Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan, May 12, Mon. - All About Spars, Stars and Scars

Mystery Questilon #1: Who is Hillary Paris

We enter Juan's office where Pastor is telling Juan with scary forthrightness that Sandro not only wants the Vice Presidency but he wants THE COMPLETE PACKAGE. Some other skirmishes then Paula telling Marely that tomorrow Juan will get the surprise of his life when he learns that Sandro has come in and has accepted the job (even with this ridiculously low salary.

Back at the spy and shoot camera scene as Nidia enters the garden and struts her stuff for Lorenzo while Pepita learns that the perpetrator with her husband is no other than the new lawyer's sympathetic wife. What country are we in, she ponders as Lorenzo and Nidia slink up the stairs. (beats me).

Paula tells Sandro the salary doesn't match his capabilities. But Sandro repeats that the important thing to him is to take the position even at this ridiculous salary so that he can work closely with PAULA. She is flattered and confused. He will be back the first thing tomorrow morning to begin work. Sandro stops by Marely's desk and reads over her shoulder something interesting. Is it related to her work? No, she is trying to get a scholarship. Oh and the coincidences never stop, He happens to know one of the committee members who was his professor. And he will loan Marely some of the professor's work so she can know about this person's interests. Que padre, indeed. He then talks about his lower than low (bajisimo) salary but he will have the pleasure of working with the lovely Marely. [Such a galán compared to the snippy imposter, Marely will be getting whiplash if SandroSandro changes places often with Faux-Sandro, me thinks]. Over in Juan's office, Juan and Fer laugh about getting to see Sx2 self-destruct as he walks toward the elevator.

Nidia is explaining to Lorenzo how she will explain to his wife that they are only platonic friends. As they hug, Pepita walks in with an aha and continues to snap pictures of the sinners.

Paula is jumping Pastor about the ridiculous salary he allowed Juan to insist on for Sandro.

Pepita has proof of the adultery and inspite of NIdia's protesting, Pepita gives her a sound slap. Nidia talks fast about the error made here in identity and intent of the friends not adulterers, but Pepita talks faster. Her only error was in marrying Lorenzo. Jeanne did such a good job of translating all these great insults on Friday that I won't repeat them here but look at her vocabulary list if you need to and dare to use these fun words to amaze your friends and family. Is anyone out there a lawyer? We need to have disclosures here on safety of usage. Lorenzo looks like this is an unexpected outcome as Pepita storms out of the room.

Paula continues her tirade against Juan but he sidesteps and blames Pastor for the unfortunate salary. Paula yells and leaves asking Marely to come to her office while Ivonne asks what is going on now. Fernando tells her that the salary that Juan offered Sandro is less than he made when he was a chauffeur. Ivonne says she doesn't think Sandro seems like such a bad guy. At least he doesn't share the worst traits of his brother. Fer acts a bit jealous and Ivonne seems flirty and pleased at his display. She assures him she only has eyes for him.

Paula continues at her screechy level telling Marely that Juan acted badly in bad faith but the surprise of his life is coming tomorrow when he sees Sandro come in to accept the job. Marely grins that she already knows, Sandro told her. Paula then continues on to the other maddening theme of Juan's supposed romance with Hillary Paris [see above link] what a filthy lie (cochina mentira) he is also telling about this romance. She also guesses that Juan is now reaming out Pastor for his advice.

Juan is doing just that and calling Pastor a Judas for not warning him what reaction Paula would have. Pastor tries to reason that he was just being prudent about the well being of the company but Juan whines that he should have been worrying about taking care of him not the company in this case. Juan waxes poetic about his injuries of the matador's dagger. He has been betrayed, he wishes he had never met Pastor as they say in the song [which song?] You betrayed me!!

CL and Sandro discuss the awful offer while Sandro giggles that he was offered a salary too low for a messenger boy but he came out looking like a prince in front of Paula and Marely for accepting the job anyway. Cesar Luis seems to be okay, at least "they" are inside. Sandro tells him that Paula asked him to stop sending flowers. CL calls her a mustia (hypocrite) and a hypocrite (hipócrita). Overall his memories he is turning over of his marriage to Paula, the real CL wants to deliver a lesson to Juan Dominguez. [Obsession is spelled obsesión in Spanish].

Topete comes in still sand or flour covered and whines about his needing to be with Yadi right now. She wants nothing to do with him and tells him to get lost. She has enough boxes of onions surrounding her. Yadi brags about her JOB here and pushes him out, he turns back to argue but Kike to the rescue, pushes him they face off with words and dust flying. Kike makes sure Yadi is okay then faces Topete taking his jacket off ready for a very silly looking fight. Topete and Kike throw a variety of empty boxes and pieces of fruit until Angarita shows up with a very real and long machete. She asks him to disappear from her life forever. He assures him that he won't because he loves her still. She avers that she never loved him [actually she never did say it, did she?...] He's still pinching a peach. Yadi ank Kike pull on him until she falls down. Then Kike gets him out of the market, Anga threatens to call the police if Topete doesn't get out, then he helps Yadira to a chair concerned and comforting he sees a slit in her blouse which reveals the telltale crescent moon scar/birth mark on her side. She sees him staring at it and tells him not to be a fisgón (my guess is inappropriate starer, leerer) He looks puzzled and lost in thought.

Nidia comes into Aliro's office telling him to stop his suit proceedings (tramites). What are you talking about? About Dona Josephina she can't divorce her husband.

Juan and Juanito come to Lorenzo to take him back to school but Lorenzo looks like a beaten dog instead. He tells Juan that this wife has just found a lawyer.

Flip to said Lawyer announcing that sentiment must be set aside while this important case (for him) continues as the wife has asked him. She tries to cut in that he isn't understanding what she is saying. But he goes on, not stoppilng to listen, after all he has to earn his daily bread even though this is a matrimonial mess, disappointment (fracaso). He hugs Nidia telling her she didn't anticipate that working for him would bring her into a world of intrigue, disappointments and deceptions of the world. She demands that he cannot continue with this divorce but he sites moral high ground that he must continue despite what it cost whom.

Back at the food fight, I mean market. They are picking up boxes, smashed fruit and Yadi cleans off Kike's face tenderly. Anga says time is money and they all have to get back to work. Kike says he will change clothes and get back to delivering his order. Then Anga mentions Yadira's lunar mark on her side. She says she has had it since birth, its' so awful but her mother wouldn't have it removed. That is the first thing she would do if she could afford it, she would have it taken off.

Ivonne tells Pastor that she doesn't want him to spread the news to the four winds but the operation she had means she can never have children.

We flash over to Angarita saying it can't be, as he inspects his lunar mark also on his left side at the waist (just like Yadira's). This has to be a coincidence.

Pastor tells her that Fer doesn't love her because of the children that she could give him but he loves her as he Pastor also loves her. He tells her how much Fernando loves her. If this isnt' a grand love, what is? She cries that after the chemo she isn't going to be the same or even like a woman. Pastor tells her she should just tell Fer so if he has an objection he can voice it but if he loves her it won't matter. They continue after the break to speak. Pastor says the best is to tell Fer immediately and face her fears. She doesn't want to risk rejection because she may be an egoist but she really needs this affection from Fer.

Juan and Lorenzo discuss that Nidia came to console him and saw Pepita Josefina. Lorenzo tells how Pepita came on like the Paparazzi taking pictures and discovering their meeting. Juanito comes in to tell him that the principal Tello is in the living room. Lorenzo tells him to get to the point. The principal tells him an error was made, actually he made an error and the upshot is that the teaching job is his again. In fact he should come this morning if he can, the children need him so.

NIdia is at the gate ringing for Pepita. Pepita wants nothing to do with her.

Angarita approaches Pastor and asks him if he has a lunar mark on his back. Pastor plays coy but then asks him if he means the Popov mark (of the Austiran royalty). Mommy told him that it was a mark of authenticity. Are they related to Europeans, asks Anga in great innocence? Yes for sure. Only the women have it and pass it. Anga stand up to show him the mark which looks like a piece of salami cut in crescent moon shape. Is this the royal mark?? Oh yes! Well guess who else has this mark? None other than Yadira Cachon. Pastor draws back in disbelief.

Nidia tells Pepita off that she is a fool to divorce this man. Lorenzo is not going to be lost in a hole, Nidia would pursue him. Lorenzo and I had a wholesome friendship. I loved him but he only loves you Pepita. If you are silly enough to leave him, there are so many women that would line up for him.

Anga and Pastor continue to discuss the size, color, location etc. of the lunar mark. Pastor is sure that Yadira doesn't have the regal Popov luna but a vulgar copy. Anga is sure it is just like his and that it means that she could be his daughter. The daughter of Nidia and him. What does Pastor suggest? Pastor says well start off with seeking proofs like exactly when was Yadira born? Anga looks the happiest we have ever seen him. Break

Paula continues her latest tirade about Juan and his childishness in her most childish whine at her mother. Ana points out as a wise mother that Paula's fury is due to her caring about Juan and he fury at his mystery girlfriend is based on jealousy. Paula can't wait until Juan sees Sandro come in tomorrow.

Nidia rushes up the stair into Juan where they continue to discuss the mess of Lorenzo and Pepita. Nidia explains how she tried to help the couple get back together. Lorenzo is making a call to Pepita as she shows up in the doorway. They hug and make up. She was stupid. He is so grateful she is back.

Juan serves Nidia a diner. They discuss how things aren't black and white and NIdia may have done some good after all. She confesses that she didn't really want Lorenzo. Meanwhile Lorenzo and Pepita hug in bed and she promises never to leave his side. He tells her the most important things in his life have returned: her and his children.

Marely walks into Juan's room with Juanito asleep in the bed. Again, she asks about his mystery girlfriend. He refuses, kisses them both and leaves. Next moment he is toasting with Laura and she has finally gotten smart feeding him four cheese macaroni [way to a boy's heart] Laura also asks about Sandro who looks so suspiciously like CL.

The lounge lizards swarm into the lounge where one announces that Juan is officially seeing Hillary Paris. Juan sweeps in wishing everyone high five BONJOURs . Fer slides up to tell him the rumor spread in only five minutes to all parts of the office. Ivonne greets him and tells him Paula is in his office. Paula is actually with Sandro who rises up to tell Juan he has decided to accept the position. Juan is left with mouth very wide open.

Next: Juan can't understand why this salary trick didn't work right....


Isn't it a shame they had to put Yvonne back into that Kabuki makeup? She looked so pretty without all that paint!

I agree...Yvonne, with-out make-up, is one of the best looking women on JQ.... I made this comment some time ago, she looks better than Paula,(who looks great with make-up, not so great with-out) and gives Marely a "run for her money" as well....with-out make-up....

Tonite's show will be very interesting, as Paula try to make Juan jealous, by using Sandro...

Have anyone notice how much Paula, and Ana like to eat....they are always shoveling food in their mouth..

True, and they stay so skinny. Not fair!!

No kidding it's not fair, Emilia! Anon #1, it seems like those two can't even talk to each other unless they are eating.

Anon#1, I totally agree that all these actresses are lovely without make-up and could use less.

Dorado Dave, when you check in, I left you some info about how captioners do their work on Friday's recap comments.


I haven't read the blogs for the last 4 eps, just copied them into word and printed them so I can read when I get a chance. Just wanted to let you know how much these recaps brighten my life! I understand the episodes myself, but love the recaps for the explanations of weird slang and plays on words I don't get, and for the comments from others!

I watch the show with my sweetie who has little or no spanish, and I wouldn't have the green light to watch them in the evenings without your recaps to make sense of them for her! So thanks one and all.

Jeanne, thanks so much for the explanation of the mechanics of captioning. It now makes sense to me. Wonder when voice recognition technology will make it automatic, my girlfriend's phone recognizes my voice commands, and that amazed me. My phones have only matched my command with a command that i had previously entered in. I was amazed by her phone, but the technology is definitely there, as my bank has a simlar system that recognizes commands from a menu. Where will it take us next? (The technology) Where will YQJQ take us?Sometimes it seems that the wheels are coming off this imminent trainwreck...back to work...

Thanks for the insights into close captioning. I found your entry from last Friday really interesting and informative. How many things go on around us that we don't pay attention to unless we really need them. I am glad that so many people are employed doing this.

Treebelly, we're all glad you like the recaps!

Dorado Dave and Cheryl, thanks--glad you found the caption info interesting. You can go to www.deafdigest.com every week and read the "Comments from a CART operator" section if you are interested. I get new info from it all the time. (Of course, you have to wade through lots of ads and other stuff first. ;-) )


Treebelly, Thank you so much for your appreciation of our recap team. I am so glad it brings you joy. That is the best reason for doing all this so we can all enjoy ourselves together. I am also tickled to hear that you sweetie likes the recaps even if she doesn't speak Spanish.

So sorry about the late comment, what a day from hell.

OK first off, as far as I could tell Paula's shoes were closed-toe last night.

We used to joke about nobody ever eating in the telenovelas, but anon#1 you are so right. Las Davila really like to pack it in!

I enjoyed this episode, especially when Topete got the bum's rush. Finally! And thank goodness the Pomposos made up. I'm not sure I could have taken much more of Lorenzo and Nidia.

Excellent recap Cheryl! Thanks for your hard work and your clever descriptions. I guess we never got the mystery question answered, did we?

Thank you Treebelly.

Cheryl, thanks for the wonderful recap, as always!

“What country are we in, she ponders as Lorenzo and Nidia slink up the stairs. (beats me)” LOL! I wondered if that was a backhanded slap at morals in their neighbors to the north.

“[Such a galán compared to the snippy imposter, Marely will be getting whiplash if SandroSandro changes places often with Faux-Sandro, me thinks]” LOL! Yep, and it’s going to create some interesting tension. My money is on the folks at the office suspecting that CL is still alive and they’ll do back flips to follow him, and Sandro, around and find out if CL is messing with them. I picture Paula figuring this out and then spending 4 frustrated weeks to try and bust CL/Sandro. Can you imagine what kinds of chase scenes that would engender?

“dare to use these fun words to amaze your friends and family. Is anyone out there a lawyer? We need to have disclosures here on safety of usage.” ROTFL! Sure, let’s have Melinama put it right under the no spoilers message.

“Juan's supposed romance with Hillary Paris [see above link]” Cute, thanks for the link.

“he wishes he had never met Pastor as they say in the song [which song?] You betrayed me!!” Any Country and Western song in the North American continent, probably, including Mexico. You reckon?

“CL and Sandro discuss the awful offer while Sandro giggles that he was offered a salary too low for a messenger boy but he came out looking like a prince in front of Paula and Marely for accepting the job anyway” I thought this was rather endearing of Sandro.

“She avers that she never loved him [actually she never did say it, did she?...]”You’re right, she never did tell Topete that.

“Next moment he is toasting with Laura and she has finally gotten smart feeding him four cheese macaroni [way to a boy's heart]” LOL! Well, she’s got part of it right!

Dorado Dave, one more thing about voice recognition—it’s doing a good job with single words and short commands, but with a vast variation in accents and pronunciations, and in “connected language” (what we call ordinary dialogue that can go on for many sentences at a time), that’s a task that the software cannot address well at the moment, at least for live captions. For pre-recorded programs, if the writers would make the script available, that would help with captions, although you’d have to clean out all the stage directions, etc. or they would also be captioned. However, most production companies closely guard their scripts, from what I have heard. So captioners still do it by ear, even with pre-recorded materials. They do, however, have the advantage as we do of being able to back up and replay for clarification.

Sylvia, I loved seeing Topete get summarily dismissed – by a friend of whom he’d taken advantage!


Thanks to all for all the kind comments and interesting observations. What a wonderful community this is. In spite of the failing script, we carry on, don't we?

Cheryl your recap is great, I'm sorry I did not comment earlier, but life has interfere and I hadn't have the chance to watch the show and read the recaps, I think we all knew that Yadira was Anga's daughter, and also I think that we are all happy that the Pepita/Lorenzo plot is finally over.

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