation around to confront Feo with the facts of Bernardo’s death. He says according to the evidence he gave in his statement to the police, the facts just don’t square. Gabbi stops her father and this line of questioning before the impactado’d Fernando lets too many flies into his open mouth. Uh-oh! ‘Nando looks like he’s starting to think that maybe Augie could be on to him. Gabbi chides Augie and says poor Fernando is just as pained by Bernardo’s death as everyone. Gramps says well, Julius Caesar was like a father to Brutus too and look how he turned out: they stabbed him to death.

Table talk turns from quirky Grampa’s silly rantings to Gabbi’s displeasure with the construction man Eva hired. It’s not his work but the fact he seemed like a savage animal ready to attack her. Augie tells her not to speak ill of those workmen since the big, strong one, Juan saved his life the other day. Gabbi’s only thought after hearing that her father nearly died is that those men are not to be allowed inside the house and Augie says as much. Gabbi warns her daughters not to get near them.

Outside Oscar and Franco return with their supplies. They ask about the widow. Juan answers that she’s just like he imagined, a cold, old tyrannical bitch who probably abuses her servants. Oscar says all the better not having to feel a shred of guilt at taking out their revenge. Juan agrees and tells them a single look of her face was enough for him to realize what she’s capable of. He says he’s certain now she mistreated their sister some way and he will have no compunction about squashing her like a rat. (Nice visual here.)

Back upstairs the two younger sisters are watching the men work from their grampa’s balcony window and discussing the Reyes’ numerous physical attributes. Augie tells Sarita watch that she doesn’t turn into a cold fish like her mother. They ask Augie why he was hammering ‘Nando so hard at lunch. He just jokes about playacting like the great detective, Sherlock Holmes. They look down and watch as Fernando comes over to the men and bullies Juan about whether he even knows which end of the hammer to use. Juan defends their work so Fer then questions him to see the blueprints. Juan gets just a bit nervous at this, but Eva shows up on cue with the blueprints and makes a big deal about handing them over. Juan offers them to Nando, but we all know Nando wouldn’t know up from down on a set of blue-prints. ‘Nando gives Juan the evil eye and the two circle and sniff each other’s backsides a bit before ‘Nando finally gives up and walks away.

Gramps offers to take the girls down to meet the brothers over Sarita’s initial objections. Sofia is upstairs in the office meanwhile doing the books and cannot stop thinking about Juan.

Armando comes by the hacienda with a warning for Fernando that he’d better pay up on his gambling debts or they’ll be coming after him and it won’t be pretty. ‘Nando says to tell them there’s a horse show there at the hacienda the next day. Armando will invite them to it and he’ll have the money for them. Armando wonders where it’s coming from but Fer tells him to mind his own beeswax, then reminds him to keep a watch on Rosario’s comings and goings. It’s all fine to have admirers. They can look but they can’t touch. If he finds out that Armando’s been slacking and something gets by him, Armando will be the one to pay.

Upstairs Sofia shows her mother a number of financial irregularities in the books that seem to have occurred since Fernando took things over at the ranch. Gabbi refuses to believe this and accuses Sofia of trying to persuade her mother to give her that divorce. Sofia cannot believe she’s taking Fernando’s side over her own daughter's. She tries to tell her mother that she needs to keep some sort of administrative control, especially over the finances, since her husband has a bad gambling habit and is in debt over his eyeballs. Gabbi won’t even consider she’s had a lapse of judgment where Fernando is concerned and insists that ‘Nando is the greatest thing since sliced pan.

Down in the yard Grampa Augie’s wheelchair careens out of control and into the men. Oscar and Franco grab hold at the same time that Sarita and Jimena do. Jimena and Oscar and Sarita and Franco are immediately smitten with each other. Gramps has a gay old time with introductions then remarks to Juan and the boys that his granddaughters were Bernardo’s most valuable treasure. Borg-like the three brothers look up and over at each other simultaneously thinking the same thing and sharing knowing glances.

Gabbi notices the activity on the lawn and races down to shoo the two girls back inside the house. After the girls have gone, Gabbi threatens the men that if they dare to repeat what’s just gone on they’ll be fired on the spot. A bit later the three brothers discuss their options while Sarita and Jimena gossip together about the younger brothers’ finer physical attributes.

That evening Franco comes to pay Rosario a visit and explains he’s been away because of the death of his sister. Rosario is touched by this confession and hugs him over the loss of his sister. Just then Armando walks in on the two of them in her dressing room and throws Franco out. Franco leaves and Rosario begs for mercy from Armando. She pleads with him not to tell Fernando about this because, as we finally are all impactado to learn, the evil Feo Nando has her child and has threatened to harm him if she does not do everything that he wants. Armando promises not to tell him about it THIS time, but there better never be a next time!

In her bedroom, Sofia brushes her hair and smiles to herself as she thinks back to Juan’s impishly grinning at her. At the same time, Juan is kneading more dough, making heart shaped cookies that magically show us video clips of her glancing over her shoulder at him. He smiles at himself and calls out her name, “Sofia."


Thanks for that most amusing recap, Jardinera. I guess I'll keep watching because it makes the recaps more rewarding. I'm sort of numb from the shallowness, but I did like the video cookies. We have so many greeting cards with electronic gimmicks, it can't be long until those cookies actually exist.
La Paloma

Uh oh! 18 minutes in. Seems I was right yesterday when I said Eva used to warm Bernie's sheets (y ortras cosas)! Bernie definitely was a participant and there's a secret missing hijo(a)?

Funny, funny, funny recap. Thank you.

A few comments:

The acting award goes to.... the bon bon girl for best performance for realistic crying. Take note Reyes brothers, not too much and not too little.

Ickkk, ewww again.... not only has dear Bernie impregnated the young maiden, he has impregnated the household help. And he managed to do this while looking like a senior citizen with a bad dye job.

Juan near water....I wonder what will happen next? Not that I really mind.

Guffaw.... The commentators are are right. Pablo copies Jorge. As soon as Oscar slams Jimena into his face, you see Franco watching and he quickly grabs Sarita and slam her into his face. Where was the director, out back taking a smoke?

And finally, where did they find the background music? In the Nonefernando/Rosario scene the background music sounded like it was lifted from some 1950's detective movie. Sort of jazzy and loud too. Sorta like it out
of the context of the scene. Is it going to be Nonefernando's theme song?

I'll be sticking with this somewhat surreal novela. Since the plot background is outta the way, let the ROMANCE begin!

G in CA

Uhh. What kinda music is this?

45 minutes in. Are you kidding me? The way the other two couples locked in to one anothers' gaze as they wheeled the conniving abuelo to the "work" site. I think they should have had that sound effect "boi-oi-oi-oi-ng!! it would have looked less ridiculous.

Surreal is right. There's something else. This just feels so wierd! I can't put my finger on it. . .oh yeah! it needs a laugh track!! Freakin weird!

Jardinera: This is a great humerous hilariously funny recap. You and the other recappers really make watching these novelas more than worthwhile.

Maybe the writers keep EY shirtless just so we'll watch, cause it sure isn't the tale they are telling that keeps my attention.

From lower Ala

I had nothing to do with that i swear!!!!!!!!!!!!
I speak better in spanish then i spell and if i could spell i would say tu sabays =you know that
I can say tons of words and put them in sentenaces but not spell very well(most likely cause of my learning disbilitys and so fourth) as you can see. You all are so much older then me and wiser. sigh no wonder i look up to u all.
I didnt know at all he said theres more then meets the eye!
I knew Eva had a baby and i bealive or thought more think it was given up in PDG didnt quite figure that out.But in this one I so was guessing one of the daughters was Eva's! Im guessing it's Jimena, because Sofie and Sarita have a strick wordrobe covering up although it could be Sofie since she shes always comferting her and well Sofie was raped so thats why shes probley covered.
Juan lighting up like a christmas tree made me smile and laugh when I first saw it online,
There isn't much lighting up in PDG when they meet, Im guessing its because the mother,middle sister Norma(Sofie) and her hubby were away. Jimena was all wanting attion and Sarita was.. i didnt see her much hideiing or showing feelings but she did snap to the boys to put there shirts on(Which was what Bitterella did in this one) cause Jimena wouldnt stop stareing.
These adult brothers act like kids,fighting,playing around, not so good hard workers,one being in charge while two think fun is great, haveing small beds(which in a way they are dangleing out of and too big for. Bet these actors prefer haveing there kids come sleep in there beds rather there kids). I cant help but laugh at that!
As im watching comparing now in 6/5 7/6 there not adding up much anymore but a few sxcenes and bits i guess since they flipped the whole plot.
Juan and Sofie clouds both giveing them frowns but when they see eachother they see the light!
Its my chihuahua Suesie's birthday today shes 4 (I think)
This was diffrent odd but great recap.

Thanks for the recap Jardinera (one of my favorite lines I often use myself - even a broken clock is right twice a day). The horse show on Monday looks good b/c the beautiful horses will be there. And of course more mocking from us!!

Emilee, what are you talking about?

Thanks, Jardinera. This is the last week of Riendas del Amor and the young group of actors on that show would have been more suited to this. Marcia, Rodrigo, Carol, Pablo, Oscar and Adela are just too seasoned for this, they've all been around the block too many times! The girls are not believable in their role as brow-beaten by mommy dearest and the boys, man these jokers look like they each should have a few teenage kids runnin around the puebla.

And the music, I was thinking 60's detective show set in Las Vegas.

Vale mas un buena script. . . .

Emilee K: "I didnt know at all he said theres more then meets the eye!" You're right. Juan did not literally say that, but that was the general gist of what he felt.

Feliz cumpleaños to the doggie.
=/: ?)

Anon. 7:08pm -- I heartily agree! Sebastian Rulli, Victor Lanus, William Levy are the first 3 handsome hunks that I think of who'd be much more believable, with a number of roles to their credit and who can do a decent acting job. Heck, they don't need to act, they can just stand there and flex a bit and I'll watch.

As for leading ladies, Ingrid Martz, Barbara Mori, Karyme Losano, Daniela Castro are all great and would have been more credible in this, too.
Welcome: G in CA. Loved those awards! In particular, the "Ickkk, ewww again.... not only has dear Bernie impregnated the young maiden, he has impregnated the household help. And he managed to do this while looking like a senior citizen with a bad dye job." LOL!

Pasofino: I'm wondering if you know the breeds of the 3 brothers' horses. Glad to see you, Karen and La Paloma have stuck around the first week. It may turn out to be just as kookie as Mundo was.

Thanks Jardinera, I love your thorough recaps.

Gabbi and Fernando are going to be fun to hate, and I’m interested to see how their weird suegra/yerno relationship progresses.

Gramps is fun and my favorite character.

I think EY is a heavenly hunk of manhood, but so far I don’t find the character of Juan that interesting or appealing and I have unfortunately never found Adela Noriega’s characters appealing. From the previews, it looks like the relationship between the characters Oscar and Jimena might be a little steamy though, so that might be fun.

Forgive me for getting off topic, but.....I saw a commercial for Palabra de Mujer this week and so I’m fearing that’s the replacement for Juan Querendon instead of Las Tontas with Jaime Camil. Forgive me again if this has already been discussed, but does anyone know? I was really looking forward to more Camil! When I was in Mexico in January Guapos was on in the late afternoon/early evening and the prime time shows were Palabra de Mujer, Juan Querendon (to be replaced by Las Tontas), and Pasion (replaced by Fuego).

Hi, Rhonda. I know you asked if anyone knew and this is not a know but a thought. I was thinking Palabra de Mujer would be coming on Univision at 2:00 p.m. to replace Riendas del Amor which has its final show on May 9. That would leave Tontas and Jaime Camil (TMBMOE) to follow Juan Querendon.


I've gotta take it easy with this one, after the cheesy cookie scene, I nearly had to go to the ER; the violent eyerolling nearly did me in.

Looking forward to the quaint Costumes the girls are clad in at the big fiesta.

Thank you Jardinera. I enjoyed your first recap on this show full of funny, funny lines. I am really enjoying the silliness of this story and the actors all doing goofy stuff. I don't care, I still love Eduardo Yañez, so I guess I get to prove it by continuing to watch him bake bread, shower with little buckets of water in public and pretend to know what he is doing with this building scene. I love Adele Noriega too and think it is a marvel that she can utter these inane lines. Most of all I like the chatter on this blog for all the over the top plot and acting and all the over the top reactions everyone is having. I hope the really disgruntled ones go off and watch and comment on something else. This is a pure snarker's paradise.

Besides, the dialog is so, so easy after the colloquialisms of 18th century era Pasion or the super slang, modismos of Yo Amo a Juan. I enjoyed watching both Destilando and Pasion twice each night but once is enough with this Fuego en la Sangre. I think it is more light hearted fun, gee, even the death scenes have been more funny than tragic. I like Abuelo Augustín quite a lot and some internet summary of an interview with Joaquín Cordero in which he stated this will be his last acting role. I think he is great in this.

Jardinera~~~Thanks for the great recap, Cookie. Well, what can I say??? I still love Eduardo and Adela , but how did they end up in this very odd show???? This is light years away from the quality of Amor Real for Adela. I am getting a little annoyed at Mighty Joe Juan bathing out of a bucket. Once was enough....we get the idea.... He is not genteel and sophisticated. Please stop hitting me over the head...I get it. He is a humble working man. And , something in this episode did not ring true for me. I believe in love at first sight...It happened to me. However, if Sofia fears men because of the rape, one would think that she would not fall in love at first sight with a guy like Mighty Joe Juan who is very big, muscular, rough, and ultra macholooking. One would think that a guy lke Juan would terrify Sofia more than attract her. JMHO... I think that a better and more plausible storyline would have been if Sofia is at first afraid of Juan, but as she gets to know him, he reveals himself to her as gentle, sensitive, and protective. Anyhoo, I'll keep watching just to see where we go next, but I feel bad for the actors. ***Mad Buns Bess, looking out toward the horizon and watching for any pirate ships that might happen by....sighhhh

I think Sofia is not actually repulsed by men. She is repulsed by her husband, Feonando. And we've all speculated that Feonando is the guy that raped her (assuming that he was wearing a mask or blindfolded her or something.) If it turns out to be true, she will probably get some flashback eventually and she will understand her repulsion as specific to him, not to men in general.

In the real world, yeah she would probably have PTSD and be afraid of most men, especially big hulking ones like Juan. But this is telenovela world and my guess is that she will find out her problem is a lot simpler--it's really Feonando, not herself or men in general.

After the awful Austrian incest story , I am hoping that the daughter wasn't Libia. ew!

Great and really funny recap, thanks Calamity Cakes for a great job!

Yeah, our brothers are apparently are multytalanted.
Now the name of their place should be Bake-n-Build-n-Bury Rey's Co.
May be for a little village like they live in it would be a very busy place.

Sherlock - abuelo is great! So far he is the only character with real fuego en la sangre in spite of his age. The actor gives his best to his role and it's really shows.

I saw yesterday the fragment of some TVShow where Pablo Montero was singing with Mariachi and I was smitten! Wow, he is such a good singer! The expressions on his face during performance were 10x of whatever he expressed so far in all 5 episodes of this TN. And he has a beautiful voice. Why he decided to switch to acting? I heard that EJ was singing something and it was horrible.
To each it's own!
Why doesn't EJ stay out of singing and PM - out of acting?

Eve from Cleveland

Yeah, this is Accoralada level material. I should go back and read some of the recaps for laughs, sometimes. CherylNewMex, I'm afraid some of the truly disgusted will stay around, its like that weird attraction to something you can't look away from though you want to. Maybe I've not read this blog long enough but sometimes I can't tell snark from disgust. Put those together and I think this is going to be a snortfest.

I haven't seen Adela act before but it feels like she's the only one serious and everybody else knows they're in a Saturday Night Live skit. The emptiness I feel I truly believe is the lalck a sound track complete with snorts, and boings, crashses, the sound of whips cracking and riotous laughter. Yeah, like someone said, Mike Nelson could do a number on this.

With this, just get ready for snickers, snorts and snark. Sorry.

oops. Make that a lack of a sound track. . .

Sorry that I cannot relocate the posts dealing with the prolific producer of this muy mal-written melo-novela, but I think Julie mentioned the IMDb site. I pasted the list here to look over what I/you all might be familiar with. I came in around Mariana de la Noche and only caught snippets of it, tho' I liked the bits I saw. For my money the ones I've seen were all questionable in quality, but I guess popular enough 'cause they can't seem to get enough of him down in Mexico. Chalk it up to different strokes for different folks. Fuego has started out to be one of the dogs, for sure.......

"Fuego en la sangre" (executive producer) (1 episode, 2008)
- Episode #1.1 (2008) TV episode (executive producer)
"Mundo de fieras" (2006) TV series (executive producer) (unknown episodes) (producer) (unknown episodes)
"Amor no tiene precio, El" (2005) TV series (executive producer) (unknown episodes) (producer) (unknown episodes)
... aka Priceless Love (International: English title)
"Madrastra, La" (executive producer) (1 episode, 2005)
- La madrastra... Años después (2005) TV episode (executive producer) (as Salvador Mejía Alejandre)
"Esposa virgen, La" (2005) TV series (executive producer) (unknown episodes)
"Inocente de ti" (2004) TV series (executive producer) (unknown episodes)
"Mariana de la noche" (2003) TV series (executive producer) (unknown episodes)
"Entre el amor y el odio" (2002) TV series (producer) (unknown episodes)
"Abrázame muy fuerte" (2000) TV series (executive producer) (unknown episodes)
... aka Embrace Me Tightly (International: English title)

"Rosalinda" (1999) TV series (producer) (unknown episodes)
"Usurpadora, La" (producer) (2 episodes, 1998) (executive producer) (unknown episodes)
- Más allá de la usurpadora (1998) TV episode (producer) (as Salvador Mejía Alejandre)
- La usurpadora (1998) TV episode (producer) (as Salvador Mejía Alejandre)
Más allá de la usurpadora (1998) (TV) (producer) (as Salvador Mejía Alejandre)
"Esmeralda" (1997) TV series (producer) (unknown episodes)
... aka Esmeralda (International: English title)
"María Mercedes" (1992) TV series (associate producer) (unknown episodes)
"Pícara soñadora, La" (1991) TV series (associate producer)

"Simplemente María" (1989) TV series (associate producer) (unknown episodes)

Miscellaneous Crew:
"Bajo las riendas del amor" (2007) TV series (executive director) (unknown episodes

Anon at 8:06 Sun, I know just what you mean about not being to look away from certain bad shows. I have a quiet, lonely addiction to Pecados Ajenos over on Telemundo and it is truly filled with repulsive characters. I wouldn't want to know any of these people or have them as neighbors. They continually betray each other or the few good ones are so feeble in the face of all the devils that you want to slap some sense into them. AND YET, I can't help but watch it almost every night. I guess I just want to see when someone seizes the moment to put the whole cast in jail or in asylums for the criminally insane. So weird. So i see that at least this one has some characters I like a lot and I get to laugh and snark a plenty here on C2. Thanks for you comment, this is the type of laughing dialog I enjoy here.

thanks for the shout out to my Suesie. no the Mujer show is for 2:00 pm although it looked like it was gonna switch times with Lola Erase Una Vez at 3:00, I thought that would be a night show but i guess not. As I learned with the comdys another comdy show always takes the place of another.

Mad buns/Susanlynn, Cheryl, and Eve: Thanks for poppin' in and adding to the refrito'd frijoles. Honest to gosh, I'm starting to think of EY as the Pilsbury Doughboy. As hawt as that physique of his was in DA, I keep hoping he makes it back to the gym before the end of the first and inevitable bed scene with AN. From what I've heard about this novela the steam kettle is now about to blow for Juan and Sofia--AND, the chemistry between these two actors on screen is even better than between AR and EY in Destilando. So maybe there will be some recompense for our patience soon.
Margaret: You are the honorary blog-psych for the duration, and probably right about the "repulsion" aspect of Sofia's character. Makes as much sense to me as anything about any of these characters' psyches. (sp?)

Ha ha! I wish real life difficulties could be solved as inevitably and as surely as bad characters get their anvils in telenovelas.

Adela and Eduardo seem like an unusual match. She seems a little less fragile than she looked in Amor Real. Let's hope that Mighty Joe Juan's first full-on feverish embrace does not snap her like a twig. P.S. Don't forget that the award show is on tonight.***Mad Buns Bess, getting off the computer now to go enjoy the beautiful , sunny, clear weather that we are having today

Yes, as someone mentioned, Eduardo doesn't appear to be quite as buffed as he was in D A. Perhaps he went on a diet and lost some weight or had some spot lipo on his tummy, thus the saggy skin on his torso. But I'm not one to complain. He can go shirtless and pour water over his head anytime he wants even if it's purely for gratuitous reasons.

G in CA

The credit say that the "original version" was or is by Liliana Abud. So maybe she's a writer now, but I first encountered her as the star of the Destinos Spanish course they show periodically on PBS.

What a bizarre episode this was - I laughed through most of it, and it wasn't mostly derisive laughter, either. There seemed to be a lot of genuine comedy in it. Confusing, since Thursday's episode wasn't funny at all.

I still don't know what to make of it, honestly, but I'm willing to take it one episode at a time for whatever kinds of laughs I can get.

As for Eva's missing child... I was thinking it was Rosario. Or does that seem too predictable?

And Emilee - thanks again for sharing the contrasts with Pasion de Galivanes. It's probably difficult to do that without giving spoilers, but I appreciate it!

Welcome, Ringcycle. Yes, dear old Destinos. Liliana Abud is both an actress and a telenovela writer. Sometimes her writing is excellent and sometimes it just leaves a lot to be desired -- or maybe it's the particular director. Amyway, here are some things you might be familiar with. I got this from Wikepedia because IMDb didn't have anything listed for her.

Original writing
Barrera de amor (2005)
La esposa virgen (2005)
La otra (2002)
Los parientes pobres (1993)
Amor en silencio (1987)
Cicatrices del alma (1986)

[edit] Adaptation
La madrastra (2005)
Amarte es mi pecado (2004)
Mariana de la noche (2003)
Entre el amor y el odio (2002)
Abrázame muy fuerte (2000)
Rosalinda (1999)
El privilegio de amar (1998)
La antorcha encendida (1997)
El vuelo del águila (1996)
Yo compro esa mujer (1990)
Atrapada (1988)

Thanks so much for the detailed recap, since I forgot to set the timer and missed it, what with moving my older daughter out of her student apartment on Friday and her graduating from college on Saturday. It has been hectic, to say the least.

It looks like Juan is smitten with Sofie, so hopefully things will move along a little faster plotwise. Then again, maybe not? BTW,Gramps is my favorite, too!

The previews for Monday seem interesting. Rosario's balloon boobs covered the entire screen! Sheesh!

Hi Anonymous 10:16. The burning question on everyone's mind. You said, "Jaime Camil, TMBMOE." The Most _______ Man on Earth? Please fill in the blank. And thank you for appreciating that the title TBLMOE is firmly held by another.

Liliana Abud's imdb page is here:

Hi, guys. I'm that anon and TMBMOE stands for The Most Beautiful Man on Earth. Garschk!! I'm getting all goose-bumpy and giggly thinking about him! Tontas!! I can't wait! Yaaaaay!

I know I'm kinda late so may not get an answer, but if anyone reads this, do you know if the gambling loan shark guy was the guy who played Lopez the personnel guru on La Fea Mas Bella? He of the disgusting lick-squeak-dandruff-dusting move? Kinda looked like him and kinda not.
Kim P.

If you missed the TVyNovelas award show last,you didn't miss much..Destilando Amor,before I feel asleep was the big winner,I think..

Sorry the real talent was in the audience..I want them to get Yuri next year as hostess,to totally turn off the audience..Did any one know who won best actor in a series, i.e Pasion', Destilando Amor, or Yo Amo Juan?

EY is definitely fatter in this telenovela. He's a big person, but I see a lot of blubber.

Grandpa is the one to watch. I, too, think he is not quite as scrambled as he puts on. Will be interesting.

What's with the ultra long hair of Adela? Is it supposed to look young? She'd look good with a shingled cut.

Thanks for all the recappers.

Melanie, I can't picture Adela's character with a shingled cut, but I'd love to see it. However, I'm sure Mama Gabi would never allow it. She probably keeps all the scissors in a locked drawer. ;-)

ExportedRed: I was devastated all week knowing the results since they originally were announced. This was a fixed voting. The head of the jury of 10 people was a producer of Fuego ( and we all know that he is casting EJ )and almost all but 2 awards went to Destilando. I'm really happy for Marisol who won the award. Also won the old guy - German Robles ( - who played Camilas's husband Tim. That's it! Even the award for original play (!) went to Desti even though everybody knows that it was remake of Cofe con Aroma de Mujer. Shame on them!
I'm just so mad!
EJ plays all his roles absolutely identical - I'm still trying to distinguish his current character from Rodrigo. He is in no comparison to Fernando Colunga!
All villand should have gone to Pasion instead! Phone wrecking Aaron against "one eye"-"one leg"-"no head" Bouffy or evil ciega cuz Lis vs. whoever Chantal was - no comparison!
I'm OK with Ana Martin ( Gaviota's mom) vs Paisana, especially when Ana Martin was getting her award the first frase was - "Colunga, me principe!" - Colunga, my prince!
But Tomassi ( Aaron's dad) won against Rulli??? What did they think?

I have double feelings for Gaviota vs Camila - I would vote for both, so not too much of disgress here.

And all general filming awards went to Desti - it's a shame! Camerwork showing agava fields and technology how to produce tequila was better then real action movie battle on ships or Ric's really exciting sword fightings or all love scenes????

And consecuently the best movie award ...

Overall it was the greatest dissapointment!

I wish we could sent our love and admiration to sra Carla Estrada and all her team and especially to Fernando Colunga!

Eve from Cleveland

Sorry for too emotional post - I've just had to vent!

Eve from Cleveland

EJ - supposed to be EY - Eduardo Yañez

Eve from Cleveland

I opened up a comment thread for the Premios TV y Novela so that we can continue the discussion over there.

Margaret, how can I get to the discussion Premios TV y Novela? I can find it.

Also, may be you can move my post there as well.

Eve from Cleveland

Actually I CAN'T find it!

Eve from Cleveland

I tagged it so you can find it now.

Fernando Colunga is a way better actor than Eduardo Yanez or Jaime Camil..Did I read here from one of the commentators that Yanez tried to make it in Hollywooood? I did she him speak a few sentences in a English speaking movie,or was it on an HBO series?

I could repeat gossip about EY,but then I'd be deleted,so I won't go there..

I'd like to find the comments blog for the TV & Novela comments. I am not familiar with blog language so I don't know what "tag" means. Could someone please explain how to get there. Thanks. Mariposa

Thanks for the recap!
Emilee- I also watching PDG, and the actors are better cast - younger and more believable. Mario C. as Juan - WOW! Eduardo Yanez is a clown compared to Mario.

That said, Eduardo has his charms, and I'm looking forward to seeing him work them on Sofia.

We just have to look at this novela as our fluffy, silly summer entertainment, or we'll end up as bitter as Gabi.

Thanks for the recap!
Emilee- I'm also watching PDG, and the actors are better cast - younger and more believable. Mario C. as Juan - WOW! Eduardo Yanez is a clown compared to Mario.

That said, Eduardo has his charms, and I'm looking forward to seeing him work them on Sofia.

We just have to look at this novela as our fluffy, silly summer entertainment, or we'll end up as bitter as Gabi.

Please excuse the three posts- I don't have a clue how that happened.
(turning red from embarrassment).

Mariposa, Here is link to the Premios blog:

Eve from Cleveland

Jardinera, you, the other Recappers and the commenters are so much better than these Fuego writers! I'm sort of glad the show is running. It's fuel for your great productions!
Thank you Jardinera. A special thank you for translating the song!

Did I misunderstand or are there really 2 secret babies? Bustie the BonBon singer and Ava?? (In one telenovela!?)

Bonney, just 2 so far, the way everything is going we might have a few more!

Eve from Cleveland

By the way, today is Cinco de Mayo - the big Mexican holiday that actually celebrates a victory of Mexican Army over French in 1862 and the most important event was a Battle of Puebla - it's the city where the almost whole family with Momma Crabiella went day after the funeral.
So today's episode is probably kind of celebration of the event ( may be not - I'm just speculating).

Eve from Cleveland

Okay, I'm thinking alternative plot developments. ...just for entertaining myself.
Ava's secret child ought to be Sophie. Busty BonBon's secret child ought to be Libia. And the other two daughters are other children papa brought home from the cabbage patch where he found them. Uh-hum! ...I don't quite like it but its less predictable than the canned show presently running.

This has to be the most ABSURD novela I've ever watched a week of. There's some faulty "what era is this" stuff going on. It would be believable in the 19th century if three adult girls lived on a hacienda with their despotic mother who states she will pick their husbands. Not so much in the 21st.

And three "boings" in a row as each pareja conveniently falls in love at first sight.

I don't think Bombon's child is anyone we've met. I got the impression it was a small boy.

We had two of the best novelas ever LFMB and Destilando Amor..I just cannot rap myself around "Fuego"..Some here loved Pasion' because of their love Fernando Colunga..At least there was chemistry between Colunga & Gonzalez,but zero between Eduardo Yanez & Adela Noreiga..That pairing is not working..

Maybe after "Juan" goes off,we'll have one with more excitement,and in more modern times..

Angelica Vale is my favorite actress way back to Sonadores days,but since Las Fea Mas Bella ended,she's been eating way too many bonbons..I hardly recognized her last night on the TVyNovela..I love her.She's cute, talented,but slow down there girl before you look like your mamacita..

Mariposa, here's how to find things that are "tagged." When you go to the sidebar near the top of the recaps, you will see links for "Pasion recaps," "Querendon recaps," etc. Click on one of those, and you will see a list of all the recaps for that show. When we want to reach everyone with a general interest posting, we can tag it so it will appear on all the lists, no matter which one you click on.

Nina, somehow the link is not showing up - not on Pasion nor Destilando

Eve from Cleveland

Oh, I didn't tag those, because those shows are over. We usually just tag the shows that are current. I tagged Fuego, Guapos and Querendon. But I can add the others.

Nina, none of the shows are linked to the Premios - may be you can check it out and fix it?


Eve from Cleveland

It should be ok now, Eve.

I'm just glad one of the bros decided to explain what good would it do to take vengeance on a dead guy - this was really bothering me, I must say.

I can now make sense of almost anything.:)

Unless I'm nuts there is still no link to the Premios TV y Novelas on the Fuego en la Sangre list of links to recaps by day.

Tecchy note to recappers: if you put commas between the tags, they don't work right. It just creates a new tag with a comma in it, which doesn't link to anything!

To answer Kim's question: Yes, that looks and sounds like Lopez to me, though I'm not 100% sure.

Did not recognize him with the bad hair. Scalp looks better on some men.

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